HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-12-18, Page 5OF INTEREST T TO , YOU S AND' ME. • Who:.the .farmers= : are not .says ... haying: a show, when a farmer heads the Goveitnment'in'Ontario? 7.wa weeks moan ,of 1930. What ;.:about the resohiti'ons .so .,confidently made 'at, the -beginning of iihe twelve months?'. ' * * It will be in order not/ for Lib- eral newspapers' to chuckle' over the Ontario Government taking Pois(s)on, now that Fergie has de- •.serted :it. 4 iarmer's panty being formed in ^the west wihl only accept poor~ far :-niers 'as Members. ; Suppose if. a far-; • 'mer buckled .down to work and made a million dollars this party would immediately ask- for his re • signation. Have yotii:: Paid• your mite to The News-R8e0rd "Christmas Cheer Fund.?„ :The.,x,esponse has been gen • erous, and the. eonnnrittee is' making, •• good 'use of 'the money, Yon'll en- : joy the Christanas festivities more, if you assist:• in _providing cheer for -others. leas fortunate. G Howard Fergusson resigned as •`' prime minister lef Ontario on Mon- day; and.ITon. G.'sS. Henry ,was eel- led upon by the Governor-General to form a 'cabinet.' Ontario politica have been kept lively during the past 'seven • years by the energy of Mr. Ferguson. He is the sort of a man whom you,canndt just• ignore: Whet her you like him: or dislike him •a gree with him or disagree, you have • - r to reckon 'on him: anyway. He will be missed and.'he says he will ever think of Ontario as `Home. Even his political foesadmitthnt,he will Make -a good representative . of Can- - ada in England. And they may be •:• 'happier with ' the ocean :between "'him and .them. rap,,CLINTOP[-1917$ r1RECORD '.• • meat He was a member ,of thetHul let Township Council for six years during.; which„ time ..the commiunity :hall at Lendesbhro was built, and other improveallents made.: He sere- `ed bit the sehool.,beard: when the: present school ,was >;e-nodelled; and on the, village toustee•board, •When the first concrete sidewalks .were laid in 1905: and when :the road to the then new 'O.N,R. depot was tpur- chased and built He wag a member of Blyth Lodge A.F. es .A.M.,, In politics, he was a staunch Liiberal.,, The funeral, .:'which took place from :the .Baptist Church •of whic h the deceased Was air active . mem- ber,; was • conducted by a cousin, Rev. . W.illiant. -Raithby of Centre Street Baptist Church, St. Thomas, and 'd nejiliew,'-Rev. William Mains, of the United :Church, Walton, as- sisted by the local clergy.' During the service Mr. Harvey McGee .sang "Does. Scabs Cave.,, The pallbearers were James Raith by, George: Raithby, _ Ezekiel .Phil- lips, George • Howatt, Edgar -Law- son and •Charlesz...E. Asquith. ,The eons beautiful floral -tributes Were borne by, Earl Raithby, Frank Raithby, Elmer Robertson and Rob- ert J. Phillips. ''The - dec ase* is survived by his vi•idow am xlaughter • Winnie, ‘ also two sisters, .$ rtha, (14Tlrs. Banking)' of Auburn, alo• Carrie (Mfrs. • James -1V1'eC1ay) of Ghilliwaelc, B. C. and one brother Robert of. Penticton, $i C. . BIRTHS=• rlILLER--;In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on DteeMber 10th, to Ki./ and Mts LIayd •Meller' of Coderich t'ovnshrpi t-.son.L=Frederiol'c Ross. ARBUICKLE-At Providence Itospi- tial,' Detroit, on ,Dseenfbea 1,0th, to . Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Arbuckle, (formerly Kathleen pedant:, 'Hol- mesville), a ` son. .John Henry,. • DEATHS STIRLING Ii%"'Clinton`'Publad T.os- pital, 'on Dec 15th,' Ethel 'Reid, daughter. of Mr.' and; mire. James (Stirling, 'Gioderiah township,' abed 19 years. - insider person' and anyone doing it ?s in 'danger; of -getting itito-troulile. The Nlews Record is always glad to receive news items arid'' is grateful to anyone Who :se'nds tri'. h onest items of news but we` do`..not like anything. that looks like aputiQrit:i ews or that is not what' it purports« to, be• Edi for. A ecial midnight :se:1414 .,will lse sp held An. Triinity church Kon Wednes_ day,; Dec. 24th, Ghristiilas Eve,'com inenoing at ,eleventtlility 'end'• don tiiininV laver the ,midnight hour: Service of ".'choly '• eanhnunion and special tlhristiiias my'' nrusac• 11he-Rector' hopes khat as an -.as possibly can da so Will lia,piesent: at this service. LIQUOR - TENDENCIES .. • Sir Henry Drayton has given , re - •assuring inferrn'ation regarding -re- cent business of the Ontario Liquor Board, of Jvitibh be is Chairman. He stated in a Toronto address that the number of permits issued this year up to Noz..8':llib'aved a decrease. of 31 per cent., and that the number of cancellations of permits 1r'akl,, risen. from 5,118 in ,x.'928 to 7.160 in 1930. Hard- timesAgave 'contributed :larg= ely to the ,decrease in permits bought but the increase -in cancellations will be welcomed by citizens generally: So many accidents have happened through drunken drivers that, in de- ference to public opinion, enforce- ment of the law had to be stiffened against these menaces to society. Some of the 'observations of Sir Henry sound like a (healthy temper- ance lecture.. Our .vendors do not. lose their jobs even if they, do ,no business at all," he said. "The very best vendor, is 'the man . who . cuts down liquor sales to the minimum, on the principle that when business, is good the business is at, its worst." •It is faire to say that .such a pol- icy, if adhered; to, brings thb control - policy into brighter relief, especially, as contrasted with' the despicable' pu?ihful methods of "the trade," Sir Henry went on. to say that the Li- quor Board was doing its utmost to Prevent the. sale .of liquor in. homes where want existed. These steps aro in the right direc- tion but do not put the system be- yond ground for complaint. Al- though the• Cliairinan asserts that bootleggers are decreasing, the fail- ure to control the quantity a permit - holder may buy relnains a blot on the law, It leaves excess -within the reach of any one, and opens the door to bootlegging, such as was promised would be. quicklyended if the Fergu- son Government was returned -The Toronto Globe. , AUBURN. Mr:' as Dawson and son, Harvey of Detroit, visited with -the formers ',brother, Mr. Geo. Dawson, on Satur- zday last. Mr.' and MTS. Rees Jenkins and Miss Mary- Jenkins of Clinton and Mrs• IL D. Cameron of Guelph;. cal- led at the home of Mr.. and, Mrs.; 0. ''E. Hrratt on Sunday last. ' Mr. and Mfrs. H. •Miogridge and Mr. and Mrs. R. D'. Munro motored to ' ' London on Sunday last 'and spent ' the day with MT. and Mrs. G. ` Thompson. • • Mr. and Mks,' Harold ,:Bogie and "'little son, B:ilile+ were -Visitors with ' relatives iii Ripley last ',Sunday, The •Christmas. concert 0f the Au= burn Public school and. 'Continuation school' will bei held an I+S:day even- ing this week in the `Forrester s hall, The funeral, • of .the..late Prank Mortimore was held on I1!enday from • the home of relatives in London. He was a son of 'Belt, IR: and Mrs. 'tor- ' timore, He is sur aired by his par- ents, +one brother, Arthur, at home who is very sick at present and one sister, Marlon, of Toronto. He was 21. years old. 