HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-05-21, Page 3creel
gg Heelth authorities
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' as milk itself . .. eon •
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Made in Canada
Kraft Cheese and Kraft Salad Drains
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It's Even ' etter
IT'S T:=, E ;EST
rd Flooring .
See your dealer
Get our prices
Knight Mfg. &: Lbr, Co. Ltd., leaf ®Ird
Street Ballads
Mexican popular ballads, the "cor-
ridor," are sung in the village streets
on market days by professional mht-
etrels. They replace newspapers
and keep the people informed on cur-
rent events. The repertoire of the
,minstrel contains songs about the
last iuundation as well as the last
murder. It relates and comments
on political happenings, lova stories,
economics. (One ballad eom e
Send for This
Mailthe attached coupon
and we will aendyou a copy
of our new cook book,
The Good Provider." with
over a hundred delightful
recipes for puddings, pica,
cakes. pastries. arc., and a
wide variety of ether things You can
make better with—
Eorden Co., Limited
115 George St., Toronto
Send mea free copy of your new
cook book.
did ear .5i.o:i
against the price policy of :the mer-
chants,) When the coracle loses its
news value it becomes subjectto na-
tural selection and the' minstrel re-
tains only those songs" that appeal to
his audience for their generall drama-
tic value. Thousands of these songe
made in the villages have never been
written down, but in cities publish-
l ers supply the minstrels with text
sheets, On holidays the minstrel
Presents songs specially written for
the occasion, such a1 the Calaveras)
A clean scarp is a healthy one.
Avoid distressing loss of hair.. .
and Scalp Sutherland
made of abso-
lutely pure ingredients. Removes
dirt and dandruff. Successive
washings prove its worth. At your
druggist 500, or send 105 for
(skulls), which are grotesque verses,
often imitating funeralsermons,
sung on All Soul's Day and satiriz-
ing past events.—N.Y. Herald -Tri-
For Distinguished Service
"Heroes ars born, not made," we are told. Perhaps this saying is true; at any
rate the men pictured above performed her hie service to the public because they had,
in their spare time, prepared themselves to render first aid to the injured and were
ready when the emergency arose Each man is a member of the staff of the Bell Tele-
phone Company of Canada. The Bell Telephpne Company provides instruction in first
aid' for all employees who desire it. Over eighty per cent. of the members of the
Plant , Department are qualified first aiders. The men pictured above have saved life,
resuscitated the nearly drowned, bound up ,the wounded, or, by timely action and
quick thinking, prevented serious accidents, In each case their services have been
rendered not to fellow employees but to the public at large, often times at great
sacrifice and personal danger. As a mark of appreciation, the Bell Telephone Com-
pany has made appropriate awards to its men.
Top left to right—C, W. Biggin, St. Thomas; E. Tushingham, W. S., Stirling, E.
C. Merrifield, Toronto, P. E. Lacroix and C. Page, Ottawa; Bottom F. E. Belanger;
Ottawa; R. H. Manley, Montreal, G. H. Barclair, E.' C. Frith, J. W, Carson, Toronto
and A. Hamilton, Montreal.
During the furnaoe-oleaniag opera
tions in a large steel works the
men occasionally had to walk across
a' plank high in the air. One of
them would cross it on his hands and
Foreman—Are you frightened of
walking on the plank,?
Workman—No. SIP, 'tis frightened
I ant walking off it.
Farah Boy Sells Calves
To Build. Winning Model
A farm boy in overalls, plow shoes
and a green -billed soda cap won first
prize at Kansas City in the miniature
aircraft circus. He is 18 -year-old Rob-
ert Meier of Louisburg, Kan., and will
represent his district in the national
contest at Dayton, Ohio, Juue.29 and
30. Robert's big paper and wood mono-
plaue, propelled by rubber bands, roar-
oared into the gusty air and circled for
2 minutes 56 seconds,
Young Meier, a student iu high
school, owned two veal naives, They
w • about all he owned, except a
Mind for mathematics and an imaglua-
tion, He sold his calve:. for 850 and
spent 836 for airplane wood, paper,
"(lope," rubber bands, rubber band
winders, glue, books on miniature air-
craft and blue prints.
Seven FutllerIalld Sisters
Dept. 22, 193 Spadina Ave., Toronto
Idleness is detrimental to one's
self respect. If You don't think
living.you are terra
the worldyou ought to be hunting
that kind of a one.. The fingers of
one hand are those on which alt the
people in the world could be count- seating the seven great divisions of
ed who work for the pure love of.the Empire and typifying purity and
working. Late to bed and late to High aims. Within the star is a Un -
rise makes one unhealthy, untvealthy dolt Jack and around the whole is a
and otlherwise.
