HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-05-28, Page 8'TIE `CLINTON-NEWS. RECORD THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1.0SL CLINTON'S 7JADTNG JRWItLERY.' STORE; Those with defective eye -sight use up 40 percent. more energy doing the same work as' those nl•lh ;perfect vision: Hence the losses to industl;y through. ,defective ;•eye -sight is:. alarming. Does it pay to employ help with .defective 'vision. See to it thit they have their ,eyes properly tested and fitted before employing them: We can do it scientifically :and fit ;you :with 'the latest style frames, Ft. H.' ei'+'>'MS'N Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. geweller and Optician SPECIAL PRICES FOR QUICK TURNOVER ON CL33.'ATt4i`'t LINES MEN'S WORK BOOTS, solid leather' bought direct from the Manufacturer. Special Prices $1,98, $2.65 and $2.'`95 SPECIAL PRICES ON RUNNING SHOES MEN'S SUITS Aq' WHOLESALE PRICES MEN'S WORK PANTS AND OVERALLS $1,25, $1.35 to $1.95 WORK SKIRTS, in our Special Clearing lines at 85c, FINE SHIRTS, white or colored, special 95e SPECIAL 'CLEARING PRICES ON ALL FLOOR COVERINGS ASK 115 ABOUT • THEM Plumsteel Bros. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS, "CLOTHES OF QUALITY„ AT REAL SL1VIGS IN PRICE Good Veal Roasts, per lb. 18c P. ill, Roils, only, lb. I$c Smoked Cottage Rolls, ib. 2'le Breakfast Bacon, piece, 1b. 21e Cooked Han), sliced, lb. 50e Bulk Sauer Kraut, 3 lbs. 25e H. -M. Sausage, 18c or 2 for (I5s Liver Sausage, per lb. ..20c Summer Sausage, per lb. ..35c Ring Bologna;"per°lb. ....20e Head Cheese, 2 lbs. for .,..25e W.einers, per lb...22c'and 25e SPRING LAMB FOR SALE NOW—ALSO BEST QUALITY OF BEEF, PORK AND VEAL KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CSCANNE'LL eve TYNDALL. " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. 11 2 CALL • AND SEE OUR STOCK g OF LAWNMOWERS 11 aPRICES RANGING FROM $8.00 to $14.69 p ° DON'T FORGET OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN 11 COUNTER BUTTER & PERDUE p PLUMBING HARDWARE, ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w `I 0=301/1. =SO 01'30' SUPERIOR QUALITY CHICKS Wo have Quality Chicks to.offer at reduced' prices in the ,follow- ing populav breeds: Barred Rocks, S. C. White Leghorns, White Wyaudottes, Black Minorcas, Jersey Black Giants' Trap -nesting. 200 birds in record .of performance. We can Spare a few trays each week for custom hatching. Let as send our pamphlet and,p51 ce list and learn more about us; SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 131r3, .Sea£orth Central. 06-t1.. Green Glass Tablewarehas met the approval of our particular cus- tomers. Some 5 ay the' specific shade or green is beautiful, it has a per- fect polish and g'ood meld work, smooth edges and bottoms, The de- signs are shapely and the prices at; tractive. A cup 'and saucer or :ra salt and- pepper, '15e; an eight inch fruit bowl, 20e and nappies to hr atdh 50c per dozen; a very goon shape'ii either sugar or cream at 15c each; 'Sherbets are 75o a dozen. A seven' piece water set for SOc and tunililel•s are 60c per dozen. Flower Vase in two shapes, 8" high for 18c. If you have been putting off the buying of a moth proof garment 'bag itis -really time you took action,, be- cause the busy moth doesn't wait, de- lay or 'hesitate. In the warm., dark' depths of your winter garments 'he burrows and dives :and enultip1ies. We 'have 'either side or top opening, thdir• use combines utility, quality, economy, serviceability. The big, new, "completely revised edition of Bobby Jones on Golf is now on sale.: Perhaps no sportsman' in the world is esteemed --so respect- ed for his knowledge of Abe game, :he at the height of hispopularity, has brought his 'book up-to-date, The price is. 80c. The good ship "Business' ..manned by Vision, Courage and Confidence will ride out the storm of depression and reach the Port of Prosperity. It's hardly likely the good ship will Visit us if we talk H'.a.•d Times. So let's HUSK -Here's hoping. Seth Parker's Flylnnaf is here. Te is an interesting character and en- deared himself to millions. You've heard his kindly philosophy and hangs on the air. Now get his book l;nd sing with Seth. Words and mu- sic $1.00. The W. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best .�.....,w�w�.._. , �,a.��,•..-..gni.,,. _.