The Clinton News Record, 1931-06-18, Page 8isemeasamseeneesmeminsas CLINTON'S 9:1 ADING-JEW7 LERY STORE Detcethe r. Sight Those with defective eye -sight use up 40 percent, more energy doing the same went as those: win perfect vision Bence the losses to industry through defective eye -sight is alarming. Does it pay to employ helpwith defective vision. See to it that they have their eyes properly .tested .and fitted before employing thein. ' We can do it scientitieally and fit you with the. latest. style frames. . JOHNSON ' rreduete of Toronto College of Optocnetry Next Hovey's Drug Store, Jeweller and Optician Floor Catlin 1:2140.al gs.a .t ties 4 -yd WIDE LINOLEUIeX, Reg, Price $4.00 Our Price .:$3.26 PRINTED LINOLEUM, 2 yds. wide Per Yard , . •$1:50 FLOOR OILCLOTIi, any width Per Square Yard 50e LINOLEUM, CONGOLEIIM and REXOLEUMi RUGS ALL AT BARGAIN r -RIOT Z. AXMINSTER RUGS, 271/54. Regular $6.00; For , ..•$3.95 Regular $4.50• For ,......$3.10' TAPESTRY RUGS, 27x54 Regular $2.25, For. .. REXOLEUM MATS, 18x36 New Patterns for ,15e CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS OF ALL IUNDS AND ALL HOUSE FURNISRINGS AT REDUCED PRICES TO CLEAR Plumsteel Bros. EXCLUSIVE DEALER$, "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" AT REAL Savings IN PRICE Rib Roast of Beef, lb. 15E Shoulder Roast, beef, Ib. .,14e Chuck Roast Beef, lb, .,12e Rib Boil Beef, ib. 10e. Brisket Boil Beef, lb. Shanks, front. lb. 6e Snicked Cottage Rolls, lb. 20e P. M. Cott. Rolls, ib. 18e Dry Salt Pork, Ib, 18e Schneider's pure Lard, in 20 -Ib, ,palls . ,$2.16 Bulk Pickles, pint , 25c Nice Line of Cooked pleats in Stock, also choice Veal and Spring Lamb. KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONNE LL itL TY t D LILA " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 102 Huron Street. ® r 1 i1.111 �7 �- QYZii. o;r','..�" Q=a© em -'poi -x.==101=10,1 ;11 CALL AN SEE OUR STOCK r "F LAWNMOWERS PRICES RANGING FROM $5.00 to $14.0011 b DON'T FORGET OUR=:SPECIALBARGAIN COUNTF'R SIIJTTER & PER]UE PLUMBING HARDWARE, ELECTRIC MIRING Phone 147w 0=0 0=10 STANLEY IVIr. and Mrs, Alfred Westlake and Ms`s. Thomas Snowden motored to Stratford one day last week. Mr, Wilbur Blair motored to Lon- don on Friday Iast. Mr, and Mrs. Will 'Scotchmer had' family spent Fridaywith friends near Exeter. A very interesting sheep breeders' Meeting was head at the home of Mr. Lorne Manson on Wednesday fore- noon. There was) a good attendance and the meeting was ;addressed by Lionel. Stevenson, Provincial' Zoole- gilt„ and some very helpful informa- tion Was given. ,. s John M ail e a t Mi . ah GI' an n ej,tainCd ata trousseaeu tea in honor of her daughter''Miss' Ann, on Tuesday af- ternoon. Mrs. McFarlane and daugh- ter received the gnoets: Mrs. Eddie Glen and. Miss ]Noxa Stewart invited the guests to view the trogsseau.' Mrs, AAek . **Ewan and Mrs, Mary Stewart pi' jded at the tea . table. Mies Mary Stewart, Miss Margaret McLaren and Mrs. Malcolm' McFar- lane assisted in serving tea, 'throughout the house bowie of gar- den flowers were effectively arrang- ed. - I-IULLETT TOVV NSUTr lvir. and live. Enitna e h hslc ]pent last Sunday at the home oa.. Mr.. Alva McDowell, of WiAstfieid• • • 1Vir. Leslie Fortune and 511155 Edna Gine:neon of Wirigham were ;guests at":th'e home `of Mi'. Charles Stewart visiting `herori Sunday. Miss AnnieThoh. is at present ' brother, 311±. Jahn lVoon,j of 'Goderieh towizsliiji, T1I CLINTON-NEWS . RECORD SPECIALIZING DN SPEGIALS White ;glass mug, 31 inches high lOc China Cup and 'Saucer, floral decora- tion asst. colors ` iOc Tea Plate to match above 10c French Earthenware, Cup and Saucer ,conventional pattern 10e 7 inch Plates to match above '10c Fruit :Nappies .to match above 10c 9 inch Glass Plate i3Oe White Porcelain eup and saucer, flor- al pattern 10e Green glees ,measuring .bowl, 2 cup size 15e 6 inch Green 'glass pitcherwith flut- ed sides 15e 7 inch Green glass bowl with floral pattern 15e Clear 'glass measuring pitcher, 10 oz. size • ' 1.5e White China tea plate gold edge colorful pattern 15c Cereal dishes to match above 16c Flower holders 6'/a inches high, nov- elty styles _ Ise i3 inch Clear Glass Candy Jar 15c Egyptian pattern Vases, 5 inches 15c Green Glass Vase 8 inches high, two styles • 18c Art Glass Vases 7 inches high 20e Shopping Bags rubberized assorted colors 25e Shopping Bags higher quality trim - pied with contrasting colors 40e T1Ia W. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Ruby V. Irwin was in Toronto yesterday. Miss Jean Hogg was up from Milver- ton over the week -end. Mr. J. G. Chowen anade a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Miss Isobel Beattie was in Toronto on a business trip on Monday, Mrs. C. McKinnon of Thorold is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. John- ston. Miss Freda Wallis of Guelph, was home with her parents over the week -end. Miss Marjorie Beaton of Toronto spent the week -end with her moth- er in town. Mrs. Roberts and Miss Olive Levy of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. 3. 'Torrance., Mr. Burke and Miss Burke of St. Thomas visited Miss Courtiee of town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B, planning and 'Master Jackie spent the weekend in Woodstock and Toronto. Mr., Stewart Paisley of Toronto vis- ited his mother, Mrs. W. J, Paisley of town, over the week -end. Mr. Jack Elliott, Mrs, W. J. Elliott, • and Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Morrish were in Wordstoek on Sunday. Mr. Ed, Carter and his daughter, Miss Lizzie, are spending the week with Morris and Grey township friends, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rands of North- ern Ontario are visiting the for - 'flees parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jabez Rands of town. Arr. and Mrs. t. Paterson and Mr. Newman and Miss .Edith Paterson motored up to Lion's Head and `CTierton for the week -end, Mr, and .Mrs, W. Whalley and Mr. and Mrs. B. Woolley. and Master Tom of London were visitors on Sunday of Miss Ruby Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Sylvester, Mas- ter Allan Bartlett and Mrs, P. C. •Town of Toronto motored up Sun- day and are visiting the 'ladies mother Me's. George Levis. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hall and tivo little sons returned to their home in To- ronto on Saturday after spending a week with the fot'mer's parents, MVir, and Mrs. G. E. Hall of town.. Mr. and Mxs. Hall and. Miss Eve- lyn motored thens to the city, Mass Lillian Manning and bliss Ed- ith ,Gibbings . spent Saturday last as the guests of the formner's els- ter, Miss Dorothy Manning, at the home of Mr. and bLrs. Luther Rey- nolds, Usborne township, where Miss Dorothy is teaching this tern', • Ivfa,e, D. M. Litaker of Asheville, N. .C., who had been a delegate to the World's W.C.T.U. convention in Toronto, visited last week with her cousin, Mrs. A. T. Cooper. They haze not met since they were children until they met at this convention in Toronto. • Mr. and Mks. McFarlane leave for Toronto today after visiting the lady's aunt,. Mrs. R. 'M;arshall the paste week. Mr. and Mrs. McFar- lane are on their jioneynnoon, Mis. McFarlane being formerly Miss 1 yrtle Spencer,. who- has 'visited in Clinton on several occasions and IS known to many hero,' Mrs. Clara Rumball, local manager of the Bell Telephone Comnanv, leaves this afternoon to attend the conventions of the Telenhone\Pidn- emi s; to, be held in Kingston on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Rum - hall goon through to Ot'ta'wa,yvhere she o Mr. T ,. sen, A Ra Ru 1 r ma 3, , y b now located, and will motor back 'with trim, to the Kingston convene `tion. .Slit; will also visit her son and his aelfe iii tittaVa for a eau - Pie of weeks. , THURSDAY; JUNE 18; 1931' CLEARANCE SALE. of SPRING PLANTS STARTING FRIDAY, JUNE 19th ABSOLUTELY FREE! One Box of Plants with Every .25e Box of Spring Plants Purchased. YOUR CHOICE OF: Tomatoes, Cabbage, Caulif.owee, Cel- ery, Hot and Sweet Peppers, Asters, Zinnias, Snapdragon, Phlex, Seabiosa Pansies Petunias, Marigolds, Straw - flowers, Verbenas, Etc. Null count in boxes not Guaranteed. While they last we will sell from the hot beds at 5c per dozen:• Tomatoes, Celery and Cabbage