HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-04-23, Page 3Courte,o:w 1,/' iver
'ToveI Road Race Features
Highway Etiquette and
Driving' Rules
For emphasizing the importance of
highway ,rules Kea courtesy, a novel
roadrace for owner drivers was re.
ceutty held -tri Manchester, EngIn
which' the winning tnotoriat, was
awarded the prize not on his speed,
but on his observance of the rules et
the road and the mechanical fitness of
his car:
The race was staged by the North
Manchester Motor Club, attd lueluded
. the. use of instruments never before
utilized in an auto race.
The competitors were lined up and
requested to' attempt only an average young bachelor who didn't tltiuk every
,speed of 20 miles an hour. At the femtatne smile-" an effort to hook
',starting gun. they swung away over, !mutates
the route, which was about 45 miles in. -
What.hairbeeome of the old -
fashion -ed girl who .used to hang .her head,
out, of the window to dry her hair
after, she had washed it?
Girls who..are,ltancty withmen, can
either twist "them around their finger
or keep them under their thumb.
Teacher (questioning Blase) —
What do you call a Mau who keeps
on talking and talking when people
are no Lougee interested?
Boy pupil—Please, Bir, a teacher.
' Any man eau get along with .t Wo.
man not his wide.
Mrs. Perklnson — Hello, Bobble.
What are you. looking foe, link?
Bobbie — Looking for .elephants:
You got any elephants or 'giraffes
or lions with you? not one. I
Mrs. Perkinaoa—No,
is certain Mr. String. Presently tits see that you like animate.
'late arrival appeared, but as soon as Bobbie—Yeah. Got any ,ponies or
she saw him her face fell. anteaters or immn' with you?
"Olt, Mr. String, I heard you were Mrs perkiuson — No, Bobbie, of
an excellent musician!" she said. "I'm
Neo disappointed—I Was hoping to see
!you arrive with an instrument under
Your arm?" What iumtrument do you
"The piano," returned
Owl La's
The man wee la couteut with what
he is isn't much.
Johnny—Say, Dad, remember the
st0rY: you toldme about the time you
were expelleetroutschool?
Johnny—Well, Isn't it funny how
history repeats itself?
A wire is somebody who remodels
funny atony as you go along.
Old Boy—I have had my life Inear-
ed in your name for $10,000. NoW,
cauI do anything, better than that to
show my devotion?
Young Wife—No, dear; not as long,
as you live.
Fable: Once there - was a rie't,
length. Official observers were hidden
lat regular points along the 'way, and.
it was their duty to check carefully
that each entry gave the correct hand
'signals, did not attempt to pass each
jailer on curves and up hills, sound
their horns when.requil'ed and gener-
ally observe all the rales of careful
and courteous driving.,
• At the finish line, each car as it
came In was given a brake test, and
the alignment of his wheelscarefully
tested on special automatic brake test-
ing and wheel alignment machines.
The winning motorist was the one
who had the most thoroughly proven
'his knowledge of the rules of the' road,
laud had made the least ommisBions to
highway courtesy and common sense,
Good Reason
Most of the guests had arrived, and
'the hostel was waiting in the hall. for
her guest.
HERE Is e delightful change for noon tt your luncheons, picnics, and outings,
children will love. Borden's Gambit
aoraol MALT
Milk Is rich end creetnY,
flavour that puts a finishing touch to any meal.
Buy a tin of Borden's Choconats Melted Milk
today—font dealer hes it In pound end half
pound sizes. came
`iris 73oniow t2i4m%k!
gold sstr'ipes
.with purple rings
knows everything
from the largest turbine to
the smallest pump on
board your ship.
Ho is probably e
Scot, and taciturn, but if
you meet him you will be
infected with his enthu-
siasm For his cherished
Sailings weekly from Montreal
Cabin rates from .. , . SI 30
Tourist Third Cabin... 1105
Third Clogs Round Trip $135
Special Saesonal'Third Clan
Round Trip' Excursion Rste
Information from
Coe Bay and Wellington Ste.
