HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-05-28, Page 3The Best Wetter. Coiow For \Walls . and Ceiling* Free'steridt premium label on eeerY pack- age. Send for Decorators Guide and Stencil Catalogue. GYPSUM, LINOS AN AL BASTII1E,,. Paris Ontario "K 1' ':. ights' " Meaf ord Flooring It's G It's Even Better IT'S 'S THE 1 '<ES T ,1h6 Knight Mfg. & Lbs°. C .;.. Ltd., Meaford See year denier Get our prices - s v Rid your home of flies with Aeroxon--this improved spiral fly catcher with the longer and wider ribbon. Aeroxon is guaranteed not to dry out or deteriorate. Thegiue Is.always fresh, fragrant and sweet—irresistible to flies. Aeration is Good for 3 Weeks' Service. Aeroxon Gets the fly every time Sole Agents: NEWTON A. HULL, 56 Front Street East, Toronto saz Shaw Says Pidgin English Will Be Future Language Letchworth, Iilngiand—"Pidgin Eng- lish will be the classic English of lithe future;" George Bernard Shaw said in a speech at the celebration of 'the twenty-fifth anniversary of the :founding of the Letchworth Library. "Au Englishman says: 'I am sorry {I cannot oblige you.'" Shaw said,"but la Chinaman says: `No cat,' and ex - !presses himself perfectly." Shaw took exception, ironically, to Otho Biblical reference to the "blessed uses" of the poor. "Until this country 'becomes determined that it shall never 'again have a poor man, woman or ;child iu 1t," he said, "It won't be a country worth living iu." Speaking of libraries and books, Shaw acid that it was the British Museum library that had made him a Communist. "And I'll live and die a Communist," he added. "Books," he said, "had. been valu- able to him in the study of speech. If you made me king of England; he said, '2 might fall short of the ideal in many ways, but you wouldn't object to me ou the ground that my speech was disgraceful. If you made mo Archbishop of Canterbury I could get away with the talking part. If you made me Lord Chief Justice I could sentence you to death In a way that would do honor to the occasion. But the most fluent Person in his own �yanguage is ofteu heipless if he crosses a frontier. I'm a great matt here. But when I get on tits other side of the Channel I'm less than any porter." after PLAYTIME !^_I }Eie,aMolI d1Mllk `dwhen�lh Y come In From school or play. Children love it, and as many a who mother bet discovered, It is hlshts' r.,l,I nce o§pIeIt Pelmetts.f� �`ildlaq r ° �c.wrta CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK I o Whin e # A B igl sr . are Upset •To Search For Lost Aviator in Arctic Prof. Alfred Wegener, German 'scientist, leading German expedi- tion in gathering weather data, has been •reported lost since last . month in arctic wastes. Capt. Albin Ahrenberg, Swedish aviator, is reported to have expressed his intention of going iu search of him. Capt. Ahrenberg recently located Courtauld, British flier reported miss- ing la Greenland. Owl L.affs Mrs. Mosquito— "Whore is your daughter?" • Mrs. Housefly—trShe just went to the front door for a Screen test/' • Wile—"How's this for a saving Idea, dear? I bought, playing • cards that can be washed. Tier Husband -"Well, I don't mind •doing• the dishes—but I draw the line On •scrubbing the: deck." • The Colonel's. wile sent the follow- ing note to ollow-ingnote.to Captain Leonard: "Colonel and -Mrs. Moore request the' -pleasure or Captain Leonard's company to din- ner on May 25." To which site received the following reply: "With the exception of six men on leave and • two'. on sick list Captain Leonard's company take great plea- Fare 1n' accepting your invitation:" Little Bride—"Jack, ;`su Said you wanted 'shin bone soup, I didn't • ie- nwmlier down at the butcher shop, just what it was, and I' showed the butcher my shin and he guessed it all right" The•Groom (grunting);=."Humph, I'll be darn aerefel what cuts of meat I specify in the future." Fond Wife—"If you go first, dear, you will wait for nie on the other shore, won't you?" Husband (with a sigh)—"I suppose so. I never went anywhere yet with- out Having to wait, for you." Daddy—"Only fools are • certain, Bobby; wise men hesitate.' Bobby—"Are you eure'of that, Dad- dy?