HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-03-05, Page 3ekti 11,9•gyp , ri. iMw ?� day b l 226 — — warbler I have Watched has built h frd That Tray 'ls nest in the same Il I From Pt�.le to P Q successive. sea• Ss, nesting operations each bird -. must have flown not less than six thousand miles. Travellers in the southern seas have. often seen the great albatross follow- ing their boat for a week or more, only settling for fleeting_moments to pick up toed thrown from the ship— Tit•Bits. C�wl LasUn1eSS endow Made Sunny y I The harvest cross wore puzzle is why one should want Co fya cross Leery little white someone discovers luck, and was buttonholed onto the I words. Money sites away time. does; pink silk thread. A .young Pol1OOY sli.quickly a a new and delightful 'way to curtain :Pisco was turned antler one-quarterwhafrom the older Pollee. There will prob- ed' north or poorly lighted window, Yellow alit, using never be a lova cost of high ob- in the shape r f, an irregular Wer ably 9ua- eo that the effect of light and cunni- piece of the lavender sills, somewhalt ha And,. as You have Probably Hess 10 bt'ouht into •the room. A lug, F very successful window curtain and moon, was basted over all the lower Petted yourself,, a good. many of the drapery, which brought an appearance half, 01 .the pink'Piece and all its peC O who long loudly for the good of sunshine and -a suggestion of a edges turned under and buttonholed old days are actually longing inwardly onto the pink above it and onto rho 'for the bad old nights. flowery garden into a dim and cheer -chow below it, using lavender, thread. less north room, is here described. IY The. single window:, which was about , Then all the extra titicknesso of silk 'two feet Err the corner of the room, underneath were cutawayso wascoveted with a glass curtain of leave only one thickness of silk cream '.tet, reaching to the window th.oughout, the flower. sill- It hung moderately full, it's width I Theneat lower 'flower was made beet once and a' lie cuttaha iathof hi a one irregula^lar way, circle of lavender, g land us ng rge, the window, On th 8 for its upper" centre and orange side, were leaves aappliqued gsteins; ell I Pink he ors with leaves and long stems, shit pin°Iw', ,,1 hadthird ye lowflower for ltestarted uppewith r a d E silk that Pe d lavender ° omitted the lig d blow tree bush for thre h t Between their t0 shine through Ur g Y, By Oliver G. Pike, F.Z.S. The energy expended in swimming the English. Channel must be as noth- ing compared with that, used up by many migratory birds. There have been several instances of birds crossings the Atlantic A lapvvng ringed in hugiand was re• covered in Newfoundland, and this, New. ,Teo ata Advanced Fog pt, • Incthousands o4 Miles of sea without resting. I It rose from a poisoned Digest, writing probably flew duet a river, thinks Many oP these birds are glad of the a correspondent of The help of,a passing steamer, and when from Woods Mills, Antwerp, New they land they this in an exhausted Ysorlc, and fortifying his opinion with nouditiou they show little tear of men, some wartime experiences. and allow Passengers to fees them. I „That mysterious blanket of tog • A short time ago a large steamer ; that came along to the Meuse Valley bound for Liverpool was nearly a section or France and Belgium, carry- , miles from the Americet ill death with it will remain a mYs- are „a nerds set -fit g unless analyzed for some. poisonous sub - The friend Who' Just Stands By When, trouble comes your soul to try,. You love the friend who just stands bY. Perhaps thores nothing, he can do, The thing is strictly up to you; For there are troubles all your own, . And petite the soul must tread alone; 'Nimes when love' caul smooth the road made o•, - centre an ightl as through Nor friendship lilt the heavy load, stained glees. On the dot then slcle,l The stems, which were not out in But just to feel you:lt he a fried, that nearest the corner of the.7•ooi was a straight line, but on a slight curve, Who will stand by until the end, a drapery o4 sleep daffodil yellow, s Whose sympathy through all endures, lways :,.:., t to make them look more graceful, Stems and 'Leaves. arranged in an unusual and sir decorative manner. •This drapery was not silk but it had a silky luster, It covered the entire vvidth.of the window, and two widths were used to get the right fullness, the seam being concealed between the folds. It was cut long enough to reach to the bottom of the window casing. The entire width of this drapery' wee drawn back to the casing at the side, half way