HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-07-30, Page 1News+Record Es
878 ' •.
N0. 2529 -53rd YEAR.
ew;:Era Est,' 18665
atches are like geople.
'rimy occasionally need a little '• doctoring.
Tho time to start the doctoring •is right after it is discovered
doc orm g • is
Ii- your watch isn't feeling quite as well es it should bung it
to our. clinic for invalid watches.
We are sure to work wonders with it,
1 -IOW M'UCIH ? :That ,depends • epee how sick your wa'teh
but the charge will be as small as we or anybody else 'can make •it:
Jeweler and Optometrist
Phone 174w and 174
iIidsnniin �
Side Prices Prevail.
tbro�u tthe toe
We are now offering summer
lines at greatly deduced Prices to
Space is quite inadequate to
enumerate every item. We must
reduce our stock considerably
within the next few weeks.
Ladies' Broadcloth Slips in colors
Lrttdies' Fine cotton knit bloomers ,
Ladies' Cotton Hose, grey, white, black and sand
Ail -wool Bathing Suits, to clear at
All linen towelling, white with colored borders, per yard
Prints and Pretty Floral Designs, to clear per yd.
Japanese Luncheon Ctloths in white and blue
Sumner weight corselettes, pink, four, supports ..
Infants' Rubber Pants, extra special ,
Pillow Cases, hemstitched, 40 and 42", pair 49c
d _
loci 's.;Nag Suits
:In +Khaki Beach and- Wit Strips White S rips and Greys, with contrasting
trimmings Reg. $1.25, $1.50 and $7..75. Clearing at .,...
, • These are ideal, suits for Picnics or Camping.
Bob's Cotton Jerse>a)1s
In heather mixture, sizes 24 to 82, Clearing at ego or 3 for 75c
Bogs' Kha ,1 Pant Special at 950
Me 's Work Shirts for' the Hct Weather
In light and dark bines, roomy and well -made, sizes 14 to 17
Special at 95e:
Men's Hose, In Vance Patterns
Special heel and toe. Special.at 25e:
Men's Toe Sox 15c .'or '2 for; 250
Tf you wear a pair of Toe' Sox you; will get'double the wear,
'These Toe Sox are also suitable for Ladies.' Just try a; pair,
Bathing Suits'Clearing at 20 cent a
g per�
a S
" A SQUARE DE ,• "
Wheat, 60e.
Oats, 25e.
Eggs, 9c to 15e,
'`Butter; 20c to 22e,
Live Hogs, $8,25.
It is with many
felt regrets
that the marl; the T emoyai to Tor-
onto of Me. end Mrs. Charles Hawke
erlio have' been citizens ;of Clinton
for- move' than twenty," years. Mr.
and Mrs. Hawke were -of a cheery
disposition and were possessed' of
Unlimited ambition in 'doing little
things foe Caere. They ware,' active
meinbers'.n all branches of .chureh
work in the'Ontario Street United'
church and Me. Hawke' has an many.
eecasions preached: from other pul-
The ntem'bes of the various organs
izations- to which Mr. and Mrs.
Hawke were ever ready to lend' their
esources felt it fitting to make them
small presentations as a token of
their gratitude for services willingly
given and as a memento of friend-
ships that have endured.
Mr. Ilawke had made it a practise
of visiting the Huron " County Home
each Sunday afternoon, taking a
message of love and cheer to the
residents. In this- one respect Mr,
whom he brought a• little sunshin
Hawke will be missed by many toe
in his weekly messages.
