HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-04-02, Page 51'r THE '''CLINTON-NEWs4 RECORD OF INTEREST TO YOU ANI) ME April is here and spring shoii'ers arc in order, No surprise need be felt 'if that • baby boy who was born in an air- plane 4000 feet in the 'air shows nti inclination to be air -minded when he grows up: Ilene we in Ontario have been tel- ling the western farmers that they Would have to go into mixed farm- ing, as a measure to ensure against • absolute loss in case of a wheat failure, and now comes news of the • west flooding Ontario with eggs, The citizens of Toronto are of • • such low, mentality that a special "'fool -proof"• ballot is being inane - featured for their use in municipal • elections: The only tiling that saves -that city is the annual influx of sturdy and intelligent youth frost .the rural sections, but the contamination of the city must doll even their fine brains in time or they would not have fallen into their present sad state. k * k M Some of•the incidents taking place at the border between Canada and the United States recently would be -highly amusing ifthey were not so tragic to some of those concerned, The working out of the immigration. i egulations seem singularly childish and absurd. Cannot the authorities • get together and patch up something which would appeal more to the • sound common sense of the great majority of the citizens of both na- tions, F * South- Huron members of paella- ' nient were heard in their respective houses recently, Mr. McMillan speak- ing en his favourite topic, "Tariff," and Mr. Medd criticising eXtiave- gent expenditure and staking •the suggestion that liquor permits in Ontario should be prohibited to all under twenty-five years of age. While we, may deplore the demand for liquor nermits on the part. of young risen it would hardly look -rea- sonable to grant them the use of the franchise at twenty-one and refuse them tate richt to FPI/ what they shall ch'inlc under. twenty-five. - iSomo misconception:seenis to be prevalent regarding , the amendant to the highways Act re hitch -hiking. The impression seems to leave been gained in some cases, in spite of ex- planations by PremierHenry to the contrary, that no one was to be allowed to solicit a ride.'from a Mot- orist: The amendment only provides that you must not step out into the road to hail a passing ear, thereby i practically forcing the motorist. to 'stop, You may hail a ear erom the safe haven of the roadside and it rests with the motorist whether or not he will stop arfd;accomodate you. The nerds of those whose business - takes' thein out onto our lakes was sadly proved on Sunday morning when two young men lost their lives at •Goderieh when they went out to see about their 'fishing nets. It is early in the season for such acci- dents and before it closcie the list will probably be much longer, al- though such accidents are compar- atively rare amongst fishermen. The probability is that had it been later in the season and the water not so bitterly cold the boys might have clung to their draft until assistance came. The tragedy is rendered all the more heartbreaking for their ley- ed oged ones by the failure thus far to. recover the bodies of the unfortunate lads. k M } We reproduce on another page by teguest an item copied from the Braeebridge Gazette showing how the farther has to sell in the •open market,taking just what he can e•et for his products and paying what other people ask 'for what he wants to buy, It looks as if the producer of raw materials sot the short end of the stick, all„ right, and we do not doubt that lie very often does, even when it is remembered that there are a good many people between the producer and the pur- clie5er of the finished nra duet in the ease cited. The hides had to be tanned, di•essed, cut int* laces, solei and resold, and probnhly a hide will not make anything like hound for pound when cut into laces. Then the wheat' and bran had to be treated by many expert workers and expensive machinery before it was returned to the farmer, neatly pack- ed in sanitary packages. And isn't that just what brings up *1,-1 le rle• Cut Flowers and Flowering Plants Tt EASTER A. LARGE SELECT OUR GREENHOUSE IS AS tra , •. ..,..,..,,_-, :. .1'x_ d BLIES ION Ft./F1 EdeSTEl3 NEAR