The Clinton News Record, 1931-03-26, Page 5THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME Well, holo .do you feel today, the •nticldlo of "Health Week,.?", It does not look like paying proper respect to our flag of Empire to use a Union Jack as a warning against a newly -opened drain. Slalf a yard :square of turkey,red cotton would be the proper thing, The Union Jack should be reserved for more digni- fied use, Farmers' daughters are to be 'on ,an equality with farmers' sons in re- gard ;to, municipal franchise, Por some years the sons of farmers, who -worked with their fathers on the -farm, although not owning any pro- perty, have had a vote in municipal eledtions. There seemed no real rea- son why : daughters should not. have -the sante privilege' and now they are :to have it. Whether or not it will prove•a boon to eitherthe daughters or the country remains to be seen, •era Sir George Foster, the -veteran 'senator, advocates the co-operation of the parties in the face of present conditions, fel the good of the coun- `try. 'In view of the time wasted in factional strife such a truce might be so much to the good, A. glance spending a fewweeks with her cousin, 1Vfiss S. Sampson at Palmer- ston Mrs. E. Crawford spent several days in. London last week and at- tended the funeral of her -sister, ?1frs, McNiel who died, quite suddenly. The three-day course which was held at the community hall last week was well attended. Mrs. Allen of Toronto demonstrated on Handy Craft and proved quite ptetesting The several different ways of beau- tifying a home at small' cost was , well worth trying, The regular monthly meeting of the W;omanrs' Institute will be held two days before the regular date, this time, on 'Tuesday, March 31st. This is young girl's day, and the girls always; have a treat in store, the girls having full charge for both program and lunch. Miss Alberta Snell and Miss Gladys Mountain are 1 ladies Al tad s are welcome and an interesting time is expected. Those who slid not get their articles dipped at the special' course' may bring them to this meeting, I The large snow plough which is cleaning off the highway not moving very fast, They have had several breakdowns and bad lack in general. aver the daily reports of the proceed -1 'ings of either houses Qf parliament will convince anyone that if the time spent in fruitless Wrangling were spent in consideration of public questions the.. sessions would be very much shortened and, probably, the `business of the country would be per - Yenned much more efficiently. LONDESBORO The regular meeting ,of the W,1Vf,S. •of Knox church, Londesboro, met in 'the church' on March 20th, with'Mrs. Forster, vice-president, taking charge Meeting opened by singing hymn, "0 For a Thousand Tongues to Sing," followed by prayer. The scripture reading was given by Miss Hamilton, Jude 20-25. The business was then discussed and after a hymn was sung the "Watch Tower," was 'heard from, Mrs. Fingland; reading an interesting paper on Korea, Miss Hamilton on Canada, and Mrs. For- ster gave an interesting talk on Af- ricans, fricans, which was given a week ago in Sarnia by Miss Effie Jamieson, 'returned Missionary, Mrs. Forster read a chapter on India also a let - 'ter from. lir. and Mrs. McKinley 'from China. A paper was then read on Temperance. The study was '"Fruits of Christian Missions in Japan." Leaflets were read by Miss 'Hamilton, Mrs. Forster, Mrs. 'Ping- 'Iand and Mrs. Melville. The devo- tional leaflet read by Mrs, john 'Scott. Hymn 540 was sung, followed 'by prayer and the meeting closed with the benediction, , Miss L. Young, who has been vis- iting friends in London and other points all ,winter, has returned :home. ,Miss Ida Lyon has returned after VARNA Mr, Tom Warner underwent an operation, having his tonsils remov- ed, at the Clinton Hospital last Fri- day. By • the last reports "he was getting .along fine. Mrs. Percy Workman spent the week -end visiting her father, also her sister, Mrs. Wilfred Chuter. M. and Mrs. Epps spent Friday evening at the home of Mi'. Robt, Webster. . Mrs. Wilmer Reid spent the week- end at her father's home, Mr. Ed. Boyce of the London Road. We expect to hear wedding bells ringing in the. near future. Mrs. J. W. Reid is spending a couple of weeks with her