'The sincerest sym- • 'pithy of this com'ntubity is extended to, triose bereaved. Those attending the •funeral from here -were: Messrs. Geo. Sturdy, W. Ciyningharn, B. Marsh, J. J. Wash- ington, Chas. Scott, W. Straughan, A. J. Andrew, E. ICillough, Mrs. J. Symington and Miss E. Blair. ' 'While sleighriding on Monday ev- ening, Miss Helen Ferguson had the • misfortune of having :her head cut on barbed wire, requiring three stit- rhes. We Hope she will soon be able - to get out again. Mr. and 'Mrs. W J. 'Thompson and son, Russell visited at the home of • Mr. and 1\I5S. J. E. Thompson of London for a couple of days the ear- lier part of this week. . Rev. J. E. Ford of :Go,derieh • preached in Knox United church on Sunday last in Rev. Mtortintore's ab- sence. , There will be no _young people's outfitted a girl at St. Paul's Sehoo1, meeting on Tuesday, D'ec. 23rd, but Blood Reserve. Following the Tead- on Wednesday,. Dec. 31st a social ev- ing of the reports the' retiring pre- • ening will be •held in Knox United . %RONEY.. VINEGAR; 1 -".-(Expeknuental' Farina Note• 'It -has• been said that the success or; failure of ,an industry. oftenhing- es `,upon• its lily pi:3ducts Honey vin- egar is a by-product of the apairy and ,can be made from honey, that would otherwise.. be. wasted';` When uncapping honey for"the extractor; a considerable amount goes with: the cappings and where one does not use a, .capping•!press or molter,' a1 large portion of this: honey is wasted, In such cases, after.�all the honey ?es:.Bible' has been -'drained from) the . cappings,.' that which is left'. may be recovered by, washing the :cunnings with like_ warm water, the washings may then be made into 'vinegar. Where a capping molter -is" used the honey sonietimes' beconles•'scorched so as to 'make, it unsuitable for tab- le honey, this honey; in fact any ,honey that is off flavoured or is slightly fermented may be turned in- to vinegar. Honey (being a saturated sugar solution must first be diluted with water at the rate of one gallon of water to one andone half pounds of honey. Where the washings• from cappings are used, the , solution should have a Bastille reading of se- ven to eight degrees or be dense enough -to -jug• float ••a fresh egg. When -honey' is cliluteit to' the above proportion"* the ablution ' contains very little yeast. ~food, therefore, the Johnson, pastor; Chas.' Stewart, sup- slow.process of �'peedeup fer would be erintendent, Mrs. A. Austin, secre- To speed up fermentation, it tars 97_1, is recommended -• that a chemical yeast food be added to the solution, two ounces: each of potassium tart rate and ammonium phosphate to u Cli'ntom's'New-'Laid Egg A mels `P®ilii~ House Eggs bought'aceording' to Dentin-, ion Government ;Egg Regulations. Inquire for our.. prices • of eggs. You will always find'` our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and' well -finished chicks always wanted -Prices good. Always phone od' office for prices before marketing produce. N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w I,;1;7,'FIELD,.. BADMINTON CLii.13 CHRE & DANCE EU to be Bald in TOWN HALL,- HAYFIELD ' r oil the evening• of _ FRIDAY;;,DECEMBiiR 26TH;• Good, Prizes 4.M,uslc by'Orchestra REFRESHMENTS SUPPLIED, Admission,:>: Gents, 50c, Ladies,. 