The Clinton News Record, 1931-01-08, Page 4THE .•cLINTON,NEWs RECO THURSDAY, eANUARY 8, 1931 COOPER'S' $T;*'IR•E NEWS anuar� $ to 18 we Specialize on READY:TO. ' For Men and Women Boys and Girls Special Folders have been- distributed with S p Prices on Boy's and Men's Furnishings. LAD1C' S AND CHILDREN'S EN'S COATS. _. MENS' AND BOY'S COATS LADIES' DRESSES At January Special ?rices L ADIEU ANO CHILDREN'S HATS CLEARING AT 98c REGULAR $2.95 to $3.95 A. T. 900PER. a "TEE STORE WITH THE STOCK" PHONE 36 • LEAVERS IN LOW PRICES CLINTON 0=0 Oil= =0= OVERCOA- , a Overcoats. [1andttt�aCli� aMa AT OST 11 All Clothing and Furnishings during January. V. Clear DAVIS 'c HE MAIC J�o c 1.O =o > < Electors or Clinton There ,is lasting 'satisfaction. in„knowing ' that my efforts to please the citizens' of Clinton are appreeiatied. It will be my en- deavor to further promote the interests of our town. 'Let us have a ratepayers association tis a link between the coun- cil, the school boards and tihe Public Utilities Commission. I thank you sincerely for your support., W. S. Re HOLMESr -11910111101=11115=3112=ZONESSralv TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON I wish to extend my thanks to all those who supported me at ' the polls on Monday, electing me as mayor of 'Clinton, I shall during the year endeavor to prove: that the confidence thus placed in Inc will not be betrayed, • Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Sincerely yours, S. ■/�■/�■ - P' �M7 Se - S. COOPER CARD OF THANKS -I wish to thank heartily those who suppeeted me at the polls on Mon- day, electing me as Public Utilities Conunissaoner. I will do my 'best, as in the past, to serve the interests of all in the administraition. 'of the duties of my office. Thos. W;;rdaw- kins. CARD OF THANKS I desire to .express mythanics to those who suppoeted me for coun- miller on lifond'ay, placing' me • at the 'head, of the poll. I appreciate the confidence thus placed ht me, and will 'do my best to justifyi:t.—J`r:ed Liv- aerrnore. To the Electors. of ...Clinton I. wish to 'thank those who ,sap - ported ilia for school trustee in. St. 'John's :ward ,at'Mbnday,'s election and 'to 'gate that I. will .;ende'a'vor .to the best: of my . ability. to serve the in- terests • of all in the, , posi;tipn ; to tvlriciiI have'been elected. Thomas Churchill' BRUCEFIELD Word was received here of 'the sud- den passingof Mfrs.' Todd of Toren- to, formerly Miss. Margaret Ross of •Bruceeield, niece of Mrs. Alex: Ross. The sincere, sympathy of the village, and community is extended- to her roily 'friends. Nt'r. Wur.'Dows' many friends were glad to see gusto; at church last Sun- day after an elbsenee of Five months as a result of a fall which fractured his thigh last fall. Mr. I{ipfer of Bayfield has 'open- ed up a barber• Shop in the Walker' house, Which will ,be a peat cenven- lancee for the village and eesnniiunity. • ` -he annual meeting ,of the mem:' bees ' :of the' Brucefield Public Lith- rary will be shield on Thursday”, Jan-, uary 15th, et 8 pen. in the Mean,' room. IMPS. Raan'cke of Toronto visited at the home of her father,' Mr. C. Reid, last week. • McDou all and, daughter of , g Tiverton • visited at the home of the former's' Mother, Mk.5, J,obn Walker, last week • :Miss li Craig ,and the Messrs. Craig of. Hansal. spent New Years day at the home of 'Miss McCully, GODERICH TOWNSHIP (Too lite for last week) Tiliiss'. Shirley. Beacom of Toronto. :pent the''Ohaist:nes holidays at her hilae on the Ba. ,Field dine.: ,Miss Harriet Tbylor of Guelph O.A.C., has been visiting her brothel 3lr. KesuieHth Taylor, as well:: as other relatives' in the immediate vicinity, Mr. Wan. and Miss Dorothy Stir- ling are .spending the • holiday sea- son in Detroit. • Miss Marion Middleton: is spend= ing :the _New Year's holidays as the guest of Goderich fir suds Miss Margaret Middleton has been visiting her grandparents, Mk. and