Plants. These are Fine Plants. Reduced Prices to Clear on Vines, Etc., for Boxes and Baskets. COME EARLY Limited Quantity in Some Varieties. JOHN CUNINGHAME FLORIST a eh! ICE COLD "VERNOIR„ THAT FAMOUS GINGER ALE SERVED AT OUR FOUNTAIN or IN BOTTLES AND HANDY CON • TAINERS TO TAKE HOME COME IN AND TREAT THE FAMILY "'Clinton S3aIterij" BARTLIFF & CRICH Clinton, Ont. Ph N 1 i pastor, Rev. J. W. Herbert, had charge of both services and her bible class teacher, Mr. A. J. •Courtice, gave one of his characteristically bright talks on, "Our Heavenly home," followed by an appropriate solo, "A City Foursquare," feelingly rendered by Miss R. McDonald, in- termnent' was made in Clinton cense- i tei'y, the pallbearers being George Yungblutt, John •Jervis, E. J. Tre- tvartha, Ira Merrill, W. Ii. Lobb and I S. Witmer, Besides her husband and sons, two sisters survive, Mrs. George I Youngblut of Goderich; Mrs, W. Box of Vancouver' and two brothers, Al- bert of B.C., and Samuel of Goderich. The relatives frons a distance who attended the funeral were: Miss Ber- tha Young, ]vers. J. Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Woods, London; Mrs, Ar- cher and son, Ernie, Mrs. A. Ran- dell and daughter, Marjorie, Sarnia; Mrs, 0. Buchanan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Halstead and Charlie Hal- stead, Stratford; ever. and Mrs. J. Harrison and family, Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. C. Holland, Seaforth; also friends from Kitchener, •Coderich Au- burn and Zurich. • Many beautiful floral tributes of sympathy were received from rela- tives, friends and the United church of Holmesville, also the L.O.L. IETY You souse' tines want a Cake, Cookie r P i which ' different C e o Peis diff s some tasty piece of pastry which is new and tempting. Visit our Bakery where you can have many delicious varieties to choose from. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE:— Every Kind of Pastry, Quality Bread, Delicious Candy, Faun- tain Drinks, and Iee Cream. Wendori's Bakery. &• CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE GB ;,;,.FF,�,;a,. SINCiIf�E��G E HOLMESVILLE In the early . morning of Tuesday, June the ninth, in Clinton hispital, death crime suddenly after several months' illness to Pennine, Halstead, wife of Alfred Jervis, of Holmesville. With the exception of the first five years of her life spent at her birth- place"near Belleville, she lived in Goderich township. In February, 1893 she was united in marriage to Alfred Jervis. To this union were born three sons, Lorne,, Wilfrid and Will. .She was a devoted wife and mother, and a kindly friend who dis- mpohsed a true hospitality. " On Thursday at two o'clock a short service was held in her late bone, followed by a public service at 2.80 o'clock in Holmesville United church. The deceased lady had been a mem- ber of this church for alnsost fifty- one years, having consecrated her life to the Master when fifteen years of age. ,she served• Him faithfully by humble, untiring service, in her church, home and oonnninnity, Her Why not start in now to refinish your home 3 Use Martin -Seam. 100% Pare Paint and Varnishes for Inside and Outside Use. Try our Quietude Enamel for Brighter Kitchen Our Floor Enamel in all shades is just. what you want to put the fin- ishing touch le any room. • S HARDWARE and PLUMBING Picone 244 IN CONTEMPLATING YOUR NEW ouse Funds s —We have the stock of Furniture that is bound to please as it's all new and up-to-date and of course, the prices will suit you too, We are putting on a`special display of Marshall Mattresses this week so don't fail to see it and you will be surprised at the values, • We have a large assortment of Verandah and Lawn Furniture, so you may enjoy the fresh air in the Isot weather. A great big stock of Lamps -+any old price you wish to pay. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Wo have a good line of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools of all kinds. Screen Doors and Windows, and Sereening in all Widths. ELECTRIC PLATES AND STOVES AND COAL OIL STOVES Clinton. Hardware & Furniture Co. WATCH OUR WINDOW WEEK -EN Crosse & Blackwell's Free Deal Free 1 tit C. & B. Pork and Beans or Spaghetti with the purchase of any two C. & B. Products. C. & B. Catsup 21c C. & B. Malt Vinegar .. 