between the top of the' win- clow and tie middle, from which point it hung in graceful folds down over the casing, covered but a few inches of the glass, hence cutting off almost none of the light. Flowers Like Stained Glass. The flowers, leaves, and stems were cut out and finished before they were put on the net curtain. three e flowers, lons, two wide teav'$s, and slender leaves, were used, besides the stems. Thin plain silk was selected for ail of them in order that the effect might be airy and dainty and so their color would show up per- fectly. Very thin satin would be equally satisfactory..Heavier material should not be used. as the desired effect is not that of ordinary heavy looking applique. Tho colors for the flowers were tendeds glass curtain to the audl accompany - rosyyeleow, orange, and h. light, Thii drapery were copied for a larger, cosy ration, w another charming wider " .Sow ill another home. But couldbe lig with t, d yellow ,yellow, would a re blue, dark blue, yellow, sltraightaacross the bottom of tbetnet, and deep, reddish awhile. four The top flower, which which sea `Iiedow, tl strip aet e5wi -, akthl •d ofalavend lavender, just below the middle the ado in this way: A circular (another jure. below OL pink Silk, Of shore when a large flock the waters round about tled on the rigging and Beeks. Longest Flight of All. I stances such as as arsenic, or caw Many of Chess, which included Pig- hydrate; in Trance's soil and rivers eons and owls, were captured by the I. mystery continues to lurk," he tells us passengers, and the ship's carpente Ias he writes on, elaborating his ex - was kept busy making cages. tremely interesting theory. We are Three small birds feel exhausted 0111 told,as we rend on: to the dock of a steamer Ie mid - I " remember, when we were there Atlantic. Two survived, while the during the war, we were forbidden to third, died from starvation. The two ('ltatho in a river of the same uAme— survivors were a linnet and a chaf- e haw I Meuse. 1t a were told that to swim in finci. the river was death, for when you A Labrador falcon I coast by a went in ,and came out, you would be tskee with cramps and die. Well, light -keeper on the west coast of Scot lila- = just what happened; some d[d, land was so exhausted that he was :''it must have been ar- able to pick it up, and although he `Now, then, give you endeavored to keep it alive with suit-; for only arsenic would g p luful cramps snob as than but, 11 able food, it succumbed, It must ince travelled Prom Newfoundland. fly 1 the people died without a struggle, Some migratory birds fly great des -then it was because of chloral hydrate, tanees: English small swallolt•s come vahich, when inhaled in vapor or gets cuts six thousand mites each spring, alt, into the Pores through bathing, d you me distance in autumn, circulation completely, retain the same the or a n t pain 1 it it ba p ` v 3t will ie vv • tb d and many of the citmull toll asleep and travel three thousand miles each way. struSgle:' The ringing of Wide by British ornith• ologists has given us v'aluablo ht1Y oma• I I ely .al were of a light but rather vivid green.:GVhoSe warm handclasp a The material for them was cut one yours, inch wide, and one• quarter inch was It hell's somehow to pull you through, turned under on each side, leaving the Although there's nothng he can do; finished stem, one-half inch Wide. And so with fervent heart we cry Both edge i were buttonholed with silk ,,God • bless the friend who just thread of the same shade of green, stands by" The long thin leaves were a little ' .--- wider throughout their middle Por Stranger "I want all the rotten tion than the stems, but tapered to eggs -you have:' paints above, and were buttonholed to Grocer—"Stale eggs? May I ask If you are' going to hear Senator Loud - tie scale vas, One of the two wide leaves was of green sills, the other of mouth speak to -night?" Stranger — "Sell-sh, l'nl Senator orange. They Fere two and one-half laches wide by three and one-half Loudmouth:' inches 1•Ing, when finished and button- - --- underside. These were mllcll.eurved, with A service that othere regards as a a few interesting jags along their nuisance may be the basis of a 1/Tofit- uuderside. Along the middle of each able business if properly handled. ran a "vein" made with sill'. thread of the color of the leaf, In a simple stitch. The two happiest moments of a vvo• Wisen the flowers, leaves, and stems man's life are when a'man asks her the lower left half of the net curtain t0 marry him and when her doctor were kals:Led, the. were • pinned on tells her