The Clinton News Record, 1931-04-09, Page 6THE
The Luean News has passed its
fifth,milestone:and bas now entered.
upon the last half of its first decaie.
• It is a newsy Iittle sheet and The
News-Recoxd wishes it continued
`'The new Governor-General and., his
family arrived in' Halifax on Satur--
tlday and were- warmly welcomed to
Canada, An Irish gentleman With a
French wife ought to get along,
-smoothly in this country. Here's
good luck to then.
President Falconer of the Univer-
• sity of Toronto 'assures the people • of
Ontario that they need not fear for
• the moral or spiritual welfare . of
....students at the University. Ile says
the institution is healthy, morally,
rspirtually and physcally,
The perils o fair travelling were
again proved by the fatal accident
`befalling Frank Q. Murdoch, . a son
•of :Capt, and lbrrs.Murdoch of Clin-
ton, the other day, when his plane
• cr'ashed, while he was giving a pupil
a lesson. It is not exactly known
'what happened, but the inference is.
that the pupil was guiding ,the ma-
chine and it is supposed some wrong
movement was made And the plane
-.crashed before the error could be -tee
tified. Youn'g Murdoeh was a skill-
ful pilot and unless something unus-
ual occurred there is no, reason to
-doubt that hecould have managed
• -his machine. Much sympathy is
felt for his parents and brother and
-sister in their sudden bereavement.
Women, who aro beginning to
-make themselves heard in such mat-
ters, are now` pointing out that one
-of the reasons home-grown fruits
and vegetables do not always com-
mand .the prices that imported pro-
ducts do is because they are not al-
-ways as attractive looking; When
-one is looking for a foreign market
for produce one` usually tries to make
the produce offered as •attractive
-looking as possible in order to gain
-the eye of the purchaser, while those
sending things to the home market
seem to think if the produce is sound
•and 'good that is all that is necess-
ary. We have seen basketsofapples
--for sale in Clinton stores this winter
• which may have been sound. and
good, as far as the apples were con-
- cerned, but they weed not attractive
•enough to make uninterested persons
wish to buy them. They were just
baskets of apples. A few years ago
-some British Colombia apples were
.,offered for sale in Clinton. and no
-doubt many can remember how they
looked, They were most carefully
polished and packed in neat contain-
ers,'their very appearance "created a
demand. "But that sort of thing
does not pay," we are to'd, "the far-
mer who grows this fruit has not
the time to polish it up. The fruit
is good, polishing the skin doesn't
ndd to its value." Perhaps not, but
it might just make the difference
between a dull market and a brisk
cne, and surely that is worth taking
a lot of trouble for.
Here's a case in point. The other
flay we noticed seine parsnips in n
'local store. They were such large
fresh, nice looking 'parsnips, all
clean and ready for the housewife's
attention, that those parsnips sold
themselves. We were glad to find
they were grown by a local fernier.
'That farmer has the,right idea. No
matter what yon wish to sell you
must first attract the attention of
-the possible purchaser and one way,
the surest way, to attract people to
food stuffs is to make it attractive
-to the eye.
'141'r. L. W, Currell of Oshawa spent
the Eastertide with his family in
•Miss Ruth Higgins of Whitby Lad-
ies' ' College staff is home for the
Easter vacation.
"..Mr. I. Rattenbury of Peterboro cal-
led on old friends in town during
the past week.
:swiss • Bessie Livermore spent Easter
with her sister, Mrs. Harold Lamp -
man of Chatham.
:Mr. D..141. Gibbs of Beidgeburg, the
new accountant in the Royal Bank
has assumed his duties.
Mr. and Ms. Chas. Holland of Sea-
forth were guests on Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Heard.
Mrs. C. McKinnon of Thorold visited.
' her mother, Mrs. J. Johnston, dur-
ing the Easter 'vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grant, who
have been spending the winter in
Toronto, returned home Friday.
Miss Barry Combe of Toronto spent
the ;.Easter week -end with her par-
ents, Col. H. B. and Mrs. Combe,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey .Tortes of Strat-
ford spent the week -end as the -
guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Heard.
