HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-12-11, Page 8A Opportuility•S. ale Air opportunity for you to Sa ve Money and nu Opportunity for us 'to Reduce our Stock of Merchandise. Only 1 j Shopping Hayti, left and your Opportunity to Buy Christmas Mercha dire at -Bargain Prices will be gone for .Another Year. Take Stock 'of these Prices. You will find this an opportunity to make your S go farther. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS AND SUITS AT BARGAIN PRICES TO CLEAR.-- COME IN AND LET US QUOTE YOU A PRICE: MEN'S WOOL WORK SWEATERS p 0 For Every' Day Wear$1'" MEN'S JUMBQ KNIT SWEATEa $ $3049 rh Special Price MEN'S FANCYOKE�CIC WIOOL'SWEA7'ERS ' $•}.7r', Special Price real•sD WINDBREAKERS IN LEATE .REPTE. AND MACKINAW CLOTH FOR MEN AND BOYS AT REDUCED PRICES BLANKET CLOTH W'INDBREA-KERS IN RED OR GREEN FOR SKATING OR OTHER WINTER SPORTS • STAN'! IELD'S RED LABEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Special At ••• X1.95 STANFIELD'S. BLUE IrtLBEL':SHIRTS and DRAWEES\ $2 49 t� Special At . , r .AG PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL_COBINA.TIONS $2-049 FLFrCE-LINED UNDERWEAR MEN'S SHIRTS and DRAWERS 85c OOMiBINATIoNTS • Special at Special at ,•845 BOYS' SHIRTS and DRAWERS 4gC CO1V1113INA.TIONS, 95c Special at •'t Special at . p GREY FLANNEL WORK SHIRTS 4 1.0� Special Ak; , ALL ILO'RSE-HIDE W(.1R1? MITgPS $1 o00 FEN'SSpecial At . , /p LINED EID GLOVES $150 Special at . .up MEN SILK NECK SCARVES. .The Best Assortment $1.39 We Rave Ever Shown. Sale Pince . . ...... . . . . . . . . .p up CASHMERE SCARVES Sale Price PLUSH AUTO RUGS. Regular $1.50 to $1.75. Sale Price WOOL AUTO RUGS Special .Prices FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Special at". IBEX, 12-4 BLANKETS Special at... c up $1.3'9 QQ $1.95Onp $1.85 pair $1.95 pair A * BLANKETSANCY , at . PLAID FLANNELETTE $2.25, $250 and $2.75 ° . Plain .. V P a V WOOL BLANKETS 1 , or Fancy Plaid q At Bargain Prices . $4.95 up BED SPREADS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES fi • WHITE CR1NKELETTE SPREADS Large Size. Special . . $1.29 0 GOLD STRIPE G INKELETTE SPREADS $1. d 9 A RAYON -SPREADS IN PINK. ROSE, GOLD JR BLUE A AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 4 MEN'S BATH ROBES Heavy Weight, Special Price LADIES' BATH ROBES .s. Roe or Blue. Special at , Extra large size at $3.95 $2.95 LADIES SILK LINGERIE -BLOOMERS, BORETTES, VESTS, GOWNS and HOSIERY CandYPRICES MEN'S SOCKS,EGLISZ BOTANY iAON..SOME IN CHRISTMAS BOXES. SPECIAL VALUES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS GA MiEN'S FINE SHIRTS At all prices from . . . SEE OUR SPECIAL . "ENSEMBLE" BY TOOKE' SHIRT and 2 COLLARS WITH TIE to MATCH MENS TIES, Separate or in Christmas $oxer Special Values From r , 25c to $1.50 V gt D MEN'S PYJAMAS AND N-IGGH.T SHIRTS, in that heavy It English Flannelette, Fancy Stripes, Special Prices 1.29up BATA TOWEL SETS, TABLE AND DRESSER RUNNERS, li FANCY CUSHIONS, HANDKERCHIEFS SEPARATE OR BOXED AND C}}IRIS'I94MAS GOODS OF ALL BINDS AT at $1.25 up A $2.95 OPPORTUNITY SALE PRICES Plumsteel POS. grAlX49 ir4iu7'a'i3elt inh`3h't2simmi;r7g1`ravi fimii7riarai`drz' nroa'rziwztatm g7,7tii`.3likataL'h'rarD0r. ir=R4ratt ozza r moan 13r A rzc mi Irv: teat. iaziogtc K'K{eMer.:ic 9p 1 atter where • you Live 4 You can always have the ibest radio programs on this new screen -grid Bat- pa tery-Operated Victor Radio R-10 $14tp Including Tulles. Easy Terra's n J �� jJ Victor Radio And at a price never before approached for quality reception. Victor performance ...