Mrs. J. Jahz;stone of the Huron Road. The £Y,P.A. of 'St. James: church, Middleton; will be held in the base- ment of -'the church on the- evening of January the ninth. Miss Deretthy':and Mtr. Wan Stir- ling have returned fro'in':a spldltdid: holiday in Detroit ;and Miss Stirling has resumed her )teadhmg at, Seep - 'pardon. •, Mr, Murray 'McDougallwas chos- en as trustee 'alt the annual meeting of S. S, No. 4, 'Porters Hill school,. held last week. Miss Elsie Blackball has returned from her 'home in Wing{ham to her 5charol in :Se S. No. 10. , 1Vfa. Randall Cole has • returned to his school in Millbank. We. are sorry to hear 'that eer.' Fred Middleton has had the mister- -tune of ^'breaking same ra'bs. An old • and highly respected resi- dent of Goderich township, in the person of John McGibbon,. passed a- way on Wednesday, December 31, at his late desidence on the Baron Road in his 87th year. Mr. McGib- bon has' enioye'd fairly good health until recently, when he had•suffere'd intensely from asthma. He was 'born near Benmiller of Irish paretnage being the 'son of James and Bridget Biggan 'McGib- bon. McGib-bon. 1Vfost of his life had been spent on the farm. where he and 'his sis- ter, Miss Mary MicGibbon, lived. 111k. McGibbon was unmarried and was an Anglican in religion. - The funeral took place. from his late residence on Friday afternoon' •to .Maitland cemetery. The services were conducted: by 'Rev.' J. H. N. Mills of ' St. George's Church, Gode- rich. .The pallbearers • were: George Ginn, Charles Walters, Albeit Oke, Robert Fuller, L. ' Rodgers and Wil- mot Haulce, Following is the term report of S. S. No. 4, names (being arranged in order of merit. Those missing ex- aminations marked with an asterisk. 4th: Robin Thompson, Mabel Chur- chill, Harry Thompson, Alvin. Lobb. Sr. 3rd: Joy Lobb, Irene Williams, Isabel 'Oakes, Billie .'Wiilliams, Jr. 3rd: Mary Thompson, Margar- et Lobb, Elwin 'Merrill, Gertrude Eason*. 2nd: Alfred Butler, Ross Merrill, Harry Oakes, Ray Stoddart. Pr.: Alice Stoddart, Harry Lobb, Bernice Lobb, Lillian Churchill. Number on roll, 20; average at- tendance, 18.68. Best spellers for the term: 4th: Harry Thompson; Sr. did: Jey Lobb; Jr. 3rd: Mhrgeret' Lobb; 2nd: Alfred Butler. —N. E. Heard, teacher. The following' is the report o'f S. S. No. 11, for the meth of Decem- ber: Sr. 4th: Lloyd Batkin, 77, Jr. 4th: Faye Lindsay, e0e John Lindsay, 65; ,Miargaret Farquhar, 54. Sr. 3rd: Olive Prekett, 66; Made- leine Tyndall, 62; Edward beeves, 60. .Sr. 2nd: Lorne Tyndall, 63. Jr. 2nd: Jeanne Vcdden, 82; Willa Potter, 80; Peaulie McGee. 69; Don- na Pickett 67; Harold Wise, 65. Pr: Frank ?otter, '79; Lula Tyn- dall, 68. Perfect attendance: ' Lloyd Batkin, 1llhir~,gau:et Farquhar, Madeleine. Tyn- dall, ,Lorne Tyndall, Jeanne Vodden, Willa Potter, Harold Wise, Lula Tyndall, • --IM, E. Thompson, teacher, • DOMINION WILL ISSUE LANA- . DIAN HANDBOOK Up-TteThe-Minuto Edition ` Will Be ReadY for Distribution Al- . most. Immediately .. By du•ection of. the lion. F. If. Stevens; Minister 'of Trade and Com- merce, the Dominion Bureau of Ste- tistics will bring out during the first pate of the New Year e new and up-to-the-mtitnute handbook on Can- ada, covering the current business situation ; with special reference to prospects . during the .conning - year. The title of !tile handtl?ook will be "Canada 1931," A similar Publication was issued on the occasion of the 'celebration of the Daomlinion Jubilee of Confederation; and, :another issue Was brought out last 'year. The pur- pose of the present' enlarged and ins- peeved "edition is to assist Canadians and othersinterested in the Can- adian 'situation tastudy the diffeyent phases- of 'the current economic trend in view of the depression which (la nada, in common with' other- coun- tries, hes experienced since the am - than of• 3.929, It is felt that while it would be worse than useless to mi- nimize the serious