HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-05-28, Page 1The News -Record Est: 1878 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED TT -1E CLINT()N NEW ERA •. No, 5220 ---53rd YEAR $peia1ht"�rGGd CLINTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 28,28,931 tehes_ ..FOR „ D MAN :WHOSE RK REQUIRES CORRECT TIME;. MAY BE BOUGHT AT OUR STORE' AT REDUCED PRICES s now prevailing an products sold To corespond to the price P • 11— All • Kinds and Sizes of Watches Properly Repaired and Promptly made ready for exacting service. All kinds of fancy glasses for your Wrist Watches. "Letitia Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 1.74w and 174j NEW TOILE DRESSES Ranging in price from98c to $7.50 Sizes up to 44 36" Lace Curtain Material i11 and l d Iver r at 29c yard. You will be delighted -to procure these pretty patterns at this extremely low price.. CREPE BLOUSES AT $2.95 Shades Maize, Flesh, Nile, Egg- shell and White. Made Sleeveless and with Dainty l:ichu Effects, 9C Our former shipment of these dainty Colorful Voiles being 'sold, we have replenished our stock with a new assortment of entirely different patterns. " CLINTON'S LEADING STYLE SHOPPE " ginecomdsonnusmova — .. TIIE MARKETS Wheat, 60e, Barley; 3Qc . Oats, 250. Eggs, 10e to 150 Butter, 20c to 22o. • Live Hogs, $7.25. �. L BE OFF HYDRO WILL R Hydro will be off again next Sun- day afternoon from one to•five pini A meter `expert' is expected from Termite, but the local staff will also finish cleaning up the high tension wires, which they started last Sun- day. These had not been cleaned:in years and needed attention. Clin- ton .has very few interruptions of local origin. The service is very smooth and satisfactory, WELL-KNOWN PASTOR DIDS VICTORIA DAY SPORTS. The 'Clinton Bowling Green Club commenced;epexatione for the season by having a,loaal jitney tournament ment on Monday, Victoria Day 'There was a good turnout, . twenty-seven players taking part during the -af- ternoon. Three prizes were offered; first beingY Mt.r. Rog- erson, b the kyr • IN/teases. A.J. Morrish and W, Grant tied for- second place and on drawing, the former *on. Mr. Grant was awarded th;rdePeiae, It is the intention . to have twi- light tournaments with the adjacent towns at intervals being the season, with at least one large tournament. 'The ladies' club liras not yet or- ganized but it is expected it wiT1 be- fore the season advances very far. AMONG THE CHURCHES Yesterday's dailies carried the news of the death of Rev. James C. Dunlop of Aylmer; who was in' his eighty-sixth year, Rev. Mr. Dunlop was for a time the very popular pastor of the Clin- ton Baptist church and was popular not only with his own congregation, but us a citizen. Since his retire- ment about fifteen years ago he lied been a resident of Aylmer and had been active up to his death. He 'is survived by his wife, three sons- and six daughters. The sons are: W. J. Dunlop, head of the De- partnzent of Extension, university of 'Toronto; Charles G., Hagersville High School, and R. Torrance, man- ager of the Bank of Montreal, Fene- lon Falls. The daughters: Mrs. A. R. Gendron, Penetang; Miss Marion R. Dunlop, Brown school, Toronto; Miss Florence, Ryerson school, Brantford; Mrs. H. S. Fox, Harrow; Mrs. Boyd Thompson, Ayhner and Mrs. L. J. Rattan, Agawam, Mass, The New Era. Est. 1i366'• THE: )"TOME PAPER WILL MEET HERE E PEOPLE YOU KNOW •LONDESBORO A meeting of South Huron Libor- `Miss Clete Ford was home from, Mr, and MTS. Chap. Fraser with 1 11 beheld town hall s over the 24th Lillie and Jean of Windsor spent the. ale e c m the a , St Thomas on Wednesday, June 3rd at Bite J L, Kerr of the Brussels Post week, -end with 'Mr. and Mrs,. Win. Lyon. V last. Thursday be , M •.townon speakersa i 4i. Clinton, � 'hese will was in 2 tc 1 p Mitchell Hepburn, leader of the On- eel!. G. A. McCague was in Toronto Quite a number of the Woman s 1l n -end. and holiday, Institute visited with the Belgravo•r tarici Liberals, and Thomas M,cMi a over the weals sn,:. i. anch on Tuesday afternoon. aasSouth Huron, Conservatives Miss Hattie Courtice spent the week Btar. Art Lyon of Kitchener spent well as Liberals are invited to end and holiday iu St. Thomas. Mr. 5tawart Malrien spout Victor- the