HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-07-09, Page 44
einaerasvoissameemer eimmiesommur rr
as Prices
are helping lowerthe cost p g t .o e osfi of living
Your Dollar goes farther when
Buying from Us-
y g
Let me Give you an Estimate
e t mate
On any of those rooms that you have to paper
or paint, as I have a large assortment of papers to
•choose from,5c to $2.00 a roll.
Try a can of four-hour enamel or varnish.
Let me tell you how to fix up that bath room
with oil cloth and paneling.
A phone call will bring -the books to your door.
I sell paper whether hanging it or not.
Phone 234
Painter and Decorator
Jonteel Face Powder 50c
Change Purse and Puff, All for 50c
Jonteel Combination Cream, 50e and'2 Beautiful Wash Cloths
All for 60c
Above Package are full size, and the goods need no recommending.
W.S.R. Holrnes, Phm.B
CLINTON, ONT. '2t:eJamxc Z Store PHONE 51
News from Beautiful Breezy Bayfield.
The Blue Wlater Highway, about
'a mile north 'of the village, was the
scene of a motor accident on Sun -
,day evening about a quarter to ten.
Dennis Dueharme, delving- an Essex
Coach, collided with a Ford A 1930
Model roadster driven by R. Arm-
strong throwing the .latter off the
road. Both Wren were from Detroit,
There were two young women and a
young man in .the car besides Arm-
strong, It turned ever once with all
the passengers in it. Although the
ear is., a total wreck the occupant
escaped with minor tuts and bruises.
Dennis Dueharme was found guilty
by Magistrate Reid of 'Goderich on
the charge of reckless driving.
Miss Betty Brandon returned hom
after spending a few days with Miss
Helen Howard in Goderich.
Miss Dorothy Siebert and tiered
Agnew of Detroit spent the weekend
-with the latter's grandparents; • Mr:,
-and Mrs. Henry Weston. 1Vfr. and
Mrs. Weston accompanied them on
their return to Detroit to be present
at their wedding which takes lilac.
on Saturday.'
Mr. and Mrs, Elton Schnell`' re-
turnee to Detroit on Saturday' after
having spent a couple of weeks at
their cottage, "BelleVue." Mrs. Lnins-
den and family of. Detroit are. now
"occupying it,
Mrs, R. D. Pearson and family of:
Royal Oak, Mieh., are •ocqupyimg Mc.
Donagh's cottage.
Dr. and Mao. E. „.R. Lewis ane
Miss Dora McMahon—vett/reed to To
• ronto on Monday after having spent
• a week with Dr. and Mrs. N, W
•Woods. Mrs. ' Wioods accompanies'
t'tthem 'to Torento where ' she will
^spend a few days.
Rev. and lire. R. M. Gale and Mis'
e Gladys were at Monkton on Friday
attending the induction of their son.
Rev, Jas. A, Gale, luta the United
church there. Rev. D. Mills of
Stratford conducted the service,
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown of Clin-
ton Iowa are at their cottage in th•e.
village, •
Rev. Chas. Mustard and family of
Toronto are camping in Thornton
Mustard's orchard:
David Dewar left last week to
spend the summer at a boys camp at
Sundridge, Ontario.
• d4Irs. Hogan of Toronto and Mra
Savage and babe of Detroit are the
guests of Mrs. Thornton Mustard.
Mrs. Frank V Martin and family
of Detroit are at their cottage
"Boulder Lodge,"
Miss E, Sulzberger of Detroit is
the guest of Miss Norma Brown.
Mrs.. R. C. Pitt and two sone.
Douglas and. Albert of Essex, axe
spending a couple. of weeks inthe
vicinity, Stanley township, 'while the
boys are camping on their lot, on the
The ,Girls Auxiliary of Trinity
Church held a weiner roast on ;the
beach on Saturday, • After tea,
Misses Thelma and. Clara Perkog
were presented with W. A. pins, the
presentation being made by /Wary
Widceombe, the Secretary, while Lucy
Woods gave an informal address
Thelma and Clara expect to go tc
the Canadian West in the near futur•
so whilethe affair was the annu»' •
treat for the members itwas also it
the nature of a farewell to the two
girls who have been faithful workers
of this little band. The remainder a'
the evening was spent in playing
games and community singing a-
round the fire.