she's got to have au opera- tion. Trying to get even with people at opera - position seemed and adjusted until their from getting ahead position seemed r1Sht, thea lightly is what keeps Up of them. There are insulting looks as basted in place. This makes it easy to well as insulting words. It You tackle remove them whenever the net re- firs rest will e a quires nd ril a The bottom of the the bard job first, stem and 1,ng leaves started from the oiueb. ;cry bottom of the curtain and ex' The Green Places tion about the destinotions o our migrants. We have {nand that our in fl?ids and deep among the friendly swallows winter in Natal, our cuelcnos trees go to Northern Africa and Palestine. And on the solemn bills, man knows But what are we to think of a bird hisheart: try whiter nests the Are ancestries. ti eircls and 111e is acmpaniehad • winters in tiea Antarctic? It is be -I His sires loved green, In tt tilt,o. Roved that our dainty Arctic tern does their part• this; it so, it makes the longest flight - But tv'iten he moves alone iu city ways, A. sea eby any bird however, resettle Imt I Helith has no kinshipswithtg the historictday s A sea birduri g 'could, journey, the sea during 1 3 journey, and as this No acorns creak beneath his allot t • travels down the coast of Atrica feet ai • n • i and a bottom one of green, the same thin, semi -transparent silk being used as was chosen for the flowers and leaves. The bottom strip reached just to the window sill Phis, of course, meant m:ais`ng the net part so that the tori flower came a few inches above piece of yellow silk was cut out, five diameter, but very irregular -iu iucies in outline, suggesting the shape of a flower. The edge was turned under One-quarter of an limit and button- holed with yellow silk thread. This is easier to do if the silk is first basted on a piece of uews1allei•, which after flowers e sMiddle an 1eav, of the were window. de sligiPhe ward can be lora away. An irregular , oh' ash ipink;i`Indiameter, tedscut smaller over to avoid any pn in the ossibiitytofi the cuttain' out et `til Pink .iii row' •1, The effect was in - the 'middle of the yellow sills. The i lookinT; p' edge of the upper belt of this pink descrlbably go.. mini and taken direct to Croydon for Eternity informs the lightest rain, And truthfulness the everlasting hills; Bo sure there is no end to any pain Save in the womb that nurtures daffodils, Loving the things your father looked upon, Yon have the eyes of Jesus, Dante, Solomon. Egerton Clarke In "The Death of England." it would have plenty of opportunity of resting, • One of tete greatest mysteries of migration is the way in which the tiny travellers find their way, It has bee that they proved time after time en- deavor to return to the self -same spot season after season. A pair of red backed shrhkes re- nesting for g ams bush h turned to the s two years is succession, and a small Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto HarleyLavidaon bistribucors Write at ones for Dar bargain list of used motorcycles, Terms arranged, 0 NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK t %nr, RA Atlantic. City, New Jersey Sends Greetings to its Many Friends in Canada. We are quoting such a very low Arefiner itsn Plan cheaperrate that to stay you the "Homelike Strand" than staying at home. them . -Write us so . we may quote to you—so you will know the exact cost before 'leaving. Music—Salt Sea Baths—Compli- mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 5 p.m.— We will personally see to Y our comfort. T. E.-vA.NDOW, Mgr - 11, I3RA.DFORD RICHMOND, airs.—"Where have you been ail evening?" Mx.—"At the office." Mrs.—"Then you must be made of asbestos for your otiice building burn- ed down two hours ago." Inquisitive Small BOY•—"Daddy' if our doctor doesn't treat Pigs, Who 13AI:Y <itlt:ic1-1•v SIX VAR. A ' 1. IwTi>;: 100 and up Catalogues cures the bacon?" I ,,,,.•. A. 11._Stvitzer.-Orantrn, Ontario,,_ Prompt relief from HEADACI-IES, LUMBAGO, COLDS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, ACHES and PAINS DOES, NOT HARM THE HEART REG. Accept only "Aspirin" package which contains proven directions. dandy "Aspirin". boxes of 12 tablets. AlsobOttlles of 24 and 100 --All druggists. de In Classified Advertising �OftMAUI.ILNCOR,SUNt?CN andt•t•,w O) "All Wool:' "Oldtramples es fee. all colors. S7VernbMillls 1'epL T Lent T Orillfa, Ont. BAST 3gIC=S• • �1) LSS by Chicks. E1 Fifteen different var- ieties. 