The Clinton News Record, 1931-03-26, Page 3Am,"
,CM E. %LEM atLard &OraaeeVoe
English Roadside their aides descend into the blank
peat, and above the surface the wa-
a- ter there springs a small forest of
The road 'tram Soham winds with water -violets. Along the banks grow
what seems an exceptional number
of twists, like a piece of string thrown
clown at random, across the undulat-
ing fields of wheat. The, ears of the peat -pits which are filled Witlt water;
dee ponds with a profusion of; water -
young corn stand. free and erect $
from their sheaths; no seed has yet lilies and water -ranunculuses spread-
hardened within the green bracts,' Ing over the surface. Maidsot-
which are still soft and empty, honor and blue, thin -bodied dragon-
flies perch on the leaves; thereare
water -measurers and water -spiders.
--•19, L. Grant Watson. in "Moods of
Mardi and Sky."
yellow iris and comfrey, reeds, mea-
.dow-sweet and water -plantain, At a
Tittle distance there :are deserted
Amongst the blue, luxuriant leaves
there are scarlet pop;llee. In some
Places,. as though throirn down by a
passing gust, and along the banks
which here and. there separate the
fields, th•7 are congregated in little
Clouds c f color. In ambngst the
larger evils- of wheat are strips of that the child will lose anyway?" ex -
flowering beaus whose magic scent is claimed mother when advised to have
o0ui t
as potent and as charged with sum- her nine-year-old daughter's
vier as b the wild fragrance of filled.
honeysuckle. On :either, side of-tbo This' mother is making a 'serious
white road:vay and along the tele- mistake. Waren her attention. was
graph • wires, corn -busing and called to the fact that .her child was
wheat -ears flit for short distances, suffering pain, she replied: "That is
then pause for a few seconds to chat- nothing. AR children have tooth-
ter and scold before they fly ou ache." Here she is again in error.
again. The child whose temporary set of
This is a land of open sky, there teeth receive prompt and proper st-
are no hills or woods; the deep car- teution never has toothache. •
Pet of ,the corn spreads widely over Furthermore, decaying teeth make
the earth. Into this carpet the it impossible to masticate the food
blue of the sky silks and is absorb- properly and this is quite apt tp
ed. It is absorbed, and at the same start
tsia dec
time, reciprocally, the very vivid- It e
ness of its verdure
the e renders a over teeth cause infect= to the glands of
arching vault more clear and pure. the neck.
White clouds aro blown from the 'Usually the child's sufferings make
northwest, their shadows in mauve It• neresSary to extract the decayed
and purple flow silently over the l tooth long before it should be re -
fields. The road winds across the moved and this prevents proper de -
gently undulating country till itve'.opment of the permanent teeth
comes to the little village Of Wielc-and will interfere with the normal Be-
en; it leads but a few furlongs be- velopment of the jaw,
yond the village, then lapses into a hinny a face has been so distorted
mere track, which sidrts the fee.. ; , as to mar the looks of the grgwtng
From the village a footpath lends
:child and all because mother could
through a field of wheat and poppies. t'see 110 0e1150 in spendiuo money on
A very noble oak -tree stands in the teeth that must cottl,e out anyway."
midst of the field. It is now cloth -1 Of course, your baby has a habit of
ed in brilliant, though pale, green 1 throwing its toys on the !toot or
leaves, which have not yet bacome' ground and seems to tape delight in
dark and hardened. BeYond the tills pastime -they all do,
wheat there are broad lanes with
high ledges. On either side arch-
ing briars of wild roses aro rich in
buds and blossoms, the pints petals
are scattered upon the grass. A,
path Ieads down to the fen, and each
dylce runs laterally across the levels;
Care of the Child
"Why should I have teeth filled
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Sends Greetings to Its Many
Friends In Canada.
We are quoting such a very lbw
American Plan rate that you will
find It cheaper to stay at the
"Homelike Strand" than staying
at home.
Write us so we may quote them
to you -so you will know the exact
cost before leaving.