bfz'. Will Cameron. has returned tr
the , village after having driven tc
Detroit with Miss Mildred Cameron
Miss Helen Cameron of Detroit. is
visiting her sister, Miss E,. Cameron
Mr., and Mrs. F. 0. Neelin return
ed to the villago_on Monday afterTARVIA HAS BEEN APPLIED
having spent a /reek in Seat'orth,
Rev. and Mrs,. R.,11. F. Gairdner:
and MissBetty Gairdner of Wash-
ington, Pa„, came last week to' spend
some tune at the family home in the
village. -
,Mr. and Mss. C. McKinnon have/
came to spend the summer .in camp
on the flats on the north side of the
Mr. and Mrs. Furter and ,'babe of
Huntsville motored to the village
last week to visit Mrs, Purter's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. W1, J. Stinson.
M. and Mrs. A. D. Barr of Wi d
The county, workmen graded'; up
the centre portion of Albert' street
art week and on Saturday put on
tarvia and gravel; It is conceded
that they made a good Sob of it .but
they .certainly used a much heavier
coating' of gravel than the town was
wont to fuse. The road was brushed
after the gravel was put on. The
own authorities are considering the
doing of the sides, also Victoria, for
which the county takes no respon-
n -
sor are occupying' K, Moorbou'se's
cottage. 1 •, • A very pleasant jitney tournaznetdt
The Choir of the Ontario Street was held on the bowling green or
United Church, Clinton, enjoyed ar Monday evening, a large number of
outing at Bayfield on Monday. Af; bowlers taking ;part. The players
ter partaking of a dinner at MisF were divided into two: groups, 'the
Ndrah Ferguson's they played games junior and thesenior players, ..and
in tho Square. Mr. F. J,. Rogerson took first prize
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dynient' and in the senior group and Mr. R. J,
two daughters of Tordson Mich.Miller,
second. In the junior grkoup
spent the Week -end with -Mrs. Dy Mr. A. Knight won first prize and
tnent's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs, 3, Tip. "Mr. V. Loughlean second,'
peg'r The Club is planning to hold week -
Misses •' Ruth, urge' s and Jeer ly jitney •tour•nanients 'duringthe
Fisher, Master: George 'Fisher and
Mr, W. Grierson of Waterloo spent summer, each Monday evening, as
Sunday with Mr, and Mis. F. A. Ell they seem very popular.
Miss Lola Elliott, Mr, ID. Hoecroft
of Detroit, and. little Rosemary Mil
ler of Mt. Clemens spent the week-
end with the former's mother, Mrs
M. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Ian McRae of Strath-
roy 'spent the week-encP with the lot
ter's aunt, MTs. M. Fraser: Mrs. A
G. Elliott of Lucknow is the guest of
her sister-in-law. •
Mrs. McDonald and Mr. 'earl Mc-
Donald of Windsor are visiting. Misr
Maude McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. I. B.' Smith of Ham
ilton are in Doig's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Sangster of
Toronto are 'occupying J Pearson's
Mr. and Mhs, W. J. Kerr of Walk-
erton spent the week -end with Mrs
J. Davison.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Corbett and
family of London are in H. Stinson's
Misses G. and E. Rankin of Strat-
ford, Mary and Jim Rankin are at
their cottage,
Master Bud Johnston of Goderich
is visiting Ms aunt, Mrs. E. R. Wes-
AMr. and Mrs. W. D. Sinclair of
Stratford are in Jowett's cottage in
the village.
Rev. J. N. Gould and family of St
Thomas are occupying a cottage in
Jowett's Grove.
Dr, Best and family of London arc
in a cottage in Deer Lodge Park,
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Manners, Mr.
and Mfrs. R. Ashton and family of
London are occupying their cottager-
ottagerin the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McConkey of
Montreal, Miss Margaret and Joe
McLennan of Stratford are at their
Mr. Percy Parker and three sons
Charles, Herbert and Jack, and Miss
Grace Johnston of Nekoma, N. Dak.,
arrived on. Monday to visit the for-
rner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
At the morning service in the
Church the- ladies
quartette of the Seaforth Presby-
terian cfaurch choir will render spe-
cial music. The evening service is
at 730. Special music.. Dedication
services to be held on Friday at.3
o'clock, err. Cuthush of Exeter will
be the soloist on this oeeasion.
M. and Mee. Lloyd H. Schell and
fancily and Mrs. Horvat of Detroit
are spending a few weeks at the home
of Me, and Mrs. Alfred Austin.