holidaywithhis parents, Mr. and hem. These speakers. t is Day with • Wallaeeburg friends. Mrs: Wen. Lyon.on and THE CENSUS -TAKERS Miss L llWalkinshaw was home Dr: Kirk Lyon, with Mrs Lyon a u The annual'meeting. of the Lon- don Conference of the United Church of Canada will be; held in Park street church, Chatham,• connnenc- ing Wednesday; June 3rd, eontiuing until Monday, June 13th. Baptist' Church • The Ladies' Aid will meet on Fri- day afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. Cochrane, 'Mary street. COUNTY LEAGUE ORGANIZED The annual meeting of tete Hue ion County Baseball League was held in Clinton on Thursday even- ing, May 21st., 1931. Mr. T. Haw- kins, Clinton, took the chair and opened the meeting. Mr. F. Cante,- lon of Hensall acted as secretary for the evening. Mr. P. Fingland was appointed president, and Mr. F. Muteh, secre- tery-treasurer,. both being from Clinton. Representatives from Wingbam, Goderich, Hensall and Luella On anotherpage'of this issue will from, Toronto over the24th of Master Riilly'spentVictoria e leaving 0 .the former parents, y meth be found a' list of the census -takers May. • , fifty- Miss. Annie McDonald visited at for., a holiday at Gananoque. They seven all. A South Huron, fh y ' will call at Hamilton and Toronto on• seven in all. Amongst these there her 'home near W:oodstoek over rho e are three women: Mrs,. Robert Town -holiday. , was home' from the way. W - J. Tanublyii, N2 s Tame— send send of Hu14ett; Mrs.' J. Slavin of ,.Miss Jean Hogg • Tuekersmith and Elsie' 'Louise Milverton over the week -end and blyn ith and f milt' o1m:botoronto yes J Thompson of Stephen township: Be holiday, sure and give the gentlemen, and Miss Isabel Biggart spent the week- Tainblyn, over the holiday: especially the ladies, a cordial wel- end with Miss Margaret Huston at of1rs Clintonlie were uth eng g'uestsi of it{Mrs:. come. • God,errc h. MrFred Devolin of Toronto was a C. Ruddell over the week -end. LITTLE LOCALS - I week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Woodman of'` Clrathspent the weekend w Presbyterian Church Services as usual.` on. Sunday. Morning sermon subject: "True' Re- verence." Evening: "Christian Dili- gence." The W.A. will meet at the home of Niers. J. Wiseman on Wednesday afternoon, June 3rd, at 2 o'clock. Ontario Street United Church Minister's morning subject on Sunday: "Ambassadors for Christ." Evening: "Christ's Royal Claim." Young Peoples' League visited the County Hoare on, Tuesday even- ing and gave a musical and literary program. Wesley -Willis United Church On Sunday morning, continuing the studies in the Portraits of Je- sus, the sermon sub,iece will be: "Jesus the Light of the World." In the evening the minister's sermon will be on: "The Development and Destiny of Man." The W. A. will meet iii the church hall at three o'clock on Thursday af- ternoon, June 4th. Clinton were present, and have all Sunday was anniversary day in entered in the league. , this church, By special request of All teams decided to play O.B.A. the board the minister.,, Rev. Dr. J. ball. The meeting adjourned with E. Hogg, preached the anniversary the drawing up of the schedule as sermon himself, good congregations follows: being present at both services. Wingham at Hensel!, June 4th. At the motning service Dr. I•iogg Clinton at Goderich, June 5th. continued his series of sermons from Goderieh at Wingham, June Oth. portraits of Jesus, his subjeet being Winghant at Clinton, June llth "Lights and Shadows of a Portrait Goderich at IIensall, June 15th. of Jesus," taking his text from St. Clinton at Wingham, Stine 19th. John 12:28: "Father glorify thy Hensall at Clinton, June 26th, name. Then cane there a voice from Clinton and followed his trade of Beaton anti NIr. Sack Watson of Goderich at Clinton, June 29th. Heaven saying, I have both glorified uttne mason. He was of a kindly Toronto were week -end j tests at disposition and was an affectionate the • home of Mrs. A. D. Beaton. husband and father. De was con- NIr. W. J. Nediger motored Mrs. nected with Wesley Methodist, now Ned;ger and Miss Helen to Owen Wesley -Willis United, congregation Sound on Tuesday,. where they and was also an Orangeman, being a are spending a week with vela - member