The Clinton News Record, 1931-04-30, Page 4atisamessimismoolle Sirmilisilemss!smamsw.."
. _ .
Mrs. Davidson, Winghant, C. G. I.
T., secretary saidathere was an in-
crelase of 2 , groups, i There ave 132
members raising $85 for missions, an
increaseor $24.75:
The New United Church ,Hymn Book
WORDS ONLY 50c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50
LEATHER EDRION $1.25 to $8.50
Langely Cleariets & Dyers
L (Add
ti 6
1 BOTTLE ANTISEPTIS ,, , ... ..... .. : .... 25c
- 250
TOTAL VALUE .........
AtaLi FOR 'c-
• S • R
Holmes, Phin.B
Zes.- Taco:v.4-M Rang
Following thedevotional exercises
after the neon' helm, Rev. M.
Moorehouse brought greetings from
the, presbytery,
Misa LaWrence, . Press eecretaey,
teported having at secretary in each
auxiliary. ,
Long 'shall he veinembered the Old
Mother Goose Mhymnes given by the
•Bensall Mission Band. It was thor-
oughly enjoyed by all.
The speaker of:the day was Mrs.
S. R. Longley of West China, the
lavgest Mission field in the world and
also the largest body'of people.te be
ministered' to. She askedthe guess
tioli 'Does it Pay?" to give the lea-
ligion of Jesus Christ to. others. She
gave, living -examples 'Of Chinese
Christians who we're bearing respon-
sibility and Jiving Suchconsecrated
unselfish lives that makes us almost
ashamed of our inactivity. She told.
of a rich, courtly woman who, donned.
-the claess' of the middle ,cle,dses, rode
in a single •chair and carried with
her, tier Bible to the tribes in the
north country- to tench them the gos-
pel story, 'Have you a spiritual
thirst? Depression autl„unrest in
Canada is because men have not
lived up to that standard • of Jesus
•Christ ancl there shall be no peace
until the world has learned to work
out,that 13 ehapter of 1st Corinth-
ians. . •
Mrs. I.ane'read a letter from Dirs.
Macintosh the Branch preildent stone
corning the Peace Conference and
'the Resolution Corinth -it° in present-
ing resolutions said We feel that the'
stibiect rf disarmament under pres-
ent \voila conditions and in the light
nf nest experience is too big a sub-
ject for us to discuss intelligently in
the time at our disposal.
"Ws feel at thia timetit seems im-
possible to Promote temperance by
legialatien and we members of the
W. M. S. heartily endorse in every
way any educational campaign which
may be launched by our church or
Sympathy was extended to fridnds
and relatives who had friends pass
to "Higher Seswice."
Congratulationare to• be sent to
Mrs. Ague cif Hensel] on her long
life and may she see her 100th birth-
day cn July 25. Along with this wish
a bououet of -flowers will be sent.
And many thanks are due to the
ladies of the Henaall chureh for their
sumptuous repast provided. The
next presbyterial will meet in Wing -
ham, 1932, .
The nominating Committee is as
follows: Mrs. Ashton, Gerrie; Mrs.
George Shipley, Clinton; Mrs. J. J.
Washington. Atibuent :Mrs. •J....L.
Arens, Prinsley, and Mrs, Thomas
Gibson, Wroxeter.
New Of Doers
The new slate of officers is as fol..
lows; Past -Pres., Mrs. J. 13. Hoge,
Clinton; president. Mrs. W. P. Lane,
Sonferth; first vice-president, Mrs.
Fowler, Clinton; second vice-presi-
tiont, Mrs. Wightman, Blythf third
ylee-president, Mrs. Anthony, Themes
Re Id t fourth Yiee-preeiclent, Mrs.
Member. Brussels; reenrcling etaire-
tery Ansa A, 13. Cortsitt,
Ierenesnend'ing seeyetary, Mrs. And -
Synod ofHainilton and London, the
Presbyterian Church, Met in
At a meeting of , the Synod of The • following recommendations
Hamilton and London, the Peeebyter- were also adopted.
ion Church„ opening in 'Codeeich an That all . conemegations- use the
Monday, the ' Rev Peter Reith 'cif duplex envelope and that Boards
Of Management be asked to co -
Teen was elected, moderator ler the
ensuing year. operate with the Session.
