HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-06-25, Page 1The News -Record .Est. 1878 WITH WHICH . ''IS INCORPORATLD THE CLINTON NEW ERA rhe New Era Est. jget> No. 5223 -53rd` YEAR CLINTON` ONTARIO, TRUI(SDAY, TUNE 2541931 THE , ROME PAPER; ghe Whether it is something' ter the shower, or a more- costly pre- sent for the weddieg. We can supply you: SILVERWARE -in Tea. Sets, Dessert Sets, Casseroles or Pie Plates Etc,, Can now be had here; at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Goods made by reliable aker.' s and Glaranteed by both manufacturer and us. he Don't forget we ,have a good assortment. of plain and fancy wedding rings, • Jeweler and Optometrist e11 off' 1 Phone 174w and 174j 6 IF -See .t ;rf Su 5 .a' Fabrics 'ft mai r.;• Including Voiles, Batistes, Rayons and Prints The quantity at this Price is �� y limited, so -, we advisean early selection. I - r Curtain Remnants li�,I�tS of r ars Materials 1, e 1 - AT HALF PRICE During the season we have 'accumulated a quan- tit of ends of choice materials which we are clear- i ' at half the regular rice. • ing n l? - g g In Our Dress Department May be seen the very smartest in Porch, Street and Afternoon Dresses, which we present for your approval. We are enjoying unusual activity in this department, one of the causes for which we attri- bute to the new low prices. " CLINTON'S 111 L_, STYLE 'SHOPPE " LEADING • STOCK REDUCING SALE 1 Continued this Week i • Colne in and Get Your Share of the Bargains 1.00 Tie . for 75 $1.50 Tie for 95c $ c 75c Tie for 50c 50c Knitted Tie 25c •. G ENT FOR GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANING 8t PRESSING AG TH ,f' . A SQUAREMOORISH CLOTHINGCO I. DEAL FOR EVERY MAN' THE.:MARKETS 1Vheat, 'GOc. Harley, 30c. • Oats, 25e, Eggs, to ; to. 14c. ,Butter, 20c to 224. Live hogs, $7,.76,. • ATTEND DIOCESE RETREAT 1lev. Meurice N. 'Sullivan of St. Joseph's Parish, Clinton, is in Lon- don this week; attending a six-day Retreat at St. Peter's Seminary, It was expected that the great ma- jority of the 'one hundred and sixty • priests of the London Diocese would be present at ;the annual gathering for instruction and meditation. TWO TRANS, CANCELLED Some more changes have been made in the C.N.R.•time table. Those which will effect Clinton, are as fol- lows: • After ..Saturday there will be no morning train to London, - the good old butter and egg trait) will be dis- centinued, and there• w]lI be no ev- ening train from London up; The noon - train from Lotdon will come up at 11.50, as it does- now, and the' afternoon train to London -will go down earlier; arriving here at 3.05, connecting with the afternoon train to Toronto. This will be a conven- ience- to travellers wishing t to go east or south: The afternoon train going to To- ronto will go a little later, at :1,05 'and the last train up, which -will be the only afternoon train to come Air on either lutes, • will 'arrive at 9.45 These are the changes in so far a• Agent VanHorne had them yestere day. The new 'timetable is net yet to hand. SUCCESSFUL. STUDENTS... The many, Clinton Collegiate stu- dents in the higher. ,institutions of learning acquitted ,themselves well this year. W0 published a list of the successful ones in the University of Y R.estern Ontario a few weeks ago Toronto University also had a large share of students:, • • • Miss Jean Fraser was .graduated reoently,.taking her B.A:•degree. Miss Dorothy Innes .passed her se- cond year with second class honours and Miss Grace Ili'cEwen with •third class honours. Miss Eveyln Hall, owing to illness during the term, was obliged to. be.transfeired to the pass course. . Miss Florence Rorke, who entered the, second year ,pass last year, was snecessful, Mr. Audrey' Carter. took, Zest class honours in first year natural science, taking the Jean Balmer scholarship in science. Miss Margaret McLeod tock second elase honours in 'English and History and Reginald Noble, took second class honours in mathe- mai t c•a and physics. In the recent medical school exams, in Toronto the following Huron county students were successful. Fifth Year: Miss A. M. Hough and C. H. Hough, Brucefield; Fourth Year: R. L. Norris, Kiopen;; Third Year: C. H. C. Joynt, Hensall, DEATH OF MRS. F. McCA3.t•TNEY Angelina Tebbutt widow of Plet- cher McCartney, passed away at her residence, Rattenbury street, Clin- ton, early Sunday morning last. She had only been ill a couple of weeks but certain complications hastened the end. ,She had undergone a ser- ious operation last year but had re- covered completely from that, and had been about her usual activities up to a fortnight ago.. Mrs. McCartney was born en a faun in the Maitland concession ov- er seventy-one years ago. She war a daughter of the late Walgate Teb- butt, and later, after her own mar- riage lived_ on the same faun; where all her children were born. She was married in 1884 to Fletcher McCart- ney, son of the late John McCartney. whosetragic death in September, 1904, the result of a barn fire, will be remembered by many. • A family of seven survive: Hat, vey of the 10th of Gcdei•ich town- ship; Ernest J., Druid, Sask.; Lorne F. and Mrs. R. J. Howard, Goderieh;. and Clifford, Mrs. A. Anderson and Miss Evelyn of Detroit. She was the last: of the sisters but six brothers survive: George and John• of Gode rich township; Alfred' of Goclerieh• Lewis of Tuckersmith ,•walgate of Druid, Sask.; and Henry 'W. of •Red- lands, Calif. ' Mrs. McCartney after the death of her husband lived fors a time' in 'Goderich, later for a few years .in the west and still later in Bruce - field. For the past four or five years she has been. iri;Clinton,'- -The funeral was veld on Tuesday afternoon from. her late. residence, the services at house and graveside being conducted by the Rev. F. G Farrill, pastor of Ontario Street United church, of which she was a member., assisted by the Rev, A. A. Doan - of Mitchell, a foriner: pastor, Tile pallbearers welt six nephews: Gordon, Carman, Irvine, Will and' Oscar 'Tebbutt and Mervyn Hanl1r All the members of the familes With the 'exception tion e£ Ernest, were homeler the fu er1. Other re]a= tires- and friends were present front o s oek Nile Goderich and a 'Srucefield.� • • interment wasd c ma e in Clinton 'Cemetery. Many friends and rela- tives etpressed their love for 'the departed and sympathy with the be- reaved by sending beautiful flowers. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED irii•. J. F. Wasman announces the engagement of his daughter, rthyle M., to Mr. Cleveland Stafford Ger- rie Ont,, the marriege to take plaee quietly in Jftly, • ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO • One hundred years' ago on July 18th, lot 24, Hallett, taking ht all this part of Clinton. which is now St. Andrew's Ward, 'from Huren street north, was sold by the Gov- ernment to the Canada -Company, wlsch immediately i renit,aboutfound- ing the town, building a little church and a scheol, althoagh there were very few people to, go to either. The year before parcels of land had been bought across the Huron road, but this seemed' to be •the beginning of • Clinton • 'or Rattenbury's Corners, as it was first called. - STARTS TOURNAMENT At 6.30 p.m. sharp, Tuesday, June 30th, the Lucan Softball team of the Huronelleiddlesex Leagiue . meets eliutone in what promises to be a real snappy ball game. •As this will really be the informal commence• men.t of the Firemen's "Big Day" a bumper crowd is expected. At night there 'will be open-ai' dancing in the especially erecter dance floors, with; good' music, At 10 a.m., July lst, the Huse sar's Softball Teanl of London will battle with a strongly- augmenteri team of Clinton. This will be one or the finest games aver played here The above is only a beginning, 'of course. All day, July 1st, there will be something doing. There will be firemen's rages, drills and all sorts of, stunts and in the afternoon the baseball game between two champion teams, for a large purse. The Bur- lington -Fire Company, 'Ontario's finest, will give exhibition drills, and se will the sixteen or seventeen oth, era. Then eight or ten bands will be here and the afternoon and evening will be so full of doings that there will hardly he time to eat, Clinton will -bathe place to come on Domin- ion Day. DEATH OF MRS. 