HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-05-28, Page 4THE CLINTON-NEWS RECOIt1) COOPER'S STORE NEWS' Linoleum Rugs We have recently Rugs y added to Our House Furnishing Department Furnishing pa went and can now supply,anything you want in Rugs of all kinds at clbsesl prices. Wallpaper and Window Shades Best Canadian Manufacture We . hand e only I he Wide Width Papers SPECIAL PRICE ON SMALL LOTS A. T. COOTER. "THE 8TORIp WITH THE STOCK." PHONE 36 *TERRIBLE TOLL . OF PYORRHOEA • Very few people are hnrnune from Pyorrhoea and its undermining •effeets'on general health.. Many chronic disorders axe traceable to Phorhoea. It should be combatted right at the beginning which is noticeable in tender, bleeding gums. We know of no better treat -went than PYA RHOL It is really a Liquid Poultice and draws the poison from the in- fected tissues and membranes. The first application of Pyorhol gives results,:in from.10 to 15 minutes. Ask your Dentist, he will recommend it. PRICE 8O .S.R. Holmes, Phm, B CLINTON, ONT .,lam Atite PHONE 51 Let me Give you an Estimate On any of those rooms that you have to paper or paint, as l" have a large assortment of papers to choose froln,5e to $2.00 a roll. • • Try a can of four-hour enamel or varnish. , Let me tell you. how to fix up that' bath room with oil cloth and paneling. A phone call will bring the books to your door. I sell paper whether hanging it or not. • • Phone 234 4,114•0~., Painter and Decorator THE NORGE LECTRIC REFRIGERATOR COST LOW VALUE HIGH BECAUSE OF SIM- PLICITY The simplicity of the Norge mechanism ' makes it possible to 'maintain A. high standard bf construction .throughout,and to acid many features and re- finenients, , without 'inereasing• the cost This is the outstend- ing .contribution that - 'Norge niakee to • the. "development of improved electric refffgeration. Simplification results in great- er operating efficiency; and it results also in bigger value for less motley. C INT0Tv/y +'T1'j SHOP JJ � O 1..J H OP Kt�c��NEws tBu:JiC1arp eeeeeee Zee Parliament is divided' into two • syllables, and the first two mean talk. Alfonso feels now the truth11 of • old saying that republics are ipso- verbially ungrateful, A physican, declares that men who think are more Iiable to sickness than men who do not. This applies particularly to men who think ,they :are sick. 1t was ` said of the Bourbons that they learned nothingg and forgot o of • S nothing. g Tho last ;of the Bourbon kings learned something lately that he is not likely- to forget, "can be recognizedsat a Robertays lance," Not by adults, Mr. Lynd. They often make mistakes. But children, never. Well,' hardly ever, 7 Where Alfonso-ntacde his mistake. was in not having 'someone else rule the country for him. Now, there's the King of Ital;—what's thitt his name—well no matter— he has a man who (lees that work for hire. There are members at Ottawa who crake speeches deploring the condi- tion of Canadaes especially t p y he agri- cultural districts, and then go to the parliamentary restaurant, eat a good. squar•o meal and charge a portion of it to their bleeding country. Lloyd George it still saving the Labor government,, because be fears xn elec t'i en There is no reason why he should fear, it. He hasn't a; snow ' balls chance of bong; returned ,to power. The man who has most rea- son to ;Fear an' election .is Stanley Bahlwin. . If the ,Spanish republicans fail to fight among -themselves, grave doubts will exist at Moscow as to the gen- uineness of the new republic• The Bolsheviks cannot understand a re- volution 'wit -Rout -violence. We cannot think of a mid-Victor- ian as being a vulgarian, yet;'Ten- nyson told Edmund 'Gesso that • an- other author,• then living. was "a louse on the looks of literature" If David Lloyd George would 'ask R. E. Bennett and Herhezt Hoover„ they would 'tell. hint confidentially that he is doing Stanley Baldwin no ill turn by keeping him out of, power fel a while, The disadvantage with longevityl' .that you have to'pay taxes you in- tended for posterity. Sir Robert Horne, with a side glance at Lloyd George, said: "The voice of the people is not the voice of God, except when itspeaks in Welsh... It depends to some extent upon the result. ' There is that story of the Irishman, speaking after. an