HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-02-26, Page 5THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD 4OF INTEREST TO YOU - AND ME Keep gff; `;•ravel roads until a •gen •eral thaw conies is..good advice to "motorists of the district, ---Exchange And then keep off . until -the roads dryup, rnight`'be added. Nothing .cute up a soft, 'wet road so quickly. •as motor traffic. A. few motors will -do more damage in a couple of days to a soft road than can: be remedied 'in weeks, Indeed 'a regulation for •bidding• -motor traffic over soft roads in the spring might be r 'wholesome thing° for the pockets of taxpayers. -r M e e In addressing. the Motor`' LeagtTefat their annual ` banquet at the• Royal York, Toronto, on Monday evening Premier Henry,' pointed out that no- body wanted to. pay for the improve- ment of roads while .everybody want • ed thein. The premier ' said 'the -rural municipalities were asking to 'be rid.of the burden of paying for • road improvement and the urban centres ask exemption but it is clear that these improvements must be paid for. He did pot. promise any- thing to Dither'paity, probably . be - ...cause he could foresee little relief for either, But in view of the'fact that the motorist is the man who uses the 'roads; that it is for the motorist they are being brought to such . a state of perfection, it looks as if he is the man who should bear . the `burnt of their cost. The returns fiom motor licenses and from the gasoline tax should be used for the building - and maintenance of roads. In this way those who benefit by the improvement in highways would . be paying for thein. Highways are no `longer local, to be maintained` by local taxation. The big trucks- which cut the Huron county roads to pieces •every spring are just as likely as nbt, more so,. indeed, ` to be owned out- side of Huron county. The highway system of Ontario is a problem which needs some thinking about and some adjustment before it will be -settled 'in a just and equitable and satis- factory manner. LONDON ROAD ;The many friends of Mr. J. J. Bi *gins were very sorry to hear of h death on Saturday morning. A sho ago he suffered a parla stroke and was taken to the Clint Public' Hospital,. where he passed Way after a short illness. • • The deceased was born fifty-ni -years ago on the farm where he h "resided almost continuously e 'since. His father predeceased hi .about eighteen years ago and h mother :six years age, iiiId iia h *sided alone most of the time sin his m'other's death. kTe was a mer relit! of the Kfasenie Order and alt e ''iherent-of St. Paul's Anglican chure In politics be was a staunch Cense native. Mr. Biggins' father had been breeder of -purebred livestock and h !had continued in tliis'line of farmin :and was most successful in it. IT • was a member of the Huron Breed se's Society and from time to tint owned muchmuchvaluable stock. He was a man of sterling qualitie a good neighbor and. was never s happy as when helping some neigh bor out of a .difficulty. He- mad hosts of friends for himself by hi :,Sympathetic andunseli'ish manner, The funeral took place from his late home on Monday afternoon. A short service was held at the rest - .dense at 1 o'clock and then the -body ewes taken to St. Paul's church, -where a public service was held. Rev. 'Mt. Mills of St. George's church, 'Goderich, officiating. Interment -was made in the family plot in Cline ,ton cemetery. Those from a distnnee attending .the funeral were Itis eousinsi Mr. Joe Jagger and his siifer, Mrs, Ship- man and son, Myles Shipman, Gilead Mich. The pallbearers: 1Vlesst•s.R. and P, `Plumsteel, S. A. Ford, C. J. Wallis, G. T. Jenkins and G. Ti, Elliott. At the graveside the services were con- ducted by ,the Masonic. brethren and • Rev M'r, Mills. 