HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-07-30, Page 3" i es ble
as m„
Give your; children all they
want ofthis healthful cheese
food. Velveeta Con-
tains all the elc-
inents,o'f rich
whole 'milk. Old
and young can eat
it freely.
British Population
Nall leis ,790 S
R,C,liti:::b,*-2Fwvats..r�rc. ; -.,„.•a._
hkede by the melons of Kraft Cheese and Kraft Salad Pressing
Opinions Owl Laffs
d to be easier to make a col- On the eve °aotohmanXeand a Jew
Increase Lowest Since 1801,
but Density is Second in
Europe to Belgium
Although the male statistical
paints in an analysis of Great Britain's'
population at 41,790,48,ri�,' according to
the ceases fast 'completed, an inter-
pretative analysis lies Ibeon made by
S, P. Vivian, the. Registrar .General;
serving to modify the discouraging
features -the lowest incroaso since
1801 and the declining birth-rate. •
Ile. declares. that the total is the
largest ever recorded in the country,
and adds that its density of 685 to the
square mile, with the exbeption of that
of Belgium, is the highest of any 'coun-'�
try la Europe,
Other points, in his analysis are:
"The numerical increase is less than
that .of any decennium sinee'1861
(when the population was but half of
its present dimensions) with the sole
exception of the war decade, 1911-1921,
white the percentage increase, with
the stone exception, is only half or less
than half of any previously recorded.
But for the exceptional loss of men
during the war the present decennial
rate of increase would have been the
lowest recorded in respect of England
and Wales since census taking was in-
troduced 1n 1801.
"The full significance of the fall.(in
births 16.3 per cent) will be but dim-
ly appreciated for many years 'to
come; any temporary satisfaction felt
in a reduction of the number of un -
Productive mouths to be filled during
the present period of economic stress
must sooner or` later be qualified by
a realization of the profounder secular e rain
There is no sileuFe in'those corridor's,
!sauce involved. The births ot to -day govern the population of the future, I Descends
ageless Ice -clear lbeauty here, and
and, just as the nation which faced the pours
upheaval of 1914 to,1918 was the pro-
duct of the birth rates prevailing to-
Through the unahuttered brain.
ward the close of last century, we are bodies that
I the U
now observing the conditions which But these are shells,
wnl shape the generations charged' rest here,
with the national density m the latter I . Still lips that shape no cry,
part of the present century. Pierced flesh, and wounded feet that
"Tice deaths registered in the Inter- cannot stir,
mensal period were more than half a Tora hands that useless tie!
u fewer than those of either of
the two .preceding decennia. This For like a flock of birds their thoughts
numerics( reduction of more than 10 ! , have flown
per cent., which, it allowance be made have
the world; and tree,
for the increasing age and numbers of Travel the silent dark roads unknown,
the popu]atton exposed to risk, repro- embrace eternity.
seats a reduction in true mortality -John Barton, in. The Spectator.
w more like 20 per. cent. compared The New Education
with' the decennium 1911-2- (exclusive
of deaths on active service) or 30 per
cent. compared with the last pre-war Bertrand Russell. iu the New S diets
es -
decennium 1901-11, affords nothing but man and Nation (London) : (In
satisfaction, indicating, as it does, a school to Sueaex Bertrand Russell and
definite advance iti the general vital- his wiith le
g upfthei world,
r pupils
sty of the nation as a whole:' instead of ie. ignorance of it). In or-
+ Binary education the child is brought
Motor Tips up to believe, or at least to pretend to
believe, that his parents and teachers
Top cleaners that work well on 1118 are impeccable, that hie country is
fabric of some cars may not be correct always right, that statesmen of its
for he wet riallY own country and d tt [that 11t0Y alwicked 11Georgian Bay and its Island paradise,
Tho weight jack o car is nearee variably high m
Fir° easily discerned and invariably to the uortlt the softwood forests anti
reduced if the is set as the and that only
axle as possible. defeated in the end, gold -b cies; rocks beckon rd °thethe
cud t' the it such an one tit roue while w
Because high -compression euganesiperaona of rare depravity Y a 1
va su
their "It use noon a
cution, an
when te.wo
traditional and habitual, -Newton -
Baker. ,
'Sometimes. when I am low in .the
lnalud I think 1'11 end it all by getting
wtarried."-Tallulah Bankhead.
