HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-05-07, Page 3- ** ....... • ..._ . - -ta . EtEcTRo ga +, y E $IO0.00 Harmony quick absolute Harmony.. PROOF PEUTIC ritis, pressure, ness, larged Keep , expenses , straHon, tl Harmony i ElgHEAD Head Toronto, BROADCASTING: Thursday MAGNETISM THERAPEUTIC. SOLENOID .-. 1 , O IR '..� G 1 It •-11:11 TE h by the and It -is an than the proven. arth- high blood sluggish- en -, pay the .demon- what the Ontario, Street 8544 and v� riar , ,, 'j a ` 1 11 e- • than, enanufactured In small Profits over all others. Appliance is tine tested and THE 'HAEMONY'THERA- paralysis, rheumatism, sore bacic, - condition, old -age troubles, ailments. Harmony. Don't met. Have a free before buying, Street, Toronto, MF)' S. 171 Yonge Phone Elgin 11 a,m.; Tuesday • Y. r'i+r. - T. ° FULL $25 i"'RICE for proof of better, regardless of price, Manufacturers of Canada. We believe returns. Comparison shows super quality waste to pay more for.. an Electro Magnetic Beware of imitations! Harmony FROM FACTS PRODUCEDTHROUGH SOLENOID IN .CASES OF: Infantile stiff joints, -lumbago, sciatica, neuritis, strokes, varicose veins, anaemia, rundown hay fever, :eczema, indigeson, nervousness, tonsils, ulcers and many Zither bodily your money in Canada by buying the of big corporations that have to be and prove to your own satisfaction, will do for you. B 4FICE: Imperial Bank Bldg., 171 Yonge HARMONY Office, Imperial Bank Bldg., Ontario AGENTS WANTED CKCL—Monday and Wednesday 10.45 a.m. 41•••• - Paris Wears Gem Buttons As Distinctive Trimming Paris.—Buttons have become part of the fashion world in Paris -tiro buttons set with jewels are of real value, Jewel buttons form a large part of the decoration on dresses, suits and coats shown by dressmak- ing designers of the French capital, 3a their advance collections of Spring miotics. More often than not, these new bangles serve as brooches rather than as the utilitarian button, •Plieir button form makes them more sat- isfactory as well-designed deepen, Itlous for the new dresses—once Sew-. ed in place, they are always lit Cor- ir'eot position, yet a few gestures will detach Jeweled stones with eras facets) dress light the neckline. giurtl buttons square Expensive seal 1»' Nature Iter, tion thou from any frock. buttons set with (that is, those that reflected light by mesas are being used designers to replace shot of pique or linen One particularly costume is with five across the• front of neckline. gemcut glisten of ear, by many the usual. near ori - gemmed a high, and -shin a cirara- repute- furs such as beaver can be imitated in rabbit careful --breeding. - e.---- gives every man but he mast supply -tile for himself. WANTED — CREAM The marketing of cream has been my life study. I have a new plant, 11e it Calle end some Dew Ideas, If you have cream to sell, your will be interested in this new market. It is different. Write ' J. A. McFEETERS 52 JARVIS STREET TORONTO, ONT. _ . Veneered in Oak ��� � Til Solid Pine Gum and Walnut Pir and Chestnut Qtd. and Plain Oaks mooring Side and Endmatched Maple Birch and Beech Kiln Dried - SEE YOTJR DEALER OR WRITE DIRECT The night ,. f g. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaford Best: Water Colour for °AYalls and Ceilings premium label on eoery pack- Send for Decorator's Guide and Stencil Catalogue, 406 LIME AND ALARASTINE, CA. LIMITED Ontario PROCESS lr i The Free sfencit age, l�. GYPSUM, tt 'i Faris .I NEW • III 1111 11 k (�(r A, ttuur a tN ISi;� —'PHILLIPS For Troubles due to Acid SOURS MACH conarteAliON OAS, NAV5iA .r,, "r tyai ^s. after nriea r 4.1 ,:. Y r s GET RIts of your dread of pain atter eating. Eat without fear of "indigestion," 00111` stomach, dis- agreeable gas or headaohes. When your food ferments "dis- agrees," lies like a lump in your stomach, it's a 'sign 09 too much add. You need not resort to crude mebhods—take instead an anti -acid that will correct the condition.. Phillips' tdllk of Magnesia. A. Spoonful of this pleasant - tasting, soothing fluid neutralizes' many times Its volume In acid. It restores the proper alkaline balance the bottle. Made in Canada to an acid -soaked stomaolt and bowels—assists these, organs to fuuotion as they should. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 1s what you need when a bad breath, coated tongue, headaches, nausea or biliousness indicates an over - meld condition. Take a spoonful today and for several days and see how it sweetens the. system. You won't be nearly so liable to colds or stekuess. All drugstores iu the Dominion sell it in 50c bottles. Look for the name Phillips on .. �.-.0 lii�..�vae�®v.ss 9 Y1AOa ��Mta 1900 Afl'99!'.A of Yesterday' in the Dominion •, Owl Laffs, Mrs, 7arney -(rushing into the 11V- _ ing room, panting for breath)—Oh, These excerpts are from the "Man - al 61 Clod Dahners" published to i 844 — quoted by 'Arthur Train (in • Puritan's Pro ress"); 9 lass of her timber wealth there seemed $o' muck of it that exhaus- tion was a remote prospect. But prodigalityalways brings its own punishment; now it is realized that the wooded areas =at be -cared for, and reforestation has become an 'es. tablished Undertaking. In 'view' of this situation, preven- tion of forest fires is a subject of prime importance. During 1929, •6, 000,000 acres of timbered land in the Dominion was burned over, with a total loss of $6,200,000; and this de- spite an elaborate and eificient pre- ventive organization. Each of the Provincial Governments administer- ing its own forests maintains a fire - protection body which co-operates -with owners and lessees for tile' pro- tectioit of timbered areas, the oust being distributed or covered by special taxes on such lands, • The aeroplane is established as an important factor in the detection of. forest fires, and in this respect On- tario is particularly well equipped. While aircraft have to a large extent supplanted the old canoe, horseback and foot patrol for detection of fires, a large ground staff, with equipment stored at strategic • points, always will be necessary for the fighting of larger fires and maintenance of, -sys- tems of communication. With the disappearance of winter conditions these flying firemen may be found all over the forests -.of Northern Ontario. This is a well trained and disciplined force, direct- ed by skilled aviators, and plays a tremendously important part in the Protection of the Province's timber wealth• ,There is something picturesque and much that is of a Hazardous nature about the work of these men who spend bhe sanmter in the clouds above the vast forest domain of this Pro- vince, watching eagle-eyed for the incipient flee that may mean dis- astrous material loss and perhaps death in Its most terrible form, Their presence in these danger zones, and the conviction that they are Animat- ed by a keen sense of duty, justify public confidence that• everything possible will be done to prevent the terrible forest -conflagrations of former years.—The itiail and Em Fire (Toronto). • Summer has its perils as well ae Walter, .I dropped, lily diamond ring is pleasures, and ozie of the, greatest off my finger and I can't. find it any• perils is the forest fire, TJntii a I where. ' ew decades ago Canada vas care: Mr, Carney (Very calmly)—Its all right, Olive, I came across it to my trouser's. pocket.`. • A friend complains about lite in. , creasing worries, •of dressing, "By the time I get- my false teeth in place, my arch supports. adjusted, my ear phone regulated and my wrist watch strapped on I .am time- ly exhausted," he confided. THE DIFFERENCE It- take so many roses— Such wealth of gorgeous bloom- So many petals crushed, to make • One breath of faint Perfume. It take so many hours ^ Of labor and of tears . To give the world a lovely song That will outlive the years. But. love is something quite apart, Just one swift kiss eon break a heart. An, old offender was found guilty of stealing a horse and received a stiff sentence on account of his previ- ous record. The judge addressed him as folows, The Judge—It is my intention to. sentence you to eight years at least. Now, before sentence is formerly pro- nounced on you, I shall listen to any- thing you may have to say on your behalf. The Old Offender (after waiting a minute or two)—I don't know ez I've got anything to say only this, it strikes me that you Mike 'round here are platy toler'ble liberal with other people's time. .Salle—What are you knitting? 