(Phone. Elgin 34711
ay any steamship agent
course not. Why do you expect me
to carry around such. a menagerie
with me?
Bobbie—Well, you did tete other
day. •
Mrs. Perkins0n—What day? 'What
ou earth do you Mean?
Bobble — Well, anyhow, mamma
told papa at dinner that, she seen Yon
on the street and you looked like a
Ask Me Another: What headlines
do tie' women scaa most carefully?
Answer: Wrhikles,
Little James (on. train) --- ghat
was tete name o¢ the last station we
stopped, molter dear?
IIis Mother—I don't knov'. Don't
bother me. I'm reading a story.
• Little James—Well, its too bad
you dou't know the name, because
little brother got off there.
Our Idea of a mean husband is one
Who sends candy to itis wife when
site's ou a rapid reducing diet. Only
those who are "lndispenstble" dare
take long vacations, and even they
Rud often that they are not serious-
ly missed, Next to maklug a profit
in bushtess these days, the next
hardest job is distributing your In-
come in such a way that your family
is happy. To make a worthless art'•
cls sell make prospective buyers be-
lieve it is very scarce, A man is
also known by the enemies he keeps
.arid the friends he loses.
In order to sleep soundly a fellow
ltas to have either a clear conscience
01 a mighty goad lawyer.
First Gangster---Dey put Biinket on
de spot last night, and I plugged hint
through his glue eye with me foist
Second Gangster• --Say, Bo! Don't
Yam know its seven yeare bad luck
to break a Iooklug-glaBe?
Solus smith was with a party At
friends On a fishing trip, and around
the camp fire one evening the talo
naturally ran an big fish. When it
carne his tura, John began, uncer-
tain as to how he was going to come
out: "We were fishing one time on
the Grand Bunks for—er—er—
"•Whales," somebody suggested.
"No," said Joint, "we were baiting
with whales."
orget to can
Canadian Industry
est nen World
France Now Feeling Depres-
sion Which Holds Europe
and East
• Toronto.—"There hi 110 place in the
World better off than Canada,' de-
clared L. Babayan- of Toronto, who
hoe just completed a twelve -week tong
of the Orient and amps. Ho further
c immouted:
"In Europe every country' has been!'
suffering from depression, France, one
o' the most favored nations in Europe,
liar now begun t feel the pangs of de-
ssion that has emitted so mu011 dis-
Jack Clark had secured temporary work with the Wain-
wright Construction. Company. It meant leaving home, but both
Mother and son realized how difficult it was to get a job, and
when the chance came, Jack took it.
"Don't forget to' call me on the telephone often, Jack," said
his Mother. "You know how anxious I will be."
"You Treed not worry, Mother. I went over to the Bell
Telephone office when I got word about the job and they told me
x could call you from the telephone in the Construction Camp and
have the charges made on our own telephone bill each month:'
"You think of everything, Jack," exclaimed his Mother.
"Far from it, Mother, but you know how Dad insisted that
I always keep you and him posted by telephone if I could not be
home just at the time promised'. Well, I have what they call
the Telephone. Habit."
Marquess Explains
Why We Must Work
"The Busiest Person Is the
Happiest Person," Says
the Marquess of Lon- - work iu spite of the fact. We work
tress in places like Italy and in Ger-.
many. Pactor'es are ciosing'inFrance
as they are in Italy, and realness 15
• t good."
"I came into personal contact with
a number of Soviet Russian agents,"
said Mr. Babayan. "They are all
agreed on one thing—that is, to flood
every country they can with ,their
goods. They have a particular desire
to swamp Engiaud first. Englishmen.
will wake up to the real condition that
confronts theta, just as Cahada has.