'Messrs. F. F. Gillies and H. Rotve of
Kitchener were in town yesterday
for the funeral of F. G. Murdoch,
311ss Edith Johnson •of. Toronto has
been on Eastertide guest with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. 'John-
son. '
'Mr. and Mrs, Earl Liverm.ore,, of
Stratford spent- raster with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ?red Liver-
Mi- and' Mrs. Charlie 'Hovey' of. In-
gersoll were Easter guests at the
home of the former's mother, Mrs.
F. Hovey.
15r. aidrs. Gay Routlev Miss Mar-
garet 'aret aitd 'M'asters Billy and , Jim
of Bright spent the week -end with
Clinton friends. '
'Mr. and Mrs Harold .TCilty ,and chil-
dren of Toronto came ,up for Eas-
tsr fo visit, the lady's parents, Dr,'
and Mas. Shaw.
Mr, Benson Corless of the Bank of
iVIonteeaI staff, Brantford, carne
home fir Easter and is having a
three "weeks' vacation. -
Miss Grace; Evans of Stratford Nor -
dial is home for the vacation time.,
Miss Jean M;iddletdn of Toronto
came up for the ,Eastertide.
Miss Eileen Atkinson is .spending
Easter week with London friends.
Mr, '.hck Gibbing"s of the College of
Education, Toronto, was home for
Miss Margaret Hall of Toronto vis-
ited . with her parents; Mr. and
lies. J. Hall of town, over the
• week -end,
Miss Elizabeth Ford of Oshawa
spent Easter :With her aunt, Mrs.
S. • Lawrence:
Miss Margaret MbLeod of the Uni-
versity`of !Toronto was home over
the, Eastertide.
Mrs. Morley Counter and Master
Billy spent the holiday and week -
,end in Toronto.
Miss Ruth .Collyer of London. visited
Miss Isabel Holmes during the
Easter vacation.
Miss Phyllis Crich of Toronto 'came
up to spend Easter with her moth-
er, Mrs. E. Crich....
Mr. Ray Carter of Toronto Public
Schools staff carne home for ' the
Easter vacation.
Mrs. W. C. Brown came up front
Woodstock on ,.Monday to . spend' a
few days in town,-
Mr. Ninian Heard of Bayfield spent
the past week with his brother, Mr.
J. L. Heard of town.
Misses Ruth Venner and Edith Pat-
erson of the Stratford Normal
were home for Easter.
Miss Ruth Ball of tiie University of
Western , Ontario, London, came
home for the Eastertide.
Misses Ruth Evans of Culloden and
Carol of Verseoyle are home for
the Easter vacation time.
Mrs. James Scott went down to Den-
ver, Col., 'last week to visit ber
daughter; , Miss Jean Scott.
Miss Freda Wallis of Guelph, instead
of coming hone for Easter, went
to New York to visit her brother.
Miss Mali= Gibbings • of Amherst-
burg has been spending the Eas-
ter vacation at her home in town,
Nt'. and Mrs. J. McCrea and Miss
Grace of London spent the week-
end as guests of Mr, and Mrs. N.
Miss Evelyn McCartney of Detroit
spent the Easter week -end with
her another, Mis. F. McCartney of
Master Bruce Keys of Stanley town-
ship spent the week -end with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John
•Tiplady. •
Mr. and Mrs. E. Paterson and fam-
ily motored up to Lions Head and
spent Good Friday and the Easter
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. L..Dipple of Bowman-
vilIe were with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter,
for Easter.
Miss Esther Trewartha of the staff
of East York Collegiate is spend-
ing the Easter vacation at her
home its town.
Misses 'Beth Cartwright of Listowel
and Ruth Cartwright of Toronto
spent the Eastertide with their
parents in town.
Mt. Elmer Paisley of Osgoode Hall,
Tntonto, was an Easter guest at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, 0. L, Paisley t
lift, Levi Trkk of London was up
for the Clutton Spring Show and
spent a few days visiting friends
in toit'n and community.
Miss Evelyn 1•hall of University Col-
lege, Toronto, is an Eastertide vis-
itor at the home of her parents,
Mt•, and Mrs. G. E. Hall
Mrs. C. L. Fisher and Miss Dorothy
came up from Toronto on Saturday
to visit Mrs. W. Pickard and her
brother, Mr. Ezra Pickard, of town
Mr, Cameron and ]Miss Cameron of
Detroit, and Miss Logan of Varna
were week -end guests of
Mrs, W. Pickard and Miss G. Rum -
Miss Isabel Fraser of Toronto and
bit'. Andrew Fraser of Stratford
spent the Eastertide with their
mother, Mrs. T. Fraser, south of
town, '
Me, and Mrs. L. E. Weir and fancily
of Cayuga motored up and spent
the Eastertide with Mr. ancl Mrs.
