The Clinton News Record, 1931-02-05, Page 4THE' ULINTON'NEWS RECORD
reeeeeitalseemveemossoleriworeseememen Ito/
Sale . of
Now on
Choice Range
of Sunworthy
The council met on Moriday, even—, held here on Dominion Day and' he
ing, all members with. the , exception thought the 'council and the citizens'
of ' Councillor Cook.' Mayor' Cooper should do everything pessible to -
in the chair. , make this celebration a success,
As this was the first public meet' 'Chairman Livermore of the park
ing of the year Mayor Cooper took committee expressed his willingness'
occasion . to congratulate the 'mein- . to do' .all that eould'Ibe• done to snake
bees' of the council on their` election the park servethe,purpese for ,vhiah
and to outline some of the things it is intended.' .
which he hoped to see accomplished ': ;Reeve Elliott reported that he had.
during the year. 1Ie said it did l seen Reeve Armstrong 'of Mullett. in
not: always. follow', that length of,I regard to a snow fence which was
service made the useful councillor,°1 discussed' at the January meeting,
it rather depended upon what, was and that he was willing to have a
accomplished and as the council was fence erected on a fifty-fifty basis,•
responsible .•to the citizens. of ' the but that it would have, to be left un-
town'it was, up to the members to do til spring. -
•their best. -He- paid that by ,all ac- When the. subject of charity came
counts there would be a -number of up, the mayor. said ,that - if there.
sports' in the town ,park during the •was`' an able, -'bodied man eoneerned
coming summer and he would like to he thought seine work should be pro-
eee the' street, leading ,to the park vied ,for him. Reeve Elliott ,said
graded and.gravelled and a roe? of Mr. Spotton had addressed the Coun-
tnees planted on each side. This a- ty Council in regard .to relief end
side,': from any' iiiiprovements 'made that her thought a survey should be
:to the park itself.. Thee Mail boxes, made and if it were considered, nee-
he said, had not received a coat of essary an application should be.made
paint. since being put' •up and these for relief,
should .,be' attended to. He felt sure a
letter to the Department would bring
satisfactory results. The:, postoffice,
which was set in ,a very appropriate
place in the town,' was defaced by
,. the fact that the backyard, which
'faced two streets, could not always
be kept. tidy. He tlieught a ° high
stone wall surrounding it would be
an improvement.. .
After the reading of the- minutes
e of the last two meetings the
ing bylaws were read three time
and 'passed:
By-law No.' 3, to appoint certain,
members of the Clinton Fire :Depart-
Whereas it . •is necessary to ap-
point liy By-law certain officers„ and
members of the Clinton Fire Depart-
ment and to fix the amounts to be
paid as .remuneration, for thole 'ser-
vices as such: '
Therefore the Municipal Corpora-
tion of the Town of Clinton Enacts
as Follows:
1. That A. F. Cud -more be and is
hereby appointed Chief of . the Fire
Brigade at a salary of $40.00 per
2. That the following named per-
sons constitute the Fire Department
Phu B
CLINTON, OAT, gas ON ge jewel
EASY to Own Radio's Best
i ®Tube PIIILC
Automatic Volume Control • 1111.611130Y
Tone Control—Screen Grid
—Station Recording Dial
Balanced Units
Its performance will take your breath
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cent you have ever seen.
Here is combined the enormous power
and sensitivity of eleven tubes—super-
heterodyne selectivity balanced units
to eliminate distortion.
Automatic Volume Control enables
you not only to get far distant stations
but to holdout' enjoy than without
fading.Tonc•Controlplaoesfour shades
of tone at your finger tips. •
Easy, Accurate Tuning -
In addition to being die most power-
ful and selective eat on the market,
thisit-tubo Superheterodyne-Plusle
the easiest and moat accurate tuning
ret in the world. - -
in—TODAY and5hearDthis TERMS.