27c Muffett Post Bran, shred- ded wheat, Rice Krispies, 2 pkge, for 25c SPEcIALS Choice Quality Corn, tin 10c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 19e Ayl. Catsup, 12 oz. 2 hot. lee bfany Flowers Soap, 4 cake 26e Fancy Red Salmon, 1-2s ..15c Fancy Red Salmon, 1-2's..25e Keen's Mustard, 1-4's , . 27c 1.2's for ,,... ,5.;c Peanut Butter in jar 211e Swansdown Cake Flour -89e 89E PICNIC SUGGESTIONS Cooked Ham for Sandwiches, Olives, Lemons for that cool re- freshing drink and many other articles we can suggest. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 'See our Window Display of Strawberries, Cantelopes, oranges, Bananas, Tomatoes, Cucurlbers and Potates, Etc. They are always fresh and the price is •,.sight in line with the city market. MEATS Breakfast Bacon, per ]b. 25c Back Bacon, per ib. 39e Cooked Ham, per lb, 48e Cottage Roll, per lb. 27c J. T. McKN IGHT 82 SON A FULL NEW LINE OF r Ranging in prices from $1.00 to $5.00 DRY Y Lk,A.NIN C G OR PRESSING G; , I"' 31.50 IN OVERCOAT Oft Su 1 DAVIS Cc HER 9: AN Veteran Tailors - Phone 224w • WEEKLY PRICE LIST AT u+ O'NEILf'S G C TE See t)uis fcw11 AT THE RIGHT AS YOU ENTER Bargain Baskets with Specials all over the Store ~ Frigidaire including Cooked and Smoked Meats, Lard, Shortening Etc.. All Our Goods Marked and You are Invited Bee Hive Syrup (5 lbs.) 33cGinger Heinz's Beans, large size 19c New 'Cheese, per pound • 18c Icing Sugar, 3 pounds 25c Salada Tea, pound 54c - Red Rose Tea, pound 54c Fresh Ground Coffee 29c Green Sifting Tea, per pound 25c " to Compare Our Prices with Chain Stores Snaps, 2 pounds . 25c Dates, 3 pounds 25c Rolled Oats, 7' pounds 25c Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds 55c Tomatoes, 3 tins 29c Peas, 3 tins 25c Big Five, each • 25c K. & K. Cleaner • 5c TO OUR FRUIT SECTION Tanglefoot (8 oz. spray) 25c Lennns, per dozen 23c Oranges, 2 dozen 35c Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Carrots, ,per bunch 10c Tomatoes, 2'pouuds 25c Large Sweet Pickles 49c FRIGIDAIRE Lard, 3 pounds for 35c Lard, 5 pounds for 55c Lard, 10 pounds for $1.10 Bologna, per pound 19c Cooked Ham, per pound 45c CLINTON'S BIG t , ryr'"'ir: CORNER GROCETERIA t " Phone 48 `� �� : "` - _ Where • "Less"or ' " �'' Pr�ices £Prvailss CLEARANCE SALE. of SPRING PLANTS STARTING FRIDAY, JUNE 19th ABSOLUTELY FREE! One Box of Plants with Every .25e Box of Spring Plants Purchased. YOUR CHOICE OF: Tomatoes, Cabbage, Caulif.owee, Cel- ery, Hot and Sweet Peppers, Asters, Zinnias, Snapdragon, Phlex, Seabiosa Pansies Petunias, Marigolds, Straw - flowers, Verbenas, Etc. Null count in boxes not Guaranteed. While they last we will sell from the hot beds at 5c per dozen:• Tomatoes, Celery and Cabbage Plants. These are Fine Plants. Reduced Prices to Clear on Vines, Etc., for Boxes and Baskets. COME EARLY Limited Quantity in Some Varieties. JOHN CUNINGHAME FLORIST a eh! ICE COLD "VERNOIR„ THAT FAMOUS GINGER ALE SERVED AT OUR FOUNTAIN or IN BOTTLES AND HANDY CON • TAINERS TO TAKE HOME COME IN AND TREAT THE FAMILY "'Clinton S3aIterij" BARTLIFF & CRICH Clinton, Ont. Ph N 1 i pastor, Rev. J. W. Herbert, had charge of both services and her bible class teacher, Mr. A. J. •Courtice, gave one of his characteristically bright talks on, "Our Heavenly home," followed by an appropriate solo, "A City Foursquare," feelingly rendered by Miss R. McDonald, in- termnent' was made in Clinton cense- i tei'y, the pallbearers being George Yungblutt, John •Jervis, E. J. Tre- tvartha, Ira Merrill, W. Ii. Lobb and I S. Witmer, Besides her husband and sons, two sisters survive, Mrs. George I Youngblut of Goderich; Mrs, W. Box of Vancouver' and two brothers, Al- bert of B.C., and Samuel of Goderich. The relatives frons a distance who attended the funeral were: Miss Ber- tha Young, ]vers. J. Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Woods, London; Mrs, Ar- cher and son, Ernie, Mrs. A. Ran- dell and daughter, Marjorie, Sarnia; Mrs, 0. Buchanan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Halstead and Charlie Hal- stead, Stratford; ever. and Mrs. J. Harrison and family, Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. C. Holland, Seaforth; also friends from Kitchener, •Coderich Au- burn and Zurich. • Many beautiful floral tributes of sympathy were received from rela- tives, friends and the United church of Holmesville, also the L.O.L. IETY You souse' tines want a Cake, Cookie r P i which ' different C e o Peis diff s some tasty piece of pastry which is new and tempting. Visit our Bakery where you can have many delicious varieties to choose from. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE:— Every Kind of Pastry, Quality Bread, Delicious Candy, Faun- tain Drinks, and Iee Cream. Wendori's Bakery. &• CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE GB ;,;,.FF,�,;a,. SINCiIf�E��G E HOLMESVILLE In the early . morning of Tuesday, June the ninth, in Clinton hispital, death crime suddenly after several months' illness to Pennine, Halstead, wife of Alfred Jervis, of Holmesville. With the exception of the first five years of her life spent at her birth- place"near Belleville, she lived in Goderich township. In February, 1893 she was united in marriage to Alfred Jervis. To this union were born three sons, Lorne,, Wilfrid and Will. .She was a devoted wife and mother, and a kindly friend who dis- mpohsed a true hospitality. " On Thursday at two o'clock a short service was held in her late bone, followed by a public service at 2.80 o'clock in Holmesville United church. The deceased lady had been a mem- ber of this church for alnsost fifty- one years, having consecrated her life to the Master when fifteen years of age. ,she served• Him faithfully by humble, untiring service, in her church, home and oonnninnity, Her Why not start in now to refinish your home 3 Use Martin -Seam. 100% Pare Paint and Varnishes for Inside and Outside Use. Try our Quietude Enamel for Brighter Kitchen Our Floor Enamel in all shades is just. what you want to put the fin- ishing touch le any room. • S HARDWARE and PLUMBING Picone 244 IN CONTEMPLATING YOUR NEW ouse Funds s —We have the stock of Furniture that is bound to please as it's all new and up-to-date and of course, the prices will suit you too, We are putting on a`special display of Marshall Mattresses this week so don't fail to see it and you will be surprised at the values, • We have a large assortment of Verandah and Lawn Furniture, so you may enjoy the fresh air in the Isot weather. A great big stock of Lamps -+any old price you wish to pay. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Wo have a good line of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools of all kinds. Screen Doors and Windows, and Sereening in all Widths. ELECTRIC PLATES AND STOVES AND COAL OIL STOVES Clinton. Hardware & Furniture Co. WATCH OUR WINDOW WEEK -EN Crosse & Blackwell's Free Deal Free 1 tit C. & B. Pork and Beans or Spaghetti with the purchase of any two C. & B. Products. C. & B. Catsup 21c C. & B. Malt Vinegar .. 27c Muffett Post Bran, shred- ded wheat, Rice Krispies, 2 pkge, for 25c SPEcIALS Choice Quality Corn, tin 10c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 19e Ayl. Catsup, 12 oz. 2 hot. lee bfany Flowers Soap, 4 cake 26e Fancy Red Salmon, 1-2s ..15c Fancy Red Salmon, 1-2's..25e Keen's Mustard, 1-4's , . 27c 1.2's for ,,... ,5.;c Peanut Butter in jar 211e Swansdown Cake Flour -89e 89E PICNIC SUGGESTIONS Cooked Ham for Sandwiches, Olives, Lemons for that cool re- freshing drink and many other articles we can suggest. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 'See our Window Display of Strawberries, Cantelopes, oranges, Bananas, Tomatoes, Cucurlbers and Potates, Etc. They are always fresh and the price is •,.sight in line with the city market. MEATS Breakfast Bacon, per ]b. 25c Back Bacon, per ib. 39e Cooked Ham, per lb, 48e Cottage Roll, per lb. 27c J. T. McKN IGHT 82 SON A FULL NEW LINE OF r Ranging in prices from $1.00 to $5.00 DRY Y Lk,A.NIN C G OR PRESSING G; , I"' 31.50 IN OVERCOAT Oft Su 1 DAVIS Cc HER 9: AN Veteran Tailors - Phone 224w •