nature of the .sit - nation, a pessimistic attitude is un-. war/vetted, and that Canada. can 'best set Ther Neuse in ;order,pending the return of: normal prosperity, by look- -leg all the facts ,squarely in the face. The handbook raviewis the 'industrial, trade, • financial and genial' situa- tion df Canada up to the latest mo- ment 'of which. - definite' measure- ments, are ,available, .the several chapters, ,twenty in all, . each present ing the ilatest information concerning its subject matter, while 'the whole; gives a,'baleneed all-round picture of ;economic conditions , throughout the Dominion as it"enteea upon,'the N!ew Year: . 'Business epncerris ; and curly - ars desiring- copies of the handhbolt; should make immediate' application, tot the Dominion Statisttician; "Ottawa as the edition Will be limited, ' t News , Happenings ' in the County and. ' District. W INGHAlVf: The death occurred at the (home of her son of Sarah Jane';Johnston, widow of the late Arthur Spotter, She was born at Wleilesley, near Stratford, : March, 1802'and at the age' of:;;tiltoe years went 'with her parents to Fiordwich, when that locality was all bush, where she resided until about 10 eears'ago when, with bee son, Ro- bert, she .moved !to •Winghann. .Foe some time deceased had pot enjoyed the best of health, but was always of a cheerful disposition, despite her advanced years. Her husband prede- eeased her 15 years ago. Surviving are four' sons and One ,daughter, Ar- thur of Toronto, William: J. of Pel- atlerston,, Robert, with whom,' she made ; her home and George,` who is federal :member for North Huron, el- se of Wfinghaan, . and Itch, Francis' Prong of Foarlwich. Service will be conducted at Ther late residence ; on. Thursday afternoon at .1.30 o'clock, Interment will be made in the Ger rue cemetery. SAdeathE ,FORfiI: The o ccu r'red from pneumonia 'on Tuesday of Leo- pold G. VanEgneond, a prominent and highly esteemed resident in 'his; 79th year. The deceased, who was' a son of the late A' . G. Vanslgmend and giendson of the late Colonel •Va (h mend, of Holland,, was'orn in Eg- ondville on September' 10, 1852. He was educated in the public seliaol and afterwards continued this stir in private. Mr. VanEigmend' was at one time Manager' of his: father's woolen mill in which capacity reneained until. 1885, when he env - chased the business and took his into brother, William D. VanEgmond ; partnership, the firm being one of the best known manufacturing carne in Western Ontario. Since retiring from business had resided in Egntondville. 'Mr, VanEgenond was married on Au 17, 1887, to Margaret E., daug of the late Ald. Vanstone, di Strat- ford, wlio survives. He teas an heren:t of St. ' Thomas Angl• Church and in politics, a Conse five. He was a Scottish Rite Ma Interment will be made.in the nu dies Ore ph can - he gust iter aa - scan rea- son,• f sin- ily plot in the EgmondvilIe Cemetery the funeral, whichwill be private, taking place from his late residence on Thursday afternoon. EXETER: The W, C. Pearce fani.- ily received word of the serious ill- ness of their daughter Frances in Syracuse, N.Y., on Saturday after- noon. Mr. Pearce and son, Charles, were in London on business, and Mes, Pearce left en the evening train for the city, and proceeded with them by motor to Syracuse. When they arrived they found that the ill- ness. was, not as serious as at first believed, end wired back that the condition of the young woman was a little. easier. 