HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-01-08, Page 5Turf
otairox.ratiwts RECORD
The. Glebe . remarked ':cin Friday
last that
now thtut'the Toronto elec-
tions were over the -next .order of
breiness would be . the :'by-elections
"in Grenville and West Hamilton:
But, bless you, nearly every mania -
polity in .Huron County • held their
elections on Monday. However, the
stage is new: set.
Some curt'a,ili ;fent of ex;penditu es
- •ought to be Made by the Provincial
Government. Over $600,600 is too
much of•a deficit. It would be a real
t .hcbn if 'a government could !be. found
'which would ,handle the pantie' mon-
Ms • With ,the same care for economy
-''that is expendedby the 'executive of
=•any large business, concern.
People are as a rule rather selfish.
' They take whatever comes, to them
of good and usually look for mare.
' They seldom ,stop to consider that
'they often receive more than :their,
due and that they should be thank -
lid for their blessings. One of the
'';things which municipalities. take as
their just due is the services of a
good clerk. Very few municipalities
-.pay the price of smite en official,
which . speaks well for the public
',spirit elf ntlen of ability. The St.
"Marys Journal -.Argus hal this to say
';last week on thissubject and it
• seems to fit Clinton and surrounding
....municipalities equally. well:
"One of the most important
,offices in any community is that
of municipal clerk. T6 do his
work efficiently the Town or
Township 'Clerk must be'a regu-
lar encyclopedia, of knowledge
;and must spend 'a let of ,time. on
the job. The municipal clerk
•` is guide, philosopher end friend
to, greed councillors, add many
councils would not go very far
in the conduct of business with-
• out striking reeks but for the.-
• - presence • of the clerk keeping
'check • on every item. For the
' • regulations regarding the carry-
' -ling on of municipal government
' are becoming more and more
complicated and the clerk's. job
' - is becoming more and more ex-
' acting. One would suppose that
' ' the services -of an efficient clerk
• would be highly appreciated.
And perhaps they are, thought
the salaries 'paid in a few mun-
ieipalities of this district, would
• ,not appear to show it. We
doubt if there is any class of
• individuals who know Ithelir
' business 'better than the munici-
•,pal clerks of this town and near-
by townships without excel;
It was reported last week that no
-election was necessary as only three
+timid qualified for Trustees of 'the
.Police'Village ,of Bayfield, but at the
last minute, E. A, Featherston and
W. J. McLeod were- persuaded to
. run, necessitating an election which
,was (held on Monday when Harold
Brandon, E. A. Featherston and W.
.I. idcLeod were elected to the of-
.fice. The count showed their statid-
•ing as follows: Brandon 120, Feath-
.crston, 109, McLeod, S9, Ross 72,
,Thomson, 65. There were two spoil -
.ed ballots, 'one of which had no mark
•nt all. J. R. Cameron was returning
..officer and W. J. Sturgeon, clerk.
The annual meeting of the Public
-School Board was held in the Town
'hall on the afternoon of December
• 31, John it. Cameron was appointed
chairman for lite meeting. Robert
Scotchnmer was nominated to fill the
vacancy caused by the retiring tens -
tee, E. IT. Johns, but he refused to
.act. Another nomination was called
and John R. Cameron was nominated
by E. IL Johns and 11T Ross. E. H.
;Johns, chairman of the board of trus-
tees for the past year gave a report
-of the year's proceedings, and read
lisa Summary of the audit of the
Treasurer's books.
The progressive euchre and dance
'held in the town hall on December
,dist, under the auspice's of
:No. '24 was much enjoyed by ' the
Marge number 'present The first
part of the evening 'was spent in,
emeare, the prise ,winners being,
• Mes: 0. MeClinehey and i mltmerson
Heard.• Annie McLeod and Ella Me-.
:Kay drew for the consolation which
-was won by 'the latter,
kr. and •Mas. Harry Baker and'
.Thfr. and Mas. Victor Burt and fain-
'ily of London spent New Year's with
=their parents, Mr. and Mase, F. W.