'Floral tributes were given by his etousins, the neighbors, the Masonic Lodge, the Shorthorn Breeders' As- sociation and the Ladies' Guild of the Anglican Church. 'Mrs. Glen McKnight and babe. have been spending a couple of weeks' holidays with friends in Toronto. Mae and Mhs. RnPlumsteel attended the funeral of their nephew, Wayne Rozall, in Kitchener on Monday: The February meeting of the Com - triunity Chea was held at the home • of rites. N. Tyntlall. The members responded to the roll call with a • recipe for a hot supper dish. A. do- nation 01 $5.00 was 'voted to the Clinton Hospital Birthday Find and • a donation of $10.00 was given. to ' Mrs, Fred Montan to spend as she saw the need for sick children in ' her district at .Iiuhatash, one of the • stopping places for the school car in • charge of her husband. :Mrs. Geo.-ralconer gave the topic, • "A health Talk" and gave a most • interesting and instructive , paper. She dealt with the work, of di0ferent • scientific discovefies, such as cecina- . lion, pasteurization and anticepties. • She also gave references where in - ; n ;-Wresting literature could be procur- ed in regard,to different diseases. It was much ehjoyed "by all. Etiring the afternoon a quilt was 'also quilted. The next meeting :Will be" held at the ]tome. of 'Mrs, "W. Stanbury, 'The, • Stanley.ladiea assisted the hostess • serve refreshments., g - is ort tie on a- ne as ver in 10 as cc n - h, r- a e 0 s n e s STANLEY. • The first pa1t• of the evening was spent in listening to an excellent program,' which " was most ably and willinglywprovided by local talent. Mir., Cliff. Stewart acted as chairman and the program consisted • of 'read- ings, recitations, vocal solos, insirn- enenlale, mouth -organ seleetianse violin and banjo •selectigns, ete. The; program was brought to a close by all singing "The, Natiolial Anthem," The remainder of the' evening was spent in playing games and dancing to the excellent music which was so liberally plravided. by'•Messre.. Adam and Fenwick Stewart. , At, twelve .o'clock, the lunch,:, which was prepared_ by the _ladies, • was served and • after a social =hour to- gether,, all departed to their 'respec- tive homes, after thanking the host and hostess fon; their kind hospital- ity, ospitality, Mr, Arthur Chapman, who has, spent several weeks in Atwood, vis- iting•?friends, has returned home. Miss Nettie Sinclair is spending, a few days with friends at Kippen. Miss Eleanor Fisher of Hensen, spent a few days last week with her Meter; Mrs. Walter Moffat. Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Davidson of Zurich 'visited at the • hone of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .Piioe over Sunday, -Mb Charlie: Falconer is alble to be out again 'aftei his recenteillness. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersinith Ladies CIub held a social in No. 4 school house on Friday evening, F'eb, 20th. Mem- bers and their ,families numbering almost a hundred were present. The following program was given:. Op- ening chorus,; "0 Canada;" Readings by Mks. Howard Johns, Mrs. L. Tiliib- bett, Mrs..G. MdGregor, Mrs Fletch- er • Townsend and Mrs. Fear; a dial- ogue, "Women's Rights," was given by the club executive, also a chorus, "Everybody Works" an "Old Maid's Psalm of Marriage" and a chorus was given by the young girls and a vocal duet by Mrs. Ernie Crich and Miss Sadie tall. A dialogue, "Old Letters Should be Burned,' by Pearl Pepper and Rata Fear; solo by Mrs. H. Crich and a quartette by Messrs. E. Crich, H. Ball, A. Matheson, and E. Layton. The Pepper Broth- ers contirbuted violin and mouth -or- gan selections. Several numbers from the Connnunity Song Book were interspersed 'among the numbers on the program. The first edition of the Club Paper "The