„ Daddy—"Yes, certain of it." Amateur paper hanging is about the most amateurist thing we know of— except possibly a home job of hair dyeing. Wile—"You know, dear, marriage is a fifty-fifty proposition." I•Iusband—"Yes, it's fifty here and fifty dollars there." itkedcbra.N. .40.3.64N. o •:A a \ 0 .s Radio Short -Waves Stop F �,od Decay Dairyman's Invention Shows Soest, IIolland.—A discovery has been made, writes a special corres- pondent in The Christian Science Monitor, in the field of ultra short- wave radio research whereby decay in foodstuffs is obsoletely arrested, according to Robert Pape of Soest, Holland, Who has been for many Years active in the dairy industry. The Invention, pttt briefly, consists of au apparatus which generates ultra short waves in the region of 25 Centimeters to 1 meter, The waves thus generated form. after b 10 d d within a radius of Annual Forest Leaf Fall Estimated at Ton an Acre Washington.—The blanket of leaves from one year's leaf fall in the forest may weigh more titan a ton per acre, the United States Department of Agri- culture says. Forest Service investi- gators find that a heavy litter is cap- able of holding vast amounts of water and slowing up the runoff which, without the protection blanket, would quickly erode the soil of the wood- lands. In studying tate protective value of leaf litter and the result of its re• moval by are or other agency, Forest Service investigators found that the 1,930 fall of dry leaves, gathered up on a half acre of pine -oak forest at the Bent Creels Experimental 'Forest near Asheville, N.C., weighed 1,300 pounds, oven -dry -weight. Accumulated dry leaves and litter on the tract Previous to the first clean-up weighed Orr?• toss to the acre, dry weight. Front two to three years are re- quired for decomposition of the litter, and a heavy blanket of leaves Is thus normally present on the area. As a consequence of removal of the ground cover for tills study, erosion set in ou the area, although the rain- fall was unusually slight. Soil lees was also hastened when. winter frosts heaved and loosened the unprotected soil, making it wash•'easily later on. - Reveille . "Ata.1s021 Ota ;:...ae 255 Car e in Raising Chicks a to the Silver Maple Poultr'Y BABY oinaexs Westport, N.Y., find ,several 13A132 - +:HICISS—IN six VAR. - rubber overshoes in a box �� 1Nr1O,b, Ino Vag... ittiti rlo. 1i'ree. AL, fl. ewitser, tlranton, Ontario. Classified Advertising Visitor rarm at pairs of near the walks that lead to the brood- er houses. T VE.WANTED he rubber REPRESENTATIVE s must be worn by the poultrymen and, as an added' Precaution, it is necessary for the wearer to step iiia box containing a disinfectant before entering the brood- er house, according -to ira J, dollar of the New 'York State College of Agriculture. The brooder houses are swept, scraped, scrubbed with lye and water disinfected with a 5 per cent. coal -tar disinfectant, and then a fire torch was used on the floors and walls before Placing broodin treatm Mr. farm, h of chi fewer eggs from coccidiosis, and h outlined strict sanitation practices to avoid further outbreaks. After the chicks ere placed in the brooder house, fresh litter is placed under the hover daily and all litter is changed every l five days. When the litter is changed a torch is used to dry the floor and' destroy any coccidiosis germs which may bo present. The chicks are fed an all -mash ra- tion regularly at 8 o'clock in the morn- ing, at noon and at 4 o'clock, In the afternoon. Dr. Gray plans that the chibits be without feed at least au hour between feeds so the chicks' In- testines may have a short rest period. ery, large special buildings and Per' sonnei. The invention, which was received at first with incredulity, has lately caused a great deal of interest, na- tural scientists both from here and abroad pouring into Mr. Pape's bun- galow here, where he is demonstrat- ing the machine. - The correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor has seen food on plates in various parts of the house, in the garret and in the garden, per- fectly odorless and undecayed, which had been there for months. There were new potatoes of. Juno, 1030, a about from and t f the machine, an aloe little bit discolored, but which 'could