HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-12-18, Page 3P =a e0kK-. ,- .c - .:: ...; „fir„-; ,� ,�• , :, .. .,�.�r,,• WIDE 'VARIETY - PRICES ON ': l --S ,tAT CHINA DEPARTMENT Your Gift Problems Made Easy Specially • Priced Tables 15c 25c 50c $•1.00 • French China; 97 Piece Danner Set • :$39.50.. P THE • CLI1VTONLNEWS Choose them in Toyland 2nd. Floor':;of Main ; Store.' SPECIAL. ,15 >� 5 25- 0c tables: CLOTHING .DEPARTMENT .. 11'ten s and Boys''Overcoats and Underwear Now Selling at Reduced Prices Ladies' Coats and, Dresses At Special Christmas Prices Ladies' Hats;. Reg. $2.95. and $3.95 Clearing at; 98c BOOKS, STATIONER'. FA SHIRTS, +,HANDKER' The most complete Christmas Stock We Have'Ever Shown. -0T Cooper.C1iii.ii 9 'm Store. With .the Stock . THE ANNEX We have this, week taken over. the j store south of our Mann Store, for- merly occupied as a restaurant; which ;will: eventually .give us: the needed additional display; space. Watch for further announcement's. CY GOODS, SILK.. UNDERWEAR, TIES,. HIEFS GREETING CARDS. ' Phone 36.i ��,vFG•Tsi iteeteiVeiel to ,<eta +.,cst�+ leeteeeliatela teeet,asKiatai „ relit se' CH-IRISTMAS STOCK NOW COMPLETE ilQ.11' will be Delighted with our Practical Gifts Our Prices are within the reach of all ^per, W.S.R.Holrnes, PhV • CLINTON, ONT,,?Yrs sac QQr Stara PHONE 51 tyg9 • ai0eer reOranaareertorateetteet tieteerereeereeeereeiieeee ea.e telarreeMermelear`l`re A A M)=10 1:=0 or===tozzio oa < 0 FOR A. SAFE INVESTMENT BUY 0 DOMINION OYALTY GOLD BOND DIVIDENDS 'PAID MONTIILY COUPONS CASHED BY IMPERIAL 'TRUST CG. TORONTO Or the Agent For MID-CONTINENT BAND CORPORATION .1. G. CHOWEN PI-IONE 52. 0 ....01:=0====30=0, o=no ar=cs1e-----.-=aq LONDESBORO The United church S. S. are hold- ing their annual Christmas tree and concert on the evening of December 23rd. Much time is being spent in preparing a program. The council held ,their meeting in the conununity "hall last Mlonday, with the reeve .and all council pre- tient, naively: Messrs. Lawson, Forbes, Leiper and Mogridge, The street lighting committee nee holding an old Lyme dance in the centmu n1 it y hall on Dec, 18st. They are leaping this will be well patron- ' ized as the funds are in aid of the street lighting, which means' much to the village folk as well as to the star sanding community. Mr 'lIugli "Radford, who is employ. • ed `%with' a firm at Port Colborne, is spending a holiday atthe; home of • his parents, ''Me'. and Ma's, A. Rad- 1VI`r. and `Mr's. Ii. Lee are visiting relatives and friends in the conneun- ity ,Me. ,and lV);(r'.s. ,Lawrence of -Windsor who xecentl r.•visited'the• home of Mi. and Mas. Ci Riddell, have returned. While - here they were also guests at the home of Mr. and Mins. Ti. Car- ter. • 14.'rs l reank ` Wood, who has been spending some weeks at the (some of her sister-in-law, Mare. Lyddette, near Harlock, has returned home. Mrs, Robert .Townsend has return- ed after having a pleasant sojourn: • with :hen, daughter in, Stratford, Mr. Bert Grey, who is attending Normal In Stratford spent the week- end 'with his parents, : •Mp:. and Mas. Wilt''`GLe o. . Mr. 0• Ituddell .was unfortunate last week as he lost one of his fine horses. Me.' and "Mist B. liainitton motored to Strattford last Wlednesday. • They h`eol'e!' eeonvpariie t by Mir* .George Zi con, for