election in an Ontariovillage, which had given a record' majority to the candidate he supported, who said, "There is an :old ancient Greek proverb, `Vox populi vox 'Doi; which bein' interpreted means that the Lord is well pleased with the way you voted around here." • No matter how uneasy lies the head that wears a crown, the wearer 'lever wants to lose it. Wb have heard ministers of the crown protest that the cares of ,state were so worrying they would gladly go into the care -free state of opposition, yet when the time came they fought, with savage tenacity to retain their cares and vexations. We have heard ex -ministers exult in the abandon and exuberance of • opposition, yet when the time came they fought with ferocious courage to get away front it all, and recover the ills and WOOS. of place and power. Political and official Iife would appear to be just one desperate effort after an- other to get or hold the very thing they don't •want. Either that or 'deep perchance the villains lied." We don't think they did. They really believed what they said when they said it. TUCEERSMITH James Devereaux, a well-known 'farmer and cattle dealer, of this township, passed away under sad and ,painful circumstances at the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Sunday morning, A week ago last Saturday 141r.4)evereaux started a bonfire in the orchard at .his farm on the second concession and while pouring coal oil on it the can explod- ed and severely burned his bands and brcly, He was removed to the hospi- tat where everything possible was done to relieve and restore hirn,'but bis condition was so serious that all efforts were unavailing. The deceas- ed mean who was a son of the late Thomas Devereaux, a respected pion- eer, was born in Tuckersmith where he spent virtually all his Life. He was a Member of St. James' Catholic Church, Seaforth, and a man of 'd. quiet, retiring disposition, who was held in high esteem by the commun- ity. He is survived by one brother. William John Devereaux, who lived with him, and was never married. EAYPIELID • hir•. and Mrs.' P. Pratt and family of London visited their daughter, Alis. E. C. 'Webb, over the week -end. MPs. Dennis and little (laughter, Phyllis of London is visiting leer sis- ter, Mrs,' Webb, Mr, and Mrs. George Down and I , daughter, Eleanor, of Forest visited et the hone of Mr. and Airs, C. Wicl- . ,combe on Sauclay. Mr. and Mb's. Widcombe aecempaned there on their acrosin to Forest where they will visit for a few 'days. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Yorke and little slaughter, Toronto,. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt and family, spent the wee - olt en d with their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W', Baker. Mr. and Mrs. C. Berry of London were also their guests. Mr. and NT's, A. Ford tC.ing and Master Douglas' and Mgss Mina Proc- tor of Toronto spent the ;week -end and holiday 'with the former's par- ents, Mrs and 'Mrs. ,George King, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lord of Lan- don spent the week -enc' with the latter's mother, Mrs, J. bavison, • Mir. and Mrs. H. K. Ring and gas - tee ,HaroId Atwood of Sarnia, Mr. acid Mrs, L. B. Smith and s'on,• Glen, of London visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 'C. Parker, Dr. and- Mrs, Win. E. Metcalf re- turned :home on Saturday after+, hav- ing spent a few days in Detroit. Master )3111y Tillmann of London was the guest of .Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Brandon over: the weekend while visiting Master Charlie . Brandon, Mrs. S. Holley of Detroit came on -Thursday last to occupy 'her cottage, "Holley Lodge," She has as her guest, Miss J. Grant who spent the winter in 'Toronto. • Me, and Mrs. Gilbert ICnight and little Ronald of Toronto spent the weekend • with Mrs. Knight's par- ents, .