'EXETER: Harry Elworthy was reproved to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Saturday with blood poison in his foot, He has had trouble in one of the toes for some time, and a ferns of gangrene has developed. Wilkie has affected the whole foot. His many friends will welcome the news of his early recovery. GOBRIE: The Gerrie Hockey team made its first bow before the home crowd here, when they wort by 5 to 4 from Wroxeter Hockey team. The game piemided an abundance of snappy hockey and made a very fav- orable impression on the large au- dience. The contest" became real exciting in the 'last peered when the Wiroxeter team tied the score. ,After another few moments of keen play- ing the home team scored another Foal. ' GODERICII; The fire alarm was sounded late ,on Monday' night. A small bonfire, lied been lit in front of the _residence of Mr. Lee, who was that day elected mayor. , The fire brigade ceeponded but were not inquired to' extinguish the smell blaze. • WOODSTOCK: Members of the Woodstock Ministerial Association on .Monday lhoniored -their retiring president, Rev. Fes. L. Vivian, rector of All Saints' Church, in presenting mint with a silver tea service and an address as a token of their eppre- elation of 'his week during his m ao' years in oiffi st.. Mg. Vivian is lean. ing the city in February to take ev- er the parish at Exeter, to which lie was recently transferred ' by the An eiltbishop of Huren. The address was deliveeed by Rev. J, 'S. La Flair, of First Baptist Church, the presen- tation being made by W. H. Peirce, general secr•etauy of the Y.M;,CA. and temporary president of. the Mlin- islterial Association." . DOUKIIOBORS FEAR THREAT OF BLOWING UP; SCHOOLS NELSON, , B.C., Jan.e 7. School at- tendanfe ampug the Doukhobor col- onies south of Nelson was not `nor- m'al. yesterday owing, to' continunity. Doulehabors .fearing iharns would' conte to their children if they', sent them to the class' rooms:: On Friday 'last, community' Donk bobore received . art atnonyonlous let- ter declaring that children sent' to the :schools wink', be blown up,, Yes,ter•day� -some, children 'showe'd.' up, host when, guards, wore not placed around the schools+ they 'e left, At.. tenderlce, at the Main Brilliant school was nit badly affected. GORRIE'i Visitors in Gerrie over the holiday were: Miss' 'Gerrie Kelly of Wingham and Miiss Kathleen Beese of:: Waterloo, with. Mr.. and Mte+s. R. G. Dane; Miss Bertha 'Earl with R. Si and Mfrs. Clegg; Mrs. Lackey of Lucan with her sister, Mas.: Eunice Ferguson, Mi. 'and Mrs: Alvin Moffat and .family of Wrex- eter, with Mg, and Mrs. R. Cafher's. W;e are •'sorry 'to report the tilliiess of le. E. Cooke, agent at the C. P. R• depot, GORRIE: . Among . those visiting out of town on the holiday .Were:: Mr. and Mrs. W. King and son Earl, also Mr. and Mrs: K. Hattie, with: Mi. and Mrs. Thorns'MseDbnald of Molesworth; lee. and Mfrs, .Isaac Wade at their s'ee% N. Wade; 9th concession:" Mr, and Mfrs V, Sheri with Lakelet friends. Ma. and MTS. Gordon, Jefferson and:elan liter re - timed home to Owen'Sound on'Sat- urday altar spending t)Inp 3veeks with Mr., and Mitis. George` Foster.. ,SEAFORTH: There wee a'.geod attendance at the first of the series of matings in connection with the week 'of prayer held. in St. Thomas Anglican Church on Monday even- ing, Following the Litany, the rec- tor, Rev, J. S. Myers,--B.A.,„ read "The sermon un,:Plie Mount," after' which Rev. Irving H. Keine ;of first Presbyterian' church engaged in prayer. Rev. 'Charlet' Malcolm,- A.,'. of Egmondville United •Church, gave a vital and spiritual 'message cm °Religion and the Wray of Liv- ing." The meeting closed: with prayer by Rev. W. P. Lane of North.Meth- side United'chhurch and vesper 'hymns by the epee-. HURON COUNTY 60UN0IL.,:1931 ASHFIELD:. J. A. McKenzie, J. F. Ritchie.•• BLYTH: J. R. Clutt. • BRUSSELS: A. C. Baeeer. • CLINTON: George H. Elliott.: 1COLIIORNE A. Gelcibhcrpe• ' GORERICH:.,7. W!. O aigie, 'J%: W. Moser.. • EXETER: J. Antes. ' GODE+RIOH 'PP.: Wilmot Illaacice HENSALL: Owen Geiger. HAY: H. Rader. , ROWIICK: Wr. !Gamble,. N...Leonard ESTLLETT: 1VT, Arm,stroii'g. MORRIS: W. Hentlebson STANLEY: A. P. Keys. TUCKERSMITH: Wm. Thompson. W. W,AWANOSH: William tea=' art. • E. WmAWANOSI- Robt. Thompsen.l USBO,RNer James Ballantyne SEAPORTH: John W. Beattie. WINGILA.M: J. W. McKibben. PERTH COUNTY COUNCIL Elanshard—A. M. Driver. Downie- ill. Arbogast. N. Eas'ohope-Conrad Schmidt. S. Easthope--mH,;Leinweber. Ellice --D. Arbogast and • Leo Stock (Deputy.), Elma—lw. A. Dicksen and William Donaldson (Deputy.) , Fullerton—John • Ratz. - Ieibbent-Jos. Nagle. Logan—Win. Darling. 