"To share with others la a great berries are not in season.
- step. toward happiness." - Adolph'
I The Jew ;"That's all right, I can
"`To.day there is politics but little , wait."
tatesuiat$hip," Dr. Charles H. Park -1 Sing a song, slag a song,
urs!. irl ere -half Mug the glad bells all along;
"A man should marry n g •TRAVISS
hie own age, plus seven years."- GENERAL
'Maurice Chevalier. I Smile at hili who frowns at you,
PBvery man has secrets and shady He will smile and then they're two.
Vtooks that are not to tie explored."-
xplored.'- Laugh a bit, laugh a bit,
pnito Mussolini. Folks wilt soon be catching it,
"What we know as the business de-
resist a happy Case;
session will 'end just ,goon as the .•World will be a merry Placa,
ptimists outnumber the pessimists." Laugh a Bit and Sing a Song,
Charles G, Dawes. I there's nothing
"It only takes intelligence, courage ; Where they are
'+and good -will to make a prosperous wrong;
tworid.'-Owen D. Youug. I Joy will dance the whole world thru
"There -is more fun in striving for • Bnt it must begin with you.
emething than in having it." -Tal- I First Tramp-"Aiter I had givon'her
Ilti.`"T a essence
back her lost parse, Fill() put her hand
"`The esaeaoe 'of Politica not only i in her pocket and said: '`Tako`thtH'"for
ver chitugea but they are the same i hot drink'.'
all countries -Col. S. M. House SecondTramp-"What did she give
"Baseball Is a sissy's game Om you?"
stared to what it was when I broke in," First Tramp^"A lump of sugar."
Babe Ruth.
"Among the neighbtirhood of na-
to tl rld was more Iris would like any IOe•I
sego address D wore asked if they.
The Irishman voted for high stew,
the Seotchman, for a bottle of Seatch
whiskey, and the, Jew fancied straw=
berries and cream. Sul, straw
Warden (protesting) -"But,
Capt. Lawson Smith, expert
English sea diver, 1115505 his baby
daughter good -by just before des-
cending at Clacton -on -Sea.
!mat Lakes Region
Has Wide Appel.
Many and Varied Tourist
Attractions in Area Bor.,
daring on Great In
Tho Greet,Lalces region of Canada
embodies di1es a truly wide range of scenic
and .recreational attractions and
through its accessibility is one of the
most savored' tourist .districts -01 the
Dominion. By motor,.steamehip, and:
rail - this enchanting'. area- inay be
reached from any of the Canadian pro-
vinces and from the 'United States,
Fishing, hunting in season, canoeing,
and bathing, as well as such organized
sports as golf, and tennis, may be en-
joyed under the meet ideal conditions.
A central highway route 'traverses
tile whole of the southern section af-
fording a splendid motor drive from
Montreal, Quebec, to Windsor, Ontario,
a distance of nearly 'G00 miles of
smooth travel. This route parallels
the. St, Lawrence and the shore lino
of 'Lake Ontario, and offers splendid
views of the river, the Thousand Is-
lands playgrounds, sake vistas, and
pleasing rural scenes, interspersed
with alert communities.
Side trips can be trade from ICings-
ton through the Rideau lakes and trona
Port Hope to the ICawartha Lakes dis-
trict, two spots rich in canoe routes
and places to hunt and fish. North
from Toronto, Muskoka and Lake of
Bays are districts of particular charm.
There, nature has designed an cut -o&
doors particularly qualified to meet
all the requirements of a sunimer va-
vatiou. West from Toronto to Wind-
sor the trail leads through areas ot
intense agricultural and floral de-
velopment, the early history of which
is pleasantly associated with colonize•
tion days. Bast from Hamilton is the
Niagara peninsula with its four major
claims to distinction -the high de-
velopment ote fruit culture; the twin
cataracts o1 the Niagara River; the
Queenston - Chippewa power develop-
ment; and the Welland canal. The
shore lines of lakes Erie and Huron
have many bathing beaches and snug
Summer colonies which find much fa-
vor in the eYes of tourists.