son, 'Dr. Harvey Reid of Toronto. M'r. and Mrs. McKenzie and fain- tly and Mr. and Mrs. Zapfe of Bruce - field spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe of Varna. We are sorry to report that Mas- ter Horace Brotherton bad the )ms— fortune to fall and break his erne on Tuesday. W$ hope Horace will soon be able to attend school again. Mr, Elwood Epps is sporting a new ear these days. HAYFIELD Grenville Atkinson returned to the village on Monday' after having spent the winter in Detroit. Mrs. A. Newton -Brady spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. Mrs, H. Little left last week to visit her daughter in 'Windsor. Haroid McLeod, who has been in Port Dover since last fall returned home last week. Mr. Chorge Gale, who has been the guest of his aunt and cousin at BIRTHS it1'acDONALD---en Clinton, on March 20th, to Mr. and Mts. Ronald Mac- . Donald, a daughter,—{Mary ;Ellen•. MARRIAGES WADE-iLAVTS-At Royal Oak, Mich., on Mar.• 18th, Jennie, second slaughter of Mr, L. W, Lavis and the late Mrs. Lavis of Clinton, to John C. Wade of Royal Oak, DEATHS CO:GE :In FIint, Mich, on Mar. 18th, Mary A Cantelon, widow of Rev. W. H. Cole, aged 69 years. • ARCHIBALD--AAt the home of her son, R. H. Archibald, Oakville, on March 21, Mary ltlegaw, wife of James Archibald of Seaforth, MILLSON—At Munro, Ont,, on Marr. 22nd, Samuel Milison of St. Marys formerly reeve - of Fullerton town- ship, in his 73rd year. HOLLOWAY.'—In 'Clinton, on Mar.. 20th, Albert J. Holloway, in his 66th year, TACICSON--In Clinton, on Mar. 25th, William Jackson, aged:: 73 years. CARD OF THANKS• hfrs. W. H. Cole and family wish to express their sincere thanks to. the neighbors and friends for their kindness during Mr. Cole's illness and at Inc- lamented death, Also'to the superintendent and nurses at the Clinton Public Hospital. for their unceasing care and kindness. the Parsonage for the past two weeks left on. Monday for Winni- peg. - ' Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur -Erwin, Mrs. E. A. Saucier and Miss Ruble Fisher of Kitchener were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. F, A. Edwards on Sunday. Mrs. Edwards' accompanied them on their return to Kitchener. The young people of St. Andrew's United church held their regular meeting on Thursday evening,' March 19th. Owing to the condition of the reads, the speaker, Mr. Colin Camp- bell, was unable to be present. Mr„ George Gale gave an interesting talk on Korea, where he spent 'eight" years. A. mouth organ solo was ren- dered by James Rouatt; and the soc- ial committee then took charge for the recreational period. "Love's Magic" which is being presented in the town hall on Friday evening has a good cast of perfor- mers and promises to be one of the best plays staged by the members of St. Andrew's United church choirs Rev. Bremner of Brueefield con- ducted service in St. Andrew's Uni- ted church last Sunday afternoon. Rev R. M. Gale is improving in health and expects to be home soon, his many friends will be glad to hear. The fishermen are launching their boats this week, the east wind hnv-. Ong cleared the lake and harbor of ice. Some with small boats have a1 - ready had some catches, FESS HEATS THE WORLD FESS ANNOUNCES 'rife APPOINTMENT 01? To HOMAS AWKINS ALBERT 'STREET as Their Agent for Clinton DOMESTIC AND COM MERCIAL HEATING FESS OIL URNERS of CANADA, LIMITED BEAD OFFICE: TORONTO, Montreal, Ottawa,,Toronto, Windsor, Winnipeg, Vancouver to leikrift.zr.l3 ateas:tissiallat. .axe 7Fitt 3 st r1,11)�1 4 . quirel nits NOW I2 THE TIME ' TO GET YOUR HARNESS REl1 IREMTNTS . FOR SPRING The harness shown above, with or without large ring in trace, is' exceptional value, -$885, Set We also offer a brass trimmed breeching' harness for $52.00. A Good Stock of Horse Collars op. hand at $2.00, $2.75, $150,•$4.50, and up. HARNESS OILED. AND REPAIRED PROMPTLY. Harness W. M. AIKEN RIGHT` GODS • CLINTON Luggage RIGHT PRICES, meseeseresersaseareiemesatiseracerai THURSDAY, MAILER 23, 1931 CAPITALTHEATRE. GODERICH Northern' Electric Sound System Now Playing --John Barrynrore' in "M,OBY DICK" MON., TUES and WED, NANCY. CARRROLL with Fredric March and Frank Morgan, the screen's most beau tifitl star; in a picture more pow ei'ful than any she has made. "LAUGHTER" THURS., and FRIDAY