HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-12-11, Page 4THE; CLI' TON -NEWS• RECORD DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS Tiiis St�re is Sant.a Clans' Ileadquaters ,Every Department is Filled with Goods that will make Suitable Gifts. VARIETY GREATER PRICES LOWER You'll Enjoy Doing Your Christmas .Shopping . .'STORE AT THIS STORE Toy•Department on 2nd floor Santa Claus Mail Box Now Open - COME WITH THE CROWD COME EARLY Coopeir, CIiniofl. '. ilars CHRISTMAS STOCK NOW COMPLETE You will be Delighted with our Practical Gifts Our Prices are within the reach of all SUR. Hohn J, Phm03:. CLINTON, ONT. i a �� SAW PHONE 51 tig 5 •SOV1ti21£IDat.t i^trot` LoiilitiADiaS irairMaMil ilttc?5rnitM3l nei31 tDt377'Sr2Ypi+' anti THURSDAY, DEODMIBER 11, 1931 mosiermosarassommialimmul last week of Posing one. of his fine horses. • Mr -and, Masi A J Calyi�elgr;Z cele orated' the fifth annive�i¢ity thea wedding • day lett week: , • ••r5ut; fif teen 'guests were present tet i ehloy• the feast prepared and the games ol'' the evening. Good, wishes' are exf;. tended to the worthy couple' for many afore years of happy wedded life. The . Men's "Chub of Grace 'United church put on a.soeial evening. en - Tuesday, When .a good program con', sisting df readings, instrumental music and song was put on by the program committee. Atnong out- siders taking ,part • were: Mi. Pater- son and Mk'. G. H. Jefferson of Clin- ton and Miss Pentland of the Un- ion . school. We are glad to see M. H. C. Cox K i5 .able to be out again after his operation, although he is pretty shaky yet. Miss Ethel' Stirling nhas been in Clinton hospital the .past two 'weeks_ and is improving slawly. The. Mien's Clab of Porter's Hill. enjoyed a rare treat of venison. on Thursday night last, Mr. Leslie CoX' supplying a ler of.,the deer he shot,, while up in Nippising. Mr. Fred :Pickard was called- to. Detroit, this brother„ Will; having passed away suddenly in that , city. Mrs W.. Weston, who has leen sick for.., -the •;past few weeks, is able to be out agaip. Ma. E. _Townsend: has disposed of the farm!. which he bought. recently from Albert Bond • t� VA'. Elliott Harrison.` something would be done. The hgspitals are becoming more or less of a burden•in regard to ac- counts for ,indigents. No indigent patients should . go to a hospital without the recoil mendaition of the Reeve of • the municipality er county He felt some better method of ad- mission should be• provided to safe- guard the counties. School Grants Under the heading of Communi- cations, County Cleric read a letter from the Deputy Minister of Edu- cation of Ontario ebgwing the fol- lowing grants for Collegiates and High Sohools: Winghani, $1,497.50; •Seaforth, $1,4'78.50; Clinton, $1,951.50 Exeter, $1,507.68; Goderich, $1,920.- 50.- 1,920:50, The grants for Continuation Schools are as fololws: Huron East: Blyth, $903,25; Brussels,, .$899.89; Wroxeter, $898.61; No. 17, Hawick, Fordwieh, $894 28; Huron West, Hen - sal, $901.15; No. 7, Hay, Zurich, $441.22. A. Letter from Mrs. J. Elgin Toni expressed her' appreciation of . the (Continued on page 5) 'e'. ate te+rztrta etrA Nws a tdene a wesztetimiF.+ artKiVetetyvJemcid r.1. jaa 4 tleP J WE HAVE MIXED CANDY,.Per lb. .. OUR OWN IVIAIi `MiIXED CANDY, 2 lbs. SPBCIAL CREAMS, per lb. ASSORTED CHIOCOLATES, 2 lbs. for GUM DROPS, per lb. WALNUTS, per lb. MIXED NUTS, per ib. BRAZIL N'U'TS, 2 lbs. 10e 25c 19e 45e 19c 23c 25c 55c SPECIAL PRICES ON ORANGES (Come and See) PLUM PUDDING, per lb . r :............. . ... .......... 