HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-12-11, Page 1The News -Record ' Est. 1878.
NO.2596.52nd YEAR
The New Era Est. 1865
DECEMBER 11, 1930
• tCoine in:and' see .this wonderful display of Gift Silvervrare.
At the sharp price reductions you will be pleasantly surprised
what wonderful gifts you can buy: '
Also Headquarters for Clocks, from the cheap Alarm, to the
stately Grandfather's °hinting Clocks, price from $1.00 up.
YL Yell ar
Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174w and 174j
oeket IJooks
They come in Moire, Brocade
Genuine Calf and French
The New Low Prices are sure 'to
please the Giver.
re y1`ip' ii Cousideriug
a, Fur coat?
We have already sold a Num-
ber this Season at Prices- very
much Below Previously quoted
All Christmas Goods
And a :nuhnb'er of other Useful Gifts that
we would be getel to elle* you.
Wheal+, 60o.
Barley, 30e.
• Oats, .25e.
Eggs, _ 26c to 40e.
Butter, 30e to 32c,
Hogs, $9.50.
rlti: I-1 C. Cox ex reeve of Godes
rich . township, who recently under-
went a serious operation in. Clinton
Public leespit<ai, was in town on
Monday. Ite - is much thinner than
was Ms wgnt, although'"Herb." new-
er carried much .surplus flesh, and
carried a cane, not as a swagger
stick but for real service, but he was'
cheerful and optimistic as. to his
condition, which . needs only'tinie to
improve. Bois friends, and they are
many, hope to see Mr. Cex better
than ever •in the:course of a few
weeks, , ,
Thea Kiltia Band intend •putting on
a sacred concert in the town hall on
Sunday evening•,• Dee. 14th, at 8.30.
A. program of merit, vocal and in-
strumental, and of a sacred nature
suitable to the occasion, is being
prepared. A eolleation will be taken
at the .door in aid of a Christmas
Fund, .which will be expended by
the Horne and School Clue. It is
expected that a large number will
attend and it is hoped as generous an
offering as possible will be given.
Anyone who cannot attend the con-
cert and who. wishes to Contribute
may leave same at Davis end Her-
man's or the Clinton Hardware and
Furniture store,"
Baptist. Chur'c'h .,
Service on Sunday 'evening at 7
o'clock, The Rev. C. IL Schutt, M:
A" B.D., Superintendent of Home
leission Churches of Ontario and
Quebec, will preach.
Week -night services as usual,
The annual Christmas Tree end
entertainment on Wednesday, Dos
cember 17th,
'Ladies' Aid will meet at the home
of Ml's. R. IT. Johnson on Friday.
Members swe requested to bring in
their Mite Boxes as this will be the
last meeting of the `year. •
Ontario Street United Church
The Minister's morning subject
on Sunda''$ will be: "The Return of
Power." Everting: "Another Qual-
ity of Stl'ength—+Iiutnility."
At the 'Young Peoples' ,League on
Monday evening a set of colored
slides will be shown illustrating the
student Mission fields of Canada,
The Sunday school Christmas Tree
entertainment will be held on Tues-
day, 'Dec. 23rd.
Next Sunday is "Wetite Gift Sun-
day" in this Sunday aolhool, when
the pupils will bring gifts for those
who are in need of Christmas cheer,
The gifts will be sent ,to Northern
Presbyterian Church
Public worship morning and even-
ing as usual.
Sunday sohool at 10 o'clock.
The annual Sunday School Christ-
mas tree entertainment will be held
Friday evening, Dee. loth, commenc-
ing at 7.15 o'clock. _.
The annual meeting of the W.M.S.
will be held. in the Sunday school
room on Wednesday etfternoon, Dee.
17th, at three o'clock.
The Women's Association held its
annual meeting on Wednesday, of
last week, when the following offi-
cers were elected for 1931:
;President: Mes. R. A. Roberton,
Vice' Mrs. Wan, Grant.
Sea. -Treasurer: Mrs, W. J. Stev-
Quilt •Comtmittee: Mrs. R. Fisher,
Mars. Morrish,
;Flower Connnittee: Mrs, L. Cree.
The Mission Bancl held its annual
meeting Monday evening. Reports
showed a very successful year. The
following officers were elected for
the' coming year:
Preetilent: Janet lefeTaggart.
Vice President: Jean, McLean.
;Secretary: Beatrice Sharp.
Treasurer: Jean Neilans.