M''. and Mrs. Alexander McConnell
of Varna, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Margaret Eisler
to Mr. John Wilkie Argo of Toronto
youngest son of the late Reverend
James and Mrs. Argo, the marriage
to take place the latter part of July,
(Recieved to late for last week)
Dr. and Mrs. Harvy Reid spent
the week -end at their , cottage in
ir. Bayfeild.
.Mr.Charlie Rathwell spent Sunday
in Sonthwold.
We are 'wry 'to report IVTxs, Robert
Armstrong had the misfortune to fall.
and fracture her leg, we hope for a
speedy recovery, •
The A. Y. P. A. of Bayfield, Varna
and Middleton held a Young Peoples
Service oe Sunday evening in the
Anglican Chutche Varna which . was
very successful.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Taylor are
visiting in the community,
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mossop and fam-
ily spent Sunday in 'Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Clarke and fam-
ily of Winthrop spent Sunday in
the village.
Miss Ruth Elliott is spending a
couple of months in Hayfield.'
Messrs. S. R, and Brodgen Mac -
Math spent Sunday at Strathroy.
.Miss E. Churchill of Toronto vis-
ited Mass Altallnda M',sCartne:y re-
Mr. G. H. Jefferson of Clinton con,
ducted the church service on 'Sunday,
.Rev. 3, W. Herbert .being on holi-
days. Mr. Jefferson is always wel-
come in IIolmesville.
Mr, H. Harper of Toronto was a
recent .visitor, with his niece, Mrs,
Proctor Palmer.
Baying operations have commenc-
ed in this vicinity.
The Halmesville Suday school in-
tend leaving their annual lawn social
on July 21st, on Miss Acheson' lawn.
Patient: "Is :the boater in?"
;Attendant: "No he stopped out for
Patient; "Will he be in after
Attendant: "Why, /no, that's what
he went out after.-.-;l3osfon Trans-
Mr. J. T. Turner fell through a
trap door in Mr, Holmes' barn while
assisting there- the other day and
cracked a couple of ribs.Although
the accident did not result as serious-
ly as it might have done, the result.
is painful enough and "Jack" is
"walking delicately" these days in
Mr. E. W. Morrison. of the other;
side of the town happened with an-
, other sort of an accident on Sunday
when a long and heavy iron bar,
which he used to prop his been doors
fell on his head while he was adjust-
ing the doors, almost stunning hint
Fortunately the thing did not strike
a vital spot or the rest/it would have
been more serious.
The Liberal -Conservative Mao -
dation of South Huron ,met in Hen
sail yesterday afternoon, an en-
thusiastic gathering being present.
The old officers were returned:
President, Col. H. B. Combe, Clin-
ton;' vice, Mrs. wan. Consitt, Hensall:
secretary, R. Higgins, Hensall; treas-
urer, G. C. Petty, Hensall. •
The principal speaker vas Hou. T.
L. Kennedy Provincial minister of
agriculture, who gave a very inter-
esting address. Mr. Kennedy stres-
sed the need of concentrating o'
quality, rather than quantity in
farming operations and the need of
reducing the cost of ,production. It
was described by one man present
as,a "very sensible sheath", so it ev-
idently appealed to his own common
Kr. Geo. S•potton, M.P, for North
Huron, and Mai. John Joynt, ex-1YT.
P.P. for North Huron, were also pre-
sent and spoke briefly.
Amongst those from Clinton wh'
were in attendance were: Mr. any'
Mrs. w • S. R. Holmes, Mr.. and Mrs
N. R . Trewartha, J. A. Ford, R. Dra-
per, H. Me,Brien, A. Castle, G, Fl.
Elliott, Mr, Perry, David Cantelon
W. J, Cantelon, Geo. Cantelon and
Guy Hicks.
Miss Marion Gibbings has accepter'
a position on the teaching staff in
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter Line
daughter have taken a cottage a'
Bayfield and left yesterday to take
Rev. Dr, Hogg was inducted into
his new charge at Strathroy •on
Tuesday evening of laetweek, the ev-
ening of his arrival in. that town.
Mies Lois leanly, the small daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mao. Fred Hanly, had
the misfortune to fall on the side-
walk a few clays' ago, breaking- her
Miss Doris Durnin, who taught at
Prague last year, has accepted
position on the staff of Central
school, - Goderich, for the coming
Ontario street. United church choir
held their annual picnic at Bayfield
on 1VMnclay and report a very pleas-
ant time. Miss Ferguson catered
for the Party,
Rev. A. A. Holmes, owing to a
:faulty brake, had an overturn into
the ditch on the gravel road the
other day. Fortunately he was alone
andescaped unhurt. The car was
Mlle damaged also.