-great -selectivity . , . amazing power . . rich tone ... all in a beautiful cabinet, including built-in14® Speaker and tubes for only Sutter & Perdue �r2.oy2rbrar�t�ra7B�rdri;wta:�imerpraar'.�rmi��iar,gntr2r�,`far:};�rbior3r�2r�raraiht�i�o�Ar taWCeeVaVel6VCCP C,CAVVvKiCtere-VG-i6rerCuteirWtglE4E :$!-i*11*RIF**t r6r69`Tmar/ WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS 0 Especially at this time you will find the Superior Steres a real convenience. We have a'complete stock of everything for the Christmas table -cake -and Pudding. Our prises are consistently lower. No matter what you need, call the Superior -Store first - we'll have it, and- WE ndWE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS CHRISTMAS, CANDY, NUTS, ORANGES MIXED NUTS Per lb ... . , MIXED CANDY Per ib. ORANGES Per dozen . . BOXED CHOCOLATES. We have a fine Selection; Prides ranging fey=1 25C to $2®�0. MAKE YOUR CHOICE • EARLY 23c 25c 19c, 29C, 39c, 59c ITEMS FOR WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 13, 1030 Hillcrest "Shgrtening • Chocolate Drops, per 1b, „23e 2 cartons ....27c ' Standard Peas,'3 .tins 25e. . resh Rolled Oats; 5 lbs. .,19c Oxydoi, large, per pkg. ..,22e Seeded orSeedless Raisins Royal York, Tea, 1-2 ib 28e 2 pkgs.. , ;, 2$c Royal York Tea, 1 lb. . 55e Canada Dry Ginger A.le, pt. 15c .:-Royal, York Coffee, 1-2 lb. 25d -Canada Dry 'Ginger Ale, qt. 25c Royal York Coffee, 1 lb. ..4§6 J. T. - e G HT & SON KINDLY PHONE YOUR ORDERS IN THE EVRKING FOIL 11.4 ItLY MORNING-'DELIMItt ',•' '4 CLINTON, ONT. imams! H fi t rr"tar?�rSkkOntnir CRE.EHIL AND YIERHILY. SUBMIT TEI +k -,p '4 A:' * * v. * 9i * * .* That you will soon give us * . your ,order ' for Christmas :¢ 'Cards with our personal * Y k , 'greetings, imprinted with your '* nanrte and address. Some oth- ,erwise, methodical people put * ! • 'off ordering their cards until * it -is too late., to getthe bast 's: " choice. We have 160 cards * from which you inky select' '* * and 16 sentiments to choose * ifrenr, prices are from $2.00 +s * to $6.00 per dozen. * * Your gift to reflect bhe * * Christmas -.spirit should be at- "0 * `traeltrvely wrapped in decora- ted paper, then tags for the *. * outside, cards for the inside . * and seals to stick all over. a Our - recently advertised * * Christmas Cards 15 in a box * * for 40c is sold out, However, * * we have equal 'value with 12 in a box for 45e, or 12 for 35c, * ar 12 for 30e, or 21 for 65o. 7* * Note the average price per * * card is about 3c and nearly all * Have fancy lined envelopes. * ,: * * * * •,: * * .i. * * * * me- W. 0. Fair Coe Often the Cheapest -Always the Best THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD • (��I��� ioiIIIIIIIIIIsili nook nidi m niu I i®1� i-8 1 TIlURSDA:X,. PBOEhiptIt ,1i.19somisolowneametuse ,,.•, 1ck4lIs • tn� Cliris • as WITH THE DICKENS: SPIRIT. "TO GIVE TO OTHERS" • Suggest "Gift Baskets' of of I arart Vegetables and Oranges All our Christmas Cakes Baskets of Oranges 49c and 59c and Puddings to Clear • .d . Baskets of Fruits from 49c to 75cc • a ORANGES ARE VERY CHEAP AlHF FINE Each . ICED CAKES C • Each OC and New Pitted Dates2-25 PUDDINGS -Each 6'0c and: $1.00 " lager Raisins 30c PLEASING GIFTS ATATTRACT1VE 1 mixed Nuts lb 23c PUDDING `CAKE 29c G9 QUALITY ,• Sweet & Juicy, 2 doz. 35c and. app OTHER SPECIALS FOR CHRISTMAS PRICES : 1Xe u1 s, lY1UFI?IN TIN BON BONS CHRISTMAS MIXED Bach : , , , , , .4/ CANDY, 2 pounds 25C 3EAKETTLB BONBUNS.$1.75 Creams & Choc. 19c OTHER NOVELITIES FOR CHRISTMAS TREE FROM 5c and 10c to '50c FANCY TE,e>, PACKAGE - Each . 60C EVERYTHING TO CLEAR WE EXPECT Santa Claus 0, SATURDAY, DEC. 13 at three o'clock ro,br,�ratata7�t8r:3ii� VV. T. 