�r�otlianm b.. Miss Noma Bentley visited in Lon- don last week. Miss Daisy Copp of Toronto was in town over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard of Detroit are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. Margaret Pickett. hi!r. and ''Mrs. A, Scott spent several days with their son on the farm in Mullett last week. Mr.,W. H. Muteh of the Royal Bank Staff, Midland, was home for the week -end and holiday. - • Miss Ruth Cartwright of Toronto visited at her home in town over the week -end and holiday. Il1rs, C. McKinnon of Thorold spent the week -end with her mother,tl Mrs. J. Johnston of town. Mrs. John Watkins spent the week- end visiting her daughters, Misses Mary and Olive, in Toronto. Mas. John Walker of town has gone to Kitchener to spend a few weeks -with -her sister, Mrs, Horliek. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter motored to Woodstock to spend the week- end and holiday with relatives. Mr. Jack Gibbings, who has-been attending the College of Educa- tion, Toronto, is home for the va. cation. Mrs. George Sillib and Miss Grace Maskell of Goderich were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Geo, A. Walker. Mrs. J. A. Ford was the guest of her daughter, Hrs. (Dr.) Pereun- ier of Essex over the week -end and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Watson and children of Ilamilton were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Walker. M'r. and Mrs. J. C. Reid and babe and Mr, and Mrs. J. Willis of Lon- don were with Mr. and Mfrs, 3. 13. Lindsay on the holiday. Mr. and Hrs. Frank ,Jenkins and three ehildren motored up •and spent the week -end and holiday with the former's mother, M4•s. Wm. Jenkins. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghanl, Master John and Muses Kathleen and Joanne, spent the week -end visiting relatives in Toronto and St. Catharines. ' hr). Bert Johnsons his daughter, Il4iss Betty, and his mother spent the holiday and week -end with the former's brother, Mr. W. L. John- son, and family in town, Mrs. Claire Elliott and Miss Kather- ine and Miss Marjorie Sandish of Toronto were' visitors over the weekend and holiday with 114rs. El- liott's parents, Me. and Mrs. 3. 13. Lindsay. Hisses Eleanor and Jean Plumsteel are home from Toronto, having finished their course at the Col- lege of Education. Miss Jean has accepted a position on the staff of the Elora High School and will continence her duties at the gpen- . ing of the fall term. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon 'Carts motor- ed up from Forest 'and spent the week -end ;villi` the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Brown. On -their return; they were accompan- ied by Mrs. Brown and a niece, h4iss Hazel il'oggatt of Londes- boro, who will visit them for. a time. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Andrews and children of Scarboro .Bluffs and Mrs. F. I+.. Gillies and Miss Mar- ion of Kitchener ' were week -end ,guests at. thebonne o 0 of their par - elite, h th pa ente, Magistrate and Mrs. S. 3: Andrews. They came especially to visit their•mother, Who has been 111 and is not yet as well as hey many friends would wish to see. r 01 e' )4.14) ar ash. ° aami rase hor DURING' THE WEEK ,,r'F JUNE lst. F 'EE SAMPLING AND INSTRUCTIONS Miss Wilkie of Toronto will be our Demonstrator WO OBLIGATION TO BUY CALL DURING NEXT WEEK, JUNE 1st to 6th. Our Last Week of Stock Reducing Sale Now on ending June 6th THE LAST BIG Salada Tea, per lb. 54c Red Rose Tea, per lb. 54c Special Black Tea, lb. 33c Sifting Tea, lb. 25c C. & S. Coffee, lb. 55c Coffee, per lb. 25c Fry's Cocoa, (2's) 19c Baking Powder, Q°`�, 19c WEEK pile OF THE SEASON Magic Baking Powder 35c Fancy Biscuits, lb. 15c Fancy Assorted Bisc. 19c Tomatoes, (2i--) 2 for 19c Peas, (No. 4) 3 for 25c Early June Peas, 2 for 29c Fresh Dates, 3 lbs. 25c New Cheese, lb. 15c Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. 