!Convenor of Program Committee:
Jean Mutdh.
Social Committee: Emily Seruton.
Wesley -Willis United Church
i$erman subjeces for next Sunday:
Morning: "Interpreting %testian-
ity." Evening: "'God iso Truth,",
Sunday School Christmas Tree and
73nterteinment will be held. in theS.S.
-room on 'Friday evening, December
19th, at 7.30.
The regular meeting of the Girls'
Club was held in the church hall' on •
Tuesday evening. Mei., N. W.
Trewartha • dealt With the•,..topic in a
very able manner and an instrumen
eel duet was given by Mb's. Hearn
and Mits Teatime. The' following
officers :for the.year 1931 were elect-
ed at this meeting:
Hon. -President: lees. Hogg.
es esident Miss etl8ahaffy.
Id (rice: 1lniss B. Watts.
2nd Vice: Miss Winnie O'Neil"
Secretary: eleiss E. Santee.
Preasurer:'Mfrs. U. L. Paisley,
-Oonvenor of Social Conymittee:
Mrs., Cbee Cook, '-
Convenor of Lookout Com'inittee:
Mrs. Geo. Jefferson, •
Flower•' Comesittee: Miss Ida Wal-
kinshaw. '
!Decorating' Committee: Mrs. G.
Pru or
rain; C nmi tree• Miss R. ' Ire
(Pianist: Miss Maud Torrance,
,Assistant: Mese W. Perdue,
,At the close of the meeting a soc-
ial half hour -was spent by the•inenr- r.
Deis,• 1 5
The Huron • Persbytere of the
Presbyterian •Church in'et in Clinton
on Tuesday, with a good attendance
every ,congregation represented,
Moderator Rev. C. E. Dougan pre-
Routine business was gone through
such as receiving report
e, ete. The
treasurer' reported a.balance of ever
$80.00 in the treasury; work on the
Bayfield church was reported as be
gun and a pulpit and other gifts as
already' provided.
,Discussion of the coming Synol.
meeting which will be held in Godes
richin the _spring, occupied some
time and it was decided to meet a-
gain the last Tuesday in February,
instead of the second. .The February
Meeting will be held in. the Clinton
'Seaforth was visited early last
Thursday morning by a disastrous
fire, when a. main street block, three
stores with living tipartments up-
stairs, being completely destroyed.
The fire had made seek headway be-
fore being discovered that nothing
could be, done and the contents were
almost a complete loss. Three fami-
lies lived above and it was. with dif-
'fieulty that they escaped, saving
none of their belongings. Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Dale and Miss Robinson
occupied a "corner apartment and be-
ing cut off from the stairways ,bad
to make their escape from a balcony
running along a side street. Miss
Robinson jumped from this • baloony,
sustaining a fractured ankle, Mis.
Dale, who was formerly Miss Nellie
Cowan, and her children are at pre-
sent visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, W, 1I. Cowan of Clinton,
Fire Chief Cudmore asks that The
Mews -Record retnind those who are
responsible for Christmas decora-
tion's to be careful that they are safe
and not fire hazards. Cotton wool,
paper trimmings, etc., are very in-
flammable and great care should be
taken that they are not placed near
lighted candles,' etc. Indeed, it is a
great risk to light candles on Christ-
mas tree, unless in charge of an
adult person, who can quickly e`on-
trol them. 'Electric lights are.much
safer if properly wired and placed:
Clinton is gaining an enviable re-
cord in regard to fires, the fire loss
last year being $36 and this year so
far 847. But one bad fire would
spoil such a record in short order.
Also there Is always the danger of
loss of life. Every precaution should
be taken at all tines to guard a-
gainst fh'e.
Mr. I. RileLeod, agricultural re-
presentative, and Ms assistant, Mr.
Atkinson, have been in Guelph at-
tending the Winter Fair, returning
on Tuesday evening. They had a
couple of judging teams at the Fair,
in competition with teams from oth-
er counties.' The live stock judging
team, consisting of Messrs. Gordon
and Frank Reynolds, Seaforth, and
Mervin Cudmore, Hensall, came sev-
enth in a class of twenty-fiye and
Gordon Reynolds took second high-
est marks individually for live stock
judging. The seed judging team con-
sisted of Messrs. Frank. Reynolds,
M. Cudmore and John Fotheringham
of Brucefield, who came thirteenth
in a class of twenty-two.