'S. -J, ANDREWS A woman who was held in univer- sal esteem and who was loved for her many sweet and womanly qual- ities, an honoured ;3vife and beloved mother, passed away on Saturday very suddenly in tile person of kers. Andrews, wife of Magistrate S. S. Andrews of Clinton,. She had been in rather poor heauth for some weeks and it was hoped that she might be en the way to recovery but with little' warning about eleven o'clock in the forenocn, the call carte and she had passed away before her hus- band or a doctor reached her. Mrs. Andrews was native na a of Tltrilett township and spent her whale life in this vicinity. Her maiden name was Melinda Glazier, she be- ing a daughter of the late James Glazier and Myr- Glaizer. She was married to her now bereft husband In 1879. They celebrated their gol- den wedding anniversary in 1029, ail the members of their family being present for it. Three sons and two daughters survive: Silas C. of Arise Alta., J. Russel and E. Clifford of Scarboro Bluffs, Ont., Mrs. F. F Gillies, (Erna S,)' Kitchener, and Nlrs. Fergus VanEgmond, (Marion) of Clinton. A son and daughter died some years ago. One brother, Har- ry GIazier, and one sister, Mrs• T. H. Cook, both •of Clinton, also survive errs. Andrews was e woman of rare sweetness and strength and dignity of character; to know her was to respect and love her. She was- a member of Wesley -Willis Uni- ted church, being a member of the old Rattenbury and Wesley Metho- dist congregation front early life, and when health permitted she lov- ed to he in'her place at the regular services, She was especially in- terested in the W.M.S. and up until the past year or so, when her health was not so robust, she liked to have the society meet at least once a year at her home, She also took an active - part in the Ladies' Aid and was a former president. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon , from the family home, Queerr'etreet, the Rev. Dr. J. E. Hogg .conducting the services at house and graveside. The three sons, two sons- in-law and a nephew, F, J. Andrews, acted es pallbearers. - ,Those present irons a distance were: S. C. Andrews, Alix, Alta ; .1. R. n rews and Mrs. A d E. G. and *s. Andrews. •Scarboro 'Bluffs; F. F'; - and Mrs, Gillies and Miss Mar- ion, tCbtehene:; Mrs, Leonard, Van- couver; -Henry 0: Andrews, William Andrews and R. Aroneolt, Coshoc- ton, Ohio; J: and Mrs, Bustle and Miss .Margaret, St. Clair, Michigan; Miss Annie Kerr,. Toronto; A and Mrs: Alderson, Hamilton; Mrs.' Ralph Hewson, Toronto; Mrs. Alice Aeeatt.Nlrs; Ena Chadwick; Mr. and Neve D. If. Galles, Mrs. E. F. Sage, Mss Annie 'McLaughlin, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Barnes. London; Miss E. 'L. Paxman and Niers. B. Jackson, Parkhill Included in the many beautiful floral e o weret ose £ferr n S� h from: Bell Telephonestaff; Public Utilities . iComnessron;. Weeiey-Willis Women's Association, Clinton; Associated Printers, Ltd., Toronto; Kitchener Kang Street Bap +'met ' 'iomen'e Association; St. Paul's United church choir, Scarboro Bluffs A REGRETTABLE: ACCIDENT Mrs. J. ,L. Cree met with a. pain•: ful accident the other day when the ,slectric wringer caught her hand ane drew it in some distang'e before she could reverse the machine, As she was alone at the time she had to do this herself.' Mrs. Cree for a time suffered severe dines and had . re cantly been enjoying better: health and her friends sympathize with her deeply in this unfortunate accident ILL IN JAPAN The Toronto Globe theotherday had the following item referring - to a daughter of the late Die Peter Mc- Donald, former deputy' speaker of the House of -Contemns and long a t'esi dent of Wingbam, "Dr. Caroline MacDonald; who has rendered• notable service in Japan, is compelled through illness to relin- quish her work there and will return to Canada. Dr. M;acDonaid had the honor of being a delegate to Geneva • and has, for her work among the Japanese, been given distinguished honors by the Emperor. Her many friends in this land regret her ill- ness which it reported • to be. quite serious." DIED AT WASHINGTON . The friends of Mise Margaret Garrett, who for many years -spent her summers' at Bayfield, where she had a cosy cottage and where she tock a keen interest in church' work during her yearly sojourns, will re- gret to learn that het death took 'place at Washington, D.C., on Thurs- day, June 18th... Owing to failing health 'Miss Garrett was obliged three years ago to discontinue he:- summer ersunier visits to Canada, which were so much enjoyed by her. Miss Garrett was at cousin of-efkss B. F. Wlard's mother and during her visits here met many people in Clin- ton and vicinity, who held her it high esteem. 