AS YOUR PIIONE COOKE Phones: 60w and G6j the cost of living, these frills? Puf fed wheat is not snore nourishing than good; old-fashioned cracked wheat as e breakfast ',dish but it is easier for the housewife • to prepare tinct tickles the palate more, so it is in demand. While we con -Unite to demand the frills we will probably have to pay for them. BIRTHS 7IESSELWOOD—In Mullett, on Mar: 29th, to hfn•, and Mrs. J. Hessel- lwood,.Jr„ a daughter: -• TASKER,--In Deerborn, Mich., on itfar, 29th, to Mr. and Mrs, John L, Tasker, a daughter,—•112ary Eliza - both, DEATHS • 000K—In Mullett, on Mar. 28th, La- vena Hag'ili, widow of William Cook, aged 77 years. NICKERSON In Clinton on March 26th, N.. Nickerson, of Midland, in bis 78rd year, TROTIP-- In Hullett township, on March 30th, Thomas Troup, in his 82ncb year. . IN• MEMORIAM HARRISON--:-In loving memory of our dear mother, Frances %Iarr'i- son, who passed away One year ago, April 4th„ 1930. When the Lord said, You have lin- • ished, Conte up higher, mother dear, You have won a crown in Heaven, By your love and kindness here, We remember well'our sorrow, As we stood beside your bed, Our deep and heartfelt anguish, When we saw that you were dead, We miss your kind and willing hand, Your fond and earnest care; Our home is dark without you, moth- er, We miss you everywhere, -Sadly missed by her children, Dick and Claris Harrison. MCICINL,I;Y—,In loving memory of John Harold McKinley, who died 2 year's ago, April 5111, 19204 "A little flower of love, That blossomed but to die, Transported now above, To bloom with God on high. We loved this tender little one, And would have wished hien stay; lint let the Father's will he clone, Ile shines in endless day." --i$adly missed by father, mother, sister and brothers, Farm Por Sale or Rent Part of lot 29, con. 13, Hullett. Choice farm lapel, excluding bush. For terms or other. information ap- ply to 629 Armoury Ave, Niagara Palls, Ont. 12-2-p. MYTH: On Sunday evening the Citizens' Band presented another of it's sacred concerts in Memorial Ilazil following the evening services in the churches. Mr. Otteviunn of Milver- ton, director of the band, was in charge. The program was as fol- lows: 0 Canada, Duke Street March, Biily Sunday Medley, Overture, March, Invercargill; Nearer iv C ad tn Thee, RAl Cl, Off] Celof the tc Day," s la. ',lust for Today,” (Miss M. Stewart); Trumpet Quartette, Haute Monde overture, March, 9 Kay, hymn, Holy, holy, Holy, and Old Hundred. WHAT A D1FFEP,ENCE • DA\/s ` , A KE ODAY fi TODDLING CRICK ... ill, 90 days a proud pullet about to lay. There's some - thin to think about! Tiny bones' and ,tittle muscles have grown .several times in size a delicate fuzz has sprouted into hundreds of feathers , a chick weighing grams has grown into a pullet weighing pounds , , •. all in 90 short days! - A Wonderful change ...and only one thing can . do it , ...good feed! 'i'his .yea' consider Purina Startena Chow (mash) and Purina Chick Chow (scratch) or All -Mash Startena Chow for the first six weeks , , . and then Purina Growena and Purina Intermediate' Hen Chow until your pullets are lay- ing at 16 weeks. Put these Chows before your chicks. You will see pullets that.are built right . , . pullets that will lair eggs aplenty in fall and winter when eggs are always worth good money, MLS RDOG 3OSC, THOS. MASON Summer Hlll Clinton n Chopp i Mil � E. TREWARTHA, Holmesville INGLEWOOD POULTRY' FARM CAPITA LTHEATRE GOD.ERICH Northern Electric Sound System Now Playing--tShadow Ranch' MON, 'and TUES, In aid' of Women's Hospital Auxiliary The novel with millions of ro0- dors. Ilarold Bell Wright' • wrote the story which provides the acme oe esitertainnrent as a talking picture... "EYES 'OF TI -IE WORLD" Matinee Monday at 3 pan. W13D. and THU'-RAS. Loretta Young & Jack Mulhall present a mystery drama of. love and double identities, "ROAD TO PARADISE" Matinee, Wed, at 3 p.m, PRI: and Sat. -A capable all-star cast present lug one of the screen's most . interesting thrillers. "RIVER'S END" Matinee Sat, at 3 p.m. Watch for "Atlantic Automobile and Truck�� INSURANCE See Emma Levis for new and reasonable rates on 1931 Insurance on ail automobiles and Commercial Automobiles. EMMA [AIS Phone 1893 11-tf. HATCHING EGGS. From Bred -to -lay Single Comb White Leghorns $2.50 per cwt, ' Apply to Frank 1. Tyndall R. R. No, 4, Ring 630r33. Car Insurance YOU 1NILL SAVE MONEY BY INSURING YOUR CAR 'WITH J. C. CH, WEN Office Next to Rattenbury Hotel. Phone 52 CARD OP THANKS Bliss Mary Cook of Goderieh town- ship takes this opportunity of thanking Dr. 