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The Clinton News Record, 1931-04-02, Page 8
TIP CLINTON-NEWS RECORD A QUALITY AR"1IC,L HAS EVERYTHING IN IT'S FAVOR NCLUDING IT'S PRICE VENSISOOOODOOM Wall. Paper. arguments for those ho question the merits, material r aesthetic, of Wall Hangings. It is economical because it coin., letes a room, there's not a single tens in the decoration of your home hat adds so much in appearance at o little cost as Wallpapers, It is daptable'because it can be used to ide' architectural defects, it can be btained to 'match or harmonize with ny,period of furniture or type, of abric. It can bo purchased in suit- b1e designs for any room used for special purpose.It can be had in variety of prices, to suit every urse. It is durable because it shows wear and tear less than any other wall covering. It is efficient be- cause it involves less trouble daring decoration. It is:easier to anticipate the finished"effeet, hence more Iik ely to 'ensure satisfaction. It is liberal in it's variety of coloring and design. It is hygienic because it does not allow moisture to collect on it's surface. It does much to make a house . a comfortable home. We have a liberal assortment at 5c and 7c in limited quantities • and nine patterns very specially priced in new goods, ranging in price from 6c to 20c. TDB W,, Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best hiss F. Brydone was in Toronto re- cently. Mr. W. Ford was up from London for the week -end. Fred 0. Ford motored to Toren - on Saturday last. s, J: E. Hoveyspent a few days n Toronto this week. Allen of the Collegiate staff pent the week -end in Toronto, s.•11, Marshall has gone to King- ston to spend a week with re]a- tives, Coombs of the Collegiate staff spent the week -end at his home in London. ss Clement of Goderich was the guest of Miss Florence Caning - mine last week -end. - rs. (Dr.) Belden of Toronto was up last week attending the funeral of her brother, the late W. Jackson. Mi Gilchrist returned last week af- er spending the winter with rela- tives at Kitchener and Saginaw, Mich. t, 1,11 0 i ri yid a 4 txe i ..sr IVfr . #' i i i leis s CANTON'S ill it LEADING ' JEWELLERY STORE ' 'GI fM'tl @i/ SGV fi - ' L w.. ' IW til 1 i'l iar ,- IF YOU WANT CHOICE; ,BACON FOR FASTERj, TRY. OUR BACONS. ALSO SMOKED HAM ' BREAKFAST BACON, in piece • 25c ' SMOKED HAM, in piece . 25c ALSO BACK P. M. BACK AND ROLLS FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per ib, • 16c. SPARE RIBS, per lb. 1.60 SHOULDER ROASTS of PORT{, per lb. 160 HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for 35c HOME-MADE HEAD CHEESE, 2 lbs. for 25c HORSE RADISH, Fresh, per bottle 20e BULK SWEET MIXED PICKLES, per pint 25e SER T, 8 1b0, fail .... r 25c Litt PICKLES, 2 Inc 5c furl Mi M ' • M` Mi M M ,a Fair 11 CONNELL/ & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. WE ARE GOING To OFFER FOR ONE DAY 'ONLY,— GUARAN- o TEED ALARM CLOCKS—CANADIAN' MADE FOR 75c i ALSO A SALE OF BEADS UP UNTIL EASTER • iIii t BE SURE AND . GET IN ON SOME OF THESE BARGAINS t ALL FOR 11 - . •, 0 e i .« OF Il p - O® ,• .... OXY©� OL.O LS R. H. JOHNSON 1 Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. ' Jeweller and Optician i ror.'➢e1...F. c... u... 4. ..aTfi. e.m1.u. x Y .d .e- i�.u'+.Maa..e:rM1. ...n. 1. + � ..