3,ottie—Son,etlting to cheer up the boys. Susie—Why, you silly thing, the war lee over. Lottie—This is a bathing shit for me, dear. "Neter be squinting and scowling.' nil examining the victuals, to see if 00 can discover" a coal or a speck r a'hair; if you ind one, take it out ecentiy, and not make a greet ado bout it. 'Eat what you need before you rise nom the table; and not be picking 1 victuals at the table, it denotes l ievish disposition, " Some more: "When you have done eating, clean your plate, ,knife and foi'lt, lay the bones you have picked in a snug heap by the side of your plate, scrape up your crumbs, and gross your knife and __fork on your plate, "Speak, not at table. -Laugh not at. table;- it shows unthankfuluess. "The Mouth end teeth should ' be scoured out once each day with coal dust, whiolt is not only good to cleanse the teeth, but is also an excellent Preservative to them." ' • e The rale against pocketing victuals at table recalls a story told by Melba (in "Melodies and -Memories") about the great tenor Tamegno, (They used to say that his voice was so power- ful that his top (rs caused the chan- deliers at Covent OGarden actually tot rattle.} Tamagno was guest at a formal dinner given to Metropolitan Opera singers at which Melba, Jean de Reske and others itlalliding tate Italian Ambassador and his wife, were Present. * 4 5 When the time arrived for the wo- men to leave the table, relates Mel- ba, "my eyes were so glued to Tam- agni) that I hardly realized where I was." (She had previously watch- ed slim pop crystallized fruits, al- monds, chocolates, etc., into Iris :kap- kin.) "But in a sort of dream I saw him'rise to Itis feet, take up one of the beautiful bunches of orchids with which the ladies had all bean presented; bow gracefully and arty to tite Ambassadress seated next to him: "Will you allow me, signora? It Is for my daughter who is ill at the hotel.' "The poor woman was so astonish- ed," says Melita, "that site could only smile artificially and murmur that of course it was permitted to take them." a 0 * Another time Melba, and Tamagno were luncheon guests ofthe noted conductor Manehtelli, at an Italian restaurant in New York. Among the dishes served were veal outlets 'a la lililanalse: At the end.of the course several cutlets wore left over, "This wee too muck for Tamagno." chuckles Melba. "Leaning over the table, he said to alaucinelll: 'What aro you going to do with' those?' "'Do with them?' replied the be- wildered Mancinelli. 'Nothing.' "'Alt,' Tamagno siged with satis- faction, In his resonant tones he summoned a. waiter. 'Give me a newspaper; he cried. "The newspaper was brought, and then,' with the utmost deliberation, Tamagno proceeded to wrap•the cut- lets up, one by one in the newspaper. Suddeuly pausing, and sensing that an explanation was required, he said: 'You see, my little dog—he loves veal cutlets.'" The sequel to thls story is worthy of note, adds - Melba, On the next day Mauciuetli called at Tamagilo's. private suite at about twelve o'clock. IIe and his daughter were just sit- ting down to Much. "Need I tell you what was tite dish in the centre of the table?" assts Melba, mischievously. APPLICATIONS Ars FIIIod.As par As Possible In tho Order in Which _,,.• They Are Reeelved. APPLICATIONS Offering Annual ONTARIO Work Are DEPARTMENT Invariably OP AGRiCULTURE Given the Preference. Farm Help Supplied The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontarlo wail have available a number of . Eitperienced Married 'Men With Their Wlvea • and Pamllles—Married Couples Without •Children-- Atae Single Men. Partnere ragnfring help will be well' 0dvlae$ to make early nppnoatltou to. Geo. A. Elliott 7ireotor of Colonization Parliament Bldgs„ Toronto, Onh Pile Your APPlioation d Once Ail Men - Placed sub ppopp to Trial Period HON, THOMAS L. KENNEDY, Minister of Agrictiiture "There is nothing the natter with Americans except their ideals,"—G Ii, Chesterton, Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-Iavidson