1Vtornington—John Fleming. • Wallace—W. H. Good. • Listowel -J. F: Vandricle. Mitchell—,D. C. Hansom. Milverton—Geo, Guenther. Elections 'in Huron Clinton Maybr: S: S. Cooper. • Reeve (accl.) G. H. Elliott. Councillors: 0. L. Paisley,' "Glen Cook, F. 'Livermore, B. Langford, W. S. R. Holmes, H. Ceseui, Bayfield ' 1}lie • following •village trustees were elected at Monday's. elections: Harold Brandon, E,• A., Featherston, W. J: McLeod. Goderich ' hi the municipal, elections held here' Monday the largest vote:in the history of the Town of Goderich was polled, A total vote of 1,642 Wes pol- led for the Mayoralty candidates. In this . contest (Charles, C. Lee Was elected mayor by 'a majority '.of 160 over his oppeneni4, Rpbert B..'15rrrie . Tine yote was: Lee, 901, Purrs; 741. The mayor -elect is ri;,prominent bus- iness man of Gode.•ieh and 'has had previous municipal a peteence.,• In 't1he,'thred cornered earnest for, the deputy' r'eevesliip; J,. J., Moser: was elected by a rnajer ty ;of ;si'b, ok-: cr Wesley M. McLean. The. ' vote•. was: J. J. Moser, 'US; WI. M. McLean 436e William Eeillie; 420. There were eight candidates' in the. cetitest for the Couneil, with -six -to be elec'ted,, Leslie Flick end Joseph.. D. Wilson were • the defeated canrli daitee: In this contest R. C. Hays, Jr., headed the pall ,with '1.091 : votes, D. ' I), Mooney was a close 'second with 1.026 'votes. The result: R, C. Hays, 1,091; D. Mooney, 1,020;; C. ' Humber, 849; 0.-. Worsen, 794;', D.buglas Brown, 798;. P. Camey, 787; L. Flick, 1396; J. D. Wil,oan, 653. W.:Wi. Otaigie waselected reeve by aadlaseation., Hay Township Returns for Bary 'Township are as follolvs =For .reeve, Ii, Rader 432,. (elected); E F. Klopp, 390; W R. Dougal, 251.. For council (first • sour- elected):' A. 1Vllellidk, 622; E, Waiver, 587; Davirl» Dncharine, 537; ' WI. Alex- ander, 473; F. Corbett, 822; F. Grelbb 301. secured 263 votes, 'There is :y pos- silbility that there will be a recount in the reeveship.' DECEMBER 'AN AVERAGE _ MONTH FOR BUILDING • This was the only election in this; Ran True to Form and Turned district, Exeter and the townships of One of Smallest Contracts Stephen and Ushorne having gone by ne-elamathion, 4 Awarded Totals of Year. Heiman Owen Geiger was elected reeve by a majority of 50 votes over T'o)lm W. Ortweitr. The vote was 197 to 147. Geiger is a former hollder, of the, of- fice. D. Ti. Mickel, William Consitt, Walter Spencer and R. J. Cameron' were elected to the Council, and the defeated candidates were George C. Petty, James Sangster and David Robinson, M',ickel' and Spencer are nem Council blood. The vote: Mick- el, 263; Consite '211; Spencer, 190; Cannexan, i67; Pettey, • 142; ' Sangster, 121; Robison, 87. Howiek Township - The results of Monday's elections in Howick Township ere as fellows: Reeve: William :Gamble; deputy' reeve, Milton Leonard:; councillors, Themes Lovell, Jelin Bryan; David Wier. Stanley Township 'Stanley council was returned ed by acclamation: ' Reeve, .A. P. Keys; Councillor's, John Etue, 11. :M.' Han- ley, Goldie Graham ..and Fenwick Stewart. - Mullett ' .Reeve and, .council of 1930 were re-elected by , acclamation in this township. Thely/are: Reeve: M. Arm- stY.'ong., • Councillors; J. 'Leiper, Jas. C. Forbes, Herbert Miogaridge and Robert Lawson. Colborne 1980 reeve and: council were re- turned by acclamation as follows: Reeve, Albert : Goldlt{lwrpa. Cbuncil- lors;. Won. Thom, Melvin Tyndall, John Pitblado and Geo. Faegan. Tuckersntith Reeve -a -Wm. 