HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-05-14, Page 3Atreat �
Every li ember of, the family cate
enjoy Velveeta •aC any meal ...
It's "digestible as milk itself "
Serve it spread; on
bread or crackers,
Sliced, in cooked
dishes or toasted.
r all ' .
Made in Canada •
HHa ° (I60 per tent, of them will boo0mb ga-
ealth Protection bents, aid 40 per cent. of this 60 per
In Old � �� cont. will die of 'the scourge, On the
11 other hand, the proportion of victims
of tuberculosis among eliidren taken
away from their unhealthful surround-
ingis otic per cent. It le, therefore,
logical to believe that the greater
the number of those children taken
(Condensed from the Montreal away, with the consent of parents,
Gazette). front surroundings thatare•a danger
Soneo forty-three years ago the pro- to them, the sooner will be checked
vincial Bureau of Health was humbly the spread of the worst disease that
started when the Prime Minister of to -clay affects the Province of Quebec.
the Province of 'Quebec placed the There are two purposes achieved by
Stun of $5,000 'a year at the disposal of this work. . First, we combat tuber -
Dr. Persilller Lachapelle, so that be culosie in its own' entrenchments, sec -
Might do something to promote better ondly, .children takeu away from the
• knowledge of the elements of hygiene city and kept on the farm realizing
among our population. what they have received from country
By Hon. Athanese David
Provincial Secretary and Registrar,
Province Quebec
Along with the cash, -went a recent" life, will remain attached to the soil.,
Sneudatiou. The good doctor was
Already one hundred of such children
urged to make lee noise about it and are located with healthy and devoted
not to frightenefrightenpeople with too much' rural families, These taets will, I believe, 'convince
publicity, This was at, wise admoni- the Population ot the Province'of Que-
tiott. How often it has been -and still
bec that the Government has aclenowl-
Made by the makers of is -said: . "Our forefathers did not Kraft Cheese and Kraft Soled Dressing take so mach.care; and; yet they lived' edged as a political truth, as well 'as
to old age." HoW often did those who au economic truth, the words of Die.'
Veneered in Oak D c ors In Solid' Pine
Gum and Walnut Fir and Chestnut
Qtd, and Plain Oaks.;„. Side and Endmatched
Maple Birch and Beech ��®orhig Kiln Dried
Knight Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaford
hl: ' lit ,f4l, tel`' •
NOW! The greatest thrill the
world has ever known is yours.
At moderate cost you may receive
instructions, fully qualifying you
for private or commercial Licenses,
at the hands of the skilled pilots
of Ontario's oldest and largest
commercial operators. Flying re-
presents the• acme of outdoor
pleasus a today and one of the
greatest fields of commerce of the
near future. Write for particulars
today. Learn, at no obligation,
the pleasure and profit that lies in
store for you.
Dept. B
Barker Field, Dufferin St., Toronto 10
Australia's Own Tree
"The Bush" is'a designation used
'In two sense All of Australia that is
not city, town or suburb, is loosely
referred to as "the bush" by most
people. In its narrower and more
correct meaning it still comprises a
great part of the continent -that is
when it is used to mean the actual
timber and scrub country... .
In dealing with Australia we must
remember that we are speaking of a
vast continent lying in many latitudes,
and consisting of many soils and cli-
mates, and with a distinctive vegeta-
/Oen in its varied parts, There is no
;such things as an "Australian clink -
,ate" at all. Under :Is skies its soils
,produce every class of vegetation
0 0 L
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
A clean scarp is a healthy one.