Beautiful Walnut Highboy with
doors—built-in Electro -Dynamic
Speaker, Station Recording Dial,
i1 tubes, Tone -Control, Aatamat,e
Volume Control and -all &catomes
lass tees
Call and See our Big. Values i11
Many Splendid Values at Low Prices.
Under" the heading of new business
a motion" was introduced . by Council-
lor Paisley and Reeve` Elliott to the
effect that all accounts' to the coun-
ail should berendered not later than
,the last Friday of the month.
Reeve Elliott said he had talked
tb Engineer Patterson in reference
to securing the scarrifier for tile on
the streets in the spring, and on
motion of Councillor Paisley and
himself the clerk was instructed to
write to the County Engineer to,
speak for it.
On notion of Coinicillors. Holmes
and Livermore it was deckled to en-
gage Mks. Miller to ,keep the rest
room in order at'a.price of $1.00 per
trip, the work to be done under the
supervision of a committee of the
Women's Institute, And on motion
of Reeve Elliott and , Councillor
Paisley the cleric -svgs instructed to
notify the Women's Institute, to this
Chairman Paisley of the finance
committee read the following report:
i'enssion '•'Phe first -named in each
case is chairman:
Executive, 'J. R, Cutt, G, H. Elliott
0 'Geiger, W. P, Thompson, J. W.
Legislative: J„ W Gamlble, L J•
Wright, : W. J. Stewart, J: W..Eckart,;
I. E. Ritchie.
(Finance: A. P. Keyes, 3. J. Moser,
A. J. Goldthorpe, Mt, Leonard, R. A.
Goetz. ,
Education.: B. M. Trunci,, M. Leo -
ELECTED WARDEN nerd, A. C. Banker, J: F, Collins, J.
1V1, Eckert: ,
This was "Liberal Year" for -ward- the gravel pit in. question forms no :Property: J. J. Mloser, W, 11. SWeit-
en and after the liberal members, 'had Fart of the ordinary road allowance zer, We Haacice, L. H. Rader, J. F.
held- their caucus the name of J. Wes- taken over by the county as a con- Collins. '
ley. Beattie, reeve of Seaforth, was; netting link in the good roads sys- House of Refuge; W. J. 'lender-
handed to County Clerk Holman as tem. The letter adds: son, W. P. Thompson,. J. McNabb,
nomination for warden at the "It; is true `we . have never made B. M. Francis, J. R, Cutt.'
first meeting of 1931 'County use of this pit, but it was bought for Children's Shelter. u1. W. Craigie,
Council at Goderich on Tuesday of the future, and•when that need does 'J W. Beattie, 3. W. Gamble. •
last week. - He was sponsored by arise our pit will have been removed Agricultural Advisory Committee:
Reeve Matt. Armstrong of Hullett,' by the county good roads commission I, 3.,: Wright, 'L. H. Rader, W. J.
-the runner-up,and Reeve W'. J. Hen- without leaving us, any, funds for Stewart, W. 11. Sweitzer, A. 3. Gold-
derson of Morris, who was another purchasing. another. We feel sure. thotpe.
aspirantand elected without oppos- you will see how unjust you. have Old Age Pensions: J. W. at Kib-
ition. been in- the past and will see justice bon, J. W. Craigie, 1VT. Arhinstrong,
The new warden was escorted to done ns." • A. P. Keyes, R. A. Goetz.
the chair by Reeve'Griger of,Hensall Engineer Roy Patterson said the Warden's Committee: .,A...0.. Bae-
au ex -warden, .who was acting ehair- gravel pit "had a history and that ker, 0. Geiger, Il. Armstrong, W. J.
man' in' the absence, owing to ill- last year "no action" had been taken Henderson, 3, 1VT,eNabb. -
ness of Wiarden.Baekee. on a. similar communication. The ;Good Roads Commission: J. Bal -
In his opening address Warden letter was' again.ieferred to the good lantyne, R. H. Thompson, 3, A.- Me -
Beattie thanked his collegues for the :roads commission for a report. Kenzie.
honour bestowed upon, him,'congratu-
lated the members new and old on
their. election and expressed sincere'
regret at the enforced absence of ex -
Warden Baeker. He expressed the
hope that .the menfbers would ,work
together in -harmony for the common
good. As conditions were- not any
too good be thought i0 should be the
aim of the council to legislate as econ-
omically as possible. -
After the reading. of
the communications a 'number
of motions were made: Reeve J. W.