There follows a number of letters
from the various 'circles of 15ir. and
Mrs. flawke's activities and they
show the 'sterling worth of this cou
ple who loved to work for others:
Sunday, July 26th. 193
"To our pastor, 'Mr. Chas. Hawk
and Mrs. Hawke: -Our hearts thr
to- a rneaesure 8f pain to -day, whit
listening to the farewell sermon, t
us, of our most esteemed and deaf]
beloved :pastor, Rev, Charles ,Hawke
who has labored so faithfully an
patiently among us ' for so man
years, never omitting the slightes
opportunity of instructing us in spiv
ituai matters which were not elect
to our understanding, and sharin
with us your unstinted, brotherl
sympathy in our times of lonelines
and discouravement, From your own
Christian experience and high ideal
you have helped teeny of us, surely
to rise to a higher and more hopefu
plane of living. Your cheering song
of praise as you entered the Hospi
tal wards' every Sunday. afternoon
with very few exceptions, inspired
the shut-in and helpless one with a
sense of powers renewed, stiring our
latent energies to more active efforts
to help each other in the many
small ways which arise in our lim-
ited sphere of life.
And to you clear Mrs. Hawke, who,
by your charm ' of personality and
kindly helpfulness, so natural to you,
have endeared yourself to all of us
with whom yon could have inter-
course. We can only say of you
what has been said of another fine
woman "We loved her best, because
she knew, A myriad or little kindly
acts to do."
Naw as time is limited and our se-
paration draws near, we will just
bid you a simple farewell and in your
new home we wish you God's Bles-
Now Mr. and Mrs. Hawke, we ask
you to accept this little gift, not for
its value, but as a tittle gift on be-
half of the boys and girls, Mr, and
Mrs. Jacob, Mr, and Mrs, Govenlock
Marjorie and Mabel. ,
Miss Mathers them presented Iltr..
and Mrs. Hawke with a little sum
of money, which the residents of the
Horne had donated "as a token of
their appreciation for their services.
On Thursday 'evening last
f3 a :or -
prise gathering 'was- arranged for
Mr'. and Mrs. Chas: "Hawke by the
members of • Ontario Street Sunday
School Executive at the home of
Mrs. A. E. Kennedy, where they were
presented with a gift of gold by
Rev, F. G. Farrill. , '
Mr. and Mrs. Hawke were valued
members „of the. Sunday Scheel 'and
the regret of the Executive for their•
departure is expressed in th follow-
ing letter which was read at the
lowing address was read• nda gold
piece:. presented by •Tote o Ranorar•y
of the Wiottian's Associa-
tion of Ontario Sttee Tdnited church
"To :Me. and Mia (lZaitvke:—,It is
witn'. sincerest 'regret rtl'iat-the mem-
bers of the'Women's} Associatic
think of your coming` e acture,from
i.41 P
otir midst.
We Feel that we are' losing a mem-
ber whose se zute •
tett the s n he octet
s nev-
er' waned and whose help, especially
in the devotional part of our -meet-
ings, will be. greatly, 'Missed, And
in . Mr•: Hawke our Association . has
had . a friend who was always ready
and willing to lend .a;' helping • hand
_whenever Heerlen.
We ask you to accept this •small
gift as a taken of; tier rernenibrance,
reaelizing ` that it does not in any
way measure our -appreciation of
your work. '
Signed on behalf of the Women's
Association. 111''es, Il, . Plumsteel,
Mrs. A.. McCartney,
The primary department also. had
a_ little gift for Mrs. Hawke who has
given freely of her services in this
department. Helen Pickett reed the
address and Frank Potter presented
15Zrs. Hawke with a fountain pen.
"Dear Mrs. Hawke .The boys and
girls of the. Primary Glass are sor-
ry you are leaving us. You have al-
ways been very kind .to as and we
shall miss' you when we come to Sun-
day School and wonder if you are
helping other little bpys and girls as
you have helped us. W e ask you' to
accept this little gift and the love
that goes with it and we hope you
will be happy in yoer•'new home in
Signed on behalf of . the class.—
Dawn Farrill', DorotiTy .M2rintyre."
o Herbert Clifford '(Lloyd) Wilken
y who was teller in the Bank of Mon-
treal in Iroquois, was killed Tuesday
d night when he wag driving home
Y from a dance in tate Iroquois pavilion.
t Mr. Wilken was accompanied by hit
wife and Mr. and Mrs, Donald Mork -
✓ ley, Just as Wilk -en's car was pre
g paring to turn off ' the highway
Y James Millegan, who was driving a
s car behind them, crashed into them
with fatal results, The other mem-
s hers of the party - were severely
, shaken up and cut by flying pieces
1 of glass, The occupants of the oth-
er car escaped without serious in-
- jury.