Avoid distressing loss of hair.
use Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair
and Scalp Cleaner, made of abso-
lutely pure ingredients. Removes
dirt and dandruff. Suooessive
washings proye its worth. At your
druggist 60c,or send 10c for
Seyon Sutherland Sisters
De t. 21 193 Spading Ave. Toronto
known to every kind of climate. There
are places in Australia where the
snows never melt, other places whero
the nights are always cool, however
hot the days may be, and there are
places where, in the summer hot
spells, the slights make lil:tle differ-
ence to the day temperature
The eucalyptus in some forth is, it
may be said, the connecting link be-
tween the different parts. Australia's
wonderful tree, in leaf and form and
stature so varied, grows over the
whole face of the continent. It is met
with in scrub or tree, front Cape York
Peninsula to Boss's Straits, from Melt
Ilartog Island in the west to Bulli ill
the east that is to say that the
eucalyptus is the bush. Now a couch -
leg shrub now v '•1d t l d b
ang a sero
through "which a Bran cannot force a
passage, now towering straight and
tall, now stunted and dwarfed, now
broad leaved and umbrageous, again
scant of foliage. Now slim -stemmed
and graceful, now mighty of bole and
tufted of top, now narrow -leafed and
clrooping like a willow, now scented of
leaf like the lemon, sow pungent of
turpentine, ago°a acrid to the sense,
or gorgeous of flower, ranging front
oleander glow to the chaste texture
and creaminess of eolor of the water -
lily. -From "The Australian Bush,"
by Mary E. Fullerton.
rried on the work moot with who r'aeli-Often repeated, yet never too
Iahave called, and still- call, remain
of paganism such as makes parents
and others say'at the deatit'of a child:
"One more little angel," All these
and many other objections had to 'be
appeased before the real work could
be done.
Much real work, however, has been
done. Public opinion has been
awakened, which, realizing the im-
portance of preventive measures in
protecting lives and health, does not
object to seeing large amounts de-
voted to these purposes. Year after
year that original $5,000 was increased
until by 1920 it had grown to $119,694,
which was then considered to be quite
a large amount for public health.
Since 1920 more determined efforts to
increase public health activities have
been -made in the Province, The
former Board was replaced by a De'-
partment, and striking contrast i8
afforded in comparing the 1920 and
1930 budgets. For during tete latter'
year, the amount devoted to public
hoalth work was $621,859. During
these years of increasing public in-
terest in public health, a tremendous
campaign of education was first under-
taken, directed principally against our
two. greatest scourges, tuberculosis
and Infiniti). mortality. Then actual
institutions were opened to deal with
these two problems. In 1923 but two
Quebec cities had such organizations,
That year monies were voted for
the purpose and within three years,
twenty-one clinics and dispensaries
were at work.
In 1926 a departure was made in
the Domain of public health with the
'creation throughout the Province of
health centres, After tate war, the
Rockefeller Foundation in Trance
created in Seine -011e suck a unit with
great success. Having obaervee on
the spot the work accomplished, I
thought the experiment well worth
being tried in this Province. A law
was passed to promote the creation in
the rural areae of tlteso centres, with
the result that the .,work has pro -
greased with tremendous strides, and
this is no exaggeration if anyone will
compare the results with those in any
other country. Inside four years
twenty-nine rural counties consented
to tax themselves at the rate of two,
three or font' cents per hundred dol-
Iars to collaborate with the Govern-
ment In the.establishment of these
centres. This goodwill on the part of
our people has had immediate results
in the establishment of twenty-tlu•eee
centres covering the tw•entyuine coun-
These 23 unite at present protect
767,092 county -dwellers - or 47 per
cent. of that entire portion of our
population eligible for organization
under the Rural Sanitary Unit flan.
