The Clinton News Record, 1931-07-23, Page 1The NewieRecord Est. 1878
No. 2528--53r•d YEAR
e Whether it is something for the shower, or a more -costly pre-
sent for the. wedding: Vire can supply you, •
SILVERWARE—in Tea Seis, Dessert Sets, Casseroles or Pie Plates
Etc., Can noes( be had here at GREATLY REDUCED 'PRICES.
',Golds made byreliable maker s and . Guaranteed
manufacture* and us.
• . both. the
Don't Forget we have a good assortment of plain and" fancy
wedding • rings.
* w�
Jeweler and Optometrist
Phone'174w and 174i
em ar
All to Clear it one-half the Regu-
lar Price.
C h
...� i • '�,•ra� � brae'
These are Clearing Lines previ-
ously marked at .$1.50 and $2.00.
They come in Bright Colors and
Attractive Styles.
Sizes 10.t6 14 years and formerly
priced at $1.55 and $2 50
Bong's Flagg Suits
- In Khaki, Beach and White Strips and Greys, with contrasting
trimmings Reg. $1.25,•` $L50 and $1.75. Clearing at` 95c
These are ideal suits- for Picnics er Camping.
BOWS, Cotton Jersecls
In heather znixture„hires 24 to 32. Clearing at 29c or 3 for 76c
nags' ICha l Pant 'Speeial at 95rc
Men's Work Shirts for the Rot Weather
In light: and dark blues, roomy'and well -made, sizes 14 to 1,7
SPeoial at 96e,
men's Haase, In Panel Patterns
Special, heel and toe; Special at 26 ess
Men's Toe Sox t5c or ,2 for 25C wear a pair of Toe Sox you will get double "the wear.
These To Sox are also suitable for Ladies. Just try a pair.'
Bathing Suits Clearing at 20 per cent off
Wheat; OOc.
Borley, 30e,
Oats, 25e..
Eggs;'9c to 15c. ¢
Butter, 20e to 22e.
Live Hogs,' $8,25.
The Mitchell. Advocate. has the sol
lewing.,in this week's issue; Is this
the "precious bane” sometimes men-
tioned in English ' literature,- and
which is the title of one of Mary
Webbs: most famous boobs?:
"While. on a tour of inspection in
the Township of • Hibbert, A R. G.
.Smith, of New Hamburg, - District
Weed Inspector' for Western Ontario'
found a specimen of the poisonous
weed known as Spotted Covbane or
Water Hemlock. This dangerous
weed was recently respaneible for the
death sof two' cow% 'neer Kitchener.
The plant is eaten -by -Sleek if they
get near it. A piece of root the size
of a walnut will' -kill a cow. The
plant looks like Caraway and- has a
'very enticing smell. Mr." Smith left
the specimen, which is, four feet.
high, in the possession of Mr. Scott`
Weed Inspector for Hibbert"
Froni,a Toronto daily paper. The
reference is to a former :well-known
citizen., of Ilensall and a cousin -of
gm. A.T.:Cooper of Clinton:
"Dr. ,11., Addison ;Sellers, a widely
known Toronto dentist,. died yester-'
day at Toronto Western Hospital.
He was born in Kincardine, and re-
sided in Toronto • for 18 -years. ' A
graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons in.1898, he first
practised •at Hensel. In Tbronto he
had his office at the Physicians' and.
Surgeons' 'Building, and lived at
08 Nina Avenue, Dr. Sellery was a
prominent bowler and curler, a mem
her of the Oakwood Club, and»teas in
the semi-finals of the Toronto Bon -
spiel. He was a member of the In-
dependent Order of Foresters, Huron
and Bruce Masonic Lodge, the Or-
ange order, the I.O.O.F., and the Na-
tive Sons of Canada: .He attended
St. Soluacbia United Church, Dr. Sel-
tery is survived by his widow, a son,
Lorne, and three dalxghter•s, Mrs. E.
,Lowery, New York, and the Misses
Audrey and Jean,"
Misses Norma Streets and Delores.
Harris have taken positions in Toron-
Ma, W, Birtltanan of Stratford is
relieving at the C.N.R. station while
Agent VanHorne is holidaying.
The Clinton Kiltie Band intends
giving an open air concert in Library
Park at eight o'clock on Sunday ev-
ening, weather permitting.
Mr. Morley Jordan has purchased
the King cottage in Albert street and
has already taken up residence there.
