HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-08-13, Page 2Clinton
News -Record
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Communlcati'ins intended tor pub-
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G. E. HALL, M. R. CLARK, •
Proprietor, I Editor,
A general Banking Business
transacted. Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued. Interest Allow-
ed on Deposits. Sale Notes Pur-
Si tl aG ti:e
drink t
best gr en t" a
'Fresh fre1.1'i' t
Notary Public, Conveyancer
Financial, Real Estate and Pore In.
eurance Agent. Representing 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.'
Division .ourt Office.. Clinton.
Frank Fingland, ELI\., LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary public
Sncreesnr to W BrY'lone K.0,
Sloan Block - Clinton, Ont.
C 1.^ r/.1 ES. B. HALE
Convey.ncer, Notary Public,
Crmmteem nee etc.
(Office over J. Id. Hovey's Drug Store)
0-4-0-U-•-9 a• 0 o.¢. 0 0 0 e 0 .. s
Kane. You showed excellent jddi I What `ew York
"I think you did quite right, Mrs.
anent" $
The praised broug'tt a momentary 9�9 alFiearnng
flash from the small black eyes.
"I don't know about that;" she said BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON'
grudgingly. Then he impulse to un -j
load a `piece of her mind' to a willing Illustrated Dressmakirey Lesson Fu•r-
listener became too strong, "Fancy nislred With Every Pattern
losing a lady like 1VTiss O'Shay and
paying no more attention than if it
wae,a lost dog that you might enquire
for at the pound when you got around
to HI An insult to Mies C'Shay it
was -her that's had lords of Europe
waiting at the stage door -for her, and
princes 'begging, her to take their
strings of pearls, and risking what
their king -dads would do, which would
be aplenty, if they ever found out.;
Twist them around her little finger,
she would, in them days."• •
(To be continued.)
SvNOPSIES eine from the table, and was leafing
Don Ellsworth's wife formerlythe fa.' its pages when the door opened. He
mous actress Sheila- 0 shay, disappears, did not look up until, after a moment's
leaving no trace. Dr. Cavanaugh, crhn-
anal psychologist, ar- "hesitation on the threshold, the :net
learns that their xM
t d lir h been unhappy steps a shade less resolute, entered
e - A cute liitlo dress is this little one -
Instead he meets Barbara Cavanaugh, "And what,may . ask, doyoufi nuc g
attractive daughter, and finds that she of me?" said Mrs. Kane. size a boat 'that ordinarily would be piece affair for that important girl of
reasonably safe. the family.
Many people do not know enough It's a model. too that will provide
Swimmers Should
Ad pt 64Safety First"
As Their i \i 1, Otto
Almost every paper now carries the
story of'. somo child for grown-up who
has met a watery grave. As a matter
of fact very few drownings are entirely
accidental, many times a person on a
dare, or as a stunt, tries to swim be-
yond his strength, or perhaps does not
realize that the water Is cold, or that
the current is swift, or as'too often
happens, uses a treacherous, tippy or
leaky boat. Then there are those un -
r Peter Pilr, Herald reporter, tries ro ' I accustomed to snali,craft who by
get an interview With or, Cavanaugh.I the room l d want t lilt up or by changing Oeste, cap
alaletifiki Daoq SCOTTIE
what came before:. Captain Jimmy in
flying to Japan with the Chinese General
Lu. They ruin out of gasoline and • sere
forcedto land cu a deserted island In
the Chlnese dos. •
After our adventure with the shark,
we climbed up on the high rod' that
stood in the centre of the little des-
erted Wand. Mere we lit a roar-
ing blg fire, in !tope that some paste
ing ship would see us: from the sea. I grabbed Chung'
Alt night we kept it ,blazing bat and ok him and he jumped 16 his
morning b r o. k e
grey and coL d fent showltlt a yolh Tltert the deep
without a sign of rumbling sound same again. Once -
smoke or sail' on twice,
the 'horizon. After A steamer horn!
deylight, we piled Sure enough, It was the deep -
on wet wood, un- toned horn of a freighter. Franthe
til a great pillar ally, we piled wood on the fire. I
of white smoke figutted that some steamer was out
. r thorn In the fog, not daring to move
went up to the until the air clenotd. Hour
we see but never aa glare of Itis did I hour, We led the fire with armsful alterr
we on the stile, is cam ocean wood and brush. Up and down we.