A vote of thanks was tendered the That scongregations forward
retiring moderator and in his reply monthly or tri -monthly their budget
Mr. McCullough said that the expel-- contributions to the church trees-
iences hacl been pleasant in hi S term Mier. -
of office in the 'Second lmgest synod The following resolutions were
in Canada, . submitted by the Sunday School
An imprestive Mentoriet, seeelee Committee:
was held on', Monday for those who .1. That Teacher Training Courses
had passed_ on since last meeting.. be held wherever possible,
ikayonee' of Goderieh extended .a 2. That each Sunday School take
welcome in which he expressed hit an °fleeing at least on one Sunday
of eadh month for missions.
Pleasure as mayor of the town to ex-
tend a welcome to Godertch, the That ministers will hold a
peettiest. town in Canada. He was
sorry they were not seeing Gederich
-at its best, and that a genie of golf
could not be enjoyed on the golf
course, which is one of the finest and
Prettiest in Canada. "The blossom
time. in the Niagara peninsula is not
excelled by the bloom on oar *chest-
nut trees." Mr. Lee said. He refer-
red to the intended departure of Rev.
Mr. McDermid and expressed the
great regret felt in the town, where
he has always been a leader. "What
is our loss is Toi•onto's 'gain," con -
chided His Worship.
Rev.. Mr. McDerntid extended the
weleome of Knox Church congrega-
tion ancl menitioned the fact that the
clergymen of the town. Rev. Mr.
Mills of St. Cleorge's. Anglicen, Rev.
Mr. Rant. of the Baptist Clbureb. ancl
Rev. Nfr Clarke and Rev. Mr. Bliti of
Neeth and Vietoria street United
Churches, weee present in the con-
The total allocation for the Synod
cf Hamilten and' London this year
is 5155.000, which amount haa. never
bee.n reached. The division -is listed
below, nlso the amounts raised by
the various Presbyteries last year,
the 'latter figures be:ng given first:
ITomilton. 839,533, 850,000; Paris,
512,750 $15,000; London, • 316,350,
ego 000. Chathem, 811_512. 314.000;
Sarnia, $7,035, 39,500; Stratford,
lianehuria, China, gave a very eom-
A14,124, $17.000; Huron, $5,761, $7,-
prehensire and informative address
000' Maitland 310,361, 311,503;
Bruce, 38.614, $10,300.
Mr. McConnell also repotted that
815,000 bad been contributed to the
building of a new church in one of
tur large indastrial centees, besides
ventributing 31,000 to that ehurch's
Lucknow redecorated their clinreh
during the year and on the re-npen-
ing, ciny, instead of taking up a col-
leetion for tho local added expen-
diture, they took up a special of-
fering which resulted in a large
,M0Ant being contributed to the
general work of the church and in-
eledod in the budget.
A reaolution of sympathy was
eatit. te Dr. Drummond, who is ill in
hospital in Toronto.
T)r. MeKereoll of the, Cleneeal
Minden Board, announced inceensed
cliv'clencle. There are 300 widows
end 470' ministers on the pension
record. lie urged till to join for the
nee -ration of families and homes. It
is not at charity.
Thp, appointntent of. the following
committee% was made.
Committee on Tell -Saw. David
ititehie, Point Edward; Rev. A.
Wilson. Rev. 3elin T. Ifill and II. F.
Burkholder, elder,
C'ominittee on resolutions - Rev.
David Jaelc, Caledonia; Rev. T. B.
Kahle, Rev, A. MacFarlane and W.
J. Shortreed, elder.
Committee to strike standing coin-
reittees-Rev, T. T:ochls, Corunna; D.
McKay, J. C. Herbison, D. C. Hill,
r. Ntocounough, R. M. Hanna,
Henry Strang, David Fraser, A. W.
Reid and John T. Ballantyne,
Let me Give yQu ,an Est.imate. I
On any .of these morns that you have to paper
- or paint, as I halie a large assortment of papers to
• choose from,5c to $2.09, a roll. • '
Try mu of four-hour enamel or varnish.
Let me tell you how to fix up that bath room
with oil cloth and paneling.
A phone call will bring the books to your door.
sell paper'whether hanging it not.
