HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-06-25, Page 5k• OF INTEREST. TO YOU in the United States made a l?a-act,i e AND ME of running,` off some thousands • over and above their large circulation in be- their oven: country and sending thein• 'Be reJul pay , all your debts over here, thus adding to their sir- '•:Lore t a first, otherwise you'll have culation and their `ability to charge to put a stamp en each cheque, high prices for advertising,: the ad ,, : ,, „,vertising of course being of. United Monday you was thin longest day, States manufactures: Thus bath :Have you, noticed any difference in publisher and manufacturer were sinceme of the faking o:i night being aided at the expense of the since that date? Canadian .publisher and manuiectur- There's nothing unlucky in walk- er. � ina•. uncler� g lecher, we've done it Many of the magazines which Will -•ai s this tax are worthy ' inure than once- the bast %eV,l day. be affeoteil by \when the 'nen were painting, the publications but if in some eases store fronts in this block. There is they giveplace to publications of nothing unl'ueky in walking unrder a equal worth published in England, -ladder unless the ladder slips or for instance, on which no duty is .the painter drops paint on you. charged, both 'Canada and England .•. * • 1 will benefit. Canada would- be \We had two or three exceedingly greatly benefited if its young people ,hot days last week, culrninating in a could be brought to study the Em +heavy rain storm on Saturday after- pire of which we are -.proud to be - :noon which cleared and cooled the long, and no pleasanter way tat ben be - c air, • The thermometer in this office' ,come familiar with a country, ,.,on two or three days registered a- than visiting it, can be found than •,way up over the eighty mark and reading its literature. .-on 'Friday afternoon one in front of f.Sheppard and Co's. grocery next door registered 110. The storm on 'Saturday did no damage here, as it •did in shine other- • lees favoured :planes. Tons of dust fell in the city of 'Calgary one day lastweek, being tlerought on a' very high wind. For- - tunately, or--tunateiy, the wind changed very ".soon . and carried . the dust away al - ' most as quickly as, it came. , Not, ' however, before some enterprising person had scooped up and measured ..and weighed enough of it to cal-' eulate its volume. Alberta has beer :suffering front a ,serious drought abut rain also fell heavily., recently which `must have been a great re-' :lief. s * • • ,'And here's to 'the homegrown 'strawberry! That luscious fruit promises to be large and abundant. Combined -with the cream our far- rners provide and with the sugar our merchants can supply at' such reas- • onable cost, strawberry dessert sug- gents the 'height of goodliving, Exe- i-ter Times -Advocate. COUNTY NEWS EXETER: The United Church of Crediton held its annual picnic at Grand Bend on Saturday which was largely attended. The day was ideal and . was enjoyed by all. The annual Johns re -union ' of Elimville was held in picnic style at Grand Bend on Saturday. CARD OF THANKS .... 50e MEMORIAL VERSE FELL LINE • ...10c MARRIAGES VENNER-40IIURCTIILL — At the home of the bride's 'parents, en June 20th,, by the Rev11. G. Verrill, Edna Pearl, elder daugh- ter of Mn. and Mrs, Thomas Chur- ehill, zToseph street, to James Hen- ry Venner of Hamilton, only son - of Mr. and Mrs. 0, H.' Venner of Clinton. KNOX—CARTER. 1At Queen street United church, Blytli, on June ' 20th, by the Rev. E. L. Anderson, Evelyn Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Carter of Westfield, to William 1J. Knox, son of Mr.: and . Mrs. Thomas IKnoit- of Hullett township. PREWPN.