HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-04-09, Page 51'll'URSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD
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Mr. :Carman Moon, who is attend -
Ting Westervelt School of Business,
'London, spent the week -end with his
Easter visitors hero included: Mr.
and Mrs. Pipe of Gaileridh, at the
Thome of Mrs. D Mountain; 1\lr. Cow-
an with his daughter, Mas. Robt.
'Townsend; Mrs. J. Blear of Mt. For-
-est with her -sister, Ma's. W. Brund
eson; Mr. Jas. McCrae of London with
This parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 1VfcCrae;
Miss Mary Wood at the home of her
-parents, M. and Mrs. F. Woocl;
Mr. Eph. Gray of Palmerston and
'Mr. Bert Gray of Stratford Normal
are enjoying Easter week at the
'home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
-Wm. 'Gray.
Mrs. R. Townsend is enjoying the
-company of her daughter, Dorothy,
of Stratford Normal, during Easter
Mr. Will Tamblyn and family of
Toronto spent Eastertide with his
mother, Mrs. J. Tamblyn.
Mr. Harve Morris and family, also
Mrs. Burgess, all of Toronto visited
for a few days with his aunt Mrs. J.
The Easter service on Sunday
morning in the United church was
in charge of the Sunday school, which
almost filled the centre pews. Mr.
Chas. Stewart, the Superintendent,
presiding. The choir consisted of
the junior members who very ably
did their part in leading the service
of 'song. The pantomine rendered by
the younger children showed mite
clearly the customs in the heathen
lands. Mr. Wm. Lyon read the
scripture lesson and Mrs. Fratlk
Tamblyn told the Easter story. The
paster, Rev. J. W. Johnson, gave a
very suitable address. The program
throughout was quite interesting as
welt as instructive. The church was
nicely decorated with bunting and
Easter lilies.
The evening service was in charge
of the Young Peoples' Society. A-
bout fifteen of the young people ren-
dered the paneomine "The ernes." in
a very able manner, which held the
interest of the audience.
The service held on tbe.evening of
Gond Friday was in charge of the
"Friendly Class", who supplied Tench
of the p'•ogram. The Rev. Mr. Far-
rell of Clinton gave an address and
the pastor spoke. There was a fair
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute was held in Commun-
ity Hall on March 81st, with eighty
present. The meeting opened by
singing the opening ode followed by
the Lord's Prayer in unison. The
regular business transacted after
which the girls tea charge as it was
Gi'•ls' Day. Fier this part Miss E.
Brigham occunied the chair in her
usual splendid and capable manner.
A very liunereua reading was given
by Miss Jean Ball. Miss Ella Atm -
strong also gave a reading. The re-
mainder of the program took the
form of a pageantillustratingsever-
al well-known songs, the songs be-
ing sung behind the scenes, and was
nuch enjoyed by everyone present.
Each number was particularly well
done and the girls deserve credit for
their excellent perfotmenee. The
first number was the Quilting »arty
and was cleverly taken by Misses
Mamie Shaddick end Beth Shobin•ook
dressed in wedding costumes of a
generation ago. Each verse was
well portrayed and brought a hearty
applause from the audience. "The
Girl I Left Behind Me," was Miss
Elsie Manning, who weeping sent
away her soldier sweetheart, Miss
Lillie Garrett, one of the most beau-
tiful scenes was played by Misses
Zelda Scott, Verde Watson and Olive
Sprung, who as sailor lads and las-
ses acted "She was a Sailors's
Sweetheart" Perhaps the most touch
ing scene was acted by Miss Verda
Watson, who as a charming Red
Cross nurse effectively portrayed
"The Rose of No Man's Land. This
was sung as a solo by Miss Alberta
Snell and was very impressive. "Sil-
ver Bell" was also a beautiful num-
ber and was very well played, the
scene being acted by Misses Bell
Roberton and Mary Caldwell in re-
gular Indian costumes. Miss Elsie
Manning was a picturesque Hiawaian
girl, while "Alaoe" was being sung.
