HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-06-11, Page 5'GODERICH 'TOWNSHIP The Godericlr Township Men's Club acct in the basement of Grace church P'orter's Ilill, on :Tuesday evening, -about ninety being present. The sec- retary, Mr. 11. C. Cox, on request of the president, Mr. Fred Elliott, took the chair and after the ripening ex, ercises called. on Dr. F. 0. Thompson ..of. Clinton, who gave a very instruc- • tiye and interesting address on the -preservation of health. Dr. Thornp- •son expressed surprise on rising to speak; as he had no' idea that he -would he addressing so large an audience. Butthese club .meetings •are usually well attended. Messrs. G. 13. Jefferson, N. W. Trewartha, G. H. Elliott and E. Paterson of •Ciintgn were„ else present and each ^was: called on for. an address. Mr. Jefferson, in the course of his re- marks said this was, he thought, the best organization of its kind in Wes- tern Ontario.' .He had attended sev- ,eral meetings and thoroughly enjoy - 'ed them. He said Dr. Thompson led 'asked him how many would likely be 'present and he had told him ten or dozen anyway,, but he said he had -never seen fewer than seventy pre - .:sent. The Club is taking up summer sports '-again, horseshoe pitching, softball and they are making a start -at cricket, being right in the fore- *ant of the" scheme far the revival of cricket, one of the very best out edoor games in existence. • On 'Monday next, Huron's day et the O.A.C., Guelph, it is expected at `Yeast fifty members of the Goderich Township Club will go clown. They intend to visit the Grahame Short - 'horn farm, the prison farm and re- turn to the O.A.C. fox dinner. Then' 'visit several stock farms hi Water- loo County, returning'tu Kitchener -for tea. If the day is fine it ought -to be a pleasant and profitable lit - 'tie, jaunt. Messrs. H. C. Cox and Fred Bell ••were in Owen Sound this week. . Mrs. Frank Smith and little son, Thave returned home after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. H. 'Hutchings. Messrs. Gordon and Edgar Rath- -well .and Misses Dorothy and Muriel spent the week -end with friends in '.Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance were -called to Kippen on Saturday, her mother, Mrs. Iviison,' dying very -suddenly of heart failure. Mr. Ivison .was attending the conference at Chatham at the time and was called„ "home. Mr. Allen Betties has raised the roof of his kitchen and is installing bath room and running water, ''which will be a great convenience. Mr. Jas. R. Stirling has put a new stone entrance' in front of his 'place Which snakes quite an improve- ° Ment. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Whitmore and son, Harold, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitmore and daughter, Mary,, mot- -ored up from Hamilton and spent the week -end with Mr,' and Mrs, Frank Whitmore. Following is the report of S. S. No. 4 for the month of May. Marks are based on examinations and daily work: 4th—Robin Thompson, 33; Harry 'Thompson, 76; Mabel Churchill, 66; Alvin Lobb, 65. Sr. 3rd—Joy Lobb, 84; Irene Wil- liams, 72; Isabel Oakes, 69; Billie Williams,. 62. Jr. 3rd—Margaret Lobb, 76; Mary 'Thompson, 75; Elwin Merrill, 61; 'Donna Lobb, 25. 2ncl—Ross Merrill, 78; Alfred But- ler, 69; Ray Stoddart, 66; 'Harry Oakes, 60. ist class --}tarry Lobb, Bernice Lobb, Alice Stoddart, Lillian Church- ill. Pr. -Jack Merrill, Carol Stoddart, Marianne Merrill. Number on roll,' 23; average at- tendance, 22.5. -N, E. Heard, teacher. CARD OF THANKS 50c 1. MEMORIAL VERSE <,PER LINE .. ..10c 1 BIRTHS DLLW00D—In Clinton Public Hos- ' pita], on June 6th, to ,Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Ellwood, a son. COOK --.In St. Catharines Ilospital, on' June 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Cook, 1lv9ildred . jLivermbre), a rdaughter.