-Mr, and Mac, F. Gem.einhardt. Mrs. Knight and Ronald remained to visit with 'her parents. (Mrs.. Allan P Ye and two children of Windsor came on Saturday even- ing to spend some time with her paronts, Mr: and Mrs. C, 'Melee • l Mr. and Mirs. J. L. Dison and Miss Carrie Dixon' of London were the guests of Rev. alta Nlrs. F. H. Paull over the week enol. Mrs.. Paint re- turned d t n London withher parents, where she is attending n the annual meeting of the W.A. of TIuron 'Dio- cese. .From June '.fq September, inclusive the Post Office in Bayfield will ob- serve the weekly half -holiday each Thursday. • Nleesrs. J, Tippet 'And J, Pease' Spent Friday- in London. On their return they were accompanied by the-latter's father, Win. Pease, who will spend some time with his son. Mr, J. Pease has purchased A. Dunn's property, on Main street and inteeds'to finish the, interior of the house :in the ueaa• future. (Miss Norah 'Ferguson returned home on Sunday after having spent the winter in London, 'Miss Alma McKay of Toronto was home over the' -holiday. She had as her guest, Mise • Helen- Currie of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. R, J. Cantelon of Stratford were the guests ., of .1lfiss Maude MacGregor over the' week -end. 81r.' and Mies. Jas. P, Ferguson of London spent the week -end With the, former's mother, :Mrs, M. Ferguson, Mr. Ferguson has but lately return- ed from a six -week's trip `through western Canada to Victoria, B 'the interests of the London Li suranee Cotnpany, .visiting the cities en roate. Mr, Fred Heard of Stratford the week -end and holiday wit mother, lifts. E. Beard, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johns and family :returned on Monday evening after•having spent the holiday in Wiarton at the former's home. Mr. E. Patchell silent the week- end at his home in -Mosley.Misses Elva and Anne Dewar and David Dewar of Toronto were home over the week -end - Mr. ,and Mrs.. Thornton Mustard and family of Toronto spent the holiday at their cottage. Mr, James. Cameron, Miss Isobel and, Master Evans Cameron of To- ronto spent the week -end with 3. R. Cameron: .Mr's, A. G. Hodgins and Prof. L. Hodgins of Toronto were at their cottage over Victoria Day. Mrs, J. L. Buchan who has been visiting in Toronto for the past month returned home on Friday with Dr. and Mrs. E, P. Lewis who were the guests of Dr. mid Mrs. N. W, Woods over the week -end. Misses Prances and Ethel Powlie spent the week -end and holiday with their sister, Mrs. G. Koehler in Zur- ich. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weston and little daughterof Detroit are visit- ing with the fortner's grandfather, Richard Weston. • 'Miss Grace Jewett who is attend- ing McDonald Hall, 'Guelph, spent the week -end with her parents, Herguest was Nliss Margaret Nutley of Guelph. :Cir. C. Kilty of Toronto was the guest of IVIr. and burs. George King on Saturday, Mir. turd Mrs. Wootgar, Windsor, Mr, and bars. Dowling, Bothwell, stayed over ,the week -end at George Little's, AIr, and Mrs. 3. G. Field of Tavi- stook spent last week at their -cot- tage. Mr.and Mrs. J. V. Field. and family, also of Tavistock, were with them over the week -end. IVIr. and Mrs. W. Bong of Windsor are at their summer home on The Terrace. Mr. 0. Kaibfleisch spent the week- end at his home in Mildmay, Dr. and Mrs. Flock and family, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Robin- son and family, Mr. and Mrs. 0, R. Will, Mrs, Chapman and fancily, Fred Trebilcock, Dr. Thomas and son, Howard, of London; Mr. and Mrs, Peters and fancily, Mrs. H. Lawson, Harry and Florence Lawson, Strat- ford, Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Stevenson and family, Toronto were amongst those who spent' Victoria Day at their cottages in the village. Mrs. David Prentice of Toronto visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. 3. Stinson, over Victoria Day, Dr. and Ma's. G. S. Atkinson and two daughiers of Exeter spent a few days rat their cottage this week. • Mr, Wan. Nevin and Miss Metcalf of London were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Elliott over the weekend, Mrs, Elliott • and babe accompanied them en their return to London on Monday evening. 