HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-03-12, Page 3Rural Adventure I wonder if, by 'any choice of words, or weaving of phrases, I can hand on to anot) er .the wt•nderf ul delight L; found in .an adventure so small that there eeems nothing to tell, ; I went further •eeeld than asnal. !J here are but 'few trees hereabouts, - in the hedgerows, With here and there a saintly; and 1 canto to a, driftroad, that le a grassy h•ghway, very old. '.o doubt; end so little 'requested that it was not worth metalling, It was full of bramble -Drakes and thistle patches, and the ditches were full of willow- herb. Then I saw trees ahead of me, some of those stunted pollat;ded elms.. which have. a'gnarled and peretonal holt; and soon the driftway widened Cita, sed I eaw I was in a small nate- let, a handful of white -walled thatched cottages, with pretty gardens, a Esau. tree, and some vegetable rows, au9 a ;border of old-fashioned flowers, , , :. Then 1 saw that among the, trees stood a little: old chapel, of rubble-s'tc ne amearea with 'plaster, and stone coigns. It had no tower, only a pretty stone belfry where there 'hung a bell of green beenze; the, rust of the bronze had melted over the stones, which were stained a delicate green. , , Tae chapel was fastened up, tett peering in at a window 1 disccraed warped oak benches, and a quaint organ, vete small, with a gflde'1 .,.en of pipes and an eller at the east with son -faded hangings. I came away from this, and took my way over a stile into Heide, by the sic'2 cf a considerable pool of water, full of weeds, with little fishes. darling in le211 spaces, and bri ;t beetles sac r e in circles in a dizzy kind of cite There was much ar- rowhead in the water, with green spear-shansd heaves, and white ewers with a heath of dark crimson, Then on a little rising ground I saw two fig• uses. They were looking away to the south, where a dark stores was coming up, heavy clouds of dense blackness, with lurid copper -colored spaces; and underneath it the woods and fields Montreal.—The death rate for dia- looked es if they were in a mist oe bates in Canada and in the United greyish impe'puble dust. States in 1930 was the highest ever re - The figures were those of a very old corded, For many years an upward man and a h'•y ; the old man had pet trend has been observed in diabetes his hands up over his eyes to sse tit+ mortality, but the rise during the last storm cloud more clearly, and the boy deeade has been more pronounced had imitated him. - , than ever. The increasing use ot in - 1 can e up svith them and spoke t.e still% rays the Bureau of Statistics of velem. The old man was ... upright • with a weather -worn face, cheeks like the sides of a ripe apple, and a strag- gling beard—such a fats as you can, Nee in can old glass window, warped and hardened by endless toil, and yet kindly and patient, with wide grey eyes. The boy was dark-skinned ani graceful a handsome say creature. The old mean talked in a hige tr tour tum voice. I'Ie told nee he wa.; c;glity• three ye=urs old, and that the boy was his grandson. The bey looked at each of us in silence as we spoke. I said that it Willa lonely place, and he said "Yes," and that few people ever came titers -"It is amidst the fields here," he said simply. IIo told me it was ti:e hamlet of a larger village, anti .that theParson cant aver for an afternoon p c service oil Sundays, and in rough "weather not always that.... Then he moved away home, the boy followed him, saying, "We shall have a bit of • weather an us :n a minute." I stood and watched them go, the oId mum shuffling away, and the boy jumping 'about beside him, asking him many questions, They wete soon lost to sight among the trees; I myself shel- tered under a tough and ancient thorn- ;tree, whieh grew beside the road, while •the grey slanting rain lashed the 1 fields, and a light mist rose from the hot ground. That was ail my adventure; but it hada fine quality •bout it—the lonely ,had lost in the fields, the Brassy spaces, the dark trees, the chapel .. . the pool, and the swiftly racing sha- dow of the storm over ail.