-Barbara Ann. MARRIAGES SHARPE—ALEXANDER . At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Innes, Stanley township, on June 6th, by the Rev. Dr,, J. E. Hogg, Edna Mae Alexander, to Roy Garnet Sharpe, Toronto, son of Mrs. Sharpe and the late James Sharpe, Little Brit- ain, Ont. • DEATHS' PEACOCIC—In 'Clinton, on June 4th,' Sarah Nott, wife of Henry Pea- cock, in her 61st year. WA.LIL•ER—In Detroit, Mich., on June 7th, Cddina Hanley, widow of Thomas A. Walker, of Clinton, in her 71st year. TLPLADY In 'Clinton, onl June 9th, Mary Peke, merle . of Ralph Tiplady. . The funeral will be held on -Friday afternoon, service at the house to commence at 2.30. JE.RVIS--iln Clinton, on :June. 9th, Permail& Halstead, wife of Alfred Jervis, rGoderich township, in her 65th year. , MrcIV1R—In Clinton, on June 10th, Mrs. Barbara 'McIver,' widow of Wlilliam ,McIver, aged 70, years, The funeral, will be held from her late residence, Frederick street, -on Friday afternoon, • service to com- mence at 3,30. Kindly omit 'flow- ers. IN MEMORIAM THE' CLINTON-NEWS RECORD Strawberry Festival Under the auspices of St. Jaynes' clmreh, Middleton, will he held on the lawn of M•r•. Wilfred Colclough on the evening of Tueday, June 23rd. Ful- ler announcement next week. 22-1. Pasture For Rent" 90 acres of good pasture land for tent. well fenced, running water and shade. Apply to Chas. D. Shanahan, Clinton. Phone 316. 22-2. Cottage to Rent 7 -room cottage • in Mpry street. Electric light, 'town water, sink in kitchen, 'basement, garage and small garden. Apply to Miss E. J. Becker, Erie street. 22-tf-2p. COOK—In loving memory of Charles Cook, who passed away one year ago, Juno llth, 1930. "Oh what would I give to clasp your hand, Your dear kind face to see, Your loving smile, your welcome voice That meant so muchto nie. No one knows the silent heartache, Only those who have such can tell, Of the grief that is borne in silence, For the one we loved so well." •--Wife and family. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sym- pathy extended during.. our bereave- ment caused , by the death of our father,—The Townshend fancily. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Henry Peacock wishes to ex- tend his thanks to the friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym- pathy shown hint in his recent be- reavement. To 'those who loaned ears for the funeral, those who sent flowers and for all courtesies shown he is grateful. Buckwheat For Sale • Quantity of buckwheat, suitable for seed, Apply to Gladstone Grigg, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 608r 23, Clinton central - 22-2-p. For Sale A good seven year-old cow, and calf, .nearly fresh. 0. Reynolds. 22-1. House to Rent Comfortable house, Ontario street, Clinton, residence of R. -J. Gibbings, furnished or unfurnished. Garage, large garden with all kinds of fruit trees. eitleit . to Thos. Livingston; Ontario street, two doors west of a- bove property. 22-4-p. Bylaw No:--- of the Township of Stanley LAMONT DRAIN BY-LAW CORPORATION OF TIIE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY COUNTY OF HURON -A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR DRAINAGE'WORK IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, AND FOR BORROWING ON THE CREDIT OF THE MUNI- DIPALITY THE SU14T OF TWENTY-NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND TEN GENTS ($2915.10) FOR COMPLETING SAME. Provisionally adopted March 23rd, 1931 WHEREAS the majority -in number of the resident and non- resident owners (exclusive offarmers sons not actual owners) as shown by the last revised Assessment Roll, of the Property herein- .oafter set forth to be benefited by drainage work ,that is to say. The deepening, widening, straightening, clearing of obstruction or otherwise improving the existing drain, have petitioned Coun- cil of the ,Said Township of Stanley, praying that the existing Drain bo, widened, straightened, cleared of obstruction or ethe2wise im- proved, the lands and roads to be benefited being described as fol- lows: Con, 8, lots 9-14, Con. 9, lots 4-14, Con. 10, lots 4-14; con. 11, lots 4-10 and Concession Roads 8, 9, 10, 11 and side roads 5, 6, 10, 11 ma in the Township of Stanley aforesaid. AND WHEREAS,' thereupon the paid Council has procured 'an •examination to be made by T. R. Patterson, County Engineer, being a person competent for such purpose, of the said area. proposed to be -drained, and the means suggested for the drainage, thereof, and =of ether lands and roads liable to assessment under the Municipal Drainage Act, and has also procured plans, specifications and esti- mates of the drainage work to be made by the said T. R.1?atterson, County Engineer, and an assessment to be made 'by him of the lands and •toads to be benefited by such drainage work, and of other lands_ - and roads table .for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as he can -the proportion of benefit outlet liability and injuring liability which in his opinion will be• derived or incurred in conaequenee'of such' drainage work' by every road -and lot, or portion of lot, the said •assessment so made -being the assessmenthereinafter. by this by-law cnactdd to be assessed and levied upon the roads and lots of parts ot lots hereinafter in that behalf specially set .forth and described, in • the, report of the said T. R. Patterson, Engineer. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a court of Revision.. will be held at the Toavnship.Hall, Varna, in the County of Hurou op Tuesday, the Twenty -Third Day of 'Juno, A.D., 1031, at • one -thirty o'clock in the afternoon, to hear and . consider any complaint which may be made under the foregoing by-law, or other complaint in respect of the said by-law over which the said council has jurisdiction,' Further notice is hereby given that anyone intending to appeal 'to have the by-law or any part thereof, quashed must, not later than ten 'days after the final passing thereof;t serve a notice in writing up - „,on the Cleric and Reeve of his intention to make applicationforthat purpose to the Referee during the six weeks next, after the. final .passing of said by-law, CHAS. C, -PILGRIM; 1 ' Clerk of the Said Municipality, INTERNATIONAL PIPE WEEK JUNE 110th eto 20th For th occasionwe have the hest stock of pipes we have ev- er displayed. Prices from 25c up AT 81.00 WE HAVE THE ,. FOLLOWING FAMOUS LINES 'Dr. Boston, Admiral, Drury , Lane, Colonel Easy, and the net Royal York, with rein- forced stem. Just out, large assortment of shapes. AT 19%1.50 We are featuring the famous Albee Pipe. This has always been aye 2,00' line. Wealso handle the famous G.B.D. line and Gift Case Pipes. THEN TO REMIND YOU Sunday, June 21st, is Father's Day DO NOT FORGET DAD THIS YEAR May we suggest, A Pipe, A Box of Cigars Tobacco Pouch, A Tin of his Favorite Tobacco, a tin of Cigarettes, a Lighter, A Ray- woodie Cigarette Holder. "Remember Dad, He Smokes" CLINTON RECREATION CLUB - Bowling, Billiards, Snooker .A. complete Line of Cigars, • Cigarete, Soft Drinks on ice and rill Smokers' Sundries For. the summer months we have lowered the price for bowling to 10c a line afternoon and evening. COUNTER BROS. 22-2. CUT 'FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For All Occasions e=m,^leelllne A Large Stock of Geraniums and Budding Plants 'now ready. Our greenhouse is `as near as your phone. Chaco V® Cooke AUCTION SALE OF HIGH `CLASS FURNITURE AT WESLEY-WILLIrS MANSE Ontario _Street, Clinton SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of ,eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our office forprices before marketing produce. N. W. Trewartha at 2.30 pen. Oak Buffet, Extension table, 7 Dining -room chairs, leather up- holstered, • Oak Library table, Combination desk and bookcase. Roomy rockers, leather. uphol- stered. Small rockers , and chairs. Small tables, 'Couch, 'Two oak dressers and beds, Iron bed, springs and mattress, One Marshall Mattress, Linen Cabinet, Several rugs, various sizes, Two small heaters and stove pipes. TERMS: CASH. Auction Sale Of Household Effects of the Es- tate of the late Joseph Riley in the village of Constance, on Friday, June 12th, at 1. o'clock, consisting of the following: Bedroom suite; Wooden bed; sew- ingmachine; drop leaf table; kitchen c i table; 4 dining room theirs and 1 rocker; 3 kitchen chairs; cook stove; heating stove; flower: stand; lounge; flour barrel; 4 trunks; 2 galvanized wash tubs; barrels; bench; new 5 - gallon coal oil can; Quilts; pillows; cushions; quantity of rugs; flannel- ette blankets; clock; quantity of sealers; • 4 crocks; 3 lamps; glass washboard; ironing board; pails; 2 coffee pots; 2 teapots; granite tea- kettle; 3 dish pans; quantity of dish- es; frying pans; kettles; sauce pans; knives; forks; spoons; rolling pin; bake board; .2 granite dippers; wringer; quantity of household ar- ticles; also a quantity of fruit; ag- ed horse; harness; 'top buggy, good as new; light democrat; chop -box; forks; shovels;' scythe; mops; cross- cut saws and around 25 cords of stove wood, and other articles too numerous to mention. At the same time and place there will be sold the house and lot con- sisting of r/. acre of land, gond frame house and stable. TERMS; Everything cash the day of sale. Terms on propetry made Rumen the clay of sale. 