25c. gfir2. FEEDING.' MOLLASL+''S ' '• By •the''Barrol. SEM:T-SOLID CONDENSE BUTTERMILK :FOR POULTRY 'HOGS "and CALVES. ; -:COD 'LIVER OIL`. bV thii Gallen, H. W. Charlesworth , 'Mile '199 Christmas Concert at •lHolniesville United Chur4h: s on Tuesday, Dec. '23rd -• under auspices of S. S. Consisting of: - Recitations, Chorusee, • Songs, Drills, and' Dialogues. ' COME AND MEET SANTA CLAUS Admission: Adults, 25c. ' CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT The Sunday? school of'the United -church, Londesboro, intend holding its annual Christmas tree and eon'- eert in the Community Hall, Londes- boro, on the evening of TUESDAY„ DECEMBER 23rd The program will consist of a Christmas Cantata, entitled, "Gwen Allen's Christmas," also drills, dia- logues, readings, choruses, etc. Come any enjoy a pleasant evening. Ad- mission 25c and 15c, Rev. J. W. HAYFIELD Mrs. Lloyd Miakins has returned from taking a six weeks course in fingerwaving and marcelling. Tho annual meeting . of the Girl's Branch of the W. A. of Trinity church was held at the home of Mrs. N. W. Woods on Saturday. Both the secretary's and the treaisurer's re- port showed that progress had been made and quite a substantial sum of money contributed to ;Missions over and above the pledge:. In collabora- tion with the Women's, Branch they • .church. Gaines, programnte, lunch and watch night service ,will be the •order for the evening, Everyone fs -weleonse to attend. The large attendance, sit' the fun- 'neral of .Dr. Charles A. Howson. Fri- day afternoon to Ball's cemetery: was'. a fitting proof of 'the high 'esteem in :which . he was held in this •clis-' Arid. The deceased roan;' who was, ' born on the lath -Concession of hlul-; lett, attended S. S. No, 8 .Hullett, and after farming on .the 'old homestead ' for "several years took up the study of veterinary ,surgery. ' For a time • Ire;;ppractieed••'i With' Dr. Perdue of Blyth After' graduating :.from the, "sident ' Miss Lucy 'Woods, ''vacated the chair and the advisor, Mrs. F. H. Paull, took charge during the elec- tion of 'officers. wlieh resulted' as follows: President: Miss E. Cameron. Vice President: Ella MicKay Secretary: Mary Widcombe. Treesui.ei• Thelma Parker. •Literai„y.Secretary: Bertha Stur- geon. • Dorcas'Setretary: Irene-Seotchmer Adviser: Lucy R. Woods:'' Mrs. Paull ,then read a Yohapter frown the studbook. • Mr. Henry Darrow. returned Amine» on Tuesday eiening • after having spent .several weeks with his brgth,-- every fifty gallons of the liquid id 's quite satisfactory. The solution of honey and water should first be boiled to kill any organistrl that might later spoil the vinegar. After boiling place the solution in steril- ized containers and cover with a tightly Woven cloth to keep out dust and flies. When the solution is cool add the yeast food and some yeast and again cover. The solution should be kept in a room where the temper- ature ranges froni'65 to .75 degrees F. . At this temperature fermenta- tion should.be complete in from 5 to 6• weeks. As soon as• alcoholic fere mentation'.ceaSes add mobilo of vin- egar or about one pint of strong vinegar to the solution to start the acetic fermentation. When the vin- egar has become strong enough draw it off into bottles and cork tightly -C. ,B. Godlderhain, Dominion Apiarist. Ontario Veterinary -College in 1889 +;ec, John in Lucku.ow, who is ill. • Mr. and Mie. A• Sturgeon spent. the • week -end with the latter's,paren$s` Mir. and lillrs: S. "Kipfer. • Lee Kipfer who has been •In London • • with .his sister for the pilot few 'weeks~ re donned .with his parents. - he located • at, Auburn and in . the ' ' following year was united hi mar- . -rine with Miss::Ethelwyn' Asquith .of Ifullett. As well as Carrying on .a suc- •eessful• practice_ he.,not only '• devoted . essnsi Ted Scully and Prank.Er• • -part of ,..his -time to other business ; interests hut. gave` his energy and win, accompanied by 'Muster Bobby services in.promoting anything that ander, of Ii{tchener, spent Satur S 'Public welfare and ins- day • shooting•)n .the neighbor* pertained to pu he woods- - - rove seat. 