The central portion .ot the Great
Lakes district to traversed by both rail
and motor highway. Ottawa, the Do-
minion capital and site of the -Parlia-
ment Buildings, is the gateway to the
Rideau lakes, the fish and gapte 're-
gions of the Gatineau, and the Lauren
Lion hills, a vast playground of river
and Iake, rolling Westward hills,
from Ottawa n for-
est. e rail-
way runs throughand e motor
Park, Fie
Passes close by Algonquin
extensive provincial reserve rich in
fish and wild life, and threaded by in-
numerable canoe routes. Fartiter westIles Idattawa, .
nt of
many expeditiouso into to the big ggaffe
country beyond. North Bay is the
meeting point of three roads with out-
standing attraction. To the south Is
the beautiful lake district leading to
Hospital Night
The. ward is never dark; here patient
Lead not their uight to sweep
Sntoother than feathers over shutter-
ed eyes
In silver fronds, ot sleep.
lYy. •
- c Qtssk,A 6.00
" Knights' " Meaford Flooring
See your 'dealer
Get our prices
It's Goo d
It's Even r' atter
rhe Knight ' fg. & Lbr.C':,. Ltd., Meaford
Call the Police)
ltlons, Uncle Sam remains an over The wealth of the average Anteric
• own boy with youth and its faults has been act at 92,077. My gosh, .somo-
nd virtues in his heart."=Wtlilam!- 0-y been short•citanged!-and howl
lion White. _
"One should prepare for old
uey " age as a telephone in`a storms' "Have you ever been at.
it preparesLyon fol a long j Harrell -"Olt, yes! My wife ocea-
William Phelps,
"Nowadays women cannot be lg atonally calls me up."
Mpored as far as flying is concerned."- Kayo —"They gave Six Second
uth ehSmith a preeent 1t a bathrobe before
"Thosre i15s deep pessimism now bo- the fight last night."
ansa the public everywhere is scared OkaY--"Yeats And he got a. beautl-
tiff.' -Sir Harry Brittain, - fits pair of socks later on, too."
9e man who aspires to' be known
The Simple Things of Earth
Are Loveliest
The simple things of earth are 'dye -
A fire en the hearth, the lamplight's
The hour when the -heart finds peace
and rest,
A mother's lullabycrooned soft and
Special Plant Attention
Advised F'oir 'try Weather
In )tot, dry weather, snob as comes
in midsummer, plants muit receive
some special attention if they are to
thrive. They must be watered and
have available a sufficient supply 01
plant food 1f they are to escape injury
and remain in a vigorous'condition.
In watering the lawn and garden,
ne should not follow the usual prac-
T1ie wayside blossom, tiny woodland I lice of sprinkling it lightly every day.
ahumorist 'lift coustautly be 5001-I Clothes stake rho man iu sent° en-
Fli'Wita t fools all mortals he -myself'
evirotrueuts, but an air mail a amp
g,ominently included.." -Irvin Cobb. doesn't 11081) 0 circular oat of: the
' "The most that we have done in any waste basket.
the is insignificant as compared. with I Mrs. BlabUot-"You're loaning very
hat can be done,". Phomas A 161.1•
'on. - happy this mottling. Have you had
"Charm in women is a variable star good news?"
nd shows different colors at different ltueband has just"Just hail a nervous break-
ertul. My
t mos," -II. L. MeuY,021 own and we're going south,
Speaking generally, one may say that l d
politically America Is always on rho
love." -'-William Allen White.
"There are no such things as 'rim -
Oral rights'; there are only adjust -
outs of conflicting claims," -Aldous
tiuxleY•Lt from th
"Tho reality of experience is far � Moe -"No; -"No; I borrowed
fnore eloquent than all the theories man next door," la it."
nd philosophies on all the tongues ; Joe—oBut yo uean't play
nd on all tate book -shelves." -Benito I Moe -" Neither pan he while I've got
ilei, it,"
"We of the present age know very
We -almost nothing." - Sir James Mother (to little daughter returtilfl
esus, from Sunday school)-"
-_ _- ,tr was your lesson about this morning?""