(AMU BUMS —ike&1411.1veit(OreacalleVelascre
mm A Fish "CuriosityCiassilied Advertising
A fish that shoots insects with a
drop of water is among the ichtityolog-
ieal incredibilitiee assured as setentific
facts by Dr. Hugh M. Smith,. former
United States Fi'sh' .,Commissioner,
who recently returned to Washington
from Bangkok, where he is adviser in
fisheries to the Siamese Government.
So' accurately can the little fish hurl
its liquid projectile that on at least
two occasions Dr. Smith has seeu
lighted cigarettes extinguished in the
mouths of smokers ou a verandah a
couple of yards above the surfaceof
the pond where the fish were swim-
Imperial Order Daughters of Empire
Motto: "One Flag, One Throne, One Empire"ii
Organize'd for patriotic and educa• herculean task, but mention must be
tioual purposes, this Order was made of, its War Memorial for which
founded by the late Mrs. Clark a fund of 0500,000 was raised and
Murray of Montreal in 1900. It fun°- that after 85,500,000 had been col -
tions through its primary, municipal lected during the war for war pur-
and provincial chapters with the Na- poses.
tional Chapter the governing body One of the .features of the War
and eaol1 is a link in the chain of Memorial is the award of bursaries
service which girdles the whole Do- ' in Canadian universities for whlch
minion. only children of deceased or disabled
The badge of the Order is syinbolic soldiers, sailors, or men of the Air
of the Imperial Idea upon which the Force are eligible to compete.
Order Is based. in the centre is a Another feature, 1s duperhaps the
'white star with seven points repre- most outstanding,
made for post graduate scholarship
awards entitling students to tuition
in British universities,' thereby es.
tablishing an enduring link between
Canada and the Motherland.
The Daughters of the Empire,
throughout thirty years of intensive
contianous effort on behalf of their
own beloved country, have sought, no
praise for what they have done:
they have found, and are still find-
ing, their satisfaction and joy in the
knowiedge that the Order is growing
steadily .std is going forward to blgy
ger ulness
ndertaklugs and greater use -
While there Is Provincial Organiza-
tion throughout the Dominion, there
is room for more chapters, and as
every i000150 of British birth is ht
reality a daughter of the glorious
British Empire, by joining a chapter
and identifying herself with the work,
she publicly proclaims her goodly
heritage. •
In every village and town in the
Dominion there should be at least
one Chapter of the Imperial Order
Daughters of the Empire.
'When the shooting fish sights all
insect that it considers. a likely candf-
�� 9,. LL'1'1Pla tar and up. atalo8uee
rice. A. 51 Switzer. Granton; Ontario.
AJ tyoewriters, guaranteed same as
new, $20 cash with order. Satisfaction
Writers. money54refunded.Si.
Peter. 81., i Montreal v e-
SI]NTATIVI7 to handle our Pro-
ducts In your .oval district, ApPlY
Clarence Cameron, 39 Wellington St, E.,
Be still, sad he... , -...d cease repining,
Behind e clouds the sun is shining;
date for dinner, it quietly pokes its Thy fate`is the common fate of all,
eyes and the tip of its snout above into each life some rain must fall,
water, holding its body at an angle Some days must be dark and dreary.
of about forty-five degrees. It opens , • —Longfellow.
its wide mouth just the slightest
crack in the middle, and at the same "The people are soberly thinking
instant suddenly squeezes its gill-ccv- and that is the most hopeful sign we
ers. - The speeding drops of water'could have."—Henry Ford.
that shoots forth seldom fails to bring 1 --� —
down its mark. Dr. Smith states that I f
he has even seeu these fish dislodge
small lizards with their water bullets.
—Science 3iews Letter,
to sen our Personal Social Stationery,
and our wonderful value lino of Per-
sonal Christmas Cards. Very moderatelY
priced, 515 money -Waking opportunity,
00 College Strati; - - Toronto
"When we r'estuned housekeeping a
I month ago I found my draperies had
become creased from packing. I hung
• them out on the line, hoping tc re-
move the creases. Then I forgot
them. The result was they became
badly faded and sou -spotted.
"I was heartsick until the happy
thought struck me to dye them. I
just dyed tltent a deeper green, and
as I used Diamond Dyes they look
gorgeous and new. I have never seen
easter dyes to use than' Diamond
Dyes. They give the most beautiful
colors—when used either for tinting'
or dyeing—and never take the life
out of cloth as other dyes do."