Tuekersmith Eye -Opener," was reed by the chair - lady and proved an eye opener, in- deed. Miss hazel Pepper ;toted ea organist for the evening and Mrs, T hulls Oelemani the oidest lady in the club, made a capable chair lady. C. J. O'Brien and Mr. L; Teb- butt were called upon 1 to make iui- promptu speeches. A vote of thanks to the trustees for the use of the school was tendered by Mr. Sant Whitmore, and one to the ladies by Mr. Joe Crich. Lunch was served at the close. COME OUT TUESDAY "The Whole Town's Talking;" hits the true pace of rapid fire sit- ilatiana and culminates.in a scene of Uproarious hilarity, Colne out and enjoy the fun, Next Tuesday even- ing. HOSPITAL SERVE'S REAL NEED IN ,FRONTIER COMMUNITY The following lottee frobt Miss M Mustard, who, with another burse is in charge of a Mission Hospital of the United Church hi Manitoba, and will be of interest to many besides those who know her personally: "Gypsumville, Manitoba, February 20th, 1931:•• -Last year when my sub- ser'iption to the "Home paper" went in we had only been here a few months and clivi not feel very much at'hcme,'but this year it seems as if we had ahvays been here. Our new Mission work has all opened up well. We have two Sunday schools of for- ty children in •each with each class organized for mid -week activity. They are all very enthusiastic. At Christmas • time we organized a Cradle roll department in our Sun- day school so nue babies aro nob for- gotten. The Anglican women have organized a Women's Auxiliary of which. I am vice president, so we Work together regardless of Denom- ination. We have service every Sun- day evening in the little white school -house; but hope soon to have ,i church building, The Medical work ie. very interest- ing and very varied. In the winter season (which is said to last nine months out here) there are always more or less accidents. Twice lately I have had to suture a wound .laid open . by the woodman's axe. My first impulse is always to send for the -doctor: but o' 'college second thought tells me• there is no one to send for so I set to work. There has been a great deal of in- finenza, • an oetibreak of chickenpox and all the ordinary everyday ills to look after and I always feel glad one h1etssion is hove with it's small hos- pital for the people to come, to. • We have had a verymild winter. in compalson with last year, Some days it has even thawed, almost an unheard of thing in this part of the country. from Novenilber to May, Perhaps so many Ontario . people moving Wiest deniancl warmer weath- er! Sincerely youree-1V1'argarejt Mustard," - 'ACCIDENTS AND COMPENSA- TION During January 4,236 nceidcnts were reported to The Wlorkmen's. Compensation Board, as compared - with 6,295" for .the sante' month 'last On Friday evening; -Feb, 13th, • a.year. , The • fatal cases number eel. 21 • pleasant time was entoyed. by the as against 43, last January. members anti ,families of 'the-- "Stan- The total benefits awarded, a- ' ley . Commnunitjj'" Club," *hen about mounted" • to, $580,403.11,, of which seventy people gathered "at the home $482,728.03 was for compensation • of Mr, and' IiMgs.' Andrew'"P'iee on and •897,675.08 for. medical; aid,' The • the seabed.: concession etid• spent a' h'enehits-'awardSd'dxfiles''J:anuary: a ooiah evening together. year ago totalled $094,847.91., LONDESBORO 'The regular. meeting of the W. wiil be held in the Community' II on Thursday, lttirrch 6th, at 2 p. The bellowing lot ng prog>gam is expecte Paper `{'A House 'and, a Hoene," M D. Roberton; The nzenlbors' are a; ed to be prepared to answer the r call with recipe's for marmalade reading, Mrs. R. Shaddick; Inst mental, leers. J. A metrong. Iloste see:, Mrs, R. Shad'dick, Meg. C. Ru dell; Miss Mary Scott; Mrs,: J. No Mies E. 