Mir, and Mrs. Harry Veneer e£ Hain-
ilton visited in town last week,
Mr, H. S. Tuner has returned *ore
a little holiday trip to Bermuda.,
Misses Margaret and Mae Davies
are camping 'at Burks this, week.
Master Fred Hovey is holidaying al
the Cuninghame cottage at Bay-
field., .
Miss . Margaret Huston of Goderiel'
visited Miss Isabel Biggant during
the past week. •
Mr. Jack Gibbings has gone to To•
ronto to take a specialist course at
the University.
Mr. Bud 'White of Niagara Falls is
spending a few days with his an
ele, I'I¢'. W. 3. Biggart.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McRae of Lander/
were in .town last week, coming up
for the Dominion Day sports.
Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Greig of Toron-
to were in town Saturday on their
way to,Bayfield .for the week -end.
Mir. and Mrs. C. McKinnon, who have
been visiting the latter's mother,
Mrs, J. Johnston, have gone to
theircamp at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunbar of Sarnia
and Mr, and Mrs, Rabt. Dunbar of
Lambeth visited friends in Clinton
nn Dominion Day.
Mr. Edward Rorke left Monday to
take up the study of several sub-
' jecta necessary 'for entrance to
Mr. Fred Wallis brought his wit'p and.
childirp from New York last 'week-
enil, leaving them here with rela-
tives for a holiday. He returned.
. to 'New 'York the beginning of thc,
week but will return later ;for n
longer stay,•
Mrs. % C. Lovett returned' on Sunday
after a six weeks' yisit with her
daughter, . Mrs.' •Gordon Johnston
of St, 'Catharines.
Ms', W IS, Rorke, who has ,been
teaching up north, arrived homy
on Saturday' but left -Monday for
Toronto to take a summer course'
at the University:
Mr. Allen of the Collegiate staff wag
in town en Sunday and assisted
tho Wesley -Willis church ehoir at
the morni'eg service.
Miss , Cathleen Cuninghame is this
'w'eek the guest of Rev. Dr. and
'Mrs. C. E.:Dougan at their sum-
mer cottage at Kintail.
Dr., 'P
and .Mrs.
Hoare and Gordon,
Grace and Ruth motored up to
North Bay to 'visit Mrs. Hearn's
- cou'sin, Miss Ricker, this week.
Prof. W. A. and Mrs. Anderton left
Tuesday to motor to Montreal,
where they will take the boat on
• (Saturday for a vsit to the British
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of Detroit
visited' with the . latter's mother
,Mas, H. Hagler, and other friends
in town over. American Indepen-
dence Day and the Week -end.
Mr. and Mis. R. L. MacEwen of
Montreal are visiting with the• lat-
ter's mother, .sister and brother,
Mao. S. Agnew, Mrs. 0. Phelan
and Mr.' Morgan Agnew of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lucas and son,
Ralph, of Brantford, visited the
former's parents in town this week.
They have. now gone on a trip to
Vancouver, B.C., motoring all the
Ma' Frank Mcllwaine of Gelert came
up and spent the week -end as the
guest of Mrs. Carrie Jervis.' On
his return on Monday he was ac-
'companied' by his wife and child,
who had been speniding a' week
with the lady's mother, Mrs. Jery
Mrs. Clara Rumball has returned ofd
ter spending a few weeps' holiday
with her son and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J: Rumball of Ottawa.
Mrs. Rumball and Mr, and Mrs, R.
J. Rumball attended the Telephone
Pioneers' convention in Kingston
on Juno 19th.
Miss Gwen Holmes, who haseen or
the staff of Hatfield House, a girl's
school at Cobourg, has been at the
home of her parents, Rev. A, A.
and Mrs. Holmes, Wesley Parson-
age, the past week and left Tues-
day on a trip to St. Johns, New-
foundland, where the Holmes fam-
ily cause froth originally and where
a married sister resides.
Mr. R. G-. Bunter oe the staff of Mc-
Gill University, Montreal, is holi-
daying with his mother in town
and later intends going to Bay-
field for a few weeks. Arrage-
ments for a Government survey
this summer had to be set asi'jc e
owing to financial reasons, so that
Rob is having the first real holiday
he has bad for some time.