'M'rs, 0, T{nuckey of Toronto is at her home on the Sauble Line fora few weeks, .Mr, and Mrs, Hugh NIeL wren and two daughters . of Port Elgin spent the week -end with &Mrs,McLaren's sister, Miss Josephine Stirling. Miss Stirling accompanied them on their return to Port Elgin on Monday, :Mr, Will Heard, accompanied • by his mother, Mrs. Wtn. Heard, visit- ed in Kitchener over the holiday. George Riley,Ai r. and Mrs, Joe Riley, 35., spent Sunday at the home of the lady's, parents, M. and Mrs Geo, Cooke _ o1': Godenich Township. ' The death''oecurred at his home ,on, the 4th concession - of dTullett ,onl. Tuesday evening, May 19th, of Wil- liam Rime a 'well-known and highly esteemed resident, in Ills 82nd year. Deceased, who had been i11 only, a few days, was born in the township' of Missouri, being" a son of; the late William' Rhin. The family lived in - the Township of Blanshard and cif ty-six years ago moved to Mullett, where he has since resided,; 'Mi, Rinn represented the Ms.Killoli Mut- ual Insurance Company. He was a staunch conservative. He was a vei- ned member of the ConstanceUnited church. Mr. Tan. was never mar- ried and leaves to mourn his loss two sisters, 'Mrs, John Clarke, who resid- ed with him and Mrs. Wm. M'dGavin of AieKillop, and onb e other, Joseph` Rinu of Blanshasd, 'besides several nephews and nieces. The funeral was held. an Thursday and was one of the largest ever held in the contninnity. The many floral tributes testifying the high esteem in which the deceased was held. The service was conducted by. his pastor, Reis. J. W. Johnson of Londesboro, and the pallbearers were six old :C, in friends of the deceased. "Interment fe in_took place in the Maitlandbank cern- chine eters. IKuch sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. spent ' An esteemed resident of Con- ti hds. stance . pascsd. away about noon on CONSTANCE Miss Edythe Riley of Clinton spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. George Riley, . Sr. Mr. and Mrs: Leo „ Stephenson, Messrs, Charles Wakefield and Har- old Glazier were London visitors for the holiday on iVIenday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bailey and two daughters and Mrs. Won. Hunter of near' Clinton were visitors at the. home of 881». and Mrs. Adana Nichol- son on Sunday. MIs. and Mrs. P. Lindsay and Mr, 1). milson spent Sunday at the home of Mr:,and Mrs? Herbert Fowler of the Huron Road. ,Mr.. Jack Moore, arld Mr. Win'. Ardelle of Toronto and Mr. Robert Moore of Stratford motored up and spent the week -end and holiday with Mrs. William 1V1oor'e here, Mr. and .Nils. ' H, Glazier and chil- dren ' of Stratford and, Mas. Adan -. i G �e z a of Clinton called at the home of :hfrs Thos. Pollard on Sunday, Master Mac. ,Stephenson of Brus- sels spent the week -end at the home inbe. of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931 Tuesday at the Scott Memorial Hs- pita], o her parents, 11l'i•., and Mrs. Miller. plan Seaforth, ;in the person of Mr. ,Lorne 'Weeds,. Mtks.` y McGarley,. wife of Joseplf Wpgds and Miss Charlotte R. T, Riley, t 1 R c Jo rn The so y h deceased n a as e od wom'ran became spent. a few ,days in Stanley this crit' lealI inwr with appendicitis was taken to the hospitalwhre she weep: underwent an operation' on .Saturday, 'but on account of her weakened con HOLIiitl' S ILLS ditioii the strain proved too much 'Mrs. A,`,Jer ' for her constitution. Mrs. was ,Jervis is 'quint ill in Riley Clinton hospital at present, Her born in Jtullett in 1804 and .was mar- friends hope.. her condition ried 48 Years ago to her bereaved improve, may noon husband; They spent a number of. Mr. W. Connell has purchase years in Cleveland, returningto .little o ea pinto pony for use at ConoaaIe Constance five ,years ago. Surviving picnic park. • - are her husband who is seriously ill A reunion picnic was held in Har- at time of writing, and one daugh- bor Pare, ,Godorich, by the Tebbut ter, Mrs. Henrietta &elite, 'CIeveland, and Jervis families on Monday.- Us - who is 'here with her' husband and ually' the members of this family daughter. number aver eighty at this. annual -^-`^'r-- reunion, but elle attendance this ,ST. HELENS year was very muehAecreased owing Mr. and Mfrs. Wm. Dou hart to the cool weather. Those present g y and were: NTr, and Mrs. John Jervis and baby of Guelph and Miss Vera daughter, Me. and M'r's. John Teb- Woods, Toronto, spent the holiday butt; Lewis Tebbutt, Mrs. E. Mc - week -end at the home of is, 1:%. 