HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-03-19, Page 8E CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, MARCH 19; 1891 ip Top Clothes are the reatest Tailored -to -Measure Val e i,, Cana 'a 1. 'The Woolens are bought for spot cash from the Wprld's Larg- est mills. 2. ,Every Garment is made in their own great tailoring plant the World's largest one -priced organization. 8. Theyare sold to you direct through their own stores and dealers. 4. You have your unrestricted choice of any cloth, made in any style at one price. NO MORE $24000 1+10 LESS IT WILL PAY\YOU TO SEE OUR NEW SPRING AND SUMMER FABRICS AND TO KNOW HOW; CORRECTLY YOU CAN BE DRESSED IN FINELY. TAILORED ' CLOTHES FOR 824.00 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED' lurnsteel Bros. 1 Y SPECIAL • THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Sunlight Soap, 10 bars ,40c Simi Flush, per tin ,29c Panshine, 3 per 25c Crown Brand Cern Syrup 2's 17e 5's ... 350 Toddy, 8 oz. 33e; 16 oz. 53e FIawe's floor Wax 430 Shcrriff's good Morning Mar- malade, 16 oz. 23e; 32 oz. 30e Dried Peaches, per lb 16e Prunes, large, 2. lbs. 25e Wagstaffe's Marmalade 40 oz, 26e No, 4 Sieve Peas, largo tin 2 for . . lac Cream • o' Wheat, pkg. 24e Purity Quick Oats, China 85e Siff Soap Flakes, Ige, plc. 100 Ideal Silver Cream, bottle 23e Clark's Pork and Beans large 19c Broom, 5 -string , 59c No. 9 Broom . 39c Post Bran, Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 25e Dried Apricots, per Ib. ,25c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c VEGETABLES --+head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce; Celery, Spanish Onion, Oranges, per doz. 29e and 30c. Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c MEATS-4Sausage, per Ib. 23e; Cottage Rolls, lb. 27c; Breakfast Bacon, per Ib. Nei `Rack Bacon, per Ib. 43c. KINDLY Pnotqz YOUR t onnErtS i'+`Aksi,Y FOR .. DELAV) RY, AN EARLY PA RO flfl U CY 400 p"irodies and songs fhr."fun and :fellowship, stunt songs, carol= songs, yells, greeting songs, banquet songs ' and a section of 'fine old hymns, Theright combination of song and laughter -Will make any' gatheri=ng a success. Paper covers, 25c. The country is sound at ithe•'core, sound financially, industrially and commercially, The nation has its health, it has lost little or none of it's wealth, It is• living saner than when everyone was unrestrainedly optimistic. Why doubts, fears, hes- itancy and ,timidity?" Is . it all a spasm of "nerves?".• PHUNOLOGY .1000 Games and entertainment plans, indoor and outdoor, 440 pages, appropriate gauzes and social plans for each month of the year, original assembly stunts, -a chapter on "get acquainted," stunts and' games, ban- quets, pageants, plays, cantatas, op- erettas, and a bibliography of game material. Price in cloth binding, $1.50. Tile W. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mrs. Waiter Wallis of 'Bayfield was in. town yesterday, Rev. J. E. Hogg was at Strathroy taking church services on Sunday last, Miss Clement of Goderieh was the weak -end guest of Misses Ward and Stone. Miss Depew of the Collegiate Staff spent the week -end at her home at Paris, Ont. i,tr. Fred Start of Curries has been visiting his sister, Mrs. 0, W. Pot- ter .of Clinton. Miss Harriet Hawkins has returned to Stratford after a little visit at 'her honie'in town. Mr. and =Errs. Hartley Managhan of °Aerate, Fla., motored up to visit their parents in town. Miss Etta McBrien. of London ryas with her mother, iltrs. Henry Me - Brien, over the week -end. Mr. Norman Miller left Monday for North Bay to attend the meeting of the Orange Grand Lodge, Miss Linda Cantelon has been in Flint, Mich,, on account Of the ill- ness of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Cole. Mr. E. S, Livermore, barrister, Ayl- mer, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Livermore of town, ov- er the week -end. .Mrs. 1I. Montgomery and Miss Free- man were called to London this week by the sudden death of their • - . sister, Mrs; p, MbNeil of that city, . T. � KNIGHT S i)i. J. C. Gaudier returned to town ((` • on Saturday, after an absence of a week in Toronto. Mrs, iGandier remained 'for a little longer boli - 0 0=40 Sb ."""" t i=0=r=C3=0i= day visit. 