—A. C. Ben- son in "Rambles and Reflections," RCM VAVR,0 �V1{t .1 1)0' A feu r®tj J 111,1tL/.t." 238 2. BUMS . licoe High School' Boards and Boards of Educatign Aro authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the •Minister of Education OAY'AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by, the Department of Education., THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION • la given in various trades. The schools and classes are under.tbe direction of -AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE aro provided for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliarneet Buildings, Toronto. Diabetes Deaths Increase in 1930 Rise in Rate During Last Decade is More Pronounced How the Al Rei habet Came Into ;eang "Influence of mouth gesture on the •development of the Alphabet," was the eubjeot of an address by Sir Richard Paget before the anthropology section in London, It was Inflated out by Sir Richard 'that, just as apeegh.appeared to have developed from pantoealmic gesture, owing to an unconscious sympathy •between the movement of the human :hands and body with those of the hu- man mouth. and tongue, so thede- velopment of alphabets appeared to have been influenced by a correspond. ing sympathy at movement between the human mouth and tongue and the 'human hand. - If the alphabets of different nations were examined it was found that in the letters standing for the sounds of P, B. M. and W, and alsothose tot GET RID ot your dread of pain the vowel sound U—in all of which the two lips are more or less protrud- ed and brought together—the symbols are commonly suggestive, either of a close mouth, or of two lips closed or projected, or on the point of opening. Examples given from our own alpha- bet by Sir Richard were: A, which was originally written ly- ing on its side, suggests an open mouth facing right. B is the profile ot two lips, pointing towards the righty • ing, soothing fluid neutralizes many 17 represents a mouth pointing to times Its volume 10 acid. It' restores the tight, with the tongue at mid the proper alkaline height, as in pronouncing the sound of -. ' C''HILDRENN wilt fret, often for no gh apparent reason. But there's al- ways Castoriat harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it. tastes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than a more powerful medicine, • That's the beauty of this special Children's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant—as often as there is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea or similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coated tongue calls for ,just a few drops to ward off constipation; so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children don't eat well. don't rest well, or have any little upset—this pure vegetable prepara- tion is usually all that's needed. the Metropolitan Life, has evidently failed to cheek the rise, although it has, without a doubt, prolonged the Into of thousands of diabetics. Since the introduction of insulin, the mortality rate has declined among stales up to age 45, with practically no change between 45 and 65, and a considerable rise after age 65. Among females the mortality has dropped somewhat up to age 35, has increased slightly between 35, and increased sharply after 45. .'he diabetes death 'rate in 1930 was 30.9 per cent, higher than in 1911. Marriage is not a lottery, it's a pot- eery—whereunta ltu clay is made into ' family jars. -- lehbel MacDonald, tate British Pre- mlei"s daughter, said in an interview in Washington; •'A witty congress- man gave father and me a good idea for naval disarmament at a reception. "The street way to bring about naval disarmament," ho sale, "would be to build all warships by popular sub- scription," Kennedy r 1� tit., , Menton a 421 College St., Toronto iiarley-Lavidson Distributors write et n o once for our bargain let P g 1 used motorcycles. Terms arranged. 140 SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK Atlantic City, New Jersey Sends Greetings to its Many Friends In Canada, We are quoting such a very low American Plan rate that you will find It cheaper to stay at the "Hometike Strand" than staying et home. Write us sod we may quote them to you ---so you will know the exact cost before leaving. Music --Salt Sea Baths—Com pit mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 5 p.m.