The popular song, "Let Me Call You
Sweetheart," was splendidly 'acted
and brought fourth hearty applause
from all present. Miss Mamie Ross
was the pretty sweetheart while Miss
Mary Cartwright made a handsome
lover, "The Blue Bells of Scotland",
was aeted•by Miss Isobel Nott in re-
gulation Highland costume. "Polly
Welly ,Doodle,' proved the most hum-
ourous number on the program and
was taken by Misses L. Brigham and
Alberta Snell and certainly judging
by the laughter with which . the aud-
ience greeted the number it was
much enjoyed. Each number was so
well performed that all deserve con-
siderable praise for providing such
an unique entertainment which had
the added attraction _if beauty as
Mrs. (Rev.) Forster then spoke on
"Temperance", and brought fourth
many startling facts well worth
knowing and remembering. The
meeting was then brought to a close
by singing "God Save the King," af-
ter which all repaired to the base-
ment where the girls served a dainty
and delicious supper. The tables
and room were tastefully decorated
with crepe paper in Easter colors,
candles and pussy willows making it
most attractive, A hearty vote of
thanks was tendered the girls for
this very splendid afternoon,
Miss Esther Lyon received word
last week of the death of her broth-
er. Benjamin of Brandon„ Man.,
which occurred in the Brandon hospi-
tal, where he had been just one
Week. The death occurred on Mar.
29th. The funeral was held from
Broekies funeral home on April 1st.
The R.ev. Mr. Prichard of Brandon
essisted by Rev. Mr. McKay of Zion
Carnegie, taking charge, iVlr. Lyon
was in his 73rd year. He leaves two
sons, Joseph and Bennie of Carneg-
ie, and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. John
Lyon of 'Brandon, with whom he
made his home. He also leaves two
brothers, Thomas and William of
Hullett, end two sisters. Mrs. Them-
es Sampson of Palmerston and Miss
Esther Lvcn of Londesboro. His
wife p•cdeceased him one year ago
fast gentember.
Mr. F. M. Pickett has opened e
tir.smith shop in the village, which
will be a convenience to citizens and
the community.
The Wbmen's Institute will serve
their pie supper in the community
bell tenter Ow, Friday, evening from
Bye to eight o'clock.
Those visiting with friends and
relatives here over Easter: Miss Is-
abelle Fox of Whitechurch with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Philips; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Beadle and Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Ladd of Detroit at their re-
spective parents' hones; Mr, and
Mrs. Walter Jones from near London
at the- home of the lady's parents,
yr. and Mrs. S. Lawler; Mr, Charles
Robertson and family of (iederich
and Mr. Ernest Robertson of Toron-
to at the home of the Misses Blair
en Geed Friday; Mr, Steven Medd of
Woodstock at the home of his par-
ents; Mies Ethel 'Washington of De -
pet ITarbor and Miss Anna Dobie of
Jamestown at their parents' homes;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hibbert of God-
erich at Mrs. Hill's; Miss Marian
Mortimer° of Toronto at the manse.
Mee and Mrs. Nelson Hill anent the
week -end with relatives at Port El-
Mr. and Mrs. Germiey Thomnson
of London are spending a month here
with relatives.
Miss Margaret Ferguson spent the
week -end with relatives in Goderich.
The Easter Cantata, "Palms of.
Victory," given last Friday evening
in Knox United church, will be a-
gain presented on Sunday evening at
8 o'clock. Everyone is welcome to
Mr. 'Win, Mitch and family of
Clinton spent Sunday with friends
in the village.
The death of Robert Medd occur-
red on Tuesday menden this week
at his home in West Wiawanosh, a-
bout a mile west of the village.
The late Mr. Medd had been ill
for a day or two but not thought
serious, although he suffered from
asthma, and passed away Tuesday
He is survived by his wife, two
brothers, John of West Wawanosh,
and James in the village, two sisters,
Mrs. E. Phililps and Mrs. John Sym-
ington, both living' in Auburn, one
daughter, Mrs. T. McNall and one
son, William, of Goderich. The sym-
pathy of this community is extended
to those bereaved.