Harold 'Weston and F. Crane .of
'Detroit spent New :Year's with
Ricihard Weston. •
:Apse Nina Heard left on Sunday
etc. resume her teaching dialog ;Year
Clinton. Fred Heard spent a few
'•days this week with his mother,
Win. 'Heard. •
Mire. G. W. Woods and daughter,'
Mass Anna Wbods, returned' on Sat-
urday after having.spent the Christ-
_ teas' vacation with her daughter,
'Mrs. H. G. K'. Crease, at Bolton'
"Landing, NY. • • •
Miss Ethel 1! owla'e returned bonnie
.ons Sunday after having visited over
"Christmas and 'New :Year's with her
aide; 'Mims. G. Keeper, in Zurich.
•MSS, and Mrs. G. Little,and Miii.
'EI•. Little spent New Year'sDay with
"•friends in Goderich.
0. IGalbfleiSeh returned on Sam -
,Flay after' having sada his .vacation-
-at his home in Mtildsn'ays
Mr. and Mrs. Harald King and'
"little IUiarellid Atwood returned to
_their home 'in Sarnia on Sunday af-
ter having spent the. Cbride a. t vase -
'then with maw. King's, parents, Mk,
"and: *s. C: Parker. '
Harold. Scotaboter left on Miomiey
'to resumne , hes -.studies .et
1 Miss J. " E.° Whittaker, 'Whd ' has
• spent' time vacation with Mire. J. H.
:.1 feheod, returned to Toronto on
• Misses Elva and Anne Dewar amid
Oa+id Dewar ' returned to 'Toronto
last 'week :to name their„ duties' en
the Toronto Public School Staff.
'Mist Mildred Canteen who is in
ill -health cattle home last 'week to
be with ter sister, Miss E. Cameron.
tear, and Mrs. Clifford., Clarke loft
last week for their horde 'in Hamilton
after having spent Christmas with
the former's .parents, Mi. and -Mrs,
L. Clarke.
'lane. A. Newton -Brady left on
Wednesday to' visit her mother, 'Miss.
McDonald, in Sarnia. •
Guests of Mr. and Mvs. T. C.
hailey for New Year's were: Mr. end
Mrs; Etherington and sons, Rus-
sell and Neil, Mn. and Mrs. W! u.
Hud'son and son, Jackie, Mr. 'and
Ma's. H. Zinn and daughter, Jacquel-
ine, all of tatratford.
The A.Y.P.A, of Trinity Parish
will meet A.t the home . of M� �s. John
Beatty, Varna,' on Friday evening.
Following the regular program,
which , will be in charge of the
Whites, thereerill be a social hour.
Mi. and Mrs. M. J. Butler were
guests of hire former's ;si'ster, Mrs.
W: Heard on Sunday week.
Mrs. Cl. E. Brandon left on Tues-
day to spend some time with, rela-
tives at Belgrave.
Miss Ruth Higgins returned home
on Monday'after having spent the
week -end with friends at' Forest,
Mr. and Mas. 'Wm. R. Elliott and
babe returned home the end of last
week after; having spent 'Christmas
and New Year's with Mfrs. Elliott's
sister Mrs. A. Fryer, Stratford.
The Quarterly Official, Board of
the United Church met'Mfonday af-
ternoon 'in the sghoolroom of the
church:' At the conclusion of this
business Rev. J. W;, Ilerbei;t was
invited to remain for .another 'Sar-
i*, Herbert thanked the board for
the invitation, which was accepted.
Elgin, the •litttle son of Mins. Joy
Snyder, is . under the doctor's care
at present, but: it is hoped he will
soon be 'all right again. ,
This week having been set aside
as a week -of prayer by time General
Council of the 'United Church, Rev:
W. J. Herbert has been conducting
prayer services in the Iolnmesvillo
circuit as follows: Tuesday evening
at Sharon 'church; Wednesday even-
ing in the Holmesville United church
and Friday evening at Ebenezer.
The Senior League of the .;United
Church was withdrawn Friday even-
ing on account of the League skat-
ing party which was held on the
Maitland river near Forster's.
Next Friday evening the league
will be in charge of the newly elect-
ed officers for 1931.
Recent visitors in Holinesville and
community included Misses Amy
Mair' and Alberta Osbaldeston of
Goderich at time home of the former's
parent's, Mr. and M'rs. -George Mair;
Mrs. Ella Palmer and son, Joseph,
of Detroit, at the home of the for -
user's son, Proctor Palmer; Clif. Mc-
Neil of Colbnt'ne; et the home of his
uncle, William Glen: Miss Wilhemina
Ti'ewaathe of Clinton, with Miss Su-
san Acheson; Mr. Scilly of Oslhatva
With Rev, and Mrs. Herbed at the
United Church parsonage.