-.. ,r REGULAR $1.50 i teh4' w� ® " >l yr 1# j — , Some weeks ago we were fortunate enough to purchase at a ridiculously low price, from one of Canada's Largest Shirt Manu- facturers, about 20 doz. of the finest spring shirts we have everseen gathered together at very much higher prices. These shirts are made from fine broadcloth and fancy weave Shirtings and are all fast colors. Thursday these Shirts go on sale at teh ridiculously low price of 95c each, or 3 Shirts for $2.75. SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW Plumsteel Bros.1 EXCLUSIVE DEALERS, "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" VENSISOOOODOOM Wall. Paper. arguments for those ho question the merits, material r aesthetic, of Wall Hangings. It is economical because it coin., letes a room, there's not a single tens in the decoration of your home hat adds so much in appearance at o little cost as Wallpapers, It is daptable'because it can be used to ide' architectural defects, it can be btained to 'match or harmonize with ny,period of furniture or type, of abric. It can bo purchased in suit- b1e designs for any room used for special purpose.It can be had in variety of prices, to suit every urse. It is durable because it shows wear and tear less than any other wall covering. It is efficient be- cause it involves less trouble daring decoration. It is:easier to anticipate the finished"effeet, hence more Iik ely to 'ensure satisfaction. It is liberal in it's variety of coloring and design. It is hygienic because it does not allow moisture to collect on it's surface. It does much to make a house . a comfortable home. We have a liberal assortment at 5c and 7c in limited quantities • and nine patterns very specially priced in new goods, ranging in price from 6c to 20c. TDB W,, Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best hiss F. Brydone was in Toronto re- cently. Mr. W. Ford was up from London for the week -end. Fred 0. Ford motored to Toren - on Saturday last. s, J: E. Hoveyspent a few days n Toronto this week. Allen of the Collegiate staff pent the week -end in Toronto, s.•11, Marshall has gone to King- ston to spend a week with re]a- tives, Coombs of the Collegiate staff spent the week -end at his home in London. ss Clement of Goderich was the guest of Miss Florence Caning - mine last week -end. - rs. (Dr.) Belden of Toronto was up last week attending the funeral of her brother, the late W. Jackson. Mi Gilchrist returned last week af- er spending the winter with rela- tives at Kitchener and Saginaw, Mich. t, 1,11 0 i ri yid a 4 txe i ..sr IVfr . #' i i i leis s THURSDAY, APRIL .2,: 1931'' Personal Service or Special Prices Thursday Satur- day and Monday e e d SWEET JUICY ORANGES, BASKETS each 49c. Groceteria- Bargains :: Marked on Floor Display All Goods Marked Oranges, per dozen 19c Lemons, per dozen ,, 19c McLaren's Jelly, 3 for 17c 25c De,Lux Jelly, 6 for Cauliflower 25c. Dairy Butter, per ib. 30c Ammonia, 4 pkgs. 25c Sodas, 2 lbs. 32c- Chipso, per pkg. 23c Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Velverto Cheese, pkg. - 21c For Good Friday Fresh -Filletts, per lb. 20c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 19c Baking Powder (our own) 19c 'Macaroni, 3 lbs. 25c Calay Soap, 3 for 19c Canadian Cheese, lb. 25c Kraft Cheese, lb. 33c ShelledWalnuts, lb. 29c Maxwell. Coffee, ib. 55c Cocoa, bulk,.2 lbs. for 35c Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. 55c Rice, 3 lbs. for 25c Tapioca,,2 lbs. for 25c Instant Tapioca, 2 pkgs. 25c Toilet Paper, 8 rolls 25c Lard, 3 lbs. 37c Lard, 2 lbs. for 25c Picnic Hams . 18c Golden. Bantam Corn, 2 for 25c Naure's Best. Peas, 2 for 25c Tomatoes, 2 tins for 25c Libby's Beans, 3 tins for 25e Brooms, each 25c Cocoanut, per 115. 29c • Corn Meal, 6 lbs. 25c Easter Sunday Breakfast Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Cereal, Quaker Crackles 15c Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 30c Eggs, per dozen 20c Good Morning Marmalade, at 39e Coffee, O'Neil's , 65c • WE WILL DELIVER THURSDAY EVENING, ARE CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA • Phone 48 FREE ELIVERY Olt P 11 irl NE 48 Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Isabel Chowen spent a few days over the week -end as the guest of Miss Joan Hobbs of St. Thomas. essrs. Davis and Goodwin of IIen- sail were in town -Friday attend- ing the