'Dan. Riley, Proprietor, 0. 1I. El- liott, Auctioneer. 22-1. REV. DR. HOGG. Prop., • G. II. ELLIOTT, Auct. 22-2. &UCTIO SALE Phones—Office, 214j Residence(214w Of household effects, property of the late Mrs; Thomas Nott, will be held atthe residence, Londesboro, on Saturday, June 13th, commencing at 2 p.m. :Terms: Cash. .Bert Nott, R. G. Smith, executors, Geo. H. Elliott, auctioneer. 22-1-p. Exccutor'e ,Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, at Lot 12; Bayfield Line, God- erich township, 3 miles east of Bay- field en Tuesday, June 16th at. 1 o'clock sharp. - Horses -5 young horses, 2 young cows,. milking; fresh calved cow; 12 head of yearling cattle; about 80 rook hens, Implements—M.-rH. binder; 7 ft. cut; Deering Mower, 6 ft. cut; BC- H. drill, Hay rale, 10%, cultivator; set 4 -section harrows; Quebec rid- ing plow; , walking plow; cutter; 2 farm wagons; hay rack; gravel box fanning mill; rubber tire buggy; steel tire buggy; new hay fork; car; rope, and slings;, set brass mounted• teams 'firmness; set plow harness;, sot single harness; De Laval Cream Seuanator•. No, 12; about 20. cord 12 inch hard wood; -quantity of oats; quantity of mixed grain; quantity of wheat; quantity of hay in barn; 10 acres of standing oats; about • 30 ecres of standing hay, felts, shovels, whiffletrees, chains . and numerous other petioles. • At the• same time and place' the farm will be offered 'for sale. This Earn .consists of 11.3 acres of land, More or_ less with good sot of farm buildings oichm'd, 10 acres of bush, watered by windmill and spring creek also part of lot 74, Hayfield Line, consistire •. of 10 acres of second growth hardwood. Terms: Cash, or 4 month's credit with interest at 6 percent per annum added. Terms of faNnr lance made known on day of sale, immediate possession can ho given. Everything to bo sold in order to wind nn the estate. A, F, Tewnehend, rxo^liter. •0, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 22-1. LEON ' VEIRA Instructor of VIOLIN Wi11 teach in Clinton one day each week. For information and terms write to 265 Cobourg St., Stratford 21-2-p. WANTED &tarried man at once, for general farm work, small family, man and 'wife healthy, experienced; at present or recently engaged at farm work, and satisfied with farming. Hon- est, cheerful, absolutely dependable, hard worker, willing to assume re- sponsibility to make a farm pay. Careful, not slow, satisfied with usual irregular farm hours. Write or Call, Dr. Moffatt, Varna, Ont., any Saturday, or London, Ont., anytime. 21-2. MDLASSINE MEAL The World's Famous Feed for Farm Stock GILSON'S BROODERS • GILSON'S PLOW SHEARS CLIMAX BUG BILLER Sold By H. W.°Charlesworth 20-tf. For Sale House in Clinton, in good condi- tion, water, light, etc. Price reason- able. Apply to E. Y. Watt, Clinton. 22-3. Foot Health, Your Happiness "The Cress^Four In -One Salve, re- moves Corns, Callouses, Ingrown Toe -Nails, Warts. Quickly, safely. Get a jar to -night, soon allright. Now available at Hovey's Drug Store Clinton.. . 22-1, For Sale 8 -room house, eleetr1c lights, • wa- ter. In good repair. Apply to Miss Ella Akam or Dr, J. W. Shaw. 21-3. For Sale A quantity 04 seed buckwheat. Apply to Bert Irwin, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. • Phone 616r32,” Clinton central. 21-2-p. CAPITA'LTHEATRE GODEIIICH Northern Electric Sound System ;Vow Playing—.``Slippy" MON., T'UES.'WED. Charlie Chaplin the king of comedy in the :sup - rune laugh sensaliion of the century. The most diecussed picture of the month "CITY LIGHTS" Different Entirely! THURS., FRI., SAT. MARILYN MILLER In a twinkling tale of the cir- cus. Brighter and better than "Sally". A great entertain - Went. ., I., "SUNNY" With .LAWIRENiCE GREY Coming: "Kiss Me' Again." New Tinsmith Shop TI-IURSDAY, JUNE 11; 193 SHE'D '13FJTER Ler US Do eoot<I1dG. IF SIjE POESN T., HUtieY WILL SOON BE EATING AT THE CL.Or Whether your a newly-wed Or a married person of years' standing, ven if you're not Married ata11=. You know` that{ sometimes thekitchen range gets so con- trary That yob can't cook a thing fit to eat on it. It's very probably the fault of the fuel you're using. - Let the Heat Folks furnish you .with the proper diet for your range. Then watch your cooking improve. Call the VAT PeattS J.II. MCoal PHONE 74 ' CLINTON, ONTARIO Having started a Tinsmithing Shop in Londesboro I am prepared to do all sorts of Tinsmithing :Work, Specializing in Eavetroughing, Roofing and General Repairs. Give me a chance to show you what I can do. F. M. PICKETT, Phone 25x13, Blyth Central. Londesboro. 