HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-06-18, Page 5OF INTEREST TG YOU AND ME Those wet week -ends do not suit the Yolk who want to go gadding put' -theycertainly pep up growth. Did you ever see the country lovelier than it is just now? Last week -end wasas fine as could be wished here.. The editor of The •Seaforth Ex posi-J for advocates the growing of boards by men as a protest against wom too liberal use of paint and; pow ";Birt can anyone imagine The Exp tor's .immaculate editor' with a bn beard? Owen Sound Chamber of Gamine is entertaining the Western Onta "Chamber of Commerce Friday a "Saturday of this week, when pl have been made for the discussion of spatters relating to the welfare of the. -several cominunities and also for :some' social entertainment, Although the prices of farm p duce are still low it• is natural Teel elated .over" the promise of bountiful harvest, which .' is ve bright •at the present time. A Hu lett township farmer told The New Record the other day that he h never in his -life witnessed such ra •:growth as has been taking place th Past few weeks. Ontario has nit to be thankful for. * * '« en's der.: osi- shy. was not always' cauecessful, as was rce .speedily demonstrated when the use rio of cars 'became general,. Old Dobbin nd' could negotiate thein even they were - ns '' ams up to the males andcarryhis lass= sengers more or less 'comfortably over bad stretches but: a cold, blood- less engine is something different. It couldn't be. trusted and there were times when no amount of encourage - anent front the best of drivers would coax a maned engine to climb out of a mud hole. So Huron is'this year spending a .fortune on roads, after - having "spent several More or less large ones inprevious years; and even then the work will not be by any means finished. Modern 'conveniences mean heavy outlays and we cannot get away from them. The citizens •of this young country, whose forebears hewed out homes in the forest, have travelled far in this generation. It might be well to halt now and then and take a look back .and another. forward. It might have .a steady- ing effect. THE CLINTONNEWS RECORD had so many days to put in, and they came, bringing.teams if needed, and if the farmer could bring a team it shortened up his time, and gravel was • hauled • from the tdwnship pit and placed on the roads: It wasn't always put on ie the smoothest way, either. ;. If some of.the high class cars one sees nowadays had encoun- tered some of those heaps of gravel there :would have been trouble. The towi*ships which happened to have generous gravel pits were apt to have the best road's, especially if they happened' also to have some map to serve as pathmasters who. had some idea of roadbuilding. But the result ro- to ry les - ad rap ' eh of f ox m o- eE er z - g If you will eat another loaf bread a day, spread with a pound o butter a ,day, following with a b ofoatmeal each breakfast, the far -product surplus would soon, be eli -minateh, and the clothiers would pr `fit When you have been on that di for a few 'months. The- Listowel Benn But, brother, suppose we are a 'ready trying to reduce to save buyin ea, new suit! - The 'Brussels PostMan, who had 'an injured finger, says that when he came down to Clinton recently and listened to Mitchell Hepburn and 'Thomas McMillan talk .. the finger ° started to heal right a -Way, • -Perhaps it was this way. Political opposition speakers are always so pessimistic that one would think the world was coming to an end, and, if one takes "their dismal forebodings seriously, a sore finger'looks like a mighty small thing, so the above editor forgot a- bout it. A forgotten hurt soon heals. « a «+r 'Canadians have not as a rule made` asmuch as they might of the cele- .beation of Dominion Day. Some -towns celebrate and citizens front the outlying community and from near- by towns come in to take part, but `it is usually spent just as a holiday and nothing more. This year Clin- ton is having a celebration, the' On- tario West Firemen's' Association having chosen this as the place and July 1st the day for putting on a celebration, Clinton is glad to wet - tome this organization, one to which all communities owe much, and it is 'hoped that the day will be It success- ful and a pleasant one.' We would suggest to the executive that in their preparations for the day, and they are many and varied, that they in- clude some features which will em- pbasize the significance of the day and call attention to the dignity, of Canada's national position. July 1-8 is to be Huron County's Home Coming: Week, How many of the sons and daughters tzf Old Hu- ron will visit the old scenes during. those eight days? Huron county will spend $187,718.