P.hone 234
, row, Goderieh; treasurer, Mrs. Moore -
Painter and Decorator ihnitse, Exeter; ' Christian steward-
?Sip se"retary, Mes, Iver, big -
hew Baby Band secretary, Mrs.
Bremner, Brucefield; Mission Band,
wee &try, Mrs. Scobie; Belgravet C.
rt nese secretary,. Mrs. Davidson,
Wingham; 7.W'. A. secretary, Mrs.
Parker, Brussele; Associnte
Secretary, Mrs. It. 11. Connor, Kio-
pen; Supply secretary, Mra.
eletigh, Blyth; asaistant Supply sec-
.P.Oe. T.• M0.4'..e44,d,•4`04,00.0,•0J4•00
-.Meeting of Huron Presbyterial W. M. S.
United Church of Canada
The fifth annual meeting of the' allooation, quarterly.
Huron Presbytevial of the Women s
Missionary Society of the United
Church of Canada was held in Hen -
sail United church, on Tuesday,
Mrs. Lane, the vice-president, was that they contributed 3516.11.
in the chair. Aftet the singing of Concerning the supply work Mrs.
the Doxology and invocation by Mrs, Colelough said that bales had been
Lane, the deautional exercises were sent to the north and west valued
^conducted by Mrs. Fowlee, reading at 39,154.00.
-ha:S.6;1-8 and .Mrs. Anthony led in MI's. Johns saicl there was a' Inis-
Prayer. Mrs ,Sincletir extended a simmey monthly secretary in each
hearty 'welcome which Was aptly auxiliary and that the total sub -
responded. to by Gowdy, Salem, seribets numbered 1,445, an inerease
Nies. Greer was appointed vecording of 17. .
•seeretary pro. tem. in the absenceof Mrs. Foester, Loncleiboro gave a
Miss A. E. Censitt. lengthy veport stvangers' work.
Finance committee appointed con- Literature Secretary Mies South-
colt- gave her report ancl encourage-
-sisted of Mee. Moorehouse, Exeter,
Greer, Wingiham; Mrs. NicKen- ed the women to visit het table and
Mrs. Conner, Aasociale "Miners'
sectetary, Said there were stit new
necretariee appointed during the
year; had a membothip of 431 and
zie, Egmond•Pille,- Mrs. Graham, inspect her "wares," .
Goderieln areeeer, °Ismail; Miss Murray presented the sub-
Wingham; Mrs• Stseehen, Brussels; that adireteeies he Anne:Med in ench • Scott, Ramilton and W. W.. Mave, cliinbckl a hada° pole in the act o
Resolution e.counitten-Mrs, Willis jeet- of Lemperanee and suggested
orwise there would have been many
anxiliavy and asked that a system- 1"ere Present' Plevietta Sunday ser -
c d play when he mob his death,
Mrs. 'Sinclair, Hensall. The. delegataa- vices. were taken by Rev. C. F. Doti- ahell, Welland.
young- communicants' clasa at least
once Et year and thus help our young
people to. decide for Christ and be
enlisted in the membership .of the
• 4. That the Synod endorses
istrortgly the work with boys of the
Orclee of the Burning Bush Lind urges
ministers to seek to have such an
organization in their own cengrega-
5. That connnittee on standing
conimittees be entrusted to appoint
trustee's for Camp Kiutail and also
that these trustees be authorized to
draw up a deed and have it register •
cd. •
6.. T_hat S.S. and Y.P.S. be'given
permission to borrow up to $1,000 on
securing. Kintall property.
7. ,,That treasurer of Synod be in-
structed to pay 360 to treasurer of
camp to meet interest charges. •
R. That it be emphatically pointed
out to all S.S. and Y.P.S. the ne-
cessity of supporting our own church
budget before the claims of outside
oaganizations. •
9. We endorse any. movement in
the direction of the production of
our own illustrated papers and re -
Commend them to our schools when
Some very fine addresses were lis-
tened to at the several sessions.
R,v. Allan Reach, missionary from
THURSDAY, APitila 30, 1981
reaching from the floor to d-tigher
than, the bride's head, When their
Excelleneies- arrived the prisne minis-
ter and his 'two hollered guests went
with them into the geeat ball room.