funeral of the late William Jackson. LONIIESBORO The young people of the Christ- ian Endeavour of Knox Church will hold their meeting on Good Friday commencing at 8 o'clock, The meet- ing, no doubt, will be quite interest- ing. All are invited to attend, An Easter service will be held in Knox church on Sunday afternoon at 2.45 o'clock. Special music is being prepared. •IVrr. Harold Johnston, of London spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Fred Johnston. There will be a special service in the Londesboro United church on Good Friday night. A good program is being prepared and Rev. 'R'Ir•. Far- rell of Ontario Street United Church Clinton, is expected to be present. A collection will be taken. On Easter Sunday morning the S. S. of the United church will take charge. An interesting program has been prepared. 'Service to commence at 10.30 a.m. In the evening the ser- vice will be in charge of the young peoples' Society A pageant is be- ing prepared. The saw mill is running this week. iss Irene Brooks of Mitchell was in town on Friday, coming up to be present at an evening party given by Miss Florence Cuninghauie. rs. J. Torrance ail Miss Maud Torrance, who hev4 been spending the winter in Toronto, returned to their home in ,town on Friday. Irs. C. C. Rance has returned to To- ronto after spending several weeks in town assisting in the nursing of her brother, the late Mr. Jackson, r. Field, Mrs, C. Robertsons, presi- dent of the Home and School Club, the Misses Sturdy and others from Goderich were- in town on Fricley attending the school concert. Ir. Horace Wiltse motored over from Detroit on Sunday, bringing his mother home, she having spent the winter in that city with her MS- He returned on Monday. r, and Mrs. R. A. Stevenson of Brockville, wird have been spend- ing the winter at Miami, Florida, are the guests this week of the farmer's• brother, Mr. W. J. Ste- venson of town. Council To Lose More Power Amendments to `the Public Utilit- ies Act. preventing the councils from interfering in the control and man- agement of_public utilities and vest- ing sole administration of such bod- ies under the commission were con- tained in a bill introduced in the leg- islature. An amendment to the Municipal Act, introduced by Eon, Leopold Macaulay, provides that candidates Inc municipal office shall not be disqualified by reason of tax arrears on,property on which they are tenants. 2r and lefts W. J. Plumsteel and Miss Margaret were in Exeter on Sunday visiting Rev. and Mrs.G. 2. Moorehouse, the former of whonn has been ill and is not yet fully recovered, Ile has returned hone from the hospital, however, and it is hoped his recovery will continue. GODERICH: The Grand Old Mian of Goderich, William Campbell, pas- sed away last -week at the ripe age of ninety-seven. GODERICH: A deputation con- sisting of..Mayor Lee, G. L. Parsons, J. W. Fraser and Councillor Hays, went to Ottawa Test week to inter- view the minister of Public Works in regard to harbour affairs, Mr. J. E. Reinhardt of Kitchener, a former citizen of Clinton, was in town an Monday and paid his an- nual visit to The News -Record and renewed his subscription. Mr. Reinhardt likes to return -to the old town occasionally to exchange greetings with old friends. ` 'The years deal gently -with hint. Mrs. H. B.. Chant, who has spent the winter with her son at Pittsfield, Mass., and her' daughter, heirs. E. Floody of Toronto, spent a day or so in •town last week, coming up with her brother, Mr. Holmes of St. Catharines, and returning with him to visit there fora few weeks before returning here for the, suin- ?iner. 1\4 s. Chant and Mr. Holmes took in theschool concert on Thursday evening. i ANNUAL PIE SOCIAL The Women's Institute will serve their annual pie supper in the Com- munity Hall on the evening of FRIAY,` APRIL 10TH consisting of Salads, Pie and Cake, with their accessories, served from 5.80 to 8 o'clock. This will be fol- lowed by a program by Harvey Mc- Gee, Auburn, the Allens, Harlocic and others. Admission 35c and 25e. CARD PARTY AND DANCE The annual Firemen's Gard and Dancing Party will be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON on the evening of FRIDAY, APRIL 16TH commencing at $ o'clock Good Prizes for Cards Refreshments Served, Admisison, Gents. 