10 per -chick books your order. Hatch- eries, Ilat1on•request. Parklicw Hatch - •s • •ter was • un lady soda' worker t young A 3 •k 'w York family i ua New • fa Y a poor • si tin P visiting • was he tv t m of house e and the tenement 0 t end was doing the washing and the UninY very sitting on the floor chewing green banana, Social let that baby leat a"greenobenefits"u shouldn't The Mother (looking up from benefits" ver had a Strange Cargoes It at^h on the nett departing 'plane. c sn c An Important Point, witan consider- �' °i°gPoi ,y :;� Plane ing the airway as 5. m. eons of transit 1s _ for urgent loads, is that insurance All Bullion Now Shipped by cheaper by air than by any other t Al1el10tt owing t0 Plane from London to the Continent One of the little-known romances of modern aviation is the growth of aerial cargo -carrying. In a slitgle day more than twentY tons of freight pees either inward or outward through London's aerial ter- minus at Croydon, During the pa nine months, nearly 700 tons of urgent luaus and_merchandisewere air -borne to and fro along the European and Indian It.,, of Imperial Airways. The variety et ale -borne Fighting theWhite Man s Scourger Health statistics , compiled by the Nova Scotia Government show that the efforts put forward by that Pro- vnce to lessen the scourge of tuber - mitosis are meeting with encouraging results. The dovernment has created a special tuberculosis department and generous funds aro to be set aside for Its maintenance, The adoption of stringent enactments, designed to cur- tail the spread et disease through in. rection, has resulted lathe lowering of the death rate in a marked manner. The gene•al death rate Leer 100,000 ofl the population, Prom all causes, has also been lowered Prom 134 in 1021 to 00.5 last year, Public monies cannot. be devoted to any more profitable in- vestment than that of protecting the health of the people,"—"Tho Mont- real Daily Star." - Crystal•Gazer: "I sec—I see buried treasure—" the absence of pilfering and alto great reduced risks of breakage. Paris Effectively Stops Cruelty to Animals Parts.—The Pari:, members of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have recently conducted another of those crusading expeditions for which they are becoming famous. This time their objective was the little town of Cernay-le-Ville, about au on CG1UGYS�dCOWS ' BUCKLEY'S' ids irkea- OYI RNORS TO CONVERT AllTD- `,1 lt9e, ry t n Ln n n. ret T: engines nIo b A. t:'tos ). G i.. • y I • lino.. • iter c 2so Creprices:Ont 2GC Clyde St„ Iiantiltou, .� er tst l n To 1:VEnte 0NYCNTOR. List of wanted inventions and full information sent 'roe, The i` shay Cnnh Oarly, \CorIC Patent Attorneys, S •ant Ottawa. Canada. ',!L Awns RELIABLE aL. Address iYl i.\i, Wilier mailed free•`,tddressI Friendship Magazine. Medina. w I AND b S t been married. • Pim Enterprises, ash tub)—"Have You ° g vis3J ItAnftTfi i•'"OR alla.T nSoci Certala• �� baett vara vve buy all oeial Worker (Uluslilng) rt es, Stt"afar . not. et never ,• �D IN 'L Ot'Tt r�tl\1DiCfA- The Mother—"Well, then don't tell �� to d to take rota of Paints and fur In r"ttt' YPU raise• Free Monitore. Ontario. Canadian lme how to raise babies, I've burled i. I r L••.na0^ requirements of Sarni and n seven of them:' will worn you road cer part Mork orb• owners. Whole or and reputation. ineteitan I hour's drive ,from Paris, whole . disc is remarkable. Often, a shames, rangeluents were under way for a cock motoristsome spare e part los' ht will , and, fight. The crusaders arrived on the for Part for his ear, and scene in limo to enlist the ald of local next l goes express. him a once in th0I authorities, and the promoters of the ne radt air ecri2,0ed b fight abandoned their project. The in - air between have now been caroted by I cideut was reminiscent of one which air between Loudon and the Continent. occurred several months earlier, when Lobsters By Air MalI1 members of tiro society chartered So, also, have approximately £80,- motorcoaches and went enc masse P t When re they succeed 000 worth' of loud•slleakers. 