'Lyon, Mrs. H. Suriderco and Ers. R. "M;cCrae. The three-day course that -the I. decided to take Alp will be d m.onstrated by Mrs; -Allen sent fr the Department ane ..ie expected take place in the Community Hall bout the 10th .of. March, Furth notice will be givers of the date. We are sorry.; to report`, the se ions illness of Master Seek Tambly son of Mr. and 1VIrs.•Fiank'Tamblyn with an attack of appendicitis, fee which he has been suffering the pa week, " But.at thne of writing w are pleased to report an improv menet in his condition. • Mrs, ' Geo. Lyon of the 13th co cession is not as well as her man friends would like to see'her.: About a year ago the trustees o the Loiidesboro Cemetery decided t raise a Sinking Fund of $1000,00, th interest of sante ;to be used for th proper maintenance of. the cemeter The trustees decided to ask for do nations to the fund and donation thus far anmunt to $840.00. Las spring several bees were held an the C'emetezy had. a general eleanin up, and a. great deal of good work done. There was paid out durin the summer and fall for extra wor done and repairing fence, $27.8 leaving a balance of 5812.20', which i deposited in the Bank of MMontrea Any further donations will be thank fully received by the trustees viz Rev. J. W. Johnson, J. C. Adams Chas. Watson, Edmund Crawford Wm, Lyon and Janles Rlsley. Thi following is the list of persons who have given- donations thus far; Londesboro Woman's Institute, 8200, J. C. Adams, $15.00; Edwin Adams, $5.00; Mrs. J. D. Ainslie and Mrs. Dr. Medd $5.00; W. T. Brundson, 835.00; Ernest Adams', $16.00; Geo, Brundson, $6,•00; J. S. Carter and wife, $10,00; Miss Roslie Crawford, $10,00; E, Crawford, $10.00; Lillian Cartwright, 55.00; Mrs. James Can4Libell, $25.00; Wm. Campbell, $5.00; Mrs. Thos, Cole, $2.00; Robt. Caldwell and wife; 830.00; Clarence Crawford, 510.00; James McCool, 55.00; WM. Briglliliri, $40,00;• Gen, Brogden, $10.00; beta. J. VS», Dixon, 55,00; Wee, Hiles $20.00; Mrs. Chas Harvey, $20.00; Fred Johnston, 5.00; Mix, Harry $ s a y Lyon, $6,00; M'r's, 'Geo, Lyon, $6.00; M'rs,. James Langley, $10.00; i�, .i. Lennon, $5.; Henry Lear, 515.00; Miss E. Lyon, 540.001; Frank Longman, 55.00; Mrs. Jos, Lyon, $5.00; Wm• moon, 840.00; Thos, ' Moon, $10.00; Herb, Mogridge, 520.00; Harry ''loon, 820.00; Geo. Moon, 535,00; Mee, Thos. Nott, $5.00; Dirs. Murdock Ross, $5.00; Mrs, Hugh Radford, 55.00; James Rodded $15.00; Chas. Ruddell, $15.00; Wm, Snell, $1.00; Fred Shob'brook, $10,00; Mrs, John John Stephenson, $1,00; Mee. Jas. Snell, 85.00; Benjamin Spindler, 55.00; Wm. Vodden, $15.00; Albert Vodden, 85.00; John P. Vodden, 55.00; A. B. McVittie, 55.00; Simon lfcVittie, $11.00; Geo. liteetittie, $5.; WS. Wm, Weymouth, $10.00; Sant - !lel Woodman, $15.00; Chas. Watson $10.00. , r, all m; di 1•S. tr- oll s; rri- s- d-' tt, ck W. e Ain to. R er r- n • m st e e- n - Y. f 0 e e' y, s 1 a g g k 0 s 1. •e • ANSWERS TO QUESTION ON PAGE 4 1, ''rhe Europa, a North German Lloyd liner. 2. Earth, air, fire and water. 3. Sir Henry Thornton. 4. A trophy tided far by the vvorlcl's speediest aviators. Britain won it in • 1920 and 1930and holds it for good if she wins again this year. 5. They harm it --,Sun S}gots wax and wane over an eleven -year period, The world is now at the worst part of the cycle. 6. The Nizam af' Hyderabad. Itis jewels and bullion stored in a treasure house in India are worth over $2,000,000,000, 7. Elijah. 8. 