Music --Salt Sea Bathe -Compli-
mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 5 p.m. -
We will personally see to : your
T. E. .I.A13DOWV, Mgr.
!t CRY in the night. `Colic!..No-
c s
au a for alarm if. Castoria is
handy. This pure vegetable prepara-
tion brings quick comfort, and can
never harm, It is the sensible thing
when children are ailing. Whether it's
the Stomach, or the little bowels;
colic, or constipation; or diarrhea,
When tiny tongues are coated, or the
breath is bad. Whenever"there's need
of gentle regulation. Children (eve
the taste of Castoria, and its mildness
flakes it safe for frequent use.
And a more liberal dose of Castoria
a always Netter for growing children
than - strong medicine meant only fon
adult fisc.
Probably you always pick up the
toy and return him. It Would
be better to attach the toy by a
string to the chair, perambulator,
crib or wherever Ito may be playing.
Then show hien how to pull the toy
back when It lands on the flood. In-
sist Upon bis doing this himself. This
will teach hitt seifereltauce and nips
in tate bud that bad habit of expect -
leg others to waft upon him.
Where he sits ou the floor and toys
ase scattered beyond his reach do
not get them for hint. Urge hint
to go and get the one he wants,
Assist him in creeping to whore he
eau reach the desired article, It will
require only a few Idesons to teach
frim how to do this, but under 110
consideration give him the toy -
make him get it or do without it.
Do it all real pleasantly and he will.
think it is a game and will cheer-
fully fall into your plan,
Process For Dyeing
Linen Perfected
London. --Among cattails fiaxgrow
ers in Ireland and in the' factory
'where their flax is made into Iilten,
there is no unemployment, and their
prosperity is due to a new linen dye-
ing process recently shown to the
press is London,
The process is a hard-won secret,
tate result of many years of scienti-
fic research into vitt .dyeing in its
relation to linen , threads, Y3y
breaking up the particles of dye
which have a tendency to coalesce,
and keeping them In a state of sue
pension -while dyeing is is progress,
the color is able to penetrate,to the
innermost fibors of the hard linen
thread. Whereat before linen was
dyed Only oa its surface, under the
new process it is dyed through and
through, and Irish linens In a wide
variety of new colors are possible.
Perfecting of the process has led
to a coueiderably .increased demand
for .colored linen goods. -The Chrlet.
Ian .Science Monitor.
BuildingActivities inin Canada
Some 50 Canadian cities furnished
detailed reports to the ;Dominton
Bureau of Statistics showing that is
the year 1930 they had issued near-
ly 12,000permits for dwellings esti-
mated to• coat about $53,000,000, and
approximately 29,000 palette for
other buildfnge at a proposed cost of
almost $95,000,000. The former
category includes houses and apart-
ments, and in fumy, but not all cases,
repairs • attd alterations. Permits
for garages usually constitute a
,.large proportion, of the total num-
ber of buildings other than resider -
hal, but in most eases have a low
Listed and
Unlisted Stocks
Bought a Sold • Quoted
Thos. B. Kenny & C
Dominion Stock Exchange
45 Richmond St., WV,.p;
Orders -Executed on all Exchanges
ISSUE bio. '3- ; 4
Science Has Conquered Distance
What will science achieve nest? To-
day, in building long distance tele-
phone linea along main routes be-
tween .blg centres of population, .the
Bell. Telephone Company uses cables
containing a hundred or more"pairs of
wires. These tiny "wires enclosed in
lead-sdi,eathed cables replace the older
type of open wire so familiar along
highways. instead of a half-dozen or
more erose,arms on high poles, with
their gleaming nines 'of copper wire,
the present-day1metbod is to use a
somewhat smaller pole with the cable.
euepended from a -strong messenger
'For long talks, carried on by means
of `vire in long distance cable, the
electric currentcarrying the waves
set upby your voice, must be revived
Reindeer Ranches
Proving Successful
Canadian Government Opti-
mistic Over New Indus-
try of the North
8y William Bleasdell Cameron
Three thousand reindeer, prop-
the P ro P
erty of the Dominion Government'
are, at the present time, being pilot-
ed across the 1,000 -mile stretch that
separates Western Alaska . and the thorn tundra of Canada for 12,000, -
at'defiinite'intervals along the route.