R. Welsh and other friends in
Mt', John 33. Kennedy, who carte over
to attend the funeral of his moth-
er, the late b2rs. J. B. Kennedy,
returned to his home in Detroit on
Mr. Frank Dale, who is attending
Westervelt School of Business,
and Mr. Ed. Dale, London, spent
the week -end with their parents,
the Huron road,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl East of Toronto
spent the Easter„ week -end as
guests at the home of the fortner's
sister and. brother-in-law, Mr .and
Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame. '
Drive Harriet Hawkins. R.N., and
Miss Lillian Whitfield, R.N., of
,,Stretford were Eastertide guests
at the,horee of the farmer's nar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins.
Mrs. OFls Cooney end her daue'htet•,
Miss Frances, of Toronto are spend-
ing the Easter vacation • as the
guests of Mi'. nrd Mrs. A.T. Mor -
rich and Mr. and Mrs. 1i. B. Man-
ning. '
Mrs. Andrew Weatherwak and
'family metered- down from OrPlin
and spent Faster as the guests of
Mrs. Weatheewax's father and
sister. Mr. David and Miss Dollie
Miss Fva Carter of the. Kitchener
Public Schools staff came home
for Easter -and' is this week sttestd-
ing the Ontario Educationni• con-
vention es delegate from the Mar-
garet. Avenue school; Kilehener..
Miss .Tian Hogg of the. Milverton
Con'•inuatioe school,- ant Miss Feb -
el' ' Hogg of Port Dover High.
Snivel are Easter vacation visitors
et the hone of their paeents,'R"e.
and Mrs. Hogg, Wesley -Wil-
lis manse.• -
Mr. and Mrs, i.. 'I uca% were in St -at -
fend on Thersdoy, bits T less e tine
down to attend a gathering of the
C.N.R. employees, , Mrs, Lucas go-
ing to visit Rev. 11. and 32iN. TPer-
euson and to see an aunt Who is
quite ill: •:. .
.Mrs. Margaret Cook has returned to
town and ihtenis spending the
. summer with her daughters 'Mrs.
• Grace Greahs and Mis, J. Neilans;
IVIax'gluis - of the Base -line
and lift. Joseph Engler of Ethel
. are visiting at the home of their
brother, Mr, Caul Engler of Ot-
Mi and Mrs. W, A, Tanner of Van
leek Hill are spending the. Easter;
vacation at the' hone of the lat
ter's' parents, Mr: and Mrs.. -Wm..
. Walker. ,
Me. and Mi;s, Fred Cook of Wyan-
dotte, Mich,, and Mr. Will Hagler
of Toronto were Easter visitors at
the home of their mother, Mrs. H.
Misses May Page and Alice Davies
and Messrs. Arthur Bennett and
Audbrey.Jackson of London spent
Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gibbs,
Rev. Canon C. it. and Mrs. Jeakins
of Brantford were in town Inc a'
few hours. this week calling on old
friend. Canon Deakins is notwell
and is having leave of absence for
a time:
Mr. ' W. Mutch, . who has been a
member of the Royal Bank staff
for some years, starting as a :41,11 -
joy.. left Wednesday morning for
Midland, where he has been trans-
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Morrison and
Iittle son and Mieses Winnie and
Sadie Draper of St, Catharines
were Easter guests at the hone of
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. R.
Mrs. Harry W. Gould was called to
;Marlette, Mich., Wednesday of last
week owing to the illness of her
brother, who passed away before
she reached his bedside. She was
accompanied by her son, -Norman
Lloyd, also by her father and moth-
er from Exeter.
home of the bride's parents, Side=
brook Farm, Stanley township, on
April 4th, by the Rev. E. A. Poul -
ter, Florence Catherine, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Johnston, to Melvin L, Webster,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R.