'The Isle of Man is equal distance from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, 9. George Aeliss, " 10, The steel was dipped in the blood of it slave, The•salt in the blood tempered the bride, COUNTY NEWS WALTON: The fourth meeting of the IVlereymakers was held at the home of : bfi•. and MVS, John Watson, The first part of. the evening was spent in the eontinuation of euchre, The highest score to date for women is held by Miss Grace Manning and for Men by William Aitkin, Lunch was served, followed by a very en- joyable program, consisting of com- munity singing, duets by Earl Wat- son and Blain Shortteed, a piano solo a seed by Earl Watson and a read- ing by Blain Short/met-I. The remain- der of .the evening was spent in dancing. Music was supplied by Herb, Kirkby and Robert Patterson with Miss Elizabeth Mills at the pi- ano. BLYTH. Citizens were awakened Sunday morning. at 3 o'clock by the ringing of the fire alarm, when fire was discovered in Ezra Bender's general store. The firemen in a few minutes bad 'tette, streams of water playing on the flames. They thought they had it -under control about . 4 o'clock; bee it broke -out again. :Mr. Bender said the,store was :heated by a stove, and befeee he left Saturday night he believed 11 to be in safe condition. MI, Bonder carried a stocic Of $16,000, with insurande of $13,- 000. The building is owned by Do. Milne,. tend .ie partly covered by:.in- sueanee. eBotle :building and stock are .a total. loss, CARD OF THANKS , , , , 50e MEMORIALlTnLINE . Rsn PrJ R LINE` r MARRIAGES SLOMmN-SOIIROEDER-- In ' Bos- ton, on -Feb. 21st by the Rev, Fred- erick Schroeder, brother 'of the bride, Do. Sophia. Willeee Schroe- der, daughter of Mrs. Seln'oeder of Chicago, and the late Dr. J, Frederick Schroeder, to Albert E. Slornan: of Boston, son of Mr. S. G. S1o1n4n of Clinton. DEATHS BIGGI•N'-In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Feb. 21st, John Joseph .Big gin, son of the late W. H Rig- gin of Stanley township in •his 60th" ,year, ROZELL-,In, Ha bland Park Hospi- tal, Highland Park, Miieh., en Feb, 20th, ` Wayne C. Rozell, beloved iron. of Mr. and Mrs. Elton,RozeIl;, in his 21st year. - KEARNS. Sn Clinton, on Feb'ua y 20111, Eleanor Cox, widow af Tho- mas Kearns, in her 84th year, IN" MEMORIAM GA'RRE'I1T 3n loving memory of eVegs. John Garrett, who passed a- way, Feb. 27th, 1920. -Sadly missed Iby husband and daughters. MONDAY EVENING Juluis Caesar Nayphe Nayphe's coming' to your Chau- tauqua on the third night will be one of the 'Star attractions of the series. It is hard to describe Nayphe, there Is none just like him. His spectacular Iecture is a poetical dream of artistic splendour, unlike anything• you have ,ever seen 00 heard, His lecture abounds in clean, sparkling wit, and is rich in infor- mation. PERSONAL FACTS ABOUT MEM- BERS OF PARLIAMENT When Parliament opens in Ottawa French-Canadian members of the House of Commons will discover they have lost a distinction of which they were proud that of having iu their number the largest family of all of the Commoners. This Parliament, the 17th, how- ever, will see J. H. Myers, Conserva- tive member for Queens, Prince Ede ward Island, as the champion fath- er. His family numbers 15 children and so far no French-Canadian mem her of the present House eau riva hint. • Mr. 'Myers remains far behind th record of Col. H. E. Lavigueur, a member of the last Parliament, who went down to defeat In the July elec- tios. His 'family numbered 27 chit dren and he was n eompal•atively young man, There will Ise great interest in the coming session,. Ottawa has Yet to become really acquainted witii the hundred odd neve members gldeted July 28th. A feature of the neve House is that there are 19 bachelors and one unmarried woman •-.'iiss Agnes riacphail, the lone representa- tive of her sex, W. A. Black, senior Conservative member for Halifax again is the old- est member of the Commons. He is 84 years old, J, L. Duguay, Conser- vative member for Lake St. John, enjoys the distinction of being the "baby" of Parliament. He is a dental surgeon and will be 31 next October. Eighteen hien recently moiled an 