1,Iv t, r � NF, , ,R—CIT URCiIILI. , The marriage was solemnized at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Thr Molehill, Joseph street, on Sat- urday morning of their younger daughter, Edna Pearl, and James Henry Venner of Hlamilton, only son of Mr. and Mrs.. C. T•T. Venner of Clinton, Rev, Is. G. Verrill of Ontario street United church offi- ciated. '.. The bride wore a lovely wedding gown of white satin and lace with hat and shoes to match and carried a shower bouquet of roses, lily of the valley and fern. Miss Hazel Churchill was her sister's brides- maid, wearing old rose ' • crepe and earrying pink• carnations, Mr, John Elliott was best man, During the Ceremony the bridal party stood before a bank of peon- ies orange blossoms and ferns. Miss Susan Livermore played the wedding music, including I.nhen- grin's 'Wedding March as the bride came in. The bride was given it marriage by her father. A wedding luncheon Was served at noon and later New'. and Mrs. Ven- ner left on a honeymoon trip. On their return they will • reside in Ha mitten, where the brideeroonl has been employed for some time. The young bride was the recinien', of many handsome gifts, one being a silver cream and sugar and tray from the staff and students of the School of Commerce. Her friends also gave her a shower of misted- aneous articles one evening last weer;, AMONG THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church Communion service in tite morn- ing. In tine evening the Orangemen will attend, service in a body, when the Rev. A, A. Holmes will preach. Baptist Church The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Retie Huron street,' on Friday, June 26th, at 3 p.m. The Auburn Ladies' Aid will be the guests of the Clinton Ladies' Aid a' this meeting. Ontario Street United Church , Rev. A. J. Tewin, D.D„ of Toron- to, the General Secretary of the Pro- vincial Prohibition Union will speak at- the -morning service In the evening the pastor's triple will be: "A Colony of the' Kingdom." Turner's Church Last Sunday was Sunday School anniversary day at Turner's Spec- ial musical peogram. Among those taking' part were Marion Gibbings Dr. F. G Thompson. Rev. Mr. Sinclair of Hensall spoke. St. Paul's Churnb • Owing- to illness 'Archbishop Wil- liams has been obliged to take a rest and .his confirmation"- tour bas been postponed iridefinitely. The Archbishop was -to have 'confirmed a class in St.. Paul's. church, Clinton. this ,evening. Wesley -Willis United' Church Sunday next will be Rev. Dr ;:ogg's last •Sunday as pastor of this congregation. in .the morning -he will s f sewn co elude his' series o• n nns t• en "The ' '�P t tray s of Jesus," - o subject boing . "Wirth Jesus on Mount Olivet" In ,the eyenrpg:'`Inspired by Vision --4I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision," The congregation meets :this ev- ening for a little farewell gathering. OFFICERS INSTALLED Rt W. Bro. fl. E. :Rorke installed the. W.M, of Clinton Lodge No. 84 A.F. et A,M. and invested the other affieers yesterday evening, St. John's night, assisted - by W. Bro, Noise)) Ball. -.After ,the installation <the members enjoyed a .feast of straw. berries and ice cream, and a social hour together. LITTLE LOCALS A11 roads will lead into Clinton on Wednesday, July lst, Canada's birth- day. Ontario West Firemen are putting on a big celebration here. It is hoped that no citizen will fail to do his stunt of decorating for D'otninion Day. Every business place and every private residence in Clinton should houout' the day - and the occasion by suitable deepen -thins. Miss Mary Stewart entertained bhe- staff of . the Blyth • Continuation school on Thursday