HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-04-02, Page 4THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD onannaustaccassztosam THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1131' ssaixisaninsisismatorsaseistessissammess cooneatanteausessemissasteinesamstagesaiiisesseiscomesissamesorsis V.Pr ,..n ., COOPER'S assaseinsenraressamosarassasnramsiniat STORE NEWS And Will ire. Kul iswn Cel&orate This, Opening Ofter Unusual SEE LAK.G E BILLS FOR DFTAILS. WE 4.4 ;HAVE SPECIALS FOR EACH WEEK, •• aEi • (YU 1 WINDOWS FOR SAME. EXTRA stTctsL Colgate's Dental Cream at 19e 29e .Rexall Shaving Cream and Gillette Razor 35e Palm Olive Shaving Cream at W.S1 . o s mes, Phm.B CLINTON, Ol3T.Zge Stare PHONE 51 ;'•I,TNANNa0164.17~40W4.,0 PI.PIJI,MMSPAI•N.HNMAwtWJyl•yWTOWNP. .T01,, Let me Give you' an Estimate On any of those rooms that you have to paper or, paint, as I have a large assortment of papers to choose froln,5c to $2.00 a roll. Try a can of four-hour enamel or varnish. Let me tell you how to fix up that bath room` with oil cloth and paneling. A phone call will bring the books to your door. X 'sell paper whether hanging it or not. Phone 234 e t a: 9 STORE OPENS AT 8.30, WITH EXTRA CLERKS "'I'IlII STOIU1 WITH TITE STOCK" PHONE 30 6. ,1 • ,Y. .„ debate; "Resolved that wealth is a greater source of happiness in the world than poverty." The affir- mative was taken by Percy Young- bint and Reg. Murray and the nega thee by Cenetta Jewell • and Annie • £traujhan. The negative won' by a smith margin,- The disciis3ion per- - ird 1 was_presided over by Miss E, BIai1 The official board meeting of the Auburn Circuit of the United Church was held here last week. Among oth- er things discussed was an adequate soft -water supply for the manse. A large number from here went to Goder.ieh to attend the funeral of Elizabeth 112;eGee, Widow of Thomas 1,lbLaughiin of Summerhill. The de- ceased spent her girlhood to the old • McGee homestead just east of tbe• Auburn school, now occupied by her brother, Robert McGee. After her marriage she resided for a short I titre - at her new home near Sum - ,e -chill. when iter husband died sud- denly as the r"sult of being kicked by a 'horse. She then retained t•, .her cad home where rho arid her son,, Harvey, remained until he rain l +ted his public school eduratian. During recent Fears Mrs. McLaughlin had resided with Harvey of the 'Massey - Harris staff, Toronto, but last 'sum- mer took up her residence with her old friend, Mrs. Montgomery. for- merly Miss Kernighan, or Goderieh. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson, who came down from Alberta with the remains of their young daughter last week, are remaining for a week or telt days. The doctor states that the rause of Isabell's death is somewhat of n mystery as she' was in good health up to a few days before her death, when a slight throat trouble developed which was followed by vomiting, the cause of which could not be diagnosed by himself or the attending physicians at the hospital. Tile and 'iTrs. Ta•ksnn hair one sur- viving child, a boy of sixteen, Painter and Decorator $ SEAFORTW HAS PINE s DAY FOR FAIR .. T, .TVnTe+o.naseve,c.•Te,aw ,3. THE [Cillitoil 1 PREMIUM LIST, 1931 OPTION OF 1 Soolely 1 GLADIOLI, -10 Choice named Varieties CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST, 2 -year subscription, PLANTS from Jno. Curunghame, PLANTS from Chas. V. Cooke, or 25 DARWIN TULIPS, (Autumn Delivery.) MEMBERSHIP FEE, $iA0 IAN McLEOD H. E. RORKE, a President, Secretary. 12-3. ST. HELENS Mr. John Anderson has been re - •engaged with Mr, Wes. Joynt for ani ,other• year:..• Born en 1VIarch 21st, at Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs, Ecl. Smith, _ formerly ',Miss Pearl W abater,, _ a daughter. • Mrs, R. J. Woods .was • down to Galt, Guelph and Fergus last week, visiting her daughters. Quite a nnniber cif • the farntees ;around are busy making maple, syee lupi There ;wits' a geed attendance at till St. Patrick's Social on Friday evening in the"United church, Very geed Lantern' Slides of the Canadian' potties were shown. Miss Muriel Miller, contributed a piano 'solo, Aliso Greta Webb sang a solo arid witsses. Helen- and Dorothy ]Miller also sang -and Miss' Etta Taylor gave several readings, all of which was very much •enjoyed. A contest and lunch brought the evening to a close. •AUBURN hfr, and Mrs, , Frank Stanley,have returned here and will remain for a time at their home in Colborne, . Dr, Benson Hamilton has been 'visiting, with his brothers and sis- ters here, but left .on Monday for the Soo. On• April 10,th the Sunday Scho61 of Knox