'eight -story building weighing 22,- 000,000 2;000.000 pounds a distant* of 50 feet in one direction in Indianapolis, Ind. Workers in the building were not in- terrupted while the moving was done. CARD OF TFIANKS VTC wish to express our sincere appreciation of the kindness shown by the Mitsonic Order and the friends andneighbors of our cousin, the late J. J. Biggins, during his illness and at the time of his death. Also to the members of St. Paul's Ladies' Guild, the Mhsenie Order, the Hu- ron County Breeders' Association and the neighbors for the beautiful flowers sent and to all who rendered assistance in any way. J. J. Jagger, Mas, Jennie A. Shipton and Miles Shipton. Badmington EUCHRE & DANCE IN THE TOWN HALL, BAYFII;LD on the evening. -of Friday , March 6 under the auspices of the BAYFIELD BADMINTON CLUB Admission, 'Gents, 50e, Ladies, 25e ' 07-2. For Sale Cow for sale, due Mardi 11th, 'good mincer..Call," phone 68011.1, Clinton ceeitral, for particulars. A, Menee Wanted • I can place $13,500 in several good farm mortgayes at high rate of in- terest C. B. Hale, Clinton. Quick Sales On' July 24th, 1930, Mr. Eimer Fowler listed his property with a Representative al the National Farm Agency, Limited; same Was sold on the 19thday" of ,January, 1981, Mr. Fowler immediately purchased • an- other .farm; of 100 acres, and this second farm' was meld by the above Company on February the 5th, which ire consider a splendid record • for.. our Huron' County Representative,. .We ,would advise any- property awneks who are wishing to sell to communicate with Mr. Robt, .A,rm- strong, Box No, 805, W{nglianr, with Offices . on the ''Main street of that town.'-Advt, • 07.1. Clinton's New -Laid Egg And -Poultry House Eggs bought according, to. Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inngire for; • our prices of . eggs. You will -always find our prices par- allel with arallel;with the city markets, - Fat 'hens and wellofinished chicks; always wanted -Prices good. •Always phone our office for, prices before marketing produce. N. W. Trewartha Phones -.Office, 214j, Residence, •214w THURSDAY, FLBRJARY 26, 19. TIECLI T N N HEAT FOLKS A. QUA TIER 1; ON. O'IT OUT MR. -FROST COME. IN ,MR. SUN FEB. 27,-28, MARCH 2-3 e See to it that Heat Folks lti are in your "coal bin. You'll find them dutjfuI suns.: When they come in the cellar window Jack Frost goes out through the walls. Your home will be your Castle -of warmth: They have the happy habit of mak- ing tons of heat out of a' shovelful of coal; Call the irwtlistard ii C iI Co. , PHONE 74 , CLINTON, ONTARIO -.- CUT FLOWERS ,FLORAL. DESIGNS For A11 Occasions , "+ -4528 We have now: Flowering Plant's, Cineraria, Primula Azalea, Carnations, Sweet Peas, Narcissus, Daffodils, Tulips, Freesia, Hyacinths. All growing in our greenhouse now. Chase V. Cooke Phones:_ 66w and 66j Sale of Fixtures The M'''iller Hardware Company in- tend holding a Clearance Auction Sale of store fixtures 'on Saturday, March 7th More particulars later, See List Next Week. ' Cheese Factory to Open The Holmesville, Co-operative Cheees and Butter Company will op- en the factgry for the manufacturing of cheese on Tuesday, Mar. 17th, and solicit the patronage of all old pat- rons, also new patrons. Give us a trial, we guarantee satisfaction., W. H. LOBB, E, A. 7E0, President,' Secretary. 07-tf. BABY CHICKS Barron Strain' White Leghorns Ontario Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks CUSTOM HATCHING STAAMINAX Anel BLATCHFORD'S CHICK I T L175 4111111.111191101 C. H. VENNER, . Electrician :Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons,' Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs ,, Phone 7 CAPI !'A LTHEATRE GODERICH Northern Electric Sound System NOW PLAYING -e "The Santa Fe Trail." 