Oral ie of Goderich seconded by
January Session of Huron
County Council
Puts through Large Grist of Business
Street Account,
Paysheet ... ' - $67,52
A. Seeley . . . 1.40
W.'Stewart, shoe for mower,
etc. 2.75
G. T. Jenkins, stakes 1.25
for the year 1931: Electric Account
L. Cree, Assistant Chief, Caryl. P. U. Com., street lighting160.24
Draper, Secretary -Treasurer, 11 IProperty Account
Fremlin, Lieutenant, le. Dixon, Thos. P. U. Com., light. hall, lamps 9.66
Morgan J: E. Cook,' Andrew Steep,.leG. T. Jenkins, lumber 15,60
Chas. Cook, T.. H. Cook, M. Schoen- J. E. Hovey, filling Fire
hals, G. nanly, D. Kennedy, G. Ev- Extinguisher . " 1.65'
ens and G. Lawson, D. E. Closet Account :pointed county auditors for 1931•
r3. That the duties of the, officers A. Fulford, salary for jam65,00 Peter Doig, Fordwich, C. E. McDon-
and members of the Fire DepartmentCemetery Account ald, of Ashfield, and Dr. W. Ie. Clark,
shall be such as are defined by the G. V, Gook, sal. for Jan... 50.00 of Goderich, were also applicants.
Byelaws of the municipality relating A. Seeley 2,00 Reeves .Goetz, McNabb; Craigie,
to the Fire Department and by re- - Salaries Account McKibben and Keyes were named as
solution of Council. D. L. Mlacpherson, 8 arks. sal 175.00 a striking committee.
4. That the Assistant Chief shall L. Stong, salary for Jan, , . - '70.83 Reeves Janes Ballantyne, John
receive the suni of $35.00; the T:ieu- E. Graelis, Salary for Jan53,33 McKenzie and R. H. Thompson 'were
tenant the sunt of 530.00 and fire- Printing Account appointed to the good roads cont
sten the sum of $25.00 each, in semi- G. E. Hall, ballots, etc. 40.25 mission.
annual payments as remuneration Stationery Account Reeve J. W. Craigie was appointed
fpr their services as such. iT.'D. Fair 3.18 as county representative on the God
5. That T. Morgan be EngineerGrants Account erich hospital board,
of the Chemical fire truck at the sal- P. U, Com., light, X -Ray, The clerk was instructed to send
ary of 850.00 per year, payable in Hospital . • 42.55 out notices of ,the appointments of
0 eceual septi -annual payments. Fite and Water Account trustees to the appointees and to the
6. That the Secretary -Treasurer A. F. Cudmore, 6 mths. sal.. • 90.00 secretaries cf the school Jeoards.
-e paid the sum of 810.00 payable in Trensurer of Fire Co„ 14 Fire- The council went on record as ex -
equal semi-annual payments. men, 6 tuths." salary 182.50 pressing regret at the inability.
7. Any rubber hoots required A. Seeley, hooks, etc, 5.00 through illness, of Reeve Baeker of
shall be paid for, one half by the T. Wigginton, ladder, etc5.25 Brussels and Deputy Reeve Ritchie of
Corporation and one half by the fire -Charity Account Ashfield to attend the January Sas-
requiring the same. A. McCartney, coal 0.30 cion. It was stated that ex -Warden
8, That this By-law shall Incide» tai Account Baeker, on the instructions of a spe-
to force and effect of and front the Bell Telephone Co., rent, acet, 10.00 cialist, had been ordered to his bed
10th day of February, 1931. Postage Account for an indefinite period, but that ho
this 2nd day of 'ehreey,• Stamps . , , 5:90 .+as not er'iticaily 111,.