13-tf, buns 'Weddings Be wire and have the Burgess Studio, Mitchell, make good photo- graphs of the wedding party. Stud- io open . every week day,. including Wednesday afternoon. House For. Sale Comfortable. house, With all mod- ern cdnveniences in good location in Clinton for sale ata reasonable` 'price. Apply to F. Fingland, Clin- ton. 18-tf. Cottage For Sale Frarne cottage, Rattenfury street, 8 rooms,. lights, water, furnace, barn, including garage and henhouse, large garden, some small fruits, Centrally located,' a desirable home. Apply on premises to Mrs. 0. M. Farquhar, 13-tf. GODERICH - SARNIA BUS Commencing June lst, will serve Clinton as follows: Week Days—Will leave Clinton at 7.25 A.M. Return to Clinton at 8.15 P.M. Sundays - Will leave Clinton at 3.10 P.M. Return to Clinton at 10.50 P.M. 1.0-4-p. For Sale ,A. used car, in good running order, also a Doherty piano in first class condition. Apply to W. Ladd, Clin- ton, 20-4-p. Feed Barley A quantity of feed barley will be sold at 40c per bushel. Apply to F. W. Andrews, Clutton. Phone 33. 13-tf. The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Carbroolc Flashlight (24641) Enrollment No. 1958, approved, Forth 1, will stand at his own stable, lot 3, Con. 3, Mullett, far the sea- son of 1981. Terns to insure $8.00 T. J. McMichael, Proprietor, 10-5-p. C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 Low Rates and Prompt Service for CAR INSURANCE also 10 YEAR COUPON GOLD BONDS J. G. CHOWEN Office Next to Rattenbury Hotel Phone 52 Wall Papering Wall papering, painting and up- holstering done by Evered L. John- ston, phone No. 640x14, Clinton cen- tral. I have about eight hundred samples of Boxer's, Staunton's and Empire, Sunworthy wall papers, rang- ing from. 7c to $1.60 per single roll, also about 50 samples of York up- holstering fabrics and about 100 samples of York drapery for over - curtains, cushions and comforters, Beautiful window shades of plain and fancy laces and insertions, Duplex and Venetian. See my catalogue and samples, E. L. Johnston. 12-tf. The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion - CRAMMOND PRINCE Imp. 21268 (25021) Will stand for the season of 1931 as follows: ROUTE Monday, June 1 --.Will leave his own stable, lot 36, Bayfield Road, and proceed north and east to Thos. Flynn's for noon, thenwest to gravel road and north to Londesboro hotel for night. - Tuesday—North to Blyth to Fred Oster's for noon, then north to Bel - grave hotel for night. Wednesday --West to David Cham- ney's for noon, then south to Gor- don MoClinchey's for night. Thursday—;South by way of Au- burn to Herb. Mogridge's for noon, then south across Ball's Bridge, to John Duest's for night, Friday—By .way of Benniller to Huron Road to David Redge>v's for noon then to Reuben Grigg's. Saturday -To his own stable for noon and where he will remain until 'the following Monday. TERMS: $$12 00 to insure, payable February let, 1932. Mares not re- turned regularly to the horse will be charged 'full insurance whether in f dal or -not, and all parties 'disposing of their mares before. foaling time will be charged full insurance All accidents at risk of owners of mares. • Care taken to avoid asci- mortgage. dents. • • W1n. J. McCully, Executor of the ing Manager, Gus.estate f Wm. Rini Geo. 1I. Elliott, 'Chas. Mannm , , M n g G, o , Bisback, Owner. 21-2. ,Auctioneer. 20.3. Automobile Owner YOU MAY PURCHASE INSfiJR- ANCE AT RATES BASTED UPON YOUR DRIVING RECORD! Have 'You Driven One to Four Years Without an Accident? If So You are Entitled to a Discount from the Standard rates accordingly. I will gladly give you full informa- tion concerning this plan. H. E. RORKE Phone 253w 13-11. BABY CHICKS We can supply 'you with S. C. White Leghorns for delivery May 15th to July 1st at 810,00 per 1.00. Our Leghorns are the famous Barron Strain, Big hens, heavy layers of large eggs. We guarantee 100% live delivery. Order early while the best dates are available. THE WALTER FARM ROSE POULTRY BRUSSELS, ONT. 18-4. For Sale Pony, very quiet, suitable for chil- dren, also buggy and harness. Apply to John E. 