117ON., TUES. and WED. Bernice Claire, Alexander Gray and Noah Beery and five thousand others in the beautiful all technicolor super production - "SONG OF THE FLAME THUR., FRI, and SAT. GLORIA SWANSON WITH Lew Cody and Owen Moore presents a gay and sophisticat- ed comedy of a lady adventure - bent in Paris and - "WHAT A WIDOW" cO1STNiG: "Not So Quiet on the Western Front." I Two shows each night. at 7.80 !• and 9.15, llaby Clicks and hatching Eggs Try our Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Chicks, that give satisfaction and high egg production. D. M, Lindsay, R.R. No. 3, Hedge Row Chicle farm. 04 tf. ELMSLIA CHICK FARM, CLINTONt h; iilia, I ani prepiti'eil to farce din jobs of pruning all kinds of fruits and or- �/� ' - ' 4"' namentat trees and hedges. Call E. L. Mittel! 213 301w for particulars and terms, Her- bert Phone Castle. 04-4-p. Poultry, Eggs & Crea WANTED We are prepared to buy above e ery working day. Eggs graded experienced graders. Cream purdhased for Bow Creamery, Toronto. • .A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separat Victoria St., Clinton, Phone, 2 Implement Agef 1 handle Cockshutt impiem and cream separators, Frost a Wood Implements and carry pa and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Ch niers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire ab any of the above kindly call at residence. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton, 61 - Farmers. A 1- Faru' $t extln9 Do not Forget the McCORMACIi-DEBRING TRACT( SCHOOL AND DEMONSTRATI IN TOWN HALL, CI{INTON • 1 Wednesday, Much 4t enionstration ;iii ;`!'actor Maria pent 9 o'clock to 12 droving Pictures at 1.30 pen, W. J. TEfid!'AR'r Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04- A FALSE RUM R A rumor has been circulated " to the effect that I have disposeci of any barbering business. This rumor has no foundation in fact, as I have not nor ant I contemplating such a tiring ab present. .My customer's will find me Being buisness at the old stand as usual, J. G. Dredd, Albert street, Clinton, Notice For your spring Carpenter work, building and repairs, write or see Bert Huller, Isaac street, Clinton. 06-p. • Parm For Sale or Rent Fifty acres, being Lot 17, Con, 3, Hullett township, nearly all in grass, about 6 or 7 acres of good hardwood bush. Apply to John • Ginn, Fulton street, Clinton. 07-11. Big Legion Dance Legion dance, bigger and better than ever; will be held on IVLarch 10th. Keep the date open, place announced next week. 07-2, Wood For Sale A couple of cords of 'dry -bard maple wood, 12" long, Apply to Mrs: Wm. Lawson, Hullett. Phone 640r10, Clinton central, e House For Sale or Rent Ten room comfortable house, Jos- eph street, Clinton, possession, at once. For particulars apply to A. Seeley, Clinton. 07-11. Paris For Salo or Rent 100 acres, lot 30, 6 con. Itullett, location 1. mile_ front highway..1%t storey good frame Ionise, 2 large barns with stabling and other build- ings, Well wateredwith springs and never -failing well, orchard, .fenc- ed bush. 1 mile from school .and General store. Fall plowing done. Apply Mrs. henry MlcBrien, Ontario Street, Clinton, Box 341. 07-tf.. FINAL POTATOI2 NOTICE • As Potato pekoes have dropped a little, we will offer for quick delivery the: balance of our stock at large sized grade, $1.25 per bag: Smaller about 'hen -egg size, nice for cutting info 2 or 3 sots,' 'same quality ' at •,i $1..00 tier bag. Potatoes are worth 90e per bag,fbr feeding to hogs: and hens. Whey sow that old run put aced when ,you tan get ie., on the grotnhd .floor of a real quality; ar- ticle? Teeso potatoes are ,'a so bet= ter cookers than Mixedi`• vai ie' s, s:and worth 25c. per bag mere fee eating purposes• 'alone: Jonathon E. Heigill. and Sons, •Buren County's largobil Potatoe Growers. - Springer For Sale A good Holstein cow, rising 8 years, for sale, Apply to Roy Tyn- dall. Phone 607r3, Clinton central. . 