, Mr. 'hlerltleywee dieving Mr. Wil-
ken's ear and saki that'he was slow-
ing down in order to make the turn.
Mr. Wilken will be remembered by
Mr, and Mrs, W. • Robinson df.
Clinton, announce the engagement of
their elder' daughter, Muriel `;751„ • to
1.2• '-Charles W, Cole of St..Thomas;
youngest, eon of .Mrs. Cole and the
late.. A. T. Cole of Blyth, the wedding
to take place early in August.
Canon C. E. Jeakins of St, Judea'
Anglican church, Brentford has Neon
appointed rector of St, John's the
Evangelist church in London, Ont.
He Will assume his new duties some-
time iiiSeptember. ,Canon Jealcins
will be .remembered as a former rec-
tor of St. Paul's church, Clinton, '
The death occurred on Friday night'
in Seaforth of George Cook who
was injured last week ill the Bel'
Thresher aid 'Engine Works where
he had been an employee for more
than twenty years.
Mr. Cook was a former resident oe
Cflilton,and was in Ms sixty -lib -41 -
year - He was born in Goderieb
township. •
There are left to mourn their loss
his widow, one sou Ample, and one
daughter, Mary Helen.
The remains were brought to Cain.
ton for 'burial.
Mr. T. J. Managhati is very i11 at
present His many friends hope that
hp will soon' receiver
bfi-. 'IL Wise has been in poor
health for some time but at -present
is somewhat 'improved.
There will be a meeting of the Hos-
pital Board in the Board Room next
Tuesday at 7.30 pan,
The softball team of Lucan will
play the Clinton team Thtirsda'y,
(tonight) at 6.45 p.m,
in the scheduled game of hard-
ball on Tuesday night, Clinton lost
to Hensali, by the score of 5-3.
Miss Helen Manning underwent a
successful operation for appendicitis
last week and is recovering nicely.
Monday has been proclaimed Civic
Holiday and the Council will ;please
'note this, as Council meeting will be.
held Tuesday night.
Mr's. W. J. Plumsteel who underwent
a very serious operation a week ago
in the Clinton General Hospital is
many peoplb in -Clinton. Ile was the recovering and doing as well ai can
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred be expected.
Wilken ei Clinton. The funeral will Mr, as h
eharcllattbz 80 from. Wcsiey- rnttage onDavid RattSoenrburyas street, ht owntheed
by the late A, J. Holloway and which
GRAND'MOTHER'S MEETING the late Mrs. McCartney occupied
An interesting meeting of the
Clintbn branch of the Women's In- 31r. Rose Fitzsimons, who underwent
stitute was held on the lawn of Mrs an operation a fortnight ago to ,the
Edward Saville, on 'Thursday after- Clinton Public Hospital, is now able
noon. It was ,Grandmother's Day and to be home again. Ross will kava
seventy-five ladies were present at to take things easy for some time.
the meeting. Mrs, Kirk, of Seaforth, The St, Paul's Sunday School held
presided. The opening ode was sting it's annual picnic in Bayfield yester-
and was the Lord's followed
11 we a teall repeating day, The usual races and novelty
joined heartily in singdngr "The Map-whiiasticatl�yere by allxied presenttluWhenh nthee-
le Leaf. Mrs. N. W. Ttewattha. ing came everyone voted that it was
ln•esldent of the W. 1. brought greet- the best pienio they had' held.