eggs, broken on a plate, sever mouths ago, a little dried, but not a sign of decay. Eggs in the Shell stored in the House on May 23, 1930, 20 meters ABY ills and ailments seem twicey ma as ean colic. t Orr a suddenaattn ack may of diarrhea. How would yon meet this emergency—tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? coin to m tro-magnetic field, in which no or. I still easily be scraped. There were genic product can decompose. The size of this electro•tnagnetio field is, practically speaking, a globe of about 30,000 cubic meters. The preserving action of title field I were opened and the yolk was beau tl- penetrates through everything: atone fully yelloworts an wiexpet; out ado ,bout- walls, Iron, dead, wood, glass and so fortis ttuloors and outdoors, in arty, spate one have obDeen publishA. Van ed, among ief atmosphere or temperature. I The cold storage field, which has I of the Amsterdam bleat Inspection developed to such a grade of pollee- i Service, on behalf of the Dutch Pat - tion, is said to be highly interested elft Council. in the itew'invention, For tide newI thatFront these acid reportsperceie appeared floared machine, which occupies a space of 1 which had been kept for a fortnight milk a few cubic meters mid therebynot forms a food preserving field of `bO,- I in increased; el c t'011 agnetl felaftla d =m- ined). Cubic meters, uses up only as tnuclt electricity as an ordinary 200 ( ber of months, had maintained all candle power electric bulb and the i the in ties Reey possessed when d and that shrimps, results of this stnatl device are de -I i stared to be far better than those of mixed with only 4 pet' cent, of salt, a modern equipped cold storage ware• I showed no ammonia development house, with its expensive =chin- after a fortnight's exposure. , Three Mothers Autos Now Navigate - Deepest Rivers Three mothers by your cradle stand: Floating automobiles that 1101 0n Ono mother who has given. birth, roads in the ordinary way, but are And one of lineup is Motherland, And one of them is tinther ableivS,when have ueeessary for Earth; r❑se in a traveling exhibition of Brit - Earth; � by Capt. VvIn WANT A F17L1ABLD li28PRlu. i'r S117NTATYV'E to handle our oro- duote in your .near dlstriot, App11 Clarence Cameron, 28 %Velltngtori St. Toronto,- sesseeraztirts q FO1NANTS-2 L13S, PRINTS, ti:17,. Y 2 1Us, Silk, Pelves or Cretonne, $t, Ao81t ' dealer waOnnted, A. McCreary. AGENTS l.`���ANTED' A new pipe is being placed on the the chicks in the house. The Market. It is standard in size and ap- pearance, yet the smoke travels 18 inches g equipment had the same before it reaches the mouth, making a alit teal cool smoke;' One agent to be ap- Robert Gray, manager of the pointed I. .each town. Liberal discounts. Write KING 0001., as ltad experience with losses 7 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO chs, of mature pullets and in as Jock met his friend Sandy on the street. Jcak—"Sandy, I wonder if you could oblige me with a cigarette?" Sandy—"But I thocht you said you'd stoppit smokin'?" Jock—"Awe, weel, I've reached the first stage. I've steep -it buylu'I" • Solicitor—"Woald you endorse our cigarettes for $2,000, sir?" Celebrity,=Tor $2,000 I'd smoke the fool things." A man's reputation may get 11Is MELTING name on the church book, but only his (I➢ �A� '� character Is recorded ou the book of n fl life. For the protection of your wee one—for your own peace of thmind— is old, reliable preparation keep always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let itbe an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whosets tongue bowels. coated because of sluggish druggists have Castor's, I-II Th �2 CFU L HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co: Ltd. RCH ST., TORONTO To peep fifes away this summer swat their great-grandparents ltow. Whoever thinks men are more for the material things tha women has never seen them at a sale. Film Producer'—"What stakes you think you need a vacation?" Press Agent—"I'm as overworked as an adjective in Hollywood." A Blackbird's Voice I heard a blackbird's voice among the boughs Of some tall treo Speaking, as all could hear, his ardent vows, With heartfelt glee, To one whose