35c; Ladies, 25c. 12-2. EASTER SPECIALS Hot duns THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Made as Good as a Bun Can be Made, So Do Not Fail to • Order Your Wants. SPECIAL DELIVERY Chocolate Special "HUNTS" and ANN HATHAWAY 60c a lb. EASTER EGGS, RABBITS, CHICKS AND NOVELTIES Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE 68 SA SEAS Zestfully Flavored and WILL SOON BE HERE Wholesome! We certainly agreed with "Three Bakers" 3Londay night, Remember, they told you all about WHOLE WHEAT BREAD? How the unadul- terated wheat flour make's it extra healthful and tasty? Now, our WjROLE WHEAT BREAD IS Per- fection itself. We're making a feature of this loaf all week. ]DGn't miss enjoying it. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Give your friends a Box of SMILES 'AN CHUCKLES .It's the Sweetest Easter Gift. • "Winton •Bakens'' Bartliff & Crich Clinton, Ont, Phone No. 1 ouse Cleaning Time Will Soon Be Here ASK FOR OUR SPECIAL OFFER OF UTILAC QUICK -DRYING • ENAMELS One 25c Brush and one 30c can of Utilac fol' 25c. Also a chance for a Tilt -top centre table which will be drawn for on April lith at 9 p.m. iGet your coupon numbers now, absol- • utely FREE. Then you know we are agents for the old reliable Sherwin- Williams, Berry Brothers; and Campbells Paints, Varnishes and Stains, and we want to tell the World, they are all high grade. Don't miss getting the carton of the Farmer's Wonder Package of Milk Pails, Value, $3,25, for $1.98. A brand new stock of Chemically treated Wall and Floor Mops, etc. FU•FIMPURE DEPARTMENT • Our new Spring Patterns of Linoleum, Oil Cloth and Congoleunt Also the Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs are here. Thera are some pretty, snappy patterns to select from. And don't forget to shed your furs, or anything you value into a nice new cedar chest and,there will be no worry About Moths. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. Order your Pans and Buckets now and be ready when the Season opens. See our 15c Specials for Saturday. Your choice of several Washer T. Premiums, at $1.00. •s flaw-killS HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 • AFTER I.lY'ING It is so disappointing to realise that an article purchased at a price that seemed cheap tuna out to be worth even less than that cost. Experience teaches us that the cheapest goods are often the most expensive. While food -stuffs for sale in the Superior Stores are sold at a price in line with those elsewheer, the Superior grocers do not sell on a bargain basis. Believing that the best way to keep a customer is to please him—only goods reaching the Superior standard of qual- ity are sold. While it may be smart to be thrifty, it is not thirfty to be cheap. WE SELL TEE BEST FOR LESS EASTER WEEK SPECIALS Columbia Matches, box . , , 7c Royal York Coffee, 1-2 lb. 23e Shaker Salt, -plain or iodiped Crabapple Jelly, 40 oz.. .33c 2 pkgs. Inc. 17c Princess Soap Flakes, with Life Buoy Health Soap, 3 at Sia trial pkg., free, large ,.11c Hawes Floor Wnx, 1 lb, „43c Hawes Lemon Oil 23c Chateau Cheese, 1-2 lb. ...19c Many Flowers Soap, 4 at 25c Borden Eagle Brand Milk Clover Leaf or Maple Leaf per tin 21c Salmon, 1-2's 19c Apple Pie Deal, (one large Oxo Cubes, small 18c, Ige. 25e tin apples, 7 lbs. Pastry Dried Peaches, per lb. ...,15e flour, 1 lb. shortening...59e Clothes Pins, 3 dozen 10c FRESH VEGETABLES—Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Cauliflower, Green Onions, Fresh Spinach 2 lbs. 25c. Leave your order for fresh eggs for Easter and a pound of Premium Bacon. Te MCKNIGHT& SON TVe V011e MILLINI IRY Our Displays is now at it's zenith FEATURING STYLES TYPICALLY 1931 • i:l`. sd ul 11:44 Mr w.. ,- IF YOU WANT CHOICE; ,BACON FOR FASTERj, TRY. OUR BACONS. ALSO SMOKED HAM ' BREAKFAST BACON, in piece • 25c ' SMOKED HAM, in piece . 