Ings to the grandmothers, expressed
sympathetically in well-chosen words ' SPORT RESULTS
Before taking her seat she presented .
their hostess, Mrs. Saville, with it , We were unable to get the results
handsonte gift on behalf of the In- of the sports at the Veteran's picnic
stitute for having so kindly thrown last Thursday morning in time to go
open her lawn for Instituto meet- to press. It was inadvertently stated
ings on so many occasions. • Mrs. Kirk that the picnic was held in Jewett%
entertained the company with a hum- Grove. This was an error, the gath-
reading entitled "Sarah Jane
Rebels." This was Hayfield,
was held inClan such
gr haring.
productive of Bayfield, where all such gathex•dng
very much laughter and received have been held:
hearty applause. Mrs, Harriet Lav-
is contributed a solo "Throw Out The i . Results of the • races were: Boys
Life Line," accompanying herself 'on and girls under• 5 years, Mac Mac."
the organ. Mrs, Levis is nearing' the, Leod, Bayfield; John Behr, Iiensall;
four score milestone but her voice, Kenneth, Miller, Clinton? girls 8 years
still rings clear. Ms. McKinley con- and under, Margaret Nigh, .Seaforth;
tributed a humorous reading, "Sant- Mary Woods, Seaforth; Norma Al1in,
antha at Saratoga," '• which elicited McGaw; girls 12 years and under,
hearty aplause. Mrs. (Dr'.) Fowler Evelyn Heard, Clinton; - Lillian
and, Mrs. R. H. Johnson favored the 11,Zuroh, Blmville; Freda Bran
until her death.
conclusion .of a social hour, by Mr. em
0. W, Potter: in
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hawke; --Jt is call
with the sincerest regret that we have feel
Iwaned 'of your 'departure from our
Needless to say, We will miss you
both in our' Sabbath School, espec-
ially in the Primary Department
where Mrs. Hawke will be greatly.
'It is not often that we find .Sunday
School we:kers s . willing and faith,.
fill ' in the discharge of their duties,
but we could always depend on Mr.
and Mrs. Hawke.
Also in our executivemeetingswill
Your places be hard to fill, where
Ur Hawke's kindly, Christian advice
and help was always so thoughtfully
and freely given, in all our under -
We would ask that you accept this
Tittle token of our love: and esteem
and may God's Ptlessing rest With
you both as yon leave us to find a
place iu your new church home.
Signed on behalf 'of • the Sunday
School Executive of Ontario, street
Tinted Churth, Clinton, Oht,, July
23rd, 1931.
Wm. Walker, � 1c
er President,
stl t
Lucile Grant, Setretat y., '
During the same afternoon Mr, and
Mrs, Hawke received another surprise
when members of tlr Woman's As-
soolation called on them and the fol -
pany with a vocal duet, "I Walk London; buys 16 and corder, John
the Garden With. Him" and being Huckins, Gaderich;• R, Schweyer,
ed upon for an encore, rendered Goderich; Lawrence Johns, Hayfield.;
ingly "Somewhere." A reading .boys 12 and under R. H.'Schweye
by Mrs. Frank Glew, "The Cow and Goderich; P1. Lawrence, Sarnia; Car-
the 'Bishop," was extremely humor- son Johns, Bayfield; boys 8 end un-
ous. This was followed bytean in- der, W. Counter, Clinton; Douglas
struinental by Mrs, T. H. Cook org2;R Harness, Exeter; Charles Wood,
and mouthorgan. Gaines were then Seaforth; veterans' 1.00 -yard dash,
introduced; rizeps `being awarded the Harald Allin, Goderich, P, 'Johnston,
winners; Goderich; A. Dickson,' Seaforth; vet-
In`the pumpkin scramble, Mee. R. •erans', horseback race, H. Alin and
H. Johnson carried off the honors; P. Johnston,. Goderich; A, Easton,
carrying beans on silver knife, Mrs, Goderich and A. Brandon, Bayfield;
Geo, Taylor; carrying greatest num- 0. Cook, Clinton, and W. Sangster,
her in given time; horseshoe pitch- Hensen; veterans' daughters unmar-
ing, Mrs. Prank Glew. (This, was t,. vied 75 yards, Thelma AIIin, Gii'd'e-
be expected for Mrs. Glew is an ex rich; Dorothy Steep, Clinton; Eve -
pert, at this sport.) . ;In the oldest lyn Heard, Clinton; veterans'- Wives.