Miss R. McDonald resumed her
teaching duties at the local school on
Monday after sptneling the holidays
at the home of 'her parents in Tees -
The Sunday school teachers and
officers met in the church on Tues-
day evening, when the following' of-
ficers were elected for -the ensuing
;Superintendent: O: R. Forster.
Asst.. Supt.: B. Walter.
Treasurer: M. Badkin,
Seeretery: E. Yee.
Pianist: N. Potter..
Assistant: C. Trewadta.
Teachers a 14tms, Feed Pot-
ter,,Mrs, E. Terwvamithu, Mrs, L. Jer-
vis, Rev. J. W. Herbert, Mars. Waiter
and Mr. A. J. Courtice,
The directors: of time .lbolmesville
Chese and 'Butter Co. treated them
selves to a goose roast. on Tuesday
evening at the home of Mr. Eldred
Yee. Everybody reports a., good
time. • . 1 , I i l
Master Mac, Stephenson returned
to Brussels Monday after spending
the Christmas vaaetion with bit
grandparents, Mr: and Mrs. George
Riley, '
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley;' Jr:, spent
Sunday at the litter's home in Code -
rich township.
On Thursday last, New Years Day;
Mr, Walter Scott was united in mar-
riage to Miss McOrae, .of Tucker -
smith. Mr. Scott is a. popular young
man di this neiglhboraliood and we
extend congratulations. The young
couple will reside on the groom's
farm • east of the village,
Mr. and s. Thos,' Riley of Clin-
ton spent Sunday at the home of
Mfr, and Ml's. George -Riley.
Misses Blanche and Elm. Wheatley.
'returned to Toronto on Monday to
resume their respective duties.
M'r. Bert NfbNiohol 'af Toronto is
spending a couple of weeks at the
house of M•. and Mrs, Will Britton
The Ladies'' Aid of Constance Uni-
ted Church held their annual meeting
to the basement iifa the •church en
Friday afternaon;•January 2nd. The
office or the coming year art as
Presidbilob: Mrs. Roy Lawson.
ia vice: 'Mrs. Jantes .Engin.
2nd vice: Jlr'rs. Ed, Britton,
Rec.-S'ecret:ay: Mae, d3. Stephen -
.,Press Sec Mus, Joe Riley. ,
'Treasurer: Mrs. 'Earl L`a'ws,on.
Organist; Mrs's Ella Armmstrong.
Assistant: Miss J.; Ferguson, •
The treasurer gave her report and
during the past year the society has
rafised -the sum of $370.16.
The regular meeting of the. Aid
will be held the lase Thursday ; of
each month.
A chicken ' supper is being given`
given tin• Tuesday evening, Jan.'18th
to the owners s of flocks
which ve
been banded by the 'Govt, Inspector:
in c6nnection with J. E. MbKinley's
hatchery, The place is ,the : Orange
hall; Varna, •Afterwards a, , public,
meeting foe those interested in, peel-
try will be addressed by 'Ilan G. A.
MdCag ire of Clinton. Any questions
which the friends may have in regard
to poultry :problem's, will .be dealt
with by Mr. MbClagtie or Mr, IVI;lKiu-.
by. •
Diamond R.B.P. ,1025 held their
annual meeting on Monday evening,
Dec. 29th, when they bad with them
the; Right Won. County Prec. 'Sir lit,
Win. Falconer, who con'dneted the
election of officers which resulted as
Wor Prec,, Si _IGt: 'Geo. Clark
`Deputy:: Sir. Iit. L. K. Epps.
Chaplain: Sir Kt, Lloyd Keys.
Registrar: Sir Kt. Oras. C. Pilgrim
Fin: Registrar: Sit. Kit. W. Turner.
Treasurer; Sir it. Chas: Stephen -
let Lectarer:
letLecturer: Sir Kt. Wa, J'. MlcLeod
2nd Lecturer: Sir Kt. T. lu xnag'hdn
.1st Censer: Sir Kt. G, H. Johnston.