- 75 on highways this season, Not so many years ago all Huron county spent on roads was what each muni- cipality contributed by its statute Jaime. Along in tune, after the seed- ing and crowding work was out of the way the several pathmasters or- . ered the farmers in his beat to orae out on a certain day, each one. WELL•KNOWN GODERICH TOWN' SHIP FAMILY HOLD: RE -UNION' "Phe Salkeld family, one of the most prominent in this part 'of wes- tern Ontario, held a reunion picnic on Saturday at Mrs. Isaac Salkeld's cottage at Bluewater Beath, on the Bayfield Road: About one hundred and thirty guests were present, all descendants, with the exception of a few, of the late John Salkeld, and Martha Wilson Salkeld, his wife, who came to Canada in the early part of the '19th century and settled on the farm now occupied by John W. Salk- eld on the Bayfield Road. The weather was most favourable for such a gathering. The tables, attractively decorated, were placed on the lawn about twenty feet from the bank of the lake, where the view is especially fi And Cbmf01 fine •table chairs and cozy 'benches were placed on the lawns. At the head of the table were John W Salkeld, who in a happy speech expressed his pleasure that so many were able to come, Sheriff Reynolds, who responded, Mrs. Miller of St. Helens, Mr, F, E, and Miss Bingham, also spoke. Af- ter singing "0 Canada," Mrs. J. T. Salkeld read the history of the SaIk- eld family -which proved most inter- esting and was listened to with rapt attention. . When supper was concluded `P/111 Palling, of Monkton, moved a hearty vote of thanks to those who had contributed so generously to the pleasures of the day. Mr. bell- ing sa{d he was glad be had married :into the Salkeld family and hoped the re -union would continue to be an annual affair. Miss Freda Wallis of Guelph seconded this and cheers were given for all the workers. 'Games for old and young were enjoyed. A baseball match between Goderich and Stratford caused much merriment and Stratford was vic- torious. Others amused themselves pitching horseshoes. Several tables where bridge was played were anoth- er centre of attraction. Many strol- led down to the lake or pleasantly exchanged reminiscences on the lawn. About one hundred years ago Jo - Bylaw No, --- of the Township of Stanley LAMONT DRAIN BY-LAW CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY COUNTY OF HURON A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR DRAINAGE WORE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY, IN THE COUNTY OP HURON, AND FOR BORRROWING ON THE CREDIT OF Tar, MUNI- ICIPALITY THE StPM OP TWENTY-NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN : DOLLARS AND TEN CENTS ($2915,10) FOR COMPLETING SA.b4E. - Provisionally eedopted March 28rd, .1931 . WIERIAS the majority in number of the resident aed non- resident .owners (exclusive of farmers sorts not actual owners) as 'shown by the Iasi revised Assessment Roll, of the property herein- after set forbh to be benefited by drainage work that is to say, The deepening, widening, straightening, clearing of obstruction or ot'hbrwiseimproving the existing drain, have petitioned Coun- eil of the Said Tpwnship of Stanley, praying that the existing Drain be widened, straightened, cleared of obstruction or otherwise im- proved, the lands androads to be benefited being described as fol- lows: Con. 8, lots 9.14, Con. 9, lots 4-14, Con. 10, iota 4-14; con. 1t, lots 4-10 and Concession Roads 8, 9, 1,0, 11 and side roads 5, 6, 10, 11. all in the Township of Stanley aforesaid. AND WHEREAS, thereupon the said Council has procured an -examinationtobe made by T. R. Patterson, County Engineer, being a person competent far such purpose, of the said area proposed to 'be drained, and the means suggested for the drainage, thereof, and of other lands and roads •liable to assessment under the Municipal Drainage Ant, and hes also procured plans, specifications and esti- mates of the drainage work to be made by the said T. R. Patterson, -County Engineer, and an assessment to be :Wade by hint of the lands -and meads to be'benefited by such drainage' work, and ',f' other lands and roads liable