-•BROW1W-t tA.t the United church parsonage, Londesboro, on June 17th, by Rev. J. W. Johnson, ' Julia Ann Brown to William Tre- win. BIRTHS IiIRRATT—In St. Joseph's hospital, London, on. June 9th, to. .Mr.. and Mss. Russell Erratt, Varna, a daughter. • DEATHS STRATFORD: Charles Stillman, president of the Stillman's Bevere ages, Limited,' formerly head of Stillman's Creamery, has definite proof that the depression is waning. Mr. Stillman 'collected a debt the other day that he didn't expect. As a matter of fact he didn't know the debt existed until a letter arrived is, the morning mail with a $2 bill in- closed. Ge a tiny piece of paper, written inink, were the following words: "Phis money is to right e mistake when you were in the creamery, business, and oblige.". X11, very well; brother, We Heartily to ._ 1 n lot et the m,,, But do t agree! g dage about plain '• living and high thinking. Your brother scribes look .for that editorial page each week. 1.. * * • • 'President HOMY is suggesting a =year's moratorium for war debts as a measure of relief in the present (world depression. No doubt such an :arrangement, if it can be managed, • would grant relief to many of the atountrles of the - g 4rld• As Can- a3a owes leo ii'at debts it would of ford us no •immediate relief. Feet is, it would mean the falling off of, about five millions in revenue, 11ay • -ments from Germany. But what's that but a drop in .the bucket? We would need to pull • in our belt a - notch and go on. Those who . have • made a study of such things claim it - would speed up business, and that's S what the world seems,to need. ▪ -In View of the :fact that the rain- • ways of 4he Dreeninion, including the National Railways, in which the • people as a'whole are interested ' having already invested - many mil- lions ofdollars in them, are appar- `ently losing ground steadily, the question of truck and bus traffic and :its relation to the falling off in rail - \ way business'and also to the upkeer • of highways, is coining in for more • and more attention. The Minister e of Railways has promised to look into the matter and hinted that some regulation of such traffic would br f forthcoming. The St. Marys trial -Argus had had this to say last -week; "Those huge double -wheeled' trucks with trailers. that are `becoming more common on the highways, look like 'railway 'trains that have lost their way. The big juggernauts, .booming along et high speed, seem out of '-ee among ordinary traffic. a'Ttaaa. shift their position The tiou . - don't need to. <ea lily bi%t1 they - - their pro - Any "stir dna 'luck.. It gress is $stn•ply 6eI OS would be iniCre,tttng ;1] f=now tq what 'extent thig lte��'y daaffTo Is responsible • for ehku,brokeit • Surface on pavement that >liu s been. down a few years, 'Th • ger centres are now steerff 'this heavy traffic off their main • streets onto back routes. It • will be a great day when all such transportation is isolated, away -from passenger -traffic roads." • • 5 s • • Some adverse •comment is heard .:.about the'tariff placed on magazines coming into ;Canada, ' a Tariff which -will in some cases, at least prove prohibitive. "Blit ib was time some- thing was•'dorre to stem the tide' of -cheap tra'sh'in'the way of magazines which have' been coming m from our neighbors across Me line and, no doubt, exceptions Will be made in the case of the' better, class of periodi- -cals, It is significant "that it was not Canadian puliliehers who asked to have this tariff ptit en,although they have all their lives 'had to compete in a most unfair :way -with Amerii:an ublications. Every Canadian pub- isher pays taxes, like•. every other Canada, and in' addition of C pays a tax on many things which he uses in his business, 'then be had to compete with 'the periodicals which came into Canada without paying one cent of taxes. ' If a Canadian publisher wished to use one of the many comic or educational strips, which have become so popular in re-, ent years, and ghich•are,'turned out n the United 'States ' in such large uantities, he had to pay. duty on it s it carne- across the border, but an merican publisher cohld use -the