Distribucora Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles. Terms arranged, London's Vast Docks London Clocks, scattered from the city down thirty mites of the Thames River as far as the Tilbury Doalis, the nearest port to the sea, include many famous rind important struc- tures: Passing through Tower Bridge at London, alt the Themes, one ap- proaches first the entrance to tits Lon- don and St. Katherine Docks with their lofty warehouses. Large tl.uatitities of many of the most valuable commodities from all parts of the world are stored here.' More than 60,000,000 fleeces of wool pass through these docks every year., The Pert of London Authority keeps a staff of 'experts to perforin such necessary operations as weighing and sampling, Other goons stored on the docks include skins, wines, spices, sugar, rubber, ivory, drugs, coffee, cocoa, iodine, quicksilver essential oils canned fruits, fish and cocoanuts. The Royal Victoria and Albert and Icing George V Docks stretch for three miles along the riverside between Blackwall and Gallions Reaches of the River Thames, The ring George V entrance lock, tate second largest in the port of, London, gives a view of the largest sheet of'enclosed dock water in the world. Creamed Soups! CreatnedCeiery,Onion Tomato. Asparagus and many other crenated nouns, together with over 100 other delight- • hal recipes are described in our new FRES cook book, "The Good Provider," Itdes- cribes how flavor is improved and how countless dishes can be made with-- 73ordeuis STCHA1LE$ MILK UNSWEETENED EVAPARATED ~_ _ _ $olden Co., Limited—St,C,11 115 George St., Toronto Send me a free copy of your new cook book. Nark.. eddes' ' , FASHION Mid 1 "Hoe, to make my old short skirts conform to the new length teas a Problem to me until I hit on this plan. I dropped the items; and as the part Mug he'd been turned under wag darker than the rest, I redyed the entire dress, after having bleached tine goods, following directions, in the Diamond Dyes' package. - "I :used Diamond Dyes for the 10- dyeing, of course. I have dyed many things with these wonderful colors. They Have saved me many dollars and have never failed to give perfect results—smooth, even' colors—East to Weir and washing, friends think lay things are new when I redye or tient them with Diamond Dyes. • They de giro the moMi0. 0 , Levis, ous nQuebec. 4 gold stripes ... is a genial man, with an air of quietshength that compels confidence. On his -shoulders rests the responsibility for your safety. Imbued with the fin- al( traditions of. British sea- manship, he has spent his lifetime mastering the moods of the seven seas. Sailings weekly from Mpnbeel Cabin rates from ... , $130 Tourist Third Cabin. , . $105 Third Class Round T,ip $155 Special Seasonal Third Class Round Trip Excursion Rate $129. Information from Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. ,(Phone Elgin 3471) Toronto or any steamship agent El T p� pp�pp **.., 245 7. CE, BUMS –.Re.t. laalyei 114 otakvilik e A Hothouse .:f Surprises The professor of , agriculture at Tuskegee had one day explained to me the influence of his simple object - lesions in rousing the intellectual in- terest in boys and girls to whom the printed page had little or no meaning. Hardly a year before there had come to him a lad whose attempts to meet even the lowest literary requirements of the school had fatted. Couldhebe permitted to sit in the "class for farming"? This perinission was grant- ed, "It was months," said the laetruc- tor, "before I ever asked him a ques- tion, IIe came to me one day, asking, in a shamefaced way, If I would some time go out to see what he had tried to do. I went with hint, But rather than describe what I found, I wish you would go yourself to see it. When you come back, I will finish the story." Following directions, I soon came upon a small buildings which proved to be a hothouse, It was filled with thrifty growths for garden and field use in the red soil of the region round about. There were ingenious devices for studying the effect of various soils upon all manner of roots. There were mauy•soil-mixtures in which these ex- periments were being tried. The mechanical structure inside and out Was literally patchwork. Doors, sides, posts, boxes, glass, ware. from objects that- been broken and thrown to' - the rubbish -heap, From these piles of waste; the -boy had platted his glass,' boards, roofing, wludow-sash, and pip- ing. 