'In the later ninties ull P n ,Rev. F. ]i Pauli and`�M`rs..I'a was:::+ a large; buyer' :of heavy: horses • `returned rte the''Rectory on Satur- day after,4:Wingy' spent- several days its London: .. . ,. Mr, and MrS. Gilbert Knight and for export :,and travelled to England : ...Later in connection -with .this, trade. 'he entered' the saw -milling business Far many years he was in partner - .ship. with Edgar Lawson, manufae week -enol, with. Mrs, Kntg]rt's patents Maple', Loser of ldi'ge it. to En of p ei s for export to ;England. A £ `iVI.31 and • •lilii s ' Aired GemEs'windt. ;roll .: • 'r, and, Mrs., . Widbmr Erwin, Mrs, ter the destruction •*Vtheir mill +by ••• A:. Saudet° atid'}•Miiss Ruble Miller retired 'fire about ten yeails":ago he -r siriess.•'r ''r'" li •¢ ,of•Kitc'heatoi, lye,:+o;+theguestis of their frbin'•aetn+e bu . • aunt, M�rs-:y1 AtEdward:s,=. oss :Slit 'uiin nearly ,all .his life•_ Dr. day D . _.g t nio.'ed excellenthea}t1 but ZI o ye e 1 y, 1 news last week an- • of III the Bayfie d ;two years ago 'suffered the'•loss, neared• an item reporting a,certain. Isis eyes. gut'. by Usa.;11uisting„ of • a , "(len Sithe" week ba 11' -Mood "•vessel:.,„F rt •,brise 11I birthday 5 iia •• gr r•: 'sma i-, fore T i steam was riot •sent,n by • e meWa. • • :tint :laiei ... :.. ...,, , :his th,imP? n!. d.s. . ? r .,;our ire ular , corres'pondent..Is t „ was his .condition radially„g;els. woa,ae• g is of,' esionsible ?.•ir. „c 0;10, , by, theIta i, a r l 't b e �, a,,,. 'o s '1 i � 'il. r mti 2 .: ':,' . b s i oa a oils e n ,, ,,. n -w u 6 , e so d x P ' d n or r"" a d• f weeks •ago,.and Qin �,,, ✓ � � a" '..tb t t rite :� sag, ,=�"" a�t• '� lie.. lois . iso 5(u• 9th, ''•• '''�' �""°` '`� trots correct on se-ves:al,pomts and that .a . I is a somewhatClark, o i and• ;his services were platys. came was s tied' t : naYu + £" yaop+e ,?>,?1o�rd��1t e,, 1 tllpxod Lei little' Rona}d teE Tos.onto' Spent the NEWS OF- HAPPENINGS IN THE COUNTY AND DISTRICT - BRUSSE1•;S': Word was received here Tuesday of the death.:of a for- mer well-known resident of Brussels in the person of Mrs. John Skene, which occurred at the home of her son-in-law,' Fbank Stoery in Toronto The. deceased woman, who. was in her 82nd year, spent the early part of her life' in Streetaville before conning to Brussels. Her maiden name was Mien J. Wilson. Following the death of Mr...'Skene, who was a general' merchant 'hoe, the deceased woman moved with her only daugh- terto Toronto.` The remains' will be brought be Brussels for' interment, 'niti4 i,.vng herr ,an Thursday. , ;,, yB� w TId The Young ,Peoples' 50. re err' insirtictive';and in- teresting a very teres,ting meeting • in Queen street ,church on :; onday evening.: The program was in charge of Miss .Alfie• Toll, convenor • .of the Citizenship. eomrhittee and was well attended. ,After Singing;; a hymn;: the^. Lord's prayer:, was .repeated 'inunison. Audrey; Tir•ast rend the in., lesson. A chscussien on the same was lett by.a,Gaklwell. A' chorus,;"Let yourL+ ilife cotmt for Jesus," was sung, by fifteen,'teen-age girls. Wilhile the. offering was. being received .apiano duet+:leas, given by Wilson Desk `and •61- This was, i .tntatt ` Th s. f EvelyntiV Wightman. by a' chorus by fouteen 'teen- age hoys. . Rev. ET In Anderson gave address.' . on • "Giving7,". which waS of the m most'timel,V; • A novel feature, eeting was an,'exercise by slit''bays and. Miss . Jebbie Richmond, entitled, "Who's Hie :biggest- man•: in ;lovvn? the boys impe�rsolsating the ,follow- ing: "T'es