Canada Rates High Little Daughter -"n man named Sol-
IChinese Industry Mother -"And what did you learn
Winnipeg. - Canadia0 exports to i about Salomon?"
(,Vilna can be doubled and trebled in I Little Daughter -"The teacher said
11, a next ten years, if the Canadian he had 300 wives and 700 ;cucumber
ibwitness men. are willing to invests- vines,"
ate the unlimited opportunities that
auadi0n trade commissioner to China, house
he get anything?"
o is touring Cana ig. ohatltsr! You see,.my wito
Cauadiaus stand higher in the esti- iIarry-
atlon of the Chinese .than. any other thought it was pie."
Iople In the world, Colonel Cosgrave
'aid. The Dominion has had very A guest hurried up to the hotel
wvorable dealingswithfoi theitt-
lndus-uteslto pay Iia b's counter. ill, reach the station,e hal fust ten ti
and board his train.
ho Guest-"Iiang it, I've forgotten
That sings a happy, lifting rounde-
Soft, billowy clouds that drift as in a
• dream,
_The 110811 of dawn, the sun's last
flaming ray;
The, friendly trees that give of fruit
and shade,
The tendrils of the grape-like cling-
ing hands;
O there are scenes more gorgeously
arrayed, '
But these the heart has• known and
Mankind 'has reached the pinnacle of
Has conquered laud and sky and
ocean's crest,
And yet, when comes the heart's deep,
prayertul hour,
He knows the simple things are
-Margaret E. Bruner, in Ave Maria.
Mr. Warburg, a noted banker, says
business revival needs the help of
haps a few sbuy logista would help.
te and not economiste. Por•
Joe -"Hullo! . Bought a saxophone?"
This la a harmful method., It tends to
cause shallow rooting ot the plants.
which makes them susceptible to in-
jury during the extreme hot weather.
It is always best to soak the soil thor-
oughly a couple of times a week, and
if enough water is applied so that the
soil is wet to a depth of several inches
the plants will thrive during the hot
summer Weather.
In worklug in the garden, cultLVattng
and hoeing at this time is beneficial.
because it aids In maintaining the
moisture content of the soil. The gar-
dener should be careful not to work
the soil more than an inch la depth,
DA the tender feeding roots ot MAY
ot the plants are located near the sur-
In hoeing, the evergreen trees
should not be neglected, but the soli
beneath the broad-leaved eyer-green
shrubs should not be disturbed.
"The course of science Is smooth-
er that that of true love." -Sir James
through the famous copper and
t t cool,the radiator should Is very unlikely
guilty 10 meters of great
talus of industry, .r' 1 ' i
h meet would be
aro harder o
b8 Broiled and 00511811 at least 0000 aI illy of 001' sexual irregularity, Call.
pas es
nickel 6011 and skirts the southern
boundary of a district noted for its
variety and quality of fish and big
Undue strain on the steering gear newspapers, adnntrals, genet als, r
is prevented it tlto car is kept slightly Councillors, and Hach, are represented game.
in motion when turning the front as invariably guided by the loftiest
wheels. I public spirit. Whvorld the
begins 101 S' Million Diamond Exhibit
Patience and Humour
Exemplified in Spain
There is a delightful old Spanish
proverb whlcl it is wise to learn he -
tote visiting -the country: "Have pa-
tience, and the mulberry -lent will be-
come satin."
A tiny story illustrates this admir-
ably. Going to one of the treater sta-
tions for a friend's arrival we saw the
notice Chalked up tlttiat the train was
two .)tours late. Atter inspecting the
church and wandering round the vil-
lage in an icy wind for the prescribed
two tours we returned to the station
to find no sign of any train. The sta-
tion -master, lbho regarded us with a
pitying look, was approached. "Was
the train then more than two hours
late?" "Mesdames, the train is seven
hours late," he replied.
"But wily do you put up the notice
that it is two hours late?"