11 he llielun, where Valuable pictures .have to be carried ting a stop to a bullfight which had between London and' the Continent, peon widely advertised and vvlrlclt was they are invariably sett via the air^ being put on in order to raise funds way, It is increasingly the habit, also for local charities. Promoters of goes• on account of the special hauling, to tionable wrung events involving send delicate electrical apparatus by cruelty to animals, who used to stage air, their exhibitions in towns just out - Recently, on account of tate tact that Brussels sprouts aro not norlunlly available in Egypt in winter, some of the big hotels in Alexandria and Cairo conceived the idea of having a con- signment sent out specially by the Indian mail. -'plane to give au extra attraction 'to ,tile Christmas tare; so, also, on another occasion, were a num- ber of lobsters. The Flying Lions. Nearly all the bullion dispatched from London to the Continent is now air-borne—a convincing tribute not only to' the speed, but also to the se• curitY, of aerial transport. Often, too, read as a contrast to this, a consignment new stables a at is natural for you to yk of day-old chicks will be placed ou an the neighborhood of )S,000,O. and Because Iiruschen is a blend of the 'plane and in not more ate to be us 1 for the liveock ribs vitalizing, salts Norrie . year The modern girl has discarded tight clothes but tete tight-imsband prob- lem is still unsolved. A bright smile and au old gown are a good deal better than a bright new gown and a Proven. ' Hop To It On the banks of a river a little frog sang, „ g, -it. Io i to • -tt I 1 Hon to "Hop• -it to Along came some campers and took up the strain, "Hop -to -it, Hop -to -it, Hop -to -it." � ;, r n. i1 F. A �l S G CO well icl0Wll endo K age tn- Send Hardy two efere yourself, subn it lours )tern pro Iioshtii,iatul 1ll Fant nuinn Wrednets. Starizeone, Limited. Toronto. So when yon are asked, pray do not refuse, But jump to 7001! 1.051, lest Your courage you lose. And say to Yourself. "It is not as I choose," "Hop -to -it, Hop -to -it, Hop -to -it." An inhabitant of a Scottish village was describing a visit which he had made to the newly installed school- master, Ile said; "After a bit of a crack he asked use if I would take anything, and I said I, woulthta ob- ject, and se 11e fetched the bottle said commenced to pour into a glass,. Of course, I soon said. Oh, stop, and—lie did stop. No I Mune think he'll suit 11115 pariah." You two druggist. o.prinklon 3n 0 hot, from wet your drug!; cloth and rub the face briskly. F.verY blackhead and be dissolved. 10Tretnove moneys refunded Ssf1'. W.ion guaranteed fdCO 422 Wellington St. W.. Toronto WI•IAT most people call indigestiou is usually excess acid in the stomach. remedy I]i'ood has soured, The instant r As an alkali which neutralizes acids, Sat don't use crude helps. 7250 what your doter would advise, lips' Milk of The best help is lane alis its i'diagnOSia. For the 50 y tlnvontton, it has remained standard ;w1th physicians. You will find nett'. tin else so quick in its effect, so harms �ess, so efficient. Pile tasteless spoonful in 11-000. Made iia 0anada For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION SOUR STOMACH HEARTBURN CONSTIPATION GAS,NAUSEA The Dairy Industry Ottawa.—In a review r Athuddick, dairy Industry in Canada, Domhtt011 Dairy Commissioner, said that dairy pr021 oducts domestic in Canada had consumption in- cY in- creased 1 ' 2 3 47 d 0 15 5 , of extent Cie e ed to arcus t8 Pounds of butter fat equivalent. This is modelle of an increase of 72,707,60.1 S�@2 Couldn't pounds la butter; 12,657,010 Pounds in Be Hoodwinked. cheese 2,6.11,361,024 pomade in milk Head Colds: Heat Minard's and and Sore Throats Heat,, thle it. Chest en 31 rub well ,oto affected parts. Ileal relief . .. quickly 1 r ^`i" gallons in ice neat'. 1 and 1,S7a,"-� E • side the capital with a large measure of impunity, are beginning to have a , ���� wholesome dread of the invention of los p the seeiety's militant president, Mitis' yg�� gp•�t1 du Gast, and her faithful cohorts. —��• No matter how tat you arc or flow Live Stock ShowS much you hate Co get out and walk Toronto.—The iInPol'tance of Tor- a couple of miles -- f onto ill illustrated in show the announcement rt e Is � IirttschcnvSalts in 1 glass of ►lot eater ties 1 nine of i every morning Ser air days— 'You will feel so ; 1d—Sa•lah Deus made the other day oP the s g a three -Party agreement between the Dominion, the Province and the City oP Toronto for the eection of new stables at the exhibition grounds. The re expected to cost in and the urge for Isvv great that you wilt inttnflenselysenjoy and a daily walk of lose fat. Wiry will Izruse1:n Salts make this • change for the better in me— New to Him Grey and Brown, two suburbanites. met on the early business trait and fell into conversation to pass the time array. "Do you blink contentment IItbet- ter s 1' ter than great wealth. asked after they hail exhausted the topic of the weather. rbu:-l•'ry. Grey shrugged his .1 "I really don't knew," he :aid. "I've neutralizes many times its volume in acid, The results are immediate with no harmful aftereffects. Once you learn this perfect way you'll never deal in any other manner