Demands and requests before us lead
us to believe that within the next Ave
years every rural part of the Province
will be completely organized. One
fact In this connection will, I• believe,
interest the ptiblic. It is that the
great majority of the heads of the
County Councils, which are composed
of agriculturists, not only act•epted
the principle of imposing upon them-
selves special taxation for the crea-
tion of these units, but event further,
giving thereina Splendid example of
citizenship, by increasing when needed
the rate of their taxation, and this
has been bone without, to our knowl-
edge, any complaint being made in
any part 00 the Province where the
system exists. These organizations
cost for the Hseal year of 1929.30 the
Sumof $246,951.07., and the results
have been such that hygienists have
coine front Europe, from the United
States and from . all over Canada to
inspect these units, and we should, I
think, be proud in saying it. The
most recent visitor wits the Director
of Public Health of Greece.
soften -that "The first care of public
health" We shall, therefore, continue
the work, and deserve from those
whom we represent the acknowledge=
olein that we are trying to do our
duty. But let the, people of Quebec,
each and every one, understand that
no work of this kind, and of its magni-
tude, can attain its goal without the
sincere and intelligent collaboration of
all citizens:
I am a common vine;
This is a common year;
The usual sun hangs -clear
Above my neighboring pine,
And-- beauty comes, draws near.
It cannot pass me bY;
It :threads sheer elegance
-And charm along my lance,
And breaks a bud on high,
And bids the to a dance.
It lures a jocund air
To curve me as I grow;
There's dew upon my bow,
And -clusters full and fair
As rarer vines might know.
I am .5 common vine.
How rich the conuuon are
That clamber block and bar
With beauty's fair design;
Hot' blest the. simple are.
-1Miartha, Webster Met le:hew.
A High-class Decorative
Mixes in hot -or cold water
Free stencil premium label ort eocry
package. Send for Decorator's Guide
and Stencil Catalogue. 404
Pads - Ontario
Doputy fire Marshal of Ontario,
Canadian Director of the National
Fire Protection Association and
Chairman of the Fire Marshal's Sec-
tion, headed the Toronto committee
who were hosts to the members and
delegates 'to the AssocIatin's Seth
annual convection held at the Royal
Yorlc hotel, Toronto, 1Sfay 11.14.
1Ei'ubby-What ii the, world do you.
call that, a vase or a bowl or what?
Wifey-1 don't know, dear. 4, The
salesman just called it a bridge prize,
Broiler -We ,feel that there are
some very "good buys" at the present
Customer -Yes, I Hive heard that
before, and I think what you nmean is
Sonne of those modere writers ought
to rift their minds out of the gutter.
After all, we must keep our gutters
Willis -.Have you got one of .these
home refrigeration plants? •
Gillis :You bet; and I've got a
whistle on it, too; to razz the iceman
when he goes by.
A little girl saying her prayers
'kept referring to "Andy." When she
had finished, her mother inquired who
she meant by "Andy."
She answered -Well, mother, at
Sunday school they sang, "Andy walks
with me, Andy talks with me, Andy
tells me I ant his own,"
Sinks (to storekeeper) -Have you
any eggs in which you can guarantee
there are no chickens?
Storekeeper (after pausing a tno-
ment)-Yes, sir; duck eggs.
EXCUSE ME! More riddles. True
fans never tire of guessing theme, and
never give up so long as there is a
chance of getting the right answer.
Are you a true fan?
1. What is bookkeeping?
2. Do you know what they call small
gray cats in Canada?
3, What do people in China usually
do when it rains?
4. How did the whale that swallow-
ed Jonah obey one of, the Biblicgl
5. How does an auctioneer look
when conducting a sale?
6. While is the left side of a baked,
7. Who is the most distant relative?
8. When a young mane calls upon
his sweetheart, what should he shun?
9. How do gamblers justify their
practice in the Bible?
10. Brothers and sisters have 1
none, but that child's father is nay
father's son. What relation and I to
the child?
ANSWERS; 1. Forgetting to re-
turn borrowed gooks. 2. Kittens. 8.
They let it rain. 4. Jonah was a
stranger and he took him in. 5. For-
bidding.. 6. The side that is not
eaten. 7. Adam. 8. Affec-tion in his
heart, perfec-tion in Hs manners, and
confec-tion in his pockets. 9. They
say Adam and Bye threw up a para-
dise (pair o' dice) for an apple. 10.
Mistress (discovering butler helping
himself from a collarette) -Robert, I
am surprised.
