The Clinton News Record, 1931-01-22, Page 1The News -Record Eat. 1878 NO. 2602 -52nd 'YEAR WITH WHICH " IS INCORPOR.AT fib THE CLINTON NEW ERA CLINTON ONTARIO;"" TIIURSDAY,1; JANUARY 22, 1931 The New Era Esta 1860' THE HOME PAPER rytyj,utverqhird man Carries in his pocket a watch that needs our ettenition. Maybe the ishan knows it, maybe he doesn't, - Bat the WATCH knows it, and it tries to tell its owner, too, sIt,graduall.y loses a little more every week. or .sd. And when •the man wants to know the time, he has to allow for the venation. • ARE YOU ONE OF THESE 'THIRD MIEN"?" If:you are•let:us fix things, for you,. zu. �. ,�Eelluar: Jeweler and Optometrist d Phone 174w and 174J 1 AT 'HALF, PRICE 11 Women's Coats 14 Children's Coats Represents the balance of our Stock of this Season's Garments. We now place these coats on sale at exactly one-half the Regular. Price. 15e Nay Hann 4,1 01 athl �9e This is an all -wool material, 28 inches wide, and a Genuine. Bargain at the Price quoted. REMNANTS THE MAR'IXETS Wheat, 60c. Barley, 30c. , Oats, 25e. Butter,25c.• Eggs 14c to 20e... Live Hogs, $9.50, ST. PAUL'S VESTRY MET'IN'G The vestry meeting of St. Paul's' church was held on Monday evening. There 'was a good. attendaiice and keen intelest shown in the work of the' church.' The-, reports of the • various organizations were very en- couraging and the year was Closed with a; nice balance in ,the treasury. The wardens, Messrs E. W!. More risoii and R. G. Tholnpsen, were re- appointed end Sheriff Middleton and T. W. Hawkins:were appointed re-- presen atives to . tike. Synod, . • r CbL H. T. Rance voiced the senti- ments. of. th enti-ments'of.th vestry when. he epoke of the regret felt atj •the impending departure of the rector,' Rev. L. O. Harrison, and several expressed sim- ilar •sentiments:' • 1 Hundreds of yard's of materials have been purchased from . our Remnant Table during the past week. Equally :good values are replacing those 'sold daily. If you are quilting and can use small lengths •"of prints, flan- nelettes, rettc..a great opportun- ity to ,economize is afforded you here. " CLINTON'S .•n!11 p. S STYLE SHOPPE " ROYAL YORK & JOJINSTII i'S APPROVED CLOTHING MADE-1A-AlEA:SUII E SUIT $22 VALUES UP TO $35.00 EXTRA PANTS $5.00 NOW Eli -PROVING C,C.I. B.43. TRAM WINS Word has been,reeeesed' of••mark- In an Intercollegiate : basketball ed improvement in the. condition of game played in the „local collegiate M1.. Emerson Ititcheil,•? member of gyro, -the , locals against Goderich the Windsor pohce•foree,• ,who was Collegiate, the score was 2145 in operated on last week for a.ppendis favor of the home Collegiate.' citis. Iie, is now considered to be The score by point's was as fol - Progressing favourably and his lows: Clinton—Forwards, H. Gibbs, ;friends expect him to snakea good (5); F.' Cook (3), E. Caihpbell,. (9); guard : Zf, 'Tyndall (2), G, 'Holmes, recovery: :; centre,T.Ross J Gaudier (2); LITTLE LOCALS' ia: 1~ "1,iaines. • a.. The Huron County Sbouncil will +Godeich—F'°rwards, H. Green (2),. meet in Goderichan 'Tuesday next P. Page .(4),' H. Cook,-P.:Bissett; i centre,- W. Sutherland (3); guards; Mr. J. E. Doherty hetes taken over e. Knees:ease (6), J. vie. seeoleease the Management of the Star Theatre. Though Clinton led in the scoring, e'' the teams were pretty evenly match- ' . M. W. Nediger las been o' ed.'The visitors had a bit the best pointed -Chevrolet' dealer "an Clinton of.it in the first two periods. • In the The WIC T. U. wilirineet at the latter half however, the bomb team home. of Mrs§ Washington on Friday, showedsupgrioe strength. afternoon, Jan. 23rd, at three o'clock. On Tuesday. next ' Stretford and Clinton will, try conclusions in the r The Seaforth Intermediates play fust of the Junior W.O.S.S.A. sehe the local team on Clinton ice to-duled`gamos. morrow, Friday evening, . 