The Clinton News Record, 1931-07-02, Page 8TIIE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, ALLY 2, 1931• CLINTON'S LEADING J.LWELE ?'Y :STORE etiffe Those with defective eye -sight use up 40 percent, more. energy doing the same -work as those wih perfect vision. Ilehce the. losses to industry through defective eye -sight is alarming. Does it p'ty to employ help wit defective vision. See,to it that 'they have their: eyes properly tested and fitted before employing them. . We' can do it scientifically and fit you with the latest style frames. k a JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of OI"ltometry Next Hovey's Drug Store.. Jeweller and Optician 1 FI4r C i TCS. • - t af ie -yd WIDE LINOLEUM. Reg. Price, Our Price . PRINTED LINOLEUM, 2 yds. wide •Per Yard . ..1.... FLOOR OILCLOTH, any width • Per Square- Yard . LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM and IrLL AT BARGAIN AXMINSTER RUGS, 27x54. Regular Regular $4.50, For TAPESTRY -RUGS; 27x54. Regular $2.25. - For... REXOLEUM MATS, 18x31 New Patterns, for .,...,....,. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN •MATERIALS ALL HOUSE FURNISHINGS AT REDUCED ' 0.00 REXOLEU1V PRICES. $55.001 . S... 'iifW t4 e�'�+•.J- 0,20 $1,50 50e RUGS For 53.95 $3,19 $1.45 15e OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES TO CLEAR lumsteel Bros. EIiCLUtilVL+'s DEALERS, "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" AT REAL... O Savings.' IN PRICE Sandwich Ham Loaf, per ]b 40e. Macaroni and Cheese Loaf 30c. Fray Bentos Corned Beef 25c Mine -made Head Cheese, 2 lbs. for 25c Square Bologna, par lb. 18e Dill Pickles.5 for ,..10c Y? • , It r ; , a, Smoked Cottage Rolls, ]b. 20e P. M. Cott. Rolls, lb, , .. ,18e Dry Salt Pork; Ib. 18c Sehneider's pine Lard, in 20-1b. pails . ,$2.1.5 Breakfast Bacon, piece ...21e CHOICE . VEAL AND LAMB.BEEF AND PORK IN STOCK KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CON ELL & TYNDALILI " Ct.,INTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. :rr ..I!1 STOCK g to $14.00 0 BARGAIN g CALL AND SEE OUR OF LAWNMOWERS o1 PRICES -RANGING FROM $5.00 DON'T FORGET OUR SPECIAL COUNTER 11 STJTTER,& PER UE 1 11 PLUMBING -BARDWAItE, ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w • ROLMESVILLE had been reengaged as teacher for • . the corning year, left on Monday for her home in Teeswater. ' A meeting of the Sunday school executive was held Monday evening in the school -room of the church tc consider ways and means of raising funds for the •coming year, as the strawberry festival, an annual affair, ,f; former years, was not given this year. • The Junior League and• Young People's meeting of the United Church, have been canceller] for the months of July and. August, BIGGEST 'NOISE OIS 1; N "So Joe was the life of•the patty,'? "Yeah, He was; the only one' who could talk louder fh-an'the radio,"- Life. Rev. W: J. Herbert administered Sacrament at ,the; close of the regu- lar 'service on Sunday. 1\ r.. and 1N1rs. Herbert, Edith and : Billy left for their ,summer home in 1VIr?skoka on Tuesday. ''Mr. Herbert wilt be, ab- sent from his pulpit for the .first two ;Sundays in July. Next 'Sunday Mr. G. H. Jefferson, 'Clinton; will cent/net the service in the church here and the following Sunday the service will be in charge of the Lord's . Day Alliance Association. The lower Bart of the ninth con- 'cession which was cIosed last week, while a culvert was ''being repaired, is now open: to traffic. School closed Friday for the lord vacation. Miss Rear McDonald, who These ,are lazy days. It; means a call to the out of doors, , So picknick- iiig•we go: Paper plates, eupsa,nap- lino?md•;doil.ies are a convenience and an econon,?y< A • new coloured cup in package of 8 for 10c, celephane wrapped will give a. dainty touch to your table. Into dur marketplace comes what we regard as a notable value to claim the attention of scanning eyes and discriminating buyers, namely, a three -•piece nest of fern pots small but Ornamental, the small sire is a- bout 2'/ " square and 3"• thigh; med- ium 515e, 31/4 square and 31h ihigh, and large size 4"x4"x4" the 'ground colors are green and yellow and each has a floral design on one side. Pric- ed per set of 3 pieces, 500. Buy now -whatyou do need, but don't buy what you don't need. It will help loosen up 1noney, put idle men to work, promote prosperity,. which cannot live on hoarded money, Get in the push' and you .won't. need a pull, is the idea. We are one of two community pur- chasing agents for the new United Church Hymnary, of which there are five editions. _ A consignment of Pottery is just to hand. Each piece an expression of refinement and modeled in •an at- mosphere of art. Odd shaped jugs. tea pots,;biscuit jars and vases, the 'shapes and finish of many pieces are exceptional and carries with them the prestige of. elegance. Tile W. D. Fair Coe Often the Cheapest—Always the Best • adl����������lio iclNliliiiinimmiiN�uiu ninnm,uii nillllllllg�II Rev. Dr. Dougan and family re n a holidaying at Kintail, this month. Mr. E. Townsend of Ottawa visited relatives and friends in Linidesboro and Clinton recently, Rev, A. A. Holmes was in Goderich on Sunday morning preacl I ng . in Knox Presbyterian church. Mrs. Walker of Detroit is visiting her nephew and nieces, My, G. N. and the Misses Davies of town, and relatives at Kippen this week. MMMirs. Gordon Cuninghame and chit. dren left on Friday for Bayfield, where they will spend the vaca- tion months at their summer home. Mr. Taylor and his son and daugh- ter came up from Science Hill on Sunday to be present at the last services conducted by the Rev, Dr Hogg in Wesley -Willis United church. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. Mr. G. H. Elliott and Mx. W. S. R. Holmes were in Toronto last week attending the Provincial /Conser- vative Convention and the banquet in connection. Mr, and Mrs. Oharles Rath of Put- nam and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rath • of Harriets''ille visited , Mr. and Mas. S. Kemp on Saturday and all attended the funeral of Mrs. Stone- house of Westfield, Miss Margaret Davies, deaconess, of Chicago, is holidaying at the home of her brother and sisters in town. Mr. G. N. Davies met his sister in London bn Thursday, she having motored from Chicago wtih friends. Mr. and Mrs. Blacicall and Mr. and •Mrs. Swann of Mitchell and Mr. and hiss, James Walker of Blu ce fiold,, the latter Mrs. Watt's sis- ter, were visitors on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs, George. Watts of town. Mr. and Mrs, G, E. Hall and Miss Evelyn Ieft Monday for Regina to attend the annual meeting •of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers As- sociation, which 'convenes in Sas- katchewan's capital city today and tomorroy. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Mcltturray of Harriston were in town for a few days last week and on their return were accompanied by. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless and family, who spent a few days with them. Mr.` and Mrs. Corless were in London over the week -end. Prof A. W. and Mrs. Anderton leave Tuesday next on a trip overseas. As both are natives of the Old Land they go to visit former scenes the ' homes of their youth and friends 'of their childhood. The. bestof good wishes for a happy visit .and a safe -return go with them. Mrs. 0, H. Jefferson and Miss. Katharine, who had been at their summer cottage at Inverhuron for- a ora week, came home for the week- end, Mr. Jefferson going up for them , on Saturday, But, as 'Mt. Jefferson's saga term is now ov- er • they ," return today'. Frank Haynes and Newman ' Paterson are guests at the eettage. Mk. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson of Royal -Oak, former regidents, were in town' Iast week. Amongst others on whom they called .were•Mi. and Mrs. T. H. Leppington, •who live in the house which they formerly occupied and, in which they are still. d, as the interested, • it e y ip rrover considerably. Needless to` - "Tommy"•keeps the place •very .spick and span': iVIr. Wilson ,told, him to let, him know if he ever Wished to sell. li Fon Campers; Tourists and those who stay at }ioine SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEED Fry's Cocoa, (2 Ib.) 19c Loose Cocoa, per Ib. 19c . 4 McLaren's Jelly 25c 3 Sherriff Jelly (Ball) 25c Sodas, per lbs 15c 3 lbs. Icing Sugar 25c 10 lbs. Graaf. Sugar 54c 3 pkgs. Cora Flakes 25c 2 pkgs. Puffed Wheat 25c. 2 tins Peas 15c Good' Coffee, per Ib. 29c Large Big Five, each 5c New Cheese, per Ib. l8c Old Cheese, per lb. 29c . Fancy Mixed Biscuits 7 lbs. Rolled Oats 3 tins Tomatoes 5 Gold •Soap 5 Comfort Soap, Cohoe Sale; ;on 3 lbs. Tapioca _ 19c 25c 29c 25c 25c 25c. 25c.. Fait !!eprtmc 2 dozen Oranges 3 Grape .Frait 2 pounds of Tomatoes NEW POTATOES, CARROTS, AND PEAS 35c . 25c 25c BEANS Fri .*lain Bologna, per pound Cottage. Rolls, per pound Peameal Back Bacon, per pound. Breakfast Bacon, piece Dutch Loaf - 1.7c 25c 30c 25c 30c. CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 1 Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails PEOPLE YOU KNOW Miss Rena Pickett is visiting • ffriends in Parkhill. Miss Doris Durnin, who has been teaching at Prague has returned for the vacation. Mr. and. Mrs. George Crooks and Miss Mary of Delhi are visiting in :Clinton and community. Miss Isabel Draper of the. staff of the Brantford Institute for the Blind is home for the holidays. Mrs. Lashbrook and Miss Rita of Mitchell are the guests this week of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs; E. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nott and Miss Geraldine of Stratford are the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. S. McCool of Albert street. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Carrell of Oshawa are spending the -week with Goderich and Clinton friends. bn their return they will be ac- companied by Miss Susie -Castle. Mr, James Brown of Winnipeg, Man., is visiting his uncle, Mr. W. C. Brown, Huron street, who has been i11 the past few weeks • but who is now improving, his many friends will be pleased to know. Miss Beth •Cartwright of Listowel and Mrs. W. Schlutter of Baltimore,. 'MCI, whe' has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, .W Cartwright, near Bayfield, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cartwright of town. Mrs. Schlutter leaves today for her home. c FEIaD BRUCE I Nurse Mustard, who 'has been home on furlough, left the village last week to visit friends in Embro and Toronto before returning to resume her work in Gypsuniville, Manitoba. Mr, and Mrs. Dunlop of Fenelon Falls spent a few days at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rattenbury, last week. Miss Mamie Swan and her sister, Mrs. '0. Ham, and son, Wesley, mot- ored from Toronto last week. Mrs, Ham and son: intend residing at the home of her father, Mr. Jas. Swan, Wle welcome them toour village, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents. Mr. Taylor and family of Science tre1 ay it! ICE COLD "VERNOR'S" 'PIIAT FAMOUS GINGER ALE SERVED AT OIlR FOUNTAIN OT IN BOTTLES AND. HANDY CON- TAINERS TO TAKE HOME COME IN AND TREAT THE FAMILY "'Clinton 2akeri(' eV RARTLIFF 8z CRICH Clinton, Ont. Phone No. 1 Hill, were the guests of Mr and Mrs. L. Forest last Sunday. The . were on their wayClinton They to to hear their former pastor, Rev. Dr. Hogg, preach his farewell ser- mon in the Wesley -Willis church. Mrs. Finny and son ori Detroit were the guests of her mother; Mrs. R. McKenzie, last week. The many friends of Mrs. McKenzie are glad to see her able to be out again after her long illness. • SUMMERIIILL - The following is the report of the annual promotion exams of S. S. No. 12, Goderich and Hullett:' Jr. 4th to Sr,. 4th: Creta Ellis, 13; Hazel Rapson, 68; Allan Neal,. 62. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th: Isobel Morrell. 65. Jr. 3rd to Sr, 8rd: Leona Rapson 70; Willa, Jervis, 69; Madelon Mason, 68, Thelma Haggart, 64. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd: Ivan Hoggart. Friend Ellis, 53; Gordon Ranson, 50.• Jr. 2nd: Marion Morrell. Jr. 1st: Clayton Ellis, Phyllis Ball. Jr. Pr.: Elwyne Blake, Gertrude Tyner, Maxwell Carter, The greatest number of merits it past term was won by: Madelon Ma- son. Best garden, Clark Ball; Num- ber on roll 21; average attendance; 19.6.—Violet- V. Watkins, teacher. lTJt J1I You some times want a Cake, Cookie or Pie which is different some tasty piece of pastry which is new w and tempting. Visit our Bakery where you can have many delicious varieties to choose from. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE:- • - Every Kind of Pastry, Quality Bread, Delicious Candy, Foun- tain Drinks, and Ice Cream. Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY --Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" DREAD PHONE 68 3PRIN TI'' AND PAINTI-NC TIME Why not start in now to refinish Your home? „Ilse Martin•Sonour 100% Pure Paint and Varnishes for Inside and Outside Use. Try our Quickote Blume) for a Brighter Kitebo, Our, 'loor Enamel hi all shades is just what •you want to put the fire. ishing touch to any room. T. Ila i HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 1 flNNTE�PL CO ATING YOUR NEW —Wee have the stock of Furniture that is bound to please as it's all new and up-to-date and of course, the prices will suit you too, We are putting on a special display of Marshall Mattresses this week so don't fail to see it and you will be surprised at the values. Wo have a large assortment of Verandah and Lawn Furniture, so you may enjoy the fresh air in the hot weather. - A great big stock of Lamps• -any old price you -wish, to pay, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a good line of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools of all kinds. Screen Doors and Windows, and Screening in all Widths. ' ELECTRIC PLATES AND STOVES AND COAL OIL STOVES Clint to Hardware Furniture Co. WATCH OUR WINDOW We Sell the Zest for Less Kellogg's � e gg s Pep, perpk,,, ..10c Strawberry and Raspberry Jain, 40 oz. 39c Aylmer Soups, 3 tins . „ ,29c Columbia Matches, 2 pkgs. 15c Coleman's Lard, per lb. . ,1 Oc Infant Delight Soap, 5 fc,r 25e Fancy Pink Salmon, 2 tins 25c Good Morning Marmalade Clark's Poric & Beans, 2 We 16 oz. 23c, . 32 oz. 39c Toddy, 8 oz, ..33c 16 oz. 53c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Call and see our window display of everything good to cat MEATS Cooked Ham, per lb. 45c Picnic Ham. per lb. 21c Breakfast Bacon, per ib. .25c Cottage Roll, per lb. 27c Kindly phone your orders ear' y fes' an early delivery. ..ww sa+v A FULL NEW LINE 0 • k Ranging in prices from $1.00 to $5.00 DRY CLEANING OR PRESSING= OVERCOAT ORV SUIT, $ DAVIS ERMAN • Veteran ,Tailors . Phone 22