of L.O.L. 3o. 306, Goderich fives, T. T. Carter. auti ith The town council will meet on . r. and gas. J.L. Heard and Mas- the 1prmer's father and other Monday evening June 1st, ter Frank spent the week -end with rtierds. ,Mr. Bert Huller is busy building Detroit friends,' Mn. and Mee, B. T;verman of Sea - tourists cabins 'at Conodale on the Miss Ethel Hogg of Port Dover spent forth visited with, Mrs, J. Tamblyn Maitland. ' the week -end and holiday at her and Mrs, 3..Elsley recently. •home in •town. W Mr.. m: Gray and family spent. The hospital board will meet on..' Mr, Roy Gook has gone.to Sand- Sunday at the home of his sister, Tuesdayyin evening, the board June and, at seven -rd room of the town wieh, where he will take charge of Mrs. S. Mathers of Palmerston. thirtythe Baptist church: Mr. and Mrs.. Lewis Govier of hall. Miss Phyllis Cooper of Toronto was Gcderieh spent the holiday with . his A softball game between Clinton the week -end guess, of her cousin, sister, Mia. Archie Webster. There was a good turnout at the an - and oval roc will be played off on Mrs. Harold B. Manning, :the local recreation park on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gould visited in noel At Hone of the W.M' S. which' May 29th, at 6.15 p.m. 1 Detroit and other points in the vi- was held in the basement of the church cinity over the week-end.•re Friday evening. The pastor, the FORMER RESIDENT DIES 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rumball and son of Rev. J. W. Johnson, occupied the Word comes of the death, which Galt were guests at Mr. Win, Wal- chair. The meeting opened by sing- ker's over last week -cosi, ing a hymn and prayer. The pro - tock place in Vancouver, B.C., on Rev. Dr, Medd of Welland ices been gram consisted of several' piano, Sunday, May.10th, her 8f 84th year, Jen- visiting his brother, Mr. J. G. duets, vocal _ solos and duets, read- ings. choruses and three playlets, of Rev. Thomas Block and mother of Mr and Mrs, A. J. past weray of one by the children, one by the jun- Dean British W. Brock of the d Staley Hatr•iston visited the latter's sis- for members of the W M -S, and last Brock o -f 1 Galambia and Stanley ters in town over the week -end. but net least. one by the senior mem- The deceased Montreal. Miss Aphrew Steepe returned last hers of the W.M.S, All were well ren - The lady was well-knowneweek-enol front visiting the Soo tiered. Much credit is due those who Rev.Clintonhn as for three years the with her aunt, Miss Sheppard. prepared the programs aid those who Thomas her hued Mrs. Bieck were Mr. J. G. Medd was in Trowbridge took part. Refreshments were serv- thethidants here, he being in charge of on Friday attending the funeral of ed at the close. A very pleasant old predecessor street ley -Willis his brother, the late Edward Medd. evening was spent by those who at - church, whichhdecessor of Wesley -Wiled Mr. Ray Carter of Toronto spent: teisecl. The collection was about clnurct, was recently burned the week -end and holiday at the $24.00. and rebuilt. ! Lame of his parents, NIT•. and Mrs, Guests with Miss S. Barr for the The remains were brought east for 11, T. Garter. holiday were: M. and Mrs. F. interment, the funeral taking place Misses. Ruth and Wtnnifred McMath King and son Douglas and Niiss Mina at Mount Forest on Monday, May of Toronto came up to spend the, Proctor of Toronto. and Mr. and 18th, week -end and holiday with their Mrs. Geo. -King of Bayfield. DEATH OF JOHN DEEVES mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Glover and son Miss Florence Rorke and Miss Mar- Willis of Detroit returned to that John Deeves, an old resident of m et McLeod, students at the Uni- city on Tuesday. Mrs. Glover, and Clinton, died on Sunday in his sixty- ! g sixth year, atter a long illness. He versity of Toronto, arehome for son have been visiting; with her time summer vacation. mother, Mrs, D. Mountain, for the• had been a great sufferer frons Mr, and Mrs, HarveyMcBrien spent past week. Mr. Glover spent the rheumatism and for the past six or the week -end owith holiday here, seven years had been unable to get their daughter andand sonh-inliday-law, Nh, about, leaving to be wheeled in a and Mrs. Giddings of Detroit'.