Chocolates'are being brought into Lon-
don; England, at 8 cents a pouted and
sold retail for 16 cents a pound against
the home product selling at about one
dollar a pound. That condition can
And. who would care an awful lot,
notle. with any benefit to the British When time permits another shot,
people. With surer grip and firmer stance,
"I had rite !>lethe
of a personal in -
To gamble of the spotting chance.
vitation to attendnd the reception and
ball given by Hon. G. Howard Fergu• The harbour flames with Rifting arils,
son to the new Governor-General prior' But just beyond the roaring gales
to his leaving England. Mr. Ferguson Call to the bolder, braver crew
has the right idea, and as a result of Who dare to seethe journey through;
his efforts'there•has been a substantial
•a Who know that life is something more
Than dreaming on a sunlit shore;
Mr. Babayan.
)1';ei 1,1_•
(tti U.
lat.)& `` tV3SRi y
999.. ^1`.
tost 24if
lid tli tOtaalm'
Song of the Unafraid
There may be nests and fog about,
There may" be sudden torus — and
There may be ghosts who stand at bay
Where shadows shut the stars 'away;
But this enhtvena life's romance
For those who like a sporting chance,
Quito willing at to-morrow'R sun •
To face whatever Fate has spun. . l
The fairway beckons green and
But still the pits and bunker's wait,
And no one knows just where the ball
Upon its upward flight ntay fall,
the spirit of 'Its being au affliction
must always be our worst- work and
cannot sell to advantage in the world's
markets. That would mean Increased
unemployment, low wages, and pov-
erty for the nation.
"If the gold mines of the world
Petered out we should still have to
donderry • - to serve others by what we produce,
"industrial revival and future econ- as they serve us. The miner hews
omit security depend upon work— coal that the baker might bake Into
hard work ou the part of all engaged bread what the farmer has grown,
In. industry, whether employer 01 em-
ployee. This means a Little re-educa-
tion for most of us upon the important
gtieatlotl, 'Why d0we work'?"
"Upon tete answer to this question
depends the industrial future of our
country, and the welfare of millions
at hones," writes the Marquess of
Londonderry in a little booklet, To-
wards industrial Statesmanship.
"Without thinking very deeply, most
Of us would answer unhesitatingly:
`To get money, of course!'
"But that Le quite wrong. No one
worlds for money 100153'. We all work
tor what money will buy—food, clothes
and pleasure. Neither a five -pound
note nor a shilling would be of any
earthly use if we could not obtain 1n
exchange for It those things which
will satisfy, out daily needs.
The Hurly-Burly of Modern Industry
"This fact Is not sufficiently ap-
preciated itt the ]curly -burly o¢ modern
industry, yet It la fundamental to the
revival et industry. We cannot litre
without work, and as it is the chief de-
sire of most people to attain a far
higher standard of living, It call come
only though harder and more Weill -
gent work by alt classes. I say all
la:'ael deliberately, for successful in-
dustry Is
n•dustryIs a co-operative effort, and if
one department slacks or Is unintelli-
gent, the whole ot that industry But-
"When people save money, it is the working man -
generally forwhat they On get at
some future date in exchange fur theirleu' there are who toil not and have
sayings. One often hears the young no bents with care:
artisan say he is 'saving -up to get They walk its with
c 'e pleasure to
marred: This means ire is working earl wall boredom theea
harder to earn more money. which Ile But all the Uli bog domth there,
hobos to spend in exchange for a spend their yeare,
horns. And earn their right to laughter when -
"Another' iilusi0n which must be d(s• Byer mirth appears,
pelted betore the can lay a better and
surer foundation for industrial revivalGod bison the uatau's toilers and let
is that work, 's au a/Menom- It is their dreams 'l t tens,
nothing at the sort. Out food, clothes, &[ay their
reward them for all
pleasure, home and all tete social and tate happiness
they do.
domestic conveufeuces we enjoy to- May owasdeck their gardens and
day are the result of work. 'et'lthout lose blossoms d lichen maintain,
them our afilickiou would be great in. And pride's sweet satisfaction main
"Success in any industry is there•
suiworthwhile Query baht,
Mat. of 'hard work, and those who —Edgar A. Guest.
shared the work must have thought
it anything but an afllictioa or they The Wheat Crisis.
would have fallea.