'Twill be 'IS NOW CANON JERKINS a good game.:' - • ' ` The electric current ; was turned . The following despatoh appeared in DEATH OF MRS, C. W, COSENS The 'death occurred on Friday last at her home at. Mount Forest of Mary E. Govenlock, wife of Rev. C. Wesley Cosens, after a long illness. Mrs.• Cosens,. whose .husband was pastor of. the Ontario street church, Clinton; for a four-year pastorate several years ago, was well known and highly esteemed here. She was interested in all the women's activ- ities in. the chwxh and was a faith- ful helpmate to her husband. She is survived by her husband and one son Rev. C. W,• Dewitt Cosens of Strat- ford. • Mrs: Cosens was a native of Mc- Xiliop and before her marriage taught school. She became the bride of Mr. 'Cosens when be commenced his career as a minister of the Meth- odist Church at Walton. Two broth- ers, J. Govenlock, ex -member of the Ontario Legislature, Seaforth, Tiam of the 'west 'and five sisters, Mrs. 'Ellen Scott and Misses Agnes •'anti Myra Govenlock of Ottawa, Miss Jean of 'Windsor and Miss Elizabeth Govenlock of the west also survive, The Bottom has Been Reached;!; ' Never before have you had the' opportunity of purchasing a sure suit with extra pair of pants that'carry with auttde�to-mea every garment, the_ fine workmanship, fit and finish our Clothes price o£22,50 for Suit plus 55:00 for extra pairs of pants. mere, 1Ett'dpr 5 - - CE' ARF GOOD FOR 30 DAYS ONLY:, THESE pRICES IIIE i G.N-.T.MO11111511 CO .„ A SQ UA.VE HEAL FOR EVERY MAN " and .mom® yore' n June. ''ted church. ' ,..��- ,end of the Conference ryo 4 1 between Clinton and Granton Cor- .Monday's dailies. It will interest nee, including Dinsley'Terrace and many News -Record 'tenders as Can - the County Homme, on Friday last. on Jeakins was well-known and po- pular when in Clinton and Wingham: The Clinton Public Hospital has "Brantford, Jan. 18th:" At c_onfir been left a legacy of 551)000 by the metiers service, tonight, in St. Jude's will of the late Mrs. 11'. Waren. On- Anglican Church, Archbishop David twee street United church; also comes Williams' announced the appointment In for' a like legacy 4;- of the rector, C. E. Jeakins, M.A,, D to be a canon of St . Paul's The "low score" groups of the Col Cathedral, London. score a rifle boys treated the "high on Jeakins. was born in York score boys to a goose dinner in"Can the York- shire, -England, 51 years ago, and collegiate on Thursday evening last, came with his parents to Canada as Had they the number. a good feed? Well, ask a boy. He was educated in the prim- ary' and.. secondary schools in Mon - Miss Carter received Weed recent- trail and then attended M,eGi11 Tini- ly of the death of her aunt, Mrs. versify, where ile had a brilliant ea - Fred Broadbent of British Columbia, neer, being gold medalist in his gra- The family formerly lived in Hullett derating year. In addition to this he and will be remembered by many captured several awards during his She was the wife of the late Mrs. course. He graduated in theology at Edward Carter's brother. She is Montreal Diocesan College and was survived by her 'husband and a son ordained as a deacon by Archbishop and two daughters. 'Bond. .The latter died soon after AMONG THE -CHURCHES and Mr. Jeakins was ordained to the priesthood by the archbishops suc- Persbyterian Church, cessor, Bishop Carmichael, The minister's morning subject Canon Jeakins' first charge was at will bee. "Jesus Shrinking, From the Wingham, where he went on invite - Cross." Evening: "The Man Who tion of Archbishop Williams. Later Carried His Bed on Sunday." he was appointed professor of litur- Sunday school will meet at 10 gies and history . at Huron College, .o'clock. London, where he also served as cu - The Salvation Agin rate of St. Paul's Cathedral. He was y subsequently appointed rector at • Commencing Monday;, Jan, 26th. Clinton and 17 years ago carte to special services will be gonducted in St, Judo's, Brantford. He has been tine S. A. hall every a ming until eminently "successful here