This will make a very desirable home,
During the storm ort Friday even-
ing the chimney of Inr. A, Lucas'
house was struck. No great damage
was done but it was rather startling
Mr. Ross Fitzsimons underwent
a sev-ere operation in the local hos-
pital on Friday week but is doing fine
and will soon be out and as good as
new again.
The Clinton Kiltie Band gave ar
open-air concert at Grand Bend on
Sunday last. Those Grand Benders
would hear some good music for
once, to doubt.
We have had a lot of rain lately
but not too much to keep the dust
down on our front street, We
should need a good shower ,twice a
day for that purpose.
Ladies of the local L.O:B.A. lodes
solei tags `'on July llth, before leav-
ing for the celebration,for the bene-
fit of the Orange Horne at Richmond
Hill, to the amount of $45,40.
JULY 23, 1931
The New Era Est. 186k'
Mr, and Mrs. William' <Walker ails
nouuee the engagetnent of their'
daughter, Agnes; to IDR. L. Duane
Willson of Fort WUihatn, son of Mr.
R. Wilson, . Brockville, Ont. ' The
marriage will take place early' in
Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel has been in
the hospital the past week, having
undergone an operation. She le in -
proving rapidly and it is hoped wily
soon be able to return home,
Do net piss your train when going
to London or Exeter,, as it goes ear-
lier than it usedto do. The time-
table on page 2 of The News -Record
gives the correct time of departure
'of trains.
Miss Olive. Giew, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. L. Giew of the Huron
road east of Clinton, has taken .a
position with the London branch 'of
the Mutual' Life Insurance Company
of Canada. -
Mi Herbert Crich and fancily and
a number of families from Tucker -
smith, Stanley and Seaforth attend-
ed the Ashton and Townsend family
re -union at Gerrie on Thursday last,;
about ninety being present.
Several motor cars of the young
people of Ontario street United
church went .to Goderich on Monday
evening to attend the opening meet-
ing of, the .Summer School, • Rev.
•Ifenneth Beaton was the• special
Mr. and Ines. Fred Ford have •tak-
en,, the M',cMerray house in Gibbings
etreet and,will take possoseien short-
Mr. and Mee. Treleaven will
return to Clinton about Aug, 15th.
and will occupy their own residence,
which Mr. and Mrs, Feed .hayo been
occupying. •
A • game between 'Goderich an
Clinton baseball teams .will be played
on the local' diamond Thursday;_
this evening; at 045. the locals .wen
the 1ast:•game'played ;With Winglien
easily, and they are ;hoping to ' win
front Goderich, and a igood crowd' `of
interested fans will pep up their
play- Be there to encourage them:
Miss Mary Ib, Stewart, daughter
Mrs. Mar ..,art Victoria
of y Stwe
street, Clinton, was suceessful in•
passing her intermediate vocal exam-
ination, in connection" with the Tor-
onto Conservatory of Music, taking
first class honours. 'eliss Stewart's
friends- will congratulate her and
wish her continued success, They are
pleased ahvays to hear her sing when
occasion comes.
Miss Stewart is at -present in To-
ronto taking a seminar course' in
physical training. Bite has accept-
ed a position as principal of the
Continuation echdel at Oil
Springs and 'takes over her duties
there at the conimenegment of the
tall tern. '
Special services were held• In Clin-
ton in connection with ,the Salvation
Army over the week -end, when the.
Stratford Salvation. Army Band, un-
der the- leadership of David Hearn
gave open-air concerts" Saturday and
Sunday evenings and Nero also pre-
sent at and took par in the eleven
o'clock and seven -thirty meetings it
the S. A. hall on Sunday.
The Sunday evening.concert was
given on Library Park and inter-
spersed with the music on both ev-
enings speakers, Cept: Ward of the
local corps, and also members of the
band, gave addresses.
The band• also went to Blyth Set-
urday evening and to Bayfield on
Sunday afternoon.
The Veterans of 'Huron County
Arse a fine day for their annual pic-
nic yesterday, when about four hun-
dred including veterans '- and their
families, ' foregathered at 'Bayfield to
enjoy a few hours in each other's
Clear air and a Niue sky reflected
in the blue, beautiful Lake Huron.
augmented by the conveniences of
Jewett's picnic grounds, made a very
satisfactory setting for the annual
event and all afternoon the members
cf the company enjoyed themselves
in outdoor games, swimming, etc.,
the children enjoying the swings.