the past 15 years, felt unable serve any longer and has retire( fro the field. It was moved an 1 seconded that a penny eolleteion b i taken at each meeting for buyin flowers where needed. A reedit was given by Miss Gladys blountai Several short prayers wereoffered Mrs. J. Vodden gave a reading, • pleasing Instrumental duet was pia ed by Miss VerdVerde.Wiatson and Miss Gladys :Mountain; Mks, 0, Budded ,read the Scripture Lesson, Luke 2; ' 8-14; a vocal duet by Mrs.. 15, Atl- ams and Mrs. Spinks was enjoyed, and Mrs, H. Snndereock gave a read- ing, The :following is the result of the election of officers for the year :1981 i ,. to 1 d e g 0' n. STANLEY The fololwing Froin at' recent issue of the Winnipeg -Free Press refers to the death, of a foiener'Stanley township boy: • "One of the pioneers of, -Carberry, Man.; Duncan B. *Ewen, well- known to the implement- trade of western Canada, died at the 'Victoria hospital, at 10,50 a.in,'Thursday af- ter a lengthy illness. The immediate cause of . death was, a paralytic stroke, . Mr. McDiven was born nearBrune- field, Huron county, Ont., March 17, 1859, and was in his 72nd year. Iie came west in 1883, and settled on a farm on the ,Carberry plains. A. few years later he moved•into Carberry, where he opened out in the farm machinery business which he Contin- ued until 1902, ' when he went on the roast as a commercial travel- ler for the Nicholls Shepard com- pany, manufacturers of threshing machinery, at Battle•Greek, Mich. In 1918 he decided to open up in the farm machinery line in Regina, Sask., for the Robert Bell Engine and Threshing Co., of Seaforth, Ont, He remained with them until 1926, *'hen ill health forced him to give up the agency and he came to Win- nipeg to live. He had nude his home in Carberry until 1925, al- though his business was in Regina, and one year after the fanily re- moved to Regina he had to give up active work. Sines then he had lived in this city with other members of his family. Mr. lefeEwen was a member of the I,0.O.F,, joining an eastern lodge; he was a strong Liberal and a con- tinuing Presbyterial;, being a mem- her of the First church, W'hinipeg. He was also a keen supporter of all manly. clean sport, particularly enjoying baseball, hockey, lacrosse,. and curling. He entered many rinks in the Winnipeg •bonspeil and carried off valuable prizes from time to time with Carberry and with Regina rinks. Mr. Mc]i wen married 'Amy Ross, at Brucefield, Ont., in 1$88,' the year 'he carne to the west. Mrs. IlIc- and three sons, all of whoa: were born in Maniteba. These are: Mrs. George Taylor, of Oak Lake, Man.; M.'s.' George Dodds, wife of Dr, Dodds, Balmoral Coprt this. city; Stanley McEsven, of the 1'itblado; Hoskin company, J. Ewart McEwen of the city fire depai•tm.eni:, Wmii- mg, and Norman Ross McEwen, of Winnipeg. Two sister's and three brothers al- , M 3:61111 so survive: Miss Annie, Pearson and John McEwen, Bruce field; Dr. P. C. 1VlleEwen, of Detroit, Mich,, and Alex, *Ewen of Cleve- land, Ohio, The beds is at Mlordue Brothers funeral hone and will be forwarded to Carberry, Man., for burial in, Care berry cemetery Service will iris eon ducted Saturday afternoon at1:9:00 o'clock at' Carberry Presbyterian church." Nominations for the township of Stanley' will be held in'" the town Olin hall, Varna, on ,M}onday, 'De> 19th, from one t'o two o clock; , for the nomination of candidates. 