Repeater stations, such as the one
at London, Ont„ illustretod above, are
being erected at eeverai points in On-
tario and Quebec.. The apparatus
housed. In these • repeater stations
serves to strengthen the•voice• cur-
rants 'on their journey, so that one
may now talk by telephone for prac-
tically any distance.
after the fawning season next spring
as the young are able to travel, the
trek will be resumed, and by the
'autumn the herd should be establish
ed upon its permanent feeding
grounds in the vicinity at IClttigezu t.
How much of the Barren Grounds
may be suited to reindeer grazing,
has yet to be ascertained --the Por -
gilds, within the limited time at their.
disposal, could Over outs' a corner
of them -but fn the opihiot .of Ralph
Lowen, a pioneer in the industry in
the Alaskan field, as quoted some
time ago, "There is room in the nor -
Mackenzie River delta, in Northern
Canada, If all goes well tate goal
will be reached by the fall of 1931,
and with 11,w11l end the first stage in
the launching of au ambitious pro.
ject. 'Will the venture succeed?
Its •sponsors say "Yes," and if they a less number.
The Government had substantial
grounds, even before, the Porsild -in-
vestigation, for believing that the
A similar step, a ten nearly years rein -ser would find Ghamselves as
ago at the instance of Dr. Sheldon much at 'home on's Arctic
Jackson, an official of the United. prairies as its Alaska; that enquiry,
States Government, has been the seed though expected to confirm such be-
at a development so remarkable, and ilei, was undertaken as a measure
au industry of such magnitude, that of prudence. The strongest guar -
It surpasses edonl in importance, antee lay' in the fact that :or as far
and is exceeded only in value of out- back as any.hing was known of the
gut by one other commercial eater- Barren Grounds, they had supported
prise in the territory of Alaska -its immense herds of wild caliber that
fisheries. had arranged their sweeping expanses,
Por centuries the reindeer, as a coupled with the reports of explor-
source of food, has been the utafn, ers as to the character end' extent
stay of Northern Europe and Asia, of the vegetation totted upon them,
The American Government, having 'The reindeer, as has been said, is a
acquired Alaska and with it respon- close+relative of the caribou, and if
elbility tor the wellbeing of its son- the latter flourished there it was
skierable nature population, cast reasonabl3 to conclude that the reht-
about ter a means of ensuring an ale- deer would do likewise. These wild
quate and dependable food supply herds have been .photographed at
Setts and walruses, fish and game, such close range that 'wild" seems
were well enough as far as they went,' a misnomer', and many have Been
but existing„ resources were sumer- pictures veritable forests of kerns
tale. 'At times they were insniilc(- over a living sea. A recent Govern-
eut, if not unobtainable. Sotne- meat report gives 'their number as
thing, the authorities decided, must
be done to remedy this condition.
Dr. Jackson studied the situation
and concluded that the European
reindeer, if adaptable to the country,
would solve the problem of provid-
ing an ample, always available
means of subsistence for the Eskimo
of the character of which. they were
accustomed. Caribou, a wild species
of the reindeer, roved the country in
enormous herds. If they throve -
000 reindeer and such a herd would
be worth $50,000,000. Canada, 11
She started now in a modest way,
could have such a herd in 50 years.'
Fifty :years is a long time, but mean-
while Canada might be content with
are right an enterprise fraught with
possibilities of tremendous expansion
will have made an auspicious start.
itt 1 I 40
having been estimated at 30,000,000.
Warburton' Pike, au early adventur-
er upon the Marren Grounds, tells of
standing for hours at a stretch with
the caribou streaming past on wither
hand, so sear that he was able_to
pick out those in primest condition
for slaughter, This herd was six
days in passing his camp, and he re-
marks that he could not believe the
buffalo on the plains in the period of
their greatest abundance were more
as they had done for as far back as numerous than were the caribou at
the records ran -why not their loan- that day on the Barren Grounds.