40c BEST FRUIT CAKE, Iced or Plain '50c A SPECIAL FRUIT CAKE AT 35c CREAM PUFFS, PASTR71, SHORT BREAD, n Full line of CAKES (Made -to Quality, Not price!) CHOCOLATE BOXES FROM 30e UP. MOIRS, SMILES 'N CHUCKLES AND BETTY BROWN BARTUFF & CAICH PHONE 1 CLINTON, ONTARIO asrpr arDit-o ri-a�iorsr�i r-2mmr rotr=iar-wrmr-nolz ail;ozil i a a�rmar` m a wm- ragg •lobo o=o1===o=o====so=o1===o=crI Dominion i o d Corporation 4 COLBORNE The • . annual meeting of the Smith's Hill ISanday School was held at the home of Mi. Warner Walter on Thursday evening: The ininutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary treasurer., Mir. Fordyce Clark The following officers were elected: Superintendent Mi.' War- ner Whiter; assistant:. Mr. T. 11. Wilson;. secretary#reasurer, Miss Dorothy Robertson; assistant:. ,Mr. Arthur "Wlilkins• •temperance -superin- tendent: Mrs. Ernest Mitchell; or- ganist: Miss Isabel Tyndall; assis- tant: Mrs. Marsh.. The vote was taken by ballot ex; cept for two last offices. The whole school was very much disappointed to learn of Mr. Olark's refusal of of- fice, but in view of his intended ab- sence the office was given to an- -other. All are also sorry to learn that IVir. Marsh would give over his position. 5 ARE SELLING 10 YEAR BONDS—DIVIDENDS PAID MONTHLY • While They Last NO BETTER INVESTMENTS IN CANADA , J. Ga CHOWEN PHONE 52: ! oCto lido ®=Io-QIO1b i • HURON COUNTY COUNCIL • • • ' The December .session of Huron ture. The Old . Ake Pension coni - County. Council opened on Tuesday m!tttee have held nine meetings this afternoon in the Council Chambers' in year 'arid 'one to . meet a representa- the Court House. This is the first tive from the central •aukorities re- meetingsince re-deedraticn , of Pope` garding the. granting -of some .pen - .court roomy and the transformation. Bions, but the judgment of thefcom- Sinorn the former .dinginess was bright ntittee had been upheld. Some hill - . -and pleasing. Mb. MaKibbon wasthe provements :have been made at the ,soniyl absentee at the opening session. Children's' .Shelter. Every credit Warden Alfred Backer,, Brussels, 'should be 'given. to the matron for 'hi addressing the'memnbers, of the the auidunt of work she accomp council, expressed his pleasure in lishes, %he floors have been• fixed being : present wiith his colleaguesi, and the house made more eanven but 'felt, he Was apeeially privileged ienti; • as he had been very ill and: fns +Tire Comity Property under Mr. physician -had • only algwed'hhri to .Goldthorpe .and ,the Property. 'Com - 'go en .condition that ' hie would :ext. ' m'uttee had improved the ' eduncil ,,erctee care. 0ontmuing,• be said: ,that chamber. The Wlarden stated he lit had been. th,d• i?x'i epsecl Wish' of ll .d visited many county .buildings, 'Warty councils, and ..people; of the lav ;Canada ;and the United State'ls county', to;, keels davits:,eupenditures and he felt, that • Huron. County as far as,. possible.,;,:Phis had been should improve its •buildings. = The followed, ' but '' unforeseen, 'expenses Court house ishould, be gone over bad called 'for imun',ediate attention every year, .The ,pffices and judge's ,ieeessitating ,considerable expends- room were ,a disgrace and he hoped VARNA L.C.L. No, 1035, Varna, held 'their annual meeting Thursday evening, Dec. 4th, and the treasurer's report showed a balance on hand. There was a good turn out of the members and the officers were elected for 1931, and installed by Past Master J. B. Rathwell. The election resulted as follows: Wei. 111„, W. R. Stephen- son; D.M., Chas. Stephenson; chap- lain: Geo. Clark; red. -see.: Chas. C. Pilgrim; fin. -sec.: W. Turner; treas- urer: G. 11. Johnston; 1st lecturer: Percy Johnston; 2nd lecturer: 'Wat- son Webster; 1st committee man: Isaac Rathweli - 2nd committee man: H. Hayter; 3rd W. J. Johnston; 4th: T. Monaghan; 5th: Carl Deihl; sick committee: J. B. Rathwell, Geo. Clark: and Chas. Stephenson; I. G.: Arthur Payne; 0. G.: Qhas..F. Pil- grim. After the lodge closed the breth- ren served lunch and spent a social hour together. We are sorry to shear of Fla.'