'far' reeve 'arid councillors• `If a poll be demanded* election wili:be held en i4SlonrlaY, J ; an "5th, 1931 r•,i T;, . • a Ewen survives, with .two daughter Iloe:President: Mics, J. T'amblyn, President: Mrs. (Revs) Johnson". . lst vice: ilV1 rh. g. Adams. 2nd vice: Mrs, •Robt. Caldwell. Rec.eSeeretaryi Miss Julia -Brown. 'Cor. -Secretary: Mise E. Lyon,,. S. of S. T.: Miss E. Wood. Treasurer. Mrs. C. Watson. Stranger's sec.: Mre. W. Lyon. Associate See.: 'Mee: F. Wood. Press Secrctary:'l%lis '81. Manning' :Organist:, Mi s. A. Austin. Temperance: Mrs. J, : Vodden.• Captains of Groups: Mrs. M. Man- ning, Mles. F. Wood, Mars. T. Adams. (Group 119 .,3 seeved ee dainty:luntlh 24"present,: • � s' • ie , • Mas Jas. Elsley is quite ill at present•• ler friends 'wish , for a speedy recovei e • i1M2s Pidbt Totvnseiitl spent• the week-mid"en' Stratford: a Mile Peiley Manning and :; Phyllis spent several days in 'Toront'o with NJ:ms. 1Veanning who isimproving nice ely after her recent operation, ',but. expected to have her tonsils removed the, first of this. week. ' Several new radios ea -me to. the harness -of our citizens Ias1 week -ir•:' Griffiths, Mx, 'a. MraCo'ol, Rev. : Jr W: Johnson and M'x. R. Scott have- ad new' sets' placed by. Mir. Wells and4lr. McDall, These will no doubt - help to iiiaictettie holiday season more njoyable. !Manning Bros, had' the 4nisfo�'£une o loose a• ';minable Shorthorn eon rola theig' accredited herd'' lest week': eTlee,•feieiF eifi� 1l(. E,'(Crawfoul 'gleed bo see Mans='abi•'to be ,tet, around aggro; ;;after his recent {esa °Iol a' :last nreetingi' of the year of h the W.M,S'of.the' United church .was- heidtee t,the home of:Mrs. .G• SVai son e roil cDec 10th, the vir'eepresicjent, , f fvI sen•; (Roy.):e•• 7trhnsene presiding, M';eeting opened by•singingg )iyinn 191 t tan{1; tires. Ifeggart{,ledt in •prayer.,•: It . f Was ,with, deA,je regret: ghat the re,.5ig natipr(,wf' the reel'dent, :Mrs. ,T.. Tun, } @ blyn{ was aeeepted ,(She, ai 10 with iiti!heit eleWetiori'IItS !?eld the lii'ifi e tG tBLYTH: Blyth Lodge, A T : dt A, M,• held their . regular . meeting in their lodge r'oonv and elected ,tri following.. officers: J.P.IVIn•Alex Lig.. ing; ;'W.MF, R, Newcombe; S.W.;.'G. Brown, J;W J.,1J'. Manic; .treasurer, Tierney; semetary, S,, A.• Pop- lestone;, chs lair! R. Perris chaplain!, ,. rrs, ISR'AFORT1I • T'hei'e was a large attendance ,at they •semi nrahYilily', Lion's; nuircbeon, field ,.1h, ,the Co1u ,anerctaL..Hotel rn. -Monday evening, The dials was occupied, by Dr. ¥01 d1, 0, . AL 'Balidotyne.e prin ' ;pal of,_;the Celle at`•' gi 8 gate a, ver,Y an- .tereating. address - on Aetronoiny, 50. 0.111pani5lt by ae.:fine ,set of slides.;, Aa1rano e to iiyellai.l ;VaneEgniogd:i ; mei is eVit al .salq,. •.11y- Jelin :Beattie, eleii',.i3gr.'eat)y •lo the evening's eseereieet, • i BECORD =; THURSDAY, DECEMI3ER 18, 1930 ''HOLSE'S'VILLE . ' NEv ;iPaVIVIIER ole , ONTARIO' • Mrs .1Ifai*tu ens ed 1bien4s in the village° evei•''the week -bead, •` Miss. 8Vxar'y Creelemepent, the week; end with Mies .Acheson c Yt i111anis ;is diggieg a, well; for Mr D,..Gliddon,:,Jr. Holme;ville Christmas tree enisi- teinment ,will. held ; on Tuesday evening, -Dec 23rd, • • • The annual meeting of the was held at 'the home of Mrs. Wal- ter on Dedeinber 11th with a good attendance,' .