25c ALSO BACK P. M. BACK AND ROLLS FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per ib, • 16c. SPARE RIBS, per lb. 1.60 SHOULDER ROASTS of PORT{, per lb. 160 HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for 35c HOME-MADE HEAD CHEESE, 2 lbs. for 25c HORSE RADISH, Fresh, per bottle 20e BULK SWEET MIXED PICKLES, per pint 25e SER T, 8 1b0, fail .... r 25c Litt PICKLES, 2 Inc 5c furl Mi M ' • M` Mi M M KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONNELL/ & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. --zoran=0=01---1 rr..-----.=0=0==aol=o' 11 li o U P o ' . ' Cia i x. ;drgt• ri 3a -air SS • iIii t p D O IV ii O l 10 quart Galvanized Pail o 1 Dust Pan p 1 Bread Pan 11 1 Funnell OR YOUR CHOICE 0 SEVERAL ARTICLES ALL FOR 11 - . •, 0 e i .« OF Il p Sutter Perdue O® ,• .... OXY©� OL.O LS SUPERIOR QUALITY CHICKS We have Quality Chicks to offer at reduced prices in' the follow ing popular, breeds:. ,' Barred Rocks, S:' C. White Leghorns, White Wyandottes, ' Black Minorcas, Jersey Black Giants Trap -nesting. 200 birds in record of performance. p We can spare a' few trays each week for custom hatehing. Let us send our pamphlet and pri ce list and learn mere 'about us. SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY Seaforth, Ontario, -' Phone 137r3, Seaforth Central. 06-tf.. THURSDAY, APRIL .2,: 1931'' Personal Service or Special Prices Thursday Satur- day and Monday e e d SWEET JUICY ORANGES, BASKETS each 49c. Groceteria- Bargains :: Marked on Floor Display All Goods Marked Oranges, per dozen 19c Lemons, per dozen ,, 19c McLaren's Jelly, 3 for 17c 25c De,Lux Jelly, 6 for Cauliflower 25c. Dairy Butter, per ib. 30c Ammonia, 4 pkgs. 25c Sodas, 2 lbs. 32c- Chipso, per pkg. 23c Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Velverto Cheese, pkg. - 21c For Good Friday Fresh -Filletts, per lb. 20c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 19c Baking Powder (our own) 19c 'Macaroni, 3 lbs. 25c Calay Soap, 3 for 19c Canadian Cheese, lb. 25c Kraft Cheese, lb. 33c ShelledWalnuts, lb. 29c Maxwell. Coffee, ib. 55c Cocoa, bulk,.2 lbs. for 35c Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. 55c Rice, 3 lbs. for 25c Tapioca,,2 lbs. for 25c Instant Tapioca, 2 pkgs. 25c Toilet Paper, 8 rolls 25c Lard, 3 lbs. 37c Lard, 2 lbs. for 25c Picnic Hams . 18c Golden. Bantam Corn, 2 for 25c Naure's Best. Peas, 2 for 25c Tomatoes, 2 tins for 25c Libby's Beans, 3 tins for 25e Brooms, each 25c Cocoanut, per 115. 29c • Corn Meal, 6 lbs. 25c Easter Sunday Breakfast Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Cereal, Quaker Crackles 15c Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 30c Eggs, per dozen 20c Good Morning Marmalade, at 39e Coffee, O'Neil's , 65c • WE WILL DELIVER THURSDAY EVENING, ARE CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA • Phone 48 FREE ELIVERY Olt P 11 irl NE 48 Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Isabel Chowen spent a few days over the week -end as the guest of Miss Joan Hobbs of St. Thomas. essrs. Davis and Goodwin of IIen- sail were in town -Friday attend- ing the funeral of the late William Jackson. LONIIESBORO The young people of the Christ- ian Endeavour of Knox Church will hold their meeting on Good Friday commencing at 8 o'clock, The meet- ing, no doubt, will be quite interest- ing. All are invited to attend, An Easter service will be held in Knox church on Sunday afternoon at 2.45 o'clock. Special music is being prepared. •IVrr. Harold Johnston, of London spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Fred Johnston. There will be a special service in the Londesboro United church on Good Friday night. A good program is being prepared and Rev. 