JACK OAKIE will tickle your ribs as a goofy gob in this rollicking tale of the •briny deep "SEA LEGS". SATURDAY ONLY BUCK JONES in the fastest western thriller, you have ever \seen,: or heard. Comedy, action and drama 'a- bound in 1 "SHADOW RANCH" Matinees: Monday, Friday and Saturday at 3 pan, 3 program changes next weep Annual Masquerade under auspices of Bayfield Ageieul- tural Society in the Town hall, BAYMELD on the evening of Wednesday, April 8th Grand March at 9 o'clock. Prizes given for best costumes, see posters for particulars. Good music. Refreshments Served Admission, Adults, 50c. Children 25c. 11-2. Automobile and Truck INSURANCE See Ernnta Levis for new and reasonable rates on 1931 Insurance on all automobiles and Commercial Automobiles. • EMMA LAV1S Phone 189j - 11-tf. Auction Sale of Farm Stock At lot 32, Bayfield Road, Gus. Bisback's farm, '1-2 mile west of Clinton, 'on Friday; April 3rd, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the fol- lowing: • Choice carriage horse, 5 years old, CATTLE: Durham caw, 7 years old, due to freshen April 201h; Dur- ham heifer, 3 years old, due to freshen April 28th; 2 farrow cows, milking good; 6 2 -year-old choice heifers; 5 choice yearlings; 8 Pol- led Angus calves, •SHEEP—+5 young ewes with 10 lambs at side; 10 ewes, due to Iamb about April 20th. TERMS: 6 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint bankable paper,- or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum ' allowed for cash, Gustave Bisbeek, Proprietor, Geo. f f. Elliott, Auctioneer 11-2. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO KELLY Vs. GARRETT Pursuant to thee judgment and fin- al Order for Sale made in this cause, and bearing date the 2nd day of Sep teiWhet, A.D., 1980, and the 19th clay of March, A.D., 1931, there will be snide with the approbation of J. L. ICiloran, Esquire, Master of this Court at .Goderich, by Thomas (Gun- dry, Auctioneer,' at the Conunettcial Hotel -in the Village of Biyth in the County of Huron, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the llth day of April, A,D., 1931, the follow- ing lands and premises in one .parcel: ALL AND SINNGUL.AR that cer- tain parcel, or tract of land and pre- mises situate, lying and being in the Township of Huilett and being com- posed of- part of the center part of lot number twenty-sixin the thir- teenth concession of the Township of Mullett in the County of Huron, con- taining Forty acres of land, be the same mare or less, and more parti- cularly described in a Deed of said lands from' John Iiylee to Joseph Lyon dated the fifteenth day of Jan- uary,.1850, and registered in the Registry,Office for the County of Huron -on the Twenty-third day of January 1856, as Number 226. • - The property will be .offered for sale. subject 1!o a reserve bid, which ]las been fixed by the said Master. Terms of Sale: 20 per cent. of the purchase Money shall be paid on the date of sale and the balance shall be paid into Court by the Purchaser within thirty days from the date of such sale. Possession of said premises will be' given immediately after the .sale and the payment of said deposit. • In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the stand- ine conditions of the Supreme' Court' of Ontario, Further particulars can be had from Loftus E. D'aneey, Vendor's Solicitor, at Blyth. or Gederich. Dated at Goderich this 21st day of March, AD, ,1931. "J. L. Killoran," Local, MM titer, 1.1,.,3„ Clinton's New -Laid Egg And ' Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg ;Regulations. Inquire fox( our prices of eggs You will always "find our prices par''-; allel with the city markets: Fat hens and welt -finished chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices' beforemarketing produce, N. \YW r, ft rewartha Phones=Office,.2141 Residence, 214w • Love's • IsilagLe A 3 -act Comedy Drama, will be presented by the Choir of St. And- rew's United. Church in Town hall; .BAYFIELD FRIDAY, MARCH 27 at 8 o'clock Music between acts by Messr1. Robt. Hale and Geo. Cartet, Radio Entertainers Admission 35c and 25e. 10-2. H. W. Charlesworth FLOUR AND FEED We- Sell THE METAL MOTHER =BROODER A New and Better Brooder Boiler 'Plate, Steel Firepot, Cannot Crack,—Como in and see it. TRY 1VIOLASSINE MEAL mixed with other feeds for Cattle, ,Horses and Pigs. Helps digestion, Sold by the 0'0 -ib. bags or lees. Eggs For Sale Barred Rock eggs, three dollars per hundred, 35c per setting of 18 or 46e for 15. bIrs. Hiram Hill. phone 150. ""11-1 Lost In Clinton, between the Masonic hall and the Beide of Montreal, a bank book on Ont. Provincial Sav- ings Department, Hamilton. Finder kindly leave at News- Record. Re- ward. 11-1. House For Sale or Rent Tear room comfortable house, Jos- eph street, Clinton, 'possession at once. For particular's apply to A. Seeley, Clinton. 