The Earl and Countess of Bess -
borough, the prime minister, the
bride and groom took their places at
the head, of the room. His Excellency
proposed the health of the bride, in
which he biped the task of the new
minister would -prove sufficiently dif-
ficult to make frequent consultation
between Majoa Berridge and the Rt.
Hon. IL B. Bennett neceasary, thus
guaranteeing. to Ottawa friends the
pleasure of the company of Major
and Mat. Herridge. The groom res-
ponded wittily' and at some length.
The Reverend Dr. Woodside proposed
the health of the prime minister. He
said that all the women would ogee°
with him there was .just one thing
wrong with the prime minieter. He
slyly intimated that that one defect
could be remedied and he extended
the good wishes of the great gather-
ing and their sympathy on the prime
minister's fOrlorp ,state of bachelor-
hood. The prime minister's reply was
a model of brevity: "I thank you for
the'honor cif the toast to my health;
I appreciate your good wishes and I
need your sympathy." ..
The huge crowd deank the health.
of the beide and the prime minister
in champagne and sang lustily at
appropriate times, "For She's a Jolly
Good Fellow." Sonia were most 'cor-
rectly clad, the men in fornial attire,
long-tailed coats, silk hats and pearl
colored spats and 'gloves, with their
ladies in formal and flowing ,,after-
noon dress, large picture hats and
costly furs. Others, bothemen and
women, were in business clothes, The
beautiful ball room was adecorated
with smilax, lilies, Mal shaded roses.
The struggle to get some food and
drink at a great reception is terrific.
'Unless one stands in great need it
mama too much trouble. Even'tvith
the greatest precaution the wine or
punch will get Spilled occasionally; a
pushing elbow accidentally strikes
the plate and sends the cakes flying.
The frantic' struggle of great num-
bers of people to eat and at the
same time not to ruin their ovvu or
their neighbors clothes has always
greatly amused me. Speed seems to
be my one quality. It takes Inc a-
bout ten minutes to "do" a reception.
Only the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen
can equal such record. Almost five
from the attacks of the foeces of the
North • West C ompany the shelter
of the Hud,son's 13ny Company's post
a little furthee down the Nelson ri-
ver, visited -the Norwegians at Nor-
way point, Many of them remained
at Norway point until they retuened
to their settlements- on the Red River
later on ill the year. Several of the
Norwegians, the roadway project
having been abandoned, accompanied
the settlers on the, return jouvney
in order to assist in the gathering of
thloiemeets•rs and the re-establishment of
iChanging trade -routes robbed Nor-
way House of its old-time glory bat
it has eentained a trading post of the
Hudson's Bay C,onepany, and, with
the future developement of that part
of 'Manitoba it may again become
prominent.2National Resources.
R. K. Love, Geld Medalist of Grad -
tutting Class in Theology at Eminan-
ual College, 'Toronto. '
ikr, R. Keith Love of Kippen,
Stanley Township, who wonahis B.
A. degree ' Western University,
after a four years' course, has been
awarded the Sanford Gold Miedal in
Divinity (General Pnoficiency in 13.
D. Course), also General Proficiency
Scholarship of First Class and Row-
ell -Scholarship, (Church History),
second, and took second place in Or-
atory, which when we consider the
age of the student, twenty-four goes
to native that our rural students are`
not behind trt intelligence and ambi-
tion. We talcs great pleasure in ex-
tending our heartiest congratulations
iio Mr. Love, who returns home with
the honors so worthily won, and hope
to see him rise from strength to
strength in this his great calling.
retary. Dies. Venner, Clinton; Mis-
sionary • Monthly secretary, airs.
Elinwille; Strangers secre-
tary, Mr. Forster; Londesboro; Lit-
erature seeretary, Mrs. Layton, Exe-
ter; Temperence seeretnry, Mite;
Murray, Exeter, Press, Miss Nott,
membere without port-
folio --Mea. Han -tilted Goderieh, and
Mrs, Wilson, NVingham.. •
Mr, and Mrs, of liseristoe
vieited with Me. and Mit. Harvey
Fieher on Runday.
On Sunday the Presbyterian con-
gregation at Smith's Hill held their
fourth service with a good eized
congregation. The speaker tree the
day was Rev, Mia Rhodes of Exeter.
it was a dismal day thronghout, oth-
On his work.