'Gandier, the superin- tendent uperin tend en tau st f' £ t and aro he t C'lintoi e - ub IIos r`iia I 1 also s i al] relatives and friends for • the many kindnesses shown her during . her 'stay in the hospital and also at the home of her sister, Mrs, Thos. Riley.. of Clinton, Fer stent Some 1'001115, also n' garden and garage. Will be let separately or together. Call phone 291, Clinton. 12-tf. Please Return Plow Will the party who borrowed the rooter plow belonging to the town of Clinton kindly return same at the earliest convenience as it is needed. 12-1, • For Sale A frame house, in the village of Holmesville, Highway No, 8, for- merly occupied by Mr's. J. E. Holds- worth. Apply to C, McPhail, Gode- rieh. 12.2, • Wall Papering Wall papering painting andl 09 - holstering done by livered L, John• stat* phone No. 640r14, Clinton cen- tral. T have about eight hundred sAmples of Boxer's, Staunton's and Empire, Sunwortliy wall papers, rang- ing from 75 to 31,50 per single roll, also' about 50 samples of York Up- holstering fabrics and about 100 samples of York drapery for over - curtains,• cushions and comforters, Beautiful window shades of plain and .Caney laces and insertions, Duplex and Venetian. See my catalogue and samples, B. L. Johnston. 12-tf. Auction Sale Of House and Two Lots Mrs. W. H. Trembley will sell by public auction at :the premises, cor- ner Keays and Raglan streets, God - rich, Tharsdav, April Oth, commenc- ing at 1.30 o'clock, sharp: The Property consisting of lots 125(3-1.257, on which those is a con?- fortable frame residence in A-1 state of wepair, - containing livil6g room, three bedrooms, kitchen, summer kit- chen, bather•on, pantry, hill and full- sised basement, verandah, new elec- tric lighting, hot and cold water :vein/ with nese equipment 'cone - Tho garden is well fenced and well `reed with several kinds of choice fruit tree,, ell bearing. , The soil is a Hell loam and is well ruined, with tile and catch -basin. dinnvenierit to. both Collegiate. and-. Victm•ia schools,' and in a healthful locality. Sidewalks on all sides, and axes very reasonable. This proper- ty may be inspected any' time after. April 1st. . . P3111315: Ten per cent, purchase nrir'e down at time of sale. Balance within thirty days. Mgrs, `@Vi H. Trnroblav-, Proprietress Thos. Gundry et Son, Anetioneere. Clinton's- • ew LaHa Egg — And Poultry House . Eggs bought according to Domin-i ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices' of eggs. You will always find our prices Par- allel with the city markets, Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted -Prices .good. Always phone our office for prices'_ before marketing produce, N. W. Trewartha, Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w H. W. Charlesworth FLOUR AND .FEED We Sell THE METAL MOTHER 33ROOl3.ER A New and BetterBrooder, Boiler Plate, Steel Firepot, Cannot Crack. -,Come in and see it. TRY MOLASSINIii MEAL mixed with other feeds for Cattle, Horses and. Pigs. Helps digestion, Sold by the 00 -ib. bags or less. Annual Masquerade under auspices of Bayfield Agricul- tural Society - in the Town hall, BAYFIELD on the evening of Wednesday, April 8th Grand March at 9 o'clock. ' Prizes given for best costumes, see posters. for particulars. • Good music. Refreshments Served. Admission, Adults, 50e. Children 25o. 11-2. A 'Salad Tea A. salad tea will be served, under the auspices of the Senior Guild of Trinity church, in the Orange Hall,Hayfield, on Friday, April 10th. Tea served front 5 c'elock to 8. Adinis- sion 25e, 12-1. Seed Barley Quantity 0f clean seed barley, six rowed, No, 21 at 60c per bushel. Apply to Morgan L. Jones, R, R. No, 2, Clinton, phone, 602r4. 