ante strip in bis'?periddieel any time e wished and come into'Canada duty LONDESBORO �a� ANDRE'W'S. <n Clinton, on Tune 20th, Melinda Glazier, wife of Ma- gistrate S. J. Andrews -in her 73rd year. McCARTNEY—an Clinton, on June 21st, Angelina Tebbutt, widow of Fletcher MoCartney, in her 72nd ' W ,3 V7 • meeting o the The regular g will be held in the Community hall on Thursday, July 2nd, at 2 pan:' The following program 'is expected: "Theo Child, the Parent, the Teacher," ;;3r• Mrs, W: Lyon; duet by Fern Wat- son and j?earlZriffith; solo•by Misr Dorothy Little. Hostesses: Mrs. D Carter, Mrs. 'Geo. Moon, Mrs.. hl , Wells, Mrs. F. Little, Mrs. F. Shob- brook and Mrs, Mains. . r , Mr: and Mrs. 1. Elsley left last week to visit their daughter, Mts. Milton Hooper of St. Marys. Mrs. Margaret lVtanning spent the Week -end at the home of her brother, Me: Joseph Morris, of Paris. Mrs. W. B. Allen has returned af- ter spending a few weeks at Parry Sound and other points. 1Mrs. A, Carr, Mrs. A. Slater, Mfrs, D. Floody and Mrs, W. Lyon of Blyth visited at the home of Mrs. J. W. Tamblyn last Thursday. Mr.. and Mrs. Percy Manning and Miss Phyllis visited friends at Paris and Fergus over the week -end. 'Rev, J. W. and Mrs. Johnston are spending a few days this week at their summer cottage at Bright's Grove, Their son, Howard, has tak- en a position there for the summer. The Women's Association of the United church met at the home of Mrs. Willis Mountain on Wednesday, There was a good attendance and good program. . Mies Olvetta Brigham pf the teaching staff of the Windsor- W:alkerville Technical school is spending her vacation at her home here. • Mr. and Mrs. Fingland mot died te Galt last week to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law. Mr. John Melville has the contract of painting Mr. Dale's house at Constance this week. Mr.' and Mrs, Edwin Adams ar- rived last week from Seattle and ex- pect to spend the next two months at the home of the former's parents. $r, End MaS, Stanley Carter spent several days in Kitchener xast week. At high noon on Wednesday, June 17tIf, the .United church parsonage i Wag the ce; a ofTa pretty wedding, 1.Wheit Amt' -ewe, became the WiSa of Irrldam ul?5 b,- mhe cere- 'J"i'OWiil, . •w Many of the magazines'published CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Ml Occuelone,54.4'r A Large Stock of Geraniums and Budding Plants now ready. n- -- Our greenhouse is as near as your phone. Chas. V. Cooke year. HILL—In Clinton, on June 25th, Emma Wallace Brownlee, wife of Hiram Hill, aged 65 years. ' Private funeral on Saturday after- noon, service at the house to com- mence at 2 o'clock. SNELL—In Hallett township, on June 20th, Elizabeth Helen Mc; Gill Hawthorne, . widow of. Hum- phrey Snell, aged 59 years. STRAWBERRIES I can take a feW more orders for berries. Would advise the placing. of orders immediately as the berry season will soon be over, I expect the prihe will advance naxt week. F. W. ANDREWS Clinton, Phone 33 24-2. Clinton's:New-Laid Egg And Poultry House Strawberries for Sale Good Varieties, suitable for Table Use or For Canning. Roy Tyndall Eggs bought according to Domin. ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices •of eggs. You will •always' find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Pat hens and welbdinished chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before` marketing produce. R. R, No. 3, Clinton Telephone 607r3, Clinton Central. 