"Ah, that, mesdames -that is to give
a Tittle hope!"
If you have the gift of leisure and
of hunter, Spain unfolds itself to you
as a country of great charm and
character, but there must he no •ques-
tion of rushing through It.
If you have patience your mulberry -
leaf wilt indeed become satin; you will
realize the graciousness and dignity
of the Spanish character and will
taste. the full flexor ot those.
qualities. Indeed hi at few weeks you
will come to agree with the Spaniard
himself that rash and hurry are un-
dignified and, in Spain at least, will et-
tectively prevent your seeing either
country or people as they really are.
-From "Spanish Sunshine," by Elean-
or Elsner..
Character orColor
Failure to koo1) the ear within the 1 goes out into the ♦ t8
white line on the roadway :not only ie 1 see through all these amiable false- Shown at Paris Gallery
0n infraction of the law, but it as a 1100(15, he almost inevitably becomes a
menace to traffic. 1 cynic. Cynicism is the price we pay Paris. -A $6,000,000 diamond exhibit
The 511118 etre should not. be loft on
for a fantastic ethic. Children brought has been dazzling the eyes of Paris-
e the hack of the car too long. It ,-. ,.,.._ I (taus in the Rue do Choiseul at the
Galeria up with a sense of, reality will not
ter to put it to work before tee rubber
have to suffer this shoch� (hundreds of stones made up tato �te neck-
. various sorts ot de -
deteriorates. Ilacos, tini,s
Stop the ear immediately if a bee I Canada Reserves Section IaCeS,eoratons, the exposition Included die -
(wasp flies inside. Driving the car'
and disposing ot the insect cannot be British Industries fair mends in the rough and in various
done without a sting or au acideat•
Ottawa. -It was announced recently 1 stages of cutting for the market.
Drive Blow when forced through a by the Department of Trade and Com I The most gorgeous piece in the col -
partly flooded ' section of the
but merco that reservation of a Canadian I lection was a necklace valued at980,-
This not only gives better tract section at the Birmingham section
01 00001 The pt008s were cut so that c hues instead o they
the in
i Pa ta-
ho s die-
g tris cut
e on dna n
prevents splashing water the British In
Don. equipment, as would be the case has been made by the Canadian Ex cold, fiery light of regalatto
if driving faster. hibitior Commission. The same snace,monde, Also, instead of beteg pierced
_.---4. as was held this year has heed secured'w. like onordinary Baddess, ay their process
'cess )which
'Wasinto the �6hbot"0 and is located in the heart ot
years to the Canadian which gripped into ttequall held minute Ifc hoUbled into his lteigltbor'a gar- Considerable attention has been at. they were attached with tiny
den and djtlplayed a tear in his trona- trGalled iu past
Government exhibit which is the only slots it each diamond ors• ono of its h1nd from the overseas Do.
o etileruishing marls of filo
"I say, 'tSyou
.he.y your
dog's ark'
was"models dteplayed was the stringing .to -
didn't you say- your dog's liarlc� minions and Colonies. ethor..of thirty pert°etiy graduated
was worse that Ids bite?" London 'Opinion: It is said that the unary diamonds bype ec Bast graduated
The" "replied he oh. "for good-
96 trim
em in a single day. The trouble is, method, that of making pia
Then, said the other, common fly is capable ot traveling joints,
nest' sake don't set him bark. He's I it won't, •
just bitten rite'
L, M. Cosgr
ave Harry -"A burglar broke itnv mY
t Lieut. -Col, t a
rt ' hi h use last night"
Nurses Wanted
The Toronto Hospital for Incurables,
in affiliation with Fetalism Hospital,
New York Olt offers a Three Years
Course of 'ranting to 1onng Woman,
having the require( education,- and ,e-
slxetts of becoming nurses. This 000551 -
nal has adopted the eight-hour system.
Tht pupils receive uniforms Of rho
School, a monthly allowance and travel"
lin.' ekplase0 to amd from New trark,
For further particulars write or Nualy
to the euyerintendent.