00-g. • Posts For Sale Quantity of cedar posts and also a number of telephone posts for sale. Apply to Adam Steep, R. R. No. 8, Clinton. Phone 606r12, Clin- ton central. 00-2. Seed Potatoes For Sale T have a limited quantity of heavy - yielding general crop seed potatoes, having grown this variety for five years and found them tete heaviest yielding variety I hays ever grown, As foe quality they are unsurpassed, Price 51.25 per 90 ib. bag. I also will be getting some calves from tune to time, Holstein heifers. Put in an order if you want some, W, Marquis, Base lisle, Phone 638r21, Clinton central 06-tf, • Auction' Sale Of Implements, Harness and E- quipment, Mi, John Workman bas instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at his harness shop, Kippen, on Thursday, March 515, at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the following: Set of brass moueted. breeching harness; set of Webb trace breeching harness; 3 set of back band harness; set of single harness; 22 1" halters; 17 1 1-4" halters; doz. whips; 18 curry coombs; 18 collo' pads; 9 sets of bells; 5 horse blankets; plush rug; 2 wool rugs; 14 sweat pads 9.1ong straw collars, size 20" to 23"; 4 long straw collars from 18" to 20", all hand made; quantity of lace leeth- ,,,er; set of single harness, second hand; harness sewing machine in good running order; Singer sewing machine for light work; knife grin- der; mutt treating machine; step ladder; 2 extension iadderer-2 ereani separators, new;.I.3.0 and Viking Cream Separator; 2 walking plows; Peter Flatnilton's seed drill; 5 single harness back'bands; 3 doz. Chains; breast straps; m,ortangales; snaps; tie ropes;;; ]tame straps; cruppers; col- lar tops; ,double lines; single lines; Ibilletts; overdraw check;; breeching straps; spread rings ' and straps; throat lashes; bridles, bite, collar tops, tie shanks and other articles ton numerous. to mention. .Positively no: reserve as proprietor' s going into different line of busi- ness. This is an exceptionally good line of goods and will be Said on the following terms: T]b1l75Se All sante of $10 and tm- der, cash; over that amount. 10 months' credit will be given on fee - Melting approved joint notes , or , a discount o:'f 5- percent, straight al- lowed for cash ort credit amounts, • John. 'Workman, Proprietor, • G.eo. II, Elliott, Auctioneer. 07-1. ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to the state of the roads may not be able to visit the farina; personally to see their hogs a lambs but will appreciate havin them call me by phone, 105 met ings and at noon, for prices and pat titulars. During the clay can found around B. Levis' office. DAVID CANTELON Clinton 96-t FOR Government, Municipa and Corporation Bond W. CALLL ON H. CEA, Phone 182 Representing - McLEOD. YOUN WEIR S CO., TORONTO You tan keep warm with Lehig Valley Anthracite Coal, or have wi ter sunshine every day if you bur the famous 0.T.O. Coke. Also a good supply of 1Vyandoti Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous CoA Prompt delivery front my sheds o Queen' Street art anytime. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 25 leS After. 40 years' experience w still lead the field in effective re sults. KELLY &' AIIKEN Collection Specialists for 40 years Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, Owen Sou CUST011iil SAWING Our Saw Mill will be at John Ttu ner's.farm, Clinton, also at Bayfiel to do eustoii' sawing during the com- ing spring. McEWEN ii RHS. Phone 624r4, Clinton. 100-t1 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and r'e paired. 'Woollen goods dry cleaned Rooms over Henrd's Barber shop W. J. Jago, • 22834,f.