The funeral of the late James
Straughan of Colborne township was
held on Tuesday afternoon from the
home of his son, Calvin, in Goderich
Interment in Colborne cemetery.
Deceased dropped dead on Satur-
day last in his hone in his 78th year.
He is survived by his wife, his bro-
ther, George, and three' sons and two
The funeral of the late Robt. Medd
will take place 'from- his late resi-
dence in West Wawanosh on. Thurs-
day afternoon. Deceased was in his
68th year. Interment in Ball's
Next Tuesday evening the Y.P.S.
of Knox United church will be in
charge of Mr. Chas. Scott, Mission-
ary vice president. There will be a
lecture and lantern slides given by
Rev, Dr. Mortimore on China, and -
a varied program.'
Easter visitors here included: Miss
Ina Scott, Misses Irene and R. Sni-
der, Mr. L. Boyce and Mr. Alex. Ad-
dison, all of London; Mr, Lance Nor-
ris, Mr. W. N. M:eQueen and Miss
Laura Swan of Toronto; Miss Grace
Ross of Windeor; Miss Emma Mc-
Donald of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
West of St. Thomas; Mrs. Riley of
Brussels; Mrs. Smith of Exeter.
Nurse Rohner of our village 'is
moving her household effec:s to
Goderich this week. •
Mr. Kipfer, the barber, has rented
the Walker Rouse from Mrs. John
Mr. Clifford Broadfoot has sold his
garage to Mr. H. Dalrymple and Mr.
J. Cornish.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Riley, Miss
Mary Cooke and Miss Edythe Riley
of Clinton spent Sunday in the viI-
Mrs. Leo. Stephenson and Master
Dt•nald. are snending a week in Sar-
nia visiting relatives.
Misses Blanehe and Elva Wheatley
of Toronto are snending the Easter
vaert;on at their hone here.
Mr, Larne Iawson of Toronto is •
spending the Easter holidays at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Lawson.
Mr. Frank Riley returned home
en Sunday after visiting for the
Past week or so in Clinton.
e are story to learn that Mr.
Victor and Miss Lelia Cook are con-
fined to their hone through illness.
We wish both a speedy recovery.
Mn. L. Beatty is spending a few
days with her daughters in London.
M". and Mrs. •George Beatty spent
Sunday at Mrs. Iloatty's inner home
in Kincardine.
Mrs. John Rathw'ell has returred
home after snending a week with
her son, Harold,. in Windsor.
r ee..9. rr". Tieid hes reterued ham
after spending a couple of n -"'-e
with her eon. Ter. Varve Reid of To-
ronto. Dr. Reid accomn_ nnied his
mother home and :pent the Raster
holidays with her.
,Mr. Cecil V'alev of T'et cit e,'ent
the Frs*er i.n'idays with his sister,
erre. 'Will Reid.
Misses Irene and Mary Chnter of
London spent Good Friday under the
perentai roof.
Mr, and Mrs. Gen,•ee peeeer ee
Wirdenr reed con, Preen of T,�nrlen
etterded the fnneeel cif the former's
father, Mr. Alex. Poster.
'Mr. and TTrs. Cliffnrd wpm
Cuba are visiting with Mr. Ernest
Epee. •
On Tuesday afternoon the yennfe
people of the rom',,nnity teethe -0e et
the home of 1Rr, George lNeT.inehev
ere rresented his deeerhter, Miss Ma -
bol, with te miscellaneous shower on
the eve of. her 1"91'rfee'e.
Mt. end Mrs. C eednn Marks reed
son, Ross of T'oronfn. spent the
week -err] with the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Connell.
Sr. Pr.: Clayton 'Ellis, Phyllis Ba11,<.
Kenneth Stirling.
Jr. Pr.: Keith Stirling.
Average attenclanec, 17.86; enroll-
ment, 19.—Violet V. Watldne, teach-
er. �,.
Fine weather has 'opened the roads
up considerably this past week. Dust
really is flying.