A fine urogram of sports was run
cff in the sports field, many took ad-
vantage of the opportunity of lake
bathing and those who did not wish
to take part in either found their
enjoyment in watching the others,
The ladies had provided ample means
cf refreshment and not the least en-
joyable was the time spent in dis-
posing of these when supper was
1931 picnic was voted ono of the
best ever held, although some were
unable to take it 'in on account of
farts work which was urgent and the
day suitable for the performance of
A former resident of Clinton' and a
member of an old Goderich townshi r
family died at his home at Bluevale
on Friday night last, in the person -of
Joseph Uhurehill. Deceaseu' was i,
his $6th year and has always been
a Strong, active man• until recent
inontbs, when his strength began tc
fail, This is the forst summer that
he hes not been able to assist evith.
the farm work,
He was born in Goderich town-
ship in 1840, and weis married. to his
now .beeeft wife fifty years ago last.
September. To thein were • born
eight children, four of whom are
still living; Fred at home, George o'
Toronto, ,Ernest of •'Leamington; and
Mrs, William Falconer , of Bluevale
Twenty-eight years ago they mov-
ed to their 'presentfarm, near the
station at Biuevale. Deceased was a
quiet, hr e-1oving
man, and w
ell -
throughout the district' by e
.large circle of friends; and was the
last surviving member of a family of
two girls :and seven boys.
The funeral was held to the
Wingham _cemetery on Sunday af-
ternoon and was • very largely at-
tended, the service being conducted
by Rev, 1V7«r. Mann, pastor of Blile
vale United Church.
Some of those attending the fun-
eral were a number- of the members
of the Churchill fatuity from Cline
ton and Goderich township; Roy
Thomas, Hamilton; Mack Thomas and
Miss, Lavine, Thomas, Woodstock;
George Churchill, Toronto.
Hydro was off almost twenty-four
hours, from. between five and six on
Friday evening until nearly the same
time on Saturday, owing to trouble
somewhere between Mitchell and
Stratford, It is years since we have
had such a lengthy interruption in
service and we found it ratnhee awk-
ward, The trouble was caused by
the eleteric storm, several poles being
damaged between here and Stratford,
The News -Record's electric presses
were silent and we only did what we
had to do on the •hand press, But
the end' of she week is never such
a serious time to hold over work in a
weekly newspaper offiee 'as the be-
ginning. Work that could wait just
had -to be left over.
Ali other wheels, too, stood still
far that period, piano factory, knit-
ting factories, etc, It was something
like a Sunday, except that the Pub-
lic Utilities people had to resort to
She old gas engine to pump water
and the violent'explosions in connec-
tion with this old-fashioned method
gave the impression that the town
was being bombarded. They became
a bit nerve-racking as the clay wore
All business sten who use eleitrre
(refrigerators were much ineonvenien-
eed and the restaurant men had to
have ice cream sent in late inthe
evening for the late trade. The bak-
ers, too, had to depend upon the old
method of mixing bread, the electric
mixers' standing Ale the while, The
old ,saying to the effect that .one
"never( misses the water till the well
goes dry," might be very aptly ap-
plied to Hydro. Nothing .like the
noiseless, Clean white power svhiob
m evera wn•e and sloes our
'work so swiftly and efficiently. When:
a community once oxncziences the
comfort and utility .of electricity it.
will Over go gladly'baek to the use
of any other mode of power.
Miss Olive 'Watkins .was home from
Hamilton' over the week -end.
Miss Linnie Nediger returned yester-
day, after a week's visit in Toronto;
Mrs. Runcimen of Stratford is vis-
iting this week with Mrs. C. J.
Miss Florence M;eLaeghlin of Toron-
to is the guest of Mr. and Mis.
Frank Fingland,
Miss Ruby Irwin and Mrs. Chowen.
who have been , visiting. at Selby
have returned home. '
Mrs. J. Torrance and Miss Maud
Torrance are spending a few day
itt Bayfield this week,
Mess Christina Colquhoun of James -
teem, N.Y., is visiting this week
with relatives in Clinton.
Mrs. Carman MiUyavd and little
daughter of Grimsby are visiting
the lady's sister, Miss Stone.
Dors: Phillilrs and children of Auburn
are visiting at the honte of the
lady's sister, !'Irs, Fremlin,
itfr. Pilhnan has retui'zwd to town
after spending a few weeks in
Woodstock and Port Burwell.
