The Clinton News Record, 1931-02-26, Page 4reineaseessessweenwaiwwwomemeseerepes THE 'CLINTON-NEWS 'RECORD COOPER'S STORE NEWS iQvs..c! 111.,ti).r;nntf�i7./ttR!'Orrca TOG UP 111 YOUR HOME THIS SPRING See our 1><ne of SUNWORTHY PAPERS This Year's Newest Designs in 22 and 30 inch C11 Wi • d�hspriced from 7c 'u P. ..COOPER: "THE STORE'.WITg THE STOCK" PHONE 36 LEADERS; IN LOW PRICES CLINTON P RkED4'flS STANDARISED. COO LIVER OIL BUILDS BODY AND BONE, AND GENERAL HEALTH 1 TEASPOONFUL IS EQUAL IN VITA•MINES TO 1 LB. BEST BATTER OR 9 EGGS OR 11 PINTS WHOLE MILK IT'S PLEASANT AND EASY TO TAKE • SOLD. BY *R,..olmes Phm.B CLINTON, `ONP. 1 gatci��l3Snnr PHONE 51 See Our Window, Great Guessing Contest! on weight of the Giant Denver Sandwich • Bar Every 5e Denver Wrapper entitles you to one . guess on weight Try Half a Dozen guesses and make sure 1st Prize: Giant Denver Bar. . and, Prize; 2 lb. box Pagoda Chocolates. 3rd Prize: 1 lb. Ibex of Pagoda Chocolates. Starts 12,3o p.m., Friday„ February 27th, Closes 12.30 p.m, Saturday, March 7th. Prizes to be given at S p.m. API3LES AND DELICATE SPICE and all things nice male our APPLE CAKE just the right sort of f surprise treat for your family. And now that the "Three Bakers" are talking about them over the radio, too, we are making a special i feature of APPLE CAKES all this week. They're appetizing and nourishing and have that real "home -baked" flavor. 'We'll hold one or more for you. Your family will be delighted. APPLE CAKE BAKE)) BY "Wirtten ,V3aIent" BARTL1p.p AND �"RIIc PHONE 1 Listen to the "THREE BAKERS" Columbia Broadeastjng System. Monady Evening at 9 o'clock.. THE 11eC,ORMICIi-DEERING• TRACTOR 11/1 CORIVIICIK -. DEERING (lower Farming flay and MCCORMICK REAPERCENTENNIAL ENTERTAINMENT FREE MOVING PICTURES TOWN HALL, CLINTON WED. MARCH 4th AT 1 P.M., SHARP We are arranging a very interesting program for ,yon on this date, International Harvester Com pony Lecturers will talk on Power. Farming Subjects of interest to everyone engaged in farming, A Moving Picture Program consisting of :films on the: Manufacture of Steel, Actual. Farming Operations, Comics, and a -'Special Picture entitled, "Romance of the Reaper," showing the Progress in design and efficiencyof farm implements from Ancient Titres up to 1931. will be shown. DON'T LET ANYTHING INTERFERE WITH: XOiJR 1•I'AVIN'G AN ENJOYABLE' EDUCATIONAL AFTERNOON ON JANUARY 27th. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS _Pieper ;operation and adjustnients`a'of MMCormick-Deering Power :Equipment will be demonstrated by LII.C, Experts in -the fore -noon: 'TRACTOR OWNERS •CORDIALLY INVITED. TO THIS DEMONSTRATIOIN, >rxit. J. 'STEWART, Clinton. i • BROADWAY . SUCCESS Be sire to see the big Broadway success, Turn to tIfd ]light' on Fri day eyenhng, , February 29th. • How My World Wags By That Ancient Mariner DEAN D. IIU11DY' A report from Trenton announces that Samuel Y arrow aged' 95, will wed for;,il'e 5th time Iris name should have (been IIerbea t ; as ,botan— ists describe yarrow as .a perennial herb, "Mayor and aldernien become Odd- fellows"'states • a Toronto daily. And woo have known odd "fellows who be - Caine mayors and''"aldernen. A. MUSICAL 'GUY .; I'd sooner blow aflute Than go upon a toot, I'd sooner puff the pboe Than'be 'a happy hobo. I'd sooner saw the cello Than be a noble fellow, I'd sooner play 'theorgan Than be a Pierpont Morgan,: But' must avow . • I don't knew how. :The Police Silver Band gave a concert in Toronto. We always iris- ,agined the cops would have a cop- per band, "Fifty-seven Toronto policemen off duty with the 'DEL"- That number, 57 has no special significance; but we will say that they - seem to be in _.quite. a pickle, "PTOMAINE POISONING -UN- KNOWN IN ONTARIO" Eat all you want, Right here in Ont, Canned neat in Can. • Is free from ban,. • 'Tis meet that.pto- nraine has no show. A Chinese bull -fighter is perforat- ing, in Madrid. Instead of being a bull in a china shop it is a Chinese in a bull shop, "SCIENTISTS PREDICT GLASS .HOUSES" , ., No doubt this television a ' Will give a fella vision 00 what a girl looks like Who speaks before the "mike." But when we get glass houses, And each a nice lass houses, Ilow fine that we'll be able 7'o.glance at Madge and Mabel,. Arad see a vision sweet, Each time we walk the street. "Much silence narks wedding of Quackers in Woodstock." Quaking in t i:ence, ' MIDGET MAD When sunnier cones, I drive Aly liliputian car Where pigmy golf is played, And -light a dwarf cigar. Then eat a tin of • shrimps, And small beer slowly sip; Or peel ten. oranges But only eat one pip. I feed the tomtits crumbs, 'Then play with grains of sand. Or sea the circus fleas, And think them simply grand. I read of perms and atoms In tabloid books galore, Or try to count the pebbles Upon the sea's great shore. I dote on words like "mite, Jot, tittle, morsel, slip. Snick, snack. drop, driblet, spark, Grain, scruple, •§liver, chip." Now, if it has no tail, • Is tad/tele termed a "tach " But, gosh, I'll never know, I'm going midget mad, —Dean D. Hurdy. VARNA Air. and M'rs. Albert Korner en- tertained a few of their friends on Saturday evening. The Wlonsans' Day of Prayer which was held in the Anglican church on Friday afternoon was very success- ful. 'Mx. M, Elliott took a truck load of hogs to Kitchener en Monday, 6*. and Mrs. ,,Abe Zapfe spent Monday evening in Brucefield, -111/1, and Mrs:. George Foster of Windsor are spending a few clays in the village. Mfrs: Foster had the misfortune to -fall of the slippery road on Sunday evening and sprain her (back. The hope' for a quick re- i16Hss Bessie Watson of Bayfield has been spending a few days with her. sister, Mss. Joe Nlossop. We are sorry to report that Rev, IVIr, Poulter ba4 been 'very siek. ELIAS TAMBURITZA SERENAD- ERS 'These artists are natives of Jugo- Slavia. They appear in their native costumes, and play their native • in- strument, the tamburitza, ,This in- strument is similar to our violin or guitar but . has more. sweetness • of tone, and is especially adapted to orchestra work. • iCharles Elias, manager, is an,; ac, coniplished musician, teacher' ,"and composer, He has studied in .the leading "schools of Europe and Amer- ica and will include some of his own compositions on the program, News Items THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931. on,;Matte>rs Canadian and ForeignFestiral Writteli for The News -Record Ohautauqoa Cu'; in Allowances • Emergency Measure Ottawa, Feb, 21st, (Special 'to News -Record) --i Announcement made .that the !Government has adopted any policy whereby soldi allowances are to lie cut. Owin the inadequaney of the amount ked for ;these allowances for the sent fiscal, year, which ends- Ma 31, February and March payme had tolbe reduced and this' fact rise 'to,.a,report - that the redu would be permanent. • Protest m ings were hastily organized in m centres before an official station explained the situation. The funds voted would, ordinar have been sufficient for' the y General conditions, however, dur 1930 brought . more veterans t customary into' the ranks of th_ who required an allowance to. Ment partial pensions. Ili . con quence the department this mo found itself in a position' where was• necessary to .reduce single- in allowances by:$12.50 and mars men's by 510.' - Otherwise it w net have. been possible to make payment .next month, Present cuts are of an emergency - character" and represent. government neoesg•ity rather than:policy ' at this time. The is not, en's g to vot- Pre reh, ants nave ads and Canada's allotment . is half etion the total, Most - of it has • already Get- been pledged upon condition that a any similar amount is raised in Great ent Britain, • The Chairman of the Canadian ily, committee is E. W. Beatty, K,C., and ear, on the committee are Sir Arthur ing Currie, principal and vice chancellor of G' hen Mie alt University; W.. H. Fyfe, one principal of Queen's .University; W. sug_ D. Berridge,' of Ottawa, I -Ion, Rod- se- alpha Lemieux, R. 1Vf. lVl'acdoneil, nth trustee of -Queen's University- and - it Canadian secretary of