07-tf. Notice All 1930 taxes in Hallett not paid by April 15th, 1931 will be placed in the bailiff's hands for collection. S. llieVittie, tax collector, Totvnshilr of Hallett, R, R. No. 2, Blyth. 11-2. Notice The Rest Room and furniture has been repaired and a caretaker en- gaged and front noir on the room will be under the supervision of the Women's Institute, which has kindly undertaken its oversight. Bert Langford, Chairman Property Com- mittee of. the town council. Farm For Sale or to Rent Lot 11, eon 6, Hallett, 100 acres of good ]and, fairly well drained, fair buildings, drilled well, wind- mill, water in stable. Would sell -cheap or rent to a good tenant who would buy stock and implements for cash. Roy Lawson, Clinton, R, R. No. 1, Phone 241r31, Seaforth cen- tral. 11-1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Warren, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that ail persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Warren, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron„widow, deceased, who died on or about the third daq` of January 'A,D.,1931, aro required to deliver to John Gibbings,• George Henry Ball and Thomas Pengelly, the executors of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the eleventh clay of April, A,D.,1031, a full state- ment of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due ndtiee and in accordance therewith. DATED. at Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd, clay of March; A.D., 1931, E. FINGLAND Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. 11-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of David Hoggart, Deceased.' NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate. of David Hoggart, late of the village of Londesboro, in the County of Ituron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of October, A.D., 1980, are required to •delit'er• to the executors of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, an or before theist day of April, A.D., 1981, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of thoa,securities if held by then= all -duly verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 17tH day of March, A,D,, 1931. F. S'ingland, Clinton, Ontario, Sol icieor :for the said estate. .. 10-2 THE CLINTON WHEN THE WORLD IS PR1010”- Aivn YOU'RE c reeLlt4G Blue TELEPHONE- 'lie HEAT FOLKS Wm'LL SGT IT •RIGHT, FOR You HEAT FOLKS Wo are strong advocates of ordering coal early. Coniirron- sense tells, you that the more evenly our work can be spread over the whole year, the better service we can give, and the more economically 'we can. 'op- erate. Ordering' well in ad- vance, is to everybody's advan- tage. But, we realize that .ev- eryone is apt to get caught short of coal, • now and again, and it is part of our service to meet these emergencies, When \tt you need eoal in a hurry, te,' I CLINTON ria lt PHONE 74 CLINTON,' ONTARIO C. FL VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs ' Irons, Fans and -other 'Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 -Mouse to Rent Comfortable house, Albert street, Clinton, electric lights, town water, 8 rooms, garden, stable and gar- age, Possession April 1st.,. Apply to Albert Morrell, Londesboro. Phone 28-15 Blyth'eentral. 09-tf. For Sale 11 good young sheep, withlamb;. also a ram. Apply to George Col - Clough, concession 4; Hullett. 