Great smooth swells came crashedItracked autll we almost .dropped
rho open wboo rose and cks 'Pram wear11s 5s, Lu forgot that he
with a dub!. Uoom against! the rocks. was a General and worked like a
but apart from the sound roe the Trojan. If only the blaze could bo
molts, our island seemed spot be the , mads bright enough to penetrate
most silent, deserted in the the Pog^
world. Sometimes we'd find our-
selves whtsperIng-why I don't Then morning. acme again, and e
strong wild
blew up from
the East. Soon
the air would
clear. I paced
impatiently ma
and down try-
ing - to peer
°_- i through t h o
thick white
ly see your Band whoa you held it
out straight. The braticlies dripped
with moisture, mut we huddled close
to the camp lire, Even General
Lu shivered through his six suite of
elotheee Scottie sneezed in disgust
and hid himself in the woodpile.
Suddenly, I woke up with a start.
A :deep rumbling Bound driftcu le
was engaged to Don before his marriage.
An unidentified body is found In the
burned by a (nuclidesh die in the marsh until
it is unrecognizable except for the hang
that 1t Is a woman. Dr.
called in to help with the identification.
The _nly thing by which the body canlcaption under a cartoon onthe open
be identified Is a patch or scalp with page of the magazine, smiled appre-
sotne hair nttaohod, Dr, Cavanaugh taires 1
iia astcs Don ro ciatively, and returned the periodical
about water to bo mindful of Its dap- h basis for many variations.
Dr, Cavanaugh finished reading the ger. You seldom hear of a person los- For instance, there's the original
ing his lite is the water who has pre-
viously liad a narrow escape or who
has witnessed a drowning. Remem-
Notat Publ,c, Conveyancer
General Insurance, Including ['ire
Wind, Sickness Ind Accident, Auto=bile. Huron az Erie' Mortgage Corp.
oration and Canada Trust Bonds. Bis
127, Clinton P.O. Telephone 57-
this hone- r•i'h hlni.
secure for him a strand or Sheila 0'-
Shay.- halt..non refuses.
Dr. Cavanaugh snapped the note-
book shut, restored .t b his pocket,
and heaved himself torn:what wearily
Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 p.m„ 6.30
to 8.00 p.m.. Sundays. 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence — Victoria St.
with meticulous care to its place inn
the row on the library table. There
was plenty of time to look at Mrs.
Kane. IIe knew the embarrassing
effect of a pause -already he had put
Mrs. Kane on the defensive by forc-
ing her to open the conversation.
When' at last he looked up his glance
"That hair is begs:Hing to be un- was easua,, with no effect of scrutiny.
porton.," he said aiond. "Etut f3He saw before him a tall; heavy -boned
less important for me to get it •!:='n woman, woman, whose hair, shinily black like
to find out who is r.iwl:la: S fee 1 .1 Id shoe polish, was drawn up from her
have it -and why. That's whet Caw forehead in a still sausage formation
berwell and his policemen will 1117e1' -the "pompadour" in vogue twenty
quite appreciate. Which means that years ago,
I'll have to go after it myself." "Dyed," Dr. Cavanaugh inwardly
Having bet himself a nickel that commented. "Now why should she
Don Ellsworth would tot have turned 1 bother to dye her :fair -not for beau -
homeward after hie explosive exit .ty, certainly."
£'•am the office, and vetified his pee -1 Her skin showed a network of tiny
diction by means of a telephone rail, blood vessels. Her cheeks and nose
Dr. Cavanaugh pocketed his winnings,' had a tight, red, shiny look, even as
Office and Residence:
Ontario Street - Clinton, Ont.
One door west of Anglican Church.
Phone 172
Eyes Examine., and Glasses Fitted
model in red and white printed ba-
tiste with plain white yoke and cuffs
with d button trim.
ber that not mane, who remain under Then too, Dano must have a frock
water for a short time, even for a few of nautical influence. This one is
minutes, survive. fetching in white linen with yoke and
Every person should learn to swim cuffs in yacht blue linen,,"waist tiny
and the younger the better. It is pond gold buttons accenting the blue yoke.
healthful sport, affording the best o¢ °For real honest -to -goodness hardy
wear, there's gingh
muscular exercise and recreation. The 'un checks, poplins,
exposure of a large area of the skin to pique and percales.
the sun gives a new lease on lite for Printed dimity and shantung also
the short and sometimes sunless days suitable.