Butler -So aunt I; madam, I thought
you was out.
A fanner and his son were working
in a field when the old man tripp-ul
on the stump of a tree and fell. He
got up and said:
"Gosh darn that stump, I wish it
was in hell,"
Sots -"Pop, I wouldn't say that;
you might stumble over that stump
again some day."
Tha man who' is in love with himself
has no fear of being jilted.
Famous Painter of Birds
Gives Them Protection
Allan Brooks, wito is now world-
famous as a painter of birds came to
Canada from England in 1357, but
it was not until ten years later that
he settled ou Okanagan Lake, MC,
Ever since that tints be has car-
ried on relentless warfare against
the natural enemies of birds in that
region, with the result that his sane,
Wary now shelters more varieties of
birds titan any area of similar size
on the continent of Nootlt America,
It is very gratifying to Dir. Brooks
that the birds Ile loves -so well seem
to love blip also. Certalnly they
show not the slightest fear of ]lint,
or his wire - and little son Allan.
They come in flocks for tlieh' daily
feedings, and they make free use 00
the solves of bird houses scattered
over the estate. In tines of dan-
ger, as on the rare occasions ,when
a bald-headed eagle swoops enrage
lake from his distant eerie, the little
feathered folic fly to tate Brooks -
home for protection, and seen` to
realize that the Otte shots tired at
their enemy are not going to do them
any hartu.
It is a tribute to ilir. Brooks that
Ire has succeeded le converting all
his neighbors to his views regarding
bird conservation, though many years
had to be spent in missionary work
before success Came his way. Now
there isn't a fm'm in the district
without its quota of bird houses for
nesting time, and a plentiful supply
of grain for the hard clays when the
frost la on the grotm'a mad feed is
hard to find for the fe' 'ed friends.
--From Star Weekly, January 17,
What have been the results, may be
asked? Just a few ',figures will show
them. Iii the County of Beauce in
1920 infantile mortality was 121.5; in
1929 it was 87.7. Mortafit • through
contagious diseases in 1925 was 84.4
in 1929 it was 55.3. In Temiscouata in
1920 infantile mortality was 134.2; in
1929 it was 08.7. Mortality through
contagious diseases in 1996 was 194.5,
in 1929 it was 21.6. In Nicolet in 1925
infantile mortality was 167.6, iu 1920
1t was 177.2. Mortality through 'Con-
tagious diseases in 1920 was' 59,0,. in
1929 it was 10.8. Onemore point,
while 1 am on the subject, is the gra-
titous distribution through these cen-
res of -serums and vaccine. For in.
stances through our campaign for the
immunization of childhood against
diphtheria by means of autl•toxine our
health. contras immunized from the 1st
of June, 1930, to the Yst of October
last, 36,000 children, and this campaign
will continue during 1931 with even
greater .intensity.
Something quite new, I believe in,
Canada was iustitnted in the Province
of Quebec in 1928. There has been
functioning in France a system known
as "1'Oeuvre Graucher," which con-
sists in placing with healthy 0mates
in the country children menaced by
contact with tuberculosis when living
in infected surroundings. :Experience
shows that if children remain in con=
Little Mary, given to excessive
imagination, seeing a red calf in the
orchard, told her another that there
was a big red bear outiu the orchard.
The mother, aware of Mary's besetting
sin, said: "Now, Mary, you know
well enough there is no bear out there,
and you had better go right into the
closet and ask God to forgive yon."
Mary did as she was told and soon
came out smiling and said: "Mother,
it's all right; God said he Thought that
calf was a bear, too, the first tiine he
saw it."-"Autmal Life,"
01 it is excellent
To have a giant's strength; but it is
To use it like a giant.
When in Toronto
Make Your Home at
Bay St., at Dundas st.
HATES -41.50 to $250 Single
Every hotel service In a clean,
quiet, fireproof building.
750 rooms.
The only conspicuous red movemeat
in America is tate Iipstick business.