'Empty tomato cans, old pails and abandoned lamps served him for fur-; name and heating tubes. He had in-, vented cross-section boxes iu which he could watch the root -development in his different soil mixtures. This itotltouse was a masterpiece, _ Rain is somethiug we don't like while we are getting it, and kick like sin when we don't get it. A bark- ing dog Is almost as unpopular as one that bites. The chap ate takes care of his own credit and collec- tion department is most apt to col- lect the living that tate world owes hint. We don't ktiow which makes for the duller evening—a woman telling about the removal of her ap- pendix, or .a man telling about his stock market operation. The ad- vantage -of one big worry is that it eliminates it multitude of little wor- ries. Give to the world The best you have And the best will Come back to y0tt, Bride—Shall I have your lunch brought up to the deck, sweetheart? Groom—No, darling; just throw it overboard—It'll save time and tt'ou- Ole. "Overboard," shrieked the watch. A thousand men and women rush- ed to the rail to see a woman strug- gling in the green water. "Shai'lcsl screamed the multitude as white flashed darted towards the body below. For minutes before the rope was lowered, the multitude gazed in won- der, as the visclous would dart up to the body, bleu tura and dart away. "They couldn't touch me," the lady said after they had brought her out,' "They were all luau -eating sharks." The seven ages of women are 7, 17, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27. Its the con- sumer's good tuck that it pays the producer to be honest. Her dootor advised her to go skating to reduce, but she couldn't stand it. Classified Advertising many CHILIES - '9 ' IL t4HAEd, VilugSd—a1pN 5aaivAle Iree. A. El, Switzer, Caspian, Ontario. TYPEWRITERS Il? Ai'1GA8N 114 REBUILT DNIPIRFi. A. typewriters, guaranteed same as new, $25 cash with order. Satisfaction or tnoney refunded, Twlte for Type- writers, 759. St. Peter St., Montreal. EOZBSENTATI.O'E WANTED EAT OULD YOU ' ILQE TO BE TIi17 9'd loos! ¢epresentative for fast sell-, Ing household necessltles, Write Clar- ence Cameron, 80 Wellington St. 115, Toronto, Ont, HEI.3" WANTED. C]LOSITIONS ON OCEAN -LINERS - 11 experience unnecessary. List of po- sitions free, 39, Arculus, Mount -Vernon, New York. MEN AND *WOMEN WANTED AS iV.L county managers for high grade line of toilet articles. household neces- sities and home remedies. 150011 county representative sells in his or her Chosen territory and appoints sub -agents for the remainder of the county. Must be aggressive, and able to supply bond 11 necessary. 'eery liberal commissien. Hamilton,Prk Lane Products Limited, Probably the largest Plant in the world is a rare , pecies known as the "box huckleberry.' The trailiug creep- ers of a single specimen of this amaz- ing plant can cover 100 acres with a thick mat. Yet the plant seldom reaches a height of more. than six incites, according to the field Museum of Natural History. It takes hundreds of years to reach its full growth, says "Popular Science Monthly." OOL HIGHEST PRICES PMD The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO It had been gathered from rub- Feel Young Again Enjoy Hard Work Visit -heaps, growing. in the boy's over- time into this strictly artistic result. The forty or fifty thriving specintetre In It were ills own hind of a book. This sort of spelling, reading • and writing neither puzzled nor shamed hint, It was his kind of arithmetic. The hothouse was crammed with problems, but it was his delight to solve then All this, with stark amazement, was the thing I looked upon. Isere he had come, clay after day, when the tasks were over, striving to justify his tolerated presence in the school. Here he had written his Own certifi- cate of fitness to be a learner with others at Tuskegee, When I returned to the