Misses Isabel and Alice Beattie of
the Vogue left this morning for a
--visit at their home at Watford.
Mrs. A. M. Chalmers of Regina,
Sask.. is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. .1. B. Lindsay of town.
Masters Bob and Gilbert l'fcllveen of
Bcwmanville are visiting their
grandmother, Mrs. F. incIlveen of
Mfr. Jack Gibbings, who is taking a
special course at Toronto Univer-
sity, spent the week -end at his
hone in town.
Mr. and Ales, Jim Chowen and babe
of Stratford spent Sunday at the
home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs
3: G. Chowen,
Mr. and Mrs, John Pletcher of Chat-
ham visited at the home of their
cousins, Sheriff C. G. and Mrs.
Middleton, last week.
Mrs. McTaggart and Misses Cather-
ine and Janet, who have been
holidaying at Bayfield for some
weeks, have returned home,
Mr. and Mrs. Little of Chatham and
Misses Alice Pickett and Norval
Fisher of Detroit visited Mrs. Mar-
garet Pickett over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Colquhoun o':
Staffn called on the former's sis-
ters, Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs, Cor-
, less and Mrs. Fitzsimons, this week
Master Jack Rumball of Ottawa, who
has been spending a week or so at
Bayfield, is now with his grand-
mother, Mrs. ' Clara Rumball of
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Mothers and fain-
ily; of Essex, who are spending the
summer at their cottage at Kintail
visited with Mr. and. Mrs. B. J.
!Gibbings yesterday.
Mrs. Keith Thompson of Saskatoon
is visiting her father, Mr, Hii•am
Hill, who has been' in poor health
since he was in an auto accident
several weeks aga.
Mrs. W. F. Cantelon and her son, 1VIr.
• Wilfred Cantelon, and Mr. and Mrs,
Edwin Brooks of Toronto and Mrs,
J. E, Brooks of Mitchell visited at
the home of Mr, A. Cantelon on
Mire and Mrs. S. JI, 14verteore and
' 1VIaster: Bialy and Mr, D. N Mc•
:Gregor. of Aylmer and Miss Eva:
Pratt of Courtland are the guests
for ten days of 'Mr. Livermore's
patrents, Mr., and 'Mrs. James Itiv-
ermorc.' •
Mgr. Janes McCreary of :Brantford
called on. friends in town .this
week, 'Mr: 'McCreary spent a part
of his boyhood in Clinton and will
be remenihered by many here. Ire
has been; with the Hydro people at
Branttorcl for scute time: "
Mrs: J. X:''Fa%r£ull of 'Toronto came
up yesterday to visit Clinton
friencos'.. 'o few .
ii afwwee ks'Ctipt
r•fttl who i e t '
ra t 1, t s 'ins poor.under
the Old" Ago Pensions Board, oras:
been working out froin • Clinton for
' some weeks and will be 'here for,
some time still,
AMVI:ONC THE CHURCHES I health. since last fall and her death
Fresbyi:eri:rn Church was not entu;ely uenxpeeted, Mis.
urnet was'a eousm of i17r. W. lVlar-
Union serssees con'tinne' in this 'Beuis pf. the Baseline, Gcdeitch town-
chuzch' on (Sunday, Rev. F. as Fax , ship, ' •
in charge... The minister's morning ' isles. Burnet was epee. in Pickering
subieet will>be "The 1Vlirage.Shall Be- (-township, being a daughter of the late
come a Pool" Evening:."A See}•et Stillwell` Phipps. When she; was•
of Great Living—Be Still and:Know about ten years of age the family"
That I, am od:' ;came to Goderich, township and sh0
Tho church was Vied 'almost to -epent her girlhood• and young wolnan-
capacity on Sunday morning last, the hoed hero, About twenty-five
evening congregation not being so years ago she Kent to Toronto '`and'
large, no doubt no , accoutit . cf the fifteen years' ago was united in mere
extreme heat, The church choir was xiage tc iter now, bereaved 'husband..
a.seleted in the morning by Mi : Reg' . ''She is survived also by, three brothers
Fisher 'of, Goderich; who contributed
and a sister: James Phipps of Mani-
a solo, and in the evening by M>'hs tvlta; Stillwell of Saskatchewan•
'Snider of Brucefield; Who also ren George, who had been staying with;
dered a solo, her in Tolerate -and Mrs. Frank Swai-
m/yews', WINS FROM WINGHAD4 low i,f Bowinanville.