With the exception et the adoption '
of the report of the striking commit,
tee, 'naming the personnel of the
various standing committees - for the
year, Wednesday morning's session.
of the county. council was entirely
' ore
taken up with addresses Ikiy George
Spotton,' M.P., Ian McLeod, agricul-
tural representative, and. E. C.
Beacom and Dr. Field, public .school
inspectors. Ma. Spotton discussed
the question of direct relief in the
various municipalities of the county
g and how aid could be obtained from
Reeve 3. W: ann al of Wto G d- the Federal relief fund on a dollar -
moved that the annual grants to God -
for -dollar basis. Mr. McLeod out-, Wangham, Clinton and Scott lined his Program for the year and
Memorial hospitals, Sea made the school inspectors dealt 'with new -
$1000, This motion wass rre eferer red to
ly instituted changes in the educe -
the executive co\ritnittee. tional system of the -Province.
J. J. Robertson was appointed to
Goderich Collegiate Institute Board,
• to Win ha g
Dr. R. L. Stewart g
School-Board,.11. T. Rowe to Exeter
Board of education,. Frank Fingland
to Clinton Collegiate Institute Board•,
and Miller Proctor to Wing -ham High
School. Board (one year). All other
appointments are for three years.
Reeve M. Armstrong of Hullett and
Direct Relief for Township
"We are passing through a period
of great depression. I don't know
.what the cause of it is. Sonia people
profess to know, but I don't. For
want of a better explanation we will
attribute 'the cause to economic con-
ditions,". said Mr. Spotton. "How-
ever, there is certain work I would
Geo. W. Holman, county clerk; were like to see done in the county of nu -
appointed to the criminal justice aud- Fon. I refer to the question of di -
Financial Condition Improved
.A considerable . improvement in
county finances— a betterment of
some 328,000 was reported by Treas-
urer Gordon Young in his review of
the year 1930 before the county coun-
cil Wednesday afternoon. The coun-
ty roads commission spent ent $20
less than its estimates .during the
year and a further saving of 38,000
was effected on general account by
the practice of rigid economy. "Gen-
eral account" includes everything
but county and Provincial roads.
During the year the Provincial
indebtedness was consolidated by the
issue of 3100,000 debentures. Lia-
bilities under the heading. of Provin-
cial highway account are shown as:
1930 expenditures, 357,821; back in-
terest owing, 31,488; annual princi-
pal and interest payment on deben-
tures, 312.960; total, $72,258. To off-
set this there is $25,125 in the bank
and the proposed 1931 levy of 344,-
271, a .total of 369,386. The net de-
ficit is therefore ,$2,972. No provis-
ion, of course, is made for 1931 ex-
it board for 1931., rect relief to those in need . and I
A.lfrcd Erwin, of Bayfield, and suggest that the reeves make a sur -
John Cameron, of Ashfield were ap- vey of conditions m their respective
municipalities and if they have not
time to do so that they appoint a
relief officer ter do the work."
Mr. Spotton went on to say that
he had been embarrassed by the re-
ciept of letters calling his attention
to isolated cases of distress in rural
communities and the fact that nei-
ther the townships nor the county
qualified under the relief scheme of
public works because they were in
receipt of subsidies from the Pro-
The North Huron member con-
firmed this ruling, but emphasized
that townships were not barred from
receiving direct relief, not charity,
ender, the Federal scheme, for which
twenty million »dollars bad been set
aside. It was the policy of the Gov-
_erninent, he said, that no Canadian
should suffer from the lack of the
necessaries of life: Tho Dominion
and Provincial Governments, he said
would give dollar for dollar with a
township; If, for instance, a town-
ship granted 3100 for relief, 5200
additional Would be forthcoming. Ex-
penditures to share in this scheme
must be over and above what was
spent for a .similar • purpose last
year. Mr. Spotton produced a mem-
ber of agreement forms -which he
had brought from Toronto and which
were distributed among members of
the council to take home with them.