10-2, Notice All 1930 taxes in Mellott not paid by April 16th, 1931 will be placed in the bailiff's Lands for collection. S. iileVittie, tax collector, Township of IIulIett, R. R. No, 2, Blyth, 11-2, Auction Sale of Farm Stack At lot 32, Bayfield Road, Gus. I isback's farm, 1-2 mile west of Clinton, on Friday, April 8rd, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the fol- lowing: Choice carriage horse, 5 years old. CATTLE: Durham cozy, 7 yearn old, due to freshen April 201h; Dur- ham heifer, 3 years old, due to freshen April 28th; 2 farrow .awe. milking good; 6 2 -year-old choice heifers; 5 choice yearlings; 8 Pol- led Angus calves, •SHEEP—•5young ewes With 10 lambs at side; 10 ewes, due to lamb about April 20th. TERMS: 0 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint bankable paper, nra discount of 0 per vent, per Annum allowed for cash. Gustave Bleb/tele, Proprietor, Geo. Il, Elliott, Auctioneer 11-2. IN THE SUPREME COT.'RT OF ONTARIO KELLY. Vs: GARRETT Pursuant to the Judgment and fin- al Order for Sale made in this muse, anti bearing elute the 2nd day of Sep - twelve, A.D,, 1930, and the 19th day of March, A.D„ 1031, there will be sold, with the approbation of J. L. Killoran, Esquire, blaster of this Court at Code -rich, 'by Thomas •Gun dry, Auctioneer, at the. Commercial Hotel in the Village of Blyth in the County of Huron, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 11111 day of April, A.D., 1981, the fallout.:. ing lands and premises in one parcel: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcelortract of land and pre- mises situate, lying and being in the Township of Hallett and being com- posed of part of the center part of lot numberlwenty-six in the thir- teenth concession of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, con- taining Forty acres of land, be the same more or less, and more parti- cularly described in a Deed of said lands from John Kyles to Joseph Lyon dated the fifteenth day of Jan- uary, 1856, and registered in the Registry Office for- the County of Huron on the Twenty-third day of January 1856, as Number 226. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve.bid, which hasbeen fixed by the said Master. Teats 01 Sale: 20 pee: cent. el' the purchase money shall be paid on the sfate of sale and the balance shall be paid into Court by ' the Purchaser within thiety days from the •date of such sale Possession of said premises will he given immediately after the sale and the payment of said deposit. In all other respects the terms and conditions, of sale will be the, eta/W- hig conditions of the Supreme Court of Ontario, • Further particulars • can be had from •Loftus E. Danchy,Vendor's Solicitor, at Birth or Goderich'. Dated at Goderich this 21st day of IV larch,..A,D•, 1931, . "3. T Killoran," Loeal Mesta - 1:1 w aster1.° 11. l 0 1.- u • i 11`3. IT IS TO LAUGH AT WItyTEf ''S GAFF FOR., FIEI E5 MEAT THAT CANT BE BEAT TIIURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1931 eseeseetteetees CLINTON'S rt2. •,�',df.r'��A , w ' s • 8 g i i If you `want comfort within while cold ie without invite the Heat Poliesv into our bin. Thsy ate the original g oat -getters of winter weather, Jack Frost can out his capers aeon the window pane, but he dare not erose this threshh old --all his efforts are in pan.. The Heat Folks make spring days and t palmy evenings o order. Ring for thein now and place your order, • d shy rd Co&d Co PHONE rd.. CLINTON, ONTARIO v C. H. VE NNE Electrician Electric Ranges, • Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs w _ Phone 7 House to Rent Comfortable house, Albert street, Clinton, electric lights, town water, 8 rooms, garden, stable and gar- age, Possession April lst. Apply to Albert Morrell, Londesboro, Phone 28-15. Blyth central, 094f. Eggs Per Hatching Eggs from bred -to -lay S, C. White Leghorns, hens two and three years old. Price 33.00 per hundred. Apply to Roy Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, phone 607x2, Clinton, 09-tf. Farm For Sale or Rent 80 acre farm, lot 22, con. 6, God- erich township. All grass, never - failing spring creek, lots of shade, life storey brick house, good barn, driving shed, orchard, 7 acres bush. Apply to R. Y. Cox, Huron street, Clinton for particulars. 09-tf. SEED FOR SALE SWEET CLOVER SEED I have a quantity of real good yel- low Blossom Sweet Clover Seed for sale at $5.00 per bushel, SEED BARLEY I also have some choice six rowed Liberty Barley for sale. Seed, is pure and free from oats. It is very heavy yielding barley and weighs 50 lbs, per bushel. Will sell a limited quantity of this for 56e per bushel, ANDREWS Phone 33, Clinton, Ont. 12-tf, ABY CHIC a.S BARRED 'ROCKS APRIL ANI) MAY CHICKS • at 311.00 per hundred Cn s'rom HATCItINGS $3.50 per hundred E. J. TRE YI+ ARTHA Clinton, 11. R, No. 8. Phone 011-22. 