— We will personally see to your comfort, T. 11. ..ANDOW, Mgr. Irl. BRADFORD RICHMOND, Prop. .GCNNInt PHILLIPS., Fob Troubles duetO Acid INpI 50EARTBURN gsril HEARTBURN CONSTIPATION GAS, NAU5 P fiber atter eating. Bat without fear of "indigestion," sour stomach, disagree- able gas or headaches. When your food. ferments, "dis- agrees," lies line c. lump in your stomach, it's a -sign of too much acid. You need, not resort to crude methods —take instead an anti -acid that will correct :the condition, Phillips' Mirk of Magnesia. A spoonful of this pleasant -tag - e in men. 1 is en elevated tongue, as in the sound of ea iii eat, 1, is another vertical tongue sign. 1 NI •represents two lips in profile,' pointiug upwards. • 0 is a front view of a rounded media is a vertical tongue, touching the horieoutat palate, • II and V are both pairs of protruded lips, W is a pair of lips, like M, but point- ing outsing don`ninatead of up. Every IMO: of our alphabet, exocp•. I i' i ani i I•i n 1 said Sir Rah peas Uly a �, was clo c'y re's to the shape cl month r ha) p. I, ' s.s It, balance to an eals acid -soaked stomach and bowels—. asetats these organs to function as they should. Phillips' Mills of Magnesia is what you need when a bad breath, coated tongue, headaches, nausea or biliousness indicates ale over -acid 'condition. Take a emery] today. tend 'for several days and see how it sweetens the system. You won't be nearly se liable to colds or sickness. All drugetorea in the Dominion sell it in 50c bottles. Genuine Mk pf Magnesia is altoays a liquill---never a tablet. Louie for :the ttatne Phillips on the bottle. APPLICATIONS Ara Filled As Far Aa Passible in the Order In Which They Are Received. APPLICATIONS ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE Farm Help Supplied Offering Annual Work Are inwariahly Given the Preference. The. Colonization and. Immigration. 13ranoh of tate Departmont-of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a mailer of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives ane FamItles—Married Couples Without Chltdren— , • Also Single Men. Fite Your Application al Ono0 Pathaown raeulripg help will be well •~•. advised tb' !slake early. application to ` ' Geo. A. Elliott' "Ireotor of Colonization Parliament Bldgs„ Termite, , O rat, • All Mon Pjaced Subject to Tr !Period If all 4 ep • ir1ttnity, get 'ester at meet HON, THOMAS i,. KENNEDY, Minister of, Agrioulture Owl Lath; There, was a time when the millers sold shorts. Now they can be bought only at the department stores, "Papa left me four hundred dollars to buy a memorial stone for him after he died," said • Darling Dora. "Iiow do you like my new diamond?"' Teaolier—"Johnny, if your father earned $40 a week anti gave your mother half, what would she have?" Johnny—"Heart failure," The peculiar characteristic ie the one somebody else 'has. Daddy -"I .greatly disapprove of young Darlington, and one particular reason is his lack of interest in itis calling." Daughter -"Why father, his calling! Re calls on me seven nights a week." "I just love these big cave men," sighed Gladfui Gladys, as. the guide led hes' through the Memenoth Cave. Golf Definitions Dub—"Ono who plays golf the way you did last year. A Good Lie—When the last man in the foresome tells his score. Sand Trap—A device placed in the fairway to- increase the vocabulary of the player. Fairway -The long narrow strip of grass whieh the bail occasionahly crosses in its flight from the rough on one side to the rough on the other. When the young mother begins to talk about lessening the risk of the baby's second summer you may know right well she has been talking to tate baby's grandmother. Girl's Dad—"So you're the young mean with both feet on the ground, eh? What do you do for a living?" °erl'e Boy Friend—"I take orders from a man with both feet on the desk." Too num!' time on the hands makes the feet wobbly` What ]las become of the old-fashion- ed woman who made it a point of pride to have her wash first on the line Monday? He—"I like your bathing suit." She—"it doesn't take much to please you.,, First Lady Bridge Player—"I say, I wish to goodness you'd hold your band up. I can see your cards." Second Lads' Bridge Player — "All right, only you needn't be so snappy. You've been ehowing me yours alt afternoon an 1 .1 haven't complained." It is amazing to see how much mis- intormatton may be accumulated by otto wito diligently seeks it. ---- She—"Olt, and commit suicide." It go l 0 S e 0n c t , He—"That's the last thing I'd do." The last word in preparedness was undoubtedly achieved by the sleigh- ing party which hooked its sleigh on helped an ambulance. If your over- coat is too loud, wear a muffler. Father --"Why were you kept in at school'?" Son—"I didn't know where the Azores were." Father—"Well, in future just re- member where you put things." Women's clothes unmake the man. Women, Elephants and fathoms never forget. Fortune does not smile on those who wait. It laughs et them. Little