HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-07-09, Page 8lesesamialassammusimassamissamoil TIE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, JULY- 3; 1-93,).' CLINT.ON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE 'hese are lazy; lays. it means a I call to the out of doors. :So pieltMek-. ing we go: Paper .:plates, :(ups, nap- kins and::doilies are a convenience and an economy. A new colbured cup in package of 8 for 10e, celephare wrapped will give a dainty touch to your table. Those with defective eye -sight use up 40 percent, inose energy doing the sane work as those wih perfect vision, Hence the losses to industry through defective eye -sight is alarming. Does it pay to employ help with defective vision. See to it that they have theireyes properly tested and fitted •before employing them. • –We can do it scientifically and fit you with the lateststyle' frames. Into our marketplace comes what we regard as a notable value to claim the attention of scanning eyes and discriminating buyers, namely, a three-piece nest of fern pots, small but ornamental, :the small' size is a- bput 2t/a" square and 3" high, med- ium size, 32 square and 31/2 high, and large' size 4"x4"x4" the ground colors are green and yellow and each has a floraldesign on one side. Pric- ed per set of 3 pieees, 50e.. e� Seasion 1 v "r Prices r11' Celebrating lorions Twelfth Ql graduate ,yf Toronto College of Ontotnetry. Next Hovey s Drug Store. Jeweller' and Optician • These r Cas h 4, READ OVER THIS LIST OF SPECIALS EVERYONE IS A MONEY SAVER .MEN'S ODD PANTS, well -made :and :a big. Bargain 98e pair STRAW HATS, at -19e and a clearing line at 15t each SEE OUR, PINE STRAWS at 750 (They are worth $1.00 and $1.25) - MEN'S NAINCHECK COMiBINATIONS, regular 75e line • To Clear at ,. 49c suit MEN'S FINE WHITE HEMSTITCHED HANDKE'1tCHIEFS • Clearing at, 2 far 15c MEN'S FANCY SOX per pair 15c OVERALLS AND SMOCKS, heavy blue with red back, elastic brace and well made clearing at $1.19 DON'T FORGET OUR FINE SHIRTS at 95c WE ARE ALSO GIVING CLEARING PRICES ON TENNIS AND SPORT SHOES TO CLEAR. YO'CV WILL FIND IT SAVES YOU MONEY TO GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. Plumsteel rose Buy now what you do need, but don't buywhat you :don't need, It will help loosen up money, put idle •men..to Work, promote prosperity, which cannot live on hoarded money. Get in the push and you won't need a pull, is the idea. We are one of two. community pur- chasing agents fur the new United Church Hymnary, of which there are five editions. A consignment of Pottery is just to hand. Each piece an expressior of refinement and modeled in an at- mosphere of art. Odd shaped jugs, tea pots, biscuit jars and vases, the shapes and finish of many pieces are exceptional and carries with them the prestige of elegance, IN OUR FRUIT SECTION Large Water Melons from 49c up Musk Melons 15c 20c Bananas 19c to 29c Oranges doz. 29c and 35c New..Beets, Carrots, Beans, Tomatoes and Peas .. Grape Fruit Salada Tea lb. Red Rose Tea lb. Sifting Tea 1b. Red Salmon Pilchards 3 for 25e 540 54c 25c 25c 19c Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins 25c The W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Beat New Dates, 3 lbs. New Apricots, lb. New Prunes, 2 lbs. Sherriff's Jelly, (with Ball) Loose Cocoa, lb. Rice, 3 pounds Tapioca, 2 pounds Soda Biscuits, per pound Assorted Biscuits Pleasall Coffee, per pound FRIGIDAIRE Breakfast Bacon, pound Peameal Bacon, pound FRESH MILK DAII WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY 2 CAMPBELL'S TOMATOE SOUP EXCLUSIVE DEALERS, "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" Campers Orders Packed and Delivered to Bayfield . CLINTON'S BIG CORNED GROCETERIA Phone 48 25c 15c 25c. 3 for 25c 19c 25c 25c 15c 19c 29c 25c 30c Y 