Agricultural Representative Speaks
Phone 241, Clinton
The annual meetings of Knox and
Burns United churches, Londesboro,.
were held en Jan. 21st and 27th, re-
spectively. •Encouraging reports
were given by all departments of the
work. The Missionary and Mlainten-
ance fund showed an increase over
last -year of 3150, a part of which •
was contributed by the Sunday ,
school and Young Peoples' Societies,.
The, Ladies Aid of Knox had a sue -1
eessful year, 3381 having been rais-
ed. The Ladies Aid of Burns gave
330.00 to the M. and M. fund and
also renewed the interior of the �
church and made repairs to the
building and grounds,
spent the week -end at her home near
Mr. Woodman, who has been
quite ill, is slightly improved.
Mr. IGeorge Moon has not been
enjoying as good health for the past
two weeks as his many friends would
like to see..
The W. A. of the United church,
'which meet at the home of Mrs. J.
Tamblyn, was well attended. The ,
president, Mrs. W. Lyon, gave a very
interesting paper and a reading
which was' given by Mrs. D. Carter
!WAS much appreciated, Lunch, was
served at the close.
Our township' assessor,' Mr. Ro=
bert Townsend, commenced his
rounds last week.
Nr. Bert Grey, who is attending
Normal 'at Stratford, carne up Fri-
day and spent the week -end with his
parents on the 13th concession.
Mr. Fran'k Little, also Mrs. D, Mc-
Callum pf the 13th concession were
here last 'Friday.
Ill2iss Quinn of near Blyth has re-
turned after spending a pleasant
holiday with..Miss ivfiary C,artwright.,
ri1i'ss Pollard of Blyth is' having a
pleasant •sojourn with Misses Adams
31r., and Ms. J. D. Elsley and
cannily o:f• the 13th spent last Sun -
thief at the home „of 831'. ,end Mrs.
lames Elsley,:
Mr. and Miss Flossie Jamieson
went to Clinton last Wednesday to
attend the funeral of the late Miss
Mrs. John Fingland •is spending
some time with friends hi Goderich.
Nurse Lyon, who has had a plea-
sant mouth's sojourn with her aunt,
Miss`,Kirle, of Toronto, has returned.
Mr. Jim McCrea Went to London
last week. ' ,
Me. Ruling is spending some time
at the home of hib sister, Mrs.: L.
Mrs. John 1'inglancl spent the
week -end with Mxs. Andrew Halls;
day of. Goderich. '
• Miss Dorothy Little d Stratford
Normal spent the week -end 'With
Mrs. R, Townsend.
Quite a`iarge gathering asentbILd
at the community hall last Friday
for the 'bazaar and lunch put on' by
the' ladies of. the Institute, The sev-
eral booths were well patronized and
the cafeteria ;lunch was. quite suc-
cessful. The smith of nearly fifty
dollars was "relalized.
.-Miss Marjorie Lyon, R.N., of To,
ionto, 'who spent the week -end 'at the
hone of her parents, 'MS.' and Mrs,
,Will Lyon,' returned to the city on
Monday and is leaving on Saturday
for Ottawa, wlu%-e she has been op-
pointeel day supervisor of the Protes-
tant Hospital' for 'Sick Children. We
wish her success in her new position.
Mrs., M, H.ultihaucr spent a few
days 'last weer., visiting friends in
RECEIPTS The Department of Public High-
ways of Ontario wrote acknowledg-
ing receipt of a cheque for $19,416.-
78 on account of ntaintenanec and
construction of Provincial highways
within the county of Huron, pointing
out that the sun of 31,488.43 was
outstanding in interest.