gg'rrandmother contest, Mrs. Lindsay 50 yards, Mrs. Ralph WWillis,'Egeter;
*as an winner easy at 91 ' e
Y years, Mrs. E. Cook, Clinton; Mrs, John
prize for one coming• longest die- Butler, Clinton; backwardyace (led-
tance went to Mrs. Nay, who is vis- .ies); Pearl Adams, Londesboro;Mit•
iting relatives in town, Mrs. Nay Thorns Leepington, Clinton; Dor-
rams by motor .from Souris, Man. othy- Bruestan, ' Londeeboro; baby
having dr'iveri her ear two whole show (under 2 years), Norma Good,
days in succession, She came down daughter of life. and Mrs: Robert
through the Western States and Good, !Goderich; Ruth Bogie, daugh=
Michigan';' biro contest was won by ter of Mr: and *s. Leslie E. Bogie, -
Mrs. De, Fowler. Goderich; Howard Grealis, son
While refreshments, were 'beim, of bir, and Mrs, Edward Grealis,
re a e
p p t d the ladies ,coined in n sing Clinton.,
n, .. •
song of old favorites. This i5 admit,:.
ted to be one of the most interesting The judges were: Mr's, George `1'
Institute meetings held in this come T' orgttson, Seaforth; Mrs. (Dr-) Iifo-
tiiunity. The annual picnic will be' Iotyre, Clinton; Mrs. A,. -,C. Brandon,
held n Goderich et August -27. Hayfield,
Mr. and Mrs,,, Wilbur Welsh and
Miss Lenore note this week moved onto
their faum on the 2nd econcession of
Stanley township, Clinton friends
are sorry ±0 see them moving 6ui:'
are glad the$ are not going too fat
away from the old town.
Baptist Church
The Ladies Aid of the Baptist
church will meet in the vestry of the
church ort Friday et 3 p.m.
St. Paul's Church
Chu rah
The services for the month of Aug-
ust will.be held in the mornings only,
Holy Communion will be celebrated
next Sunday.. d -
Ontario Street united 4:hurcll
The W,A. of Ontario Street church
will meet on August 5th at 3 p.m; •
There will be union services for
the congregations of the Presbyterian
and Ontario Street churches,' during
the coming three weeks. Rev. Dr
Dorgan will have charge, of the ser-
One of the'best baseball games of
the seaeson was played on the local
diamond on Thursday evening in the
second' schedule Huron league, with
Goderich the visiting team. The
score at the end of the 8th frame
was 6---4 in favarc' of the .lake side
nine, and there was not sufficient
daylight left in which to finish 'out
the 9th so the game was called.
Both 'teams played good' ball, the
visitors having an edge over the Io-
cals in fielding. Carrick, the left
hander, pitched a splendid game, and
by the same token so did Brant
though in the 7th he walked two in
succession, but that was a moment-
ary slip.
The lakesiders play a pretty gantr
and the locals are a. close sepnpd.
Following is the line-up in Thurs-
day's game:
' +Goderich—+Nairn, lf, Doak, rf, F,
Robinson as. Carrick p, Fritzley rt.
Lgggette 3b, Sanderson c, C, Robin-
son 2b, Mullough, lb.
,Clinton—Fulford 3b, Melon 21,
McEwen ss, Levis rf, Hawkins 1f
Brant p, Little it, Twyford 1b, N.
Livermore ef,
Umpire—tCantel°n, 'IIe'tsali.