controlled cousin? Dr- Jackson be- The cost of raislag reindeer Is
Iieved the domesticated branch, of trifling, estimated at $1 per head. A
the family would, and convinced the handful of herder's will look after a
Government it was worth while to ' herd of several thousand, merely
settle the point. He went to Lapland circling them at intervals to prevent
to procure the material for his pun- them from straying. They are round -
pose and returned with 1,200 rein* ed up three times a year -in Febru-
deer and a number of Lapp 'herders any to collect and segregate the
to instruct the Eskimos in their breeding stock; in June to Inapt the
care. fawns, and in October to mark oat
The four -footed immigrants fitted and slaughter tate animals intended
Into their nese environment as if for Market,
bora to it. They flourished oh the
rich natural fodder everywligre abun-
dant, and their number has increased
from the original 1,200 until there are
today in Alaska altnost 1,( ,000 rein-
deer, ,
The reitdeer is also a dairy -pur-
pose animal. Iu Labrador, where'
there are a small 'number, Dr, Greet -
fell Itas testified to their many valua-
ble properties, including with the
statement that "the fresh milk of
the does rias supplied us with what
is a vitalnecessity' and one obtain-
able ie Lalfrador in no other way,
while • the exeeliettt and easily -matte
cheese afford a means of storiue the
nutriment ht a palatable and assimile
able form without any outlay for a
preserving' plant."
Carcasses dress. round 150 pounds
and have a value with the by-prod-
ucts of about $30, The a akina .pro-
vide the Eskimos with clouting and
are converted by United States mauu•
Eacturers into gloves, moccasins and
other leather goods. Knife -handles
and novelties Are made from the
horns, .The hair, extremely buoy-
uoyant, makes excellent Riling for life'
preservers, 'and there ha's arisen a
demand for the tong neck -turfs .for -
ase la making -artificial Mite by pur-
veyors of fishing tackle. It is esti-
mated that Alaska has pasturage: for
4,000,600 'reindeer and that this figure
will be reached be 1937. '
The Dominion Government of
Canada two r three, years ago em-
ployed the . Porsild brothers -Danes
born and brought up i Greenland -
to make a survey of Canada's 110 -
called Barren Grounds with the view
of determining their suitability• or
otherwise for reludeer ranching. The
brothers made a careful investige,
tion and their report Was so f-avor-
able that an immediate start was
made, They wore sent to Alaska
to obtain .the stock necessary for the
experiment,, and they purchased the
herd of $,000 animate now being
driven along the Arctic coast to the
territory east et the Mackenzie.
With aeroplanes ahead to direct the
course and to find the choicest pas-
turage, and reindeer in sleds hauling,
the camp equipage, the oaravas IeIt
Alaska its the early summer - and is
now wintering somewhere, between.
'oin%t .Barrow and Aklsvik; Ani amen
Across Greenland to Europe
The New Outlook (Toronto): Stet
ausson, the famous polar explorer, and
many aviation experts have suggested
that the first successful air route to
Europe will cross Greenland ice, The
suggestion is being seriously consider-
ed and two expeditions are tow at
work in. Greenland ter the express pur-
pose- of investigating the possibilities
of the northern route. Both British
and German explorers are surveying
tate Greenland ice -sheet. They are
seeking to find out how thick it is,
how it got there, and whether any One
can live on it, walk on it or land on.
it from the air. If landing places for
planes eau be found on the high lee
plateau of the interior the last needed
link will be added for an airway that
can span the Atlantic in jumps of less
than our hundred tulles, via Green-
land,- Iceland and the Faroe Islands,
Motor sledges • fitted with air propel-
lers are used in the expedition and
have been able to travel on 'smooth
Ice at fifty miles an hour, carrying
half a ton.or'more. But the going is
not .always aver smooth Ice, and tiro
explorers have 'to use dynahttte at
times to blast a waythrough.
More Flowers for Budapest
Budapest, -Tisa wonderful position
of the two cities of Buda and Pest on
either side of the river justify the title
of Budapest as the "Pearl of the Dan-
ube." The Hungarians are proud of
their capital and are Making great of
forts to beautify it still more, A so-
ciety, formed last year for the purpose
of popularizing the cultivationbf
plants and Rowers and of beautifying
all publio places and private houses'
with flowers, has decided to increase
Its activities during 1931. This year
expert botanists are giving- free nub-
ile leetures on the care 51 flower gar -
deux and window boxes, while people
awe allotted to bring their plants to 'the
botanical institute to -obtain tree ad-
vice as to thele pare. .
Kind words never files If they did,
perhaps they would be mote, appt'eai-
Owl Lafs
You can swat an insect pest when
it goes to buzzing around you, but the
law protects a human pest and you
have to stand for it buzzing around.
you until it leaves you of its own ac-
The Phil o sope
h r
I saw aim sitting in .his door,
Trembling, as old men do.