D. Webster, all of Stanley town-
PORTRR—IREID---At St. Andrew's
United, church manse, 'Bayfield, on
April 4th, by the Rev. L 112. Gale,
Sara Elizabeth, only daughter of
Mrs. Reid and the late William
Reid, to J. W. Elgin Porter, son of
1VIr. Richard Porter, all of Stanley
rew's United church manse, Bay-
field, on April 4th, by the Rev. R.
•M. Gale,, Muriel Edith, elder
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mason
Stirling of Goderich township, to
John W. G. Watson of Stanley
LARAMIE—McI1M1tN--At the Bap-
tist chrn'ch, Kingsville, an April
2nd, by the Rev. Alfred Burgess.
Marion Isabel, eldest daaghter of
Mr,. anti Mr's. Alexander Melwen
of. Stanley township, to Carleton
13. Laramie of Cotten, younger son
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Lar-
amie of Kingsville.
POTTER—,In Goderich township, on
Mar. 24th, to Mr. and" Mrs. Cittr-
enee Potter, a daughter.
ASI•ITON —• in Stratford Genesi
Hospital, on April 2nd, to Mr, and
Mrs. Cecil Ashton, a aon.'—W'hIliam
John. -
MURDOCH—Accidentally killed at
Sudbury, April 5th, Frank Garden
'Murdoch, elder son of Captain and
Mrs, F. Garden Murdoch, Clinton.
KENNEDY—In Clinton, on April
2nd, Emma Fitzsimons,' widow of
D. B. Kennedy, in her 81st year.
PBNNEBAKER--In Clinton, on Ap-
ril 3rd, Edna M. Pennebaker,
daughter of the late H. Penne-
baker and of Mrs. Pegnebalcer of
POSTER—,In Varna, on April 4th,
Alexander Foster, in his 81st year.
COLCLOUGIl—'In loving memory of
our dear mother, Mrs. Wnt. Col-
clough, who passed away April 4,
"Deep in our heat's hies a picture,
Of a loved one, laid to rest;
In memory's frame we shall keep it,
Beeause site teas one of the best.
Ever remembered by her loving
son and daughters.
Private ale
Of household effects, at the home
of Mrs J. Holdsworth on Provincial
Highway at Holmesville, on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday afternoons,
April 13-14-15. Mrs. C, McPhail.
•, Cottage For Sale
Frame cottage, Rattenbury street,
8 rooms, tights, water, furnace, barn,
iarlucling garage and henhouse, large
garden, sense small fruits. Centrally
located, a desirable home.. Apply on
premises to Mrs, 0. M, Farquhar.
Caretaker Wanted •
For Clinton Public Hospital, ICind-
'v state wages exneripd„-, .4pnlica-
tions to be sent to Dirs. R. H. John-
son by Monday, April 20th, 13-1.
Pasture Farm For Bent
An 80 acre posture farm, good
crass, Water. shade. Apply itt T.
Bailey, Bayfield. • 13-2,
Atte person oi• persons' having re-
moved or removing et causing ;to- be
removed. or tresnasrtng"m• mntiieg e
thnronshfare of the. late Solomon
1ltillaj's cs"ate will 'he sn'oseauted to
the fell extent of the law. By nrcler
of tiro .owners: 13-1-p.
Work Wau't.ed:
titrant wr+nted by ":ntnati es, the div
e" hoer, 2tt par hour. Inquire et'
News -Re coxd office, 13-1.
Edr ,meire
.ir.r.,roemm,' if a.••',,
For All Occasions - •,>w ,.syr
Carnations, Sweet Peas, Tulips,
• Daffodils, 'Narcissus and
Flowering Plants
Growing •in our greenhouse now
Our greenhouse 'is as near as your
Chas. V. Cr oke
New T•
insmith Shop
,Baving started a Tinsmithing Shop
tit Londesboro 2 am prepared to do
all sorts of
Tinsmithing Work, Specializing in
Eavetroughing, Roofing and
General Repairs.
Give me a chance •to show you
What I can do.
Phone 251:13, Blyth. Central.
Londesboro. 13-tf.
Electrican and Plumber
A Full Line of Electric Appliances
Plumbing Fixtures
Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs
Phone 53. 13-tf.
Mr. and bars. George Lawrence and
Mr. W. Troup wish to thank their
friends and neighbors for the flowers
sent, ears loaned and for all their
kindness in their recent bereavement.