ardency arouse To his degree. I know not it that other one replied To what he told, But as I listened to Itis tale I sigh- ed— It was so old: Then, far adowu the west, the day- light died, And night turned cold. —A. Mlitte, in the Glasgow Herald. he would a1L 1sit industriesproposed And two aro great and one is small. I Geoffrey Matins itdom S ays r. E31.FeahWeeks Science Your Motherland is -strong and dread; I (New York): Her a es your sure proles^.tion I "Attacled to the side of each auto - makes; mobile are frames and brackets made Site spreads her law above your head, of the new light metal called 'elek But oven while site gives she trop; au alloy of magnesium, less Her arta i tortes than one•half the weight of alumin- s strong, her word is true, ant. ' But she may ask your 11te • of you. 1 "Fastened• to these brackets are From Mother Earth by toil you wring eight air bags of rubberized fabric, Or feast or trust at her caprice, four for each side of the car. "When the expedition wishes to The shelter for your journeying, I cress a bridgeless river, the elek Though brief. at best will be the tron framework is put in place, the letse. .I air bags are attached, and these are And cata the and she gives You bed pumped up by a bellows arrange- But cares not where your soul Has meet operated by tate engine. The sped•. ' 1 car then ntay be driven into the water under its own power and The Mother who has borne your I float ,on the air bags, with its tan - flesh Through good or ill will hold you float , o th lover With +'te water snr- faet, 1 face. Wilt guide you through the world's --2— dark mesh, "Not alt men react to the And so Will save, your soul at last,_ Charms:'—Peggy Joyce. Three mothers shall you Have in all, Wake: the envoi dusk returning Up the beach of darkness brims, And the ship of sunrise burning Strands upon the eastern rims. Wake: the vaulted shadow chatters, Trampled to the floor it spanned, And the tent of night in tatters Straws the sky-pavilioued land, Up, lads up, 'els late for lying: Hear the drums of morning play; Hark, .the . empty highways crying, "Who'll beyond the hills away?" Towns and countries woo together, Forelands beacon, belfries call; Never lad that trod on leather . Lived to feast his heart: with all. Up, lad: thews .that lie and cumber Sunlit pallets never thrive; Morns abed and daylight slumber Were not meant for man alive. , . —it. El. Houseman, in "A Shropshire Lad." Birds Make Nests of Wire 1 Seattle—Robins and other` birds nesting in city parks and private grounds in this city Have been hard- hit by the unusual scarcity of hair, declares Trevor Kinkaid, of the zoo- logy department of the state =Ever - BUY, Birds find no hair about homes asin past '• years and the small number of horses and other ac • animals in the city do not shed. mucic. Professor Kinkaid $1O 00. Hoare, 4t I( know tbe' things. i dye with Diamond has observed nests' built with thread, yeles,a.ru Motors Roams, eta 'rrao,uor, Dyes are redyed at all!" twine; long grass and even small fine lotion Paid. Writs to DUNE poi 0YOLEWrit AND MOTOR O., Mrs. R. ry Quebec, wire. sae Qtreen Street W.. 'Toronto, opt. And one le great and two are small. —MCLandburgh Wilopi. "After a little wearing, a lovely green Ideas for Company Evenings ! voile—alt imported dress—lost Color The 4th Sutton G,F.S. Rangers • so completely that 1t. was not wear - gad a most enjoyable cooking even- I able. A friend who had admired it ing with two Patrols each using one f ,, pn. asked ale why I wasn't wearing it any' More. On hearing the reason, she advised dyeing it and recom- mended Diamond Dyes. To make a long story . I1th1t, a is 'lovely anew' urned out [beautifully, dress that really cost just. 15c—tile price 'of one' package of Diamond. Dyes. "Ik have since steed Diamond Dyes for both tinting and dyeing, do either equally well. I am not all expert dyer but never have a failure with Diamond Dyes. They seem to be 'nada so they, always go on smooth- ly and evenly. They never 'spot streak" -'or run; and friends' never same SAVED IMPORTED DRESS FAST AWAY Farm Help Available Families and singlemen with Can- adian experience for dairy and gen- eral farm work. Address all