for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as he can the proportion of benefit outlet liability and injuring liability which in his opinion will be derived or incurred in consequence of snob drainage work by every road arid lot, or portion of lot, the said assessment so nmacle being the assessment hereinafter by this by-law •enacted to be assessed and levied upon the roads and lots or parts of lots hereinafter in that behalf specially set forth and described, in the report of the' said T. R. Patterson, l;nginieer, NOTICE •' Notice is hereby given that a coaart of Revision will be held M the Township Hall, Varna, in the County of Huron on Tuesday, the Tweet -Thin Day of ,ur y June, b A. at- . onettir 1931,l t o'clock ' Y k i the it Afternoon, to heli and consider any complaintlei nt which h may be made under the foregoing by-law, or other complaint in respect of the said by-law over which the said council has jurisdiction, Further notice is hereby given that anyone intending to appeal to have the by-law or any part thereof, quashed must, not later than taxi days, after the final ,passing theleof, serve a notice in writing up- on the Clerk and Reeve of his intention to' make 'aptilication forthat purpose to the Referee during, ,the six weeks next,:' after the final passing ,of .said by-law: . . . • CHAS. C. PILGRIM, • , Cleric of the •Said• Munici pn'lit . r y• .. CARD OF THANKS; ; MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE .. ....100 50c BIRTHS DIMPLE-tAt 13owxnanville, on Tune 12th to,, Mie. and. Mrs. L. Dipple, a daughter. DEATHS RTJ1VIBALL _In Clinton, on June 12th, Rebecca • White; widow' of George Ru,nball, aged 73 years and 3 months. L(,013B--In ,Goderich : township, on June 17th, 'Ada M. Harris, wife of Wilbert • R, Lobb, in her 40th year. SlbfpSON-, In Stanley township, on Jnne_ 13th, Mary A. Simpson, aged •74, years and 8 months. seph Wilson, leaving part of ; his family in England and Neer York, came to Goderich and bought eleven hundred acres of land. The pur- chase comprised the property- where the Square now is, south to the farms where the Bluewater course and the Salkeld farms are,and east to the Huron Road. One of Mr, Wiilson's daughters, Martha, whom he had left in Cumberland, England;. had married John Salkeld, the son of Isaac and' Margaret Snowden Salkeld of Sewell. House Farm, Carlisle, Cumberland, England. Mr. and Mrs, John Salkeld with, their family of seven children. came to Canada in 1833 and settled on the land where John W. Salkeld now lives, and it was their descendants and friends who were at the geth- ering on Saturday. The 'history of the family dates back to the thirteenth century when Richard D. Salkeld was knighted by King Edward III and property in Cumberland was granted from the Crown, the coat of arms being sym- bolic of war service. The green, sil- ver and blue crest bears the motto of the family, "Deeds Not Words," in Latin. CARD OF THANKS 'I1xr, and Mrs, A. E. Rumball wish to convey their thanks -to the friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during the, illness of their mother and for kindness and sympathy extend- ed at the time of her, death, Also for flowers sent, the loan of tars and for all kindly, thoughtful acts. CARD OF THANKS My. A. Jervis and family wish to extend their thanks to thefriends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their re- cent bereavement, for flowers sent and all kindnesses shown, also to the superintendent and staff of .the Clin- ton Public Ifospital for their kind and unremitting care. CARD OF THANKS tali•. R. Tiplady and daughter, Mrs, D. MacLeod, wish to express theiy sincere thanks to their friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy extended during their bereavement, to those who loa`hed cars for tite funeral, those who sent flowers and for all courtesies shown they are grateful, • Strayed~ Strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, lot 31, con. 11, Gode- rich township, a horse. Owner may have epee by proving property and paying expenses, R. E. Oolelough, Phone 611x4, Clinton. 23-1. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the South Huron Conservatives will be held in the town hall, Ilensall, on Monday, June 29th at 2 pan. Officers will be elected for the coming year and other business transacted. Several prominent speakers will be present to address the meeting. Ladies are cordially invited to at- tend. God Save the Ring. Col. H. B. Combe, Robs, Higgins, President, Secretary.. 