2nd Censor: Sir Xt. Mussell Erratt
lsfi Standard' Beam: Sir Kt. M,
2nd Standard Bearer: Sir Kt.. Roy
Purr: Sir Kt, J. Wr Jolinstoxi,
Tyler: Sir Kt. T. ..Stinson,
Committee Mien: Sir lats. F.
Weeks, D. C. Galbraith, It Hayter,
H, Stinson, Ware M'cDool, W. R.
Stephenson and I. RathweII,
The officers were duly installed.tby
the Won. Past Pree., Sir Kt. W. J,
McLeod, after which a light lunch,
was served and a social hour spent
together. -
The reeve and, council of Stanley
were all elected by acclamation: Wm.
Douglas was nominated but did not
quality. The council is as. follows:
Reeve: Art. P. Keys; Councillors,
John- lftue, • H. Mi. Hanley, Goldie
Graham and Fenwick Stewart.
The first meeting of the council
will be held on Monday, January.
12th at 11 a.m.
The citizens of Varna were sorry
to hear that Miss Helen Mitchell was
ill with pneumonia, and doubly sorry
to hear that she passed away Mon-
day evening, January dkh. The fun-
eral was held yesterday, January
7th, at 2 o'clock to Bayfield ceme-
On Tuesday evening of. last week
at the home of their teacher, Mr's,
Wm. Lyon, the members of the "Win
Others" Sunday school class met for
executive and election of officers for
the incoming year. The superinten-
dent of the Sunday sohooi, Mr. Chas.
Stewart, occupied the chair and con-
ducted time meeting. After splendid
reports had been given -by the pres-
ident and teacher and all the other
committees of the class for the past
year, the following officers were el-
ected for 1931: •
President: Henry I•lunking.
1st vice: Ida Lyon.
2nd 'vice: Harold Longman.
Secretary: Verde. Watson.
Treasurer: !tarry Snell,
Teaches: Mas, W1n. Lyon.
Assistant Teachers: Robert Town-
send, Frank Taniblyn, Alberta Snell
Mrs. Edwin Weed.
Social Committee: Elsie Manning,
Ruth Shaddiek. Verde Watson, Elsie
'Card Commbittee: Verde. Wats
The rest of the evening was spent
in games, music and general good
time, after which dainty refresh-
ments were served by the young
ladies. A number of Christmas, do-
nations gives by this class worthy
of mention are: $5.00 in money sent
to Mrs. Grierson of Corea; two new
quilts and a bale of clothing, also a
quantity of new stockings, mitts and
caps for the' poor and needy chil-
dren of New Ontario.
The meeting was bnought to a
close by giving Mr. Henry Ilutmking
a hearty vote of thanks for his
splendid services as president of the
class, also Mr. and Mrs, Lyon' a
very hearty vote of thanks for their
generous hospitality.
The officers and teachers of Lon-.
deesbore United clmuaah Sunday
school held their annual meeting re-
cently and elected officers, Rev,
Mir. Johnson occupied the chair and
conducted the meeting. Mr. Chas,
Stewart, superintendent for the past
year, gave a very satisfactory report
of,the work done in the different
branches of the Sunday school. Mies.
A. Austin, secretary, also gave a
,good report, the financial standing
of the school 'showing an increase
over last year. The election of of -
Deere foe the incoming year are as
Superintemident: Charles Stewart.
Assistants: Mr. Lyon, Frank Tam-
Sec: TS:easumer: Mies. A. Austin.
Organists: •Normna Snell, Veldts
Watson; Gladys Mountain, Ida Lyon,
Missionary ,,Superintendents Alber-
to Snell. '
Treasurers EIsi.e Mlanning.
' Committee: • Mrs.. Allan; Mee. B.
SJuoiltbrook, Harold Longman, Harry
Snell,` Nips. E. Weeds.
Temperance Superintendent: Mire.
Coninmittee: Frolnk Tambiyn, Mrs.
IV,'. Lyon, Mies. R. Oaldivell.
'Cradle Roll Superintendent: ' Miss
E. Lyon -
ended staff of teachers were
then .elegted for the different clas-
The Christmas • and White Gift
donations from the Sunday school
for this yeas' . comprised. a great
many 'useful and valuable, ants',
money, clothing and pr'ea�ents to New
Ontario, Sick Ohildieen's, Hospital,
Toronto, Mrs. • G iersone Corea, and
ether needy' Institutions. `.