'R'Ir•. Far- rell of Ontario Street United Church Clinton, is expected to be present. A collection will be taken. On Easter Sunday morning the S. S. of the United church will take charge. An interesting program has been prepared. 'Service to commence at 10.30 a.m. In the evening the ser- vice will be in charge of the young peoples' Society A pageant is be- ing prepared. The saw mill is running this week. iss Irene Brooks of Mitchell was in town on Friday, coming up to be present at an evening party given by Miss Florence Cuninghauie. rs. J. Torrance ail Miss Maud Torrance, who hev4 been spending the winter in Toronto, returned to their home in ,town on Friday. Irs. C. C. Rance has returned to To- ronto after spending several weeks in town assisting in the nursing of her brother, the late Mr. Jackson, r. Field, Mrs, C. Robertsons, presi- dent of the Home and School Club, the Misses Sturdy and others from Goderich were- in town on Fricley attending the school concert. Ir. Horace Wiltse motored over from Detroit on Sunday, bringing his mother home, she having spent the winter in that city with her MS- He returned on Monday. r, and Mrs. R. A. Stevenson of Brockville, wird have been spend- ing the winter at Miami, Florida, are the guests this week of the farmer's• brother, Mr. W. J. Ste- venson of town. Council To Lose More Power Amendments to `the Public Utilit- ies Act. preventing the councils from interfering in the control and man- agement of_public utilities and vest- ing sole administration of such bod- ies under the commission were con- tained in a bill introduced in the leg- islature. An amendment to the Municipal Act, introduced by Eon, Leopold Macaulay, provides that candidates Inc municipal office shall not be disqualified by reason of tax arrears on,property on which they are tenants. 2r and lefts W. J. Plumsteel and Miss Margaret were in Exeter on Sunday visiting Rev. and Mrs.G. 2. Moorehouse, the former of whonn has been ill and is not yet fully recovered, Ile has returned hone from the hospital, however, and it is hoped his recovery will continue. GODERICH: The Grand Old Mian of Goderich, William Campbell, pas- sed away last -week at the ripe age of ninety-seven. GODERICH: A deputation con- sisting of..Mayor Lee, G. L. Parsons, J. W. Fraser and Councillor Hays, went to Ottawa Test week to inter- view the minister of Public Works in regard to harbour affairs, Mr. J. E. Reinhardt of Kitchener, a former citizen of Clinton, was in town an Monday and paid his an- nual visit to The News -Record and renewed his subscription. Mr. Reinhardt likes to return -to the old town occasionally to exchange greetings with old friends. ` 'The years deal gently -with hint. Mrs. H. B.. Chant, who has spent the winter with her son at Pittsfield, Mass., and her' daughter, heirs. E. Floody of Toronto, spent a day or so in •town last week, coming up with her brother, Mr. Holmes of St. Catharines, and returning with him to visit there fora few weeks before returning here for the, suin- ?iner. 1\4 s. Chant and Mr. Holmes took in theschool concert on Thursday evening. i ANNUAL PIE SOCIAL The Women's Institute will serve their annual pie supper in the Com- munity Hall on the evening of FRIAY,` APRIL 10TH consisting of Salads, Pie and Cake, with their accessories, served from 5.80 to 8 o'clock. This will be fol- lowed by a program by Harvey Mc- Gee, Auburn, the Allens, Harlocic and others. Admission 35c and 25e. CARD PARTY AND DANCE The annual Firemen's Gard and Dancing Party will be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON on the evening of FRIDAY, APRIL 16TH commencing at $ o'clock Good Prizes for Cards Refreshments Served, Admisison, Gents. 