Mr. J. B. Kennedy and Mr, W'm.
Kennedy and family wish to extend
their sincere neighbors and
friends for the kindness shown to
them in their recent bereavement,
the death of their mother and grand-
Baking Sale
The last Side Circle of Grace Uni-
ted church, Porter's Hill, will hold a
sale of home baking and aprons in
Sutter and Perdue's store, Clinton,
on Friday afternoon, April 10th,
commencing at two o'clock. 13-1.
Feed Barley
A quantity of feed barley will be
sold at 40e per bushel. Apply to
P. W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone 33.
Cottage To Rent
7 -room cottage in Maty street,
Electric light, town water, sink in
kitchen, basement, garage and small
gat'clen. Apply to Miss 1':, J. Becker,
Erie street. 13-2-p.
Calves For Sale
On Tuesday, April 14th, .at 10 a.m,
I will be at the Village of Holmes-
ville with a load of Durham and
Holstein heifer calves. -13. Collins.
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects at Brucefield
on Tuesday, April 2ist at 1 o'clock
Mrs. A. Walker has instructed the
underesigned to sell by public auc-
tion a choice line of household ef-
fects and hotel equipment, consisting
of• the fololwingc
Kitchen range; wood ]seater; coal
heater; gasoline stove; 8 burner
washing machine; clothes mangle;
Dominion organ; 3 dining room ex-
tension tables; drop leaf table; writ-
ing desk; leather couch; 16 dining
room chairs; 6 small tables; 2 hang-
ing lamps; a number of small lansps;
a number of bedroom suites; 2 chests
of chasvers; 7 -piece parlor suite,
Walnut mohair, beds; springs;
mattresses and pillows; rocking chair
number of odd chairs; drum heater
for stove; 2 oak barrels; speed cut-
ter; root pnlper; feed cutter; 2 oat
boxes; 2 robes; lap rugs; hoes, forks
dishes; sealer's, creeks, and other ar-
ticles too- numerous to mention. Al-
so a Jersey cow, newly freshened.
TERM'S; .. All sums of $10 andun-
der, cash; over that amount, six
months' credit will be given on fur-
nishing approved joint notes or a
discount 0 percent per annum allow-
ed for cash on et'eciit amounts.
Mrs. Annie Walker, Proprietress,
Geo.,H. "Elliott, Auctioneer. 13-2.
In the Estate of -John Joseph Biggins,
NOTICED is hereby given thlst all
persons having claims against the
estate of John Joseph Biggins, late
of the Town -ship of Stanley in the
County of Huron, yeoman, deceased,
who died on or about the list day of
February A.D,, 1081, are required to
deliver to Sohn William Shaw, Nel-
son Ball et' Fred Anderson the exe-
cutors of the said estate or F.
Fingland, Solicitor, . on or before the
27th clay of April- A.D., 1931, a 'full
statement of their claims together
with particulars thereof, and the na
tare of the securities .12 any, held by
them all duly verified' by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the
said Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate ofthe said deceas-
ed amongst the persons entitled
t'her'eto having regard only to such
claims' as shall have received due no-
tice and in aeeordanco therewith.
DATED itt Clinton, Ontario, this
7th day of April. 1931,
F. FINIGLAN'D, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the seid estate, 13-3.
Clinton's New -Laid E
And Poultry; House
Eggs bought according to Domin—
ion Government. Egg Regulations.
Inquire for our prices of eggs.
You will. always find our prices par-
allel with the city markets,
Fat hensand well -finished chick
always wanted -Prices good.
Always phone our office for prices
before marketing produce.
N. W. Trewartha
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
• C10DERICll
Northern Electric Sound System
Now Playing; "River's End."
Romance rides again in
outdoor masterpiece featuring
and a wander cast headed by
Myrna Loy & Walter McGrail
Last of the Duanes
America's funniest clowns as-
sisted by
Irene Delroy, Charles Icing
Noah Beery Lowell , Sherman
offer the year's most riotous
super comedy •
"Oh Sailor Behave”
Laughter—billows of it—gales
of its
Matinee Sat, at 3 p.m.
Coming—"Viennese Nights."
Automobile Owner
Have You Driven One to Four Years
Without an Accident?
If So You are Entitled to a Discount
front the. Standard rates accordingly.