the. Rhodes en's Trust. • •ied ould any TOWN , IJ.ALL�., CLINTON To Bring British Students to Canada aVldntreal, Feb, 21, (Special to The FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDA ¥ News -Record) —A .. Canadian Schol- arshipFund is being; advanced in Canada and England which is tor the purpose ;,of bringing British: public 27-28 MARCH .q, 3 or secondary school :graduates to Canada for University 'education 'and RESERVED SPAT PLAN AT W. D. FAIR'S su'bseduent entrance to Canadian . life. A subscription of, 5600,090 is now being niade xn;Britain and Can- AUBURN but we are glad to report that she National Rallays Deficit 5,,50,000, Canadian National Railways give evidence of 1930 - business pression by- showing a deficit 50,000,000' for the year.. The p Pc treasury will not only have find this amount but also money equipment and extensions for current year. The deficit for 1930 follows spite •00 drastic operating eeonost which, however, did not keep p with the drop in freight tonna The decline ran through practice all major classificattens of bum What the company will spend- year on equipment and construe wilt be determined afters careful sultation' with the government: Th preveiling wave ''of economy have its effect, but' will. have to considered in this case in relation unemployment. Railway construct provides a high percentage of ns nal labor out of every dollar sp and hence will, insofar as possii l>e encouraged at this time, Britain Producing 40 Percent o Food. , , is tutproying, H.. E. P. C, Inspector George M`rs, Cameron of Seaforth is vis-. Hiedman, of Stratford was here iting herparente, Mr.' and Mrs, W, Monday and made an inspection of II. Talbot, the wiring done for Amos Andrew, MVEss Ploy Edwards returned from George Dawson and Robert Medd, London last week -end after spending. Nelson Hill returned from Toron- a couplo of weeks visiting friends. to on Monday. The World's Day of Prayer was Mir. and 6Zrs,'P,oyi•Farrow and Mar- observed by the W.A. of the three 'area f g o Miitcheil are visiting .' at churches of the Parish, Varna,: Mad= the home of Mrs. Farrow's parents, dleton and Bayfield in Varna on Fri Mr, and Mrs. Mus, .T, H. Johnston, day afternoon, Feb 20th. Owing to The ice harvest is in full swing. the bad condition of the roads and ' here_ A field of good ice was found illness the attendance from Bayfield just below the rifle butts, which is was not as large as might have been. being. used instead of that on the. skating rink, ' Merger to. Construct Fertilizer a Gordon Taylor. is, treating the in- Plants torior. of his store to a new coat of Quebec, Feb: $1, . (Special to The paint. • News-Reeord)—Following a visit of four. European financiers to the city. :of "'Quebec the merging of the Inter- national Fertilizer ' Company with two powerful overseas' chemical pro - 000 during concerns has been reported, will. Lis' understood' that the amalgama- de_ tion would' result ` in the establish. of ment of two - "chemical factories in ub- • this country, one at St, John, N.B., to and the other at Levis, Que. The for visitors were from England and Hol - the lland. It is understood that the combined in capital of the two' concerts would be tics 57,000,000, • ace ge. Ily ass. Nevus -Record) --Thera is no differ- this ence:-in food value. between eggs with tion light. or .clack yolks .or .brawn or con- white: shells, The o'er- of the egg e -shell is determined - by the' breed of will- chicken; •while that of •tbe yolk de - be pends upon the diet of the hen and, to in fresh eggs, reflects a possible dif- ion ferenee only in vitamin A. content an- which is likely to be higher in rich ant yellow yolks. blo, The color of the yolk depends on the feed which the hens have had. Highly colored feeds such as green f • lettuce, cabbage, grass, and yellow corn produce rich, yellow yolks which -,.. use Voxitain a great cleft? Qt yellow piq- %IO Ment, Pale yolks are produced by in rations of 'white corn, wheat, oats, barley, etc., and milk, 'all of which ent contain little or no pigment, One is ;lust as nutritious as the other, ex. rept that the light-eolored yolk us-' ually contains less vitamin A. Egg yolks grow darker with age, so that eolor alone is not an index to the content of Vitamin A. Eggs is. can be tested for freshness by cand- cic i ling and measuring the air cell which rte is small at first and grows larger with age. Cane Cutters Make The Cubans Angry Ottawa, Feb, 21, (Special to The News-Recor(h)•-••Reports received at Ottawa tell of loud protests raised by the Cuban Congress at the intro - Auction of a sugar cane cutter in- vented IV two Australians, R. S. Pal- kiner and W. G. Charley. The ma- chines, six of winch are to be pine - of ° ed ors sugar plantations are each op capable of doing the work of 200 n-� men, and their use threatens to throw out of work many thousands oi` neons. The Cuban Congress proposes to place a duty of 3100,000 against ev= 6' cry machine with an annual license e fee of the sante amount. Clandestine _ use would be punishable by a fine of 5200,000. While the peons are rais- ing .a hue and cry against the ma- chine, the inventors are busy at work on another contraption designed to plant the sugar cane also, Japanese Trade Ia Improving Tokio, Feb. 21st, (Special to The News-Record)—Japanese business is picking up steadily and this im- provement is shown on the stock ex- change by gains in the prices of most stooks. Prices of cotton, yarns and rice are up, although raw silk shows a decline. 'The excess of imports over exports is diminishing and for the month of Sanitary amounted to 53,500,000 as compared with 318,500,000 fort the Color Does Not Fix Egg's Value Ottawa, Feb. 21, (Special to The London, England, Feb, 191h—ilio farming produces approximately per cent. of the food consumed Great Britain, Britain is obliged to import gr -quantities of food supplies, as is shown by the fact that annually more 'than CO per cent of the food is imported valued at about 2378,500, 000. Agriculture, though plays a large and vital part in the national economic life, Britain, of course; forced to concentrate en ..Jivesto production and has not vast prat farms such as are in Canada. Stock breeching in Britain has nev- er been at such a high scientific ' peak as at present, Canadian Apple Murket in France Ottawa, Feb,' last—Canadian ap- ples have been on display in Paris, by the Canadian National Railways, anti have, made a strong and deep impression amtiegst the French peo- ple. Although. in normal years the French grow several varieties apples, when there is a poor ero are not nearly enough for co .stunption. Imports were made from Italy and tine United States in large nuantities. Several shipments of Canadian ap- ples from Ontario, Nova Scotia, an British Columbia • have been macs and the importers are very optim istic about the future if the quality, which is absolutely, essential, is maintained. Advice is received from Paris that the grower's association of .each province should take special cake of their French orders, as the ast shipment from Canada were of 'nferior quality. Correct packing of the apples means the winning or losing of the French market. Complete Secretariat For United States The erectinn of a legislation and ancery' building iin.Ottawa, has been eider' on by the United States Co- mment 'officials. In speaking of e new building Col: the Hon, Ilan - rd NfacNider, 'United. States Min- er to Canada, said "thee importance the Canadian legation to, the Uni- States Officials is indicated by present expectations of the to Department at Washington to e the legation in Ottawa a cone- te secretariat by the, appointment a foreign service courier with a ding of second secretary." This. 1 give the United States a :first, and and third secretary in Can- The roan for the new cpsition be exlieeted about the fust of reh. ' ch le vo th fm ist of ted the Sta giv ple of gra wil see ads will Ara Woolens Selling At Pre -War Level Terotto, Feb. 21 -The orderly marketing of the products of Cana- dian woolen mills was the object of the first joint meeting of woolen cloth