HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-08-13, Page 1The ,News -Record Eat. 1878. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE ' CLINTON NEW ERA 'The New Era Est, 186 -NO.2531-53rd YEAR Vrratie 90, e p epPle .. 'erratic � �Diake � � �Fnr wo eve governed more than: most of we imagine by our watches and clocks, When they go wrong we are liable to be late for this;• that or something. Something goes wrong . all the while, But there is really no need for all this trouble.—,Not when there is a repair shop like ours within easy reach, • Consult els about your timepiece ailments, Jeweler: and Optometrist ie114cir Phone 174w and 174j ousecleaning Our ea y40 -Wear epartment Prep wring for Fall Merch- andise andise which has already commenced to arrive. . asses' Iiresses and. Coats at 49c and X1.49 This sounds incredible. It is very rarely we have offered such amazing bargains. Other Exceptional ' Values on Many Lines Throughout the Store. " CLINTON'S LEADING STYLE SHOPPE " Trace the Facts and Meet Conditions. It is a fact the buying power of the workingman and farmer has been greatly reduced owing to industrial conditions and low com- modity prices, . The condition has to be mets The workingman and farmer must wear work clothes, but the cost must be lass, Our prices should help 'this condition. Men's Work Shirrs Roomy and well -made" in light blue and navy ducks, fancy. checks, shaker flannel, black and white pain checks, etc. ,EXTRA SPDOIAL AT ,,.,.. ,..,,95c Men's Back and Blue, Dentin Overalls Snag Proof Brand, Special at $1.50 Men's .Headlight Overalls at $2.00 I''o better Overall made in Canada. Every garment g - guaranteed to give satisfaction or replace with another;, pale. Men's Work Socks Special 2 pair for 25e.• AGENT FOR GODERICH, FRENCH DRY CLEANING &PRESSING &IORRISH ti CLOTIIINC " A SQUARE DEAL FO: ; EVERY i�iAN 11 CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDA AUGUST 13, 1931 THE HOME PAPE THE MARKETS Wheat, GOc, Barley, 30c. Oats, 25e. 'Eggs, 12e'.to 20e. , Butter, 20e to 22e. Live` Hogs, $6.76. , SSEAFOR.TH HERE FRLDAY Seaforth plays the local softball team tomorrow night and Clinton hat to win or else lose this 'half. Clinton has worn seven games. and dost one while Liman has won _eight and lost two. Clinton , hasto meet Seaforth twice and in order; to tie, Lan must win tomorrow. FIRST LOSS 'IN EIGHT GAMES On Monday night Grand Bend de- feated 'Clinton efeated'Clinton by the score of 8-6 to stop Clinton's winning streak of sev- en straight games in the second half. of the schedule. The game wasn't a very good one, as it Iacked pep. Clinton led from the fourth inning by the shore.. of 6-3. Then Clinton made some .bad , plays .and Grand Bend tied it up. Clinton tried hard to get a run but couldn't do it and Grand Bend succeeded in getting 3 more and won the game easily. BRANCHING OUT Messrs.' Sutter and Perdue, who lave carried on a-- hardware and plumbing business in :Clinton fol• same time, have decided to branch out into the furniture and undertak- ing business. Mr. J. R. Walker of Toronto, who has had considerable experience, will have charge' of the undertaking department and they will take over the store now occu- pied by Mr, W Robinson as a grog eery', which was purchased by them when they bought their present stand, This puts Mr. - Robinson. out of a stand and there are very few vacant in town. - It is encouraging to see our busi- ness men branching out, instead of retrenching, as many have had to do, and with three young energetic men in charge this business ought to suc- ceed. It is a coincidence that the only similar business in town is also a combination of hardware, furni- ture.and undertaking. 194th •a large country to draw upon, however, both should be able to make a decided "go" of it. COLE—ROBINSON The marriage was solemnized in Wesley -Willis (United church, Clic ton at three o'clock yesterday after- noon of Muriel M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W'. Robinson of Clinton, and Mr. Charles . W, Cole of St, Thomas, son of Mrs. Cole and the late A. T. Cole of Blyth. The Rev: •A. A. Holmes and Rev. D. E. Fos- ter offiicated. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a lovely wedding gown of ivory satin and lace made with fitted bodice, a long veil of embroidered tulle, with cor- onet of orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet -of roses and fern, She was attended by a maid of hon- our and a bridesmaid', . Miss Marie Davidson was maid of honour. She wore a gown of mauve met over bro- caded satin, large black hat and car- ried a bouquet of pink roses, garden flowers and fern.• Miss Mabel Rob- inson, sister of the bride, was brides- maid, wearing a lovely frock of pink georgette, large black hat and carrying pink roses, and garden flowers. Mr. Bert Cole was his brother's best man •and Mr. Harvey Robinson of London and Mr, L. Mc- Knight were ushers, Mr. MacPherson of London played the wedding music and after the ceremony Miss Halt,of Goderich, cou- sin of the bride, sang "0 Promise Me." At the conclusion of the cermony a reception was held .at the home pf !the: bride's parents, Mrs, Cole, mot- her of the bridegroom, receiving with Mr. and Mrs, Robinson and the bridal couple. The rooms were very beautifully decorated with flowers, and later refreshments . were served from a table centerd by the, wedding cake and handsomely decorated with flowers' and streamers of tulle. A- bout %seventy guests were present and six 'of the bride's girl friends assisted in serving. Th bride and bridegroom left lat- er in the afternoonnibn e motor trip to Muskoka, the bride wearing for thejourney a pretty jacket frock of 'blue crepe' with hat and accesadries• to match , On their return they will reside in St, Thomas. '"- The bride was the recipient of many lovely gifts, amongst them be- ing •a handscirne silver• tea set from Wesley -Willis, Sunday school, where she had acted aa. pianist for some time. The class ` to which, she be- longed also gave her a silver water jug. !Amongst the guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Mickey, Mrs, Jackson" and Miss. Hood, Blyth.;, Mrs.. Holt and two sons, Aldine and Gordon, Brus- sels;. Mr: and Mrs, Armstrong, Mr. and Mee. Fear, Mr, and Mrs. W. Robinson and Nfr. and Mrs. J, Rob- inson, St. Marys;' Mr: Davidson,. Fordwieb; Mx. and Mos. Cutt, ; Mr. Holland and the 'Misses lMicEwan, Goderich; Mrs. Robinson and. Miss Irene and Reg„ Wiroxetei•; Miss Sperling, Mt, Pete t• ' Mass Spading; , Garvie• 'Miss Tohn- stop, Bluevale; Mr, and Mrs. Stan- ley Ferguson, Miss Mau tin, Toronto;: Mr's. Davidson and Miss Glens, Mil: EVER .SEE BLACIf 1LOW196S? Mrs, R. H. Johnson showed The News -Record a sample of hollyhocks the other day, the blossoms of which:, are peculiar in being , almost black. She says that earlier they were even darker than at present, The blooms as they come out "th the a reddish tinge but the buds are very nearly black. This was a specimen procured by :the late Chief J, Wheatley, who was `very fond of flowers' and who spent much time in he cultivation of them. • , HE WAS SMOOTH : , ' "A ,smooth tongued chap, driving -'a ear, called on a .couple of our local clergymen the other ,day soliciting assistanceto reaech his dying moth- er at Windsor. One ,:of the minis- ters, while a Iittlei suspicious, was pretty well convinced that the case was a genuine one 'end gave the young man a generous. donation. He did, however., take the . n auble to take• the number of the car and later, on learning that a brother minister had had a •similar "touch'? accompanied by a somewhat different story wrote to the Highways Department for the name of the owner of the ear carrying this number;; and he feels like seeing the thingh through. g This s week's Mitchell Advocate notes the fact that some such, 'aa scheme has been worked in that and neighboring towns the young than being in a hurry to reach his sick mother and needing assistance to replace a worn out tire. It may be the same chap but if so we should say his race is •pretty well ,run. HAS IMPORTANT O'IiFICE Mr. James A. Tucker„ a member of the aldermanic council of Saska- toon, Sask., and a for -finer citizen of Clinton, was recently= elected presi- dent of the Union of, Saskatchewan Municipalities at a convention held at Estevan, ' The Western Municipal News of July had the following to