of winter. Get a good dark tan, it You Style No. 3191 is designed for tiny
can, but get it slowly, avoiding sun- tots of 2 4 and 6 years
know -for we coull have shouted all
day at the top o¢ our voices and
no one would have heard us. 1
Day after day we kept the smoke
pillar rising into the sky -night!
after night we kindled a huge yet- 1 ,
low blaze on the summit rock. We
almost gave up hope of being roma1 %I.Irr,
ed.. No doubt we were far from ///
the regular steamer channels. curtain of the fog,
When we weren't gathering wood
' Chung, to me,, surprise, lay down
for the'fire,'we were hunting eggs la
and ;prepared to go peacefully
the sand -=and believe me -they sleep.
were certainly terrible. We caught ••Sloop we know-velly goadeevelly
a Pew fish -but they were very bad -no can tell,' said the tranquil
small and felt like pin cushions, little Chinese. "Sleep always good -
they were so full of bones. Being all men sanies when sleep. No
lett on a desert island isn't half as mueheo worry."
mach fun as we were taught to be-
lieve when we were boys. I
On the fifth night a dense cold tog Note: Any of our young readers
came in from the sea. it smelled writing to "Captain Jimmy",
like sea -weed and salt water and Star •Bldg„ Toronto, will receive his
was 50 thick that you could srarre_ signed photo free. • •
Office ane Residence: •
Huron Street • - Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
' (Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Exatnined and Gime Fitted.
Office over Canadian Mallow. Express,
Sinton, ')fife
Extra -ion a Spelialty.
Phone 21
leisurely shrugged himself into 11,0
overcoat which always hung in readi-
ness in the carved Florentine ward-
robe that filled one teener of the room,
and backed his smell, unobtrusive
black runabout from its place in the,
double garage.
The other side of the garage yawn•
ed empty. Bar'rara had driven to a
party at the house of friends, and for
once Dr. Cavanaugh was glad of her
absence. After all, she and Don had
been very good friends not so long
ago. Ile might yet have to be glad
that the friendship tad lapsed. But
meanwhile, though site often followed
his cases with eager interest, he hoped
that he might avoid giving her an ac-
count -or, what was just ns bad, eb-
viousiy declining to give her an ac-
count --of his progress in this one.
The maid who answered Dr. Ca-
vanaug} 's ring at the front door of
the Ellsworth house stopped short, her
eyes as round as marbles, at the
sound of his name. She, at east,
and the wonders to be expected of the
great Dr. Cavanaugh, who was-re-
as re-
ported to have been called in consul-
tation on the "Tule marsh mystery,'
had seen the theme of delightful
flights of imageuttion in the kitchen
Electro Therapist Masreur
Of5ce: Huron 8t. (Pew- doors west of
Royal. -Bank).
sours -Tues., Thurs. and Sat.. all day,
Other 'hours by appointment. EIensah
Offue-•Mon., Wed. and Frt. forenoons,
a r,rth Bice a 8U. Wed. and Friday
S. N. Archibald, B.A•Sc., (Tor.),
O.L.S., Registered Professional En-
• gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate
Member Engineering institute of Can-
ada. Office, Seaforth, Ont,trie.
was an avid reader of the newspapers,
her hair was tight, black and shiny,
That nose was the dominant feature --
a hea ty beak overshadowing a sunken
"False teeth," Dr. Cavanaugh con-
tinued his silent observations. "And
put in ft r too late, after the gums lied
shru tit. n."
Mrs. ICane's dress, like her hair, fol-
lowed tin extinct fashion. It touched
the ground with its dusty hem -binding
of dingy black. ,The collate and cuffs.
wore rumpled, nd showed a Witt
brown line at wrist and pec:.
"A visit to the cleaner's ''cl the
laundry would seem to have can in-
dicated -not at all the attire to be
expected of a servant in a millionaire's
bane." With all this, Dr. Cavan-
augh's survey had been so brief and
unobtrusive that Mrs. Kane was left
with the impression that it was she
who stared. It was a hard, belligerent
stare, from small bit by no means
dull, black eyes,
"I won't take ap much of your time,
Mrs. Katie," Dr. Cavanaugh began.
courteously. "But won't you sit
"I'm busy. Besides, I prefer to
A dramatic old codger! Whoever
first started the idea, firmly fixed in
the cheaper sort of literature, that it
was the thing to "prefer to stand"
in the presence of an enemy? Had it
an anthropological basis -readiness to
give instant physical battle? Dr. Ca-
vanaugh decided to look it up some
time. Meanwhile, it had its advan-
tages. It showed conclusively tial,
Mrs. Kane was not merely indulging
her ureal forbiiding manner but re-
garded him definitely as an.antagon-
"Indeed? I should have thought
your duties would bo considerably
lightened in your mistress' absence;
he remarked suavely.