com- munications to Central Emigration Foundation Holland, 255 Hess St. South, Eamilton, Ont. Rhone Regent 2210. AR over the world Krttschen Salts is appealing to girls and women who strive for nn attractive, free-fron •fat figure that cannot fail to win admira• Con. Here's the recipe that banishes fat anti brings into blossom all the natural attractiveness that every woman possesses. [:very morning hake one • hall teaspoon of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water before breakfast. Be sure and do this every morning for " It's the daily dose that takes off the fiat." Don't miss a morning. Krusencn daily means that every particle of poisonous waste matter and liarntftll acids and gases are expelled from the system. Iaen.Fs .l'ectdNoises ARDEAR L. PUB IT IN BACK 'OFEARS•-• INSERT/Al NOSTRILS-• PRICES/.2S^ArAf1 DRtl00M5T Excellent for Temporary Deafness and Head Noises when clue to congestion caused by colds. At the same time the stomach, liver, kidneys tad bowels are toned up and ,the -pure, iresh blood containing Nature's six life-giving salts is carried to every "pin. gland, nerve and ltbre of the body, and this is followed by that (Drescher' feeling" of energetic health and activity that is reflected in bright eyes, clear skin, cheerful vivacity 9 and charming figure. A TRINITY From long years of observation and a widely varied experience I have learned much about one great teinity—Faith, 'Work and Patience. Faith we meet have: Work we must do; and Patience we must exercise. Given these throe a success fitting to our station is as certain to re- sult as the sun to rise, because in them are alt the elements from which the progress of mankind is fashioned,-R.E.H. "I am a country 'hicck',. living on a farm, and every time I leave it I get into trouble''—Sinclair Lewis. of the club -room ranges. trot did scones and scrambled eggs on mashed, potatoes, the other baked Potatoes and jam tarts, While these were cooking the Company took part in an advantage game. • Two trails had beet), laid in the room, one for each Patrbi and 'both ineludiug four hidden letters with questions on test work. P.L.. I. Peunicott. F EX. Large inustttt• ed catalogue or new and rebut ll'., bicycles f r in Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley.Davidson Distributors Write at once for our bargain list of used' motorcycles. Terms arranged. A New Member of the Cuutiesnra Family CUTICIJIMA Shaving Cream A beard -softener and n skin -tonic combined! At dealers or sent postmla on raael�t o�aas6cy Ltd tdut833m wets KEEP THE Children Healthy STIFFNESS Plenty of Minard's well. rubbed ie sorsa sets you dFht. Bathe the sots pare with warm watsr before you staff. You'll coon timber up ! Gardeners, Farmers, Horticulturists MngBugKiller The Quality Product Insecticide, dte- tlnqulshaUle by its three -fold pro- p r. . S 'e Death insecticide, Plant -J'erttlizer and Plant Protector against Blight and Disease. Your selection of tOlag Bug littler for Your Insectlatde wilt emu r you tiro greatest results at a 'inlmum cost. TIave your dealer supply You. tutei. Write usufor ipai tictilars. Usti- KING CALON111 PRODUCTS CAMPBELLVILLE, ONT. When they're "off colour" give them Dr. Carter's all vegetable Little Liver Pills. Safe, acting theyysoon bringbackliver,ntly on the bosvels and smiles an high spirits that healthy young- eters oungeters should show. 25c tsi 75c red packages Ask your druggist for "WHITE SWAN" A snowy white Ste- rilizedTissue. In wrapped, dustproof Rolls of 750 sheets. Also made inRE- ze to fi m ESS" ern built-in fix- tures. ABSOLUTELY safe • all impure elements re- moved by thorough sterilize- tion. Immaculately clean, safe and absorbent—Eddy bathroom papers are preferred by careful mothers. THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL • - CANADA. Manufacturers of a Wide Range of 11 Quality Papers for Commercial, Professional and Domestic Purposes. "DREADNOUGHT" A big value Eddy line.. Seven ounces of Sterilized creped tissue in every roll. "NAVY" A Full weight Roll of Sterilized quality Tissue -700 sheets sheets I of soft, safe, sanitary paper. r�•�,•�g�a iTTr.Gy�yq �t RTERS S nn.11t"ALLS ISSUE No.2 i- 3 ~I 5 rti \, \ti SS4• 13 pyA�"tt47 a£4�'