HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-01-22, Page 8JANUARY SALESPECIALS BROKEN LINES OF WINTER MERCHANDISE AT COST ••• PRICE 'TO CLEAR STANFIELD' UNDERWEAR AT COST—,. •• Red 'Label Shirts and Drawers, reg. §2.50. Sale Prise -$1-65 Blue Label 'Shirts and Drawers, Reg. $3.06. Sale Price ... Ribbed Wlool Combinations, Reg, $3,25, 'Sale Price Ken's- Fleece -Lined Shirts and Drawers, Reg.. 10G, Sale • .'75e BoPs -Plcece-lined Shirts and Drawers, Reg. 65c. Sale ,.,,.,,45c 1111en's Fleece -lined Cominbations„ Reg. $1.75, , Sale... ; $1.25 Boy's Fleece -lined Combinations, Reg. $1.35, Sale ....,.....95c 'Grey Flannel Work Shirts Reg," $1.50, ,Sale Price— $1.15 Odd „LneS ot' Work 'Shirks '(a11 Sizes), -Reg: $1,00 & $1.25. Sale 75e • Men's Fine Shirts,. collar. attached or separate, to clear 'el:00 Men's all -wool Work sox, reduced to the Special prices -to - cleai, 2 pairs for 35c; 195 a pair; 25e a pale anti Sew% for11-.00, ' "Men's Na Way Braees, guaranteed ;for a full yeaPsi wear, Sold Everyisiteee for 75c. Sale Price , ...65c Elastic Braces, • Reg. $50, for 39e; Reg(75c-ior 59c Meree Silk Ties. at clearing -prices for Jan. Sale ' • • .25d, 35e, - 45c, 595 and 69c Ladies' "Chamoisette GloVes 'new this season) • .- R.eg. 50c. ',Sale Price '35e °TITER LINES AT RqUAILY REDUCED PRICES TO CDEAR uB ms: ee POS MEATS Choice Front Quarter of Beef only 13c lb. -Home made Pork .Sausage only 20c lb. Dressed •Hog only. 14-ic lb. Half Dressed Hog only 15c lb. Rib Roast Beef only 20c lb, Chuck Roast only -• 18c lb. Bulk Sweet Pickles, per pint 25c Choice Sour Pickles, per pint 35c Sauer Kraut, 3 pounds for 25c FOWL FOR WEEK END KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONNELL/ & :TYNDALL "CLINTON'S' LEADING MEAT MARKET" Phone 162 Huron Street. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for week ending January 24, 1931 Galvanized Pails, while thoy last 25c Old Dutch Cleanser, chase Dirt, 2 tins for ' 19e. Sunilght Soap, 10 cakes ....19c Standard No. 4 Peas, 2 at 15c Soda Biscuits, 1 lb. pkg. „15c Shaker Salt, plain or iodized 2 pkgs. 17c Fry's Cocoa, 1-2's, per tin 21e Many Flowers Soap, 4 for 25e Princess Soap Flakes, lge23e Hawes Lemon Oil 23e Tiger Catsep, large -21e Ready Cut Macaroni, 3 lbs. 25c Borden's Choc. Malted Milk 16 oz. 53e Purity Quick Oats 25o Libby's Prepared Mustard 14e • Seeded or 'Seedless Raisins 2 pkgs. , . 250 Lealand Sweet Mixed Pick. les, 12 oz. 27c MEATS AND FISH SPECIAL Salmon Silver bright, lb. ..18c White Fish, lb. 17e Fillets of Haddie, per lb. -25e Saunege, per 11), 280 Head Cheese, per lb. 18e Macaroni and Cheese Loaf per Ibi 20c Break, Bacon, in piece, lb, 36c J. T. J'AcKNIGHT 62 SON CLINTON, ONT. •PHONE 111 feeteree.. - .... , ... . .. ............ , 11 11 Calland See Our 11 Specials in Radios 11 New and used Machines 11200 at a real Price Tubes, Battaries and • Supplies always on hand 0 • 0 Sutter & Perdue TUCKERSMITII. herself. The preeldent, Mrs.' Mc- Gregor, had charge ot the Meeting, The January meeting of the Tuck- ers/1'4th Ladies' Gab was held at the home of 1Vies. ileward Crick. Twenty-one merelbers anewired tho roll call, which was "How to keep the !tan 02 tho house in good hum- our," Many helpful suggestions wer veceived, one of the most im- po ant being that the lady of the house, alWaye be in good 'humour, and readings were given Irs, Bail and Mee. P. Wlelt-Ore, elk() 8.pi- om solo, by Mise Retit Fe-gt. Tht• remainder of 'the 'after-11On was spent seeing. 'The Pelietmey meeting. will 'be held at ihelMinie of IVfxs. J. G. CriCh and the -tell 'Call will be answeted 'by the ;Milne 'of a Canadian anthem. 