24-2-p, ARD OF THANES 1 tie familyof the late Mrs Flet- cher McCartney desire to express i ?heir thanks to the neighbors and friends for all the kindness shown to their mother ' nttying her illness and to them at the time of her death. CARD OF THANKS Mr, W. It, Lobb and fancily wish to extend to their neighbors and friends sincere thanks for the kind- nesses shown during Mrs. Lobb's ill- ness and for the sympathy and assis- taned at •the tithe o£ lief cieatlt. The loan of cars foil thefuneral, the many flowers sent and all kindnesses shown are deeply appreciated. CARD OF 'FRANKS The family of the late Mrs. Hume phrey Snell desire to express te neighbors and friends thanks and appreciation for the kindness extend- ed to them *during their mother's illness and the sympathy and kind- ness shown them since her death, and also for the many lovely floral of ferings. N. W. Trewa/c'tr'tha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Strawberries - for Sale D. McIntosh, Seaforth, No. 3, Fall• Wheat, 0-14-6, 2-12-6. J. Mustard, Kippen, No. 3, Fall Wheat, 2-12,-6 2-8-10. J. Mustard, Kippen, No. 3, Fall Wheat, 2-12-6 2-8-10. Jas. Stirling, Bayfield, Apples, Ni- trate, 4-8-10. Mr§. I. Sloan, Bayfield, Apples, Nitrate 4-8-10. A. J. Penhale, Exeter, Corn, 2-12-6, 3-18-9, 0-14-6. R. Proctor, Brussels, No. 5, Oats, 0-14-6, 2-12-6. Eph. Snell, Clinton, Alfalfa, 2-12- 6, 0-12-15. S. 3. Robinson, Fordwieh, Turnips, 0:12-15, 2-12-6. Theo. LaPorte, Zurich, Beans, 2- 12-6, 4-8-6, 0-14-6. Last Year's Tests W. L. Young, Goderich, No. 5, Barley, 3-10-5 0-14-6, Chas. Clifton, Rippon, No. 3, Mix- FINE L •fE MIT gra ERS SC'LICITED, „,- _. See ' 1 N Marquis Church Organ Tuning and Repairs ORGAN BLOWING' MACHINERY Leonard Downey London, ,Oietario, Box 408 Correspondence Invited Telephone, Metcalf 8544: 24-2-p. CAPITA'LTIIEATRE GODERICH Northern Electric Sound System Now Playing: "The Big Trail" A Really Great Picture. ` MON. and TUES. LEON JANNEY Lewis. Stone and Irene Rich in a great Dad and Son Story by Booth Tarkington "FATHER'S SON" WED. and TB:URS. WILL ROGERS Gives you the laugh of your life with a wonder comedy of chivalrous days and hilarious knights. •, _ ,A 71 Conneti<cul • FRI, and SAT. 4ANETT11 MacDONALD Joe E. Brown and John Carrick the one of Greatest dramatic stories ever screener. The Lottery Bride Or Phone 638x21, 24-2 I • • ;. Wood For Sale 1175 Cords of dry hard maple; all body wood, delivered in Clinton', $3.75 per cord. Apply to Victor Falconer or Earl Collins, 24-3. Rooms To Let Two single rooms, 80 Willcocks st. Toronto, convenient to University. Write M`ts. Walter McBrian, 89 Wullocks street, Toronto 4. ori _v .. y ,, �u-5, 0-14-6. S. J. Robinson, I•ordwich, Turnips, 2-12-6, 0-14-6. A., J, Penhale, Exeter, Corti, 3-10- 5, 0-12-15. Theo, LaPorte, Zurich, Beans, 3- 10-5, 0-14-6. niony�nas ,Perform.d }l}'^may: a, ' W. R. Dougall, Hensall,.o Beans, Ib'h'itts6il: "�,.. • --• ; • . r �.a •y 1 0<i1 :9 0-14-6.'Kilian, Seaforth, Pas- 1,•iitee 'bride looked hands in a I g'1� ' _ Pas - gown r`l, l ''Mite crepe', gas Lily '-'1115; e ' les Garrett, as: I'it4esmaid, utero a firoak tur:,c, 3,j ,,,..,11‘2 i 4Ya.'`ld, Apples, of maize crept! The bridegroom was s attended•• by his douain, Mr. John 3-10-5•• u fiilcf, .44j9pr, _' "ed at Kingston on Sunday, June Leiper. -I. Sloan, y p Mrs. o^ the person of James More- After the ceremony' the bride; 3-10-5, itt'itrate. , BruceFltlr i4tlitx. party motored to the hale of the t.04, h Richardson•, ns a eon of the late Fall 'Wheat, A Phos. Rulim s Phos., fetid Captain and' ,.7` I' `,Qh Moreland bride's parents where a sumptuous nous and had been physical.'.;' 'hanuocaltped wedding breakfast was served; 0-12-15, 2-12 '6••asunny Mr. and Mrs. Trewin ]eft later , It is the de sire. of ue Department and our Agricultural since -boyhood. He and of fora short motor trip, amid a she 61`' Chemistry's Y assisted in the nature, A supporter er of confetti, returning later in the. Representative a vhests that you visit er of Nile United church until evening to their home, • location of these , to a tests during the about four years ago, when hr Their many friends wish them one or more of the, e stud for' your- had 's stroke. which made him an in - selves season ane e much joy and happiness, growing ate apparent.