say about the newly -appointed president: "The chief officer ;Lor the •coming year will be Alderman, James Tucker of Saskatoon. • Mr. Tucker steps up into the Presidency after experience on the executive committee and as vice-president and needs no introduc- tion to Saskatchewan municipal men. Mr. Tucker has dots of energy and plenty of ideas :and a fatuity for expressing theta. Although he has a fund of humour and is quiek at repartee he never loses sight of the seriousness of the business be- fore him." Mr,, Tucker's Clinton friends will be glad to hear that he is making his influence felt in his new home in the West. MRS MARRIOTT DIES OF BURNS Last Thursday, Mrs. William B,ez- zo received word of the tragic death of her mother, 14irs. David Marriott of Thedford, Early that morning the deceased woman . had tried to hurry her fire by adding some coal - oil and an explosion resulted which burned Mrs. Marriott so severely that she died at noon, in St, Joseph's hospital, London. Fronr observa- tions made later in the day it is be- lieved that the can had been filled with gasoline instead of coal -oil. Mr. Marriott was also severely burned in trying to beat down tiie flames which were consuming his wife's clothing. He will. recover, Seven Children mourn the untimely loss of a kind and loving :rather Edward, George :and Daviid Mather's Sarnia, William Mathers of Windsor; Mrs. Edward Markel of St. Thomas; Mrs. Albert Howelcl of Thedford and Mrs, William. Bezzo of Clinton. The funeral was held on Friday at' Grand Bend and - the Rev. Mr leathers of Grand Bond conducted the burial services, Those from Clinton who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Wtiiliane Bezzo, Mr, and Mrs, Jim East and Mr. henry East. LITTLE LOCALS • A number from Clinton were in London yesterday celebrating Derry Day. The results of the Middle School Exams. will be found on another page of this issue. - .. The Misses:Beattie of "The Vogue" are in. Toronto this week attending the buyers' week fashion display of millinery, etc. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford have moved into their new home, which was recently occupied by Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Thantpson. " • The Huronie Rebekah Lodge and the local Odd Fellows will held their.. annual picnic at Bayfield on. Wed- nesday next, August ,1llth. Rev, A. A. Holmes supplied the pulpit at Burns United church. on Sunday morning last and at I{nox United, Londesboro, in the evening. In a 'softball game with Exeter, in Exeter. last Thursday night, the lo- cal nine' were victorious. At the end of the ninth inning the score wee 14-1L Murphy LO.L. No. 710 will hold it's next meeting on Prulay,August, 14t when all members are r h> - e questedto be present an4.1providi lunch, The members of Nitron LA. B,A. No. 377 will be guests and an vertonfr Mr. and . l4lrs,: Nicholson; I address will be given by. Rt. 1V r Paisley and it number from Clinton. Bi. o, , Beet, White: ' AMONG THE CHURCHES Ontario Street United Church Union services continue in this church on Sunday, the -Rev -Dr. Dou- g'an in charge, His morning subject wi_I be: "The Purpose 'of Christ's Appearances." Evening; "The Sup- reme Sacrifice." - GOtF TOURNAMENT /2:. local tournament was held yes- terday afternoon at the Clinton Golf and Country Club, the contest being for two cups donated by Mr.' :Tames Keane of Saskatoon. Nearly all the members of -the ;Club were entered, the ladies play- ing nine holes, the gentlemen eigh- teen: The ladies cup was won by Mrs. W. T. Elliott, the teen's by Mr. Bruce Biggart, WILSON --WALKER The marriage: took place in Sault Ste. Marie, at noon on August the 7th, of Agnes Walker, daughter of Mr- and Mrs Wm. Walker, Clinton, to Dr. L, :Duane Wilson, son of Mr. W. J. Wilson, Brockville. The Rev, Wm. Howey officiated. The bride wore a suit of brown and eggshell silk travel tweed with eggshell hat and accessories After an extended trip by boat and -motor, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson will re- side in Fort Wd$iam. GIVING KIDS AN OUTIM'G The children of the Children's Aid Society at Godezieh are being en- tertained by motor drives during the month of August, one