'NEIL, CLINTON'S BIG Where CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 FREE DELIVERY • "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Fancy Mixture 39c Large Christmas Hamper of Fruits & Vegetables . $4.00 Holly Wreaths 25c FRIGIDAIRE Picnic Hams, per pound 19c Breakfast Bacon, pound 35c Sausage,. per pound 25c Golden Bant., Corn 15 Sweet Gar. Peas 2=25 Spaghetti, 2. tins 25c Tomatoe Soup,. 3-25c Jelly Powders,, 5-25c G. Sugar, 5-1k 27c Corn Flakes,,. 3-27c Kraft Cheese, 10.33c :+€t+�+ieec:tnire6ti5 A While they last' 3r BROOMS $1.00 PALM OLIVE SOAP & Free Baloon 3--25c iaere-teteteteitrinrnt2rntit2r te,: Mr. James Connolly of Goderich was in town on Friday. l'r,'s. J. Watkins spent a few days ;this week with London friends, Mrs. John Walker has gone to Galt for a few weeks, owing to the ill- ness of relatives, Mr. J. Sloman has been visiting his son, hhIr. Fred Sloman of the (,', N.R. School Car up north. Mr. J. rip 1-Iarnwell of Goderich, foiunerly clerk of Stanley town - in town yesterday. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Eagleson and Miss H. McKeneie have returned after p visit with Drayton friends, Mr. and hli:`i: 5. H. Cook of Wyan- dotte, Mich,, visited the Tatter's mother, Mrs. IS. Hagler, and other friends here over the weekend. Mfrs. E. Kennedy, of Clinton who has spent the past month with her sis- ter, itIrs. E. Watson, returned to her thonie on Monday.-.-iBlyth Standard. Mrs. Brugeman of Chesley has been here owing to the illness of her little granddaughter, daughter of 0.M. and Mrs. E. Wendorf, who underwent an operation in the lo- cal hospital the other day. Mr. J. F. Warman, who has been spending some time in Vancouver with his daughter, Mrs. Howard Hill, has been in town this week 1 calling on old friends. lie has al- • so been visiting relatives in Miteh- eli and intends spending the win- ter in Toronto with his son, 1\r, L. J. Woman. Buis, G. A. Crooks Ieft this week for 'her new hont'e at Delhi, Mr. ,Crooks,•who recently sold his farm on the Base line, went down with their household effects last week. The people of the dentntunity are -sorry to lose Mk, and l'3rs. Crooks, Miss Mary, who is a student at the Collegiate, will re- main here until the end of the tern. Mrs. Lorne Sale whose 'home was destroyed in a fire which swept a business and apartment bleak in Seafortth early Thursday morning last, is visiting at the Normo of her !father -in town, -Mt W, IL Cow- an, Mir. and Mrs. Dale and their two children and Miss Dorothy Robinson occupied an apartment over the Willis store and were trapped by the flarn`es, being ob- liged to make. their escape from a balcony. Mise Robinson sustain- ed a broken limb making a jump to the' grow d. AUBURN Mrs, G. Durham of St. George spent the week -ad with her par- ents, 14 )r. and Mrs. Jahn Ferguson in the village. Mr. Nelson Hill was in London for acouple of days this week. The death of Mr. Chas. Howson occurred on Tuesday, Dee. Oth at his hone in the village. The fun- eral will be held on Friday of this week at 2 o'clock, Interment in Ball's' cemetery. • The Christmas concert of No. school, H•ullett, will be held On Thursday, ben, 18th, 1ThL1ESYILLE liir and Mlrs. Oitver 1.'ocbek spent the Week -end, with Hani ltbn friends: dotter is on the sick list Ref: manyfriends wish hes it "speedy rceovery, l'hc Sunday, school bp:11661s 41 Ilolme twills elrurcia arts , brisy }ii ac> tis`ing fol their annual Christmas tree to,be,lteid cin; Dee 23rd. norifow'aa+d Miuliholland vnntcre 0,oroi'itd Fria filo idiiy: y/moi 4 Kr ,.•.