His house was old, his barn was old,
And still his eyes seemed 'Pew.
His eyes had seen three times my
And kept a twinkle still;
Tito' they had looked at birth and
And three graves on a hili,
"Let me sit down with you," I said,
"And you will make me wise.
Tell me, wizat is it keeps the joy
Still shining in your eyes?"
Then; like an old-time orator,
Impressively he rose,
"I make the most of all that comes;
The Ieast of alt that goes."
Archibald believes the reason some
girls desire to get married in airplanes
is because their ego has them con-
vinced no ntan on earth is good
enough for them.
Farmer (very angrily) - "What're
comic' home with your milk pail emp-
ty Por? Didn't the old cow give any-
Ars Son -"Yep, Nine quarts and a
A certain hostess is highly Indig-
nant over -the society editor's descrip-
tion of her too coarse innebeon.
• Lawyer -"Mr. Peck, your wife itas
been arrested and is being hold in-
communieado. slut the police chief is
easy, and a little money----"
Henry Peek -"Fine, flue, and telt
him that there's $10 for him for every
day he can keep her that way:'
Sonia folks are too good to be true
and too cheap to be good.
Client(just acquitted on burglary
charge) -"'Well, good -by. I'll drpp in
on you some time,"
Lawyer -"All right, but maim It la
the day time, please," .
Your chalices of borrowing money
on securities is far better than trying
to barrow it on nerve,
Foreman - "Now, Murphy, what
about carrying some more bricks?"
Tsiurphy- ''T kin's feeliu' well, gslV-
nor-I'm trentbiiu' all over:'
Foreman -"Well, then, get busy
with tate sieve."
Internal Revenue
Little Willie Is a funny
And eccentric little waif-
Swallowed all his sister's money,
Said that he teas playing safe -
Charles -"And you are absolutely
sure that you love me?" ,
Irene-"I•Ieavenei Do you think I'd
he Sitting here letting you bore ate,
like this i. I didn't?" ,
Sincerity is more important than
genius or talent,
Palher-"Isn't that young man rath-
er fast?" -
Daughtee -'Yes, Daddy, but I don't
think he'll get swat,"
The newest fad of choosing a dog to
match the complexion ought to papa-
larizo the bull. To tate ladles a charm-
ing man is one who makes them think
they are. A grouch should never be
nursed lest it soon grow 'so strong
that It will nun off nll one's friends.
We'd like to suggest a few prizes for
Don't be helpless when you
suddenly get a headache. Reach.
in your pocket for immediate
relief. If you haven't any
Aspirin with you, get some at
the first drugstore you come to.
Take a tablet or two and be
rid of the pain. Take promptly.
Nothing is gained by waiting
to see if the pain will leave of
its own accord. It may grow
worse! Why postpone relief?
There are Many times when
Aspirin tablets will "save the
day." They will always ease a
throbbing head. Quiet a grum-
bling tooth. Relieve nagging
pains of neuralgia or neuritis.
Or check a sudden cold. Even
rheumatism has lost its terrors
for those who have learned to
depend on these tablets.
Gargle- with Aspirin tablets
at the first suspicion of sore
throat, and reduce the infection.
Look for Aspirin on the box -
and the word Genuine in red.
Genuine Aspirin tablets do
not depress the heart.
Classified Advertising
R 10
1` '"A11 Wool.'" 'Silk and Wool:
-01d Tyme." all colors. 7se lb up
Sample Oreeln, Stocking 8; Yarn Dulls
�0. L':571Y t 511UK5-f ! Sit VAIt-
.tZ.' L 1115111:3, tee and up• atalogues
a, Il, Switzer, Granton, Ontario,_
A1 Ui'PTt TO EVER iris, eitiv li.
List or wanted Inventionsantifun
in.urmation sent free. The Ramsay Com•
piny, tVol•lt. Patent Attorneys, 273 Vanit
Street, Ottawa. Canada.