. Alvin Elliott having the misfortune to have his wrist broken. We wish him a speedy recovery, i AO, Wm, Rathwell of Southwolrl spent a few, ,days_ in the neighpor- hood. The W. A. of St. Join's church held their annual meeting and pack- ing of the bale, which was very. sue- cessful. Miss Margaret Muter spent `a few days in Goderieh. The Young People of the United ahm'ch $re busy practising for their Christmas tree. Mr. and Mfrs, Wilfred,Chtiter and Mr. Orrin Dowsonspent' last Sat- urday in London, The Women's Missionary Society of the United; church held a busi- ness meeting in the ehureh last Thursday afternoon. • , ' ,M,ts. Fred Austin is spending a few Lv,•eeks' holed iys at her home in Flint. r i On Saturday the W. Mi S. held a debate and social evening to help with the finance position of society The subject of the debate was "That; a farmer with $1,000 worth of stock and implements is in a better finan- cial position than a man with a sal- ary of $201}0.00." The affirmative was taken by James Conon and Cenetta Jewell and the negative by Arthur Willkins and Dorothy Robert- son. The judges, who were Reg. Glen, Win. Marsh and Miss Margaret Pentland, decided tjhe debate in favor of the affirmative by one or two points. The debate was well handled and eaeh speaker revealed that he or she had depended upon their own ability. Mi. Frank . IVfelllwain and Miss Pentland gave an instrumental saxophone and organ solo and Miss Vesta Fisher gave a reading on "Teaching Them to Drive." Com- munity singing was used to fill in the odd moments and a pronunciation match wound up' the program. All this was managed by Miss Nellie Claris. Mt. Charles Robertson Was chairman for the evening. Lunch was served as usual at the ladies social evenings. ,Miss Margaret Pentland, who is teaching in Goderich Township and has spent some of her teaching abil- ity•at No. 1 school, visited with Miss ilasel Young over the week -end. We axe sorry to hear b 1VI1t • fl ii. Taylor •ftctting his ankle fractut'dO: The annual meeting of the WO - men's MisisonarySociety was held in Varna United church on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 4th, .The ,following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President: IV$iss Bertha Diehl; 1st vice: Mrs. J. Meelymont; 2nd vice: Mrs. 'W. Johnston; rec -sec.: MLs. C. Stelk; eor: see.: Mrs. George Johnston;; Treasur:'er: • Mrs. Win. Reid; . Lit secretary. Mrs..' Lee Ilc- Connel,." Misi. ,. Monthly. secretary: Miss • 'rola goolymont; press sec retary •11M(is. Sheulock 'Keyes; stran- ger's secretary'. Miss. Ralph Steph- enson. 'GODE.R,ICII ' TOWNSIT!P' Mr. 1'. • W), Powell spent the week- end with his sister -at Niagara. Falls, N.Y. Another sister was down from Vancouver and they. were having, as little ,renui on. ', 1f Rabt. Cliff had the misfortune KIPPEN 'The annual meeting of the W:NI..S. of St. Andrew's United church was held Wednesday, December Brd, in S.S. room, Mth:s. Rev. Connor presiding Reports front the various committees were submitted and the Society is -well up to its objeteive for the year. 1930 has been most en- eourvtging anti $Ueeessful flnaneiaily and much nredit is slue the retiring president. 10s. Alex. Miontieth, and the 'executive. The following are' the officers for 1931 Hon. president: Mrs. Connor;. past president: Mrs. A. Monteith;. president: Mrs. W. W. Cooper; secretary: Mira. 11. Maim - ' tie; treasurer: Mrs. J. W. McLean; 1st vice: Mrs. Wm. Alexander; 2nd vice Mrs J .McLean; 3rd vice: M'is Alex Monteith; 4th vice: Mks, Fin- layson; stranger's secretary: Mrs. W, -French;. supply comhniteee: Mrs. G. E. Thom!ps'on, Mrs. J. C. Bell, Mks. A. Forsythe, Mrs. T. Forsythe. Finance committee is divided into four elides with jhe four following convenors Mrs. 1. Isnot, IVtrs. Jas. McQuail, Mrs. J, B. ivlieLean and Mrs. W Sinclair. Associate 1tip- ers-Mgrs. C'onrior; M. NIH Secretary Mrs. E. Sproat; press secretary: 1V9rs J. Workman; baby band leader, Mrs lenderson. 