HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-12-25, Page 8isisrEta:2t9r<rh ame.:s- s izei ,m-DF."-matamttun`a`sai 4cor..4t ,1*p aafsraitis irt"t^t�t�"3t�t�t8tG44st:'•C"t ;w mt6t8t6 vcmgl mice gtc--t,':twto" totvw f a fi t�iWiK VERY YEAR IS FULL OF SUNNY DAYS AND CLOUDY ONES WE HOPE THAT THE SUNSHI E OF OUR GOOD WISHES WILL BRIGHTEN YOUR WAY, ALWAYS, Sutter & Perdue A A *D:orsMO tx,3tRaii1stsa9t'z+ataiae-A-A=Mizawa rarnr4,44atsisa'".rst2:2tsr r -M elate'tietet4leAveteteteici tndtew964, teieic74,icicle,74+€+ete14:041 ieictclmiatete ca TICE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD it' zt tit evatatmetetet w t t tet orimor te, TIER SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL ''FOR THAT • WE CAN'T COUNT OUR BLE'S!SINGS . WE T I.AN YOU'MOST SIN- ICERELY FOR YOUR PART IN THEM AND :WISi • YOU A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS. R. H. JOHNSON CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE Graduate of Toronto College.�of'Opterand Optician Optometry .Text Flbvey's Drug Store, .)9M," :112.:":21-2r +tet r -Zt rniMa tvi2t 017.626 ap:nsinr t0atha AKitetat4M44:uAW"-6 :4406 :41446t1.f ' ' W:" :0 41 e 94'.W -t meozW ,t6:47 . O ALL WHO HAVE FAVORED US WITH THEIR GOOD WILL WE ESTEEM THIS OCCA=SION A PRICELESS PRIVILEGE TO EXPRESS OUR APPRECIATION AND WISH EVERY- BODY A MERRY CHRISTMAS. Plumsteel Bios. 1 1 •ristinsast Requirements When it comes to novelties for gifts don't overlook our "Gift Worth While"- Assortment. Wis submit it as including an atricle for every purse, every person, every personal- ity; each in a dainty box ready for presentation, something to carry the memory of the giver and the joy of the reciEent'into'the future, a -gift of happy association and treasured memoi>;.es. • You will perhaps not re •gard notepaper asbeing novel,-, we have attractive gift stationery with decked or colored edge in pleas- ing. boxes. We esteem - our China department as also worthy •of your inspection. Books for the adult or the youth. Did you know that $1.00 will now buy a book of fiction never previously published? A Waterman Pen for Christmas will make letter writing or even check signing more of ,a pleasure. It may be that our stock has the, article to solve your gift problem to your satisfaction' and your friends' gratification. To the friends we know and those we hope to know, we wel- :. "May C Q111e this is oc casino to 'say, your Christmas be as merry as you've made ours." J. T. McKNIGHT & SON A A t t9is'inat hail`&t2r9rsr2'o'3t212i9'o.rst1.1inisasaHi9r8rs!;;aPu%E$3i-914t?s intesalniaM117 df Season's Greetings A Very Merry Christmas anda Hippy and Prosperous New Year PPy P to all dnn;Laiij1ois & Co: Clinton, Ontario Gk Have You Thought of This? That a present bought this year is a present to industry as well as to the person for whom it is intend- ed. When. depression hangs heavy in the air that good will will be more than ever appreciated! Moreover your buying will accelerate business, decrease unemployment and -help to bring the stuttering times back to normal. Whether it blows or blooms Conditions adverse or favourable, the year will surely produce Christ- mas and it's joys punctually on the 25c and that it is not far away. Tire W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best SPA 011.111 l�lpllllllun onninn iq null 14=6 ono 111114.011i, Mrs. C. McKinnon of Thorold is vis- iting her mother, Mys. J. Johnston. Miss Clete Ford of Alma College, St. ,Thomas, is home for the holiday period. Miss Ruth 'Ball of the University of Western Ontario, London, is home for the holiday season. 