19c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails ;rr xae;rrr� AT REAL Savings IN PRICK Dill Pickles, 5 for 10e Sauer ICrauc, 4 lbs. for , 25e Square Bologna, per lb , ,. ,111c IL Made Sausage, 3 lbs. 50c N,MMade Head Cheese, lb. 10c Wciners, per lb. 22e Veal Stews, per Ili: 12c Smoked Cottage Rolls, Ib. 220 P. M. Cottage Roll, lb, ...20e Dry Salt Pork, Ib. ' 18e Schneider's Bulk Lard, ib. 11e Picnic Hams, smoked, lb180 Ccrned Beef, per ib. 12e Shortening, ]b, prints, 2 for 25c CHOICE VEAL AND LAMB.BEEF AND PORI{ IN STOCK KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY C NN LL. Ac TYNDALL, " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. 01..0' Atm{Q0=0' '0=0) CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF ELECTRIC PLATES AND RANGETTI IRONS, NSf TOASTERS AND SUPPLIES 4 . . 11 0 °ITT FORGET OUR 25e /dunked ails 11 SEE OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN COUNTER ° SUliLPiO(, PERDUE PLUMBING HARDWARE, ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w *0210 O=0. —0 1\'Iair Family Reunion A Pleasant Event The second annual reunion of the Mair family was held in Kincardine park, on Lake Buxom, Saturday, June 27th, and ' was favoured by good ea e and wasan outstanding sic - w weather dg cess. There were about 80 persons present. the early descendants of the family came from Iiowick, Scot- land, The oldest surviving member of the family, is •Gilbert Mair, of the Huron road, west of Clinton, who is. in his 85th year, but was unable to be present, owing to illness. ' Guests were present from ,Chesley, Desboio, Clifford, Kincardine Clinton, Ldn desbore, Goderiob, Detroit and the district surrounding Clinton 'and Chesley. The afternoon was spent in games, ;E orseshoe was enjoyed by the ,older 11 0 0 0 men, softball by the younger set and many enjoyed bathing in the lake. After: tea was served the guests were brought to order and in the absence of J. Mair of Collingwood, George Mair of Desboro acted as president and it was deckled to hold the next annual plank at Kincardine. as itwas about the centre for ev- eryone, . the. last •Saturday in • June. The officers 'were then appointed. THE "WAY. Cr nib, i, WORLD An AIWA:al'ism, who has lived in Canada a year, wins the Diamond Sculls and is 'a Canadian—in the newspaper head lines. An English, Man lives in C$.3ada b0 years, brings up a fancily,, but is not a Canadian In !the 'tams, 'It's 'a queer Worta we live hint-- 'Ail :was igirupirs. on�i I tmie Ili ome. ._ wunuon Miss Agnes Walker of Kingston is home for the holiday Period. Mr. Gordon Lamport of Exeter vis ited friends in town on Sunday. Writs Elizabeth Ford of Oshawa is visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Lawrence of town. Miss Eileen Atkinson is visiting a college classmate in Kincardine this' week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips of Sarnia were in town last week, coming for Dominion Day. Miss Cruickshanks of Windsor has been visiting Miss Fannie Waldron the past fortnight. Mr, and Mrs. Hall Farnham have been visiting the foimer'•s mother. M'rs. M. Farnham of town. Mr. James Keane of Saskatoon Sask., is visiting his sisters, MU - nes Elizabeth and Nellie Keane.' Miss OIive Glew has returned to London after a week's holidays spent at her home east of Clinton Miss Lulu Crich of Toronte is spending a vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iddc Crich. Miss Margaret Cndmore has gone to Stratford to take a summer Nom- inal course in kindergarten prim- ary work. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crich of Saska- toon, Sask. are visiting at theboni of the former's grandfather, Mr Herbert Crich of sown, Miss Aileen Stephenson of Brussels; who spent the past week as the guest of Miss Margaret Cudnore, has returned to her hone. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Cress and son, Roswell, toe u motored d P from Kitchen- er and spent' the week -end with the former's mother, Mrs. Folland Mr. and Mrs. E. Gross and two young sons of Toronto arrived this week to spent' the summer at their summer home, the Gunn home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell and lit- tle son of Calgary arrived on Mon- day and are visiting at the home •of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Ford, Misses Winnie and Sadie Draper and their sister, Mrs, A. Morrison, of St, - Catharines' are visiting at the ,,home . of their parents, M%. and Mrs. R. Draper.. Miss Kathleen McKinnon, who had been visiting her grandmother. Mrs, J. Johnston of town, left last week to take a summer coarse at, the University of Toronto. Mrs. Collins and her son, Mr. Frank Collins, Strathroy, 141x. and Mrs. Frank Butter and little son, Jack London, and Mrs. Butler of Toron- to were guests on Sunday of their cousins, Mr, and, Mrs. E. G. Sa- ville of Clinton. Mrs. j. G. Ohowen, Miss FIorence Cuninghatne, Miss B. F. Ward Miss Alena id Stone, Miss Ruby Irwin and Miss Dorothy Cantelon were week -end guests at the sum- tier home of. Dr. J. 0, and Mrs, Gaudier at Southampton. Misses Isabel, Jean and Alice Me - Gibbon of Los Angeles, Calif., are the guests of their aunt and uncle. Dr. J, fir. and Mrs. Gaudier. They will accompany the iGandier fam- ily to their summer cottage at Southampton the Fend of the week, Mrs. J. E. I3erron of Winnipeg, Man.. is the 'guest of her uncle, Mr. W. C. Brown, ITnron street. WIT. Brown. who has been ill for some Weeks is now improving and his friends hope to see himi soon able to re some his usual activities. Mr Brown 'Is missed these fine sum- mer days on the bw cling green, BRUCEFIELD Mr. and •Mrs..George Forrest of Landon have been renewing old ac- quaintances in Brucefield this week. Miss McCully spet a few days at the hone of Mug, J. Broadfoot in Tuckersmith last week. Hiss Eleanor Snider, left her home in the village for Kincardine where she has accepted a position as or- ganist in Knox Presbyterian church. The best wishes of her many friends are extended to her. Mr. John 11111 and son of Moose Jaw are visiting friends in the vil- lage and vicinity this week. Mr. ani Mrs. Jas. Hill and family of Strat- ford spent Sunday at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. J, Cornish, •Miss Violet Petrie of Sault $t. Marie is spending her holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Allen, Brucefield Lodge I.O:O,F., will hole its annual decoration service at Baird's cemetery on Sunday after- noon, July 12th, at two o'clock. HOPE CHEST FOR HOSPITAL The public is asked to keep in mind the annual appeal of the Public Hospital in the early fall. The re- gular bazaar is being planned in the form of a White Elephant Sale, An tigue or Curio Shop, also Homemade Baking, Candy Booth, etc,, the weer of October 12th. An interesting feature will be the sale of a "Hope Chest", which will be displayed and tickets sold before the Hospital Week, The Chest will contain beautifu' and useful articles and it is hoped that many both those at hand and also out of town friends of the hos- pital, will contribute either money 01 gifts to help fill up the chest. The -Board -is very optimistic that many will respond to this appeal, ar under the present financial condi- tions it is difficult for the Hospital to be maintained. ' The other features of this wee] - will be developed later. All wishing to donate to the Hope Chest or Whit, Elephant Sale kindly notify Mrs. H Fitzsimons or 'Mrs. Geo. Roberton, It's Hot. SO ' WHY BAKE • •We carry everything in the ling of Baking ' of the highest quality. And, Oh, we forgot to tell you that the old Therinose filled with Ice Cold Vernor's from our fduntain