The Minister of Highways wrote
acknowledging receipt of a resolution
passed et tate December session re-
commending an increase in the sub-
sidy for county roads.
. L. STEL\ G-•-' '
By-law No. 4, to appoint certain 1\L'nrlcet Scales . • •317.65
officers and for other purposes. C. V. COOK•E--
Whereas it is necessary by By Care in Perp.... 45.00
law to appoint certain officers to Work • , , , . , , 32.00 77.00
serve in the Town of Clinton from E. Greeks, stock scales .... 11.15
the Mit day of February, 1931 to
the 10111 day of February, 1052, of
titttil their successors in office ars
appointed, and to fix the amounts to
be paid them for their services as
Therefore the Municipal Council of
the Corporation of the Town of Clin-
ton Enacts as Follows:
1. That the following named per-
Sons be appointed to the offices set
opposite their respective names, that
is to say:
D. L. Macpherson, Cleric and Trea-
L. Stong; Chief Constable, Over-
seer of street work, Caretaker of
Town Hall and'tibrary Park, Weigh
master, Inspector of Mieat, Bread,
Fish, Wood, etc., Sanitary Inspector.
L. Stong, Tax` Collector.
E. Graelis, Night Constable and
Assistant Caretaker of Town gall.
C. V. Cooke, Centetery Superinten-
3. W. Shaw, M.D., Medical Officer
of Health.
Guy Rieke,Ttngineer, ;.
E. draelis, 3eighnlaster, Stoelc
Scales. '
2. That. the said officers shall,
serve in their respective offices from
the 16111. day of February, 1931, to
mess L. Beenntt, teacher of No.. 5 Auburn.
BRUC !i Li AJ�L1
Conmuelol Service will be observ-
ed next Sunday neorfiilig, Feb. 8th,
in the United church. Preparatory
services onFridayat 2.30.
Miss Ross of Exeter visited her
aunt, Mars. Alex. Ross, last week.
Mr. Alex. Addison of London spent
the week -end at his home ,in the vil-
, Miss Emma McDonald of Goderich
spent the week -end at the hone of
her mother, Hers. Jas. McDonald.
lets and Mrs. Deihl of Stanley were
the guests of mi.. and Mas.. L. For-
rest this week.
The many friends of Miss 1VIarks
are pelased to set her able to be out
again after her recent illness.,
M'r. B. R, Higgins of Clinton visit-
ed friends in the village this week. •
The annual busineas meeting of the
United Chureh, Rev. W. A. Bremner,
pastor, was held on January 28th,
with a good attendance of members
and adherents. ` '
All the organizations of the church
gave their annual reports and 3M -
uncial statements.. The reports were
very encouraging, and showed
On county highway account notes
outstanding are shown as 3105,000
and new notes $90,000, or a total of
3195,000. During 1930 the amount
of notes retired eves $127,000, leav-
ing a balance owing of 368,000. This
amount is completely covered by
Provincial Government subsidies due
on March 1st of this year.
On general acceunt outstanding
notes, as at January Its, 1936, were
353,000. Notes discounted during the
year totalled 370,000, a total of
$123,000. Notes retired during the
year amounted to 278,000, leaving a
net deficit of 345,000 on general ac-
count. This, the treasurer explained
was 38,000 better than one year ago.
Elgin county council asked ender
sation of a resolution which reads as
follows: "That in the opinion of this
council the present constitution of
county councils, as it has existed
since 1907 is quite satisfactory and
that changes which are to take effect
on January 1 st, 1932, will lead to
many complications and inequalities,
Therefore, 'be it resolved that this
council inemoralize the Provincial
Government to abstain from bringing
the proposed changes into effect and
to repeal the legislation making the
change," The letter was referred to
the legislative committee.
