HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-04-30, Page 5°OF' INTEREST TO IV AND WE Tomorrow is' the opening or the •trout -fishing season. 'Better look 'over your tackle tonight, •anil good `_rock to the fish, Daylight ,axing time 'has started 'in Toronto and several other. places. From now on when vve go a -visiting we will have to keep in mind wheth- er we are going on daylight saving time or ot:dinaey old-fashioned sun 'ithne. 'Tis often a great 'bother. » a k The London Free Press should be `"'nore :.careful, the other : daY it re- produced something that The Stoat - font leeaeora-Herald ;had said and credited it to The News -Record. We `shall let it pass this time with just a there mention but would repeat our warning to, be more careful in fut 0U cess. Mr. and ' M s, Bow.ey have 'r. Nineteen-3+ear-old Randolph Churg chill, who recently --visiteao Toronto and •addressed a couple of. associa- tions, seems to have the regulation amount of Churchill self-assurance, Tf the Prince of Wales,who visited Canada when he was' nineteen, had --expressed himself with- as much as- surance we should all have .been - rather ashamed of hint. But the "Churehills are- not expected to show eaany modesty. Abeording to a hill passed in the House of Commons on Tuesday No= -venajter 11th, Armistice Day, will be • n legal holiday, --'to be known as -"Remembrance Day," and will no longer be as- tsociated with Thanksgiving Day, as has been the custom for some years. If effect is given to this bill we •shall have Thanksgiving Day set by -order-in-council and . probably an --earlier day will be euoseu. But No- , • vember 11th, the anniversary of the cessation oe fighting in 1918, will ' be observed as a day of renaem- ' Mance. The feeling has been grow- 'ing for some time that the day as we observed it was neither one thing or another. It to to be honed if the • change' is made Remembrance Day will be suitably observed. • k k . Anyone who had ,concluded.that Winter had retreated into the fast- essness of the far north to reeppear no more until next fall had a rather rude awakening when on Sunday afternoon a real, old-fashioned blle- `zard raged. It began innocently -enough with rain but turning molder •about one o'clock snow began to fall and the wind rising the outdoors soon put of an appearance of mid- • winter. By Monday morning several inehes of snow, had fallen and the 'snowplows nowpIwvs wore brought into use a= pain. Several degrees of frost pre- vailed and it was well that the snow 4. carne to cover up tender plants else 'they might have suffered a good deal more. Growth had been so rapid .for a ':few weeks previously, the only set- ' back being the mild snowfall of last Wednesday night and Thursday, that >'eiaitatian was fully three weeke a - `head of ordinary seasons and had the warm weather continued and a later fx•est come the damage would have been heavy. As it is the growth has nem retarded somewhat and is Ilk- ' elv to he more normal. Moreover, the moisture which has fallen during the neat week has been a'God-send to egricultnre• We had net had a reaI- lv soaking rain since last . June 1111- 1•il Tuesday of Last week and ivhile 'the ground worked up well this spring and the seeding went in well sancd earlier than usual, the ga'ound had no moisture and growth might •cot have amounted to muck without last week's rain and Sunday's kindly mettle of show, which has gradually melted into the soil, giving promise fol' a return for the labour of the tiller thereof,' Whatever may be • conditions when another harvest is reaped we all like to see an abundant ate, which means "seed to, the sow- „ •er and bread to the eater." KIPPEN • We are sorry to Mara that Mrs. J. B. McLean has been quite poorly, ' being unable to be in her place as • choir leader Sunday Iast. It is not cfton that Mrs. •McLean is absent from her post and we hope •she will soon be in her usual health. Mr. J. A. W3orkman has had a, Vino up-to-date battery charger in- stalled in his new garage and is still more able to give good service to the public, Mr. Charles Cooper has secured • the position of night watchman on the paving job from Exeter to Cen-' tralia. 