*8; Herbert had i~harge of meeting, and a "Christmas program:.was given,: The ,old famil- iar hymn,.,'•r'Joy 'to the "World;" ' was sung as •ad opening hymn, followed. by prayer ;by Rev. lila'. Herbert. •Mrs.: J., Potter read for 'scripture' lesson ;Teitlte's ,account of the. .,ipirth of e hast Nilsen;, X`e0;gave a' very 512 propriate .Chrastimes, reading, "The: Greatest 'Gift,' after which a duet; "Silent Night," was 'very' sweetly sung by 1YI<i's, Glen Ind No. T. Pot:: ter. ijjrs, Walter read an article en- title1�1i, t'fn , a Chinese FTospital;' which was, fellQyved' by the' singing of one verse°each of several_,Christ inns hymns. Mks W Yeo gave a teniiperance., reading . and Mrs Her: beet a very interesting reading en- titled, "A Dream. (rhe meeting. was then given over to the pastor,. -Rev. Mk .HHeidert, for the electron; of offieeis•for the' cam - ring year, whivih i.esulted a'e, follows: ,President: Mts leietne . Jervis• 'lst vice:eMrs Herbert. end vice:••Mrs Walter. 3rd vice; oZow W{•'Yeo. Secretary: Mrs E. Trewarthe - arfeenaoasureie lilies -E. Prodter. • 'Cor. Seeretar3: Mrs, 0. Mair, - Am -Helper's ITelper's Secretary Mas. Joy Snyder- Sup't Mpie Boxes: Mrs F. Itop. StrangeiJ5 Secretatyi - Mrs: W. Mulholland.. (Supt of "Literature. 'Mies Laura Jervis • •.;Organist; Mrs. Te. Potter_ .. Ass Organist:'Mrt' W:. Yea. The Ladies" Aid met at the •elose 'of the W..141`, S. meeting and the officers of this year were reelected: Pr"edident: Mr's. E. Yee. • !Secretary 1Vfrs. J. Mulholland, Treasurer: Miss Acheson. . Refreshments were afterwards served- by . Mrs. Alcock and Mrs, Walter. Frani a . Wiinnilieg, (Man.) pa, we ,clip the following report of' golden wedding celebration of couple who formerly lived near he having occuiiied the faun now oe pied by Ma_. L. Jervis. Mr. Ilaiste is a ,brother of Mrs. A. Jervis Holmesville and of Mk's. Geo, Yun blutt of. Goderich, while Mrs, stead. is a sister of Mies. George H land of, Clinton and a cousin of M W. H. Lobb of the Bayfield Ito The above were invited to the ce bration but were unable to go: "Myrtle, Man., Oct. 8. -The o home farm at Myrtle, Manitoba, w the scene of a very happy reeni ).ben on Saturday, October 4, and Mrs. Albert Halstead celebrati their fiftieth ivledding annivcrsar Mr. Halstead was born near Bell ville, Ont.,, on March 4, 1856. Ile a member a£ a fainly of ten childdr born to Stephen Halstead who w born ' in Hastings county, Ontari and Deborah Mott, born in the stun county, Mrs. Halstead was bo Sept. 20, 1862, the eldest daughter a family of four born to Willi Lobb, of Cornwall, England, and Ei ma Joey, who waa born in Exete Ontario. ' mr, anis Mxs. Halstead wero mai ri`ed. at Sunshine, township of Morn county of Huron, Ontario, Oct. 1880. For twelve years they fame near Hohnesville and then moved t Roland, Man., in 1892. In 1896 the moved a few miles east to a far near Myrtle on which they reside until 1912, From 1912 to 1023 th Iived in Winnipeg, the took up resi deuce on a fruit farm -at Ericksoi 13. C. +O1 a family of ten children seve are living, Wilford and Arnold o Myrtle; Carl, Percy and Milton o Winnipeg; Inice (Mrs. E, L. Lang sten) of Coalhurst, Alta;; Arlin (Mrs. E. J . Knott) :of Snoqualnie Wash, The deceased :members of th family were Haevey, of 1Vlyrble Beatrice (Mes. W. H. Sotham) Roland, and Ella (Mrs. Jas, Milne of 1Vfyrt)e. All members of the family and 2 of the 21 gra;udehildren were presen to celebrate: ' the golden wedding Porty-five immediate relatives sat round the banquet tables which were artistically d'ecoratec with roses and golden,. eh ysanfihemuins. The een- taal; decoration of tris .table. was the Inge !wedding cake, the gift ,of' Mrs. carnes Philips, an old time friend of e Roland. district_ After the banquet a toast giving nany-oarly atneedotes;xelating to the ride and bridegr ooh was proposed y,James Lobb, of 'Gait, Ontario; a rother of t`he' bride:• Mr. Halstead fittingly repiiedrin a short address. Rev. William"d`, Lobb, of • Andrew, lberta, recounted many amusing in - idents in the• early life of the vener- hie couple . , „- Following :the -teepee the presents- tions were. made. , Wilfor:d Halstead ead a presentation address after which the presented the family 'gift, purse•of gold and a.ibouquet of-yel-. ow. roses. _ 3Iany beautiful gifts .of old -and obhers appropriate.•te - the eca3ion were: presented by relatives: d friends, , • In memory;of•the .merabers,of the ani.ily wird had • r passed away the uests., etoodr in reverent silence . •a- ound..the banquet tables. On Sunday:, the family and /the res attended; •divine service at Myr- a. Rev F., r.I ;Hartley; R.D., a :mer. mrnistpr:id the 8Vlyr'tie church the time when•Jofx• and Mrs. Iial-• ead 'were. resident in the district;: engK�ghed• tihe Sermon, ' • ,end Mrs.,Halstead are both' ene. yrpro:; excellent health .and expect to incl::; in, Mlanitolea fort eer:a-tame."' er, a a re, cue ad of Ha - oI- r. ad. le - Id as on Mk': ng 7. c- is en a5 0, e r' l of aur 5' s, 4, d 0 y m 0 the th b b A a r e a lo g 0 an f 11 t1 fo at 5t fie re 1 Onierio's fjehesies pr'odnetitiu ,itis 1 ,3,O,i{had & ,palue , of .appy oXiri?ately: ^53;320,000., .T(he„• nt+oyinee is first: alfils?na. Inland, Pi'sher$es teveltbl,iei':iin;. annual fishcrieeeeketueete: ( r t+ ., Iro, George, S. henry was duly .sworn %ii is..premier of `Ontario. en 1'cesday. He will also administerthe porifolio'Fof ,education m addition -to his own department of ;right}says, Air a •tinio at 1eeet Two, new ministers without port- folio, Da Piaul Poisson of ,North. Es- sex, and .E emy,C Soholifield, St. George's, Toronto, were Mimed 'min- isters without Portfolio, et is :said that it was not the wish tp open up new seats befa'e •the ,e'oining tee - Sion of paeliaui;',nt but 'that after the -'session a uieadijustiiueilt will be made The Executive Council of Ontario 'is now nstit" c c ,rated• as.ollows•;;: Premier, viii inter of edematioii and, stei of ;highwayse-3Ion.' George S ITonry York .Dant) Attereiey Generel Hien W ; 7I Price (PanlFtihle, Poi onta q. IPi ovineial treasuries'' - Iron Ed ward':A Dunlo)i (-R6nS evf lefbgah) Minister •of mines -- Hon, Ohatles • McCrea (Srennir.y) iMinister ofpublicweeiks, and 'in. bor-ITnn. Dr, J, D. Meritietli;(Perth North) , - Minister of healthThin. Dr, J. M Robb (Algoma).