and only Suday, Feb, dst, recently rebuilt the church. Tonight Monday and Tuesday, special de- lie presented the most unusually votional meetings for members only. large class of 81 to the archbishop The remaining evenings the public for confirmation. invited to attend each arecordially l o tree S Canon ,7ealtins married a Montreal service, commencing M 8 o'clock. girl,Miss Simpson, and they have ndonny, Feb. -isMajor Best of one son, Reginald,•now with the C. London will betheim . Speciall speaker- H.R.at Montreal. In that city Can- ers will and conning. -nispeght on Jeakins' father, Rev. T. B. Jea- ser ices alio conduct the week -might kine, also resides. services, The remains were taken to Lis- towel for. Interment, the funeral taking place on Monday. TWO MINISTERS LEAVING Two popular ministers of Clinton have signified their intention o seek a change of eliarge and one leaves Clinton very shortly. Rev. L. C. Harrison, who .has been. rector of St. Paul's Anglican, church for the past five years goes to Lucan, where lie will assume charge, while the Lucan rector will cone to Clinton. This exchange has been. sanctioned by Archbishop Williams and will take place at the end of the present menthe - Mr. Harrison bas won many warms friends during his residence in Clin- ton and they are sorry to see him go. He is quiet and unassuming, a man with whop one does not become acquainted in a day or so, but withal a pian of understanding and deep sympathies, and one whore to know is to esteem and like. During the past year Mr. Harrison met with a severe affliction in the loss of his wife, a woman of many charming and womanly gifts, a loss which a- roused the sympathies of all citizens of the town. Warm good wishes will accompany Mr, Harrison to his new home and charge. i , - REV J. E. HOGG ' Minister of Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton fled his intention of seeking' a change of pastorate at present Conference Year. • who has signi- he end of the HOSPITAL DANCE NEAREST OF KIN The Hospital dance held last ey- In reporting the death of ears. H. ening was a great success, The at- Warren reeently we neglected to tendanee was fine and a ntunber of mention that she is survived by a donations were reee1red for the Ele- vator Fund. The sura of 51,000 has been raised for this fund, which will be augmented by a suer promised by Mr. J. 11. Howson. The elevator looks like a sure thing now. NOW ON.WAY TO RECOVERY Mr. Alex. MbEwen, who had been :undergoing surgical treatment in the Clinton Public Hospital, was able to return to his home in Stanley on Tuesday. Mr. McEwen was injured by an attack by an infuriated bull in his own barn a few weeks ago and abut for the prompt and daring inter- vention of his own young daughtei' who has been a valuable help m the would no doubt have been killed, He organization. was bruised and hurt in various ways and underwent treatment at the time but returned last week for Street United Church Canon Jeakins is widely known in + nnda ; both Canada and the United States, Pastor's subjects on 5 Y beim vice-president of Kiwanis in - Morning; "Be Watchful and Streif- ternational." then the Things That Remain." Ev- ening: "The Fragrance of Generos- A BOOST FOR HOSPITAL ity." The News -Record received the fol- ' "Fireside Hour" will be observed lowing letter on Tuesday from a in the lecture -room and ehurcit Par former" citizen of Clinton new resi- lo s sate the conclusion of the even - dent in the United States, enclosing ing service. The church quartette an express order for 510.00 which will sing. A set of beautiful slides on "A Trip Trough.Thibet" will be we have handed to the treasurer of d friendly the Clinton Hospital 'Board. The second cousin, Mr. Je G. Gibbings, who resides on the, homestead in Hullett, Mr. Gibbings came out from England to . the Warrens several years ago and has since worked the farms; which have been willed to himself and his sons. BADMINTON CLUB NOTES On Thursday last the Badminton Club put on an evening of exhibition games for a group of interested spectators. Hot coffee and sand- wiches were served and altogethereia very pleasant evening p e Clihb very much regrets the intended departure of Rev. L. C. Harrison, JOHNSTON PEDGE Mr. John Charles Johnston of a second overhauling of his \vrirt, Clinton was united in marriage at which was badly crushed, A small the home of Dr. F. J. Burrows, Sea - part of the bone had to be removed: forth, at noon on Thursday last Jan. in this case but it is hoped the in- 115th, • to Miss Gladys May Pedge, juretl member will now heal rapidly. the Rev. WI. P. Lane of Northside United church performing the eere- VISITED COUNTY HObliE The Women'a Association of the Ontario street church paid a friend- ly visit to the Huron County Home on Tuesday afternoon, giving 'a pro- gram of vocal and instrumental. mu- sic and reading:`, assisted by mi.. J. Bayley with his violin. Pleasing features of the program were sever- al, solos by little Lloyd Butler, who had to stand on a chair to sing, and selections by a chorus 01 the rest- I feet of its kind. The vat is bolt of dents of the Home, under the lead- ebscluteiy flawless Ontario White Pine, for which the price of 5165.00 per thousand -feet was paid. One plank used measured three inches by eighteen inches .by sixteen feet. When the original white pine dye vat gave out some years ago a steel one *as procured, but it only lasted about eight years, so it was decided to go back to the white pine again and Mr. Wiggington, taking his pat- tern from the • old one, constructed • the new one, which seems to be a- It came as a surprise teeniest peo- ple when it became known on Friday last that Rev. J. E. Hogg, pastor of the Wesley -Wallis United. church had at a meeting of _ the church board the previous evening declared .that he would at:the end of the present conference year seek a ohange. of pastorate: Mir. Hogg has been in Clinton for foutreen years, coming here from:. Southampton to take charge of WfllislPsesbyte is i'bhureh. In the autumn of 1925, the union. of the. Presbyterian, Methodist and. Congregational Churches having taken place in June, -the congrega- tions of Wallis and Wesley churches decided to unite and .Mr. Hogg and I:M±. Holmes, then- pastor of Wes- ley congregation, acted es joint pas - store until the following June, when Mr. Holmes reti, ed and Me. Hogg the United • • of remained as pastor congregation. ff Hogg is a keen bible student and an eloquent preaeher and also -possesses executive ability which has 'been used 'to advantage in welding together into one -harmonious whole the menibers of the two congrega- tions, ;When the church was burnt given, also a sing -song an letter speaks for itself: time. A cordial welcome to all. Young People's League was well "Our attention was called to an attended on Monday night. Miss M. advertisement in The News -Record Depew• gave a splendid paper on the of the 15 wet. to a Hospital Dance, work and life of Robert :Burns. the proceeds in aid of the Elevator The W.Mlii.S. Diet in the 5. S. room Fttnd in Clinton Hospital, Admis- last week, when reports were given cion, 50c. Not wishing to critic- -and plans made for the new year. ase the admission fee, only 'Cor the The members were gratified to learn .worthe object the writer would, if that their allocation of 5615.00 . had circumstances allowed, make the ad - been met After the business was mission fee 51.00. There is' no ul- eoncltlaled splendid inspiring talks terior or selfish motive in writing were given 'by Mesdames Murdoch, this letter, the uppermost thing in Hiles and Farrel. Altogether the mind is for the comfort and care of meeting'was the most inspiring and those who are called upon to stake optimistic held for same time, . A the hospital their home for a time number paid tribute to the • memory and also for the comfort of those in of Mrs. Waren, the oldest member attendance, wins have to climb the. of the Society,- who had se recently stairs many- tunes daily. The hos- passed to her reward. pital is a •credit and an honor to the Wesley -Willis United Church • town, no less an honor to the donor Sunday morning the minis- °f the Hospital, who deserves un- stinted praise and credit for his ben- 'Nextter's sermon subject will be: "In the evolence, not forgetting the ladies, Hollow of His Hand --63y the Will o£ who are giving their time and graciously to relieve 5 • soy God." thought G thog g be- with will li 'eh ed civic u s be s U At the ..evening -Q Petting and should P gin a Short series from the life of every convenience ;possible for their David, as follows: encouragement. An elevator is an "The Shepherd Warrior." _ actual necessity, - not only for the "The Friend." hospital requirements but also for. "The F Nation'stvisitors who are.visiting their "The weetIdol." friends and relatives, more especially "The Sweet Singer." those of advanced age. As a for - "The Mana of God•" mer resident of Clinton' for years The Dreamer:' and very much interested in this el - At a l -Ata meeting of the Official Board evatbr movement I ••sincerely hope held last Thursday evening, a' motion. the dance will be a great success and was made and carried unanimously,- a- great encouragcment to those in thanking, Rein J. E. and Mies. Nogg charge, for their . splendid • and untiring ,ser - n re ation rations are not requested in vice to Wesley -Willis ca g g Dai and asking them to continee -their the advertisement mentioned, but work among thein. take great,pleasure in, enclosing ex - the board for press M.O. for 510.00 to push 'for- Mrr Hogg thankedp the action they had taken' and, went ("aid the work to an early • eoniple- on to say that -lie felt it would be in tion. when I em sure the wonder will the best interests of the congregation be that the hospital was: able to get and the coMmunity to have a eliange along without ani, elevates. for' se of .ministers; lie, hiynieelf, having dhe. long. Bided to asitfor wee a change ,at Who will he the next resident er RONcoming Conference', bJeen four• non-resident booster with a donation years Ma. Hogg has been fourteen 1 loco • an n very mt this vrmU u up t Clea _ to yeart in all in Clinton and his deers know cn the hospital l ' ess and let u n o st5 bcentre,. Ofce t aCombos; , ie asCo m all S e cGrieves, thanC Gr Ion to ..make.,a gthat their, ser vices fob such a wnrthv , Wings, , B ' • reprise. and io a is f d' e of deep t oH„ Gibbs and. E. ' arid' es' ecially the" cerise are atiureoiated.-�A,r old Riisl- lrellubs: K. Pickett,- N. Live goat la all' frieof p . hundreds of miles sCa tpy- Congregation of Wesley -Willis Deis deist t.'" Clinton,r Matheson. (More local" on page distant: i. ernlnre, D. l mony. Mr. and chis. Johnston have taken up their residence..• in Clinton and their friends ,extend good wishes for happiness and prosperity. LOCALLY MANUFACTURED just Mr. T. Wiggington has J completed the construction of a dye vat for the Clinton Knitting Coni - Sony which is said to be very per. ei'ship of the Homo Matron Mrs. Jacob. A hearty vote of thanks was moved to the visitors by NIr. and Mfrs. Jacob, with the hearty •invita- tion, "Come Again." • TIED EXETER FOR GROUP Last Monday night the Exeter Juniors came up' to Clinton to play their return game and were defeated by the score of 3-1. • The game wits fast all the way through and the fans who failed to see it .missed one{lrout as perfect as could be found, of the beat games played here this i season. "The 'home •teani'had the best A PAIR OF SPORTS • of the play throughout the game as they outchecked and outskated the Anyone who says Clinton is not visitors and never allowed them to '8 sporting town' doesn't know it very have many dangerous plays. well. , In spite of the stormy state The genie started fast with Cline of the weather a local medical man ton forcing the play into the Exeter's and an automobile dealer motored When about five minutes, had to .London on 'Tuesday evening to end." Cleveland -London hockey elapsed Gibbs rushed in and beat the I see •the G1e c e Exeter goalie for the first goal of • match. They 'no doubt enjoyed the the game. Soon after Joynt of Exe- I match, but coming home the road ter received the puck' at centre tce- got so heavy on account of the fast - and sent a high one which glanced falling snow -that • the gasoline wa- gon refused to • go and the two Sportsmen were obliged to rouse up a farmer and procure a span of horses 'to tow them - home. They got along ell right, taking turns at sieth g .on .the, radiator . and. driving' lit June of. 1928 et was a heavy blow eo the congregation 'but almost at since plans were underway for its ']reconstruction and Mr. Hogg was 'keenly interested in this building, giving time and energy and plan- ning in order' that it might be'such a building• as would suit the congre- gation. ,y:Ile even made with his own hands some of the - tables for the primary room of the Sunday school, and every detail came under his consideration.: He has also always taken a keen interest in community, work, ` has served on the Cellegiat�board 'and was of inestimable assistance when has rooted and e school was , the new s o in hos- pitalalso falcon an active m r pital ' works. He has been a useful man E in the community generally ` : will be much missed. Mr. Hogg will ' remain until the off Grieves, one of Clinton's defence - seen, and went into the net, giving the Clinton goalie no chance to save. The period ended with Clinton try- ing to bteek the tie, but failing, and the period ended 1-1. • The second •period started fast the team, and arrived home early with each team trying to get a goal. enough for breakfast. After a feed About half of the period had elapsed and a rest the team was sent home, when Rennie for Clinton, broke the poor beasts no doubt wondering through and shot but the goalie sav- somewhat what it was all about. ed, only to be beaten by a shot from HAS BOUGHT PROPERTY Rennie R n and bound off this•. rebound, Gibbs o has scored. The play was getting rough Mr, :Thomas Livingston; who at times and Bowman had to give bQen residing in Mr. R. J. ,Gibbings' some penalties. The period ended 2- residence, Ontario street, since last 1 in favour of Clinton, autumn, has purchased from Mr. 3. In the last period both teams set T. McCool of ltfinnedosa, elan„ the a fast pace but the Clinton team ,residence formerly owned and occu- were checking better than the VIM - tors, In the last half of the -period. Rennie 'broke through again and scored. The •game ended with the soore 3-1. • For Exeter Joynt, Welsh aiid Pass- more were the best; while for Clin- ton, Gibbs, Rennie, Grieves and Campbell were the stars. •- tri de - After the 'game the tnanag tided to play home and' home games for the group. Clinton goes to Exe- ter on Monday and Exeter plays here on Thursday, The line-up: Exeter: Goal, Forel; defence, Welsh, Passmore; centre, 'Poster; wings, Pryde and Joynt; alternates, Boyle, Yovegblut, Howey. defence, c• dof ot- ire Goal,K.S Clinton: pied by the late Mfrs. J. K. Mair. This property was ' left to , the Me - Cool family by Mrs. Mair and ` Mir. McCool care down from the west this winter to dispose of it. It is a valuable property and will -make Me. Livingstone a connfortabie:hotne. • 'ldr. Livingstone liars been fainting . in Hullett all his life, leaving the 'farm to his son last autumn. This from was taken up by his father ov= er eighty years ago, youmg Living- stone being the third_ generation of the fancily to reside on it. • Livingstone says he feels lost sometimes without his work to turn •to but he has put in a pretty long spell of work and ought to be ready for a reet.,It is hoped that' his so- journ in Clinton will prove a pleas- ant ea s- antone: - � � 41 .�i•+�J,a>x,