35c; Ladies, 25c. 12-2. EASTER SPECIALS Hot duns THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Made as Good as a Bun Can be Made, So Do Not Fail to • Order Your Wants. SPECIAL DELIVERY Chocolate Special "HUNTS" and ANN HATHAWAY 60c a lb. EASTER EGGS, RABBITS, CHICKS AND NOVELTIES Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE 68 SA SEAS Zestfully Flavored and WILL SOON BE HERE Wholesome! We certainly agreed with "Three Bakers" 3Londay night, Remember, they told you all about WHOLE WHEAT BREAD? How the unadul- terated wheat flour make's it extra healthful and tasty? Now, our WjROLE WHEAT BREAD IS Per- fection itself. We're making a feature of this loaf all week. ]DGn't miss enjoying it. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Give your friends a Box of SMILES 'AN CHUCKLES .It's the Sweetest Easter Gift. • "Winton •Bakens'' Bartliff & Crich Clinton, Ont, Phone No. 1 ouse Cleaning Time Will Soon Be Here ASK FOR OUR SPECIAL OFFER OF UTILAC QUICK -DRYING • ENAMELS One 25c Brush and one 30c can of Utilac fol' 25c. Also a chance for a Tilt -top centre table which will be drawn for on April lith at 9 p.m. iGet your coupon numbers now, absol- • utely FREE. Then you know we are agents for the old reliable Sherwin- Williams, Berry Brothers; and Campbells Paints, Varnishes and Stains, and we want to tell the World, they are all high grade. Don't miss getting the carton of the Farmer's Wonder Package of Milk Pails, Value, $3,25, for $1.98. A brand new stock of Chemically treated Wall and Floor Mops, etc. FU•FIMPURE DEPARTMENT • Our new Spring Patterns of Linoleum, Oil Cloth and Congoleunt Also the Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs are here. Thera are some pretty, snappy patterns to select from. And don't forget to shed your furs, or anything you value into a nice new cedar chest and,there will be no worry About Moths. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. Order your Pans and Buckets now and be ready when the Season opens. See our 15c Specials for Saturday. Your choice of several Washer T. Premiums, at $1.00. •s flaw-killS HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 • AFTER I.lY'ING It is so disappointing to realise that an article purchased at a price that seemed cheap tuna out to be worth even less than that cost. Experience teaches us that the cheapest goods are often the most expensive. While food -stuffs for sale in the Superior Stores are sold at a price in line with those elsewheer, the Superior grocers do not sell on a bargain basis. Believing that the best way to keep a customer is to please him—only goods reaching the Superior standard of qual- ity are sold. While it may be smart to be thrifty, it is not thirfty to be cheap. WE SELL TEE BEST FOR LESS EASTER WEEK SPECIALS Columbia Matches, box . , , 7c Royal York Coffee, 1-2 lb. 23e Shaker Salt, -plain or iodiped Crabapple Jelly, 40 oz.. .33c 2 pkgs. Inc. 17c Princess Soap Flakes, with Life Buoy Health Soap, 3 at Sia trial pkg., free, large ,.11c Hawes Floor Wnx, 1 lb, „43c Hawes Lemon Oil 23c Chateau Cheese, 1-2 lb. ...19c Many Flowers Soap, 4 at 25c Borden Eagle Brand Milk Clover Leaf or Maple Leaf per tin 21c Salmon, 1-2's 19c Apple Pie Deal, (one large Oxo Cubes, small 18c, Ige. 25e tin apples, 7 lbs. Pastry Dried Peaches, per lb. ...,15e flour, 1 lb. shortening...59e Clothes Pins, 3 dozen 10c FRESH VEGETABLES—Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Cauliflower, Green Onions, Fresh Spinach 2 lbs. 25c. Leave your order for fresh eggs for Easter and a pound of Premium Bacon. Te MCKNIGHT& SON TVe V011e MILLINI IRY Our Displays is now at it's zenith FEATURING STYLES TYPICALLY 1931 • i:l`. sd ul 11:44