Earn $15.09 a booth
3a addition to
Lodging, Food, Uniforms,
Laundry and Text Books
W$37,£ STII4-v32re} wer'$Srm+
et the
462 Crider St., Buffalo,N.Y.
those who refraht tram writing poems
and suclt. You can't work its a bent
and bring !tome samples. Somebody
has observed that the tray to tell a
family le poor Is by the children all
]raving lllt'it' tunsile-
$toneless Peach May
Yet Be Realized
Fi ono, Cal. --This- spring may see
the sprouts that will be the forerun-
ner of the seedless peach that was
the late Luther Burbank's dream of
hie later year's.
William II. Henderson, the youth
whom Burbank tools itt charge as his
111010ge, nu lits place just southeast
of here has planted abnormally small
Peach seeds, the discovery and gift
of a Fresno well driller.
',Cita gift pits are about the size of
a cherry stone. 'wool it Henderson
hopes to develop eventually the,
poach that was the object of many
plant experiments by Burbank.
Henderson already has many now
plant developments to his credit.
Among them are several varieties of
the hibiscus that will live in a tem-
perate climate. One is et tate flam-
ing red color that gave the tropical
plant its nan10, the laming hiblecue.
Another to orchid and a third is a
subdued, velvety red,
Henderson atreay wee 'Pushing de-
velopment of some stonetess plums
he had grown when he was given the
diminutive Peach stone.
Ottawa -Gatineau Map
The Topographical Snrvey, De-
partment of the Interior, has in the
course of preparation a map cover-
ing the ` Ottawa -Gatineau district
which shows, on a scale of one mile
to one Melt, practically everything
worthy of note including buildings,
power lines, railways, roads, and
water bodies,
The people never giro ap their liber-
ties but under some delusion.--Ed-
mend Burke.
Kennedy &
421 College St,
Harley-Davidson Distribukore
write at oncefor our bargain list of
used motorcycles.- Terms arranged.
-=p6tIl6,9pS _
due roubles
1Ne1G AGd
JUST a tasteless dose of Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia in water. That is
an alkali, effective, yet harmless.
It has been the standard anti -acid
for 50 years among physicians every-
where. One spoonful will neutralize
at once many times its volume in
acid. It is the right way, the quick
pleasant and efficient way to toil
the excess acid. The stomach be.
-comes sweet, the pain departs. Void
are happy again in five minutes.
Don't depend On crude methods.
Employ the best way yet evolved
in all the years of searching. That
is. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. `
Be sure to get the genuine
Phillips' Milic of Magnesia pre-
scribed by physicians for 50 years
in correcting excess acids.
Remember -the genuine is at -
ways a liquid. It cannot be made in
tablet form. Look for the name
Phillips'. It is always on the wrapper
for your protection. Drugstores
everywhere have the 50e bottles,
A good appilcatioe of M:::-
ard's. according to dim e:iot
just "hits taw epos", You'ii
find ,h,ryou
2, gee vtbaenn`fnl veli. al
js..{{it77NG 1,1F IMt �yq�:r+
fe �ltt
Put yourself right with nature by
chewing Peen - a - mint. Works mildly
but effectively in small doses, Modena
-safe - scientiiilc For the family.
"cin°u1005 a \'
The Chewing Gum 1
!o, 4/1': runt fisdun,
Na Taste
But the Abn�a
:. r'
Ads idea
40 00209
(0 00002
' f flask
If you have never tried Kruschen-try
it now at our expense. We have
distributed a great many special
"GIANT" packages which inake it
easy for you to prove our claim for
yourself. Ask your druggist for the
new "GIANT" 75c. Package.
This consists of 055 regular 75e, bottle together
with a separate trial bottle -sufficient for about
one week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to
the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that
iruschcn does everything we claim it to do the
regular bottle is still as good as. new. Take it
back, your druggist is authorised to return
Your 75c. immediately and without :Motion.
You have tried Kruschen free, at our expense.
What could be fairer? Manufactured by
0. Griffiths I155hes, Ltd., hfaneiester, ling,
({Estab, .1756). Importers: McGillivray 0105.,
I d., Toronto.
Praises Vegetable •
Compound, Blood
.Medicine and Inver Pills
e -"l live 13 urates
with all tiny tome
duties and ebur'.
inn to attend to.
At the Chang of
Life,I became nese
vows -and run.
down. The Vege.
table Compound
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