• Dr. A. S. Grant, sancta -1:y' of the
General Board of_ Missions, express-
ed hi a appreciation of the spirit - of
harmony whioh had prevailed: He
Paid a fine tribute to the women of
the church and the work they were
doing. He hoped the. time *mild
never mite When the Ivo* of the
clam+ would be divided,
"Ever since • the separation the
budget hag been raised" he - said.
There are .1 50 miseion fields in Can
• Oda WhOrc young,men are training
fax the ministry. The solution of
our anoint problems is the gospel of
Jeans Christ,
Mr. Kayaks pronounced the bene-
The commlasionees were the pleats
of the Board ef Trade to a drive
around the town and all the historic
pointa were ex:Anil-led. Sixty ears
were used for the trip.
Arrangements' were made for sonie
golf by visiting commisaionerss oth-
er: who -did not golf to go out for a
sail en the lake. But the weather
put stop to these plans. The. sea-
son Is yet too young for summer re-
ereations. •
Coroner's Jury Returns Verdict
Last Wednesday at inquest
. The Verdict
"We the jury appointed to enquire
into the death of Lloyd McCauley
agree unanimously that he came to
his. &lath actidentally by climbing a
hydro pole -and coining in contact
with High- Voltage wire. We re -
Commend that all hydro poles should
be clear of spikes, cleats, steps and
boxes, .least 8 feet front the
Signed by all jury -,Geo. Muldoon.
fereman; Alex. Anderson, Jno. Meas
Comanittees to examine peeabatery
reecrdst Presbytery of Hamilton;
Rev, H. D. Cameron, Strittbroy; S.
G. Pallid% Paris; Rev. G. Lloyd 'Hy-
ena, . 4arriS; John Fairweather,
Thoendaler London; Rev, 0, L. Hell-
cat -in, Clinton; RObert Fulton, Hamil-
t n Chathem: Rev. a. Rhodea, Exe-
ter; Artie Bell, Port Elgin. Same.:
Dr, Pahner Hamilton and. Jemes A. dews, Dan, Denman, Jos, Querm, W.
jehnston, St, Thomas, Stratford Gillespie. IL A. Lc:thee and W. F.
Rev. G. C. Webster, London, and Re- ' Stretton."
beet Smith Hagersville. Huron; ' The above was the 'verdict brought
Rev. D. MacInnes, Forest, and D. in by the jtiry .enquiring into the
Ms:Vicar, Ingersoll. Maitland': Rev. d'eatli of Lloycl McCauley Betts -
et Fraser, Belle River and .13. Me- sels at the immest held on Wednes-
1( ie Tavel% Bruce: it.:•v. H. J. day of last week. The dad hiul
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller and
son, Ruseell, also Mr. John Bain
from near Stratford spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Met. John An-
Mr. C. H. Reid of Brucefield
visited his sister, Mrs. R. J. Woods,
one day last week.
Rev. C. 'Wilkinson attended the
funeral of the late Mr. Joseph
Gaunt Langside on Moeslay.
Miss Emily Weatherhead is Immo
years ago, when the Wiillingdont from Blyth, where she has been
were going home through Canada
from their post in India, the speak-
er of the Senate gave a reception. It
happened oddly enough that the Rt.
Hon. the prime minister and the Rt.
Hod Amthur Meighen walked with
me from the commons chamber tosthe
Senate. After I had met the
lingdons and had -spoken to a very
-few people, I looked round helpless-
ly, wondering what to do next. At
that moment I caught sight of Mr.
Meighen, who looked just as I .felt.
He came over and said: "Are you
ready, let's go." We had been to
the- reception and were out again
within ten minutes,
to Branch were: Mrs. Mitten Con- gic interest in temperance work be y. • ecn ge onnot s an I. A.
stance, Mrs. Robb, Centralia; . annith were appointed auditors for
miss earliest on in Sunday schools. ancl. esti of Clinton and Rev. R. C. Me-
' Laura . Graham, •port Albert; Mrs. Deetoid nif Goderich who both gave the sessions. MISS MACPHAIL AT BENNETT-
flowdy, Salem and 1Viiss Thelma Total atter:dance at Standee sehools
Cheer for young women. - throughout the province tans 30,111 I .