I will gladly give ypu full infot'ma-
tion concerning this plan.
Phone 253w 13-11.
Farm For Sale or Rent '
Part of lot 29, con, 13, Mullett,
Choice farm land, excluding bush.
For terms or other Information ap-
ply to 6211 Armoury Ave, Niagara
Fulls, Ont, 12-2-p.
Fer Rent
Some rooms. also a garden and
garage. Will be let separately or
together. Call phone 2111, •Clinton.
Wals! Papering
Wall papering, painting and up-
holstering done by Evened L, John-
ston, phone No. 6.10x14, Clinton cen-
tral. I have about eight hundred
samples of Boxer's, Staunton's and
Empire, Sunwot'thy wall papers, rang-
ing from 7c to 51.50 per single roll,
also about 50 samples of 'York up-
holstering fabrics and about 100
samples of York drapery for over -
curtains, cushions and comforters,
Beautiful window shades of plain and
fancy laces and insertions, Duplex
and Venetian. See my catalogue and
samples. 12. L. Johnston, 12-tf.
Pursuant to the Judgment and fin-
al Order for Sale made in this cause,
and beating date the 2nd day of Sep-
tember, A.D., 1930,.and the 19th day
of March, A.D., 1931, there will be
sold, with the approbation of J. L.
Hillman, Esquire, Master of this
Court at Gaderieh, by Thomas •Gun-
dry, Auctioneer, at the Commercial
Hotel in the Village of Blyth in the
County o1 I•Iuron, at the hoar of 2
o'clock in the afternoon on the lith
day of April, A.D., 1931., the follow-
ing lands and premises in one parcel:
tain parcel or tract 62 land and pre-
mises situate, lying and being in the
Township of Hullett and being com-
posed of part of the center part of
lot number twenty-six in the thir-
teenth concession of the Township of
Hullett in the County of Huron, con-
taining Forty acres of land, be the
same more or less, and more Parti-
cularly described in a Deed of said
lands from John Hyles to Joseph
Lyon dated the fifteenth day of Jan -
nary, 1856, and registered in the
Registry Office for the County of
Huron on the Twenty-third clay of
January 1856, as Number 226.
The property wilt be offered for
sale subject to a reserve bid, which
has been fixed by the said Master.
Terns of Sale: 20 per cent. of the
purchase money shall be paid on the
date of sale and the balance shall be
pairl into Conn by the Purchaser
within thirty days -from the date of
such sale.
Possession of said premises will he
given immediately after the sale and
the payment of said deposit.
In all other respects the terms and
conditions of sale will be the stand-
ing conditions of the Supreme Court
of Ontario.
Further particulara can be,1ig ,
from Loftus E, Daneey, Vendor's
Solicitor, at Blyth or Goderich.'
-1'7THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931
.�i>4iXi,`YY.rt:; i.•f.:1W.tinri.
' HARDY At'1D BOLD • If your . heating equipment;
FOR WE PUT THE KIBOSH beats a retreat . when winter
ON WINTER AND COLO springs surprise attacks, send
for a regiment of Heat Folks.
They will bunt quietly in your
cellar and fire when they see
' the whites of , winter's eyes.
You will never have to .sures-
der . to cold if you have this
ammunition in . your firebox.
Make your house headquarters
for this major coal andyou
will live in a Fortress" of
Call the _ tAt + ' pan
.i:.-a�dk:Y,ateY0375rn.Z' ea.. Aw' aa:
C. k . VENNE1 , Electrician
Electric Ranges,. Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other Appliances
Wiring and Repairs Phone 7
Secured for My Clients
J. a CH iitll Gti.dV'
Office Next to Rattenbury Hotel
Phone 52.
From Bred -to -lay Single Cosnb
White Leghorns
$2.50 per cwt.
Apply to
Frank J. Tyndall
R. R. No. 4, Ring 636r83. •
Automobile and Truck
See Emma Levis for new and
reasonable rates on 1031 Insurance
on all automobiles and Commercial
Phone 180j 11-tf.
For Sale
A frame house, in the village of
Ilolmesville, Highway No. 8, for-
merly occupied by Mrs, J. E. Ilulds-
worth. Apply to C. McPhail, Gode-
ich. 12-11.