3. Cartney, Misses Jennie and Rose Woods. Tebbu£t Misses Aggie .. and Louise Mr, A. E,' Tyson, Toronto, Mr. Tebbutt, Mm. and Urs. Herb. Oakes Dick M',illexWiarton and 1VIr. Bert end family, Lewis proctor and dau h - Hetherington of Bduevale, spent ten, Mfrs, F;ed Pickard and family Tuesday- with Mr. Wilson Woods. Miss Emily Scruten, Mr. and Mrs, Miss Dorothy Webster, ' London, Easonn, of this vicinity; oiyViss Phillips and Miss Ziida 'Webster, Toronto, Goderich; George Tebbutt, Porter's spent the week -end sat their home Rill; Charles Holland and wife, Sea- here. forth; Mrs. !George Addison, Hnllett; lreisses Mabel and Irene Woods al- so Miss Vera Todd of ICitchener were b ', Epps, Miss rich, Pand Chris. red Tet. e butt, GoderiOIr, sand Chris. Tebbutt, home over, the week -end, ' • Little Gem, Alberta. The hitter has 112r, and Mrs, John Anderson and been the guest of relatives in the vi- family motored to 'Stratfdrd and einity and it was in his honorthe spent the holiday at the home of picnic was held earlier than usual. ff , BANK OF MONTpjAj Established 1817 el presentation, in easily understandable form, of the Bank's SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT 30th April, 1931 LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Deposits . . Payable on demand and after notice. Notes of the Bank in Circulation Payable on demand. Letters of Credit Outstanding , Financial responsibilities undertaken on behalf of customers for car. menial transactions (see offsetting amount Ittf in Rammer ,L Other Liabilities •ar r Items which do otoi come under the foregoing headings . Total Liabilities to the Public LIABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Reserves for Dividends $665,750,090.45 33,667,943.00 8373,911.94 2,334,491.71 • ,`5710,726,437,10 This amount represents the' abuoeholdcrs' inecree in the Bank, over which Liabilities to de public take precedence. Total Liabilities . • RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has Cash in its Vaults and in the`Central Gold Reserves Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks • Payable in cash on presentation. Money on Deposit with Other Banks . Available on demand Govertunent & Other Bonds and Debentures Giloedge Securities practically all of which mature at early dater Stocks Railway and Industrial and other stocks at or blow market vain. Call Loans outside of Canada . Sa•u,rd by bonds, stocks and other negotiable securities of greater • value than the loans and representing moneys quickly available with no disturbing'e,gsst on conditions in Canada, • 76,171,269.11 . $786,897,706,21 • $ 79,312,099.47 • 36,759,328.49 Call Loans in Canada ;• • Payable on demand and secured by bonds and stock, of greater satire than the loans, TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal to 55.72% of alt Liabilities to the Public) Other Loans To manufacturers, farmers, merdiants and oder, on conditions tun- 1ireent with Sound banking, Bank Premises . • • Three v properties avI, are carried in the names of holding aompaniol; the stock and bonds of these companies are entirely owned by the Bark and appear on the boos at $r,od in each sew. 411 other of.the .Bank's p etnises, the value of which largely exceeds $r4,5oo,000, ap, pear under this heading. Real Estate and Mortgages on Real Estate . Acquired in the course -of the Bank's business and in process of being realized upon. X Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit . . Represents Bob'bi'es of customers on account of Letters of Credit issued by; the Bank for their account, Other Assets not included in the Foregoing • Making Total Assets of . to meet payment of Liabilities to the Public of leaving an excess of Assets over Liabilities to tate Public of 16,937,790.32 216,329,624.76 1,299,802.11 34,040,768.27 11, 347,487.68 . $396,026,901.10 361,918,,245.42 14,500,000.00 - 1,780,837.77 • 8,973,911.94 3,697,809.98 $786,897,706.21 PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Profits for the half year ending 30th April, 1935 , _ . Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders ," $$,160,000.00 Provision for Taxes Dominion Government •280,000 00 Reservation for Bank Premises 200,000.00 710,726,437.10 • 76,171,269.11 V4771,753,71 ,640,000:00 Balance of Profit and Loss Account, October 3515, s93o $ 947,047.33 7,047.38 Balance of Profit and Loss carried froward07 8,801.09 • fie strength of a bank is determined byits history, its policy, its is mans ern Y enc and8the e extent, o its •� 4 7..501LYCB5 For fI.13e y ars the Bank of 1Ylatttreat has been in the forefront o)'Canadian finance.