A lot of people are hard to please,
Some others are jest hard.
Friend: "Congratulations! I hear
that you've already got a case tr de-
fend." Budding Young Barrister:
"Yes, it's my tailor who has mun-
itioned nee;"
Fireiis'ueoi etocurnent sox
for only 918.76 you --can secure com-
plete protection for insurance
iticeoincet including
correspondence; also jewe
cry, etc. Circulars give full par -
Scalars, Agents wanted.
Dept. B. - LIMITED
•e6 Greenwood -Ave., Toronto
tact ,with iubelreular-affected persous,l ISSUE 'No.. 20-'31•
Ac\51t1.040h 1A965.11:
t5-* iWXl�sOr�aR16 AtWho
G Oat
g 238
a.0 CCE. stv..,a, a.TteaLavgl g&Otatilte,ftoe
Britain Plaits 5 -Day
Plane Service to India
Loddon -A 'out of two days tram
the present seven-day air jourhey
between England and India is,. being
planned as the result of agreements
recently concluded by Britian, Italy
and Greece. The newly opened
central African air mall service Will
also be speeded up,if the agreements
are ratified,
It is hoped that beginning May 16
the present route across central Eu-
rope will be discontinued and pas-
sengers and mail will travel via
Switzerland, Italy and Greece to
Egypt, ou three-engineed Armstrong
Siddeiey air liners carrying the Com --
blued Indian and African air mail,
At Basle,. Switzerland, passengers
and mall will be transferred to a
new night train' to Genoa where the
trip will be continued by a four-
eugineed Short flying boat to Alex-
andria via Naples, Corfu and Athens.
This leg of the journey will be com-
pleted twodays, seven hours, after
leaving London.
Graf Zeppelin Flight -Schedule
• For this Year is Announced
Friedrichshafett.-With its Egyp-
tian cruise as a start, the Graf Zep-
pelin will make flights to South
America, Norway and Spain, the
Zeppelin Corporation has announced.
Short "round tours" during stop-
overs in various countries will be
available primarily for passengers
not making regular cruises.
A death occurred In our family and
I had to go in mourning. I cot Id
hardly afford to buy all black
clothes, so decided to dye what I
had. I consulted our druggist and
he advised ,using Diamond Dyes.
Everything came out beautifully;
coats, wool dresses, stockings and
ail, Jtthave since learned to appreciate
the excellence of the black Diamond
Dyes. I tried another black dye and
the results were impossible. I had to
get Diamond Dyes and do the work
over. Recently I have tinted my
curtains a beautiful raspberry shade
and dyed a rug a lovely garnet with
Diamond Dyes. They are real mone7
savers -the finest dyes money can
buy -1 truly believe."
Mrs. G.K,L., Montreal.
"But I thought you said Joau mar-
ried a matt who made a model hus-
band," said Mrs, H. "Se site
thougltt at the time," sighed Mrs. M.,
"but he tuned out to be a sports
Kennedy &
421 College St.,
' Toronto
Harley.L.avldson Olstribu:ort
Write at once for our bargain list of
Used motorcycles, Terms arranged.
Insecq snake, or animal . .
the hest treatment is plenty
of Minnrd's at once. it
30 soothes, heats and cleanses.
Draws out the poison 1
Classified' Advertising
''�BABY ok11Ct(S-LN Sig VAR-
LDT1D,, ter, and up.atatoguee
free, A. 11. Switzer, Granton, Ontario.,
tyoewriters, guaranteed same ad
new, 525_ pee11 with order. Satisfaction
or money refunded. Twits fqr 'Type- •
writers, 764 St. Peter 50., Montreal.
WV`)ULD YOU ' 110111 TO 13)0 TIiG
!' local eepresentatiye for fast sell-
ing 'household necessities. Write Clar-
ence Cameron, 30 Wellington St. Lq..
Toronto .Ont.