09-tf, IBRITISH BOYS FOR FARM WORK A geed elaes of British boys rang- ing frnm 14 to 21 years of ago---an,l from inexperienced to three penes Canadian experionee trill be avail- able fur placement on a yearly en- gagement basis anytime after Mar, 151.h. Protestant homes only sup- plied ---wages from $120.00 a year up according to age and experience. Application forms may be secured by- writing to the Hostel, Norval, Ontario, 09-4, Heifer Helves leer Sale Those Wishing to purchase Hol- stein h0ifer calves should leave or- ders -with me, as I shall have some trans time to time dining the next few tveelds, If I cannot supply you at once will be able to do so within a few days of order, W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone 638.21, Clinton Central. 09-tf, Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs Try our Bred -today Barred Rocic Chicks, • that give satisfaction anti high egg production, D. IVI. Lindsay, R.R. No. 3, Hedge Row Chick farm, 04-tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Warren, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons ]laving claims against the estate of Elizabeth Warren, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Iluron, widow, deceased, who died on or about rhe third day of January A,D.,1981, are required to deliver to John Gibbings, George Henry Ball and Thomas Pengelly, the executors of the said, estate or F. Finglande Solicitor, on or before the eleventh day of April, A,D„1.931, a full state- ment of their claims together with Particulars thereof, and the datere of the securities if any, held by them all duly verified by efficlavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after• tree said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shrill •havereceived due notice and 10 accordance therewith, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, . this 23rd day of March, A.D,, 1931. • le. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor• for the said. estate. 11-3. Poultry, Eggs & Cream WANTED - W'e are prepared to buy above ev- ery working day. Eggs graded by experienced graders. Cream purchased for Bowes' Creamery, Toronto, A. E. FINCH .Agent for Viking Cream Separator, Victoria St., Clinton. Phone, 231, Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implements • and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry part* and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton, 81 -ht. BABY CHICKS Barron Strain White Leghorns Ontario Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks CUSTOM HATCHING • STA31INAX and BLATCHI•'ORD'S CIIICK FEEDS ELMSLIA CHICK FARM, CLINTON E. L. Mittell, Phone 213 ATTENTION 1Cetti•ii 1 remove the: scars and scratches from your Car Bodies Simonize and melte it look like new. It costs but little. Give us a ring. We will cull with Paper Samples. Give you an estimate on Painting your home. We do everything that is done by a brush. Save the surface, and Save menu. 11`1 Aolicit your patrontgo. SAM'L, I,01313, BERT FREMLIN 13x -Service bion. Phone 62 FOR Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds GAIL. ON H. W. MLA E' K Phone 182 Representing -- McLEOD. YOUNG, WEIR & CO.. TORONTO You can keep warm with Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal, or have win- ter sunshine every day if you burn tate famous 03.0, Coke. Also a good supply of Wyandotte Coke, Alberta Coal, Bitiuninous Coal. Prompt delivery front my sheds on Queen Street at anytime. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 250 NEED MONEY? Must you get some ready cash quickly? Then Use. KELLY & AIK EN The Collection Specialists of Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, Owen Sound They get Results No ,Collection No Charge CUSTOM SAWINiG Our Ssty Mill will be at John Tur- ners' farm, Clinton, at Bayfield, and at T. Wallis' 4th econ,, Goderich Twp., to do custom sawing during the coin- ing spring. IVIelEA /E' N 'BIOS. Phone 624r4, Clinton. 100-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms . over Heard's Barber shop:' W, 3. Jago. 2288-tfo,