Mrs, J,F.T., Montreal.
Samos—Poor Mike was found fres-
en to death in bed this morning.
John—How did it happen?
Jantes—He married the janitor's
daughter, you know. •
Fred—Did you quit your work in
the shirt factory. I saw you down
town tltls afternoon.
Carl—No, we are staking night
shirts this week.
Wiry find fault when there are so
malty better things .to find?
Dentist (to patient who is opening
her purso)—N0, don't bottler to pay
nie in advance.
Patient—I'm not.: Don't worry. I
was only counting my money before
You give me gas,
The only business that ruins
smoothly all the time Is a dead one
drifting out to the sea o1' oblivion.
First Wife—Does your husband
exercise regularly es, last weekSecond Wife—Why, Y
lie was out six nights running.
Teacher—Hew many people are
there to this country?
e Student Er-h_h-r-
Teacher—Hurry, hurry; Every sec-
ond you dilly-dally the number grows
19" and 23 "
Very Simple to Operate.
Saves Money and Does Better Work.
Write For Descriptive Circular
and Prices.
H. W. PET I ' IE, LI
ELgin 1271
Makes Homes Healthful
and Beautiful
Always sweet and clean
Free stencil premium label on cacry pact
age. Send for Dccoralor's Guide and
Stencil Catalogue.
Paris - Ontario
band, symbol of the Empire bond.
Surmounting all is a crown denoting
majesty and typifying loyalty to the
The Order has a clean-cut, well-
defined policy in its alms and objects,
and its achievements since its in -
cotton have attained proportions
unique ht the annals of women's
Its activities along educational lines
and child welfare are worthy of note.
Secondary edu°atiop of soldiers' chil-
dren is a favorite interest of many
primary chapters and other chapters
"adopt" schools.
Sanitorla for little ellldren exposed
to tuberculosis have been establish-
ed throughout the Dominion, ant' re-
cords show bow happy are the re-
sults of the care and attention be-
stowed upon the. little ones.
To enumerate the helpful contribu-
tions made by the Order to every
sort of worthy' cause would be a
Take care of the tomorrow; your
Yesterdays will take care of them-
Southern Catlfornialt (home from
a vacation 'trip out of the State)—
"Ahhhl Doesn't the old bus ride nice,
now that we've got the tires filled
again with this wonderful Los
Angeles air!"
, Consider the Ant. Ile is so busY
he brealcs up other peoples' picnics.
Passenger—Captain, there's a girl "The reason so many . geniuses yourself in an easy chair every free
stowaway ou board tthia ship. look so sickly and tubercular and moment and letting flabby fat aeeumu-
The Captain—Tell her to hide in worn fo a Frazzle is because they are late, you feel an urge for activity that
my cabin.
letting intellectual tyranny MID- keeps you moving around doing the
"Friction makes more heat but press •their happiness." Texas thinyou've always wanted to do and
needed to do to peep you in good
seldom things 'makes light"
,;. Kruschen Salts are the up-to-date
"Spiritualists -are the only people Fountain of Youth. Take one-half
"We" IS Banned
teaspoon in a glass of hot water
who have not religions freedom. to -morrow morning and every morning
Lady Conan Doyle. —be careful of the foods you eat—take
----- regular moderate exercise—then watch
the pounds slide off. '
Dragging Days '
Restless MI l pts
More PNowotThanry in Priorlto War
Washington,—Despite ".e usual des-
truction of farm crops and fare ani-
nimals brought about by a great war,
Germany now has more poultry, chick-
ens, ducks and geese, than it had be- i
fore the start of the World War, ac-
cording to a census conducted as 0 d
December and made public by the
Commerce Department. -
The tl Nrhlc with me, and I guess
1025, resulting at the end of last year this applies to 00 out of every 100 men
Steady increases are shown since a
hi 6,230,400 geese, 3,886,400 ducks, and who
the putting
uttin or "pep"
we weigh ►lice didn't
t off.
37,937,300 chickens. These figures r'° La„t all irtterey in any healthy activity
Present a substantial gain over those and just lazed around acenmulnting
obtained for 1913, when there were the old pounds, until I got that
5,850,800 geese, 2,080,300 ducks and "Kraschen feeling."
Start taking, Kruseben Salts—that's
63,970,300 chickens.
Imports of eggs into Germany in- don'common-sense
m keilthem w t h to
creased materially until 1928, when a they possess reducing qualities in
deoltne began, the Commerce Depart-
meat announced. The 1930 imports
This is u'llat they do—they clean out
were 259,908,830 dozen, about 20,000,- the impurities in your blood by keeping
000 dozen less than iu 1928. the bowels, kidneys and liver in splen-
did working shape, and fit you with
or and tireless energy.