Ly EaINAtT5-3 1:+115. PRINTS, 91.08:
,1.1, 8 lbs. 5115, 'velvet or Cretonne,
.91.60. Agents, dealers wanted, A, Me-
Crecry Co., Chatham, Ontario.
published. Howard Doody t» Com-
pany. 1liusic. Publishers, Cobourg, On-
tario, Canada.
"The education of the masses is to
some extent in the hands of producers
of motlott pictures." -Madge Bellamy,
Musical Wife; . "Its strange, but
when I play the piano I always feel
extraordinarily melancholy." Hus-
band: "So do I, dearest.'
For a satisfactory exchange of your
farm, busine-s, city or town property,
write or see H. H. Davidson,
100 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
Don't suffer any longer from these
n •htlY blemishes. Overcome them at
`tome! Get 2 oz, Peroxino Powder from
your druggist, Sprinkle a little on tho
faoe cloth. apply with a circular motion
and the blackheads will be all WASHED
AVM/. Satisfaction or money returned.'
['HERE are times
when a child is too
fretful or feverish to
be sung to sleep. there are some
pains a mother cannot pat away. But
there's muck comfort in Castoria,
For diarrhea, and other intantile
ills. give this pure vegetable prepara-
tion. Whenever coated tongues tell
ot constipation; whenever there's any
sign 01 sluggishness, Coterie has a
good taste: children love to take it.
Buy 'the genuine -with Chas. H.
Fletcher's signature on wrapper,
How Rashes Do Itch!
Bathe freely with
eClfJ iTeCiJ 8 1 §'l t1,1lD '
Anoint with
aosptsc. Ointment25e. amine. ssmeta/re..
Addreea: J. x, Wait oompaay, Lee ,Meetreet
IIA to Go to SEA
Rheiiinatism or Re
This skipper of it steam trawler was
up against it." He had Rheumatism,
and Itis doctor said he must not go
to sea. But times, were hard, and he
was forced to go afloat again. That
was two years ago. Now see what he
" 1 go to sea and two years ago 1 was
Laid up for six months with very mucic
suffering from rheumatism and general
breakdown, and was forbidden by my
doctor to go to sea, or to touch water.
But it was ' iiobson's Choice' with
me. There was so much unemploy-
ment 1 was forced to get somewhere..
Enam• still stere weathering the
storms of the last two winters, and 1
on honestly say I have never felt the
slightest pain from 07y old complaints,
since 1 started two years ago to take
Iiruschen Salts,' I wish Krusohen
every •suceess, and you may' matte.
whatever use you think fit' of this
letter," --Skipper J. 3,
It is common knowledge that rheu-
matism is associated with an excess of
uric acid in the system. Uric acid is
composed of needle -Bite crystals, and
the pain of rheumatism is caused by
those "needles " settling down in the
Iomts, muscles and tendons:
Krusehen is a powerful solvent of
these. torturing crystals. It swiftly
dulls their sharp edges, then expels •
them from the system. Your pains
ease ; swellings subside, knotted joints
become loose. Afterwards, the `r little
daily dose " so stimulates the liver and
kldtteys that tegular and complete\
elimination is ensured. Your inside
is kept clean. Mischievous uric acid
never gets the chance to accumttiato
Start on . Krusohen tomorrow. Keep
up "the little daily dose" and you'll
soon joyfully agree with thousands of
others that rheumatism meets its
master in Kruselten,
Iiruseben Salts is obtainable at all
Drug Stored at 48e. and 79c. per bottle,
"t think . Lydie E. Piokhatu e
Vegetable Compound is wondertuit
1 have had six children of which tour
are living and my youngest to a bon-
nie baby boy now eight months Al
who weighs 23 pounds. l have taken
your medicine before each of them
was born and have certainly re-
ceived great benefit from it. 0 urge
.my friends to take it as 1 am sure
they will receive the same help 1 did."
•.Mt•a Milton McMullen, Vanessa!