Mis, Burch' and babe ' of Detroit'
Last Friday evening Clinton easily. ;have been visiting the lady's patentsi
defeated Wingham. in the half of .first game' ;Mr, and gra Z. Mulholland,
in the second
t7 t • he bas 1.
eba Mrs. D. Ward and •little dskughter
df Elmira were recent guests of the
,former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V.
Cudmore, .
Rev. J. W. Herbert occupied his
awn pulpit on •Sunday; after a short
etay in-1VIuskoka,. where. Ids• family
are•summering, He will return fer a
couple of weeks about the middle • of
August, d• "
A'Ir•, anMrs. J. Ii, Lowery, well
known hereabouts, Mr. Lowery hav-
ing taught school here and Mrs.
Lowery being a sister of the Misses -
Proctor of .the village, have taken
up their residence in Toronto, 'Mr.
Lowery, who has been school print-
eipal at North Bay for a. number of
years, is ietiring from his profession
and will reside in the city.
Miss Helen Macltlnth ie visiting
her aunt, Ws. Maude Campbell of
The LawOnt.n soci-under the auspices
of the Holmestzlleal United church was
held on the lawn of Miss Acheson on
Tuesday evening. At least, a begin-
ning was made. The tables were at-
tractively set and the good things
gathered together and a couple of
tables were served before the rain
came, Then it became so threatening
that it was decided to adjourn to the
cheroh and ttueks were brought and
everything moved over. It made at
lot of extra work for those at the
head of • the affair and a few, per-
haps, had' to wait a little longer fig
their supper,`"li'ut the ladies, with men
as willing and 'efficient helpers.
soon. had tattles laid in the basement
dress was read and Mr. Hawke was and all who came were well -served:
presented with a gold piece. The After the supper a play was given
minister, Inr.'garrilt, presided at the bit the church by the Bluevale young
little program, Miss Holes Swan people, the programme being much
read the address and Mitts Powell ' enjoyed.' The proceeds amounted to
made the presentation: about $65 09, the threatening stato
"Clinton, Ont,, July 15, 1931. of the weather no doubt keeping.
Dear 1tir•. Hawke:—It is with great many from attending.
regret that we learn of your depar-
ture front our midst. You have done GODERICH TOWNSHIP
so much for our Society during all '
these years that you will certainly ,Messrs. et Murray and G. Mason of
be greatly missed. We cannot really Constance and Mr. and Niers. wen
express .in words the loss that we Pickett and family spent Sunday at
feel. You have given us Query (coli- Bayfield.
schedule by the score of 8-;1
Clintan • has had their .: team all
changed around and if they,get out'
there and play ball' they should.wir
the second half of the„schedule. '
"Slim” Brant was in the box for
Clinton and he pitched ,great ball. Of
the flet six (nen tip he struek, out
four and it wasn't ,till about thr
fifth innings that he allowed a hit
at all. The game wasn't what you'd
call a good game, as Clinton had it
all over the visitors still thele were
a lot of good plays on both sides.
The local boys are getting rather
poor support front the fans and with
the teas( they now have they deserve
better, Everybody should be out to
see the next game: The 'locals are
a pretty snappy team and will give
you the worth of your money. '
At a recent meeting of the Girls!.
Club of Ontario street United church
Mrs, C. S. Hawke. was presented by
thein with a irandscane new United
Church hymnary, This was followed
by refreshments and a nice social
time, Mrs. Hawke has shown herself
really and twilling at all times to as-
sist the girls in any way possible
and this was their opportunity to
express appreciation infer to her
removal front town.
At the Young Peoples' League pies
nic the opportunity was taken to ex-
press to Mr. Hawke their appreeia
tion of his untiring interest and as-
sistance to them. The following ad-
ershin possible and WAS ever anxious ; Miss Bary Thomson of Howell
the League work should be a has been engaged to teach in 5, S.
success. Your spiritual leadership No, 11.
willr remembered a »een longest its Miss Marion Middleton has re-
value has been written uponn our' turned home front Goderich where
aearts. Wo wish you every blessing she has been attending the Chau-
ancl God speed. Signed Huron hint vh. tauqua.