'and ninfe, cof his 'books. . immediately after 'Pie results of the last election' aimed 'that Pre- ,' mier King had rnet -Anfeat, RobertE. Knowles put tli'is„-questiori to him: "What ono thing 'would first occur to you as among the compenintions for your .Suriender c;te the g*rat post?" Mr. King Veplieil, "I really believe the one 'byproduct that out - of -office will bring, me is, -that 'now have more time to read?! %ay -we recommend a fectien story Royal Road to Romance, a story of youth told with -a captivating ,chartie 400 pages, original edition was *600, Now 41.00. • MB W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Otpl, lieliellemuioe, 1Ver, and Ernest -.Odell of Pon- tiae, Mich., were here last week for the funeral of their brother, the late Perey Mr. R. G. Paterson of Montreal spent the week -end as the gueet of his brother, Mr. Ewart Paterson, manager af the. Royal Bank. Mr. and 11X.es. R. E. Manning and Miss Helen spent the week -end in • London with the brother of the former, Mr, W. N. Manning, Mrs. R. Marshall and son, Mr. R. Marshall, were ealled to Kingston last week-epd owing to the death of the fermer'si brother-in-law. Mr. George Stevens- of Clinton and Mr. David Stevens of Harlock mo- tored to Toronto to attend the fun- eral of ,their ;brother, the late 3. II. Stevens. Mr. .re. R IVIitehell is in Windsor, having been celled there by the illness of his brother, Emerson Mitchell, who is now, happily, on the way to reebvery. - Mrs. G. W. Cuninghamo and little daughter, Joanne, are visiting this week with Islington and Toronto friends. Mr. Cuninghame and IVfaiter John and Miss Kathleen will go down for the weekeend. Mrs. Smith, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. W. Potter, of town, returned to her home at Curriesethis week, hir, Potter ace tompanied her to spend a short tune with friends in that corn - triunity. Mrs. Nelson Cole and Was Myrtle havo. returned from W,atervliet, Mich., where they visited the for- rner'e daughter, Mrs. Arden Stick- . eey. 1\4rs. Stiekneyeand little Alia- sea Helen and Ailene returned with them foe a few weeks' visit. Wee. Robert Douglas of Strasbourg, Sask., is visiting at the home of her father,' Mr. Herbert Crich 02 town, having Milt to attend the !funeral of. her brother, the late Percy Crich. twenty-eight yeas slece Mir. and Mrs, Douglas went to the wed. Mr. and 1VIrs. Zapfe spent a few days in Stratford and Kitchener during the past week, Mr: Zapfe taking in the furniture exhibitions'get- ting on to all the new styles. He says the ehanges are not so eacli- eel this year, that more conserva- tive styles predominate. Mr. T. llifeCoal, who has been in town for the past fortnight or so, has returned to his home• at Mi-n- edoiai. Man. It is twenty-eight years sinee M, XeCool left here for the west and he say/ -many changes especially in the people, very feW of his companions and schoolmates being here now. Mien A.ht.HERSON, WEMBLEY, NEW WHEAT CIIAIVIPION Edmonton, jaii. 16.-ehjosieg ent his neighbor,. Heiman Trelle, winner of the sweepstakes for wheat at the 1080 thleage gay and. dealt. Show, a newcomer itt the ranks of Alberta's grain ehoW men, Erich Anderson of Weinbleye took the Grand Chenipiorie Si1p tor this grin. at the Provincial Seed rale hereMonday. Trelle won the oats championship and NorMan Peck of /..edue, the barley limier. Competent. critics who attended the recent Royal Agiteultural Winter -Fair declared the exhibition here of a liiddley jelibre than the .A11-Can- 'ailimi it.tit, Ceetainly it is out- standing 'for (nullity and there are 110 inferior eaMplet oti clispley. Before making the championship -awerele,• the imegee gave Anclekoe !RE culgrx.,!NEWII 'RECORD, , THURSDAY, JANUARY 231 93/' • • tiky I .7: 4Nej. e: Januarg Sale Continued Our Special Prices have Attracted many people and some Lines are Cleared up entirely Tomatoes, small tin Sc •Fry's'Cocoa 21c Iodized Salt 2 pkgs. 17c r›-.1 re -41 alliMESEMIMEMENumminimmuillni • WE HAVE THE !FOLLOWING LIST • Dalton's toffee, half pound 30c 'Three Coupons entitles yiu to a Coffee Percnlator Plees all Coffee, lb. • 25c •I• Black Tea, 3 lb. $1:00 (Compares favourably -with plcg. tea) '•Gran...Sugar, 5' lbs. 28c RolledOats, 7 lbs. 23c Kraft Cheese lb. 33c Good Rice 4 1bs. 25c.• •.•2 Heinz Soup, large •25C • Grape •Fruit, , 5 for 25c Oranges 2 dozen . 35c Fresh Herring, doz, 40c Fresh Fillets lb. 25c Halibut lb. 25c •. Pink Salmon, per lb. 18c Red Salmon, per .Ib.•30c Tapioca, 2 lbs. 25c Peas, 4 cans 25c SG& Biscuits, lb. 16c Sinall pkg. Sodas 2--25c McLaren's Jelly 5 for 25c P. & G. Soap, 10 bars 36c Life Buoy, 3 for • 23c Soap Chips, 4 lbs. 39c Macaroni, 3 lbs. 23c Large Marmalade • 25c CLINTON'S BIGWhere CORNER. ' GROCETERIA FaREE DELIVERY "Sells for Less" Phone 48 - • Price Prevails two first prizes for wheat on sam- ples of certified Reward weighing 68 pounds per bushel, One of these wag in competition with ewer 50 en- tries. The new wheat champion al- so took two firsts for oats, a second for oatg, a first for barley and is first for field peas' A. former Canadian wheat cham- pion Nels Linden of Vetaskiwin, took a first in one of the oats clas- ses. Look! SKATING •PARTY Tuesday, January 27th Admission, 25. Skating at 8 pm. • SPECIAL' ATTRACTION Lacrosse Match on Skates Admission, 10c, Game et 7.45 p.m. 'Under auspices of Boy Scouts. LT1NCH SERVED VARIETY OF BREAD IMPROVES EVERY MEAL Friday and Saturday CANDY SPECIAL WILLOW CHOCOLATE BUDS 35c ,LB Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY —Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" DREAD • PHONE 68 .SAYE MONO 10 PERCENT DISCOUNT On All Stoves and • Heaters on Hand During January OW11111S HARDWARE and PLUMBING PhoMc 244 A Burns Lecture REV. MURDOCH MeKINNON, 3).D., TORONTO will deliver his popular lecture "Canada and the Plowman Poet" in Wesley -Willis United Church under auspices of the Men's. Club on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 28th at 8 o'clock SHORT MUSICAL PROGRAM ADMISSION— Adults 25c, Students and children 15c • 01-2. I.E.4,40.nr~errrmemilff,nomea Now Buying a New IS NO PROBLEM AT ALL! It would cost yOtt more than that to electrify your aid battery set if you, are old-fashioned enough to have one. . You can't imagine how mueh oheer one of our new radios, with all the latest features, can put into your home. • These radios are perfeet in seleetivity, sensitivity and torso • ue. They are the last word in -radios—and then some! Beautiful cabinets from which to choose. FRED INSTALLATION—FREE DELIVERY R. . J-NSON CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next ITovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician reilliefieeeelefeetraweelfieseeeelfteeteeelefraecteeeetleleetweseteiesfulte~elilesoleseifler Al /7 I U st We are going to Reduce our Stock of Furnit- ure during the 1 Winter Months. In order to do it, we are reducing prices on all our goods - to make it worth while to the public who are looking for real value in Furniture. Some of the special prices which will be particularly interesting to you will include: Dining Room Suites in Solid Oak. Bedroom Suites in Solid Walnut and Birch. Also a large assortment of Birch, and Walnut Dressers and Stands A Large Assortment of Walnut Tables of all kinds. , A large variety of Upholstered Chairs and Rockers in Birch and Walnut, also some swell „ Fibre Settees, Chairs and Rockers.. You will find some Special Prices in Steel Beds and Felt Mattresses and Cut Prices on the Lamps 'we have in Stock. Clinton Hardware Furniture Co. • The Store with a Stock Funeral Directors - Monument Dealers Fit Phone 104 Hardware Phone, 195