Mrs. WI. C. Brown has returned from
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Woman and fam-
ily have been visiting in town,
lilies Rudd left Saturday to spend a
holiday in Prince Edward Island
Miss Elva Wiltse is visiting friends
in Winnipeg and other Western
Miss Clark is spending a couple of
weeks in Toronto and in Simcoe
Mr. Malcolm Montgomery 'of 'town
motored to Windsor and Detroit
Last Week -end.
Mr. Ross Carter spent a few days
last week with his brother, Fergus
Carter in Detroit, •
Mr, and Mrs. Hunkle and daughter
of Niagara Falls visited their
aunt, Mrs, M, Montgomery. BRUCEFIELD
Miss Luella Montgotnery-epf Seaforth
is visiting her uncle and aunt, M'r•, Word has been received • of the
passing of 'Mr. John MeIptesh of
Toronto, formerly of-Brucefield,
whose father kept" storein the village
for litany year's. ••
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremer are
taking their holidays in August.
Blyth is5pe din a few
Of iia
daye with
her father',. Mr. Sam duct Divine Service in the morning at
Rev, ,
G: Farrill
and farriiIy left on'
Tupsdd"y fur their vacation at Port
Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Zapfe left last
'Saturday tnorning on a motor trip
to the Soo:
Master Bruce. Bartliff has been vis-
n ; Nli•
Nes. g an d .•
IL A.v t
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs: Ross and Mary Jean of
Flanriltonn .are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. G. D, Roberton,
Mrs, Janes 'Ballantyne and son of
Stratford are visiting Mx. and
Mrs, G. D. Roberton,
Rev. F. 0, Farrill attended the fun
eral of Rev. Dr. .7 S. Speer of
Dundas on Monday afternoon
Mrs, Thomas' Herman and., children
are speeding a few weeks at the
Jefferson 'Cottage at Inverhuran.
Miss Doris Doyle of Calgary ,.and'
Mr. James Johnson of Toronto were
week -end guests of Mr, Ebner
' Paisley.
,bliss Lorene Langford has returned
to Detroit after spending several
weeks at her summer home ire
Hayfield, •
Miss Lotta McKellar of Toronto is
spending 'a' Creek of her vacation
with Mee. Gordon Cauinghanie at
Mr. and ,Mrs. Fd. Watson and three
children of Hamilton are guests or
Mrs. Watson's sister, Mrs. G. A.
Miss Phyllis Collyer. of Landon was
in teevn on Sunday and called on
Miss Margaret Plumsteel and Miss
Eileen Runrball. •
Mr. Chas; W. Shipley of the London
Police Dept, was visiting at the
home of his mother, Mrs, Geo.
Shipley, this week.
Mr's. T. G. Allen of Buffalo, New
York, has returned home after a
pleasant visit with her sister,
Mrs. A, O: Pattison.
Dr. Jackson f Philadephia has re-
turned to his duties after a holiday
spent at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Jaekson.
Mr. and Mrs. W, E, N. • Sinclair,
IC.C., and Miss Minerva of Oshawa
have been visiting with George
Shipley and h's mother, at "the
Mr. 0. 0. Martin o,:• Englehart, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Higgins, and Miss
Ferrol Higgins motored' to nettle
Point and Ipperwosh Beach one
day last week.
Mrs, Robb and Miss Kathleen Robb
c£ Stratford and Mr. and Ides. A.
W. Nurser of Regina, Sask., were
weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs,
R. H. Johnson,
Mit and Mrs. Janes Jackson and
Miss Zetta Jackson attended a
reunion at No. 4 schor3 Grey, last
week. Mr. Jackson attended No,
4 in his boyhood .