London Daily Herald (Lab.) : It has
been rather liglttly taken for granted
that the main reason for the crisis in
the wheat industry Is that the world
OM a whole is now producing more
wheat than it needs. The Italian, Pre-
mier suggests that the explanation is
that the improvement in the standard
of liviug at the end of the war has.
caused people who were mainly living
on bread before to turn to other and
more expensive tools. We doubt this.
The crisis did not come in those,yeal's•
It itis come at a time' when the stand-
ard'of living is being depressed every-
where. Lack of purchasing power—
largely due to gold shortage— has af-
fected the consumption of wheat as of
other commodities. Surely the a nee
mon-sense thing is to bring purchas-
ing power up to a point at which it can.
absorb production, not to cut produc-
tion down to the limits of an arLtflcal-
lyresti aced purchasin;' P5war'•
The 'Canadian Wool Co.' Ltd.
gold being merely n means of ex-
chauge by which the miner, the baker
and the farmer can buy each other's
"Industrial peace and all that 11
means to the workee in. wages, !tomes,.
education, and pleasure, can come
when both sides pull together. Em-
ployer and employed have to work,
probably harder than at present, ort
account of their service In some form
or other to their country. The best
and most lasting Beryl( 3 we can glue
is to make her more industrially pros-
peroue so that all who live in our land
may have the opportuulty of living
happily, unci, above alt, In economic
security.'—Public Opinion (London).
movement o¢ Canadian wheat,' sat
Classified Advertising
if ABDi
li! "All . Wool,' 'Sll!c end Wool,".
'Ula Tynne:' all o0lore. 750 lb. up.
' amp!es gree. Stocking & Yarn Mule,
I rept. T ()Mita. Ont.
EASY OsrOBte _
1l BABY.. LitC(SS-1N Slx va..•
,,,(�' a. IETtIUa, leo and• up. atalOS'uen
roe. A. 11. Switzer. Granton. Ontario. •
lea NAMED D'ADLIAS, $1.00' 2$
Named Gladiolus, $1,50; 100 Mixed
Gladiolus, $2.00.., Postpaid. Wernotil'fe
Gardens. Hatzle, British Columbia.
"You appreciate play twice as much
when you ltave earned it with work."
—C'lnstance Bennett.
Tions sensible way
1 Where they shall find through storm Start taking Krusehen Salts—that's
and flame
Spain Discothe thrill
and glory of the galne,
Car manufacture To gamble on the sporting chance.
—Grantiand Rice, is Songs of the
A country without an automobile
factory. This is the distinction that
Spailt holds now that the latest at-
tempt to manufacture cars there has
For ten years the Spanish govern -
men Me been trying to bring .about
motor car manufacture in the weary',
the common-sense way to reduce—but
don't take them with the idea• that
they possess reducing qualities in
This is what they do—they clean out
the impurities in your blood by
keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver
in splendid working shape and fill you
. with a vigor and tireless energy you'd.
almost forgotten had existed -you,
get the needful exercise.
As a result instead of planting your -
"1 am employed in a theatre and it self in an easy chair every free moment
le a problem to make ends meet, a., and letting flabby fat accumulate you
with control of the venture Yu the I help support my mother and s1s- feel an urge for activity that keeps yore
hands of Spanish capital. Overtures tern. I like to drese well but tlavett't moving around doing the things you've
,ted to do and needed to do
have been made to several English and
American car makers to Mild Spanish
plauts. but each time the projects have
failed, because the Spanish govern-
ment has insisted on so tying up the
deals with red. tape that private com-
panies have not cared to risk their
The venture which has just died,
the National Automobile Company,.
woe in existence only a year. A Jac -
tory was established at Barcelona,
which Is the industrial centre of Spain.
The government promised an import-.
ant subsidy, and assured the company
importation ot parts free of .duties,
anis. exemptions from automobile taxes
for. car purchasers.
Tire company passed out or existence
it le sale, hematite of the decline of
tate Spanish peseta, and the difficult
political and financial situation made
it impossible for the government to
live up to its promises.
Spalu Inas approximately 180,000
morn' vehicle:: Ln operation.