0 of Pails p Pails II Pails LI 12 "THE FARMER'S WONDER PACKAGE" 1 STRAINER PAIL 1 MILK PAIL 1 FLARING GALVANIZED PAIL 11Sutter & Perdue. ........1=10=0) 0 1 S'T'RAIGHT GALVANIZED PAIL p ALL FOR (0=0 SUPERIOR QUALITY ,CHICKS We have Quality Chicks to offer at reds eird prices iti the *elle*- , ing popular breeds: +" Barred Rocks, S. C. White Leghorns, White W;yaird Bites, Black Minorcas, Jersey Black Giants Trap -nesting. 200 birds in record of perfovntariae. We can sparea few trays each 1i k for custom hktching. Let us send our pamphlet and price list and learn 'i`it It abaut 'ifs, SUNNYVALE POULTRY FAItM AND HATCHERY Seaforth, Ontario. Phtace arta, .Seaiidi'fh (Central. Mr, Robert Xing of Toronto is in town this week, corning tip on ac- count of the illness of his father, the late Walter King, who passed away yesterday. ' Victor Makins and bride of Till- sonburg, who are on a honeymoon trip, visited with Mr. and Mrs, 0. W. Potter and other • friends and relatives in this vicinity during the past geek. Mr. and Mrs. Fi'ed Mitch and Mr. and ivirs. W. J. Cochrane motored to Detroit for the week -end. On their return Miss Jean Idntoh, who had been visiting relatives in that city for h week, returned home with them. Mr. F. L. Blown of Pittsburg and Miss Mabel E. Brown of Washing- ton, D. C., are in town this week, being here to attend the funeral of their aunt, ..the late Sarah Eliza- beth -Brown, which takes place on Friday afternoon, a private ser- vice to he held at the Undertaking Parlors. Rev. D,.N. McCamus of London, who took the services in 'Wlesley-Willis 'United church on Sunday, was the Palest while in town of Mr, and Mrs.. C. J. Wallis• ilt , 112'icCiunus, who, was pastor of Wesley church for four years before retiring,. has many, friends in Clinton rho were glad to meet 'and greet him again. Mr. 'o1)n Howson,- who came east some months age owing to the ill - Mess and siibsegiient death of his sister, Miss Amy fiowson, and who leas remained tb settle uo hes estate; Uhl/Tondo, for 'Toronto to join his wife, Wise went to the city a week earlier. ?l'hey. leave for their'Inane In VaitcaU'('ey, 'hi 'a 'few ilaya. tic e e ad 21 OUR BIG SUGAR WEEK SPECIAL CASH PRICE by the SACK Green Grant Peas (Friday and Green Peas Golden Bantam Corn Tomatoes' 2's 5 lbs. Gran. Sugar 7 -lbs. Rolled Oats 3 lbs. Black Tea Maxwell Coffee lb. 4 pkgs. Am ; onia Salted Wafers pkgs. Cheese (Kraft) - Red Rose Tea lbs C. & S. Coffee & Tea lb. DeLux Jelly Powder CETER1A 23c Saturday) 2 for 15c 2 four 25c '2 for 25c 28c - 25c $1.00 55c 25c 10c 35c 53c 55c 6 for 25c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER— GROCETERIA Phone 48 FR EE DELIVERY LENTEN SPECIALS Pink Salmon Red Cohoe Salmon Red Sockeye Salm Pure Lard Red Sal l -on lbs Fresh Filletts Ib. 15c 25c 35c 3 lbs. for 38c 25c 20c FRIGIDAIRE Breakfast Bacon lb. Peameal Bacon 1b. S. Rolls Peameal Rolls 30c 35c 25c 25c Easter is Just Around the Corner Easter Eggs all Prices Special Choc. & Cream mixture 19c: Special Easter Ducks 35c Other Novelities from 1Oc to 25c • Gum. Drops 15c Scotch Mints 15c Ib Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails PHONE 43 THE PLAY "LOVE'S MAGIC" wiil be presented in TOWN HALL, CLINTON by the United Church Choir, Bayfield under the auspices of Clinton Baptist Chinch on the evening of TUESDAY, MARCH 2lth Admission 35e, Children 25e. All seats reserved. Plan at Fair's. 09-2. LADIES' FIJR COAT Display & Sale AT BROWN'S STORE, 'CLINTON THURSDAY: FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 19, 20, 21 HIere is yens; opportunity to pur- chase a fur ooat direct from the fac- tory. Thus saving the middleman's profit. Como and meet the repre- sentative, IVIr. Brown, and get his prices and terms on a new fur coat Fur Coats remodelled or a suitable allowance made on exchange en a new fur coat. SAP SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE Order your Pane: and Buckets now and be ready when the Season opens. See out' 15c