• chair. A complication of diseases Ni'r, and Mrs, L. J. Cree, Ma'. T. W n10,1 Node. a vera outwear two ordinary pair, . e vo man—is always This store caters to the wants of the Working ma s y on the alert to meet his requirements and to give the fullest measure of satisfaction, also showing a large range of Work Shirts and. Overalls to select form. MEN'S HEADLIGHT OVERALLS, ff2,00 This is . the best -fitting and best Overall made, plain black and Blue Denim, heavy weight, with. or without bib. ''Special at $2.00 MEN'S BIB.'OVERALLS ,»1•39' a and roomy In heavy quality black and blue denim, well .nmad • Special at $1.89. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS - 95c • full navy blue and blue'grey, well. made and iingoodweight, size. r 'Special at 95e. MEN'S WORK' SOCKS. 2 PAIR 350 . In plain or ribbed heavy weight wool and cotton mixture 2 Pair for 35c. , --- 25c MEN'S WORK S Special at 26c of rib a very comfortable wearing sock. Sp In all wool AGENT FOR GODERICH FRENCH. DRY CLEANING & PRESSING cn, MDRHISH- !9 A SQUARE DEAL ' FOR • EVERY MAN . STANLEY and Mr, J. Freeman spent 111r. and Mrs. Alf. Westlake were Mr. Deeves was born in Goderich the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Cole-- township and lived there until after T, Wilson of Royal Oak, Mich. man of Seafnrth on Sunday last. Mr. Will Scotchmer and daugh- ters, Eleanor, Irene and Cathleen, al- so Mr. and Mrs. Porter of 'Goderich spent Wednesday at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Will Heard and slaughter. 'Nina and son Will, motored to Kit- chener to spend the week -end with M't'. and Mrs. Fred Scotchmer. They also spent a day with them at Nia- gare Falls. Mrs. Thos. B. Baird left on Tues- day to attend the funeral of Mrs (Dr.) R. T. Winn at Toronto. Mi. 'Wei. Sage of Toronto called at . home of Mr. Thos. Baird last Satur- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hayden and Carmen of Shepperton visited at Mr. Thos.. Baird's last Saturday. hastened his death. 1 Mongan his marriage, when he moved into 1rsses Louise, Mat'jorie and Kate 1 I Clinton at Hensall, July 2nd, j it anti will glorify it again." Jesus I HEAR INTERESTING ADDRESS I whose ministry had been for the most part to the Jews, had neverthe- Dr. Chalet, of the medical staff of 1 less declared that his mission was to the Ontario Hospital, London, ad- 1 the whole world, and he had been dressed a public meeting in the end- ; encouraged by the fact that certain itoriuin of the Clinton Collegiate Greeks had come to his dieiples ask town�hip• Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hnal, NTt. Institute on Thursday evening last, ing to see him, This was the first He is survived by his wife, who Mrs, Kenneth Whitmore and Mies auspices gathering was held under the 1 fruits of the Gentile world He coos formerly Miss Sarah Cools, and Cutvnell Whitmore motored to To - auspices of the Home -arid School could plainly see before him now the a family of five sons and two dough- ronko and spent the week -end and Council and a number of the mem- i end of his work on earth and, this ters, Lorne of liincardine, Albert of holiday with relatives. lets of the Rome and School Clubs being the work which he had come Hanover and Asa, Mervyn and Tho- Mr. and Mal. E. S. Livermore and of Gederieh aridSeaforth were also I to perform, ire realized that it was mos at Lame, Helen,Nits, Fred Fow- babe of Aylmer and Nit, and Mrs.present, as well as a number of I for this cause he had come and ler, the Huron road, and Stella at Green of Teeawater spent the others outside the Clubs, although l prayed only t et God's name should home. One brother, David beeves of week -end and holiday as guests of the gathering was not as large as Making glorifiedMaking the application Goderich township, also survives, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James might have leen expected. ithe preacher said we should be ready and eleven grandchildren 1 Livermore of Clinton. ,Dr, Chalk's subject was mentath' the this cation mental' 1 to meet all situations in this catispirit. The funeral took place yesterday Messrs, Coombs and Allen of the health, whish term, he+ said, need not That in everythingg aftetmonn from the family home, Er - end staff spent the week - cause