1'3r. Cooper was watchman when•the road' was being built from Tiippen to Exeter fol the some con- -tractors last year; Boas arid Brazier evidently 'know a good man when They see one. , We understand. that Mr. Wns. Cooper will run the pumps and Mr. Cliff. Watson the mixer. All good and tried IZippen boys. The Presbytery of Huron met in St Andrew's United church, Kippen on' Tuesday at 10.35. a.m. Dinner was served by the Ladies' Aid to the 'delegates present. , Quite a lot of the early varieties eif flowers were delivered here re- cently by our Hot tieullural Society. Kipper] is a noted "Flower Garden" on No, 4 higheyny,' Miss Mildred Work -Man ' is assist- ing Mrs. "rick of Clinton for a few we.tkS. Thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Thompson has been brightened by the arrival of a little daughter. Mrs. John Charohpr of Ch'se'hursi; is a sisitor• with Mrs. ,T, Workman and assisting in the care or Mrs.. 1Vorleran's mother, Mrs. 3. Ander- :nn, who has been confined to her orm for several weeks, , Mr. Jas Bower, who has rnnduot- d a gone^al store in our village for nary years• has sold to Mr. Finer• - nn Kele,' who took poseesaiun 1Yion- Ioy. We' wish the new ewner'suc- moved their household effects to .Exeter and will shortly leave to re- side there. Te. and Mrs.•, Bowey were splendid citizens and will be greatly missed.' Another of' Huron's pioneers bas passed atvaY in the .person of And- rew Slater, Mr, Slater.• had been a great sufferer of late and for a num- ber of years was a complete invalid. His death came as a relief to him. Mr. Slater•.was born near Galt'•eigh- ty-six years ago. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Slater, who died about forty years ago. The funeral was held from the Bonthran and Drysdale Funeral Patters, Hen- sa11, cn.Saturday, April 25th. A. num- ber of old thne neighbors attended the funeral, - AUBURN Nfr, and Mrs. R, D, Munro atiencl- ed the funeral of the late Isaac Brown of Toronto, held in Blyth on Monday Mrs. Munro being a niece of the deceased. Mrs. W. J. Thompson accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Gamily Thompson on' their return to London by Ivey of Toronto, after spending a month with relatives here. rrrhe cantata put on here by the F.P.S. of Knox United cbuieb was given in BeIgr•ave United church on Sunday evening -last, Despite the very -inclement weather the church was full and the cantata was weir received. Mr. Chris. Prost of Milverton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. George Dawson. ' Mr. and Mrs, Russell Mills of Detroit visited relatives here on Sat- urday last week. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be administered in Knox United church on Sunday next. Pre- paratory services will be held on Thursday evening. Rev. J. E. Hogg, D.D., of Clinton will give the ad- dress Misses 1,; ,A, and S. Blair returned on Tuesday after spending a couple of weeks at Bright. Rev. Dr. alert:Miore attended the Presbytery meeting at Kippen on Tuesday. Delegates from the Welt, S. to the Presbyterial at- Hensali on Tuesday were: Mrs. Muteh, ohs. Mortimore and Mac, Washington. Nwemher lith to be Day of Remembrance • Ottawa, April 28.