Girl—"Please, have you a sheep's head?" Facetious Butcher—"No, my dear; only my own." Little Girt—"It won't do. Mother wants out, with brains in it." . March Magic Once more the fickle birds return Across the sloping seas, And tttrow the tender fields again With their old melodies. The sky is magic as the month, Low sun, high stars between, The icy winds have washed it clear; But it, too, dreams of green, The boate breathing a the sea; T e b a s are b at of t g They Cannot wait for sten; Some undertide hue brought them word • Straight front a blue -starred fen. Unpitoted they steal away, No man shall see them soon, Tlteesea birds follow for a mile,' Then leave them to the moon. We, too, shall steal upon the sprlug With amber sails' blown wide; Shall drop; some day, .behind the moon, Borne on a star -blue tide. Enchanted ports we, too, shall touch, Cadiz or :Cameroon; Nor other pilotlieeti besides A magic crisp of moon. —William Alexander Percy, in "Sept pho in .Levkas." Wife: And don't come home so late, Husband: I shaU come home when I Bite. Wife But not a minuto later. For the first time for seven hundred Years Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands, is without a garrison of Brit - isle soldiers. ' Chapman returned froni•lunch: and "Azimut call while I was out?" he called his new secretary into his room. asked, "Yes," replied, the girl. "Smith ,oame In about his account, He want. ed it settled." "And you told •kint that `I had left for Amerioa this morning?" " said Chapman, 'rhe girl nodded and replied; "Yes; and that you wouldn't be back until this afternoon." ISSUE No. 1 l --'31; Garden Talks Article 4 Put These Vegetobles on List',, The' average gardener • is often 'be- wildered by the large numbest of vegetable varieties offeree ants so for his particular benefit the following list' based on : expert infortnatien offered:—Asparagus, Mary 'Washing- ton, satisfactory from thestandaoint of disease tesistance' and a good cropper; Beans, Pencil Pod Black Wax, ''Round Po•l Li•idney Wax, Stringless Green Pod ,with Ken- tnclty Wonder Wax and Kentucky Green Pod as pole sorts: Beets, Early Wonder, Chat Egyptian Carly and Detroit Dark Red, later; Cab- bage, Golden Acre, as a round -head- ed first early, followed by Coppen- bagen Market and Hnithulzen Glory as mid-season with short stent Danish Railhead for, winter storage; Cauliflower, Snowball arts Ilarliest Dwarf Erfurt; Garrets, Chantenay and Danvers; Corn, of the early varieties Golden Sunshine, Ptcka- ninny, Early 1Vlayftower, Early Mar- ket and Golden Bantam are recom- mended., with Stowell's Evergreen for inter use; Cucumbers, Improved White Spine anal Davis Perfect; Cel- ery, for eIery,for the dret_early Golden Phtme or Wonderful, and White Plume, for early second, Paris Golden Yellow or Easy Blanching,—for winter keep- ing Giant Pascal or Winter Quesn; Lettuce -Grand Rapids is one: of the most popular leaf varieties with New York and Non-Parell where a hes d sort t i s wanted; Muskmelons, Improved Montreal and Extra Early l niget are good varieties; as well as Golden Champlain, Miller's Cream or Osage; Onions, Yellow GIobe Dan- vers, Red Wethersaeld, Prize Taken Yellow Globe and Prize Taker Red Globe; Peas, Thomas Laxton, Lax- tonian, Gradus, Little Marvel, Lax- ton Progress aud, ot course, Ameri- can Wonder; Parsnip, hollow Crown; Radish, Scarlet White Tip, French Breakfast and Scarlet Globe; Sella axle Bloomadale and Bing of Deli - mark; Swiss Chard, Lucullue, the leafy part of this vegetable is uaeil as a spinach while the fleshy stem may be cooked as asparagus and is delicious served with cream sauce; Tomatoes, Eariiana, John Baer, Bonny Best, Chalk's Early Jewel and Livingstone's Globe, while Grand Rapids and Sunrise are two of the best forcing sorts, It should be te- membered that this seed is suitable for Ontario, It is also well to re- member that vegetables of the high- est quality are the one that are grown the most rapidly, The soil must be well prepared, well fertiliz- ed and well cuttivated, particuiariy during the early stages, Its small gardens it Is often quite practical and very advisable to wetter during dry weather in order to make- sure that the vegetables come on without a Check. Spring Work With Lawns a A good }stem will require a little attention every spring. There will always be bare spots to be reseed- ed, paths to be broken up, weeds to be taken out and fertilizer to be ad- ded. Tits roller should be used at this time so that the fine roots whieh