The Salvation • Artily asked for - a
grant of $250 for its Rescue Home in
London. The Canadian National In-
stitute for the Blind asked for a
grant of 3625. The grant last year
was 3100. Ref�laed to executive
3OYtimittee. • I • r '
The report of 3113: Huron Plo v -
man's Association for 1930 showed
receipts of 3675.52 and expenditure'
the 16th as of February, 1932, or all departments are in a healthy con- of 3525.25• leaving a balance of
y $150,27. The usual grant was asked.)
until their successors in Office are dition and are; carrying on their worts
rote + ' ' with zeal and ellbhti9iNsl'rt, Referred to executive committee.
apd• I The report of the registt'y 'office
',.- j HI011 t raised for all: pnrpbtlds'
3, . That the said officers 1wilall Tee The A ti
was $5,511.00, Of which $2,166.004was for'.193tS showed grZ,ss e'ciaipts anti
fees earned of $6,530.84 ami cif -n-
contributed fur rriilSsioih5; the Bible + >�
Society and Temrperaneg. ,.the
eon- ses, including ,shades to junior and.
re ation raised its alloc'duilon of senior deputies, of $2,081.90. The
g g
1400.00 for the Missionary and Wile SutTplus of not income for '19x0 was
3658.46 ti's delivered with 3727.62 in
leg. The net amount received' by the
registraf, exclusive of 32,644,'the a-
mouut for Which rho county is liable;
was 33,658.45.
R. G. Thompson cleric of the town-
ship of Goderich, again wrote protes-
ting against the gounty:a -taking gra-
vel.' out of the township gravel pit,
without remuneration to the town-
ship, in the yedes ,1927 "1:928 and
1:929. ire stated, the pit was t ui:chas-
ed by Goderich township hi 1866 and
thatthe present council cannot; un-
derstand` why straightforward busi-
ness methods do not apply in connec-
tion with the removal • of gravel by
the county. He stated -further that The re"1S'o'et *as adopted without d'
The County Council resumed its
sittings on Thursday morning at 10
o'clock. Under the heading of en-
quiries, Mr. Geiger asked regarding
the salary of the Children's Aid Of-
ficer and how he was appointed. This
was explained and the report of the
Children's Shelter was presented
by H. T. Edward, the superintendent
of the Children's Aid Society for
Huron Comity.
Mr. Haase, the provincial inspec-
tor of highways was present, and
was asked to address the council. Mr.
Hasse confined his remarks chiefly
to explaining the new law regarding
the appointment of good roads cohn-
The clerk replying to an enquiry
by Mr. Henderson regarding the
criminal justice accounts auditing
went fully into the methods pursued
by the auditors,
14th', 9#oett askatl regarding keeping
snow roads open during the Winter.
The matter was discussed lint iinth-
ing definite determined except that
the dost on the highways was 20 per
cent. of the total
Moved by W J. Henderson, sec-
onded by L. H. Rader that the war-
den and clerk be authorized to sign
and submit to the Minister of Pub-
lic Highways the petition of the cor-
poration of the County of Huron
showing that there was expended.
during the year 1.930, the sum of
3139,543.70 en the county highway
system and requesting the statutory
grant on that amount as provided by
the Highway Act. Carried.
Moved by 3. Cutt, seconded by W.
P, Thompson that under the new
road commission act we do not ap-
prove,of having any members on the
commission that are not' members of
the county council for that year.
A motion by J. W. Gamble and W.
J. Stews; t that the Salvation ArntY
w`ou1d like to bed.. Huron county be i,•icanted $2h0• for }rescue if 01115
maintain its Deputation as an ap le-.
i' Work was referred *to the executive
t i , tr 1 ' . Committee.
producing col ,.._'„ sL_.
Members Appointed
Attention was called to the. pro- '14Ie5srs'. Mitt and Rader move(1 in
grain of -spring and summer meet-
ings dealing with the subjects of
bees, orchards, seeds and fertilizer.