—Armistice' Day, the 11th or November, henceforth will be a legal holiday, and nl'fieiaily referred • to as Remembrance Day, while Thanksgiving Dayy, no longer will fall in the sante week. if final effect is given a hill passed tonight in the House of Commons. The bill, which now goes to the Senate, -wipes out the present rota- tion between Thanksgiving Day anti Armistice or Remembrance Day, Thanksgiving. Day which by statute heretofore fell on the Monday of the week in which .November 11 oc- eurred, will be fixed, under this .bill, by order -in -council es was the case eevr ral years ago. At that time it was the practice to hold Thanksgiv- ing Day early in Oetcber, and if November 11 is to be a Legal holiday, that usage will probably be revived.' Strong objection to making No- vember 11 a legal holiday was taken by Col. Reg, Geary (Conservative. South Toronto) when the bill was under discussion during private mem, bens' )tour this evening, Col. Geary pointed to the solemn two -minute cessation er itetivity which now fea- tut'es Armistice Day in Toronto. Tf the day were to become a holiday, he feared it would lose some of it's sacredness. Toronto ex -service leen supported this vier,; he declared. .7. Earl Lawson, Conservative, 'West York, stated that many ex -service men in his riding desired Armistice Day to be 'celebrated on the Mond ay nearest November 11. The first Armistice Day, he recalled, was 011 a Monday. He suggested that the hill be permittee] to stand, A. ,V„Neill and. Motnox Alberni), who sponsored the bill, refused to let it stand, fearing that it might go to the -bottom, of the order paper anti never agate lee reached this ses- sion. Ile. challenged Mr. Lawson's tententirin r'egarding the Monday •'bservence, and argued to Col. Geary tbat the bill made t,o change so far as erecting a legal. holiday is con•. ceroed. Half a store of numbers spoke in� enpert of the measure,- and it pas- sed without division, following the adoption of en amendment by C, H. Oielcie (Conservative, Medallists), who substituted the term Remembrance Day for Armistice Day. in conform- ity -with the wishes of the Canadian Legion. It is to be observed that the statute whi^b svcnld be repealed' hie this bill declares .that Armistice Day be a lege! hnitday.'toronte, of course, '+as Bever observed it al such, despite the law, Censequently it remains a question whether, under the proposed 1adw, Toronto's practice will.be chang- e, TUCICERSMITH ,Tames. Love's house was destroyed by fire early on Sunday monism. The building which was a large stone enlist); was badly gutted but most of •'lie furniture was saved. The fire is t Supposed to have started in an nat- lauilding in which there was is chic- icen.broader, Mr. and Mee. Leve and family are moving , 30±r 14Ir.' Hamil- ton's hon in Egmonclville, THE CLINTON-NEW I DCO1113 CARD OF WANKS ..... � MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE , ...10e BIRTIS HOLLAND--.ln Clinton Public Hes- pital, on April 24th, to Mr. and Me•e. Norman 3, Holland, Godench township, a daughter.--Miergaret Ann, THOMPSON—hi - Clinton :Public Hospital, on April 23rd, to Dr, 3'. G. and Mrs, Thompson, a daugh- ter, JOHNSTON-iAt Summerhill, on Ap- ril 24th; to' Mr. and Mrs, Edward Johnston, a son. DEATHS 50e NOTT—At the home of her 2laugh- tee, Mrs. R. :G. Smith, Base line, on April 29th, Emma. Lear, widow of Thomas Nott,' formerly of Hut - lett in her 80th year. Funeral from the residence' of Mr. and Mrs. Smith on Friday" afternoon, service to commence at 2 o'clock. SHEPPARD-At 'Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., on April 26th, Benjamin Slrepparcl, aged 66 years. MTTLLOY—At Macklin, Seek., on April 26th, Margaret Straughan, widow' of Alex. Malloy, .aged -79 years, • COUNTY' LIVESTOCK' IMPROVE- • MENT ASSOCIATION FORMED A meeting of the livestock teen he County was,hel,1 in the Agr'ic ural Office, Clinton, on Saturd fternoon, April 