House to Rent
Comfortable house, Albert street,
Clinton, electric lights, town water,
8 rooms, garden, stable and gar-
age. Possession April lst. Apply to
Albert Morrell, Londesboro, Phone
28-15 Blyth central. 00-12.
Eggs For Hatching
Eggs from bred -to -lay, S. C. tiVhite
'Leghorns, hens two and three years
e!d. Price 53.00 per hundred. Apply
to Roy Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, phone
007x3. Clinton. 09-tf.
Farm For Sale or Rent
80 acre faros, lot 22, con. 6, God-
erich township. Alt grass, 'never -
failing spring creek, iota of shade.
1-is1-is storey brick house, good barn,
driving shed, orchard, 7 acres bush.
Apply to R. Y. Cox, Huron street,
Clinton for particulars. 09-tf.
Heifer Calves For Sale
Those wishing to purchase Hol-
stein heifer' calves should leave or-
ders with me, as I shall have some
from time to time during the next
few weeks. If I cannot supply you
at once will be able to do so within
a few days of order. W. Marquis,
Base Line, Phone 638-21, Clinton
Central, 09-tf.
Baby Chicks and Retching Eggs
Try our Bred -to -lay Barred Rock
Chicks, that give satisfaction and
high egg production. Eggs, 83.00
Per 100. Chicks, 813.00 per 100. D. M.
Lindsay, R.R. No. 3, Hedge Row
Chick farm. 04-tf.
Its the Estate of Elizabeth Warren,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against• the
estate of Elizabeth Warren, late of
the Town of Clinton, in 'the County
of Huron, willow, deceased, who died
on or about the third day of January
A.D.,1931, are requited to, -deliver to
John Gibbings, George henry Ball
and Thomas Pengelly, the executors
of the said estate or F. Fingland;
Solicitor, on or before the eleventh
day of April, A.D,,1931, a full state-
ment of their claims together- with
particulars thereof, and the nature of
the securities if any, held by then
all duly verified by affidavit,
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said lest mentioned date the said
Executors will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased a-
mongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
slta'11 istrvd received 'thee notice 'and in
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods -dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's Barber shop.
W. 3, Jago. 2283 -ti.
Poultry, Eggs Cream
We are prepared to buy above ev-
ery working day. Eggs graded by
experienced graders.
Cream purchased for Bowes'
Creamery, Toronto.
Agent for Viking Cream Separator.
Victoria St., Clinton. Phone, 281.
Implement Agent
I handle Cockshutt iniplementa
and cream separators, Frost and
Wood Implements and carry parts
and repairs for same.
I am also agent for Allis-Chal-
mers Tractors.
Those wishing to inquire about
any of the above kindly call at my
Queen Street, Clinton,
Barron Strain White Leghorn
Ontario Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks
E. L. Mittell, Phone 213
at 814.00 per huud"rd
$3.50 pc'. hundred
Clinton, R. R. No. 8. Phone 011-22.
We will remove the scars and
scratches from your Car Bodies
Simonize and make it look like new,
It costs bttt little. Give us a ring,
We will call with Paper Samples,
Give you an estimate on Painting
your home.
We do everything that is done by
a brush. Save the surface and save
money.. We solicit year patronage.
Ex-Servire 3Ien. Phone 62
You can keep. ::'• ' "';'•h Lehigh
Valley Anthracite Coal, or have win-
ter sunshine every day if you barn
the famous 0.;C.0. Colce.
Also a good supply of WYandotte
Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous Coal.
Prompt delivery from my sheds on
Queen Street at anytime.
A. D. McCartney
Coal Dealer
Queen Street Telephone 250
Must you get some ready cash
Then Use
The Collection Specialists of
Guelph, ORANGEVILLE. Owen Sound
They get Results
No Collection No Charge
Our Saw Mill will be at John Tur-
ners' farm, Clinton, at Barfield, and-'
at T. "Wallis' 4th con., Goderich Twp.,
to do custom sawing during tite com-
ing spring.
Phone 624r4, Clinton. 100-tf.
accordance therewith,
Dated L Gode ch this 21st day of -DATED at Clinton, Ontario,' this
a d a 23rd, day of March, A.D., 1931:
March, A D.. 1931, F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,
h c •• rr L st
L. 1� 1 to oval Ma
Solie e' it r for the said estate, 11-8.