I Quite a number attended Clinton'
Spring Show on Thursday, among
them were Messrs. Melvin Tyndall,
Wm. Watson, Vere Cunningham, Ro-
bert Bean, David Bean and Bill
!Miss Gladys Treble is home for
IEaster holidays from Toronto.
We are very sorry to say that
Mee:Paul Mandel is not well, as she •
has been suffering from a slight•
stroke which came Sunday morning
Mar. 29th,
'Buzzing wood is quite common in
rural parts these days.
Mr. and Mrs..Tufford snent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Mc-
Miss Amelia McIllwain and Miss
Edith Marsh are holidaying at their
respective 'homes. Thev are students
at Clinton Business College.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mugford vis-
ited with the Maeda] family on
Mr. T. H. Wilson has rented his
farm to Mr. Wm. Thorns. Mr. Wil-
son, we hear, intends trying a year
with insurance in Grey County.
Mr. James Straughen, who lives
I near Auburn, died on Saturday mnrn-
irrr. Feeling Unwell he phoned: to
his sons and then fed lis stock, eanre
to the horse, 14t a fire end lay down
on the s"fa. When one of the sons
arrived he heel 'lust roPed off the
sofa endwes lying free dery-e •d en
the finer. On sneaking to him tied
raising him nn he seemed to onen his
eyes a cotmle of times, then he was
dead. Mr. Straughan yes up in years
and had lived in Colborne a geed
mann years. His widow was former-
ly Aggie Olds.
At the meeting of the Holmesville
church board Mr. John Tebbutt was
appointed representative to the an-
nual Conference to be held in Chat-
ham in June.
The United. Church was prettily
deccratcd with spring flowers and
evergreen for the Easter service,
when Rev. W. J. Herbert preached
an inspiring and appropriate sermon
, to a large congregation. Special
music was furnished by the chair, un-
der the direction of Mr. Fred Potter,
who also sang the obligate in the an-
them, "Prase to Thee." The solo
was taken by Mr. W. J. Yee.
Holiday visitors in the co" )muniey
included Mr. and • firs. Moss o:
Dundas, at the home of Mrs. S. T.
Walter; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boyce
and son of Toronto, at the United
Clinch parsonage; Mr. end ltT-s.
Douglas Ward, et the home of Mr.
and Mrs, John Cudmore.
Prof, F. C. Fl(ord and firs. Elford
of Ottawa visited the lather's father,
Mr. A. J. Caurtice. and sister, Mrs.
S. T. Walter, for Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Glazier of To-
mnto spent Eastertide well the tat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
We are very sorry to report that
Mrs. William Glenn had the misfor-
tune to fall' and break her leg in
three places. We hope for a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. A. Randall a"d two
children of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs
Youngblutt of Goderich spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, A. Jervis.
Miss McDonald, school teacher in
the village, is spending her holidays
at her home in Teeswater.
Miss Josling of Hullett spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mair,
I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jervis and
babe spent Sunday with the l.atter's
parents at Zurich.
Mr. Barrie Walter spent Sunday
under the parental roof.
Mr. Neil Brothers of Gnderieh
spent Sunday at the hone of their
uncle, Mr. William Glenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Proctor of
Clinton spent Sunday with the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lew
Master Elgin Snyder, who has
been on the sick list, is much im-
Mrs. Bennett and children of Gode-
rich spent Sunday with Mr. E. J.
The following is the rennet of S.
S. No. 12, Goderich and Hullett for
February and March. The figures
indicate average percentage:
Sr. dth—Dena Tyner, 78; Clark
Pall. 76; Isobel Forbes, 70; Harry
Watkins, 68.
Jr. 4th- Clete Ellis, 86; Hazel
Ranson, 81; Allan Neal,, W.
Jr. 3rd: Leona Rapson, 83; Willa
Jervis, 80; Madelon Mason, 76; Thel-
ma Hoggart, 71.
2nd: Betty Stirling, 85; Ivan Hog-
gart, '70; Freida Ellis, 69;Gordon
Rapson, 69. 1