25th, at which minty Livestock Improvement oeiation was formed. ,About se livestock men anti other inter d parties were present and listen o a very interesting address by Wade, Director of the Onta Branch. Mr, Wade a Bred a number of questions relati different phases of the livesto dustty and also explained the e tions on Which the 20 per ce onuses were paid to farmers rchase a pure-bred bull far t rst time. One director was appointed fro eh of the sixteen townships a exe^afire body of five •ehos em among the sixteen direetot he folliwing 'nen constitute the ex five: President. Hugh 1(111, Goderich, 'triee,-Pres.: Isaac Wright, Win nt, See,-Treas.: Ian MacLeod, Clint. Directors: (South Huron) — yyt stroieher, Crediton, (North Huron) — Oliv Brussels, The Directors for each Townshi as fatless-.. Ashfield, John Famish, olborne, Hugh Hill. 'Gocler'ich: ,Herb, Cox, Grey, Oliver Ttu'rcbull, Hey, L. H. Rader'. Howie's, R. J. Sanderson. 111ett Howard Armstrong, IbleKilop, Gordon McGavin, fords, W.' Honoh de•c, tan*. Clifford Keyes, tepbon We». Oc.stroiche', !tickers/Mai, Melvin Crich: urnberry, Isaac Wright, Shorne, E. J. Pp)).Pp)).ast Wawanosh„ Melvin Taylor iVest Waavanosh, F. 0. Todd.d, motion was passed at the meets to the effect that any farther in County who had purchased a e -bred sire on .'r after January 1931, would be eligible for the ter cent, bonus, providing sueh nal passed offL'ia/ inspection. farmers who would be in Title this bonus should get in touch at with their Township Dinner *'rite (beteg to the Scoretary, Tan Lend, Dept. of A,grieultut•e., Eon. is honed that throueli the mea- nt'mea- nt'the Livestock Improvement eiatime nine goon work may he mpIiohed in the improvement of tack and the Annotation will eciate the support and co -opera - of all 'livestock men and other t a C ty e W L w to in dt b 9u ft ea an fr Tt ha Oe Tu are C Q3 11 S .5 1U T ' E A int; the •ntlr 1st, 20 1 ap�a Any fel' 01100 m• i of Ids ay a As=' ven- est- ed R. r o 11a - he ek on - et; vho he 01 rid en 8- on ]t. ver 11 Mae Clio It inm A sn neem lives tion interested men in the County, SIR JOHN A. tfLACDONALD ESTATE IS SHARED "This he an answer to prayer,” The speaker was a sweet -:faced, grey- haired little woata 1 who, in her youth had car'r'ied slippers to Sir ,Toho A. Macdonald, Canada's first Prinz° Minister, Her en-linnet/on carne spontaneously when she was in - Teemed in Winnipeg that under a Te- rento court ruling she 'was to share in her illustrious geantlfathet•'s es- tate of 3160,000, In brief poignant words. she ex- plained, her baby, (site has two boys) Lyle 1•Tarold, aged 9, was -taken away to - 'hospital suffering 'front spinal meningitis, The 'doctors had pronounced thathewould live. The family exchequer, depleted by uneni- pleyment in her - husband's proles, - sin, that of civil engineer, was new empty. Expenses were piling up, They were at their' wit's end, "And then you came and told us the glad news that my dear, .kindiy old grandfather who always called ne 'puss', wee to be as kind in death 09 he had been' in life. 1 ani sure hat he would have .planned it so. S'ou bring us this news at .exactly the right moment" "You cannot mid -et salter Mr. C.,ainrford added, and the anxieties of months veiled away es he smiled, "What this means to- es. Thetis ens len you are a father laud have sena your hey taken' away while yon' were eoiyerless financially' see that he Mgt every core peesible" end it was concerning the only great-gn;andchil- bine of Sia' John A, Ma"drnnaid, (le'n- dr^'s illustrious past Prime Minis- ers; that Tec was speaking` - SUMMERIILL Mr: anti Ides, Harry Jos'3nes. 1'li•' I•larold Jesting, Ilhiss Emily Philliris and airs. W. ,T, *Brien motored ov- er from. P l-rcit'end spwnt c•he week- end with 311,. and Mrs. T. 5. Mason. t CUT FLOWERS ''LORAL DESIGNS For All Occasions . erre:a-&x-712. Carnations, Sweet Peas, Tulips, Daffodils, Narcissus and Flowering Plants Growing in our greenhouse now Our g•reenlmuse is as near' a phone. volar Chas. V. Cooke New Tinsmith Shop Having; started u Tirnsmithingr Shop in Londosboro T ani. prepared to do all sorts of Tinsmithing: Work, Specializing in Eavetroughing, Roofing and General Repairs. Give me -e , chance to show you what I tan do. ' • li', M. PICKETT, , Plaone. 