• • Provincial seen etas s,-- Floe; Leo- pold l%lacaulay':',(Y>rk Wiest), Minister of•'ag:raeu1turt -_g on T. L: Kennelly (Peel). ' :Miniete ��,��; 91 .lands' and fores s - t Iron, Wi:'T'. �lnlayson (Sinn'eoe East) lM;inisters•::Without ''•lreirtfdlio-'TTon,: J. •:R Cooks;,<(Tiastinge North); Hon. I?r; •Paul Poisson "(Essex' North) and I1on, IT C''' Sclztalteid (81; , George's Torolito), • The following••is the ,present stand- ing ref the : parties, in the , Ontario' Legislature: ' : + - Denser vat1,MS ,$6. ••Liberals. ...,-:,, ,14 Progressives , . . 4 Lib. Progs: 3 Incl. -Conservatives 2 United Farmer. 1 Waeent Seat's . . , , . r , . , 2 VeireeialigeSerelerairelenete (i) 2 itelte!e,•it atv ltW[ege-ei .Yt,la t2t. & ellateleieteitt Vhrstrnd reetir gs from WENIOlif'S BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY CANDY BARGAINS Mixed Nuts - Mixed' Candy per ]b. 23c ' per -lb 12c •Cut Rock Oranges . per dozen •, 23c To 60c . - Golden n Fluffs' per 1b. 14e Cream .Bon -Bons perms 9: Hunts Chocolates 60c to $3 00 Cigars and Cigarettes Lowiiey',s' foxes 60c to 54.00 Creams per •]b: 19c Christmas ; Stockings 5c to' 95e Willards Boxes 60c up Christmas Creek- ers and Favors 'ream Almonds per lb. 39c VISIT' OUR NEW 'AND 'L'ARGER STORE FOR NEW LOW PRICES PEANUT TAFFY •lbs.- for 33c • • 52 4 PASTRY - English Plum Pudding. . 'Very special, 40c • •Cream Puff Shells New~'�� Tea Biseultts Cookies . We . will Deliver Your Favorite 5' BARGAINS Christmas Fruit Cake. Decorated :Only 40c per lb. Short t�Cake Sandwich :.Cake r Scones Fruit Filled aomdeliut New ei and Different as Each Day Oyster Pattie ,:read Shells a ureses, eeetereiere4lerri "reedrreale;7 eftmererateneas tet 5r merheesere 3ealeee ures0eVall:€lereeet rae see, THESE SMART BATH ROBES Make an Excellent Gift Regular Price $7.00 $44 500 For , . Giffs for Christmas cyBSoxes1ar,35c, $1.50 SHIRT: From $1.00 to $4.75 FANCY SCARFS, up-to-date $1.25to$5.00 SW'EATRRS PROM $2.95 .to $5.00 UNDERWEAR FROM $1.25' to $3.00 GIFT PAJAMAS SPECLILLY PRICED , Regular Price g2:5o p Now 5 WHAT IS BETTER TITAN A NICE PAIR OF GLOVES SPECIALLY PRICED FROM 75c to $3ei5 OVERCOATS A nice line to clear at Special PrieeSom $8.00 to $ 25 fr BILTMORE HATS $2.75. to $5.00 SLICKERS, with Zip (l;3 50 Front, unerackablo itis SMOCKS and OVERALLS $1.50. to $2.50 A FULL LINE Or CAPS, SOX and BELTS AVISry� ,' ac HER AN EXCLUSIVELY FINE ORDERED TAILORING SF1.,�'•,�'i''/F;F+'>��.�3�-wE'"s��`��"'1-f!`��w'i"�..�rT'..'is'w�'• , ��w'S"��.+ay:1'..'�.''1• ,r ;x "The GIlt" for Ohristioas No uptown store this Christmas, better valuesat, the Greenhouse. Cut Flowers . • ' Flowering Plants Bulbs in 'Bloom and Ferns Fancy Dishes of Flowers and Narcissus in Bloom White Roman Hycantbs Etc. Pans' filled with Flowering Plants, Christmas Cherries and Begonias, - Cyclamens, Ferns Etc. from • 50c. to Y f $2.00 Fancy Baskets ,filled with Assorted Plants 75c to $3.00 Pans of Bulbs in Bloom 50c up. Lettuce for Christmas weeI � 10c Winter Wreaths for Cemetery and Home Decoration all Prices. i We shall also have Roses, Chrysanthemurs, Carnations, 'Narcissus, Daffodils, etc. Our`Christmas Stock will be ready next ween, Make you;* Selection •• any time and we will deliver on time, all Plants be suitably wrapped. Being; a member of the Florist Telegraph Delivery Association, We can send flowers through guaranteed service of 5000 florists, to anyart. of the World. p Recently 's'e •, nt Flowers :to Gras' . w N g o , Scotland.: --Delivery made alis. 5 ours. .77,. i lo,ist.P. • it . '1TS•. � > I1 "� :all6f j> fi d i C r- C1k�FFLW „w .lP io