,pnblic schools. ,
' The treasurer, -Piro. Moorehoune,
bad her statistical report printed.
The total of 319,111.91 was raised hy
Burnt Presbyterial.
Ales. Barker, Y.W.A. secertary,
reported a nienibership of 230. They
raised 81,545.99.
The . Baby Band report bY IVtra.
Bremner showed -325 total members
end having sent $70.611. There are
19 baby .hands organized.
Many interesting items were pre-
sented by Mrs. Seobie on the Mts-
sion bind work. Two. bands were -
wonderful messages.
Mrs, T. H. Wilson sInd children
hove returned :from a weelra visit
with her relatives.
We -are scairy to hear of the and -
den death of 'Paul Maedel, which took
place on Saturday evening. April 25,
tosolting from , a Stroke taken on
IN:edn•esday morning. -Phe late Mr.
litiaedel was bueied Tuesday' to ,Col-
borne cemetery.
last, year, peen -tiding to the report on ,
Sunday sohools and young penple
eecieties by Rev. W. Mackintosh, 13.
D. of London. This is an increase of
635 schn'ars over the preceeding
Hamilton, Pavia ancl London.
nepabyteries recorded increases of
500 each, while Chathatn And Bruce
were down appeoximately 300. A. ser-
ieus cleerease in the number of Sun-
da chool tea:chore is shown. Theve
corresponding secretary , pre- n.t Linger sing at iese
stinTha ted a very encouraging report Affairs, and Says Rt•Hon. Arthur
and t bated how a. great honor had
come to Goderich in having Miss -
Maude Hpwell go to Trinidad at
o mistionary teacher. 33-, of the
-workers had oass&I on !to "higher" -
service." The named of theae Were
mentioned during' the memoriel see-
-vice which was beautifully and fit-
tingly conducted by Mrs. Clarke of
Goderich and Miss Robertson, Glider:
ich; assisted baa, Mes. Croak, Gonne, forced to inactivity because el the
Mirs Leidlew' Blyth; Mrs. ,Shipley, lack or. a leadee, '"Wn 'are Moping
Clinton and 1Virs. MoDonnell, Hen-
The report; or stewaitclship and
She Does ' '
finance by Mrs.
,-..,...i ,,,-.,,-1 that
and praying that God will call forth
one: to euperintend in each of these
fields," she said.
Two new groups have organized
47 auxiliaries have a secretary an- otie in Ontario street, Clinton, and
one in Cavan church, Winthrop, on
pointed; 82 haVe a finance commit.
tee, haviog finances reparted regal- Anvil 18t1i, Egmondville has both
larly at meetings; 50 auxiliaries 'use girle and boys groups meeting sep-
envelopes; 27 have adopted a mis- awately except on special occasions.
aionary for prayer and 33 have reach- Seaforth is laying plans, at present
ed or excelled their allocation; 15 to organize a boys' hand, Goderich,
are using the budget system; and 41 North street, have divided their band
e_ uvyEgrrionci- nto hrgroupa Walton hat foe
makoarterla surs. itee
•ville iolmesville and Victoria Ste 10010 time met oft Sunday
a-toderiche all repeat inereate becante
of the uSe of the envelope system.
'Seaforth, Northaidd Church is the
only 0118 which tends in it's quavter's
and used geacled missionary studiese
dividing into 5 moms under as mane
teaehees: Total Membership 901 in
38 bandit.
Mr . and Mesa Leh. Stepheneon
w.ere Landon yisitors-on Friday of
lash week. ' •
Miss Edythe Riley has taken a
position at the Clinton Inn for a tinte. •
Mita ' Miley Cooke of' Godarich
township is Spending a few. days in
the village,
MISS Viola Morrison,. teachee of
S. S.: No. 3, Sitillett, stand; the ,week-
end at her home in Matinee ."
Mr, Adam Ciltizier. of Clinton, Who
,spent the pa,st Week et 'the tome ea,
Mrs. TheS. Pollard, returned home on
Mr. , Wm.' ;Livingstone , is wearing
a very bread 'smile these dayS, a, lit -
De -daughter bovine arrived nt -hie
home on Auril 1918. Yea. :Living-
stone was a former sehoel teacher
here a.ncl. we offer congratulations..