23-2, n ,.y..,.-...,. Teacher Wanted Experienced teacher for S. S. No. 11;, Goderich township. Duties to eommenee beginning of fail term. Apply to D. M. Lindsay, Secretary, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 23-3. Rebekah Lodge Tea The members of the Rebekah Lodge purpose having- an afternoon tea in their • rooms adjacent to the lodge rooms on Tuesday afternoon, June 28rd, from three to six o'clock. A cordial invitatibn is extended to the ladies of the town to conte and spend an hour with them: Tea 15c. 28.1. BOYS FOR FARM WART{ British s boys and young men ex- perienced and inexperienced' for im- mediate placement on .farms in On- tario on a yearly basis. Protestant homes only. Wages ranging accord- ing to age and experience. Apply to. the Hostel, Norval, Ontario:' 23-4. Foot health Sunny days mean walking. No need to suffer from Corns, Callouses, In- erown Toe -.Nails, use "THE CRESS" Four -in -One -Salve.. Instant relief, painless. Good also for warts, • Bet- ter because its so good. Be ]sappy. Buy a jar to -day at Honey's Drug Store, Clinton, 23-1. Notice' I will continue to carry on a shoe repairing business in the rear of the Ampformerly occupied by me an Victoria street, Entrance from lane. Your patronage is solicited. 4. se •BARR ,. CUT FLOWERS RS FLORAL ,DESICNS Nor All Occasions. eeere .,,,6y_yut,,, A Large Stock of Geraniums and Budding Plants now ready. Our greenhouse is as Haar as mar phone. • Chas. V. Cooke INTERNATIONAL PIPE WEEK „gtiNE 13th to 20th' For th occasion we have the bestetook of pipes welhave ev, er displayed.. Prices from 25e up AT $L00'; WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING FAMOUS LINES Dr, Boston; Admiral, Drury Lane, Colonel Easy, and the new, Royal York, with rein- forced stern. Just out, large assortment of shapes. AT 1$1,50 We are featuring the famous Albec Pipe, This has always been a $2.00 line. We also handle the famous G.B.D. line and Gift Case Pipes, THEN TO REMIND YOU Sunday, June 21st, is Father's Day 'DO NOT FORGET -DAD THIS YEAR May we suggest, A Pipe, A. Box of Cigars Tobacco Pouch, A Tin of his. Favorite Tobacco, a tin of Cigarettes, a Lighter, A Kay- -media Cigarette Holder. "Remember Dad, He Smokes" GUNPOINT RECREATION CLUB Bowling, Billiards, Sncoker A complete Line of Cigars, Cigarete, Soft Drinks on ice and all Smokers' Sundries For the summer months we have lowered the price for bowling to 10e a line afternoon and evening, COUNTER BROS. Annual Strawberry Festi141 Of Londesboro United Church Sun- day school will be held on the even- ing of FRIDAY, JUNE 20 on the Grounds of the Memorial Hall, LOND.ESBORO SuAfterpper whiche1 aed teen 6 splendidto 8 program will be rendered consisting of a three act play put an by the Young People of Westfield, entitled, "In Cherry Time. They will also furnish the program between acts which will consist of solos, duets, readings, etc., Also music will be rendered by a five piece orchestra. Come and enjoy an exceptionally good evening, Ad- mission, Adults, 85e, Children, 20e, Program indoors if weather unfavourable, ' 24-1, Wedding Photographs Be sure and have the wedding par- ty photographed at the Burgess Stud- io, Mitchell, and you will be satisfied with the high quality of work you get. 28-1. Buckwheat For Sale Quantity of buckwheat, suitable for seed. Apply to Gladstone Grigg, R R•' No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 608r 23, Clinton central, 22.2-p. Pasture For Rent. 90 acres of good pasture land for rent. well fenced, canning water and shade. Apply to Chas. D. Shanahan, Clinton. Phone 816. 22-2. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the estate of James S. Barry, Authorized Assignor Notice is lieeeby given that James S. Barry of Clinton, Ont,, did on the 8th day of June, 1981, make an au- thorized assignment for' the benefit NOTICE of his creditors and that Edmund Weld Official Receiver, at Lon dOo R e gar i z g Weeds dShasa palatod me to be custodian of the estate of the debtor until the first meeting of creditors. Notice is further giventhat the, first meeting of creditors in the a- bove estate will be held'at'the Town Clause 3 Ontario Wsed Control Hall, Clinton, on the 28th day of Act states "Every occupant of land June, 1931, at three o'clock in . the or if the land is unoccupied, the own - afternoon, • er shall destroy all weeds designated To entitle you to vote thereat, noxious ,by the regulations as often Proof of your - claim must be lodged in every year as is sufficient to pre - with me before the meeting is held. --vent the ripening of their seeds," Proxies to be used at the meeting Noxious Weeds must be lodged. with xne' prior there- Bl" adder Campion, Ox -eye to, Andye - fart e•. h t take,Daisy, -notice that at Sow Thisles, White Cockle, : Wild such meeting the creeitorg will elect Oats; Canada Thistle, Blue Weed, the permanent trustee. ' Chicory, Docks, Ragweed, .common And further take, r notice ottee that ' xf b 0 y Ribgrass, ass, Stink weed Tumbling gMis-h ve any claim against the debtor for tard, Wlld Carrot, Burdocks, lawI:- which you are entitled to rank, proof weeds; Wild Lettuces, - of such claim must be filed with me, Property owners are advised to or with the trustee when appointed; exercise great- ai. c e in destroying or otherwise 'the proceeds 'of the deb- noxious wends before theyy ng all tor's estate will be distributed among and the goto: sees gtoco-operation gcnon of every one is the 'parties entitled thereto without .expected in a general clean-up, regard to your claim. If: these precautions are not taken, Dated' et' Clinton this 15th ,day of •the Inspector rimy exercise • 1931. h his auth- June,nte: B ordty and have .the menace removed:. .f Arthur • Cantelon, Clanton, Ont„ • before the weeds mature, I ' Custodian:' L. STC Clinton's New -Laid Egg And PoultryHouse Eggs g2' bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations: • Inquire for our prices of eggs. Yon will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets, Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted -Prices good. Always phone,' our office for prices. before marketing produce. • N. W. Tri a hii$ Phones—Office, `214j Residence, 214w CAPITA'LTIIEATI$E GODERICH Northern Electric Sound System Now Playing: ",Sunny" with . Marilyn Miller MON, TUES. WED. 'JOE 11. BROW'N Joan Bennett, Jas. Hall and the ail -American Football team in a great sport comedy, MAYBE IT'S LOVE You know the star and you know the cast, THURS,; FRI, SAT. THE BIG TRAIL A new and different' special Attraction. Coming: "A Connecticut Yankee." MOW • AUCTION SALE OF HIGH CLASS FURNITURE AT WESLEY-WILLIS MANSE Ontario Street, Clinton SATURDAY, JUNE 20 at 2.30 pan, Oak Buffet, Extension table, 7 Dining -room chairs, leather up. holstered, 'Oalc Library table, Combination desk and bookcase. Roomy rockers, leather uphol- stered, Small rockers and chairs. Small tables, Couch, Two- oak dressers and lieds, Iron bed, springs and mattress, One Marshall Mattress, Linen Cabinet, Several rugs, various sizes, Two small heaters and stove pipes. TERMS: CASH. REV. DR, HOGG. G. II, ELLIOTT, Prop. Amt. 22-2, AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Saturday, June 27th at 1.30 pale The property of Mrs. John Walker, Orange Street, Clinton. SOMEWALNUT PIECES TERMS: CASH. G. 11. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 23-1. Strawberry Festival will be held, under auspices of ST. JAMES' CHURCH, (Middleton) Tuesday, June 23rd on the lawn of MR. WILFRED COLCLOUGH Can. 11th, Goderich Township Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock, followed by first class progarm fur- nished by THE ORI'IIEUS STRING QIIAR• TETTE, EXETER. Admission, Adults, 35c, Children, 20e 23-1. Notice is hereby given to the land owners' of Clinton that the Weed Act is to be more rigidly enforced dur- ing 1931. THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1931: '1'"'^-r • 1Hus HEAT FOLKS ARE ewe. - BLOODS. THERE 15 NO MIXTURE" WITH THE SeAVV Ort STONE •• FAMILIES IN OurR FAMILy 'TREE YES SIR,WERE f FE'S— FIRST FAMILIES OF THE roreesT Have you ever noticed the imprint of a leaf on a piece of coal? You'lI :find one some times,--. a silent reminder of the Pre -his- toric forests from, which coal eaarie, ' Think of the centurion of sunshine and fresh air that must have been absorbed by these forests before they were filially buried! • That .is the eoal we offer you: wood mixed with concen- trated sunshine and oxygen, and pressed for thousands. of years! No wonder. it burns so well: Call the 4 Y1PO t J.B. Mustard PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO Vuovanianommaine C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 Low Rates and Prompt Service for Poultry,E s & Cream �s WANTED CAR INSURANCE. also 10 YEAR COUPON COLD BONDS J. G. CHO • f EN Office Next to Rattenbury Hotel Phone 52 Automobile Owner YOU MAY PURCHASE INSUR» ANCE AT RATES BASED UPON YOUR DRIVING RECORD! Have You Driven One to Four Years Without an Accident? If So You are Entitled to a Discount from the Standard rates accordingly. I will gladly give you full informa- tion concerning this plan, H: E. RORKE Phone 253w . 