The meeting then adjourned all
feeling -they were away to a good
start for 108;1.
Mrs. WM: Lee, •gust east of the
village, vase' has been very 'ill, is'
somewhat' unproved 'and,,lopes for
,„=',w �,y4reae
Our Greenhonse''is',as near as your
Chas. V Cooke'
Phones`: (3'w and 661
CARD OF THANKS''.: , , 50c
PER LINE .. ..10c
MILLS •— BRUCE -4 At the manse,
Auburn, on Dee. 31st, by the Rev,
• Dr. Mertimor,':tuiu, only:daitghter
of Mia. Richard Bruce,' to ' Edw'a'rd.
Mills, youngest stout of Mfr. and
Mr's; John 1012, alfl of West Was
MILLER—In Clinton, .on Dec. 31st,
Hugh Miller, in his 70th year.
TAYLOR an Clinton, ,on Jan, lst,
Jennie Taylor, dau4hter of the late
Alexander Taylor:
'VVIARREN-•-•In 'Clinton, On, Jan, 4th,
Elizabeth Cimossmmam, - widow of
Henry Waaaen, in -her 84th yeas;
MITCITELL-iIn Stanley township,
on Jan. Mt, Eleanor Mitchell, ag-
ed 74 years,. . . - •
TODD '-•, Suddenly, en Thursday,
Jan. 1st, 1931, at her. home, 57
Norval Road, Toronto, Margaret J,
Boss, wife of Frederick J. Todd:
Funeral service at Alhambra Uni-
ted Church, 2.30 p.n:, Saturday,
3rd inst. Interment • Park Lawn
FINCH—Suddenly, in. Detroit, on
Jan. 3rd, George Finch, eldest son
of the late Mr, and Mrs..James
Finch 'of Clinton, in his 47th year.
WAYIEOUTI'I—I1} loving memory 'of
Mrs. Albert Waymouth and dangly
ter, Keitha, who departed this life
Jan. 9th, 1980, and Nov. 9th, 1919.
"In memory a daily thought,
In heart a silent sorrow.
Though laid to rest, yet lionored_still
In Sacred memory,"
' —The family.
I wish to thank all kind friends
and neighbors titjimo helped in any
way during Mrs. Warren's illness
and death,—Mr's. S, McCool,
Miss Margaret Mthaffy andsis-
ters desire to express their sincere
appreciation of the kindness shown
by neighbors and friends during
their father's illness and for symm-
pathy and kindness 'extended to
them at the time of his death and
her recovery are bright.
'There was no preaching service in,
the United 'church on Sunday, the
Rev. Mr. Johnson being -confined to
the !house through illness.
An •epedemic of Chickenpox has
struck S. S. Ne. 8, Most of the chil-
dren ere having an enforced holiday,
school being closed for this week.
Mrs. B. Herrington of Blyth vis-,
heel with her aunt, Mrs. E. Bell,
for a few ,days recently, bit's. Bell
is not as well AS her many friends
would like to see her.
Mrs. H. Lyon is spending a few
weeks with her daughter, Mtrs. A.
Kerslake, near Exeter.
Mas. Bert Bsundson and children
have returned after spending a
couple of weeks with London and
Ingersoll friends.
The play "Sunny Jane,' which was
staged here by Blyth people, was
not attended as 'well as it might
have been. The pray was good and
quite humorous. Those who did not
take it in missed a treat.
Harold J. Snell, ' B.A., who spent
the holiday at his home here, left
Saturday to spend the week -end with
his brother in Seafo'th, leaving Mon-
day for Belleville,.where he will re-
dline his duties as M,,nster, bf Meth -
emetics mart Albert College.
This Would Have Been Impossible
Had Be Been Placed in Tomb
In Les Invalides
PARIS, Jan. 6.—The . prime factor
in Marshal Joffre's will that he be
buried at the Joffre hem in Louv-
encienmes, Colonel. Desmazes of. ' his
staff revealed today, was a wish
that Mane.. Joffre be buried beside
• This would have been impossible
had he been given . a permanent
tomb in Les Invalides which be
might have 'had if lie had wished'.