manufacturers held recently in Toronto, The manufacturers claim that , clothing can now be purchased in Canada at prices which have not been so ltw since pre-war days. In order . to keep as many ens- ployees at work as possible a num- ber at plants bad continued running, and by so doing had •piled up stock )which they were offering retailers at cost and Less. But' meetly factories had been closed. Itis estimated that 1,000 factories producing clothing -employed about 50,000 people, Pre-war level had also been reached inthe price ;of raw Mater: ials, winding cotton, wool 'and i sills, same period a year- ago. Argentine Expert Trade Mounting Buenos Aires, Feb, 20, (Special to The News-Record)—Argentina's ex- port for the month of January show- ed an increase over the previous d thrn Jannary, and goveiirent is con- fidentlyexpecting a business re- vival. The Government has paid for the return to their native country of 2,000 people who have been unable to find work in Argentina, and this should help the local station. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE?1. Wihat is the fastest passenger ship on the Atlantic? 2. According to the Ancient Greeks, made what four elements up ev- erything in the world? 3,' Who is president of the G.N.R. 4. What •is the Schneider Cup 5. What effect have sun spots en radio teception? 6. Who is the richest man in the world T. 7. What Bible character was fed by ravens?- . 8. Wihat is unusual about the Tera.- tion. ori the Isle of Man 9. Whois the leading actor in "TheGreen Goddess" and "Old ling 10. What method was used by the ancieht to temper sword "blades? For -answers, soo page 5) EAYFIELD • Tl>e young people of St. And- rew's Unitech church, held their re- gular meeting on Thursday evening, Feb. lith, Following the devotion- al period a contest entertainment was presented which proved most enjoyable. The members were di- vided into two groups, the leaders tieing 1VIh�. Brown Stewart and Mr, Donald lVtcKgnzie, whose side Won the honor, the- ,program, -`consisting of a farce'' an "Indian Pantonine" entitled ."Polley Ilontuis." Charare ters as follows: Chief Powder Can, Don McKenzie; Pokey }Tenths, Miss Douglas; Captain John Smith, Ar- thur Peek; Curtain, Sarah Reid; Fair Scene, Marie Grainger; Pine Tree, Peter Johns; • Elm Tree, Charlie Brandon;. North Wind, Jas, Kowatt; Squirrels; • Geraldine Castle and Fred Sturgeon; Brook, Gladys Gale'; Sun, Mable Scotchmer; Bird, James Row- att. The balance of the program consisted of a piano duet by Mable Scotchmer and GIadys Gale; violin GODERICH TOWNSHIP The many friends of Mrs, Hart Hicks 'were sorry. to hear' of her ill- ness and hope for a speedy recovery, 'M'r, and 1Vtrs.3, T. Beacons spent Nlionday. as .guests of Ms. and Mrs, D. Gardner. . On Friday evening thirty-five young people of the parish of Varna, Middleton and, Bayfield met in the basement of St. James' church for their regular A. Y. P. A. meeting. The scripture lesson was read by ' Gordon Rathwell, Mr. Les, Elliott gave a sketch on the lives of the Ap- ostles . After business matters, were finished numbers were matched for partners and Miss Alice Bonniek presented a very interesting contest which was answered by names of flowers. A lively game was then play- ed after which the president and sec- retary were appointed captains and sides were chosen' "for a spelling match, Mrs. Paull- - dictating the words. Although the 'words were by no means easy ones 'it was getting near the hour for closing before the last member' was spelled down. The evening proved a very pleasant and social one tluoughout. 