outing each 'week, under the auspices of the ,Stratford Life Underwriters' As- sociation of Canada. The first drive was given by Mr, Ii'I, T. Carless, vice-president, Clin- ton, and Mr. Harold Lawson also of town has offered his car and time for this week's drive. Mr. Geo. Ro- berton has also offered his car for the next week, so the Clinton repre- sentatives are doing their share nobly, This undertaking is purely in the interest of the well-being of the children of the home in ,question, who have no family to care for them, and it is hoped other organizations may interest themselves, as many have Already, in helping in some manner to give some spark of enjoyment to these little under-priviliged ones, HAVE YOTJ SEEN THEM? Have you seen the display of gladioli at the Clinton Inn, just a- cross from The News -Record office? it is certainly worth a onto over, and the probability is that you'll want to go again. There are some of as fine specintents of this showy flower as you will sec anywhere, some being exceptional. The gladioli were grown for the most part by Mr. Inkley of the Inn, and Mr. W. J. Cook, who always has some exceptional Spechnents, while Miss Cuninghame has a spike or two and she and Mr. Sharp put in some specimens of dahlia and other flowers, bi . Inkley and Mr. Cook are anx- ious that Clinton should put on a flower show but it is too late this season to think about it. However it is not too soon to think -about it for next year and there is no reason at all why Clinton should not prrt on a geed show. Mr. Inkley intends keeping thin display on as long as there are any flowers offered and he has a fine garden of his own, Anyone who has any good specimens of any variety of flower is asked to bring it, in anklet, the citizens see what can be grown. Clinton has in the past put on some fine flower shows and might do so every year. LONDON ROAD Miss ,Marjorie McMichael. of Hui - lett has been spending part of her 'vacation with her aunt, Mrs. 1Yr. Wi]tse, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mott and Mr. and Mrs. N. Manning spent Sunday with Blyth 'friends Miss Edith Stanbury is spending this week with Kincardine friends, Mrs: Hobbs and .daughter; Wanda, who spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. W. Stenburyrleft Sat- urday to visit at Brussels. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Kellington and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Keliington of Cottam visited 'the former's sister, Nies. Stanbury, on Saturday last and Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Brewer of .3rus- eels, also a 'sister, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury on •Satuoday. , HURON ROAD EAST Last week inadvertently the name of Miss Tory Stacey was : shelled wrongly. Miss Stacey was . a week- end guest of 'Mt. and Mrs. J. E. Ball, Miss Gauley of Ripley spent a day recently with Miss Sadie Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Dale of the 2nd concession of Huilett • and 'Mr', and Mrs. Cliff Glazier spent Sunday evith Mr. ^and Mrs. Charles Young'' of Goderich -township. • Mr. and 14Irs. 'Win:. .Ball. and eTa;im d- ily vzsited recentiy With Mr. a n Mrs, 'John ',Gibbings, near •Lohdes bare, Mrs. Albert Vanderb. rgh of Clinr ton spent the week -end with her pare encs, Mr. and.Mrs• 4.1. Dale, PEOPLE YOU KNOW Miss Muriel Downs' of Toronto is visiting friends in Clinton. Miss Grace Scott of Seaforth is the guest of Miss Isobel Chewer', Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Draper ,are vis- iting their daughter in St, Cathie: - riles. Mrs, P. A. Axon, and Master Fred are spending a fortnight at Bay- field. Mem Chas, Shanahan and Master Jack are visiting the lady's sister in Detroit. - Messrs. Roy Brock. and Bob Keys of Hensell visited friends in. Clinton on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. John Flynn of Detrnit spent the week -end, :visiting their parents hen. Mrs. J. W. Tamblyn of Londesboro is k guest at the home ofher bro- ther, Mr. Wrn, Hiles. Mr, Vincent Mallon of London spent the week -end as the guest of Mr and Mrs. J. J. McCaughey. Miss Ada Stewart of New York City is spending her vacation with her sister; Mrs, Harvey McBsien. Mrs. Fred Watt,and chidlren of Osh- awa have been visiting the lady's another, Mrs. Pennebaker o1 Clinton. Mrs, Andrew • Weatherwax and daughters' Catheryn and Rae of Orillia are visiting Mr. David Cantelon. Miss Ruth Higgins of Whitby is spending the month of August with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; B. R. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans of Toronto have been visiting the latter's sister, Miss Lily Kennedy the past week. Rev. Ernest Osborn of Thornbury is the guest of his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) C. E. Dougac, at the Presbyterian Manse, Huron street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Willard of Buf- falo are the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Shob- broolc, north of town. Misses Marion Thompson and Myrtle Armstrong returned last week from a most interesting motor trip through Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ho'lves and family of 13arriston spent a day at the 'mole of the lady's sister, Mrs. A, D. McCartney, last week. Mrs, G. L. Chapman and son, Ross, and I4irs. Madsen of Toronto are visiting at the home of the ladies' sister, Mrs. A. D. McCartney. Mr., -T. -F, Carter anti daughter,. Mrs. Satby and children, of Detroit are visiting the former's sisters, Mrs.. F. 11tutch and Mrs, W. Cochrane. 14Ios, A. Weatherwax and her daughters Misses Katherine and Ray, of Oslllia are visiting at the horno of the lady's father, Mr. b. Canteion. Miss Libbie Gibbings of Toronto vis- ited during the past week with her brother, Mr. B. J. Gibbings of town, and her siJJter, Mrs. Trelea- ven of Lueknow. Mr. and 1lfrs. R, 13. Carter and Miss Eva, who have been spending the past month in a cottage in Deer Lodge Park, Bayfield, returned to their home in town this week. Miss Burke of St. Thomas was the week -end guest of the Misses Cour- Lice and on Tuesday Misses Hattie and Sybil Conrtice and Miss Burke left on a motor trip to Quebec, Mr, and ilius. W. F. Giddings and little Miss Lois, returned to De- troit on Sunday after spending a week at the home of Mrs. Giddings' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T•I. Marten, Mrs. W. Cochrane and her niece, Miss Patricia Craig of Goderich, who is; her guest, spent some days visiting at the summer hone of Mrs. Nelson Hill at Sunset Beath, near Goderich, Mrs. W. J. Kay, Miss Elaine Kay and Master Buddy White of Lapeer, Mich., have returned home after spending a week'with the former's sister at Lueknow and her brother Mr. 13. J. 'Gibbings of town. Mr, and Mrs. I. A. Mahon and three children left on Monday for Sud- bury to visit Mr. Mahan's parents before returning to their home in Winnipeg after a pleas- ant holiday visit with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Mc- Caughey. Miss Helen Howlett of Ypsilanti. Michigan, spent last week visiting her aunts, Mrs. Perri -161a Cock and Mrs.`.Minnie Cole. While here she tools them on a motor trip to Nia- gara Falls. Theyalso called upon Miss Howlett's cousin, Mr. and Mrs, George Boyer of Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Sample and daughters Misses Varley, Margaret and Wroxie; and son, Master Jack, of Brandon, Mata, visited over the week -end with Mrs. G. B, Hanley of the London Road and Mir. and Mrs. A. D. McCartney and Mr. G and Miss .Cantelon of town. They have' been on an extensive motor trip and carry thein camping out- fit along, so that they can stop off wherever they wish along the way. They usually spend ' their summer holidays in this way, so are exper- ienced travellers. CONSTANCE • Mts. Antra McLean of Buffalo is s e rtwoWeeks' nc ti r nd n a We„l s v a oz , at ,P g thehome 'of her sister, M's. Peter; z Me Lindsay and her brother, Mr, Daviel Milison here, Mr. and Mrs. sloe Riley, Mr. Tame* Mcrarlanc, Misa Edythe Riloy and Mr. eGeerge _RikY, and Master :Mae Stenhenson spent Sunday sit Bay Field. We regret to hear of the removal of Mr. W!n. Pethich to a ;hospital at Lencson en Sunday last, -Mi. Pethick has been confined to his bed for the past couple of months with ulcer's of the stomach but we hope to hear of a decided improvement soon. Miss Phoebe Wakefield is spending a few days in Clinton this week visiting -friends. Miss Elva Wheatley ,of Toronto is spending' her holidays at the home. of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Wheatley, • Miss Jean Webster of St. Helens spent a few days last week visiting her aunt, hies. Verne Dale. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. F. •Fowler of the Huron Road east, were visitors on Sunday at the home- of Mr. and airs. Peter Lindsay. VARNA Mr. 3. T. Reid of London spent a couple of days in the vicinity recent- ly. Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty of London are spending their holi- days under the parental roof. Miss Lornas and Master Kenneth Elliott of Victoria, $.C., spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs, John . Rathweil of Varna. Mr. Ernest' Izerd of Montreal are rived on Sunday to accompany his wife, w'ho has been spending a cou- ple of month's holidays with her mother, Mrs. T. .T. Stinson, home. Miss Winnie Thompson of Toron- to is spending a few. days with her sister, Mrs, L. Beatty. Mrs. .T, W. Reid spent the week/ end with her son, Dr. Harvey Reid of Toronto, who is spending his va- cation in Bayfield. STANLEY Mrs. Alex. 11IcEeven is visiting friends in Toronto: Miss Ada Stewart of New York is renewing old acquaintances in Clin- ton and in Stanley Miss Grace McEwen is •visiting Miss Elizabeth Eedy at their SUM - mer -home in Grand Bend. Mrs, Richard Bond and children spent the week -end at W. C. - Sin- clair's. A family reunion was held on Sunday, August 9th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James ,laekson. The visiting member's were: Mrs. ,Tames Wprren, Earlgrey, Sask.; Miss IIazel Jacksbn, Pittsburg; Miss Zetta, Phil- adelphia; John L. and Dr. Spence, of Winnipeg; Dr. Wesley, of Philadel- rhia an Stanley an Irs. Jackson 1 d y d 14 a n of Canfield. Unfortunately the youngest member, Dr. Clarence of Philadelphia, was unable 'to be pre- sent. Four grandsons, Billie, son'of John L. and Keith, James and George sons of Stanley, completed the gath- ering. A very happy time was spent by these scattered members as they gathered under the old" roof tree for a few days and the parents were not the least happy of the company, as they saw their children and their children's children gathered around their hospitable board. It is famil- ies such as these which make any country great. ST. HELENS . Mr. and Mrs, R. C. MoGownn of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cool. dee and two children of Belgrave spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Harvey Webb. Mr, Harvey Anderson of Ash- field and bus Lorne Webb visited with Mr, Wilson Woods on Sunday. Miss Ruth Ramage spent tiro 'week -end with friends in Luoknow 'Mrs, McIntyre of Dungannon spent a few days at the home of her brother, Mr, Geo. McRoberts, Mrs, Wine Cameron and Miss Mary Murray spent a few days vis- iting friends at Mitchell Messrs. McDonald and .Durnic commenced their ' seasons threshing last week. Miss Caroline W'ebb and Was Flora Andrew of Lueknow have left on a trip through the West as far as the Coast, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark anti son, Colin, of Ottawa are visiting the former's another, Mrs, Clark. Mr. John Wallace is a visitor with Mrs. Elliott Miller, Lucknow. Mr. W. h Miller attended the bowl- ing tournament at Hanover last week. - Miss Edith CIark, who is a re- turned Missionary, home from Af- rica, gave a very ples'sing address 'in the United Church here on Sun- day. Mr: Harold Hyde and Mrs. Ears Cranston rind children of Strathroy spent `the week -end with , Mr', and Mrs. • Jas; Hyde. Miss Mabel 'Woods and Miss Dor- othy McQuillian have returned home from Toronto, where they were tak- ing summer courses. • Mrs, R. J. Woods, Mr. Wilson Woods. and .Mrs. Wm. Rathwell; spent Sunday with. Stanley friends. Mr, and Mrs,. Albert:' Wallace and, Ma. Hugh, and Miss Gertrude Wrtl=H. lace of Barrie, spent Sunday at the home of Me, Wallace Miller. Mrs. Harry Brubaclier and Mae Ruth Beo gder n£Kitc Kitchener spent t a, few days with Miss Mabel Wootiot recently. Mrs. R. J. Woods has returned' from. a pleasant visit ;with friends in 'Windsor ,and London.