"My duties concern myself. I be-
lieve you had something to say to me."
Dr. Cavanaugh had some difficulty
in restraining his eyes from a fasea-
ated attention to Mrs, Kane's mouth.
The flse had indeed been ie.
stall dAtoo late. When she spoke, the
upper set moved up and down beneath
her lip, like a stage drop retreating
and' appearing behii.d a lifted curtain.
But her manipulation was expert.
t.l' dee
teeth minedned with a gruesome'
petulance, but 'hey never quite fell
out, and when she stopped speaking,
the clamp of her jaws thrust thein
into place with a slight click. The
necessity of this constant management
gave her- sentence a clipped, ierky
"Well, to ask you, whet," Dr, Ca-
vanaugh amended. "Perhaps you
know that Mr. Ellsworth came to me
for .advice when Mrs. Ellsworth -
left?" e
"ear. Ellsworth didn't seem to bo-
ther much until the police got busy,"
Mrs. Kane remarked geimiy.,
"At your requcet, I believe.
"He made me tread. I don't say 1.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be made
for Sales Date at The News=Record,
Clinton, ur by. calling Phone 203.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
burn. The 4 -year size requires 1% yards
Whoa learning to swim, keep 1111 of 39 -inch material with ee yard of
shallow water, be sure that there are 1 39111011 contrasting•
no hidden holes or dropoffs. Never
venture beyond your depth until you
can swim well: Do not be foolhardy
Yourself, nor sanction. It in others. atternBora s you want. Enclose 20c in
Everyone should know how tb at- F
tempt resuscitation of a person who stamps coin (coin preferred:2w0
has been taken out of the water, per- it carefully) for each number, and
haps apparently dead. Time le preci• (address your order to Wilson Pattern
nus, Send for a doctor, but don't watt Service, 73 West Adelaide St.,Toronto.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of :such
not an hour ago, Ether's expression
was a mixture of awe and fright, as if
likely to weave a connection between
murder and anyone so unwary as to
stand in his vicinity.
Dr. Cavanaugh submitted to this
'fascinate scrutiny with patience.
Servants to himwere human being,
and he was neither surprised nor of-
fended when they drepped the pre-
tense of being machines.
"I'd line to see MCC. Kane," he an-
nounced with his usual directness,
thereby shattering Ether's previous
•conception of the devious ways of
The girl's face reflected a shocked
astonishment, not unmixed with mal-
ice and sheer delight in a thrilling
eituatiol.. Already she could hear
herself telling the cook that she had
let the great man in, that he had
looked "just : ke yon or me, not a bit
like a 'criminologist, and no airs at
all"; that his regaest for Mrs. Kane
made her feel "just like in the middle
of a story -and I hope he's got some
thing on.that old cross -budget -and
McKILLOP MUTUALMUTUALanway, isn't it exciting, just?"
Fire Insurance Company For the moment, however, she was
. Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.• confronted with a social emerget.cy
for which ehe was unprepared,
Dr. Gavr.naug
h, by l,Lac
magic agic was
i 1 don't wait for pul1
motor, oto pr'
Por him, also
other apparatus. Don't try The Dump -Cart Driver
to move the body unless artificial re-
The dump -cart can be continued constantly I seat,
while the transfer is taking place, this Mis rounded shoulders hot beneath the
is vital. Don't wait for anythiug, but sun;
go to work. And now the old gray head is droop -
It is far bettor that parents teach ing deep, -
their children to swim rather than ad- Still deeper, till the matey world has
mottislt them to keep away from the I gone.
water. Teach diem to respect the inn- The nodding nag with steady stepping
gees of water as well as how to swim! feet,
and row. The out of floor exercise will The rhythmic jingle et the harness
make them stronger and healthier, and rings,
less subject to diseaeo. !Have faded, now ,and merged in wan -
President, J. Bennewels, Brodhagen.
1' ice. president, James Connolly, Goderich.
Sec. -treasurer, D F. ttcCiregor, .Seaforth.