• mot - valid. He was sixty-seven years o. selves results that ',acted -as year age. The body,was brought.bY Where tests were cone rt'iike is have or hearse from Kingston on W!ednes- as a rule no further is z .that you day and lay in Nile United church I•ERTILITY DEMONSTRATIONS been added, 'so that rsu. is the hang- till the hour ofi funeral, which too ANSWER IMPORTANT see hone are entirely free. ,lied last place Thursday to Dungannon ceme-. QUESTIONS over effect of what was at p tery. The funeral was very largely - year. sly laid The tests haye been carefu. 'epart out byre resent ti e tt a v s of the It p plots ment of Chemistry; and the \\ *nu are all numbered and treattn\ ,at Mc ,printed on the stakes, so ti,• '1' s h cid a re- • nn ae land f a visitors a of c n get the facts .il0.A The H field ori Saturday Students and alumni of tits O.A,10%, union picnic at Bay.L the fam will be specially interested in these , 'est, to which members of demonstrations. Set aside a few sl, 'es and relatives numbering about hours to visit the tests in your own +ill; 'y in all, gathered to have a gcaod- County. The time will be well spe-aL ; Iffy together., Friends from Lon- tifrne 'Seaforth, Lucknow, Galt and t• • , den,`., ...Wing townships were presen havingenjoyed the day; COLBORNE AIT rap, a. ort 'r a shower of rain .which 1P asp, ' Rev. Mr, R•h:aloe of i3h etev preach- : e7tcgp1i f" -yore'• seek shelter for a ed to the Presbyterian congregation made` eve; two' weeks age and last week while"dlsor.t t'i'the, A. 24-2. Teacher Wanted For Union -S. S. No, 2, Hallett, and Goderich townships. Duties to com- mence in September. Apply, stat- ing experience and salary to Frank J. Tyndall, secretary, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. •24-tf. Teacher Wanted "' • • For S. S. No. 5, Goderich town- ship. Duties to commence at the opening of the fall term. Applica- tions received up te Friday, July 10th. John A. Cox, Secretary, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield, Ont. - 24-2-p. V ankee • Mat: Mon., Wed•, Sat. at 3 p.m. a:t1C)n0111'11, el WYL.,, ur THE: MINER. ®OG$!'$T •,WAIT Vl•1T11:'COLD WEATHER. TO 1310 YOUR COAL. ?OU-RHOULO V'`1` WAIT UJNTI& WINTER TO BUY IT Supiiose the .miner did wait until winter ,to dig your coal. 'Suppose we waited to buy it. There'd come "a', cold frosty morning when you'd need coal and couldn't get it. Then you'd sue -us for negli- gence, and we'd sue the miner • for negligence. But= -'the miner's done , his job.. We've done ours; • the coal's here, and' cheaper than in the winter. NoW you do yours.' Cali, the tT licit .. Coal ® •Un$tard PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO C. H. VENNER, Electrician, Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 i ATTENTION Low Rates and Prompt Service for Poultry, Eggs & Crea Messrs. Losghlean and Fisher in- tend opening a barbering business in Clinton, in the stand fotumeily oc- cupied by James Lovett, Isaac street. Hair Cutting, -Shaving, Shampoe- ing, specializing in ladies' work. Will be ready for business on Sat-. urday,-June 27th. Rev. Mr. Keine took the service yesterday. IIe was accompanied by Mr. James Scott of Seaforth who sang a favourite hymn. The choir gave as usual their anthem. At Carlow on Su Zday, June 21st about 4.45 pan. a motorist driving north enroute for Southampton at the rate of about 40 miles an hour, on reaching the main highway saw a car corning from the west. Judg- ing mentally the distance he applied his brakes, skidded twenty-seven feet and hit the rear of the car travelling east, which was going at medium speech, being driven by Mr. Shaw of Blyth. However no one was'seriotts- ly injured and reports are that a mutual agreement was made as to the damages. However it was mita aculons that the cars did not over turn as both cars were headed in different directions to that which they were previously going. Mrs. Duncan Crawford of Flint and Betty and Bruce .and babe are visiting with ' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson and other relatives last week. M`r's. Babb of Goderieh has been staying with Mr, and Mrs. Melville Tyndall for a few days. A well-known resident of Nile Wanted ,Experienced subscription solicitor, preferably widow, for local work on Canada's greatest home.. publication. Apply in writing outlining briefly your experience to A. Lewis, Astor Hotel, Hamilton. 