Alderman H. Street Strum
and ' Mrs. r
and daughters, Misses Margaret
and Dorothy, of Kitchener spent
Dominion Day as the guests of
Mt. and Mrs, H, W. Gould of
town. On their return they were
accompanied by Mr, and Mrs,. W.
Gould of Detroit who will spend
.some weeks with them at 33
Homeayood avenue, Kitchener,
Mr. Arthur Cantelon spent the week.'
end in Windsor and Detroit and
was much interested in the air
pageant held at Windsor on Sat-
urday. He saw a plane which had
been invented by William Hunter,
a son of the late William Hunter
of Stanley township. Mr. Hunter
died before his plane was perfect-
ed but it has been taken up by a
company and is now being menu.
.factored for sale.
Mr. George Scales, a hail and hear-
ty farmer of this district, passed his
81st birthday on Sunday last, • Mr.
Scales is not only active physically
but is alert mentally. Congratula-
tions are extended and the hope that
his good health may continue,
Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Johnston
spent several days last week at their
cottage at Bright's Grove.
Rev, Wna. and Mrs. Fingland of
Niagara Falls are at the home of the
fos•mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J
Fingland, where they will spend part
of their vacation. They also expect
to take an extensive motor trip
through New Ontario.
Mr. and. Mrs, Watson and family
of London are visiting at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. C. Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fingland were
guests at the home of their son, Mr
and Mrs. C. Fingland, Walton, last
Quite a number from here tools in
the garden party at Walton last
Friday evening. They. report .the
program one of' the•best.
Mrs, Mains, who has not been, en-
joying the best- of 'health for some
time, is, We are glad to say, improve.
ing, though slowly,
Mr. Dick Wood of Stratford, vis-
ited at the hpn•.te of Mr, J. G. Cart-
wright and family on, the 1st, leaving
Miss Phyllis, who is visiting there
for a longer holiday.
Mr. A. Lyon of the teaching staff
of Kitchener Public Schools, has 'ar-
rived •home and will spend his Vaca-
tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
W. Lyon., ' '
Mr. E Grey of Palmerston teach-
ing.staff is spending' his holiaays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Grey of the 13th concession..
Miss Jamieson of 'Toronto .arrived
at the home of her parents, Mr, anus
Mrs. A. Jamieson, last Week and wi1J
remain` for her holidays.;
Theregular monthly 'Meeting of
the W.M.S. amt at the home of her
and Mrs, A. Jamieson Wednesday
afternoon.; There c: was an exception-
ally large attendance and all those
who took /fart hi the program de-
serve credit.
Misses Mary and 011ie Moon ere
at. Guelph ;taking'a summer course
at the O.A,C.,
Mr. and M/s. Edwin' Adams spent
Saturday in Goderich, They were
accompanied by IV/r. and Mrs. E, Ad-
ams and Lloyd.
'The regular meeting of the W.I.
was held in the cornmenity hall on
Thursday of last week. Meeting was
opened by singing tlee ojteltipg vele,
folioieed by the Lord's Prayer in
unison. Mao. E. Adams, the recently
appointed president, was in the
chair. Minutes of last 'fleeing were
read by the new secretary, Mzs.:.
Bert Brundson. The most important
Business was the planning eor the
annual picnic, which is to take place
at Bayfield' on Thursday afternoon,.
July- 3 30th.
A. Wells resigned
the office of treasure/. and Mrs.
Percy Mapping was appointed to
take her place. Miss D, Little and
Miss R. Venner treated the audieece
byt contributing yoeal and guitar
music, which was enjoyed; Mrs. M.
Manaiing read a splendid paper' -on
The "Relation di the Home to Con.
munity Building." A salad tea was
served by six of the ladies which
was enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mire, Thomas .Caldwell. of
Port Colborne, who have been visit-
ing the former's ,parents, Mr. and
Mao. Robt. Caldwell and other friends
have returned to their home,
Mr, Carman Moon, who has been
attending Westervelt 'Business Col-
lege, London, is spending some holi-
days at the home of his parents; Mis.
and Mrs, George Moon.
Mars, W. Allen and Mks, R. Town-
sendwent to, London on Monday
morning and will be away for a
couple of days. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tamblyn of Toron-
to spent Msisday with his mother
and left for Leamington on Tuesday.
They were accompanied by Mrs. 3.