DI eo1ers: James Wvans, Beechwood:
hum ShouldIce Walton; Wm, Rinn,
Mullet„ ftol,t. Ferris, . Solicit; :oho Pep-
per, uruceacld: A, Broadfoot, Seaforth:
G. C McCartney Seafot•tti
Agents• W. J Yeo. R.R. No. 3, Clinton;
J.tha MurroY, Seaforth James Watt.
Elly old, Ilse hlei'Seaforth.
ny money to be paid nay fie paid. to vattaugfi satq s Wiling a- .little ut
the Boyd Bank, ,1inton flank of Com.
mance, Seaforth, or at Cat •In liars Ora. Ethsl's surprised acknowledgement of
eery, Oodericb, dem nstration of insight
Parties desiring to effect insurance or this slight
erdcttt other business will be promptly and consideration. "Mr. Ellsworth
"Yes, sir," she stammered. "Come
in, sir, and I'll bring Mrs. Kane right
down -or should I take you to the
servants' sitting room?"
"I -wouldn't dream of turning Nu
out of your sitting room,' with the
radio program tot'ha.f over," Dr. Ca -
attended t on application tEheir respew�
h onlya short time age;
tb,ve officers addressed to
five poet offices. Losses lnspk}eted by
director who lives neatest the scene.
dewing dreams
Of far-off homeland, long forgotten
1 things,
-'He's just a lad with happy laughing
• And no cOupere that down a city street
' A lumbering wagon, loose in alt its
1 seams,
Bears on its swinging seat, head hang
ing low,
An old day -laborer driving In his sleep, a penny the worse.
With reins wound round the long -
Por instance, "Chirp, chirp' from
Farmer -"You don't suppaso We I since useless whip, the top of yonder tree. "Wut, web.
ho The while the faithful horse goes pled. replies Bruce, dashing excitedly oft
to a totally opposite direction. "Como
down and have a game, you rascal,"
in answer to which a minute thing On
wings emerges from yet elsewhere.
Bruce to wild pursuit, they arrive at
a large twisted thorn tree, his gallant
attempts to climb which are attended
with such alarming success as to de-
mand precarious attd immediate res-
cue. On which a large blackbird flies
off scolding and the game recom-
mences. Love
All title has the advantage of
a maximum of, ntay we sae,, slim -mak- Love is the purification of the
ing exsrctso on Bruce's part, a mini• heart from sett; it strengthens and
mum 'et effort on that of his owner,
ennobles the character, glues a higit-
and an afternoon's tree fun Cor our 1 er motive and a nobler aint to every
feathered friends and others who, I cotton of lite, and -makes both man
hold, enter as joyously into the sgirit and woman strong, pltiltil, and
of it all as anyone. I courageous, The power be love
So much so that, returning from our nobly and devotedly is the finest
afternoon ramble in Richmond Park, i gift with which a human being can
we once perpetrated the following: be endowed.—Anon,
All the rabbits In Richmond Park
Sailors prefer Conrad's novels, ac-
Wiggle their ears when they hear him cording to the president of the Anierl-
bark, � can Merchant Marine Library Ae-
Wriggle their noses and say "Hurray, sociation, which last year circulated
Bruce is coming to play' to -day,"
'Ali the squirerls and alt the deer
Gather together from tar and near;and poetry, were also popular.
'Fellows, what do You think?" they 1. --
say, A man seldom lies to meet. another
"Bruce is coming our way to -day." who has a Ltd for colloetete lis.
- ,a
73k {: a Chocolate Malted Milk
The health -giving, delicious drink for children and grown-
ups. ' - - Pound and Half Pound tins at your grocers.
Portrait of a Gentleman
"Bruce, cotyle hero. IIERE!" Toe I "Well, begging your pardon, Sir-`
sanguine perhaps, our hope of bring- rte commenced, but I cut hint short.
lug a water -loving spaniel home with a I "Exactly, well, some of your deer
dry skin. Cunningly had we luredlleave been chasing my little dog and
hien by pond and ditch, much as ono I'11. trouble you to take the name and
might a woman past a smart milliner's t address of that little fellow over there,
please. Bruce, where aro you?
But too late.
"Here I am, comes anxiously back
tram the middle of an adjacent pond.