'Thompson. Council- lors—Wm ouncil-lors Wim Archibald, Angus Brown, Matthew • Clark, Chas, McKay. West Wawanosh 'Resulted a 'close vote in Wiest Wa- evenosli Township shows that Wil- liam 'Stewart was elected reeve by a .margin of two over William Mould , the vote being 199 to 197. lit was a fonr•-.cornered race, ivitlh Reeve -elect Stewart and Mr. Mould, who held of- fice for the 'past two years,, in ad- vance of Seines Forster with 155 per contr British Columbia account - votes and Wtiiliam Chat with 86. ed for 7.2 per cent or $82,987,500. Tho Council elected was: Thomas- Maritimie Provinces did better this Wlebster, 40$ votes; John MoQui'ilin, year, showing $19,426,600 worth of 400 • votes; Cairns Aiteheson, 329; new construction which was 4.2 per Albert Gananie, 270.' Henry LOIS. Cent 'of all construction. ' Chelan was defeated at the polls, He ' 8a December, always a quisyt month for construction. ran true to form and turned in one, of the smallest contracts awarded totals ,of the year, say lVfiaeLean Building' Reports Ltd. :The stun of $24,542,300 was the total value of the conifteets reported upon during the innnth. Of the December contract awards, 34.2 per cent were awarded in the Province of Ontario, the estimated value of those contract's 'being $8,- 487,000; . 28.6 .per cent of the new contracts were awarded . in the Pro- vince of Quebec and hod a valuation of $7,014,100;. $4,08.3,440' Werth of contracts • were awarded in British CoIumbia or 16.4 per cent of all con- tracts; Prairie Provinces accounted for 16,3 per cent, the value being $$,997,400 while the Maritime Pear vines took care of 4.5 per cent on new work to the value of $1,110,400. Over half of the awards for De- censlter pertained to work of an en- gineering nature.' Awards in this classification weee to the value of 913,339,800 or 54.3 per emit of all construction. The construction of Business Buildings toqk care oo 25.3 per cent or $6,202,600 while Resi- dence construction ' accounted for 18.7 per cent on a valuation of $4,- 580,50 and Industrial week 1.7 per cent valued' at $419,400. • The greater proportion of • new construction thisyear it shown en the Engineering group 'which had contracts to the value of $181,084,400 and which accounted for '39.6 per cent of all construction. The Busi- ness Buildings group 'claim next with 33.1 per cent obtained by contracts to the value of $151,103,700.' ' Residen- tialeconstruction"took' care of $93,- 291,500 93:29'1,500 worth of new work and ac- counted for 20,4 per cent while work of an Industiial nature was undertaken to the value of $31,520,- 000 which was, 6.9 per cent. For the year, Ontario led the Pro- vinces and accounted .for 38.4 per cent of all work undertaken in Ca- nada. The value of the contracts in Ontario were $175,459,600. Que- bec followed' closely with 33.9 per cent of .the contracts •or $154, 672,- 000 Prairie Provinces showed up well with $74,453,900 which was 16.3 you ever —11 to think? THAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER OFFICE A HIGHLY EQUIPPED MANUFACTURING PLANT WHERE YOU CAN PROCURE, PROMPTLY AND ON' SHORT NOTICE, SUCH SUPPLIES AS:. NEATLY PRINTED BUSINESS LETTERHEADS SNAPPY AND ATTRACTIVE LOOKING ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS. , !NTS., RECEIPT FORMS SALE POSTERS: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, I'AMPLETS MERCHANTILE POSTERS, BUSINESS CARDS, PRIVATE POSTCARDS, SHIPPING TAGS ' WINDOW CARDS, CIRCULARS, PRIZE LI,FI'S, INVITATION CARDS, AT-HOME CARDS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, • MENU- CARDS. CAIr•LZNt'x CARDS. ETC. IN FACT EVERYTHING ,eVI1ICH ORDINARY PEOX'LE IN A • TOWN OR COMVI;M1INITY LIKE THIS WOULD BE - APT TO NEED, Many of you hems, of, course,, and do mime 'with repeat orders, but opine do not. Next Tints a travelling' representative calls for an . order of'i any of jthe above, you should b 'atble :to tell him 'that you .just, placed your order with the, local printer.. • COME IN AND • GET, OUR PRICES •mil �(p T � ... �N ON N•�i�iS ECS, PHONE 4