29c Soap Chips, 2 lbs. 19c Gran. Sugar, 10 lbs. • 57c 2 large Pork & Beans 35c Lard, 3 pound pkg. 35c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 23c Red Salmon 25c Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c FRIGIDAIRE:- Cooked Ham 45c Ham Loaf Breakfast Bacon, piece 25c Cottage Roll 25c 40c Dutch Loaf 30c Peameal Bacon 35c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails BAZAAR The Ladles Auxiliary of the Pres- byterian church will hold their an- nual June bazaar in the council chamber on SATURDAY, JUNE 6th From 3 to 0 p.m. Touch and Take Booth Convenor, Miss McDonald. Novelty and Gift, Xis. C. D. Roberton 5e, 10c and 15c, Mrs. Morgan Aprons, Mrs. Muteh Candy, Mrs. Axon Home -Made Baking, Mrs. J. Neilans• 20-2. SUMMER MILLINERY We are now prepared to serve our ustomers with light summer millin- ry, including Panamas, Bakes, Mo - air, Silk Stitched and Pettey Braids. These come in white and pastel hades. We are also offering on Friday and Saturday a number of traveller's ampies, pieces ranging from $2.00 o $3.00. These regularly would sell rom $4.00 to $6,00. Come early and lave a good choice. A. C. MacDONALD 20-1. LIBERALS The annual meeting of the LIBERAL ASSOCIATION OP SOUTH H1JltON will be held in the TOWN -HALL CLINTON, ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd at 2 o'clock p.m. . For the election of officers and such other business as may come be- fore the meeting. The meeting will be addressed by Mr. Thomas McMillan, M.P., and Mr. Mitchell Hepburn, M,P., Provincial. Liberal Leader.. • GOD SAVE THE Ii.ING Federal Officer: Dr. 3, W. Shaw. President, J A. McEwen, Secretary. Provincial Officers: George Stan - bury, President, J. M. Govenlock, secretary. 19-2. For the OLI DAY We will have a Complete Line of CAKES, PIES, BREAD & BUNS ALSO SPECIAL FRUIT and SPICE LOAF Bartliff & Crich Clinton, Ont. Phone 1 . DEMONSTRATION A Representative of Heinz Co. will Demonstrate their 57 VARILTIES IN THIS STORE ON SATURDAY, MAY 30 ALL DAY KIND ,EVENING Come ins You are Welcome, wheth- er you Buy or Not. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE DAY C. G. LOBB, GROCER CLINTON ORANGE AND CHOCOLATE CAKE WILL BE OUR SPECIAL 13 FOR THE S WEEK -END C 0 0 K I E s SOFT DRINKS, Delivered by the Case $1,00 STOP AT OUR FOUNTAIN FOR ICE CREAM BREAD WIIOLEWHEAT, POTATO STEAM LOAF, COTTAGE, ROUND AND SNOWFLAKE Made as Good as The Best ` --TRY OUR SERVIC7 Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY —Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" • BREAD PHONE 68 SPHINi3 TIME AND P�INIi�6 TI'JE Why not start in now to refinish your home? Vee Martin -Seneca 100% Pure Paint and Varnishes for Inside and Outside Use. Try our Quickote Enamel for a Brighter Kitchen Our Floor Enamel in all shades is just what yon want to put the lin. Idling touch to any room, tilM, PLUMBING i3ARD'�VARE and Phone 244 i We are Ready for the Warmer Weather WITH A NICE NEW LINE OF VERANDAH FURNITURE INCLUDING JAPANESE CHAIRS, AND ROCKERS, DECK CHAIRS, COLLAPSIBLE STOOLS, CHAIRS AND STRETCHERS, AT A VERY LO SV PRICE We always carry a good assortment of Japanese Grass Mats in all sizes and the latest patterns. A new stork •1f Hatnanocks, We have scene wonderful new values in Bedroom Suites, all the new styles, also some real bargains in Beds, Springs and Mat- tresses. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a good line of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools of all kinds. Screen Doors and Windows, and Screening in all Widths. ELECTRIC PLATES AND STOVES AND COAL OIL STOVES Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. WATCH OUR WINDOW SIMPLY PICK UP YOUR TELEPHONE OUR COMPLETE SERVICE IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL We are justly and modestly proud of our telephone and delivery service—a service that is unique for its promptness and efficiency. With all, our prices are as low as can be found elsewhere. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Columbia Matches, pkg. 7c Orange Marmalade, 40 oz. 26e Groan. Giant Peas, per tin 10c Clark Pork and Beans 2 for 19c Sher. Marmalade, 16 oz. ..23e Sher. Marmalade, 32 oz. ..390 Bulk Sultana Raisins, 3 lbs, 210 Premium Tea, per lb. ....59e 2iillcrest Shortening, 2 lbs. 25c Princess Flakea, with one pkg. Super Suds, Free ..23e Infant Delight Soap, 5 for 25c Snowflake Ammonia, 2 pkg,l5c Lawrason's Flusho, tin . •,28s New Yellow Cheese, per lb. 15e Family Blend Tea, Ib. ,Roe TOMATO AND CABBAGE PLANTS AltE IN THIS WEEK HUGE PINEAPPLE WEEK—:Ch.oieo Pineapples, special in half dozen lots. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETA BLES FOR WEEK -END ALSO t EVERYTHING YOU WL&NT FOR A PICNIC LUNCII • SPECIAL IN MEATS FOR WIEEK-END Starting June 3rd this store will be closed Wednesday afternoon Kindly telephone your order early in the morning J T. McKNICiliiT &SON A FULL NEW LINE OF S Ranging in prices from $1.00 to $5.00 DBY CLEANING OF PRESSING, OVERCOAT OR SUIT, $1..50 DAVIS Phone 224w Veteran Tailors do