"You did say—" -BY a writer in
"Tito Christian Science Manitos"
shop, Yet, as usually happened, there
he was at the last, only his little black
tread visible above the surface of some
slime -covered pond. More, to disobedi-
ence he was adding dissemblance,
"You SAID have a swim, master,
didn't you? Of course its dreadfully
cold and wet, but you DID sae,—"
What other reply is possible at that
stage, I ask you, than in !ndulge.gt:
"Well, I suppose I did," and the fur-
ther weakness of a ball thrown Into
the middle for an eager, expectant
little body to dash gratefully atter. '
This question of clashing after
things, though. For him who will the
panopy and expense of -well, what we
mean to say Is that we achieve all the
fun 02 the fair without anyone being
take boarders because we need t
Visitor -"I had some such idea"
Farmer --"Not at all. Ws just
got tlteso people out from town to
keep the mosquitoes from devottn'
all tltelr attention to our home Golden love may leave the heart;
circle." Golden dreams must swift depart;
diug slow.
-Elizabeth Challis Adapts, in "The
Street car and the Star."
Golden Deeds
Golden hair will turn to grey;
"The physique, clothing, and clean- Golden" summer paws away;
liness of the children are at least a Golden sunset silent wane;
hundredfold better than they were , Golden youth ne'er come again;
thirty years ago, and at least fifty ; Golden riches leave no trace; •
per cent. better thanthey: were Golden thoughts to biack give place;
eleven years ago," said an expert, 1 While these vanish day by day,
speaking about the Whitechapel an. Golden deeds shall live tor aye;
droll recently. He :added that the I And through them for all awaits
infantile death -rate has decreased Entrance( at the Golden Gatee
by one-half since 1900.
left th 01180
and though I know he did not conte had ought to done it, if I'd stopped to
straight home, I thine I may venture 1 think. But when I asked him what he
to take possession of the library In was going to do, le said, 'I druther
his absence." Inot discuss it.'" Mrs.. Kane's thin
AIWA, t " sna ed shut; and Dr. Cavanaugh
' ertainl etre 1 Lips i
..� c y,
Having opened the door for hint found himself waiting anxiously for,
Ethel scurried down the hall., Fie the reassuring click. "He druther
listened to her footsteps, pattering el-,, not, indeed!" The voice rose harshly.
most.at a run up the stairs ; "Well, there's other folks as has thele
"So Mrs. Kane clues not sit with' leathers, as well as him. I've, got
•ant to
art 11.55 a.nt. Don was right about her utparedai- knew!' As tf realizing thatl
rNealns will arrive at and depart from
e Clinton as follows:
i,✓ ),_..-Buffalo end Goderich Div.
•ing East, depart 6.58 n
ping West, depart
sett .I
3,05 p.m. the other servants in the ev pin;-• my druthers, too, if, yo . w
, •' . ' shs•was.
opening too much of her mind to.tins
u u,
9.44 p.m, ity, then."
Lon'lon, Huron & Bruce I Other steps came down the'
fag South 3.08 pan. resolute, flat-footed thud -thud.'
D Cavanaugh picked up a
hall, a stranger, she stopped. Her ,whole(
maga tan expressionless e
I face. seemed to shut down, to become
g North 11,58 a.m. r, m sk,•
-Alfred Sntytits,
Helen Wills Moody Again Victor
"If Kate told- you her age, you
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"Judging from what she told me
her 'age was, I should say she was
born on her fourteenth birthday"
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Sbmewheere or( other, his head hung
-far -
Oat of the window, there -speeds a car.
"Step on it, master," his brief remark,
"I've a date with the squirrel's in Rich-
mond Park:"
Much -to -my an.xtely, this somewhat)
optimistic point -of -view seemed borne
out one day when a small herd or deer
persisted in following Bruce inquisi•
tivety around. Happily, he was in one
of his angelic moods.
"What, chase deer? Oh, dear uo1
Such lovely matures, aren't they?"
And, when we later -erased a largo
buck, standing motionless and erect,
the fuzz still on leis beautiful new sai-
lers, one. felt that even Bruce must
concede touchdo nobility
and- grace
the happy
sward, •
Be that as 11 may, coming upon a
> 1r Kaanm• nit Otir Way out, we could
k-it,'ag:::,h shows Mrs. Helen. Wilts Moody being presented, not resist enquiring: "What would yea
by lite pres.dent of Soabt'ight-Club, with cup won at the Classic Sea- do if you were to catch My dog Ow-
ing your deer?
bright singles over Miss Helen Jacobs by 0.0, 8-0,
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TRAn� 81A nu Ron.
LV.lade to Canada.
ISSUE No. 33—'31