have been 'leaved out of the ground by the frost will be packed into the soil again. Dig out tete weeds, rake over the bare spots and reflood heavily with the very best seed ln'o' curable, Give the lawn an applica- tion of fertilizer. Weis -rotted manure is good early in the spring but may be somewbat objectionable in certain places and often it re- sults in adding more weeds. Put verized sheep manure Is rerommend- eti because this fertilizer is steamed before being put up so that alt wood seeds are killed. Nitrate of Soda or a good mixed chemical fertilizer is often used as there is no objection- able odour mid no unsightly appear- ance following the application. If the position of tete lawu Is open and exposed to plenty of sunlight ordin- ary dawn seed will do, but if shaded, select a special brand which all seed houses carry for this purpose Too much emphasis cannot be laid on. good lawn seed, as title is tete only hind whieh • will result in a permanent, tine and velvety sward. Constructing A Hot Bed Where one plans to use u 'sage number of idose plums which must be started indoors, or where ono til not in a position to purchase emit plaits its Petunias, Zinnias, Mari- golds, Cosmos, Asters, Tomatoes, t s Cabbages, eauillowel , Head Let - thee and similar things, a hot bed is essential, •The construction oe such an affatr is neither difficult nor expensive, and in addition to grow Ing such plants as the above it may be used to produce early lettuce, onions, radishes and melons for the table Secure a supply ot fresh horse manure which has' been turned frequently to prevent' burning and store this iu some sheltered spot, turning over occaslontely until ready to ase. The hot bed should be 10- cated where it wilt be conveulent for the' person looking atter it during all sorts of weather, Preferably, it should have some shelter from north anis• west winds by fences, builcliugs or shrubbery. Select or prepare a well -drained site and make a pile of the manure eighteen incites deep when well pressedegloivu. Ott top of tills, place a light frame of wood any ;desired size and cover tightly with a window sash, 'The latter should slope a tote Males toward the front which must be senate Cover the manure with three or our triches of fine soil. The bed will heat up rapidly at first but by the fourth day should have 'cooled down suffice. eptly for planting purposes. Ono can plant in roWs quite olese to• gether eo that a bed three by four feet will moaner ample plants for AGENTS WANTED Cm.you sella smallarticle that in- . Yoot roe0veA pan,goIot soa$n20 business et your own, You have 210 001n - petition and everybody is a prospect. Wo watit an agent in your district. Wtlte ter full information. SAOOXOAX. $'EAS' .7'151169 Tongs Street, - - Toronto NEVER let a throbbing head interrupt your shopping?. Or other pain that -Aspirin ends so quickly. These harmless tablets are an antidote for the most acute pain. Relief is almost instantaneous.'.Taken in time, they will break up a. cold and head off discomfort. They'll relieve your suffering from neuralgia, neuritis, or the like, at any time. Thousands of women depend upon Aspirin tablets every month to spare them from those pains peculiar to women. These tablets do not depress the heart; they maybe used as frequently as there need of their quick comfort.. So, it's folly to endure any pain that Aspirin tab?sin could relieve so promptly. Ge t: genuine, which- is alma;';, to be had at any drugstore_ \N:t�� rRAnu-M't ::( r.ra. Made its Canaria Classified Advertising risen Til ort MACHINE 0R NAN.11it Tytne.' l� LT'L'LNti, .1V "Alt Wool,' "Silk and wool: "010 alt colors. 75e L5. no, l`autoles free. Stoeicttrg to Yarn drilla tent. T. t trltila, saulr snorts, eLBABY 101101(5-15 I4LX V Att- " I19T1 bsa, toe and Up. Jatalegues A. El- Swetzer. Branson, (Ontario, K DUPER TO EVl,tY iNV11NTOR, 1,let of wanted inventions and full in,urneatlon sent free The Ramsay Cony. puny, Work. Patent Attornei-s. 273 t'antt Street. Ottawa, Canada.. NERORB t it , t Ono thin); that het'rs _, ro warns a dish, goer ty 12/11,-‘,j0 •' td's. These rug the Laminar' gently in. Pain eases ed! siaNDIa%. TomA,00 - A ii di n�nlze. veOU�A Tudnbo td. FREE 'ii31AL OFF ! 