iter,'•'• l3a'enton• Godkin, "merelhant;"' Edwin Bender; • "doctor•," Glen Keehnie; i'fderitint,P Ifovkafrd Leslie; bake,:, GordonsItyon;:;`rfar-' tier," Donald Jeiikins; "in.ingstler," Jessie. Richmond. The neetinn•elosr est.with' the Mizpah"benedicttGfo: ' G1111IMTIG}I: A true bill least re- turned by it3ie Grand :,Jury rat the thc. int : C nit scion of Gb e e3:a1; Ses 1�. Gn on Tuesday befor. eJudge e Ja es' 411 - loran I loran of Stratford' againAlex . Christmas Social St. Joseph's Hall MONDAY•, EVENING December 29th Arthur's Radio Ordhestra Admission, 50c. 97-1-p. ' Christmas Concert A Christmas concert will be given tri•^ Smnmerhill school • on Friday, December 19th. A. program will be given by the pupils and young people of the community, consisting of drills choruses and two short plays.: Pro- gram to commence at 8 p.m, Ad- mission 25c, children free. '97-1. Stop: Look! Listen! Everyone is cordially invited to attend the program to be given at S. S. No. 9, Goderich township, on Friday, Dec. 19th, at 1.30.. A `silver collection will be taken. 97-1. 'many u,blic e `tx W a }l t„sglrti'i)3+,q he.:ktik+ihon".:Svhose Rowson field Y p sofT J o THURSDAY, DECEMBER - ,till 4 GIFT BETTER•; ., /BARGAINS, IN •PRACTICAL BIGGER:. AND ,4... ESTIO r?'SUGG ONS, .,. :.Buyingt. ful•,G><ft an�dSave•; , l Yearsgive a Useful, � This Year,of al Milier tale An Exceptionally large a • Stock of Pocket .. KnivesScissors , and Skates. Sacrificed at Rediculously Low Prices ' 1\EEN'S OVERALL$ Regular, $1,80, Now 'MEN'S OVERALLS Regular $1.90. Now MEN'S OVERALLS Regular $2.10. Now: ..... $1.6® MEN'S' OVERALLS 'Reg $ •,z 25. Now • :Regular $1.29 $1.48' $1.74 MEN'S OVERALLS. $1.83 Regular; $2.35, Now. • MEN'S OVERALLS $1.87 -Regular $2+•45. Niow .. • , . ... • p MEN'S. OVERALLS . $1.,74 Regular $2,50. Now 'H'EN'S WORK PANTS • Regular $2.00 Now BOYS' OVERALLS Regular $1.70. Now . • MEN'S ONE -FINGER MITTS • Regular 50c and 55c. Now MEN'S ONE -FINGER MITTS '47c • Regular 60o and 70o. N+ow MiEN'S ONE -FINGER GAUNTLETS Regular 75e.' Now MEN'S PULLOVERS • 'Regular .90c,.. Now $;1.49 $1.24 37c .58c' -MEN'S HORSEHIDE GLOVES -and. ' • "73c GA.UNTLEfl+S. Reg. $1:00, $1.10, Now' MEN'S MULESKIN and CARPINCHO °7'7 e s 1.10 Now GLOVES. Reg. $ • KEN's LINIED .MIJLE•SKIN GAUNT-;'`` LETS. 'ILegular �1.25. '• .,Now 90'C MEN'S BUCKSKIN GLOVES *el 1.15 Imeau' 'Naw• 1VIIeCOgulLLS$1,76. GAP GREASE u9C 5 lb: can.'Reg. $1.00. Now . 1yEeCOLLS AXLE GREASE 62:. 5 -Ib. can, Reg 90e,; Now BOLT ASSO+RTMFNT .of 67 BOLTS 9 .�� 2.17. Now, $ Begular $ ,OF 81 BOLTS BOLT ASSORTMENT Regular` 98c: ` Naw . BUSHEL ENSILAGE BASKET 65c Regular $125 ' Now TAN ZIPPERS WOMEN'S GREY and $2, . Regular $4.00. Now. - • WOMEN'S 4-BUICKLE OVERSHOES $1.99 Regixlar,Now,: WOMEN'S HIGH ZIPPERS $2.5'7 Regular. $4.00 and.$5.00. Now • • C. C. M. CRESCENT BICYCLE $26.95 ;Regular, $32.50. Now C.C•M.; CADET !BICYCLE $24.65 Regular, $30.00. Now • AN' OIL STOVE a• 3-Bairner I'1=7RIT =AK ! �•1.OY! Regular,. . $28.00,. .Now *•, CONNOR ELECTRIC WASHER', $8 .00 Regular, $110.00. Now . • $ THESE PRICES WILL NOT - - BE CUT LOWER • ALL SALES CASH NO EXCHANGES OR•, REFUNDS The Vogue Our "new line' of Corticelli full fashioned sills hosiery with •thc new French heels are here. Also a line of dainty scarfs. These are very complete for Christmas gifts, packed in a clever box of brown suede. 