lad's teacher in this department, he was very eager to tell me 'results. "That boy's work," he said, "is so good that I already use it for purposes of instruction with advanced students:'—John Graham Brooks, in "Alt Amer'icant Citizen: The Life of William Henry Baldwin, Jr." Poles of U.S. Are Determined The two points farthest apart in the United States proper, according to the Geological Survey, are Cape flattery, Wash„ and a point on tite Florida coast, south of Miami. These two points are about 2,835 Utiles apart. -- The Pathfinder. French Morocco Leather Goods The raw materials used in the manu- facture of French morocco leather goods are sheepskins from which the wool is removed at Mazamet and which are dressed at Gl'aulhet and Issoutitul, according to the Index to french Production. These skins have au attractive grain and .color and are. able to withstand the rougtl handling and hard service met by travelers' bags. Paris is the chief market for _hese goods, Beauty -Hiding Signs Destroyed Paris: furthering the campaign to make the country attractive for tour - the Shell Company volttatarily ordered the destruction of all its sign boards over France. Many of the posters hid beauty spots. There can be concert in two, where there is two concert in one, --B, W. Emerson. Truth is as impossible to be soil- ed by any outward touch as the sun- beam. -.Joint hiitton. a BLAC E : - Don't suffer any longer from these n thtly blemishes. Overcome them at home: Get 2 oz. Peroxine Powder from your druggist. Sprinkle a little on the face cloth, apply with a circular motion and the blackheads will be all WASHED ' AWA#. Satlufaetion or money returned. •17 SPRAINS RIM Minard's in sandy. It penetrates sore ligaments, alloys inflammation, seethes, heats. Puts you on your food When ori TDronto Make -Your Rome at HOTEL FOR[) Bay St., at Dundas St. 11RTES--$1.51 ti $2f50 Slagle Every hotel service in a clean, quiet, fireproof building. 750 rooms, alitlions of men and women all over the world take Krusohen Salts daily— not because they are really sick, mind you—but because they know the tittle daily dose of Krnschen keeps them always tit, energetic and free from fat, and also keeps the system free from over -acidity, People who take ltruschcn Salts to a glass of hot water every morning won't have headaches, and are ahvays free from constipation, depression, dizziness, coated tongue and unpleasant breath. • They have no poisons in their system because the action of Kruschca Salts on the liver, kidneys and bowels causes perfect and regular elimination. It you want joyous "health twd glorloue vigor—it you want to worts hard and enjoy your work—try taking Kruschen Salts every day—minima et people pre enjoying their daily labours, thanks to the "little daily dose" Ot Kruschea. c • h .s L1 ACM to the night. Colic! No cause for alarm if l:astoria is handy. This nave vegetable prepara- tion brings quick comfort; and can never harm: It 1s the sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether it's the stomach. or the little bowels: colic or constipation; or diarrhea. When tiny tongues are coated, or the breath is bad. Whenever.there's need of gentle regulation, Children rove the taste of Castoria, and its mildness makes it safe for frequent use, And a more liberal dose of Castoria is always better for growing children than strong medicine meant only for adult use, ISSUE No. l 9—'31 High School Boards and Boards of Education Aro authorized by law to establlab INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS Willi the approval of the Minister of itduuatten DAY AND EVENING CLASSES • may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued til' the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION le given In various trades. The schools and *lessee are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. .Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING;, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Coarses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocatjonal Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may he •obtained from the Deputy Minister., Parliament Buildings, Toronto.•