�� �.I/0(t Just U7hat 1 anted v 52 A TREMENDOUS SALE OF LOVE JIRD PEARLS AT PRICESS NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF IN CLINTON Each Customer will receive a card with prices on back GUARANTEED INDESTRUCTIBLE PEARLS These not receiving a card will call and get one. R. H, JOHNSON P S tMgrarSx-=tymronItetnrdir na,,Drz'•riterdamikr aragnenniS rninintn=1'Inai nrrr8iDinrn 4' n Annouuceeni. We have moved our Confectionery Stock and Fixtures to our newly re nyodeled store on Huron street, And are now open with high quality Con fectionery, Ice -Cream and commo- dious and well appointed lunch room BAZAAR. SATURDAY DEC.E■ C. 13th Afternoon -Evening Held at - VACANT STORE NEXT TO COOPER'S SATURDAY WILL BE CANDY DAY BARGAINS FOR EVERYONE 3 Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY --,Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE 68 - Now you need that - New Stove r heater ,1 <.' Get a Circulator this Winter end enjoy Warmth ail through the house. We have Clare Bros... and Dominion . Stove and Founds.yq Cu's., with the WO Rotor Grate. TIM first of its kind and a great fuel weer. Be sura and see it and yYob will blip, Jr -•i;: See our new style, A.i della l ai'np for, Vetter light on the darkwitnbr night. We also . cari.t Vet1,12s on haiitl • )a'wkiiis t> iti*Ait hnra 1,iittfitmo vilthlt, 24iti- 'Plenty of delightful fancy work and various Novelties You will like. Come in and have Afternoon Tea! Then Look Around.' - CHRISTMAS TREE ' THURSDAY; . DECEMBER 18TH at 8 pan. Adults 15c, Children 10e 96-1-p. See The News -Record stock of Christmas Cards. We have them in variety and very cheap How nice it will be to hear these remarks on Christmas morning, after you have made a wise selection of some useful and practical Gift, at this joyous season. As usua we are prepared with an unusually well assorted stock -to suit you at almost any price you wish. We are always proud of our stock of Lamps. The new Radio Lamps are very popular. Then we have all the new styles in Floor, Bridge, Table and Boudoir Lamps. We have a special line of Novelties, Smokers, Magazine Racks, end Tables, and Gate -Leg Tables, in solid Walnut, made by Gibbard's which are real, and Spinet Desks, made by Sherlock -Manning Co. A Cedar Chest is always a very useful and acceptable gift. Look over our new line of Card Tables, Fire Resisting Tops, at Prices that will surprise you. Also a nice cine of Ferneries. IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a complete new line of 0.0.31. Skates, the kind that all the good skaters and star hockey players use. Hockey Sticks, Etc, A full line of Cutlery in Stainless Steel, Knives, Folio, Spoons and Carving Sets, 'at Prices to suit yourself. A' nice assortment of Electric Toasters, Irons and Heaters, For the children we have quite a range of Sleighs and Cutters, Velocipedes, etc. Give them the outdoor exercise, Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. Funeral Directors` Monument Dialers The Store with a Stock Hardware Phone, 195 Furniture Phone 104 p 11S' tirAi: :i¢,t taKE et; gPi,'P-f.::rr�'Si €-ISSN-rcr kTgKraw6t6 r6''!c-Mg-t6tgtElk"AVVVV4kgl -tV P CteO6'+t'AytVrg--Ltrget Vale'-tct v7 Chickens, Ducks and Geese. ARE NOW ON HAND Order the night 6fore for early Delivery Bacon in piece, lb. 32c Cottage Rolls, Ili. 28c P. M. Cottage Rolf 26c Smoked Rolls, lit:. 26c P.M. Back Bacon piece 40c Dressed Shop Hogs, lb. 14c Home made Head cheese 15c Halt Shop Hogs, lb. - 141-c • Choice Grade Mince Meat Home made Sausage, Ib. 22c Special at 2 pounds for ' 35c Give yet r friends a real gift this year for Christmas. A of eon Smoked 1Iam,r a' Good Roast of Beef, Veal, $, geeLeml' or Pork,Nite1y wtaped with Holly Paper. •..It will be' muck appreciated these times. •