alarm. Mental health, like � o'f'God's name should be our aim, ie street to Clinton cemeteev. The end and holiday at their respee- physical health, depended on many even though at times it would mean ' five homes• in London, 'Miss De - the sacrifice of self. services at house and graveside were things and was to a great extent de- At the evening service the minis- conducted by the Rev. Dr. Hogg of pew went •ta her home at Paris, pendent upon physical well-being, He e s Wesley -Willis church, anti the mem- , llfiss Bryclone to Milverton anti spoke mostly of children, and under 'tel chose for his subject the Thein Miss Glover to Waterford. three heads, the sub -normal, the de- of the Church in the World." There bet's of L.O.L, No, 300 and L.O,L. 'invent and the mentally ill, or in -I are many worthy organizations in No. 710 Clinton, attended in a body sane. The sub -normal child was not • the world, he said. Many which were and the rites of the Order were car -.I a 1 organized wholly and solely foe the lied out at the graveside. necessarily born hut f th he said, There were several causes be which might have brought on thel g condition Children's diseases, such 1 Christ, none had His bsupremehe Church I The five LONDON' ROAD ons and son-in-law of the deceased refit of mankind, u none o e Mrs. Clarence Ball,• Grosse,Isle, arizations had been founded by acted as pallbearers, Mich, is spending a short vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crit - as whooping cough, measles, scarlet sing, to none outer u fever or pneumonia might cause some wa:• committed the task of preach - weakening of the brain which would ing the gospel; of carrying to man - result in a sub-normalcondition. kind t e derfttl dignity and a great That • is one of the reasons why such diseases are so dangerous. The delinquent was not infrequently a brighter than normal child, whose .brain worked so easily and quickly that the ordinary employments and studies failed to give then enough -scope, hence the child fell into idle and bad habits simply for lack of enough outlet for his energies. Such children .should be noted and work to suit their - abilities provided for therm Much has been and is being stone to develop as far, as possible the children who are lower than nor- mal in intellectual power and where it is possible to have them, special classes should be mt}intained so that they can be helped thus to develop. Wrong habits of thinking,' Dr. Chalk said, insight if persisted in re- sult in warping the mind. It should he the aim to keep ehildrenthealthy, happy and normal in their habits of living and thinking. h stor of redemption. This was a won ea responsibility conferred upon the Church. It were well for her to real - iso it and gird herself for the task,' for if she failed there was none to, talco her place. Christ had left the work in the hands of His followers and, while they had not been wholly faithful., while there were, indeed, many failures, yet He had never been left without witness. ' The Church must not fail in her groat task, • Both discourses were thought -pro - yoking and inspiring and were lis- tened to with rapt attention by the congregation present. ' The choir rendered anthems . at both services, and Miss Mary R. Stewart sang a solo at each service. In the evening also a mixed -quar- tette, consisting of .Mrs. Hearn and Mrs. Paterson and Messes. ' Allen anti Wiallis, contributed a selection. Services were withdrawn in the evening by both the Ontario street United and the Presbyterian church and many of the members of both congregations were present. . But owing tothe feet that both pastors were taking special services in God- erich they eould not be present., The rain in the evening g • no d oubt . prevented d a number from coming out, as the attendance was not so large as is' usually the ease on an- niversary occasions. At the conclusion of the address Dr. Chalkanswered several- ques- tions which members of the audience put to him. ;Mrs, A. T. ,Choper, president of the Hone and School Council, presided The T1 e speaker. th • teed ' trod in and >: • meeting, opened by singing' one verse' e of "0 Canada," Mrs. Venner at the piano, and closed with "God Save the King:'' -ettsi 1V1 ` J+Ate' GODERICH ' TOWNSHIP Messrs. Jack and David Welsh, Miss Mary and Master Alec of Lam- beth visited their grandfather, Me. Alex. Welsh, Clinton, and their unc- les, Messrs. Arthur and Oliver Welsh of the Bayfield line- over the week- end and holiday, The A.Y.P.A. banquet has been postponed until Friday, June 5. This banquet is for paid-up members of the society only, and will be held in Bayfield, - ! Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Boyes, Bruce- field, spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Ml's Arthur Welsh. Miss Marion Middleton visited her home during the week -encs. j lVli' and Mrs. Cliff. Lobb and fam- ily were . Victoria Day 'guests at the home of the lady's parents, Me. and Mrs. Robt. Pearson. •Mr. and Mrs: Pearson, who always expect an annual visit ' from their. son, who is a member of the staff of the Michigan State Bank, 'Detroit, have just had word from shim that all holidays have been cancelled for this year. Mr.: Pearsonhas been with the seine institution since be- fore -the war, resuming leis old posi- tion on his return Erma overseas. Frviclently the financial depression is being felt when an institution of this kind resorts to such, drastic mea- sures. es. Miss: Nina Heard and Mutler rs.B stent the weekeend at Kitchener and 1 Niagara Valle.. • tenden. - Mr. and Mrs. Manning and daugh- ter, Ruth, and Gordon Manning spent Sunday at Listowel. She Jack Stephenson and Mr. Cum- bor, London, visited with the forme er's cousin, Mi'. Walter Swinbank, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Listowel, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. W. Moffatt, The Community Club met at the home of Mas, Roy Plumsteel on Wed- nesday last for their May meeting, In the absence of the president, MIs: Norman Tyndall took the chair. The roll call was "Sing, Say or Pay," and was responded to by singing, read- ing end fines. A. splendid paper wee given by Mrs. W. Moffatt on "The Care and Raising of Chickens." She spoke on cause of loss in small chicks trod gave different remedies and also mashes to. be lett at different times for baby chicks, growing chicks and laying hens. of business were held a drive through this • part of the Scene items when it county this week. Orchards in full,; bloon,,.green fields and meadows and' everything just shooting along. We• co,not want to seem boastful but we; believe .the scenery around .here is equal ,to that found tnost'anywhere Ontario. Mr. and Mb's. G+ Thompson of London were visitors here on the holiday. lids . Mrs.t • of the west T. Riddell's sister is at present visiting with her. Mrs. Riddell has not been very well, - AUBURN Miss Francis McLarty, who has been at Ayr for a couple of months, returned last woelc. Mi•. and Mrs. John Service of Wind- sor called on Mr,, and Mrs Jos E_ we ing on Sunday last. •, ---- .. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I'attersou and family of Toronto spent the week- end at the home of. Dr. and Mrs- Wiele. Mr. and Mee. R. Jenkins, Clinton, were visitors. here on Monday. Misses Laura and Verna Rutledge spent the holiday with their patents. •al,iss Zeta McRae of Sault Ste Nlarie'is visiting with the >Viisse' Blair in the village. • • 'Messrs:Harry Sturdy, Oliver An- derson and Glen, and Lleycl Raithby motored to Chatham, Windsor and Detroit for the week -end and holi- day. 1Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson and family were visitors in Wingham on the holiday this week. Monday, this week, proved to be such a fine day, a large number tools the day off and went fishing, but we believe that the majority just had a fisherman's luck. I3owever, no doubt, a good many long fish yarns will be unravelled and the day will not Kaye been spent in: vain,' Anyone who appreciates a finer drive, good roads and beautiful scenery could do no better than take. over till the next meeting, will be -decided where the anneal pic- nic will be held. The Tucicersmith ladies 'assisted the hostess with re- freshen ents. e-freshenents. Mess Elith- Stanburit motored with friends froom Port Cunnington . on Saturday and spent the week -end withher parents, Mr. and Nims. Stan - bury. y ronto > �t ToAnnie , Mass An Ctitenden spent the week -end With her parents and other friends. -