112:r. and Mirs. .Louis Hippie of Bow- •manville are holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. Mrs. 0. L. Paisley was in Toronto last weelc, having been a delegate to the Liberal Convention. Miss Pheobe Bolton of the S. A. Training College, Toronto, is home for the Christmas vacation. Mrs. W. Jenkins is in Toronto spend- ing the Christmas holiday time with her son, and his family. Mr. W. E. O'Neil of Halifax is here for the holiday season. 116s. O'- Neil came up a fortnight ago. Mr. W. Argent, who is teaching at St. Catharines, is spending the holidays with his mother in town Miss Eva Carter of the Galt Public Schools staff is spending the va- cation period at her home in town. Mrs. J. Torrance and Miss Mand Tor- rance left last week for Toronto, where they Will spend the winter. Miss Linnie Nediger•, principal of the Burwash Continuation School, is home for the Christmas vaca-. on. Mrti. Bert Sloman of Kankekee is spending the holiday season at the home of his father, 'Mr. J. G, Slo- man. Miss Margaret McLeod of the To- ronto University is spending the Christmas holidays at her home in town. Mrs. Clara Runiiball is in Ottawa spending the Christmas vacation with her. son, Mr, Ray Rumball, and his family. Miss Jean Middleton of Toronto is home with her parents, • Sheriff C. G. and Mrs. Middleton, for the •Christmas holidays. Mr. Duncan 1l1;acRae of the Western University was a week -end guest of Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hogg at Wesley -Willis Manse. Misses Eleanor and Jean Plumsteel of the College of Education, Tor- onto, are spending the Christmas season at their home in town. • Misses Jean Hogg of Milverton and Ethel Hogg of Port Dover are with their parents, Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hogg, for the holiday period. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker left Mon- day for Vankleek Hill, to spend Christmas with. their daughter. They expect to be absent for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ashton. of •Strat- ford visited on Sunday with the: latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole of town, and with Gode- rich friends. Mr. Chas. Cole and Miss Marjorie Askey of London visited on Sun- day the home of the for mer.'s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cole, I•Iuron street. Mr. John Grant has had his two little daughters here from Dunn- ville visiting hint and accompan- ied them back to Dunnville to spend Christmas. Mr:' and Mrs. Robert; Fisfier •and family of Stratford 'were Sunday guests with their parents in town, Mr. -and -Mrs W. H. Cole atilt Mi. ani! M•s•s, Seth Fisher'. TiiURSAAY, DECEMBER 21 193P texk44=4:404: _ gta :004: t aK '4 ^vat n itf,,,F,,,, t¢tg"timw ust r4 + g.tstitg tat tsti Sdt 5 11 ea ew tet. t4fi"{4iagRg. u'a ve'tgn- t€ g444WW4Mtpit pt ,u{4 T41, t � eNrg ro#.ea .'°q"F eiTr^ reVAKAV baa '+a' t6 -to> wWMOMMO a -'.gt tidtk it1440, CALENDERS SPECIAL DELIVERY JUST THE OLD-TIM.E IIAPPY PHRASE„ "MERRY OIrRISTMAS'_ WITH CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS EVE EXPRESSES ALL THAT I IS IN OUR EDARTS OF GRATI- TUDE AND OF WIDLL-W]ISHING FOR YOU AND YOURS. ett- W° EOC- MMA V ?ON,M;t4CMAIztOt`tt OK --t trA t temet !zOMt CIO•! KtSitGMVAI4tR F+WEV.VMMt t i4 1 d OUICKLY 1 ORDERS EC St CHRIS? MAS EVESAL ALL OUR NOVELTIES TO I3•E SOLD BEFORE CHRISTMAS REGARDLESS OF COST poundsfordpudinu,ziti:En!s,op2s llI 2= pounds Creams and Chocolates MIXED NUTS, 2 pounds for 25c GRAPES, per pound 15c 29c LARGE RAISINS, per pkg. 30c 19c DATES, 2 pounds 19c 45c FIGS, per package 10c ORANGES, per basket 45c & 49c FANCY BASKETS OF FRUIT 50c to $1.00 by the dozen '. 