God give them peace and plenty anti
bless the homes they keep,
Wlten ends the tong day's toiling Haid'
restful be their sleep.
May many a joy repay then, tor all the
Mains they bear,
And may our nation's workmen In all
her glories share.
The toilers at the furnace, the toilet's
it. the field,
Translate their strength to iron or in
the Arrest yield.
In bricks the mason sings lid the
poems of his clan,
.end every door and archway proclaim
very much to spend ort clothes. To
always wm
to keep you in good condition.
give the appearance ot variety to my Erusehen Salta are the tip -to -date
slender wardrobe I change the color Fountain of Youth. Take one-half
of a dress or stockings as soon as the teaspoon in a glass of hot water
things become faded. I always use to -morrow morning and every morning
Diamond Dyes for the work—using —be careful of the foods you ea—
them as dyes for dresses and as tints take regtdar moderate.exercive—then
watch the pounds slide off.
for stockings. I have always gotten
Don't Trust To Luck
London Daily Express (lad. Cons.):
There is a lesson in the story of the
bo. who Inherited .250,000, squander-
ed it lit two years, committed suicide,
and will now be buried in a pauper's
g 'ave. The lesson is that great
wealth is rarely of use to a niau unless
Ise acquires it, 'Outsell. Then .he
knows its uses and its lituitatious. A
man who has built up a fortune by his
"To think and to teach that work's
of whit
an affliction, is to fi11 the mind with
of const Depressed! Setmulat. economic poison, Along this path will
your dig Little Liver Ills, An tint be found the. money necessary to
Carter's Little tebutt Toro Alt buy the things with which to carryon
e hey'llg.Gentleiody poisons get rid of body poisons life, nor the health and 'happiness
that cause indigestion, Gag, which accompany work as by-products.
etc., and give you a new in- jq oaha'li find, however, a great num•
serest in food. ber ot disgruntled people, extremists
25c & 75c red packages in thought 'and purpose, who believe.
Ask your druggist for 'and preach work to be an affliction,
trrr>���, and cause industrial unrest, but who
CARTER'S• evsn would very soon revolt it the farmer,
Elle bake!!, the tailor, tine railwayman,
the doctor, the printer, refused to
"Work, and. all kinds of it, is the
normal, healthy state ot mankind: Ileal
4tapptness does not come without work,
our. own in combination with that of
othetw. We must work to live at all;
and even if the .el lnentt of moaey 11, (I
no existenee we should have ko work
iu'st as hard, for work le essential to
Try and Find Out
"The busiest peraolt is the Itapplest
Person , While the man whose week is
A HIghLClasS Decorative
Mixes in loot or cold water
Free • stencil premium label on oo@rto
pact ege. Send for Decorators Guth
and Stencil Catalogue.
Paris - Oatark,
truly hard is the much•envied luxuri-
ous idler, who is always on the lcolt
own efforts rarefy squanders it, for
Ruch perfect results that our neigh-
bors talk about the great number et i rt>Y U' '
new things I have.
"I learned about Diamond Dyes
from our wardrobe mistress, She
says she has tried all the dyes on j
tete market bat none de such splendid
work and are so easy to use as Dia-
mond Dyes. I understand they aro
the world's moat popular dyes --and
they deserve to b')."
L.P., :i,Ieatreal.
Jasper Park "Haymaker"
Ona of the interesting and curlews
little attlmals that Inhabit Jamar Na-
tional Park in Alberta, Is the plica.
It is about tate size of a Guinea pig,
witlt rounded ears, short legs anti no
visible tall. It can oftea be seen ruse
nine rabbit -like emcee the boulders.
Another name tor the pilot Le "tile hay
maker" foddunt his habit of storing away
dried orasTl9B aril plaints for Itis winter
food. Sometimes under alt overhang-
ing rock there will be found his minia-
ture haystack, a bundle containing per-
haps a bushes of well cured vegetation,
width ['eludes apparently specimens
of every plant in. 1101 neighborhood.
his interest is ia the work wh c
creates the wealth and not in the',
spending of tate money. Those who sit'
down and dream of a big legacy or a'
fat- Sweepstakes prize would be far
better and more happily employed in
Lnukhtg their own fortune.