Meighen is About Only One Who
Can Equal Her Speed in "Doing" A
Big Reception.
'(Special to The Hanover.Post by
Agnea C. Macpbail, M.P.)
"Mot since a daughter Of Ottawa
married into the roytd house of Dell-
inark has there been anything ,eciti-
A Point of Great Importance in Ear-
ly Days of Fur Trade-70rigin
of Name
One of the meet intereating place-
names 111 the province of Manitoba,
according to the Ge.ographic Board of
staying' for eome time.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyon and lit-
tle son, Mrs. Lyon, Sr., of Lendes-
hero, were recent visitors with the
latter's daughter, • Mrs Earl Gamin
, Wm. Todd of Paris visited old
friends here ILIA week. It is nine-
teen years since Will was here and
he saw a great many changee in
that tinie. •
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell
and family of Westfield were recent
visitors with 'Mrs. Clark.
George A. McLeod, Judge of Blaine
County, Idaho, and former Stanley
township boy, a brother of Mr. Ro-
bert Pearson now of Goderich town-
ship, has recently published an inter -
eating history of Alturas and Blaine
Counties, which has received flat-
tering notice from Idaho publica-
tions. "Judge McLeod has written
an eatin history of Blaine County
Which will be a valued acquisition ta
the hietorie data of the State. "Hav-
ing been a resident of the wood river
famous -:. country for forty-five years, and
Canada, is Norway House,
over a 'century. ago as a district
teem his own persenal knowledge of
headquarters of the Hudson's • Bay events and through painstaking re-
search, he has produced a very in-
structive and valuable work," says
The Idaho Statesman. The C.anadian
boys who go over to Unele Sam's de-
mote% are usually found,- oceupying
useful positions and turning out
worthwhile work.
ate mw 2,691) teachers. or n decrease
aling the palpitating, public inteeest,
ef• 188 -for the yeav. Haniilton has
moving drama, the , gorgeous
loot 36. Lordan, 33. Chatharii 28 and the.
lendour and sumptuous setting
Bruee 27. 'while Paris alone:
shows 15v9hich feattnied the wedding of Miss
an inceease of 21. . Mindrbd Bennett, the prime minis-
Theie were 3,718 on , the cradle ter's eister, to Majoi W. D. Herridge,
roll, a decreasO of 391. For all our- Canada's minietev designate to the
11(1.SCS a sum of $04;031 Was raised. a United States," btl.,s the Ottawa
dem'ease ok 3400 eolltnared with .the Joortud, rind' it is not overstating.
prei:lous year. Foe • misSiorts the pho -Members of paeliament were'
aateeis :seised $7.980, an increass of lammed by an. invitation to the re-'
3127, Paris showing a baron of $SS9 i ception; which took place in the
and London $42S. Thamesvillei greet bell room and drawing rooms
climieh scbool,•Witli 65 soholnes. rais- I of tile Chateau Laurier. The bride
Company after that compeely bad
amalgamated with its rival, the
North West Company, in 1821. The
post, however, is much older than
that date, having been fnunded in
1801. Strategically located on the
Nelson river, in the vicinity of the
tributary Jack river twentyfive miles
north of Lake Winnipeg, Norway
House was the. great inland depot
of the fur -traders. Situated in the
middle of a triangle, of which the
angles were York Factory, Fort
Garry, and Fort Edmonton, it Was
the meeting plaee of the brigades of
York boats carrying manufactured
goods from the Hudson Bay port and
of the canne brigades bringing fues
from the oath, weet, and south. The
cargoes were exchanged and. boat-
men and canoemen raced back with
all possible speed towards their sev-
eral starting points to. complete their
long iourneys before lakes and riv-
ed 8153. ---------ssions. 'rile cley Wes, as always, beautiful, and the
Sunday; April 26, saw the annual
change to daylight saving time in
many citiee both in Canada and in
the United States. The following
list shows when the vavious centres
will advance their clocks one hour,
and also on what date next fall they
will return to standard time. If
you can keep these in mind, then
when you visit any of theee placee
during the coming summer thee will
era Were closed by ice . Thus the bAennipoiacronfusion:
.April 26 -Sept. 27
Norway lionse for a month in the Bradford ' May 24 -e -Sept. 27
governor and his aides, by visiting Aurora
summer, were able to meet the corn- Jtme 21. -Sept. 13
patty's representatives from all their
vast territories and to learn at once
the measure -of success of the year's
of the origin of the name
of Norway House is a romantic one.