Also that depots 'were ;being opened
throughout the county where sereen3
Could be secured by farmers for their
limning mills, thus assuring clean
eed. aodericit,
The couiti it was asked t0 pass• ., ,Mrs. Alvin McAllister of G
bylaw declaring Marron . county a 0h4. was accompanied home by little
'totter bull area," under which the 'Kanhath eeidAJi stee, '
Province pays 'twenty per cent. of liathwell went tai ,Stratford
the cont of pixrebred sires.' Ma. Me- oin Iirid.ay tG attend the funeral of
Leod said there was anit, insistent de- his brother -in -lair✓; Mi. J. 14I'cEwaairl.
round for this'legislation The
Mrs. Fred Middietae. spent a feW
Ma .
twenty Per cent., he said .tri answ5t days hast week as tht Wiest of her
36 an inquiry, was limited t6 350. parents, Mr. and Mis. S. ,Monson of
The aaallsil was asked to p'%ovrdd the );Luton Road.
funds again for county schelarslnp0 „The A-Y.P.A. of St. James' a meek
at. Q.A:C, and Macdonald College, ' Middleton, will be., held in the ,base=
Staiidi`tig• 'Committees' intent of the church on Friday even,
' : ing the Gth of ,Febrteary.
.At '�ednesclay atCennooai s session u
the striking : devn>,initIce„Ibrougiht 'in L•• 0, L. No. 145 •,i ltend having a'
g social evening' at the home of Mr,
"pin � the
the n ing co tees. na , g n Thursda Feb.
standing- committees. for:' ,the yeah; das.-Harrison d Y,
r hs: 12th, to wthicle ell are invited,
Mr. Ian bfeLeod, county agricul-
tural representative, stated that at
the short courses at present in'pro-
gress at 'Gerrie there were thirty-
eight boys and thirty-five girls re-
gistered. The attendance at these
courses w'as the best in years, as it
was in other counties of the Pro-
vince, a fact 'which spoke well for
conditions in rural commamities.
Ill'xr. McLeod told of what bad been
done to establish a cold storage and
packing plant in Huron county by
the fruit growers, so that Huron
might compete with Norfolk and
other counties in the foreign market.
The Provincial and Dominiongrants
for this project were assured, said
Mr. McLeod,e'but trouble lead been
met in tbe effort to raise local funds.
IIe had grave doubts as to whether
the project would go over. Goderich,,
served by two railways, was the log-
ical location for such a plant and a
former factory was at present being
considered, he said, adding that be
ceive (same as'last year).
4. That the duties of 'the Chief
Constable and the Night Constable.
shall be those specified in the sched-
ules .attached to Py -,law No. 5,for
or 00
1920 and marked "A'and "B".' tenance Fund, the ; W.M.S.3500.,
5.' 'That the further duties of the the Marion Olioer Circle 375,00 and
said officers snail be such: as aro the 3Vlission Band 319.00. The Wo
defined by the statutes of Ontario' man's. Association raised 3276.00, a
and the 'By-laws of this municipality, portion of which' wasused to pay for
and such other duties as 'the Council the decoration of the school room and
may from: time 'to time determine. to improve the church kitchen.
6. That this .By -Taw' 'shall come The following were elected Mena -
'into force andbffect on and from the gets fit the,- next terns of office: of Febeuary,'1031• ( Thomas Chapman, Charles Reid, Fred
L'assed. this 2nd day o;l'.Feltruary, Burdge and John D. Pepper. The
.1931.following' officers were appointed:
c' Chairman•'Helloes of the, Flee and lVfrs. D. A. Aikenhead, treasurer.
r ,nnittee lead no articular Thos. Chapman,: chairman board'. of
water con particular secretar.
report but expressed 'the. hope • that; managers; J. R. ` Mustard, y
Something should he done as early as board of managers, while John W.
possible to improve the town park. McIntosh ,and ,J,'B: Mustard were el -
The Firemen's Tournament will be ectechauditors.
(Continued on page 7)
Mee. James Steep slhetit tlie week•
end in Clinton and with her daiightee