evening least, VISIT T0' COUNTY HOtvrE ' The Young Peopled' Society or Elimvale church came up. an Monday evening to visit the Cannty Home and presented an excellent program. The pregr.'am consisted of a number of musical selections, some read- ings by Mr. Melvin Jones and an ad- dress by the Rev, Mr. White. Thir was enjoyed by tine residents ane management and at the conclusion a treat of candies and oranges seas dis- tributed. The County Horne has entertainec- many visitors during -the., past few ntonths and all these visits are ap- preciated. GRAND BENDERS WIN Clinton's softball, nine went , down to defeat on the home-, diamond on Tuesday evening before Grand Bend's team, who went up first and bagged three runs in the first in- ning. They followed up their ead- vantage by retiring the hmnesters -orelese far the first four innings, while piling tip an aggregate of eight tuns. Clinton secured. one, in the fifth, three in the sixth andone in the ninth, while the visitors finished their nine with twelve runs to their credit, the final seore standing at 12-5. The home team were do- ing good work in the latter part of the game, though their fielding left something to be desired, although, there were some bright spots.. They were surpassed, however, by their opponents bctli iii batting and field- ing. The bays from the Bend d'd some snappy wort-. The game was clean throughout, The line-up was as follows:. -Grand Bend: 1tT. Desjardines, ss.; 1.. Ravelle, If.; W. Ravelle; $b ; E. Gregory, ' C. Stat n•, to n, The :I. Bren- ner, cf.; L. Baker, c.; L. Mason, ref, Clinton --• P. Livermore, 1f; Holmes, rf; Zr Pearson, c.; C. Streets 2b; B. Biggart, p; K. Pickett, ss,; D. Matheson, 3b. Umpire, .W. Fulford; base umpire T. W. Morgan. BAYFIELD Miss A. McIntyre of Strathroy came last - Thursday to spend ' the summer zit Mrs. John Pearson's. Dr, and Mrs. J. R. Jewett. of Clinton, Imva, same last week to spend a couple of weeks vacation in Dr. G. W. Brown's cottage, Mrs. Webb and Miss VVebh of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Webb for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Oates and two boys of Hamilton cane on Fri- day to spend the summer at their cottage, Mrs. W. G, Livingston and family of Detroit are occupying a cottage in Jowett's Grove, Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit i t visiting her parents, Dr. and -Mrs Wm. F. Metcalf. Miss Ahna. McKay of Toren -Me is spending this week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McKay. - ar. V. Johns, K.C., formerly As- sistane Provincial- Secretary, ' and brother of E. H. Johns` of this oil lage, ]tan been appointed Deputy Registrar General. The A. Y. P. A. Rally service will bee held in St John's Church, Varna, on Sunday evening at seven o'clock All members are urged to be pee-. sent, • Mrs. R. Y. McLean • and Tittle - daughter, Judith, of Toronto are the' guests of her sister, Mrs. A. New- ton -Brady •Douglas ,Gemeinhardt of 0rillia spent the week -end with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gemein hardt. 0. Lamb and Master George Boyd. who accompanied him, were the guests of the litter's grandmoth- er, Mrs. G; W. Weods. • - Mr, and Mrs...Ilenry Lord of Lon- don spent Sunday with- the ratter's mother, Mrs. Kate Davison. • Mrs. G. W. King of, Detroit is. at her cottage. "King's Bluff." Mrs. E. Partridge of Toronto : is occupying her cottage in LakeeidE• Parte, Misses Morley •and two- little .nice es, Patsy and Barbara Morir-p of Detroit are et their eo tg. • • ' Misses A. and A. Dr:ouin of Der troit came last week bo spend the season a`t their cottage - GO. the Ter-' race. Miss Fairbairn of - Detroit ir• theme Quest until her cottage is'•ce'n- pleted. 