97-1, ,CARD OF' THANKS We 'wish 'to express env, grateful thanks to' the many •friends for their expressions of •sympathy daring the' illness and at the 'death' of Dr, Chas. A. Hosyson; also to those' who so generously offered' the use `of ;their cars for the funeral. -+Mins. '1•Idwson and daughter, :Winnie, • ' CARD OFTHANKS . Mr: and 'MTS. -Wan, Ball'wish to express their -thanks ' and appreeia . tion to 'the friends and neighbors for their kindness during the' illness 'of their son, l•Iugli, Who is' now hap- pily recovering, for • flowers sent and other' kindly. :courtesies. Also'to the superintendent 'and' staff 'of the. Clinton Public Hospitel'•for their un- remitting care. lt�n aild John Stap$e TOT i",geltrif'jiiryr:;:he CLINTON RECREATION CLUB "BOWL FOR HEALTH" :. BOW1,ING, POCKET BIL- - LIARIAS, SNOOKER• OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK HAS ARRIVED Case Pipes, Cigars, Tobaccos, Cigarettes - All attractively put up in Special Christmas Wrapping. All Make Very Suitable Gifts For the Men Folk. Drop in while the selection is complete, Ladies, and we will be pleased to lay aside any thing you choose until Christ- mas. We also carry a complete line. of Pouches, Lighters, Cigarette Holders,, Cigarette Cases, Smokers Sundries, Chocolate Bars, -Soft Drinks, Safety Ra- zor Blades, Etc. Co :' nter Bros. Wanted Plain sewing, fancy work and knit- ing. Orders will be taken at resi- dence of Mys. Rath, next door to S. A. hall. H. McKenzie. 97.6-p. For Sale 26 choice Leicester ewes, 1 rant, 500 cedar posts, some end posts and a few choice white ash tongues. All priced to sell, • Ben. Rathwell, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. Phone 606r16. 97-2. Roomers Wanted Anyone desiring roams are re- quested to see Mus. E. L. Mittel., Princess street. 96-tf. Lost One Saskatchewan robe, large size, 'and one black horse -hide robe unlined. These robes 'Were used at Thomas Simpson's funeral and have not been seen since by the owner. Reward offered for their recovery. John Fingland. 96-3. COKE, COAL, WOOD, .CEMENT THE LAST ROSE -OF -SUMMER WOULD' STILL BE BLOOMINCr IF YOU HAD WARMED THE. ., CONSERVATORY WITH HEAT FOLKS JUNE OR DECEMBER' T MAKES NO DIFFERENCE Md M3 Some folks hurry South with the first Bold snap. Others have learned the secret of even- Sum- mer comfort the year around, right in thea own homes. These' are the knowing individuals Who lay in a supply of Heat Folks in advance and then laugii at Jack Frost. A. little shovel early,• and a little shovel late.,The house keeps cozy and the rip •can wait. Order your HeatPolice coal to- day. Enjoy the soft, balmy, just - right atmosphere that keeps healthy roses •on the. mantel, and roses of health in the cheeks, Mustard C s 1 Co. PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO An. Old Time Dance The Street Lighting Committee of the village are putting on an old time dance in the Community T:ondesboro, on Dec. 31st, - New Year's Eve, in aid of the street lighting: The admission will be:. Gentlemen, 50c, andall ladiesre requested to please bring lunch. Millen Orchestra' to furnish the music. 96-3. Cha g'es. arose out' of evidence: given at the fall assizes when •they were coinihitted' ' by 'W. ' Justice Logie. J:oiui Best' of Seaforth •represented Staples ' and Coelabiirn Hays; Jr., counsel folk Clark. The case of Jo- hann vs, Shields etal' was the 'only' other one before the jury on Tuesday afternoon: •Otto 'lTohann of-Viri*- eter'is' 941 -ii '=Sliield's'•usad'112rc' limey, provision''nierchattte,' of Windsor; for 1500 for 'breach of contract and :lass of turnips ;'•amounting •to' $139.99, freight $81,.00, and'. :costs. The de- fend• is that the'"-thi'nips web; not, as represented and were usaleable: Hays' and Hays appeared •'fdr= i the plaintiffs and Redd, Wigle•,'White- 'si,des and Jasperson. (Wind y) ifor the defendants.' 'The tisemlierts`. 