President, Isabel Pickett; Secretary." Miss Shirley Beacon Nilo has been
spending her holidays at her home
on the Bayfield line, has returned tc
Toronto, '
Miss Bessie Chaff of Lambeth has
Golf and Country Club yesterday of visiting relatives in Clinton and
ternoon, having been postponed -last vicinibeenty.
week on account of the, vet weather, •Sir. Erland Betties has returned to
brought seventy-five entries and Toronto' after spending three weeks
proved to -be a very pleasant affair.' with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos
The postponed men's Golf Tourna-
ment, which took place at the Clinton
The following is the list ief
'Best gross, 18 holes: IT, A. Bruce,
Stratford: -
Best net, 18 helot: W. 13. South-
gate, Seaforth.
Best. gross, 1st nine: C. S Lloyd.
Best net, 1st nine; Dr. W. Aber -
hart. Mitchell.
Best gross, 2nd nine: W. S. Mills
Best net, 2nd nine:' J. W. Jowett,
Putting Contest: A, C. 'Dodds,
Bayfield. 2nd: W, Chmie; Listowel.
Birdies: W, Elliott, J. D. Coghill
J. A. Schinbein, E. 3. Hingsh, 'Dr,
Reid, H. A. Bruce, W. A. Kibler, `
The event brought out a grea'
crowd . of spectators as well as com-
petitors, and the links was a busy
place all afternoon, many following
the players over the grassy slopes of
the course, it was an ideal day for
the tournament, the finest in weeks.:
as the air was fresh after T'uesday's j
storm, and the afternoon was thor-
oughly enjoyable.
The Ladies' Auxiliary provided tea
and refreshments in the afternoon se
the piayees came in from their
It was the largest affair ever un-
dertaken by the Clinton Golf and
Country Club and it turned out 'so
succe(sfully that pro'liably the stem
bars will not mild staging another
such event, `
The death pacurred in l o,•onto' on
Wednesday of last • week of Mrs.
Janes P. Burnett, who was formerly
Mlary: Jane Phipps' of ,Goderich toWn•'.
ship, member
of a..we 1-rlw
family, The :funeral tooklace or
.f+'riday afteinoon from her late home
`'Symington Avenue, to Mount Hope
Cemetery Galt.
isles. Burnet had been in .failing.
The Porter's `Hill ball team played
a genie with the Stratford Rotary
team en Tuesday evening, the Strat-
ford boys winning by a score of 15
to 11, On Thursday evening they
'played a return game. the , Porter's
Hill team winning by a score of 12
to 7, Porter's Hill has a snappy ball
team, and they aye always ready to
meet any teas( Who wishes to try a
Ori Tuesday evening last week the
Men's' Clirb mitt with a good atten-
dance, when Dr. Gallon( of Goderich
had kindly consented to give a talk
'on '"Wiest Aid." The De. is a very
fine speaker and he kept the audience
right on their• toes all the way-
aythrough. The, club is very foi•tunat
to heye• a , busy ,man Iike the Doctor.
• tone and' give them such e, splendid
Mr. Allen Betties had themisfor-
tune to have lzis,7arge` cistern in -the
barn blown up by a lightning bolt on
Wednesday evening.
The following is the classification
of pupils of S. S. No. 10 for the
terns beginning Sept, 1, 1931: .
P --Promoted; It -,-,Not Prontota
Sr. 4th -Steep, Gladys, R.
Jr, 4th—dtathwell, Eleanor, p..
Clef?. Wland;k, p.
!Sr: Srd--'Colclough, • George p;•
Wlelsh, Helen, p; Middleton, Margar--
et"p;' Switzer, Earl p; Townsend..
Btily,r;_ Steep, Melvin •.p.
'Jr.' ad-,-Switzer,-Eva l5;' Rohner';.
Murray :p;' Rathwell, Arnold p; Mid-
dleton, Kathleen p;, Thompson,.
Frank p;-Schoenhals, ;. Stewart r::
Switzer; Lawrence r.
Second—:Steep, .,Albert p;''IToiiner;
Be.rtha p; Steep, Bernice r.
asst --,Thompson, Helen p;. ' Mid-
eelletone Ted p.
r, t Crai a Aibert" r
Teddies dIes
ton; Phyllis p; ltabhwell,
Robert, p;
Switzer," Merill, p;, Craige, Samuel p.
.Number on roll, 26,
`--•JElsie ,t 'Blackhall,