15r18, Blyth Central. Londesboro, 13-tf. E. G. HOES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tf. AGENT FOR MASSEY-HARRIS CO. SAWY`R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15j 4, H. BRUNSDON • CALVES FOR SALE I will be in Clinton at Cook's barn with n load of }IERDFORD CALVES from 10 to 12 o'clock on SATURDAY, MAY 2nd W. COLLINS THURSDAY APRIL 30, 1031 w ai Egg ._ Clinton's .NeYY New -Laid dL.d d' n*' 1:1"v2A'F.,,l4RC,f..e1f And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin, ion Government Egg Regulations, Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat, hens and well -finished chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produee. N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 21'j Residence, 214w. 1 CAP] TA LTHEATRE GOODRICH Northern Electric Sound System Now Playing, "Tom Sawyer" A Solid Week of Merriment MON., TUES., WED. CHARLES RU'GGLES' the Xing of Comedy in the famous rib -tickling laugh Special CHARLIE'S AUNT • THURS., TRI., & SAT. Joe Brown & Winnie Lightner Big Mouth Joe and the lough" wooing Winnie together again, and wow! Oh yes, the name of the picture "SIT TIGHT" Look Here! Africa Speaks is coming Matinees Weed. & Sat. at 3 p.m. Two shows each night at 7.30 and 9.15. Auto obile Queer YOU MAY PURCHASE INSUR- ANCE AT RATES BASED UPON YOUR DRIVING RECORD! ilave You Driven One to Four Years Without an Accident? If So You are Entitled to a Discount from the Standard rates aceordingiy. I will gladly give you full informa- tion concerning this plan, u H. E. RORKE Phone 253ty 13-tf. 13-1, SPECIAL SALE 6F ELECTRIC WASHERS Auction Sale cf Ilotlse rind House- hold Effects Mr. Andrew'MCGarva has instruc- ted the undersig'ted to sell by pub- lic auction at his residence, Ontario street, East, Clinton on Saturday, 11Tay' and, at 1.30 sharp the following; Dining room suite; Chintz cabinet; droners, stands; beds; springs; ntat- resses; carpets; stoves; wheelbar- row, garden tools; carpenters tools; dishes; pots; pans and numerous other articles, 'ret•tns: Cash. Also the premises will be offered for sa'e. The house and lots at 3 pan. This is a wonderful site and will be sold reasonable. Terms: 10 per cent at time of sale, balance in 30 clays, or arrange- ments made. Don't miss' this chance of a good tome, Anrh•ew McGar•va, Pt•oprfetor, G. 11. Elliott, Auctioneer. I'er Sale or Rent. A six room. house on James street in first-class condition, electric lights, tatvn water•. Also an out building. A horse and dray, the dray can be used for team. Apply to Joe Allison, Clinton, 16-tf, For Sale A good . brick dwelling on Himon street, Clinton, C, B. Hale. 10-1-p, Live Poultry Wanted We are buying old liens and old roosters. now. Phone no for details as to our Co-operative Marketing Service, Gunn -Langlois and Co.,, Lim- ited, phone Clinton, 190 or 145. 