19c 2 dozen 35c SMILES'N CHUCKLES lb. 49c 33c v 39c 49c and 59c AEROPLANES' each 25c ;tgt£�anztet t . 2..`, :4.A: gt4le to : tZ•A E to1ZICtz.:Z•ZCItZt• 6'.etC-tWatt'q e'tct4:4:444:Mtmtnaite`eK-A'.4Ael:-9444 CM•Ca41C1:440, Mtel40, 44:64: 4.704:04t4+6tetetate FOR YOU'=' CH RISTMAS DINNER Tomato Cocktail 25c Cranberries, Ib 25c Ingersoll Cheese, • 2 packages 25c Chateau Cheese, . package 20c Olives, plain 19c and 29c • R.^tn-�t�if.-t�w�ka�;vt.'�t.�S�+�-t€��4Et6�tHt."�t��4', �Iy o�tE`�^W�W�tgit�C?.Wit.A1C-t6�6t�tot�W"`tit@t�6=�2atEt€t6�t���t����iG`t�t?t�t�'tit.��;&t<W'�W'Wa�'�1'hw+�tG-W�b Sweet Peas 2-25c, Golden Corn 2-25c Special Coffee lb 25c, Red Rose GiftTea 50c t'xkite.-[�,iP;t$t.tc',�,�'•.�t�R.tom`tc,W@L`r�:t�lP,to'4.Z.d�iye�'vt.`t't�',+e,'C'1�`tG'-to<.�.tatG'+etP,t�tCiC+ct,:,'N �tF;tCtet�l$'�t°d;;•W'��Lid`aa�iP,aCi.'ot.`�rSt.tPatwt�,t�"t�t�tc'?FUC,.Et„`'�+certoent,;z`tg�v� . O'NELL. CORRG GROG BIG NIA • FREE DELIVERY Phone 48 • Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails i t ,5�^'+�r�s2rYd: t<r r�r 3twt�rma�•r r r ''a�t9rsro%:.�r�rPrB�rwo�5 a�yta"rt��aryMr' R55rer a `+ +Pr�t2:��r�ao�rwsr�r nr2a r�7 +p=a;:r�+ +ary�ra'ror�aar3a., s r wa�a -aer �r�a�Crur.rr ��ry�n"rmam" "r ^ror r ;-, 0,�y i`� • '�•?'• ��w�t.v�"� ysy-�J+"3r�'G".`+�'F� rsr4.'y�ro ���'i• `ei�"11r�. �L+:,rg�t�:-�.���5 .. •f. ,G�`r�r'�an ✓'smr�esar�rots�ar�lzYu7�ta`7or�'aY€It°:;autoRm'•TirYwi9t�a�r$F:�tlin,Fir�to8mt.'-?,`j-l�ror�tSi�Yr'�'dn7+�m`77^aY�aata'r�i�i3Y��rdd:rh'7t�+W; �'�r71r^.re'tn#�'"3a°•'aoiiAa�}27oar9drd�r�'a�'t2tnr`or�r2tdr�iull�r�ir�a�i3t�F`�'ritu��3ah'Iiaat�a�r2r2aSa�Jr+Zi AMONG THE CHURCHES Baptist Church Service on Sunday evening at '7 o'clock, when Mc. Roy Cook will preach. His sermon subject will be: "What has the Church for the People?" The Sunday school at 2.30 and week -night services as usual. Turner's Church The Christmas _tree on Monday night at .Turner's church was larg- ely attended, . over fifty children and young people taking part in songs, readings, dialogues, etc. Rev, M•c. Fortin acted as chairman. Santa Claus treated everyone generously. St. Paul's Church There will be a celebration of Holy. Communion on Christmlas Eve at 11.30 and on Christmas morning at 10,30. •On Sunday the Christmas music will be repeated and the evening service will be the annual Carol. Service. Wesley -Willis United Church New Year services on Sunday. The minister's morning sermon subject will be: "Beginnings." Evening: "Our Report on Life." By request the Christmas anthems will be repeated by the choir on Sunday. Miss Margaet Davies, Deaconess, Chicago, arrived•. this week to 'spend Christmas with her brother and sisters, Mit G. N. and the Misses Davies, Huron street... Mise Marion Gunn of Cleveland Oh- io, was in town last week -end, leav- ing on. Saturday afternoon to op -end, the Christmastide with lfer sister," Mrs. Edgar Cross of !Loron- THE MARKETS • Wheat, 60c. Barley, 30e. Oats, 25c. Eggs, 22c to 35c,• Butter, 28e to 30c. ' Live Hogs, $9.75. Ontario Street United Church New Year's services oh Sunday: !horning sermon subject: "What the Years Take and Bring." Even- ing: "The Closing Year." Carol ser- vice. .Special music all day. Beautiftil Christmas anthems will be repeated by request. The Christmas Tree on Tuesday evening was crowded and an unusu- u.ily good program, was rendered by the, school. The decorations wort pretty and Santa Claus remembered everyone. Rev. Mir. Farrill acted as chairman in the absence of Mi'. Wal- ker, superintendent HULLETT TOWNSHIP A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, December 17th, at the manse in Egmondville, when Vera May Riley, youngest daughter , of Mrs. Riley -and the late Charles Riley of Tuckersmith, became the bride of John Franklin Hesselwood, eldest son of Mr. and Mss. John Hes- i selwood of the 9th concession of Hul-I Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, subject: "How 'Old Art. Thou Evening,- "River's Onward Flow." • Sunday school at sten 'as usual. The annual Sunday School Christ- mas entertainment was held on Fri- day evening, the 19th. An interest.. tug program was rendered as follows: Tableau: Miss 11IeL,ean's "class. Moubhorgan ,Selection: Kenneth Dougan. ,1 • Recitations: Betty and Eva Mb- 'Nwen. ' Playlet: C'hristtnas Pudding, Instrumental, Sean Nations. Choruses by the `School,' A series of interebting and amus- ing moving pictures were drown by Messrs. McLeod and Barr of the Ag- ricultural Department, Mjiss.. Helen' Roberton accompanist, at the piano. Santa Claus arrived at the close of the program sand distributed pre- sent: from, Christmas tree to all. The entertainment' concluded with the singing of ;cite 'National =their), and all went home after having spent a very enjoyable evening. At, the W.M.S. meeting held...re., cefrtly ifilie' following - officers ' were elected for 1931:, President: 1VISs-...0. E. Dougan. • Vice ,14iiss D Macfarlane: Seeretary:M s. G.' D. Robe-tier'. Treasurer: Mrs. Hunter, Glad Tidings. Secretary: Mrs. It, Roberton. Literature Secretary Mrs. Alea, 1VIcEtven. • Home :Helper's} Secretary: Mrs. J. hunter: Welcome and Welfare: Mrs, Fail`. Supply -•Secretary: MIS. W. Grant. CHRISTMAS I'S A DAY ON WHICH TO REMEMBER AND FORGET FORGET YOUR WOR- RIES, AND REMEMBER THE BRIGHT, HAPPY THINGS • OF LIFE. WE HOPE YOUR -LIFE WILL. BE FULL OF HAPPY CHRISTMASES. Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY - Makers of• "Whole Wheat'" and Snobflake BR EA U PHONE 68 :TO ALL TH3 PEOPLE. (IF• THIS COMMUNITY WE WISH A M'IERI;„Y GHRIS'I'Mi'.S AX .-.HOPE THAT ;WE HAVE HAD SOM01) SMALL • PART IN MAKING IT. SO. - To Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone -244 WE WISH YOU ALL A tru, Mry Christmas Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. 1, Funeral Directors Monument Dealers l: The Store with• a Stock Hardware Phone, 195 Furniture Phone 104 CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR BUT 'ITS 'FRIENDLY SPIRIT IS EVER NEAR. YOUR PATRONAGE HAS PROVED. THAT T'O,,US AND WE ARE AS GRATEFUL FOR IT AS' WE ARE SIN- CERE IN WISHIN'G YOU HAPPI- NESS EQUAL TO OURS. CONNEL,L & TY N I Aa;,.Is " CLINTON'S: LEADING MEAT' MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. lett... The ceremony was performed` by Rev. Mr. Mlaleolrn in the presence of a few relatives. On their return• to the home of 'the bride's• sister they were met by a reception of friends when they received many useful gift§ 'for housekeeping and al- so Sonic money. We wish the young'couple a long happy journey through life together. ,.The following is the report of S•'.• S: No. 10: for ,the months of Novem- ber'anci December':• Sr. • 4th -Dorothy Vodden, 85. Jr. 4th ---Leonard Yungblutt, 61; Stanley Yungblutt, 58. • Jr. 8rd-Rutitr Voaden,- • 81; I3'eth Govier, 79; Pearl Johnston, 75; Eleanor Spring, 72; Florence Yung - 1 blutti 63; Eddie. Honking, 58. Sr. 2nd. --Rhoda Govicr, 96; JOG" Honking, 79. Jr. 1st--ilolini Sprung. IPr.'-Anna M;ae Johnston. Perfect spelliieg-:18hodi :Gooier.. • T7fiiuiltier on roll; 18; avorage at'. tendance; 12:9. Is: Arnett, teacher,. CHRISTMAS GOOD TIME. TO START' "Do all the good you can, , In all the ways you ear, In all the ;places you carr,. At all the tunes you can, To all Hie -people•you•can, A5' long as ever you cam"' , +)Olin Wesley:,.