6f thio eye: =. BO:110N .A: 'Grand' Jui'y ale. Edwiat• 'Benne 1 F moic-Jaine'g"Etheaington D � 1N1 'Illhntt, ''George •I'r'aaes L ria I+aist, Harold , Fre nlin, • ••SaxoW FLt tan,Thomas Nai $ndss Ro iisaba 'or' 4E`ditfield; Jtrltri 0 Isis%th, +fairies; Wylie; FL*et..Wigg, s C. H. VAINER, Electrician • Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other 'Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 DEBTS COLLECTED Implement Agent I handle Coekshutt implement Our rates are less than those of and cream separators, Frost a other responsible firms handling col- Wood Implements and carry pa lections exclusively; our experience and repairs for same. is greater. No Collection; No charge. The Collection Specialists. • KELLY & AIKEN Collection Specialists. Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, Owen Sound Fat Sale' '1 311:;''I1. P. -Gould,: Shapley, & Muir Gasoline' 'engine; • 1 6 H. P. Intesrnational. Gasoline Engine; 1 3 'A- tor. •'c Mo Ap- plyP. Wagnerr Electric ply to Albert Seeley, Clinton. 96-3.' • Stray Steer Strayed to m grass farm, 16th y g concession of Goderich township, the latter• part of October, a black,-anYd Owner white 2=year-old steer. Own 'and y have same by proving property •paying expenses. ' Fred' Middleton,. R. R. No. 3, Clinton. • 94-t£,• Iloilo e td•`R ent'" A lou stree so ;bit' Jame5-l%,, five ` tri r -"ole r roomtsy . "town" water and ° . c, 1 �.'•td' W' JI Jago ' 96.;§,. lights. APPY a : "Clotbea Cleaned andPressed; ' •Clothes cleaned, pressed`=and iiit phired.' Woolidi,'g6ede'dry; clean r' d3ai fir" 'sho Rooms ' over. •'Beards 'b p W. 3. •T ago., -.."22834f. ANNOUNCEMENT Owing • to the state of the roads I may not be able, to visit the farmers personally to .see their lh,ogs and Iambs but willappreciate having them call ine by phone; 105 even- ings and at noon, for pricesandpar- ticulars. During the day can be found around B. Lavis' office. DAVID CANTELON Clinton 98-tf. SEE H. W. CLARK About Electrical Energy of Na- tional Light and Power Co. of Moose Jaw, whose.ihonds haci.;an.increas'e in the first ten. tnentes :of .gag of 28.82 per cent: over the corresponding:'per- iod in 1929. 610 ;interest on these bonds has been paid„ mere than twice., H. '�,�]' CLARK A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a' YEAR. '• I am also agent for Allis -Ch niers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire abo any of the above kindly call at m residence. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton 81 - McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above a eney for this distriet,I will keep hand a full' stock of repairs,and pa of all McCormick -Deering machin and will appreciate a -share of tl patronage of the farmers suroundi Clinton, . Call at my shop, next. door Jones" blacksmith shop, King street W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04- e Repairing Rac�io R p g Will repair all makes of Radic Electric or Battery sets. If your radio is not working rig call telephone 80.'' ids E,I� Jabez, a .. lin to St Clinte Welsng..n •, Eggs O 'tr and l� I Home on Tuesday and Friday fo HAPPY NEW noon to take in Poultry: it ,„;. Slags handled at' residence::ev t r. :day -graded by..,an experienced o , ,day ison .., 2. „NDS ANT), i �•, hich we.. 'a the 'high ,,,;;e1.LL tiU1t T'RID ;-:.er, .,for w P Y CUSTQM,ERS i ;mark" r;. , - ;•:, ' aietm pries•purohased for Stillman, A the . „ 'A:.:E,:' 'HNCIEI c Jl i. 4 4,i �. 1 ale " F5,, y.. ; + A e ee' .'C'oa'l, De t ' ,,)Tr iia Cream•S'eP, r .or g u t , Phone ''" Clinton ,e hone 256 ictaria St, Queen `Street � ' Tel p V , , is is ,vw„t