with the headaches, gas, bloating, nausea, dizziness, indigestion, bhfous nose, eta., due to an over -acid stomach and bowels: Be surd to get genuine Phillips'. It is always a liquid; never made in, tab- let form, Look for the name Phillips on the bottle, All $trig -stores sell says earlymorm's exhibition am the I sax than a day's flying will'reaeh some plays at ' tobody must have to keep'ev jiuoyn tn. distant destination across the Contin— Winter Fair. gland and nerve m the body ant. --- healthy. ly Strange loads are sometimes ail'- 1 ,Mand: "I think G1a6s would be While you ore losing fat you will he borne.. Not long, _g ^., Imperial happier if slie had married a niait gaining in energy -sin endurmice—in ambition. Your skin will grow ,curer, ,1 Airways cargo naacisiue•had its inter- and your eyes will s al le with the with loss money " Muriel: ' Dou't worry; my cider. He'll soon have good health that i 'uschett brings. less:' 1 The old. arm chair won't hold you any StoreleYowl want to he welt and active i enreeeat on a, c' pp and iyou enjoy l sleep like a topsilonger. lse €i 't and probably live y 1t r fat, PI Don't suffer any longer from these FREE TR1''' L OFFER Unsightly tiyGete2 osh PerotllePowder from FREE �!+ tl' Your druggist. Sprinkle a little on tiro if you have never tried lit•usohan—try it Pace sloth, apply with al circular mottion ED now at our expense. We have distributed which makeit$easy for You o nroveeour claim for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new. 'GIANT" 76c package. Miss E. Thomson, of Clapham, writes:—"I find that Carter's tittle Pll the comple iver[ionvcleawilldi', and the kimore to ken free from blemishes, than all the face creams I have used. I found the real case of face blemishes was usually due to liver and stomach troubles. My druggist recommended them as a specific for stimulating the liver and expelling the constipation poi- sons from the system.' Talcs Carters Little Liver Pills for sick headaeile and indigestion, All druggists 250 and 750 red pkgs. MOM tried rlilr.`t myself. _ —' lion's den. In this improvised cage, I a fully -grown lion, accompanied by its trainer, flew front Pll'ris to London to take part is a circus. On another oc- casion, a big Handley -Page -Napier cargo/plane had its hull fitted up as a horse -box, in order to transport a valuable animal on an urgent aerial journey from abroad. I'and the blaaxhoads vvtu , y returned. • DIerehandise di5patehed by air. from AvYAY. Satisfaction or alone Croydon at midday is delivered in Paris the same tiveu{ug, It Is also Possible ht a single: day to effect the aerial 'transport and delivery of packages to such important destinations as Erna - gels, Cologne, and Berlin. All possible steps are taken to sim- pli.Py aitegoods transport. Consign- melts from the provinces come up by rail to London. and are collected bY the alrway vans from the railway tor - y14;gQtl9�ty Talcum ' I With consists separate our regular 7etd. boneefoc about' � ua5aegtada .. SPra, meet CU') ., l ilia teat sad ihenki¢ iiot l bo11, Y agivhout tl Cunt II't'agra"a and Ifac,'I00. di I ICruschcn does everything we claim it to do,the Tho id 2 Skmn and o ,,k a etlo0r• /,• ,laaghtfd regular bottle is still as good as new. Take It porrna.o roe Wo akin afwr hmk:ng. back, Your druggist is authorised to return 2So•,ov ox 2616, Montreal, Sine our 7So ur dru gist is w rased return ^Cntmanra,^ Box istr Blanlraai, Can0.da. I. tracould be ftried airer? freMftsUfSct red L by -,-. , S(etabb�1756). Import Ltd., MMcGillivra BBroaa, ISSUE Na: • 10— '31 ' 1, i,, erattto. r p -,t ABY ills and aihnents seem twice - L� ns serious at night. A sudden cry may •,neat colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea, Haveyouis I this emergency—tonight? bottle of Castoria ready? For theyour°o` nton of peaee of mind— keep inour woe 0 keep lir y keep this old, reliable preparation � always on hand. But dont, keep it just for emergencies; it influence of everyday aid. Its gentle will ease and soothe the iuflmtwho cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose ongue is coated because of sluggish All druggists have Castoria. "My daughter rater Catherine as fifteen years old. She was very irregular, oft >, sick at her stomachand h:.1 to stay in bed two or three days at a cline. One of your'-ooklets was sent to us by n,t:it o It got her a bottle of Oleg_ Com- pound: Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining in weight and every way;1 told the neighbors ane four other girls are taking it with good results.—Mr.Cl - ante Jenkinson, Box 04, Thom toe, Ontario,