'Toward, Phone 189w. 20-1f. Poultry, 'Eggs & Cream WANTED We are `prepared to buy above ev- ery working day. Eggs graded by experienced graders. Cream purdhased for Bowes' Creamery, Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator. Victoria St., Clinton. Phone, 231. Auction Sale Of Farnt, Farm Stock, Intpletnents, Standing Grain, Hay and Household Effects, at Lot 5, ,.Concession 4, Hal- lett township, 2 miles south of Kin - burn and seven miles north-east of Clinton, on Wednesday, June 17th at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the fol- lowing: CATTLE—,0 choice Durham cows fresh; one purebred Durham heifer, bred; 3 Durham calves about 8 weeks old. HORSES—Extra choice brown mare, haft, 7 years old; brown mare, 0 years 00; general purpose mare, 10 years old, good single or double; agricultural colt, 2 years About 150 Rock and Leghorn have IMPLEIV2ENTS—IGoocl .farm wit gon, gravel box, hay rack, steel roller, M. -H. Seed drill, 13 hoes; horse hake; M. -H. mower; snuffler; 2 walking ploughs; good top buggy, steel tire; open baggy; Portland cutter; set of sleighs; cultivator; set of harrows; stone boat; fanning mill; grind stone; work bench; sugar kettle; 25' ladder; step ladder; set of scales; roll of wire feuce;'double set of harness; set of single harness; number of grain bags; DeLaval cream separator, No. 12; - Daisy churn; washing machine; pails; lan- terns; shovels, hoes; rakes,. scyths; whiffletrees; quantity of wheat; bar- ley; hay and wood. About 25 acres of 'standing hay; 11 acres of good fall wheat; 8 acres of oats; 8 acres of barley. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Pan- dora range; Quebec heater; sewing machine; 3 beds; 2 chests of draw- ers; rawers; dining room table; 0 dining room chairs, couch; 3 rocking chairs; pots; pans; lamps, etc. At the same time and . place the farm Which consists of ' 148 acres more or less of good clay loam, with god set of :farm buildings, will be offered for sale. This farm is web adapted. for grain or grazing with abundance of water and shade. This property will be offered for sale in one block, that is to say, farm, farm stock, impliments, standing hay and grain. Threshed grain and hay in barn will be offered subject to re- serve bid. -Terms made known on day of sale. If not disposed of in block will ,he,offered ;on following terms. BERMS: On chattles, cash, On farm;, 10 percent. of purchase money paid down on day crfsale, balance in 80 days; arangemonts may be made for reasonable amount toremain on Better be Safe than Sorry AVOID DISEASE By Using Pasturized Milk and Cream Delivered Daily Commencing pn MONDAY, MAY 4th Milk, 10e, Crleam, 40c McMANUS DAIRY Phone 235 10-tf. Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implements and cream separators, Frost apd Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Chat, niers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton. 81-tb ENGLISIH BARRON SINGLE COMB White Leghorns 310.00 per Hundred ELMSLIA CHICK FARM, CLINTON E. L. Mittell, Phone 213 AGENT FOR MASSEY-HARRIS CO. SAWY'R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 163 J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances a;so Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tf. ACT AT ONCE Now is the time to clean up your Slow Accounts Send your list to KELLY & 'AIKEN Successful Collectors for 40 years The Collection Specialists of Guelph, ORANGEVILLE. Owen Sound THEY GET RESULTS You can keep warm with Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal, or have' win- ter' sunshine every day if you burn the fatuous O.T.O. Coke. Also a good supply of Wyandotte Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous Coal. Prompt delivery from. my sheds on Queen Street at anytime. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 251 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and rci- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rnoms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago, 2288-tf, RN` 1,4u1.�:f1.