4VIrs, Jack Middleton acted as solo, by Arthur Peek; mouth organ judge of the program, It was de - selection, James Hewett; piano solo, -tided to hold three more meetings "Vaise Chromatique," Gladys Galebefore Easter, which will conclude Also two choruses by whole group, the Blue and. Wiitite. centest, There The opposite side put on a very ere stew seventy-six names enrolled, eveditable programs consisting 00 the sides being aimost evenly divid- eltnrtases,: duet by Mrs, Sentchmgr, ed. The programs have been of a and Ails. B. Stewart; ninny Skit of Very hrgb order and it is quite an "A. Man and a Goat" readings by Blues interesting areto knot to} have going' to supply the treat for the winning side. pnnied by songs, A Iarge crowd was The members plan on entertaining ]n attendance, the young people of some other A. The W. X. S. World's Day of Y. P. A. one evening after Easter. Prayer was observed at St. Andrew's The next ase@ting'?s to be held on United church, . Bayfield, on Friday Aiarch Gth. afternoon, Feb. 20th. Some twenty- five ladies being present. The pre- ST. HELENS sident, Mrs, McKenzie, presided. The printed programs tvaS followed out, , ]VIPs. Ferguson of Auburn is vis - the prayer subjects being taken by sting her daughter, Mrs. Chester clifforent nxent.bers of the society. +Taylor, at present. .A. very impressive hour was spent I Mrs, McIntyre of Dungannon vis - and it is the hope of the society that ited at the lione of her brother, Mr. our' united prayer's toOther with the ; Geo McRoberts, lately. many prayers throughout the world j At the Beef Ring held here reeent- will result in rich blessing. + ly the Ring was organised for 00 - In Trinity church, Bayfield, dur- I other year, Mr. Jiank Todd Was ing the six Suiidiiy6 in Lent, a ilei'-! re-elected president and Mr. W. A. les of sermons will be given by the killer seeretasv-treasurer, The first rector, Mr. Paull, on certain great beef will he killed the second Wed - questions of the day. Among these nosday in April. ' -' will, „r, p e. b "file I h Christian ! C s an Doctt•]na of Miss Ev<Iyn Bowles of London i Gori (being the subject dealt with I at present visiting her aunt, Airs. on last Sunday, Feb. 22n1). The I Cha, Durnin. Unity of the Church" (Church Un- Arr, Harry Lavin and Mrs. Alex. ion in Horny places). "The Ministry McLeod and son, Lawrence of Kin - of the Church" "The Ministry of l loss spent a few- days at the home Women," A service will also be held of Ayr. and Alt's, Levis. • on each Tuesday night during Lent,, Born, to ;lir. and Airs, Arthur at eight o'clock, when adch+esses will Whitham, Galt, en Thursday, Feb. be given on some of the studies of 19th, a son, George Reid. the New Testament. Everyone wet- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Win, Doug - come. herty of Guelph on Saturday, Feb, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Speed and son 21st, a daughter. Wm., returned to Detroit on Wed- The day of prayer was held at the nesday after spending three months home of Miss Greta Webb. There with Mrs. Speed's father and moth- was a large turn out and the meet- er', 111r, and Mas. Henry MkLincltey, ing was very interesting and instrue- Aire. Holman of Goderieli is -vis- iting five. her parents, 11It. and bars. John Mr. and Ails, Lorne Durnin spent Pollock, Mrs, Pollock has been no Sunday at the (tome of Mrs, R. J. the sick ]ist for a couple of weeks Woods. Mrs. Walits and Murray Grainger, the balance of program being taken up with "Shadow Pictures," accent - Foto Sal. $1500, WILL BUY THIS DESIRABLE Propeity Situated near the corner of Mary and North streets and only one block from the Provincial Highway, in the Town of Clinton, The house is a one and a half story frame, the main pati; being 22x28, with two additions. Good stone foundation and cellar under the entire house. Outside walls covered with Green Ashphalt Shingles. Splendid large living room 13x24, Hall, kitchen, Pantry, Closet and lean-to woodshed on ground :floor. Upstairs has three- large bedrooms, two closets and bath -room '(not fitted). i{ardwood trim throughout the house and part hard- wood floors, The property consists of three lots (about,3/4 of an ac- re) also has good sized frame stable at rear of property, .Clinton's excellent water system is connected. 'At today's prices this property would cost 54000• to re lace, Part buying p Party y ' g. can have easy terms of monthly or quarterly payments "if desired 01 -discount for cash. • MISS E. R. STEWART (AT COOPER'S 'STORE) .- • ,