13-1f. New Tinsmith Shop 'Having started a Tinstnithing Situp in Londesboro I ant prepared to do all sorts' of Tinsmitliing Work,. Specializing in Eavetronghing, Roofing and General Repairs. Give me a chance to show you what I can do. F. M. PICKETT, Phone 251.13, Blyth Central, Londesboro, 13-ff. House to Rent Comfortable house, Ontario street, Clinton, residence of R. J. Gibbings, furnished or unfurnished, 'Garage, large garden with all kinds of fruit trees, Apply . to Thos. Livingston, Ontario street, two doors west of a- bove property, 22-4-p. Cottage to Rent 7 -roost cottage in Mary street. Electric light, town water, sink in kitchen, basement, garage and small garden. Apply to Miss E. J. Becker, Erie street. 22-tf-2p. For Sale House in Clinton, in good condi- tion, water, light, etc. Pelee reason- able. Apply to 5, Y. Watt, Clinton, 22-3, For Sale Desirable 8 -room house, electric lights, water. In good repair. Ap- ply to Miss Elia Alcam, or Dr. J. W. Shaw, 21.3. Cottage For Sale Frame cottage, Rattenbury street, 8 rooms, lights, water, furnace, hare, including garage and henhouse, large garden some g , small fruits. Centrally located, a desirable home. Apply on premises to Mrs. G. M. Farquhar,. 18.11. For Sale Pony, very quiet, suitable for chil- dren, also buggy and harness. Apply to John E. Howard, Phone 189w. 20-tf. For Sale. A used ear, in good running order, also a Doherty piano in first class condition. Apply to W. 'Ladd, Clin- ton. • 20-4-p. Feed Earley A quantity of feed barley will be sold at 40c per bushel. Apply to F. W. Andrews, Clinton, Phone 33. 13-tf. The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Oarbroolc Flashlight (24641) Enrollment No. 1958, approved, Perin 1, will stand at his own stable,, lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett, for the. sea- son of 1931. Terris to insure $8.00 T. J. McMichael, Proprietor. 19-5-p. Wall Papering Wall papering, painting and up- holstering done byEver ed zed L J h - , o n ston,'phone No, 640x14, Clinton cen- tral. I have about eight hundred samples of BoXer's, Stauntoe's and Empire, Sunworthy Svall papers, rang- ing from 7e to $1.50 per single roll, also about 50 samples of York up- holstering fabrics and about 100• samples of York drapery for..over,. curtains, cushions .and comforters, eautiful window shades of plain and We are prepared to buy above ev- ery working day. Eggs graded by experienced graders. Cream purchased for Bowes' Creamery, Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator. Victoria St., Clinton, Phone, 231. Better be Safe than Sorry AVOID DISEASE By Using Pastnrized Milk and Cream Delivered Daily Commencing on MONDAY, MAY 4th Milk, 10c Cream, 40c McMANUS DAIRY Phone 235 16-tf, a Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implej rent* and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and. carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Chat. niers Tractors, Those wishing to inquire about( any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton. 81-t8, ENGLISH BARRON SINGLE COMB White Leghorns $10.00 per Hundred ELMSLIA CHICK FARM, CLINTON E. L MitteII Phone 213 AGENT FOR MASSEY-HARRIS CO. SAWY'R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPIMIENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15j J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 5'3w, 18-tf, , AC k TAT�� . Now is the time to clean up your • Slow Accounts Send your list to KELLY & AIKEN Successful Collectors for 40 years ORANGEVILLE THEY GET RESULTS You can keep warm with Lehigh Valley Apthracite Coal, or have win. 'ter sunshine every day if you burp the famous (MO. Coke, Also a, good 'su ' 1 0 r f a p Y WY ndott e. Coke,Alberta toCoal, Bituminous Coal, Prompt delivery from my sheds on Queen Street at anytime. As' D. e McCartney Coal 'Dealer Queen Street Telephone 25®; Clothes Cleaned and Preeded Clothes cleaned, pressed and rel•. apey laces and insertions, Duplex paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned, and 'Venetian. See my catalogued • NG, Inspector• nn Rooms over Heard's Barber shop„ samples. E. L. ;Johnston. 1241. W. J. Jago. 2288 -ti's