Specials for Saturday. Your ohoice of several Washer Premiums, at $1.00. rri llawkins' .,HA.RIIWARE and,.PLUMBING ' Phone 244 S wEC1AL FRUIT AND NUT LOAF CINNAMON BUNS FRUIT FILLED BUNS DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CARE CREAM, DOUGHNUTS, & ROLLS "TIIE 3 BAKERS" Broadcast Special STOLLENS A •WORTHWHILE TREAT BREAD We Bake a Variety to Suit Every Taste. "Try It." "EASTER CANDIES" Wendorf's Bakery C CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE 68 -'v PREVENTION OF EYE TROUBLE Prevention is better than cure. It is cheaper,. It is possible when cure is im- possible. Eye trouble may be avoided by the timely use of glasses, averting discomfort, suffering and pertness - ant impairment of sight, We are properly equipped to adjust glas- ses and guarantee satisfaction. USELESS TIME PIECES If there is a watch or clock ITS your house that refuses to go let us have a look at it. You know it would go if it could. Something some- where is wrong. It may he nothing serious. A few minutes time at a few cents' cost may make it as good as new. We will look it over for you and if it can be fixed we can fix it. R. H. JOHNSON CLINTON'S LEADING .FRWELERY STORE Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician 1 Save yon a 1 Ike). It will pay you to buy now and have these bargains put away 'til later We have put especially low prices on all our Bedroom. Furniture, in- cluding: BEDROOM SUITES, ODD DRESSERS and STANDS, BED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES, , DININGIR,OOMVC SUITES at amazingly Low Prices. Some Extra Special Values in KITCHEN CABINETS. Several Real Valdes in Chesterfield Suites, Automans, and Footstools. Better hurry and get some of ourLAMP BARGAINS while they Iast.. These special Prices will only be good while the Stock lasts' so be Wise and get some of these Bargains: C1hitonHardWare&FUrdtllFC o Hardware Phone, 195 The Store with a Stock Funeral Directors Monument Dealera ai `I Ir•-�t�i Break. Bacon, in piece 25c i Back Bacon; in piece 40c . P. M. Back Bacon, piece 35c Cooked Ham, sliced 50c ' Sandwich Ham Loaf, sliced 45c - Mac. & Cheese Loaf, sliced 35e' Corned Beef, sliced 3e R -Made Head Cheese, 2 lbs. 25c 'Meiners, per lb, 22c Schnider's Weiners, per lb. 25c ! �� Shoulder Rib Loin Fresh Spare Pickled Sausage, 2 P, M. Cottage , ''�E Roast, Roast, Pie. Ribs, 'Rolls lbs. Cottage r , s' t Roast, lb. per: Ib. 1b. Hams Ib. 'home-made for . Rolls, lb. Rolls, per lb. ..» 18c 19c 20e 18c 17e 20e 18c 35e ..20e ....22e SCHNIDER'S LARD, 1 ib. prints , M,. , ..11e HEINZ'S TOMATO CATSUP . . .. . , , t 20e SULK, SWEET MIXED PICKLES, per pint 25c FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON, small, for ... 20c SAUER KRAUT, 3 lbs. for . 26e • DILL PICKLES, 2 ,for 5c. KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONNELL, & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET '" Phone 162 .k. Huron Street. KEEP CHAUTAUQUA DATES IN MIND ' 1 Y SPECIAL • THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Sunlight Soap, 10 bars ,40c Simi Flush, per tin ,29c Panshine, 3 per 25c Crown Brand Cern Syrup 2's 17e 5's ... 350 Toddy, 8 oz. 33e; 16 oz. 53e FIawe's floor Wax 430 Shcrriff's good Morning Mar- malade, 16 oz. 23e; 32 oz. 30e Dried Peaches, per lb 16e Prunes, large, 2. lbs. 25e Wagstaffe's Marmalade 40 oz, 26e No, 4 Sieve Peas, largo tin 2 for . . lac Cream • o' Wheat, pkg. 24e Purity Quick Oats, China 85e Siff Soap Flakes, Ige, plc. 100 Ideal Silver Cream, bottle 23e Clark's Pork and Beans large 19c Broom, 5 -string , 59c No. 9 Broom . 39c Post Bran, Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 25e Dried Apricots, per Ib. ,25c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c VEGETABLES --+head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce; Celery, Spanish Onion, Oranges, per doz. 29e and 30c. Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c MEATS-4Sausage, per Ib. 23e; Cottage Rolls, lb. 27c; Breakfast Bacon, per Ib. Nei `Rack Bacon, per Ib. 43c. KINDLY Pnotqz YOUR t onnErtS i'+`Aksi,Y FOR .. DELAV) RY, AN EARLY PA RO flfl U CY 400 p"irodies and songs fhr."fun and :fellowship, stunt songs, carol= songs, yells, greeting songs, banquet songs ' and a section of 'fine old hymns, Theright combination of song and laughter -Will make any' gatheri=ng a success. Paper covers, 25c. The country is sound at ithe•'core, sound financially, industrially and commercially, The nation has its health, it has lost little or none of it's wealth, It is• living saner than when everyone was unrestrainedly optimistic. Why doubts, fears, hes- itancy and ,timidity?" Is . it all a spasm of "nerves?".• PHUNOLOGY .1000 Games and entertainment plans, indoor and outdoor, 440 pages, appropriate gauzes and social plans for each month of the year, original assembly stunts, -a chapter on "get acquainted," stunts and' games, ban- quets, pageants, plays, cantatas, op- erettas, and a bibliography of game material. Price in cloth binding, $1.50. Tile W. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mrs. Waiter Wallis of 'Bayfield was in. town yesterday, Rev. J. E. Hogg was at Strathroy taking church services on Sunday last, Miss Clement of Goderieh was the weak -end guest of Misses Ward and Stone. Miss Depew of the Collegiate Staff spent the week -end at her home at Paris, Ont. i,tr. Fred Start of Curries has been visiting his sister, Mrs. 0, W. Pot- ter .of Clinton. Miss Harriet Hawkins has returned to Stratford after a little visit at 'her honie'in town. Mr. and =Errs. Hartley Managhan of °Aerate, Fla., motored up to visit their parents in town. Miss Etta McBrien. of London ryas with her mother, iltrs. Henry Me - Brien, over the week -end. Mr. Norman Miller left Monday for North Bay to attend the meeting of the Orange Grand Lodge, Miss Linda Cantelon has been in Flint, Mich,, on account Of the ill- ness of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Cole. Mr. E. S, Livermore, barrister, Ayl- mer, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Livermore of town, ov- er the week -end. .Mrs. 1I. Montgomery and Miss Free- man were called to London this week by the sudden death of their • - . sister, Mrs; p, MbNeil of that city, . T. � KNIGHT S i)i. J. C. Gaudier returned to town ((` • on Saturday, after an absence of a week in Toronto. Mrs, iGandier remained 'for a little longer boli - 0 0=40 Sb ."""" t i=0=r=C3=0i= day visit. 0 of Pails p Pails II Pails LI 12 "THE FARMER'S WONDER PACKAGE" 1 STRAINER PAIL 1 MILK PAIL 1 FLARING GALVANIZED PAIL 11Sutter & Perdue. ........1=10=0) 0 1 S'T'RAIGHT GALVANIZED PAIL p ALL FOR (0=0 SUPERIOR QUALITY ,CHICKS We have Quality Chicks to offer at reds eird prices iti the *elle*- , ing popular breeds: +" Barred Rocks, S. C. White Leghorns, White W;yaird Bites, Black Minorcas, Jersey Black Giants Trap -nesting. 200 birds in record of perfovntariae. We can sparea few trays each 1i k for custom hktching. Let us send our pamphlet and price list and learn 'i`it It abaut 'ifs, SUNNYVALE POULTRY FAItM AND HATCHERY Seaforth, Ontario. Phtace arta, .Seaiidi'fh (Central. Mr, Robert Xing of Toronto is in town this week, corning tip on ac- count of the illness of his father, the late Walter King, who passed away yesterday. ' Victor Makins and bride of Till- sonburg, who are on a honeymoon trip, visited with Mr. and Mrs, 0. W. Potter and other • friends and relatives in this vicinity during the past geek. Mr. and Mrs. Fi'ed Mitch and Mr. and ivirs. W. J. Cochrane motored to Detroit for the week -end. On their return Miss Jean Idntoh, who had been visiting relatives in that city for h week, returned home with them. Mr. F. L. Blown of Pittsburg and Miss Mabel E. Brown of Washing- ton, D. C., are in town this week, being here to attend the funeral of their aunt, ..the late Sarah Eliza- beth -Brown, which takes place on Friday afternoon, a private ser- vice to he held at the Undertaking Parlors. Rev. D,.N. McCamus of London, who took the services in 'Wlesley-Willis 'United church on Sunday, was the Palest while in town of Mr, and Mrs.. C. J. Wallis• ilt , 112'icCiunus, who, was pastor of Wesley church for four years before retiring,. has many, friends in Clinton rho were glad to meet 'and greet him again. Mr. 