United church will hold • a progressive ':trot:Meg: - party in Lille basement of tate church.. • On Tuesday, April 7th, the X.P.S. will hold their regular, ibeeting, in charge of Miss Grace E, Jewell. A •nunibei of Masonic brethren free) here .attended their lodge 03001 - ate -Carlow 'en Wednesday evening i•this ''ver lc.' "i'I'he 'dung People's Society of Knox 'United Church, held the usual weekly meeting Tuesday night 'with Amos Andrew in the chair, The main feature on the program was a Cord Show; Good Crowd Tile- nnrool Spring horse Show Ind d in Seaforth on PtHescley rimier the auspices of the Seaforth Agri- clltural Society Was a splendid .nr- cess.The day was exceptionally fine, rnd the crowd Was the la"gest that eve- ntterded a ,swing shotty in Sea - forth. The < nality of horse floc! was very high arca the judge, W!n. Praia:yfield, of Ridgetovn, remarked tate task of placing horses was diffi- cult owingto the very even quality of animals in 05011 class. Win, S. 13roedfoot, the president. and directors of the society deserve ,great credit for the: manner in which eveiTthiNg was carried out. The boys' judging competition bad seven entries under the cii,'eetirn of Ian McLeod, Huron County Agrieul towel Representative. The prize -list follows: Clyde • stallion, any age -1, rev- orite Again. Robert Murdock, Brum- field; 2. British Hero, Peter Kiigrat- rick, lfi pen. - • • ,Clyde stallion, under three years- 1, Scottie, William McMillan. Sea - forth; Sweepstake, R. Murdock, Percheron stallion, any age --1, T)iamnnt, William Keeler. Dublin; 2, Voltaic. Sh'ennsvd Dale, Clinton, Roadster horse, in' ."harness -1, hfmningg Bros., Lonclesboro; 2i, Roy Callius, .Mit^hell .Carriage. .horse, in -harness -1, 1:I. Young 'Listowel; 2; D1:: Aberhnrt, IV$itcbell; 3, WiIbtir Deas, Seaforth, Agricultural brood snare, in foal 1. 1), 1+oi:herinrhanl da Pens. Tt;'Urn- ficld: 2, 'Simeon Thiel, Mitchell; 3. P, Fathei•inmham & Sons. , A.ariertltur..al filly or e'elding, 'fr•at- ed in 1928-1, Earle Sproat, Rip - nen; 2, A. Pepper & Cons, Sc 0i?nl'th. Wal. Charters and ,Sons, Seaforth. - ,Agricultural filly oe• R•elclinor, foal- ed in '192$-I: D. Fotherineham & Sons;- 2, 1i'i'od Roney,• Mitchell; 3, A. Pepper & Sons, ' Agricultural .flaky or. gelding, fonl- eat in 1930- 1, 1). Pothirineb,un and Sons; 2, Michael Murray, Seaforth. Agricultural team in harness -1, Russell Scott, Cromarty; 2, Simeon- Thiel', imeonThiel', 3, A. B. Chalmers. Stratford. ,Sweepstake -Russell Scott, Heavy draft brood mare, in foal - 1, Russell Scott; - 2, lir, Urquhart, Mitchell; • 3, William S. Brostdfoot, Kippen.' ' ' Heavy draft filly or gelding, foal- ed 1928-1, A. 13. Chalmers; 2, Pet- er Simpson, Seaforth. , Heavy draft filly or gelding, foal- ed 1929-1, A. B. Chalmers; 2, W. LEADERS IN LOW PRICES -Urquhart; 3, W. Urquhart, . Heavy draft filly or gelding, foal- ed 1030-a, D, ' Fotheringhanr. and Sons; 2, A. W. Ethertngton, Hensall. .Heavy draft teal), in harness -1, James Scott, Cromarty; 2, W: Urqu hart: Sweepstake -W. Urquhart. General.lturp.ose team, in harness -1, Fred Pepper and Sons; Clinton; 2, J. C. Harrison, Seaforth; 3, Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth. Township speciai --- 1, Russell Scott; .2; W. Urquhart;. 3, A. B. Chal- mers. - • • Boys' Judging competition -1, John Fotheringham, -90 points; 2, Frank Archibald. 80 points; 3, Wil- mer Broadfoot, 85 points; 4, John Mcoltfan; 84 points; 5, John Broad - foot, 83 points, The judge was William Merrifield Ridgetown, ; • A counter -attraction which proved very popular and attracted a large crowd was a street entertainment provided by Jack Klein, of Brussels consisting of cleverly executed vio- lin selections, songs and humorous sayings. TIICICERSMITl3. The Tuekersmith Ladies' Club will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs, Gifford Crich on the after. noon of Wednesday, April 8th, The roll call will be answered by a ques- tion on cooking. 'even per adi tres that a e eception PHONE 273 AND NOW the new Majestic Super- heterodyneModels,widely heralded, are ready for delivery! Many., added features ...yet lower prices! Entirely new superheterodyne circuit. New type x`551" tube that gives even purer, more realistic reception. Equipped with eight Rogers A.C. Tubes ... Canada's longest -lived and .finest performing radio tubes. There is only one thing for you to do. See for yourself the new Majestic Superheterodyne Models ... priced at $115, $149 and $185 ... now on display in our store. See this latest Superheterodyne Majestic Radio only • COMPLG'IE with eight Rogers Tubes, including three new Q°551" Screen -Grid Tubes 180c