makes the most delicious and refreshing drink to take on'picnics. BARTLIFF & CRICH Clinton, Grit., Phone No, 1 ST, HELENS Mr. Callum Cameron of Detroi' spent a few days at the home of his brother, John Cameron. Miss Mabel Woods and Miss Dor- othy McQuillian left on •Monday for Toronto to take up a summer' course Miss Vera Woods, who has been home from Toronto, left on Sunday to spend a week at the lake at Soutl antpton. Dr, G. W. McGregor, Dr. WAD, Mc- Gregor and Mrs. McGregor ani' daughter, Mr. John McGregor of Chi - cam also Mrs, Chas. Campbell 01' Philadelphia are visiting with Mrs Geo. Stuart at present. Dr. Alvin Woods left last week for Hamilton General Hospital, where hr will spend a year as an intern. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cranston ani' family, also Mr. Harold. Hyde were up from Strathroy last week -end. Mr. Gordan Cameron, who has beer out west for a number of years, has returned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Barbor•n. Misty Dorothy Barham, and Miss Gladys Hillis spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. R. J, Woods. • Mrs. Philip Muller and son Welch- man, arrived from Germany to ioir Mr. Muller here. We welcome their to gur community, ae Yon some times want . a Cake, Cookie or Pie which is different some tasty piece of pastry which is new and tempting. Visit our Bakery where you can have many delicious varieties to choose from. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE:— Every Kind of Pastry, Quality Bread, Delicious Candy, Foun- tain Drinks, and Ice Cream. Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY— Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" EA D PIIONE 68 SPRIN6 TIME AND PAINTING TIME Why not start in now to refinish your home? Use Martin-Senour 100% Pure Paint and Varnishes for Inside and outshle toe. , airy our Quiekote Enamel for a Brighter Kitchen Our Floor Enamel ' in all shades is just what you want to put the fin- ishing touch tp any room. T. Hawkins ret HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 IN CONTEMPLATING YOUR NEW douse Furnishings --We have the stock of Furniture that is bound to please as it's all new and up-to-date and of course, the prices will suit you too. We are putting on a special display of Marshall Mattresses this week so don't fail to see it and you will be surprised at the values. We have a large assortment of Verandah and Lawn Furniture, SO you may enjoy the fresh air in the hot weather. A great big stock of Lamps—any old price you wish to pay HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Wo have a good line of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools of all kinds. Screen Doors and Windows, and Screening in all Widths. ELECTRIC PLATES AND STOVES AND COAL OIL STOVES Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co, WATCH OUR WINDOW SPECIAL FOR WEEK -END WE SELL THE ]3EST FOR LESS I'. & 0. Soap I 10 bars , . 35( ;Orange Marmalade ( 40 oz. for 290 Kellogg's . All -Bran ,21e Chateau Cheese ... 19e Minute Tapioca, 3 pkgs. , 25c Benson Corn Starch 12c McLaren Fruit Punch ... 25e Siiced Pineapple 2 tins for 2'i ,Green Giant Peas Each .. 19c' Fray Bentos i Corned Beef 19c' Carnation Milk, small, 3 for 100 Carnation Milk, Ige., 2 for 25e Clark's Spaghetti, per tin. 10e Aylmer Catsup .. . ,...13c MEATS Cooked Ham, per lb. 25e Breakfast Bacon, lb, 25c Cottage Roll, Back Bacon, Bologna, Special for Week -end. LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR WORK -END. Kindly phone your order early for an early delivery J. T. MocliNIGFT & SON PHONE 111 CLINTON, ONT. o.arwvaw0.11444e010+,..44,+..,..0 • FULL LINE OF albino.Goa e i s Bathing Suits Golf Sets $1.00 to $2.75 $3.00 to $5.50 DAY CLEANING OR PRESSING OVERCOAT OR SUIT, $1.50 DAMS Cc HER NI AN •Veteran Tailors Phone 224,,