If you simply tram a child's WW1 -
Leet you make flint a lever devil and
nothing else,—Bishop of Lichfield.
Kennedy &
421 College St., 1
Harley'Lavldson Distributors
Write at ones for our bargain its* of
used motorcycles. Tereus arranged.
Modern girls aro bright young peo-
ple whone brains have gone into ti'e'r
heels.—flouts Madge Kendal,
Large !llustral•
ed catalogue nt
new and reUuilt
i legates -r 00 nl
un, Motor.
out for Something t0 tlo. airs. L9nat's . "s` t
'Tito wltol matter is 000 of the cos ' 11''81•° Motors Radius, eta Transom. -
attitude towards work. which 10''" mt!"DTrn:E CYCLE A16» MOTOR, 104.
rag Queen street W.. Toronto; tent..
neither as afilietion noxi a mere means
for procuring money. Work dope til,.. ISSUE No. 17—'31
When in Toronto
Make Your Home at
Bay St., at Dananelas St.
RATES --$1.11 to $215U Single
Every hotel service in a clean,
quiet, fireproof building.
750 rooms.
Had The Fin?
Then Watch Kidneys!
If llu .ietirus nob knew how im-
portant it is to keep the 10(01,eys
active, regular. Nature. trying to
bolo you get well, tries to eliminate
body nelsons through the kidneys.
Weakened by fhur+4, ktdneYs often
fatter lu their duties. thus retaining"
In the system poisons ' that oane0
.,eaduelte, boor appetite and loss of
Give nalure a little, help. Taste
1'arnel's Safe Kidney and Liver
Remedy, an old-time herbal remedy.
Safe and gentle. You will notice a
beneficial reaction even with the first
Sold by druggists overywhei., true
free sample write Warner's ..
Remedies Co.. Toronto. Ontario.
Mar y l eople, two hours after eat-
ing, suffer indigestion as they Amll
it. It is usually excess acid, Cor-
rect it with an alkali. The best
way, the (elicit, harmless and erect-
ent way, is' Phillips' 11111c of
gne. It has remained for 10
Years tete standard with physicians.
One apoontul in water neutralizes
many times its Volume' in. =+ ro-
ach 31111s. gni :t r'r
syn, i.)^t t
heartburn, etc., will disappear (u
live minutes. •
you will never use crude 'methods
when you know this better method,
And you will never sumer from ox•
cess acid when you prove out this
easy relief. ?lease do `that-0or
your ow ti sake—now.
Be sure to get the gamins, pre.
scribed by doctors for conditions
dire to excess acid.. Look for the
Phillips' and the word
' rl r"d
Sluggish intestinal systems lower r0-.
sistance to colds. Cleanse them with
Veen -a -mint, the modern chewing gum
laxative. Gentle, safe, non -habit -i
Sinning. More effective because yon)
:hero it.
06111diff d:ylt ll+
The Clietririil Gun
Y%or Adults and Children
No Taste
But the Mint
'405\5i ORa.-CA'F. C.I 3CN S.-
fe2 Co i l @PX15 10441
Add en eg0at amount of
cream, or sweet oil, to Min.
,,d'u, and apply rho mixture
once doily. A simple treat-
ment which will
Clear up your skint
esti ss
CEIILDREN will fret, often for no
apparent reason. But there's al
ways Gastoriai Harmless as the recut
on the wrapper: mild and bland as it
tastes. But its gentle action soothes
a youngster more surely than a more
po-Nr1�l tiiellioine,
That's he bibruly of this specie
Children's remedy! It may be gives
, the tigieet infant—as often as then(
is need. In casts of colic, diarrhea oi
similar disturbance, it is invaluable
A coated tongue calls for ,just a fee
drops to ward oft constipation; s(
does any suggestion of bad breath
Whenever children don't eat well
don't rest web, or have any li.ttI
upset—this pure vegetable prepare
tion is usually all that's needed.