11-1-p. Eggs For Hatching Eggs from bred -to -lay S. C. White Leghorns, -hens two and three years old. Price $3,00 per hundred. Apply to Roy Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, phone 607r:3. Clinton. - 09-tf. Seed Barley Quantity o f clean seed barley, six rowed, No. 21 at 60e per bushel. Apply to Morgan L Jones, R. R: No. 2, Clinton, phone, 602r'4, Bargains for Show Day Three Electric "Snow Bird" Wash- ers, Refinished, Good as New. Full factory guarantee, A wonderful op- portunity. Less than cost. Easy terns if desired. Singer Shop next Rattenbury hotel W. GLEN COOK Phone 171 oti e Do not let Spring Cleaning worry you. Call us for Painting, Paper Hang- ing, Glazing, Graining, etc. Attything from cellar to garret. We supply paper of quality. SAM"L. LOBE, BERT FREIItLIN Phone 62. 10-tf. For Sale A frame hen house, size 12x55 feet, in good repair, to be moved from premises. Apply to Mrs. C, A. Howson, Auburn, 10-2. BABY CHICKS BARRED ROCKS March and April, $15.00 per hundred For May, $14.00 per hundred CUSTOM HATCHINGS $4.00 per hundred E. J. TREWARTHA Clinton, It, R. No, 3. Phone 611-22. 09-tf. Notice To Dog Owners All those owning or harbouring dogs are requested to take note that such mist be registered and dog fax paid before Saturday, March 28th. L. STONG • Tax Collector. e Farm For Sale or Rent 80 acre farm, lot 22, con. 6, God - each township. All grass, 'never - failing spring creek, lots of shade. 1r+ storey brick house, good barn, driving shed, orchard, 7 acres, bush. Apply to R. Y. Cox, Huron street, Clinton for particulars, 09-tf. BRITISH BOYS FOR FARM WORK A good class of British boys rang- ing from 14 to 21 years of age—and from inexperienced to three years Canadian experienge=will be avail- able for placement on a .yearlyen- gagement basis anythne after Mar. 15th. Protestant homes only sup- plied—wages from 3120.00 a year up according to age and experience. 'Application forms may be seemed by writing to the Hostel, Norval, Ontario. 09.4, Heifer Calves For Sale 'Those wishing to purchase Hol- stein heifer calves, should leave or- dors with me, as I shall have some from 'time to time during the next few weeks. If I cannot supply you at once will be able to do so within a few clays of. order'.. W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone 638-21, Clinton Central. . 09-tf, Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs Try our Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Chicks, that give satisfaction and high egg procluetion, D, M. Lindsay, R.R. No, 3, Hedge Row Chick farm, i)${.„ ..., 04-tf. Poultry, Eggs & Crew WANTED We are prepared to buy above e ery working day. Eggs graded experienced. graders. , Cream purdhased for Bow. Creamery, Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separat, Victoria St., Clinton, phone, 2l Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implenien and cream separators, Frost a Wood Implements and carry pat and repairs for same, I am also agent for Allis -C11/ niers Tractors, Those wishing to inquire abo� any of the above kindly call at r1 residence, JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street. Clinton. 81 - BABY CHICK: K Barron Strain White Leghorns Ontario Bred -to -lay Barred Roe CUSTOM HATCHING STAMINA% and BLATCHFOR CIIICIC FEEDS ELNISLIA CHICK FARM, CLINT. E. L. Mittel!, Phone 21 ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to the stale of the roads may not be able to visit the farme personally to see their hogs a lambs but will appreciate havi them call me by phone, 105 ever ings and at noon, for prices and pa ticulars. Durjng the day can 1 found around B, Levis' office. DAVID CANTELON Clinton OG -t FOR Government, Municipa and Corporation Bond: CALL ON H. W. CLARK Phone 182 Representing — McLEOD. YOUN WEIR & CO., TORONTO You can keep warm with Lehi - Valley Anthracite Coal, or have wit ter sunshine every day if you bo the famous 0.T.0. Coke, Also a good supply of Wyandott Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous Coa' Prompt delivery from my sheds Queen Street at anytime. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 26 NEE MONEY? Must you get some ready cash quickly? Then Use KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists of Guelph, ORANGEVILLE. Owen Sou • They get Results No Collection No Char CUSTOM SAWING Our Saw Mill will be at John Tu ners' farm, Clinton, at Bayfield, ar at T. Wallis' 4th con., Godericlr Twl to do custom sawing during the eor ing spring. RtICEWEN `>HOS. Phone 624x4, Clinton. 100 - Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and paired. Woollen goods dry clean Rooms over Beard's Barber ah W. J. Jago. 228