1e years' selection. Era:client 1 hipper, OF One flavor, Originated and grows sty u Y Sc'}t See$XCeaes once. Try it, Ventre. D.C. I}fit Y,F .. t' B'}N AGS""itTS WAVE:sa A CENTS TO SELL WELT, KNOWN .L'1L highest quality TIRES, No Invest- ment; commissions paid weekly, Ex- cellent opportunity to earn good money. Write Istayalt, s Elm 51,, Teresa°. AItRY. RELLAnix iIATRIeir)S. - Lin patter !nailed free. Address _relendshtp Magazine, Medina,. New tnrk AT AN WANTED IN YOL1I2 00111M1J11- 1. XT to take care paints and rootingrequirements f farmand pro- perty owners. Whole or par time work will earn you goad commission. Must Ito well !mown and of good reputation, Send particulars about yourself, age in- cluded, with two references, and we shall submit our plain preposition. All Can- nalnn prodtteta. Sturgeons Limited. 'reroute. the ordinary garden. In cold or stormy weather, water sparingly anti only on bright days. Ventilate a little every clay by raising the sash. keeping It open longer as tete days grow warmer. The plants aitottld not be removed directly from a 'tot bed to the field, except in very fav- orable avorable circumstances, but ehouid be hardened oft tor a week or two In a colts -frame wlticlt is exactly the sante us the hot bed without the manure. Set Britain London Dally Herald (Lab.): The foreigner at last la discovering 1322 - Min, in spite of bad trade, there were more Americans, more Europeans, visiting our country Met year than ever before. Title year alt the signs predict a new record. It has been partly one own fault that this wel- come invasion has lagged behind in the past. Wo are bad at boosting our- selves. A foolish good form has de- creed that we shall rather ruts our- selves down. So tate Briton abroad curses the British climate; but he never remembers to praise tite British laitdscape, the loveliest and most varied in the world. Ilo 1s thrilled by the historical romance of the Rhine, But he does not toll his Gorman f r like ho does friends (for, likely enough. ug , not ltuow) of the"liquid history" that is the Tstunes. Better leave no luck titan bad luck. iew� BLACK�BE 8 Dm. t suffer any longer frotndiene it sightly Woundless, Overcome them at !tome! Get 2 oz, Peroxino Powder from your. druggist, Sprinkle a Little on `ho taco loth, apply with a Oirattlar motion *nu the blackheads will be all 'SUED a.WA1r. Satisfaction or money returned, If you have never tried hrusebon--try it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special "GIANT" packages which make it easy for you to prove our claim for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new "GIANT" 75c, Package. This consists of our regular 70c. bottle together with a separate trod bottle—sufficient for about one week. Open the trial bottle araC, put It to the test, tut' thetl, if not entirely convinced that Exuseben does everything we clams it to do, the regular b i c ottre s sets druggist ' n v g oo as et . Talc i s rt your Your tlelis ld without to rents. Your ,av tried Ki toy and syphons g expense. Yost have tried I(nt firer? free, at our rxpcuby What cents he fairer? ETanchesterctl Enc. E. Gr.Ri175 .snail's, Ltd„ Manchester, Dross 1. 5. T tont,), ltapotters: McGillivray Dross cd,. Toronto. ,gats1141-.4 flask on coughs &t Colds A speedy, safe, proven remedy for children and adults. WCKLRE Acts LtheoFlash. A SINGLE StP Pcovrt,r 178 Genuine Gratitude Cotnpeis Tribute, Mr. Victor bilis, of Thornton Heath, writes:—"For many years I have suffered with that distressing complaint—constipation, anti its at- tendant effects of sick -headache and indigestion, It was a red-letter day for me %viten a friend recommended Inc a treatment of Cas'ter's Little Liver Pills, and I can honestly say that results have been truly mar- velous. 1 now enjoy good health and feel that life is worth living. The relief I have experienced tom - pals ale to add my sincere tribute." Take Carter's Little Liver Pills. All druggists 25e and 750 red pkgs. READ OF A asE LIKE HER 0 Decided to take Lydia E. Pinklaarn's Vegetable Compound • Moncton, New Brunswick--"I30fo si my last baby wes born I was verywe4ik, nervosa and din. enurevtrrel I ea* an aavoltieameot in the';--_ et ^',nt¢•, a woman w'to ilatl been lilto me so I bought abottle of Lydia E. ] ham's Vegetile o Compound. nap c throe bottles att"d itallied me a 'fo- e a ly through that orltarel tame. I have three chi rh'en to care for a I feel well and strong. I have told 1 other women about your nl;;,d}4i ' r i+Mb'noten,I'f wBru dwsok-err iaoq MIS' e�;gqt,.�ypftI,h,••�et��`m1n "gamins:NEr.r,,!t' , Yrttbei ,ran t $1,23AlIRrugak 01w5131110 taldsr so Al so exeeltent rloO Te m po rar y 3SeOt. nese mad ]tread Noises when duo to congestion colleen by'cotes and Pius • A. 0, LEONARD, Inc, 70 Vieth Ave„ New Stork City