Kiss Helen Adair, who has been
staying with her sister, Mrs. Geo.
t left
'Fi'iday toovisitt�hee rtbr9
brothhs er, Chas,
B. Adair of Peterboro, Ontario.
Mrs.. J, Sorel and babe. Margaret,
leave to -day for their; home in
Fort William, Mrs. Sorel has
spent a couple of months in town
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
and lvlrs. Malcolm Montgomery,
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford of Londes-
' bora
visited the latter's sisters,
Miss Freeman and Mrs. Montgoin-
Mrs. Harry Weymouth and little
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Rath attended the
Rath family Reunion at Spring -
bank and spent the week -end in
rho vicinity.
Mr, and al ts. Johne Moon and John,
Jr,, of Toronto were in town -on
Thursday and. called on The News -
R enrol, They ' -had been visiting
in Goderich and were on their way
to Londesboro. ,
Miss Margaret Davies, who has been
holidaying at her home in Clinton
for the past month, left Friday
for Chicago. Her brother and sis-
ter, motored her as far as London,
where she got a through train.
Misses Mary, Carrie and Grace Let -
vis returned to Royal Oak, with
their brother-in-law, Mr. G. 'W.
Been,' and will spend the remain
der of the summer with Mr. and
Mrs. Been,
Miss May Whitemanu of British Col-
emb a, who has been.* visiting.
friends in Seaforth, has' beat 'visit•
ing Tii'rs. Wt. C. Brown the past LONDESBORO
• week. Miss Whiteman was for.
nterly .of Clinton and will be ;re-
membered by many here.
Mr. '.and Mrs, G,. E. Hall and Miss
11 a.m. The evening service, will be
withdrawn for the month of August
1111, arta Mrs. A. Petrie of Toronto,
visited at the home 'of the formers
sister, Mrs. R. Allen this week, Mr,
and Mrs. J. Moodie' are visiting
friends in Toronto this week
Mrs. Rev. E. Hs Salvers of Stet -
ford, fotinerly of Bruce te]sl, gasser'
away ,in her 70th year after a brief
illness: at the :home of .her, daughter.
Mrs. Kelso of Port Elgin: Inst, week.
Her funeral• was held in Watford and'
her remains were laid to rest beside
those of ]ter Iate husband, Rey. 1;.
Sewers who passed away six years
ago. She ieaves to enour•t her loss
one sou and three daughters, D. Saw -
cis of Watford, Mrs. Haynie of Cit1-
burry, Mrs. Kelso of. Porti,'Elgin and
Mrs: Burg of Merlin. The sincere,
sympathy of the entire .community it+
extended to the sorrowing family
and friends,
Mrs. J. W. Tamblyn who, has been.
on a two'weeks'. motor tripwith hex
son Will and his wife, has,; returned
Evelyn Hall returned Friday after. home. They visited friends, !n
a ,trip to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Detroit, Munro, Toledo, Leamington,
Hallattending Chatham, the i h am
meeting ex the , 7purlinyton and Amherst-
avv.PA, in Regina the first week buosi
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, Hiles
'Carter and little Miss' Joyce "'were
guests of Mrs. •Carter's, aunt, Mrs. J.,.
W. Tantblyn Iast Sunday:
fin. July they then went on,. {o
Vancouver and Victoria. They vis-
ited a brother of Mr. Hall's at
Melville, Sask., on the way beck. ,
14iles Carle Peolcitt let yes, on Sebes- .':.Miss Gladys Webster of Vendee -
day, August 1st for Wliirnipeg. On .boi•o' visited Mr.. and •Mrs. Fred
her return she will be aeeontoanied Middleton last' .week.' Miss`Mary
r w
110 s
Mrs to
, i W. s a, Mr
Y t mitres:
i Ble-
.ten's- returned hone' yip' her sisiet'
for a weeks visit with her parents,
Mi.'and Mrs, Joseph Webster,
Misses Bertha and Isabel Webster of
by her mother and sista •
T mson and Miss Barbara of
Paris, Ont,, who . have been spend-
ing the summer with relate/es
there. They will return the ]atter
Part o:f August via the is►reat . Toronto are visiting their parents;'
Lakes on S. S. Noronie to Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Webster.