1141r• and'Mrs W. H. Shannbre of Toronto -are at their, cottage' in Lake- side Park. Miss Grace 'Jewett, who has been' 'attendiegs MaDenald Hall, Guelph, came home ori Thursday last to spend' the vacation with her parents, "Mr, and Mrs. W. R, Jewett. Mr. and..Mt•s, Cree Cook o,f.;Ciin- ton are at. their cottage. • Mr. and Mrs. G. Finout and Ugl- ily of Flint are at their cottage in Jewett's Grove, - W, F. Carter of Clinton hastaken• a position in le A. Edwiitds store for the summer.' months, Mrs. F. H. Moser and family or Waterloo are occupying one of the Beard cottages' at Sunset Point. Mrs, Alex. McLeod and two daughters of Wroxeter are 'holiday-• 'Ing at their house in the village, Miss Maude McGregor and Iterli McGregor. spent, the week -end ' in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs; ,li„ J Cantelon. - j Captain Hansen of London is - a guest at the Albion Hotel. Miss Anna Aiken of St, Cathay Ines and Miss Loi Anderson or Thcraid are the 'guests of Misses Eleanor and Louise Stevens at' their cci-tage."Merrytime Lodge. Mrs. R. L. Roney and children of Detroit are occunylns Donald At- ki s c n, nn, u Orta• P, fir theseason. . ea. nn, Mrs. D. -Clarke. Mrs Meehan and Ws. Helanct •: and children of De- troit are' spending 'a holiday in F. Trebileock's cottage. • Mrs Ch•irchward and son, Illy. and Mr,. P. V. Grainger and family. J. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. NI. P. NIc- Dr.•nagh of London were amongst thosa who spent ;the week -end at their eottages. • .le wt's wee. leen regret that his many friends in this vicinity ]earner that. Orville. Kalbfleisch, principal of the Public School, had handed in his resignation. Mr. Kalbfleisch, bas been here two years and during that time has shown his ability as a i teacher. He will. he greatly, ntissect in. St. Andrew's United Church where he took an active Hart in the works of the. Young People's Department having been pres'dent during his stay here. He reaianed to aetept a better positidn on the teaching' star at F'orewich..Tess hest wishes• of his many friends go with hint, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dai. and Miss Jean 'Day: of Detroit are at their cottage. • Fred Bronco of Stratford, pleaded guilty and paid the fines amounting to forty-five' Melees to Magistrate Andrews, Clinton, on three charges— reckless • driving, using profane runs guage and refusing to stop •when Constable J, Pease signalled to hint on Sunday, June e, when passing through g •h Hayfield.. Constable Pease is eheelcictg up those who abuse the traffic rules in this district. The following are ' the Lower School results of Bayfield Public School. Four subjects, History. Geog- raphy, Art and Agriculture 2 com- prise a year's work in the 6th shies in addition to introductory courses in mathematics and languages. The following is a list of the successfit' pupils a subject in brackets follow- ing a name denotes a failure in that subject: Elliott, Alvin; Elliott, Muriel; Johns, Lawrence, (Art); Osmond Kabel (Art); Parker, Thelma; Wild, Jehn; Sturgeon, Bertena, (geng,) Sturgeon, Eva, (Geog. and Hist Mese Agnes Currie left on Wed•• nesday to visit her daughter, in Wind- sor, Miss R. Kennedy of Stratford ie at her cottage, 0. lCdlbfieisch loft on Wednesdays for his hoine in Mildmay, - Mrs. MacDonald of Sarnia is the guest of her daughter, Mrs, A, Newton -Brady, Master• Kenneth Brandon, eldest son, of H. N. Brandon, had a 'narrow escape when he fell off a horse .which be was riding en Saturday ev- ening. 1t was thenght at' first that he might he'serively injured but -for- tunately he was only stunned and was able to, be up' again on Sunday afternoon. He was trying a' new saddle and rude under a beech tree. Itis thought that a Titnb of the tree bit the horse and frightened him, as the horse is quite reliable. VARNA- Misses Mary and Irene Chiller of London spent the week -end at their home), Mr. Charles Rathwell, Mrs. Mar- garet Reid, 'and Miss NI Rathwell of Bayfield spent a few days in Wind- sor. My. Henry Crick of Chatham vis- ited with friends in the vicinity over week -end. Mr. J. T. Reid of London spent' Sunday in the village, (Mrs. Russell •Erratt and babe have returned home from London hospital' and we are 'glad to report both are' doing fine. , •Mr. Cecil Wiley of Flint, spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Will Reid. - and Mr ; d s. George Sturdy and s onar: H ve Mr. and E. Bell a d Mrs. Lear of Auburp caned on Mr: and Mrs.; George Connell on Sunday. Mrs. Marks and sop hoes of To - ?onto ,spent the past two weeks with - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Con- nell.