A mausoleums will be erected: on the
family property which in time ;will.
contain both bodies. '
Colonel Desmazes said that there
'had been a pact Ib'etween the Mar-
shall and Mine. Jaffee to arrange
burial slide by side; the arrangement
recalling the a -reek legend: of
Philemon and Baucis;, who being'
granted a. wish by Zeus and Hennas
asked to die and betogether for-
ever'.. The gods changed theism, into
trees with 'et -twining branches so
that they would never ,be separated.
EXETER: The teachers arc all
back and were 'in their places at the
School on Monday; Reg. +Beavers; U-
muton, spent Senday -under the par-
ental vete; Mr, and Nems, Will ' Yule,
Stratford, spent the, week -end' 1vith
her sister, 'Mist 'Ethel BisseVt.'
Clinton's New -Laid Egg
And Poultry House
Eggs bought according to Domin-
ion Government` Egg Regulations.
Inquire for our prices of eggs.
Yon will always find our prices par-
allel with the city markets:
Fat hens and well -finished chicks
always wanted—Prices good.
Always phone our office for prices
before marketing produce.
N. W. Trewartha
Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w
Dance in old tinro club room,,siecler
auspices of W;oinen's Institute on
Tuesday, "January 13. Admission 85e
Good music provided, dancing I)
o'clock sharp. 100-1.
Positions . _ Wanted
Two sisters, aged fifteen and sev-
enteen, desire .work assisting in
housework. Apply to Lillian and
Gertrude Robinson, R. R. No: 1, . Au-
burn. Phone 33x8, Blyth central.
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned up to and including Tues-
day, Jan. 20th, for 15 cords of sound
body wood, half beech and half maple
14" long, delivered, before Mar. 15th,
1931, at S. S. No. 10, Godesieh town-
ship. Lowbs't or any tender not ne-
cessarily accepted. Oliver Welsh,
Secretary, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield,
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Clinton
Horticultural Society will be held ii
the Board Room of the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture on Thursday
January 15, at 8 pin; Officers and
directors for 1931 will be elected and
the'business of the year outlined. A
large attendance is requested. i;. E.
Rorke, Secretary, 100-2.
For Sale
4 Shorthorn bulls and a few ,hei-
fers, about eleven months old. Pas-
sed first accredited test without any
reacting. Apply to Clifford H. Keys.
Varna, Phone 96r20, Hensali cen-
tral. 100-6-p.
For Sale
Beef quarters, ,also cedar posts,
end posts and green wood. Apply to
Brown Stewart, R. R. No. 2, Bay-
field. Phone 606r5, Clinton central.
Farm For Sale
Per innnmediate sale, poultry farm,
aceontmetietion for 500 hens, Also
6 room house,. including bath, Will
sell at sacrifice. Easy terms. Ap-
ply to Russell Currie, Clinton.
Canadian Approved Chicks
We are offering as special discount
of two dollars per hundred on chicks
ordered before January 15th. Our
flocks have all been culled by a
Government Inspetcor and the
breeders handed. The hatchery is al-
so subjected to inspection. Insofar
as we know we are the only hatchery
in Huron County having Can, Govt.
Approved Chicks for 1981. This is
the best offer we will make on chicks
this year.
The following is the price list.
After Barred Rocks W. Leghorns
March 1t, $18 per 100, $16 per 100
April 1, $17 per 100, $15 per 100
May 1, $16 per 100, $14 per 100
May 20, $15 per 1 00, $13 per 100
June 10, $14 per 100, $12 per 100
It don't matter When you want
your ghicks. Order now and get two
dollahs off these prices Phone
97r4, Hensaai.
3. E. McKINLEY, Zurich
at 2 p.m.
There will be sold without reserve
by public auction, the entire stock of
groceries on hand. These will be sold
in small Tats suitable to the require-
ments of all purchasers. These
goods are not' being sold to the trade,
but are offered to the public by auc-
Auctioneer. Trustee.
House For Sale
6 -room house, with all modern
conveniences, easy terms. Also a
good piano. Apply to C. S. Hawke,
Townsend street, Clinton. 99-2-p.