24-1. CAR INSURANCE also 10 YEAR COUPON GOLD BONDS J. G. CHOWEN The Vogue Our sale of millinery commences this Thursday night, June 25th, and continues for two weeks.' Smart hats from one dollar up. By costing early you get first choice. The Vogue. 24-1. Books Wanted Cash paid for complete libraries or separate works. Representative of the Albert Britnell Book Shop, To- ronto, is in this district, Write at once, Drawer B, • The News -Re- cord. 24-I. Office Next to Rattenbury Hotel Phone 52 ' AUCTX9N 5ALE O1+' IIOTSSEHOLD EFFECTS ' Saturday, June 27th at 1.30 p•tn, The property of bl:rs. John Wniker, - Orange Street, .Clinton. SOME WALNUT PIECES TERMS: CASH. C, 1. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. Grade Bull For Sale ,Grade bull, 15 months old, weigh- ing about 900 lbs; color roan; will be sold reasonable. For particulars ap- ply to Frank J. Whitmore, phone 600x2, Clinton- Central or write R „R. No, 3, Goderich township. 24-1 For the. past ya three '. s' r the he De- partment of.Chemiatry, O.A.C., has been locatinfertility dentonstration tests on farms in varioug parts of the province. It is belt that farmers place .;Muth mere faith its test's which are•elnductied on• their own .farms titan they do in - figures gathered from tests made' .ate d'ist5h'co. The' faran'ers of flizron Cqunty will lie' mtertsted to learn the iota: - ti on.of the ota:-tion•ofthe tests now intptogtess and those Which were• conducted lest year in, theft utility: They' are a fo1- lows: T1tis ybai's• tests; P: Si''ood l lytli, Pastui-t, HOLLAND FAMILY .BALD PLEASANT REUNION • 23-1 • WANTED We are prepared to buy above ev- ery .working day. Eggs graded by experienced graders. Cream purdhased for Creamery, Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator. Victoria St., Clinton. phone, 231. _ Annual Meeting' • -, The annual meetifig of the getith Huron Conservatives :will be held in the town hall, Hensall, on Wednes- day, July 8th at 2,p.m. Officers will be elected for the coming year and other business transacted. Speakers for the afternoon are Hon. T. L Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, and George 'Spotton, 1VI, P., of Wnngham, • Ladies are cor- dially invited to attend. God Save the King. Col. 11. 13• Cotithe, ilobt. Higgins, President. o Seet'etary. 2'3-2. Bowes' Tet,e'lier 'Waded Experienced teacher fotr S. S. Net 11, Goderich tovnship. lbuties fo' comae'nce begitniing of kill terns. Apply to IS: M. Lindsay, Slib etary, R. R. No. 8, Clinto t, 211-3• Better Safe than Sorry Avol`n otstAa% - By Using Pasturized Milk and Cream • Delivered Daily • Commencing on •. MONDAY, MAY 4th Milk, 100, Ciiettla_, 40c ; McMANUS DAIRY , Phone 235 1641. Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implement* and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for sante. $ stn also agent for Allis-Chal. niers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN 'V. DIEHt Queen Street, Clinton BOYS, IF'OIf, FARM WOW British boys and ;x'oung 'nen' E.1 perienced , anS inexperienbed for' mediate placement on farms in ib'- tario on a yearly'basi9. Protestant homes only. gages ranging actor=i'v 81-tL AGENT :to Olt MASSEY-HARRIS CO, SAWT'R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING PronipC Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15j J ypy�[',gp/, BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES ing to age and experience. Apply ta' c EltrteaT2 and ,Plumber the Hostel, Noreal, Ontario: 23-•1••• .. t 1 1 - Hou�'to Recit`. Comfortable Izous'e, Ontecrio street, : A tall` atm. of