Tamblyn and Miss E. Lyon,
The annual Lear picnic was held
on Monday afternoon at Goderich. A
large number of- the clan gathered
and had a pleasant time together.
Mr. E. Johnston is brightening up
Mr. James McCool's house with a
new coat of paint.
Mr. and Mao. James Elsley have
returned after spending some weeks
at the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Milton Hooper of St. Marys.
The sale of home-made baking held
by the ladies of the W.A. on Satur-
day was quite a success although
they could *not meet all the demands
They will try to supply •the wants of
their customers each Saturday and
wish to thank all who helped in
any way to make it a success.
(Too late for last week)
On Wednesday, June 24t1t, a large
number of the members and their
friends of the Women's Missionary
Auxiliary of Burn's and Knox Uni-
ted ,Churches met at the home of
Nelson Lear at a tea held in honour
of the members of the Baby, Band,
and their mothers. The president
of the W.M.S., Mrs. Wesley Beacom,
presided, and also read a paper on
"Christian Motherhood." Rev. Mr.
Forster gave an address on "World
Friendship for Babies," and Mrs.
Forster spoke on "Mothers and Bab-
ies in Heathen Lands." Others con-
teibuting to the program were Mrs.
S. McVittie and Misses Ena Parsons,
Leah Rapson, Edith Beacom, Helen
McGregor, Helen Johnston and. Wil-
ma Shepherd. A delightful social'
hour was spent afterwards, when
coffee, sandwiches and cakes were
served and later oranges 'were dis-
tributed to all the children.
Last Sunday morning at `tire re
gular church service at Burn's Uni-
ted Church a solemn and impressive
ceremony was performed by the pas-
tor, Rev, J, C. Forster, in setting
apart Messrs. Simon McVittie and
Leapold Wat as elders of the con-
gregations, and inducting them into
the sacred office,.
Miss Dorothy Lee of Toronto ii
spending her vacation with her aunt.
Mrs, John Scott,
Mr. R. 'trodden of California has
been visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert
Scott and Mr. Scott, also other re-
latives and friends in the vicinity.
Miss Margaret Mitchell, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mitchell, en
tered Goderich General Hospital on
Tuesday, commencing a course as a
nurse -in. -training.
Mr. Marshall Faegan has resumed
his duties on Rural Route 5, after a
convalescent period, owing to an op-
eration on his . foot, the result of
frost bite,
Miss Mary Robertson is visiting
with her sister, Mrs, Edward. Fisher.
Mrs, Norman Kes•nighan is visit-
ing relatives here for a few days.
Me, and Mire. Duncan Crawford of
Flint, Mich., returned .to their haine
on Sunday.
Rev. Wns, Moore of Brussels spoke
to the Presbyterian group on Sunday,
taking as his sermon subject the
prodigal son and his elder brother,
Mr. and Mrs. John Walter and Mr.
and. Mrs. Allan McManus and fatu-
ily have arrived to take up residence
here, awing to drouth in their section
of the west.
Rev. W. J. Patton began his neer
pastorate on the Benmiller United
church charge on Sunday last.
The following pupils of Miss Win-
nie Howson, A.T.C.3f., were success-
ful in passing their ' piano examine -
tons: Miss Helen Shaw, (intermed-
iate); Miss Sarah' Hewitt, (senior).
Congratulations are extended to both
pupils and teacher.
The funeral of Joseph Lawson, a
citizen of Auburn for over sixty
years, was very largely attesided, a
tribute to the esteem in which he was
held in this community. The de-
ceased, a son of the' late Anthony
and. Sarah Lawson who came from
'Yorkshire, Eng., was born in Gode,
rich Township on the fare/ west of
the one now occupied by Andeew
Shepherd of the Base Line. As a boy
he' attended the public 'school at Sutn-
merhill and came to Auburn when a
boy of 16 to learn' the blacksanithieg
with the late Robert Down, who not
only taught hien the trade hat later
gave hint hid daughter 1Vfary, in mar:
riage. After 'completing his trade
here Mr,. Lawson established. a
blecksmith shop at the corner of the
11th ceneessieni see Hullett and the
Base Line which he named Palestine,
and which was Tater operated by Me;
Way. Later after living in Clinton
and. Summerhill for several years he
returned to Auburn and for a long
period owned and operated the black-
smith shoep just north of the hank
which he later converted into a livery
and • feed stable and which was des-
troyed' by the fire last fall. Being g
good, mechanic his services were al.
ways in demand especially in con-
nection with the repairing of agricul.
tural machinery at a time when mod-
ern welding methods were unknown.