in 1814 Governor Thomas of Hud-
son's Bay Company stationed at
York!s. Factory WAS informed from
London that Norwegian axemen were
being sent. out to construct a road
betWeen lake Winnineg and Hudson
bay in the belief that more goods
r. add be carried by horse and sleigh
in the winter than by -boat in sum-
mer. The Norwegians wane into the
country via York Factoity and spread
out along the'reute of the proposed
roall One of the NorWevian con -
Brampton May 2 -Sept. 27
Cooksville April 26 -Sept. 27
Cowansville, Que., April 26 -Sept. 27
Dixie , ; . ... April 26 -Sept. 27
Etobicoke Tp. April 26 -Sept. 27
Forest' I•Iill April 26-8ept.e, 27
Georgetown May 2-5e91. 27
Grand Mere, Que., Anvil 26 -Sept. 27
Guelph • May 17. --Sept. 13
Halifax, N.S. April 26-8e1)1. 27
Hamilton June 13 -Sept, 7
Humber 13ay . , April 27 -Sept, 27
Kingston April 27 -Rept. 27
Lachute, Que. April 26 -Sept, 27
Long Branch April 27 ---Ment. 27
Mimico A.pril 27 -Sept. 27
Montreal April 26 -Sept. 27
Newmarket „ April 26 -Sept, 27
New. Toronto ... Auri1.27-Sept. 27
Niagara Falls ... June 14 ---Sept. 5
tingents took up quarters on the North York Tp. ..April 2t -Sept. 2
strip of land which forms a penin- Orillia ..... Alne 30 ---,Aug. 31
April 26 -Sept. 27
Ottawa a . . . . A.peil 26 -Sept. 27
Peterboro . June 15 -Sept. 1
Poet Hope .........May 31-enkug. 31
Quebec .pril 26 -Sept. 27
Regina lVfay 3 -Oct. 4
Richmond Hilr„ .April 26 -Sept. 27
St. John, N.B. ..Aoril 26 -Sept. 27
St. Catharines ... May 16 -Sept. 12
Bt. John'a. Que. 26-i3ept. 27
Scarboro To. ... April 26-8ep1. 27
was temporarily remelted to this pen- Sherlatiook% Que., April 26-Sep1. 2,
, • •. , Mauna and• was on that actment 'cal-, Streetsville May 2-Sept..27
Tr, the work of-vonng Peonle there berly suited her. The prime Mims- le.d Norway Ilousena name which WI Swansea ,. April 27 -Sept. 27
were -13,7 totee smitaies, ts1,,. ins sister and, mniot Hettids,,e. 'retained when labor the post was -Three Rivers, Que., Anti 26 -Sept. 27
of 12,407 wes 'raised during the ers. the blooms of hyttrang.eas sn•let nest received its distinctive name.' Weston April' 27 -Sent.
sale between lake Winnipeg mid lake
Playereen, the latter body of water.
being in fact, the Nelson river which,
on leaving lake Winnipeg, &honchos
at once into a lake -like expanse. A-
MMO'. the trappers and Red River
settlers the -landing place at the end,
denim:11a became known as Norweg-
ian or NcYway point. Shortly after-
wards the HuSisoda Bay ,Conspanv's
pest founded et Jack eiver,in 1801.
815 01.0 soft shade of blue elle NVOTO particu-
moved back sgain to its original lo- Tovonte April 26 -Sept. 27
inerease ef•17. TheiT 'WeVe 5,2'79 received in the great drawing room,
It is on record that in 1815 i -mal 'Whitby Apvil 26-iSept, 27
year. shades . of blue, mauve and pink
Selkivk's Red' Itiver settlers, fleeing York Tp. Amil '36 -Sept. 27
nO 1,eipbees; an inereoPe nC 4171., A total standing in-feent o' floe; cation: Thue, the famous trading Welland .A.pril •27 -Sept; 7