As a result insteaof planting
Geodetic Reconnaissance �
During the field season of 1030, the
Geodetic Survey of Canada, Depart-
ment of the Interior, completed the re-
connaissance for an extensive tri-
angulation scheme covering Georgian
bay and the North channel of Lake
Huron together with adjoining lands
including Manitoulin Island. The to-
tal area, extending from the southern
end of Georgian Bay to Sault Ste
Marie, a distance of 230 miles, which
may be controlled by such a scheme,
will have forty control points distri-
buted over an area of approximately
12,000 square miles.
"I think we can well loolc forward
to the time when towns will rebuild
themselves as we now go to' the tail-
or for a new suit of clothes "—H. G.
Welk. —
By Chinese Officials
Peiping, China.—The foreign word
"Miss" is officially banned from use
on the campus of the Women's Col-
lege of the National University in Pei-
ping by order of Director Liu Fu.
"Miss" sounds, unpleasiug t0 the
ear, and is not really a polite form of
salutation, declares Director Liu's
formai order. Instead of "Miss" all
Young women students must hence-
forth be addressed as "Ku Xiang," he
insists, for this Chinese word meatus
"maid." and is therefore more respect-
f u 1.
Director Lieu has also ordered all
the students in his institution to cease
attending dances and cabarets, Those
who disobey this injunction Will in-
stantly be expelled,
Director Liu's announ°eatentehave
come as u surprise. Ire is in his early
thirties, and has been prominent as
an "advanced modernist" for the last
ten years. He was educated in Pei-
ping and 10 Belgium,'.
Press On
Press on and climb or linger still be -
lows •
Life is a land We can but partly know
Leagues. have been travell'd, many::CN8t'[��k)541
wonders met, •
But tate best part i undiscovered' yet
—Edwin Henry Keen. . ISSUE No. 21—'31
Lack of pep is frequently caused 11y
clogged -up systems. Feen-a-mint
is thorough,: dependable yet gentle t.
in action. Effective in smaller doses
because you chew it. Modern,
scientific, safe, non -habit-forming.
and all the little flies
They can't get away, once
they touch Aeroxon. There's
something in it that has an
irresi stible attraction for these
household pests. A wider and
longer ribbon provides a
greater area, and the glue
does not dry—good for 3
weeks' service.
At drug, grocery & hardware stores.
Solo, Manta:
NEWTON A. $11.7..
,56 /Tent St. East, Toronto
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
Kennedy &
421 College St.,
Harley-Lavidson Distribu.orr
Write at once for our bargain List of
used motorcycles. Terms arranged.
Don't suffer any longer from these
n :ht0' blemishes, Overcome Item at
hound Got 2 oz. Peroxtbe Powder from
your druggist, Sprinkle a little on the
face cloth, apply with a circular' motion
and the blac t toads will be all WASHED
AWS Satisfaction or money returned.
Work the painful part well
with warm water; then rub in
plenty of Minard'c and
you'll feel better 1
CRY t4;' CT—
CbIILDREN hate to take medicine
V✓ as a rule, but every child loves
the taste of Castoria. And this pure
vegetable preparation is just as good
as it tastes; just as bland and just as
harmless as the recipe reads.
When Baby's cry warns of colic,
a few drops of Castoria has him
soothed, asleep again in a jitTy. Noth-
ing is more valuable in'0'diarrihea,
When coated tongue or bad breath
tell of constipation, invoke its gentle
aid to cleanse and regulate a child's
bowels, In colds or children's diseases,
you should use it to keep the system
from clogging.
Castoria is sold in every drugstore;
the genuine always bears Chas. II.
Fletchar's signature.
Depends upon so marry little thongs
Upon bathroom hygiene, for instance.
And there is no greater assurance of
bathroom hygiene than the soft, absor-
bent tissue in an Eddy Roll, tissue made
immaculately pure and safe by Eddy's
sterilizing process,
Manufacturers of a Wide Range of
Quality Papers for Commercial, Profen•
$anal and• Domestic Purposes
"NAVY" A lull weight Roil
of Sterilized quality Tissue -
700 sheets of soft, safe, sanitary
value Eddy line. Seven ounces
of Sterilized creped tissue in
every roll.
"WHITE SWAN" A snowy
white Sterilized Tissue.
wrapdustpr f Rolof
750 sheets. Also made in
'RECESS' size to fit modern
built-in fixtures.
Gets the fly every time