'o1)n Howson,- who came east some months age owing to the ill - Mess and siibsegiient death of his sister, Miss Amy fiowson, and who leas remained tb settle uo hes estate; Uhl/Tondo, for 'Toronto to join his wife, Wise went to the city a week earlier. ?l'hey. leave for their'Inane In VaitcaU'('ey, 'hi 'a 'few ilaya. tic e e ad 21 OUR BIG SUGAR WEEK SPECIAL CASH PRICE by the SACK Green Grant Peas (Friday and Green Peas Golden Bantam Corn Tomatoes' 2's 5 lbs. Gran. Sugar 7 -lbs. Rolled Oats 3 lbs. Black Tea Maxwell Coffee lb. 4 pkgs. Am ; onia Salted Wafers pkgs. Cheese (Kraft) - Red Rose Tea lbs C. & S. Coffee & Tea lb. DeLux Jelly Powder CETER1A 23c Saturday) 2 for 15c 2 four 25c '2 for 25c 28c - 25c $1.00 55c 25c 10c 35c 53c 55c 6 for 25c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER— GROCETERIA Phone 48 FR EE DELIVERY LENTEN SPECIALS Pink Salmon Red Cohoe Salmon Red Sockeye Salm Pure Lard Red Sal l -on lbs Fresh Filletts Ib. 15c 25c 35c 3 lbs. for 38c 25c 20c FRIGIDAIRE Breakfast Bacon lb. Peameal Bacon 1b. S. Rolls Peameal Rolls 30c 35c 25c 25c Easter is Just Around the Corner Easter Eggs all Prices Special Choc. & Cream mixture 19c: Special Easter Ducks 35c Other Novelities from 1Oc to 25c • Gum. Drops 15c Scotch Mints 15c Ib Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails PHONE 43 THE PLAY "LOVE'S MAGIC" wiil be presented in TOWN HALL, CLINTON by the United Church Choir, Bayfield under the auspices of Clinton Baptist Chinch on the evening of TUESDAY, MARCH 2lth Admission 35e, Children 25e. All seats reserved. Plan at Fair's. 09-2. LADIES' FIJR COAT Display & Sale AT BROWN'S STORE, 'CLINTON THURSDAY: FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 19, 20, 21 HIere is yens; opportunity to pur- chase a fur ooat direct from the fac- tory. Thus saving the middleman's profit. Como and meet the repre- sentative, IVIr. Brown, and get his prices and terms on a new fur coat Fur Coats remodelled or a suitable allowance made on exchange en a new fur coat. SAP SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE Order your Pane: and Buckets now and be ready when the Season opens. See out' 15c Specials for Saturday. Your ohoice of several Washer Premiums, at $1.00. rri llawkins' .,HA.RIIWARE and,.PLUMBING ' Phone 244 S wEC1AL FRUIT AND NUT LOAF CINNAMON BUNS FRUIT FILLED BUNS DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CARE CREAM, DOUGHNUTS, & ROLLS "TIIE 3 BAKERS" Broadcast Special STOLLENS A •WORTHWHILE TREAT BREAD We Bake a Variety to Suit Every Taste. "Try It." "EASTER CANDIES" Wendorf's Bakery C CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE 68 -'v PREVENTION OF EYE TROUBLE Prevention is better than cure. It is cheaper,. It is possible when cure is im- possible. Eye trouble may be avoided by the timely use of glasses, averting discomfort, suffering and pertness - ant impairment of sight, We are properly equipped to adjust glas- ses and guarantee satisfaction. USELESS TIME PIECES If there is a watch or clock ITS your house that refuses to go let us have a look at it. You know it would go if it could. Something some- where is wrong. It may he nothing serious. A few minutes time at a few cents' cost may make it as good as new. We will look it over for you and if it can be fixed we can fix it. R. H. JOHNSON CLINTON'S LEADING .FRWELERY STORE Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician 1 Save yon a 1 Ike). It will pay you to buy now and have these bargains put away 'til later We have put especially low prices on all our Bedroom. Furniture, in- cluding: BEDROOM SUITES, ODD DRESSERS and STANDS, BED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES, , DININGIR,OOMVC SUITES at amazingly Low Prices. Some Extra Special Values in KITCHEN CABINETS. Several Real Valdes in Chesterfield Suites, Automans, and Footstools. Better hurry and get some of ourLAMP BARGAINS while they Iast.. These special Prices will only be good while the Stock lasts' so be Wise and get some of these Bargains: C1hitonHardWare&FUrdtllFC o Hardware Phone, 195 The Store with a Stock Funeral Directors Monument Dealera