1 • d tgdies',Aad also have had a goodm9Gftr. ot1r,'finane all *wand ,soc- ially and they also appointed ,offi- cers for 1931 at the same meeting. They are as' ' follows: President:.j Mrs. J. C. Bell; vice-presidents: Mrs. J. B. McLean, Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mrs. Sinclair, 'Ms's. Thos. Workman'I and Mrs. H. ;Chesney; sec. -treasurer: 'I Mis. T.. N. Forsythe. After the business meeting was over an hour'. of pleasant ehat and of viewing the antiques of our own home and our - 1 orefathers urforefathers and the beautifu Japan- ese work and curies was 'indulged in, after;w_ high a `‘Japanese Tea", was served•!by a few ladies. This seem= ed all the more ;interesting as for the past; year the, Society .have been Btudyirig••the Book of Japan. There was also another • very interesting feature in •this closing aheeting of 1930,: the malting• of twc•new tufo members Mrs.-, W, Sinclair : aecl : M4g. J� C. Bell. We- }feel: sure the coming year will be equally • as good as the': one just, completed. ACKNOWLEDGMENT and an INVITATION THE Bank of Mon- treal, now in its Ii4tb: .year; ; regards, it :as a great privilege to have co-operated over so long •,a. period in the development of Cana- dian business.. • The Bank, has kept pace with the growth of Canada and in each. of the hundreds of communitieswhere it is represented it has been an important factor in local progress. If we have had the privilege of serving you. in the past *e are glad, and,; . if we have not had that opportunitywe cordially place our facilities at your • • disposal --at whichever of our offices is most convenient to you. BANKOF MONTREAL 1817 Established TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF 0800,000,000 Clinton Branch: H. R. SHARP, Manager Londesboro (Sub -Agent): Open Monday and Thursday THESE SMART BATH ROBES Make an Excellent Gift Regular Price $7,00 $4.50. Foi..v N >rl,q�ana: A Giffs for Christmas - .�----•-'- C TIES in fan- 3,5 c $1.50 ey Boxes . . • SHIRT~ $1.00 to $4,7 5 FANCY SCARFS, up-to-date $1.25 to $5.00- SW!EATER:S FROM $2.95 to $5.00 UNDERWSEAR FROM • $1.25 t„ $3.00 GIFT PAJAMAS .n SPECIALLY PRICED Regular Price $2,50 8 $1 .9 Now .. epi O • WHAT IS BETTER THAN A SPECIALLY PRICED FROM NICE PAIR OF GLOVES • 75c $3.75' to OVERCOATS A nice lino to clear at Special PrieeB : $8.00 to $25 From BILTMORE HATS $2.75 to $5.00 SLICKERS, with Zip $3.50 Front, uncraekable SMOCKS and OVERALLS $1.50. to $2.50 A FULL LINE OF CAPS, SOX *and BELTS v+r I i HERMAN �a.�'� H �_, EXCLUSIVELY FINE ORDERED TAILORING Q•l N: mow,. �.,�c•�y� +may •�, mow, y,��c �, Nv. �i�":r.�J•`it�: /i•?r•�:i•1'.ZS'�afi '�• �'•t9-YS't1^i7rti"•'tFSyi�"G">.'�i'o�i+ i's' rJc :i'� 4iA "The Gilt" for Christmas 4 Cut Flowers Flowering Plants �1 Bulbs in Bloom and Ferns Fancy Dishes of Flowers and Narcissus in Bloom -: • White Roman Hycanths Etc. Pans filled with Flowering Plants, Christmas Cherries and Begonias, Cyclamens, Ferns Etc. from S0c to $2,00 Fancy i gaskets filled with Assorted Plants 75c to $3.00 Christmas week YOc 4 ' Pans of Bulbs in Broom 50e up. Lettuce Loa Winter Wreaths fog' Cemetery and • Home Decoration all P>r': � 9 We, shall also have s Narcissus,Daffodils etc Carnation ,, . Roses, Chrysanthemums - •li mos Stock will be ready next week. , Make• your Selection wrap - Our �"Ytl,,.St, gill deliver on time, and all Plants will be suitably wr'ap- any time and we ,. :•4.�::�� �>l i. „ rev.:-Hwxrs..�'•'c*i.?a: '�'. ,ped. -- _. ,. ,_. , , t Telegraph 1iD,eliVel'.' Association, We Bern a member or;�,,he Floris , . Y, io •� ce of 5000 f10i�1sth• to anypart of can send flowers through . uazunteeci Se1'i�l , a 1; „art .1 ,,,. the World. -- Recentl . seat Flowers- to Glasgow, Scotland. ;delivery mail d inti' 5 lions. L y V. C •C'i'(t'I isti " Pllo;0 51. • , W ' v _ its:' g, h�oocc ; r r ", r,ti ti. ri 4 Nita({,. zi a aiihS�w ��° it, ar{ tri 71$4: 1 S