Electric Appliances, also CIinton, residence o+f R: J. Gibb4igs>':� furnished or unfurnished. +Garage+ Piatniii'ng Fixtures large garden with all kind's of friiit'1 trees. Apply to 'Milos: tivingston, 'T Wi`rin'g, Plumbing and Repairs Ontario street, two ,doors west of a= Phone 53w. 1341abate Property, 2224:p; _ __ Cottage to itent 7 -room cottage in Maury • 'treat. T 1c• in' ACT Electric light,. town water,' em •; kitchen, basement, garage • and' small ; Lost garden. Apply to Miss'E• J: Becker, Now is the time to clean up your: c2=tf'2p Collie dog, black with white feet, Erie' street. , Slow' Accounts short tail, -white breast and brown Slow your list to Foci Sale �' spot over each y.". Answeed to the House in Clinton, in'.good' condi KELLY & `AII�EIV name of out"BuBa Followed ,f Sat- Blear, water, light, etc. .good reason- er's team out Bayfield road on Sato a6To' Apply to ' 5. Y. Priv. Clinton. Successful celTectors for 40' years onlay. Kindly phone information to 22 3: 17 ORA.NOEVILLE Leonard Hunter, 267w, Clinton. + THEY GET. RESULTS 24-1-p. For Sale il' Desirable 8 -room house;: electric ►" lights, water, 4A acre garden with fruit trees. 'Apply to Mils:. Ella Qk-• ani' or D'r'. J. W . Shaw. 21-tf. Cottage For glia Frame cottage, Rattendury street,. 8' rooms•, lights, water, fere ace, barn,. incl'ndi'ng• garage and henhouse, large• garden, some small fruits: Cesl ralont ibeatedl, a. desirable homes Apply premises to Mrs. G. M„ Farquhar. 13 -ilei:, est • NOTICE Regarding Weeds Notice is hereby given to the knell owners of Clinton that the Weed Act: is to be more rigidly enforced dura ing 1931. Clause - 3 Ontario Weed Control' Act' states "Every occupant of Punct or if the land is unoccupied, the own- er shall destroy all weeds designated noxious by the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to pre- vent the ripening of their seeds " Noxious Weeds Bladder Campion, Ox -eye Daisy;. Sow Thisles, White Cockle, Wild Oats; Canada Thistle, Blue Weed, Chicory, Docks, s, Ragweed, eed•, common, , Ribgrasa, Stinkweed,- Tumbling Mus- tard, Wild Carrot,'$urdocks, Hawk- weeds; Wild Lettuces, ' Property owners are advised to exercise great care in destroying all noxious' weeds before they go to seed and the co-operation of everyone is t expected in a general clean P. If these precautions are not taken, exercise his auth- Beautiful window shades of plain and Clothes clean�ed,pressed and da have may e io s Duplex paired. Woollen goodsdry the Inspector a cl nser.t n p e fancy -laces n ,, befit, and, ltavo the menace removed • Venetian. See my catalogue and Room over Heard's Barber shop, and V 22$3.13a before the weeds mato'e• samples, E. L. Johnston. 124f. W. 3, Jago, L. STONG, Inspector. 1 For Sate, Fozay„ very quiet, suitable for dein- *ren, •also buggy and awnless. Appian• to John E. Howard, 1 lions,•189w; ' 20,-tf: New Tinsmith Shop Having started' a Tinsinithing. Shop, :Far. Londesboro I am prepared to do all sorts of Illinsmithkg- Work, Specializing in Eavotroughing, Roofing and General Repairs. Give me a chance to show you ;what I can do. F. M. P1CKE!E;, Itone i15r1$, Blyth Central. Londesbaao., 13-tf. Wall Papering. Wall aapeeing, pazi liig an u -. holstering done by Evered R, John- ston, phone No. 640r14, Clinton• cen- tral. I''have about eight. : hunched samples of Boxer's, Staunton's and Empire, Sunworthy wall papers, rang- ing from 7c to $1.80 per single roll, also about 50" samples ' of York up- holstering fabrics and about 100 samples of York drapery ,• for over - curtains cushions and comforters, Yon can keep warm With Lehigh Vaitlleyr An,theseile Coaly or have win- ter sunshine every day if you burs oho famous' O.1i'J• Coke. Also, a good supply of Wyandotte m toinous Coal. Coal, Ba Iberia Co , Coke, A Pt.,mptdelivery from my sheds on Queen Street at anytime, McCartney D.p A* J Coal Dealer. A Queen Street Telephone 25S Clothes Cleaned and Pressed