In later life when the found his trade
too strenuous and being always fond
of horses he established a Braying
and teaming business. Being very
fond of children several were nearly
always in his company and he sel-
dom made a trip without• having
some small comrade with hien, Of a
kindly and accommodating .nature
he performed many tasks gratis, for
those needing assistance. • He'was a
Member of 'the Independent Orrer
of Foresters.
The deceased always enjoyed good
health until three years ago when he
sufferd a paralytic stroke. However
he recovered' and again was able 'to
enjoy going about until about two
,months ago when he suffered an-
other critical illness,. His only daugh-
ter Clara, Mrs. W. Moore of Cobalt
was called, to his bedside but after
a month his health again improved
and she was able to return to her
home. Mrs. Lawson predeceased her
husband by about twenty years.
Since that time he made his home
here with his only son, Edgar, where
he peaeefully entered into rest on
June 28th,
The funeral was held from his late
residence to 'Ball's cemetery being
conducted by Rev. T. W. Goodwill of
Knox Presbyterian church, assisted
by Rev. W. J. Mortimore of Knox
United church and Rev. L. V. Po-
cock" of St, Mar'k's Anglican church.
The pall bearers were: Geo. Hamil-
ton, 0. E. Erratt, W. T. Riddell, Ro-
Dodd.bert McGee, Jaynes Mitch, Wllliani
'Phe deceased is survived by one
daughter, Clara, Mrs. W. Moore of
Cobalt, one son Edgar, Auburn, one
sister, Mrs. Alex, Leach, Hullett;
two brothers, Robert, Hullett and
Luke, Clinton, also three granddaugh-
ters and one grandson,
Those attending the funeral from
a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Will
Downs, Toronto; 1VIr. Robert Downs,
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. George El-
Llison and daughter, Florence, Toron-
to; Mr. John Clark and Mrs. Mary J.
Gormley, Pickering; Mr. Fred Law-
son, Toronto; Mrs. Alex. Casemore,
Belmore; Mr. and Mrs, Will Sparks.
Kincardine; Mr. Gordon Turnbull u i and
daughters, Parkhill; Mao. Alex. Shaw,
1Vliniico and Mr. Earl Downs, Toron-
(Received too late for last week)
Those visiting here on Sunday and
aver the week -end were as follows:
Mr. and Mrs, Walker of Toronto
with Mr. Alex. McKenzie; Mr. and
bfrs, A. M. Rice of Ayr; Mr. and
Mrs. Mayhew and family of Leam-
ington at Wm. Straughan's.
Miss E. Washington, who has been
teaching at Depot Harbor, is horse
for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mcllveen and
family of Bowmanville are here to
epend the vacation with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Asquith.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor left
on Wednesday on a motor trip tr.
Kentucky for a couple of weeks.
Mr. Eugene Dobie, who has been
teaching at Etno, is home for this
week but leaves for Toronto where
he will be marking papers for a week
or so.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the celebrations at Goderich and
Clinton on the holiday.
During the month of June • there
were reported to The Workmen's
Compensation Board 4,860 accidents,
as against 6,307 during June a year
ago, and 7,676 during June of 1929.
There were 32 fatal accidents in Juno
this year.
The total benefits awarded amount-
ed to $511,712.95, of which $4.14,624.-
78 was for compensation and 597,-
088 22 for medical aid.
This brings the total benefits a-
warded during the half year ending;
June 30th to $3,131,715.58, as com-
pared with $3,718,968.77 during the
corresponding period of 1930, and
$3,991,646.78 during the sane period
of 1929.
buying the first six months of
1931 the accidents reported nnnsbered
25,988, a decrease of 10,365 from the
number for the same period of 1930,
and 15,528 less than the number for
the corresonding period of 1929.
The fatal accidents for the six
months' period were as follows: 1931,
167; 1930, 283; 1929, 225.
The average daily benefits award-
ed . for the half year were 820,880,
with an average of 785 cheques daily
Mr, Hoary Jackson, Blyth, spent
Sunday with his uncle, lien Fred Nett,
Miss Isobel Foa•bcs spent a few
days last week with her sister Mrs.
Norman Tyndall.
Miss Edith Stanbury of Port Con-
nington, Muskoka, is krone for the
Errs. Walter Swinbanls is visiting
her daughter, Mrs, L, Knox this wee
in Hullett.