Auction Sale
Grocery Stock and Store Fixtures
There will be offered for sale by
Public Auction without reserve and
for -cash, on Saturday, January 10th,
1931, at 2 p.m. at the premises of
the C. & S. Grocers, their entire
stocks of Groceries . and Store Fix -
At the same time and place, there
will .be offered; subject to a reserve
bid and other conditions of sale their
store premises.
For further particulars apply to
the undersigned.
Geo. IL: Elliott, Auctioneer, F.
Fingland, Trustee. 99-2.
' Wanted
Plain 'sewing; fancy work and knit-
ung. Orders will•.iha`taken _at resi-
dence of Mr's. Rath,next door'to S.
-,,A,' ball. .11: McKenzie.
Roomers Wanted
, Anyone dosv,ing .;roomsare re-
quested ': to see Ms's. E. .L. Mittel!,.
Princess rstieet.•. 96 -ti
111111cr Hardware ; a.
Although our Stock has been greatly reduced we still have an
unlimited supply of goods on hand to offer yen at unquestionably
low prices.
MEN'S WORK BOOTS at 40 percent Discount, SHELF HARD=
WARE at 20 percent below our cost; COOK STOVES, WASHING
PLANT at unequalled prices,• •
All Sales . Cash No Exchanges or Refunds
• ,� i, A
This coral -bin quartet will
put the joy of living into ev-
ery nook and earner of the
house. Joy and gladness roll
into the home when these boys
slide down the coal chute. They
sing a warm tune. Wintry
nights outside just naturally
turn into balmy evenings in-
side your threshold. Here are
songsters that sing themselves
to ashes. They know no clin-
Call the Agar1
iliistard Cosi C.
C. H. VENNETI, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs
Irolis, Fans and other Applianc
Wiring and Repairs Phone
House For Sale
Frame house on concession 13,
Hulled township, practically new
inside. For particulars apply to
Archie Robinson; Auburn. Phone 29
r1G, Blyth Central. 99 -I -p.
Brick House For Sale
'Ontario Street, Clinton, for-
merly occupied by the late
Mrs. J. K. Muir.
For particulars apply to
Drawer B, Clinton.
Our Saw Mill .Will be at John Tur-
ner's farm, Clinton, also at Bayfield
to do custom sawing during the coin -
rug spring,
Plmone 6241.4, Clinton. 100-tf.
Start the New Year with a clean
sheet. Send your slow and bad col-
lections to us, and stop your worry-
ing over•, them.
Oelleteion Specialists for 40 years.
Guelph, ORANGEVILLE. Owen Sound
No Collection—No Charge.
Owing to the state ,,of the roads I
may not be able to visit the farmers
personally to see their hogs and
lambs but will appreciate having
them call me by phone, 105 even-
ings and at noon, for prices and par-
ticulars. During the day can be
found around B. Lavis' office.
Clinton 96-tf.
You can keep warm with Lehigh
Valley Anthracite Coal, or have win-
ter sunshine everyy day if you burn
time famous O.T.O. Colie, •
Also - a good supply of Wyandotte
Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous Coal.
Prompt delivery from my shed on.
Queen 'Street at' anytime.
D. 1VIcCartney
Coal' Dealer -
Queen Street. Telephone 25as%
Poultry, Eggs & C
We are prepared to buy abov
cry working day. Eggs grade
experienced graders.
Cream purcihased for B
Creamery,' Toronto. •
Agent for Viking Cream Sepa.
Victoria St., Clinton. Phone,
Implement Ager
I handle Cockshutt imple
and cream separators, Frost
Wood Implements and carry
and repairs for same.
I am also agent for Allis -
users Tractors.
Those wishing to inquire
any of the above kindly call at
Queen Street, Clinton,
McCormick -Deering Agent
Having taken.over the abov•
ency for this district I will kee
hand a full stock of repairs and
of all McCormick -Deering mac
and will appreciate a share of
patronage of the farmers surou
Call at my shop, next doo
Jones' blacksmith shop, King stn
Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 0
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and
paired. Woollen goods dry clad
Rooms, over Heard's Barber s
W. J. Jago. 228
Rads® Repairin
Will repair all makes of Rod
Electric or Battery sets.
If your radio is not working ri
call telephone 80.
Jabez ' E, Rands
Wellington St.,, ' Clin
Government, unici
� �M P
and Corporation Bons
,.Phone 182
Representing - McLEOD. YOUI(