16-1,- GOIDERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Betty Tebbutt, acconpanied lay Miss Helen Beacom, has returned. to her home in Brtacefield. the latter assisting her aunt,. Mrs. 0. Tebbutt, since' her.. return Froin. Clinton hospi- tal. Mr. Wilfrid Congram of Toronto. motored up on Saturday and visited :friends nn the 'Hayfield line, air, Norman Holland wears quite, a noticeable smile these 'days.. Con. gratulations, Norman, quite a girl, The members of the AY.P.A, •of Varna, Middleton and Bayfield re- eently entertained as • their guests the yoiiiig people ft'ota GM'aae United church, Porters Hill. After the usual form of opening Rev, Mr, Paull spoke is few words of welcome to the vials tors and Mr. Harris president of the Porters Hill Young Peoples' So- eiet,$ then tools charge and a splendid program consisting of readings, sol- os, orchestra music and recitations was presented by the visitors. Miss JTarrisoe then took charge of a con- test which was answered by musical terms. A very social and pleasant time was spent at the conclusion 'of whir', 'dainty 'refreshments Were served. On Friday evening May 1st . -a social evening,'. in connection •with the'. A.V.P.A`.' will be hell at the ironic 'of Mise lig Snowden, .Stanley town- ship,' when all members are invited. Per the next ten days we offer the Snowbird Electric W(rsher at the at- tractive price of c'89 Easy Terms if Desired Supply Limited. Come Early OPEN EVENINGS W. GLEN COOK 13-1-p. ,MOLASSINE MEAL MARVELLOUS FOOD FOR ALL FARM STOCK and LAKKO CBICI( STARTER A Truly Balanced Feed Sold By H. CI-JARLESWORTH 16-2. Automobile and Truck INSURANCE SPECIAL DISCOUNT .Fort . Standard- Bates, for Mer- it Rate' Driving. From'l to 4 years without accident. Also lots mates for truck insurance. Reasonable Rates on Standard Policies, EMMA LAV8S Phone 1895 11-tf. Bagpipes For Sale • ,Bagpipes in good condition. Price very reasonable. Apply to A. A. Vint, Wingham, Ont. 16.2-p, 13 W1ers. Wanted We offer a. cash market maw for all young Cockerels weighing 11-2 Lbs: each and over. Phone us for full information, Gunn, Langlois and Co„ Limited, Phone Clinton, 190 or 145: 16-1. Grass Farm to Rent Lot 26, Con, 6, Mullett, Good pas- ture farm, will either rent or take in cattle to pasture.Apply to George Carbon or Mrs. James Brown, R. R, No. 1. Phones 63715,, and 6871'22. 15-2, R.E. and 'H. B. Manning; Sun Life, Fire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance, • Office Bank et Montreal Building.' Phone 29. 14-4-p. For Rent • Sone rooms, also agarden and garage, Will -be tet separately or together. Call phone ,221, Clinton; 12-tf, WHEN YOU BANK YOUR HEATER YOU CAN BANK ON 05. tWEL.L. KEEP THE FiRE'A-GOlN& WITHOUT, A DDT OF FUSS. CLINTON'S When you slow clown your heater the heat Folks again show their worth, They keep pace with your requirements. Here is twelve -cylinder coal— you. can slow down to one de- gree an hour and never stall your fire. !And the Heat Folks have plenty of pick-up, too, From a standing start they will' out -distance any cold with the minimum of fuel. Call the A 'OiB , Leastirel to. J sit7ll PIIO•NE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO AffAmpEemmnomm C. . VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs - Phone 7 • Low Rates and � Poultry, Eggs 8z Cream Prompt Service for 1 WANTED CAR INSURANC We are prepared to boy above ev- jt cry working day. Eggs graded by also i experienced graders. .' d have 'a e. r to n a. ,. c ,_ Creamery, Toronto. i - Cream purchased for Bowes' J. G. G O EN Office Next to Ratte'tbury Hotel Phone 52 HATCHING EGGS From Bred -to -lay Single Comb White Le shorns 32.50 per 100 Apply to Frank J. Tyndall R. R. No, 4, Ring 636r33, 12-tf. Now is the Time Now is the time to have your buildings disinfected in order to de- stroy germs, We have the equipment to do a good job of Spraying or Whitewash- ing, Barns, Poultry houses or any other' bknitting's where a job of this kind is desired, Satisfaction Guaranteed, DAVID ELLIOTT Clinton, Ont., Picone 203. 14-tr. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE Reliable Companies and Prompt Service. RATES REASONABLE Phones 26r6, Blyth or 6501-2, Clinton, Apply to BERT BRtNSDON L nndeshoro, Ont, 1.1-4-p. Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs Tay our Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Chicks, that give satisfaction and high egg production, Eggs, 83.00 per 100, Chicks, 313.00 per 100. D. al. Lindsay, 11,R,• No. 3, Hedge Row Chick farm. 04 -tee Fan» For Sale Or Rent 80 acre farm, lot 22, con. 6, God- erielt township. All grass, never- failing spring creek, lots of shade. 116 storey briek house, good barn, driving shed, orchard, 7 acres bash. ..Apply to R. Y, Cox, Huron street, Clinton for particulars, 09-tf. Eggs Far hatching Eggs from bred -to -lay S. C. White Leghorn, hens two and three years old. Price 33.00 per hundred, Apply to Roy Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, phone 607r3, Clinton. Op tr. Wall Papering Walt papering, painting and up- holstering done by Evered L. 'John- ston, phone No. 640r14, Clinton eee- tral. I have about eight hundred samples of Boxer's, Staunton's and Empire, Sunwortity wall papers, rang- ing from 7c to $1.50 -per single roll,' also about 50 Samples of York up- holstering:, fabrics and about 100 samples of York drapery for oven curtains, cushions and comforters, Beautiful window shades of plain and fancy laces and. insertions, Duplex and Venetian. See my catalogue and samples, E. L. Johnston, 12-tf. Cottage For Sale Frame Cottage, Rattenbury street, 8 rooms, lights, water, furnace, Earne. including garage and henhouse, large garden, some small fruits, Centrally located, a desirable Home. Apply on premises to Mrs, G, M, Fargmhur, 13•tf. Pasture Fame to Rent Lots 38 and 39, concession 4, God. ,rich township, will be rented for pasture, abnndaece of, grass, good shade and plenty of spring water, Was not rooted last season. Apply to John Di Woods or H, Weston,, Bayfield. 15-2. Feed Barley A quantity of feed `barley will be sold at '40c per bushel, Apply to Phone 182 lo,„ W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone 33, Representing — MeLEOD. YOTINGe • 13-tf. WEIR & CO.. TORONTO A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator, Victoria St., Clinton, Phone, 231. Better be Safe than Sorry AVOID DISEASE • By Using Pasturized Mille and ('ream Delivered Daily Commencing on MONDAY, MAY 4th Milk; 10e, Cream, :40e Mc ANUS DAIRY Phone 245 13-tf. Implement ;fent I handle' Cockshutt implements and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis-Chal• mers Tractors, Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence, JOHN V. DI.EIEIL Queen Street, Clinton. 81•tf, BABY CHICKS Barron Strain White Leghorn Ontario Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks CUSTOM HATCHING STAMINAX and MATCH -WORD'S CHICK FEEDS ELMSLIA CHICK FARM, CLINTON E. L. Mittel!, Phone 213 CHICKS BARRED ROCI{S APRiL AND MAY CHICKS at 814.00 per hundred CUSTOM HATCHINGS 33.50 per hundred E. J. TREWARTHA Clinton, R. R, No. 3. Phone 611-22. 09-tf.. ARE COLLECTIONS SLOW? You can speed them 'up by sending your list to KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists of Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, Owen Sound and remember No Collection No Charge Established 1890 • You can keep warm with Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal, or have win- ter sunshine every day if you Imre the famous O.T.O. Coke. Also a good supply of Wyandotte Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous Coal. Prompt delivery from my sheds on Queen Street at anytime. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 25A Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed, and re. paired, Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283wtf. FOR Government, Municipal and Corporation � n Roads CALL ON ' H. W. C rr A -. J,I