'glen. It remains only
ital leaders of this country to, ac-
' intt app oachsmade elves with
necessary. byhtthe he1 something. Isere, boy, run up to my
hine5e nature, in order to capitalize,' room -N0, 427-and
27-an see if 1eft my
their present oppor
tunities. pyjamas I've only got five minutes now, Show
• some speed.''
No matter how )well you treat the The boy. hurried„ , In four minutes
orld, you will never get out of 11 he returned, empty handed, and out of
live. _ --
The Bellhop --"Yes, jr,syou left
Eagle lirand...ldeal
for. Summer Feeding
VAGLE lirand•is the solution
JI -4 to the numerous difficulties
surrounding the feeding of baby
in the hotsummer months. Seed.
for free authoritative literature:
'�+ ogle $raalrpa cl
The Bordon -Co.; Lint.
115 George SW Toronto.
Sand tnekce coma bf o rn tt r
mliterature on Infant Feeding.
r. . s, ..... ....
The girls are not `golrig to worrY
about the washout et the cotton Cr.Olt
Ho long as the silly Worms' keep busy.
If some men would spend as much
time doing things as they do in tell-
ing about the things they have done, a
101: Inorewould be accomplished. Few
things are as painful as telling a tunny
story torn person who has no sense of
Ihumor. . An egotist is a Person who
thinks he is 9.0 clever as you think
you are; 11 may all right for people
to love their euomies,'bat it has been
our observation that mighty few of
'om do it.
'Palmy Days"Fora, Monkeys.
A,special "palm house," kept at a
tropical.heat, has been provided at the
London Zoo for the more delicate
('varieties ot monkey and for wading
1'birds from the tropics,
Cheap notoriety is usually a0 ex-
pensive luxury.
Loofas Easy
i• e ability was'.demonstrate dr recently uY members of lith lnntatiuttng Li�lcb.,�ns
itirserehearp of Fir England. These daring equestrians
during a rehearsal for; Aldershot cornruaad horse show at Aldershot, p g ,
-Show 3'ou how easy at is6
ffitii5„C9 y�� Ir1,1�,
even with the house screened.
Hang up Aeroxon-the Ay
catcher with the push pin and
longer and wider ribbon.
Aeroxon is irresistible to flies
because the glue is fragrant
and sweet and will not dry-
;ood for 3 weeks' service.
4t dee& grocery & hardware atones.
Sole Agents
56 £reat S5tt. A East. 'Toronto
;LIP CAT.C;.- Eg
Gets the fly every time s
Natal Advertiser: Lord Willingdon
has said tUat,it Is character not color
that makes a man. This is the one
tact which counts. If you take your
stand on color, then all those quali-
ties which are or may be common to
men of diverse ac ifice;heroistu, virtue,
self sacridee-
become little 'better than words that
, mean. nothing to those who use them.
The vlce.•of the white becomes a great-
er thing than the virtue of the brown;
and the valour of sacrifice of the yel-
low becomes a baser thing than the
self-sufficiency of tate E°roPea:t• But
sppposing that we forget about the
color of a uian's skin, and tv1' think.
only of the virtues of character that
are tievealod by' those who cora un-
der scrutiny. Are we going
that the sun which burns a man black
also makes his soul black, and
le skin
cold which leaves him a;P
makes bis soul white? We all know
that, iu the last resort, the worth of a
man is determined by the- worth of
his sotil.
Magnet Takes Metal From 'Eye
A giant electromagnet > to remove
metallic particles 'from the eye,
been 100010d, to the St. Mary's Hos-
pital in St. Louis. This magnet,
only instrument of its kindin tlie
world, le available to any physician
who may need it for the use 0f Pa-
The d'•' 1 Wool Co. Ltd.
FIRST took Lydia E. Pinkham's
1, Vegetable Compound before
childbirth because I was so weak.
"After taking it, I fele much
stronger. I could sleep better and
I could do my work:
"1 have taken the Vegetable
Compound for eleven years off and
on whenever I need a builder and
1 recommend it." Mrs: Emily
Schindel, Renown, Saskatchewan:
This is only one of thousands of
letters praising this simple, home
who need as! strengthit ener: