HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-01-15, Page 8PROBLEM AT ALL! orrld cost you, more ;than that. to„eleeteify ,yo&u' old battery set Tf ou"}rre old:fasluone(t enough to haver one. Yoc urt imagine'Arow' much cheer one of our ateiv, radios, with all, the iliaest eat,ies, can put into; your home. ;r.os are .perfect in selectivity, sensitivity and tone vol - lie • ▪ fiiey▪ n`a�e the last word in radios -and then some! Deautitj,Pcabrnets rens which to choose: `INSTALLATION. --FREE IjELIYE1tY _ R. JOHNSON CLINTON'S LADING TEWELERY STORE Graduate of Toronto Coliege.of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician In/Ineddat* • after the results of the last election showed that Fre mi.er King had met dcrfeat, Ha -cat E. Knowles put this questionto him: "What one thing would first occur, tic you as among the compensations for your surrender of the great i oil a" ,M King replied, "1 really': ijolieve..tthe one 'by-product that cut- e offiee • will bring me is, Chet now I'll have more time to read." ^ THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 193k anuary earance Sale A BI.G '`i !ONEY ' SAVING SALE OF ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE COIVIP,ARE ',CHESE PRICES WITH OTHER SALE BILL .RRICES • AND,BUY. AT HOME. WHERE .YQUU CAN BUY THE CHEAPEST. UNDERWEAR; Mens and Boys', Stanfield's Red Label Reg. 52.50 Sale Price $1.75 nI?;N'S COMBINATIONS Fleece: Lined Sale Price , $1.25 STANFIEtiLIYs UNDERWEAR Blue Label. Reg. 23. d�2 1 Sale -Price , r �F . R MEN'S SHIRTS .AND DRAW- ERS,Fleece-lined 75cSale Price': BOYS' SHIRTS AND DRAW- ERS 45c Sale Price . , , . , . ALL UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES .AND CHILDREN AT COST PRICE TO CLEAR MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT COST PRICE MEN'S OVERCOATS • To Cloa$.12.59 }I BOY'S' eitIiCbA` O To Cleat $5.50 up MEN'S SUITS To Clear $11 An • r,p BOYS' SUITS IkC1ld1 To Clear, ‘t1•vvr,p BLANKETS, Plaid, A11 -Wool, Finest quality, Mossfield or Dundee, large size et?75 t� Reg. 212,54. 'Sale.. Lighter Weight, Plaid ` Wool Regular ,s6.ii1t„ Sale P1iee ,q> • $4S0 IBDX 12-4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, White or$1•.7 Grey. Sale Price • . d� .7 MI'EN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Grey or Blue, Reg, 21.25 to.. Sale 95c to $1.49 MEN'S WOOL WORK SOCKS Reg. 25e pair SalePrice, 2 pre. for Reg. 35e Sale Price Reg. 50c 3 pairs for . 35c 25c $1.00 MEN'S SOCKS, fancy •silk and Wool, Special at 7 C c 2 pairs for , . ,,, , d J MEN'S RUBBERS, heavy Mae- kinaw, blucher style $2.85 Sale Price .. d► O LADIES' RUBBER GAYTEES Dominion 'Biand •$1 pt1 Reg $2,25,. Sale price • CUT PRICES ON ALL LINES , OF FOOTWEAR MEN'S and BOYS' SWEATERS WTNDBREA itERS, leatherette P1,ank@t cloth' or litackinew Cloth, at 28 PERCENT. DISCOUNT MEN'S WORK TROUSERS or SNAG PROOF OVERALLS as low as Ih Per pair . ,• $1• 35 CUT PRICES ON ALL LINES MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, with Collar attached or sepal., col- lar, all sizes $x5 Special at ... ,•.... .2fa LADIES' LEATHER BOU- DOIR SLIPPERS, Padded Soles and rubber heels { ..CC Sale Price 79 MEWS KHAKI !COMBINA- TION.OVERALLS heavy -wt. Sale price:$1.75 • DURING THIS SALE PROFITS ARE BEING SACRIFICED IN ORDER TO MEET ALL COMPETITION AND REDUCE OUR .STOCK BEFORE STOCKTAKING ARRIVES. TRRMS STRICTLY CASH u ` }Iumsteei Bros. ollo oo , 03'OoLo Call and See Our Specials:In' Radi.os New and used Machines at a real Price Tubes, Battaries and Supplies .always on hand ex..(14e. 4yq 0 ,f • May we reed mend a fiction story Royal Road to Riornance, a story of. ,yeuth told with a cai,tivating.'charm, 400 pages,.•' original .edition :was 25.00, N9w 21,90. The W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the Beat McLarens Jelly Powder 5 pkgs. ...,,,. 25c Clark's Pork & Beans, whale they last. Med um 10c:.:•. Large 19c Rioters Soda Biscuits,..Per ..lb. -10c Rolled Oats, 7 pounds 23c Rideau Cheese ,, 19c Kraft eCheese per pound 33e Corn Flakes, ;> 3 packages 25c Baking Powder, Our Own 19c Christ es,' Mac & . Paterson's Sodas 16c MarmaIade, large bottle 25c Fresh Fig : Bars, =pound 20c Black Tea, 3 pounds $1.00 4 'lb. Plees-all Coffee (regular 45c lb.) $1' Cup and Saucer, white & 'Gold, doz. Soo Soap Chips, 2,..lbs. 1'9c Good Red Salmon 29c Good Pink Salmon 15c '. Lard, 3 pounds 50c Shortening, 3,pounds' 50c Palm Olive,,:' 4. bars' 25c 'Granulated Sugar, 5 lbs. 28c Prunes, ungraded, 2 pounds 23c Brooms, 3 for . $1,00 Macaroni, 3 pounds 23c Oranges, per. basket 49c FRIGIDAIRE 22c l ,Fresh Herring 25c Fresh Halibut Oyster CLINTON'S BIG CORNER . GROCETE1 IA: Phone 48 Mr. R, J. Miller of Mill street spent the week -end with Kippen friends. Mrs. Smith of Curries is visiting her sister, 1VI'rs. 0. W. Potter of town. Mrs. Burr is staying for a time with her cousin,, Mss Margaret Ma- iiaffy, Mrs. Herman, Br., has been visiting cher daughter, Mrs. Geo, Tomlin of Itarriston. Rev, Chas. E. and Mrs. Dougan in- tend spending the week -end at ,Brampton and Toronto. Mics, 1'.red Livermore is visiting at present with her daughter, Mrs. Lanpnu n of Chatham, Mr. Bert •Slonia;.i has returned to Kankakee, Ili, after a holiday visit at his .home in town. Mr, Lorne Cook, who has been spend- ing a few weeks at his home in town, returned to 'Toronto on Mon- day. Mrs. Dougan of Montreal 'arrived yesterday evening on e• -visit• to her son, Rev. Chas. B.:Dungen of town, Mrs. H. B, Combo and _Mss Fraser were •in Exeter on Monday aYtep. noon enrolling a company cf Girl 'Guides. 1til'es. Lib1y,. who has been, visiting her parents, lir. and Mys. H. Glazier, has returned to her home et Blue Island.. Miss Olive Watkins, who has just finished, a course at the School' of 'Continent, has gone to Toronto to seek a position. Miss J.-Iteid`'of 'Bayfield has been spending a week as ;the guest of Mrs. S. Ford and Miss Foster, , Rattenbury street, Bast. 1V1acs, S. Gardner of Colborne town- , ship `spent `a few;+ ciaye as the guest of -Miss .Florence Curling frame during the past week. Me. John Howson `ef 'Vancouver, 'B." 0,,is visiting his sister, Miss Amy' Howson, who is not in good health," her friends are sorry to know, Masses Isabel and Alice Beattie of The Vogue left Saturdayfor a few weeks' visit at their home at. Wat-' :ford. They will return early in February. Messrs. George and Fred il'anly of Clinton, H. 1Vlf. Reilly of the Lon, don Road and T. E Mason of Summerhill visited friend4 and re- latives in Detroit for a few days last Week. Mrs. Hunter Left Tuesday for Mon treat, where she will ,epend the re mainder of the winter with her :son, Mr. R. G. Hunter, who is do ring research work in connection ,with 1VfeGi11 University. Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Ford, Mr. and 1Vlirs. T. W. Morgan and Mr. and , • Mrs. L. J. C'ree of town, M$, and Mars. Bert Murphy and son of •Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Me-. ICartney of, Goderich township, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Elliott and Mn. and Mrs. John Freeman of Mullett at- tended the funeral of tie late Richard Murphy, wliieh 'toa place at Exeter on i''riday last, D.D.G.MS J. A. Sutter, and br. Thompson, H. 0.; Lawson,; l~. 'V. lVlittell, A'tiE.•Fineb, D. A..'.Run- hall, T. J. Mpnaghen,. Frank Baw (len, W lufiiteh,S$", Wt. Nlfutch, Jt , 7 Kiley Tack L lhott, T. Cook, J5 " IGay, W Grew J, :TVI MoCaZiuin, f ..D Euekr ell, Ton Waseln n, Tlrtrinas 'Hardy, : Wr . , Bi;gart ,ail. HI. W Gould of Clinton od eNo, 83 ,I O O.P. pard a ,fraternal "filter to Brueefield lodge 't n •'Mt ills r ev airing AmerdnummembnilartlialisilleW Hospital Dance A dance, proceeds in aid of .Ele- vator fund, will he held in Td time Dance Hall on Wednesday,, Jan. .21st • 9 to 12 p.m Good Music. Admission 50c. 100-2, PEQPLE YU `KNOW Miss Gladys Jenkins of Toronto M visiting with her :sister, Mrs. (Dr,) M.clntyre . lIr, and Mrs. N. 'W. Trewarthit we're in Toronto for „a couple of days this week Mrs. Percy Johnston and Mrs. K. Stowe of Goderich-visited Mr. and liVlys.' D. Kay of town last week. Mt.. J. Ti. and M. and Idrs, D W -:Miller returned' to Brooklyn, N.Y„ last Friday, after spending some ;time here owing to the 'death _ of their father, the late Hugh,Miller• Mrs. Hugh MiIter aceonpanied fheni home to remain for a while. AUBURN Mr. R. D. Munro" and MVirr. 0, E. Erratt were in Toronto for a day this week. A play entitled, . "Wilren a Feller Needs a Friend,". will be given by the Knox United church, Y.P.S. on Friday evening in; the Forrester's hall, Come and • enjoy a good laugh . :.1VTr Wan. J. Andrew at Goderieh. spent a^' eofiple ,of days here• this week renewing acquaintances. & CONFECTIONERY -Makers of 'Mi A. ;M Rice; local :tunic rnlpia °'it n g' r, has revived word that he is to whole Wheat" and "Snowflake be proved:to Ayr, at once.; -Weare ° . BR ""AD sorry to lose Me enol Mks. itico from` PHONE 68 ' this eoinnunrty as they have made Many tim' friend's here.•"W!a: wish, , : ; „"�^ A Burns Lecture REV, MURDOCH McKINNON, D.D.; TORONTO Swill deliver his popular lecture "Canada and the Plowman Poet'; iii' Wesley -Willis. *United Church under auspices of the.M;en's Club on the evening of.: • Wednesday, Jan. 28th At 8 o'clock ' SHORT MUSICAL PROGRAM. a ADMISSION -- Adults 25e, Students and children 15e 01-2, VARIETY OF BREAD IMPROVES EVERY MEAL Friday and Saturday CANDY SPECIAL WILLOW CHOCOLATE BUDS 35c LB.. • Wendorf's Bakery them 'every sheeess in their new cation ; - A concert writ ,)ie giken 'in 'the Yorr ester's 'Hall on Jan. 26th in aid of the pblio hbrai,r; ,The prograam. rviil take the fornrii of a contest curd }$ii11 be two hours. in length, half ;of which will be put bn Thy residents in;.;;. •: ;East and West Wearanosh, the other half by• residents ,,cf Colborne and Hullett townships r As it' is Burns „sight half of the prograan will be oteli ,eve tis :'tee think ea3'�, PERCENT DISCOUNT should prove beto-one of the hest SAVE MONEY 11aI• iloncerts put oft hese for sonic time and vydrtl . of everyone's patronage. and support. Tho eonintttee in hare of the program for Wawa - nosh rs A. it, Rice :and W'nt.' Strang - hat, for Colborne end Iiullett, WM, 'Graig and Antos Andrew.. Mr. Thos. Atlanta" is busy ,this Week. getting a iSkating rink ready for the Children. ;� ' 1sEAPQflTII .10iends in. deaforth• mined with sincere regra't of lite death at hot. late rfb'sidence, 180 Haw- ]alnd avenue,: 'Toronto, on ;Ian. 10,' •of Je nre w'dow T b Kern ji firmer ly n5sha'ger of the Og- ilvie Flour *Bs here. Mr. and xViis Kenn'1i, who Were ifalued reel- tlehts of .the. lawn On a number 'o1 vests Were,: prop inent snemlreis • ;oi' 'St",''Thbiilaa Ang1re ,, Churth. On AR Stoves and Heaters on Hand ring > . January HARDWARE and PLUMBING Plaonti 244 ME TS Pea Meal Back Bacon, in piece Pea Meal Sliced Bacon ' Smoked Bach, in piece Smoked Back, sliced Spare Ribs a Dressed Hog Dressed Hog Home made Sausage, Sb. Front 4 ;of Beef FOWL FOR WEEK END 40c: 40c: 45e. 20c 14,2e 14e: 20c 13c KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY? 'CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. ! Courage - - Imagination - Common. Sense. Upon these•tkree is based the sucecas ef the Superior: Chain Stores. They are now Canada's largest and 'strongest Group of Service -Grocers,',.,,loin the thousands of regular customers and be • convinced that ••• WE SELL THE MleLaren's Jelly Powders Special) 5 Pkgs. .• .25c P. & G. Wilhite Naptha Soap -10 bars r ..,.......37c Aylmer Ketchup, "bear • niato flavour," each ....19c BEST FOR LESS' Chipso, for quick lasting Suds, large, ... ........ 2I.c Stan. Tomatoes, 2;1.2's Iarge size, 3 tins .... ; :.29e Crown Br. C. Syrup, ..17c Cr. Br. Corn Syrup, S's ..35e Fan. Pink Salmon, ige, tin 15c Interlake Toilet -Tissue, 3 25e Brooms, Capital, 5 -string 59c Grapefruit, per -.tin Super. Baking Pdwe, 16'oz. 25e Brillo for cleaning pots and pans, 2 pkgs...;.....,..i5e Maxwell House Coffee,l's 57e Rolled Oatmeal, 7 lbs. ...25c Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. ..25e MEATS :AND FISH Fresh Picnic Hants, 'per Ib.21e Lge. Balaton Fish, lb• ,...1Se Pork 'Sausage, per Ib. ....25c Break. Bacon, piece, lib. .335c Herring. Fisk, per lb. 10c CANNED FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES FOIL EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK J. T. McKNIGHT & SON r iLINT0N, ONT. PHONE 111 ST. HELENS Mr. and Mfrs. 1). Todd and Stanley, Ma. and 1V1is.. Frapk Todd and Tom attended the funeral 0bf' rl1'a•, Todd's brother -in -Taw, Mr. Herb. Thompson at Winghasn on nyonday. Myst' Mary A. Wleods':,of ' Liiclnlow is ape idrng a few days. with Mrs: R. J. Woods -Mies gelVeret . Iivan; Who is , at.: tending the-,,:llarliarct Eaten sdhocal, Toronto. .tvits .e reeenl visitor Wibh • her aunt, IV0s`. Jas Dui sin Mi W. T. Miller :of Winiiliaris, spent a few days, with his brother, 1VLr.• John•. IVl l or 1' • ' We extend our sympathy to Ws-, Win. Webster in: the death- of her father, Mr. Taylor of Seaforth, critic passed away last week. Mr, Jack Rowe sperm Sanday:';witll his friend, Mr. Ted. Rice. r Mi. Toni Todd is taking the short course at the 0.A,C., in Guelph. Tom won :this free course by having the best baby beef in Huron County., • Little Alan Smith, who was ,oper-, ated on at er' ' r Med God iyfh hospital for;ntas- toid's, is, we are pleased, to say re- covering nicely. ' Mr, and Mrs. MleCostie visit rt at the, home .of the litters, isiihy4, , ehii Wlakister.oir 'Sunday.,