The live litotes judging team made
a better showing than any Huron
team ever did- before and the local
office is especially proud of Mr. Gor-
don Reynolds' standing as second
The Canadian Legion, Clinton
Post, held a very, • successful and
pleasant dance in the Old Time Dance
roams on Tuesday evening. A num-
ber- attended from outside points and
a very happy evening was spent.
ler. Jack Muteh of Detroit, while
driving his new car on Saturday ev-
ening last had an accident, in welch
he received miner injuries but in
which his,. car was rather 'badly da-
imaged:• Clinton friends are glad
Jack escaped.
Mr. D. RZ. Maltby, butteemaker at
the local creamery, which is run by
the Gunn, Langlois Go., has been
transferred 1e Montreal, Friend's
here, regret tee- departure • of the
lealtbys from town. ler. Geo. Castle
talcee the position in the local butter
•RZurphy Lodge put on their annual
duck supepr on Thursday evening
last in their lodge rooms. A fine
suplier, some good speeches, jolly
songs, and conversation served • to
put in several hours of an evening,
which is loolced forward to anivally
by the L,O.L.
An interesting feature' of the re,
gular meeting . of the' local. Masonic:
on Fh:ida a "enin .
y v g last was
the initiation of Mr,. Harry Bali, eld-
est son of . 'NS Bali, by. 'his fade
er, who is a past master. Me. liar
re Ball who has spent the past three
years hi Chile, is home on a vacation.
The Blyth Standard last week" had
the following to say about a Easily
which has • just Moved to Clinton,'
Me. Bi s
vnd on havingke over th
?to n r o
lilasssey-I$arris agency "In: leaving
Blyth, the Brundson i�.nnly do so'
with sincere regret; for during• their
residence here they have . cultivated
many intimate and .lasting friend-
hips which they will 'ever cherish,"
The Pastime Club, which has been
closed all summer, has .been reorgan-
ized'atid is now open forthe use of
members. On Friday evening tthe•
annual meeting was held and new
officers elected. Me. G. N. Davies,.
who has Neem president of the club
fora r
s ve al years, declined to allow
his name to go up again, and Mr. A.
R. Mitchell was elected to that of-
fice. Ma. F.,,Pennebalter was elected
secretary -treasurer and a committee
of three, to age with officers as an
executive•, consist of: Messrs. J. Lo-
vett, Percy Livermore ' and G. N.
The News -Record 'Christmas Cheer
Fund is growing encouragingly and
is still open. We hope that by this
time next week it will have more
than doubled itself. •
Previously acknowledged. ,...$10.00
A Friend , 5.00
Col. B. B. •Conibe fi.00
Mxs. IL T. Ranee 5.00
Mrs. J. Livermore .2.00
A Friend
Duncan Cartwright
Mrs. L. Stong
Frank Lawson .. , . , ...... .25
Mr. W n. J. Stinson, who shipped a
carload of cattle on Friday, left for
Toronto the same day to spend a few
days in- the city.
Mr. S. A. Spencer, who has been
the teller in the 1ocaI branch of the
Bank of Commerce, since August,
left on Saturday to spend a few days
in St. Catharines enroute to New
York where he sails for England on
the thirteenth, to be hone for Christ-
mas.. He expects• to be away for
three months, Mr. Patchell of Ches-
ley is supplying in his place during
his absence.
'Perhaps, cawing to the weather,
there was not as large an attendance
at the Tea and Gift Sale held at
the Rectory en Saturday afternoon
under the auspiees of the'*Giris'
Auxiliary. The dining -room which
was turned into a Japanese Tea
Room for the occasion was prettily
decorated in green ,and pink, while
the girls in Japanese costume waited
on those who took tea. The Gift and
Candy tables were arranged in the
Parlor where the Senior •Guild also
had a table. While the proceeds
were not as large ea usual—which
means that the girls will not be able
to contribute as much to Misisone as
in the past, yet they feel that the
affair was a success,
The Young Peoples' Department
of St. Andrew's' United Church had
a most interesting meeting on Thurs-
day evening, December 4; the feature
of the evening being a debate, •"Re-
solved "That Woman can 'Get Along
Better Without Man Than Man Can
Get Along Without' Woman," The
affirmative side was upheld by Miss
M. Douglas and Mrs. W. Wallis and
the negative by M. Grainger and
Brown Stewart. Many of the points
brought tip by the debaters were
very numerous and the debate was
so closely contested that the judges
were.over half an hour in delibera-
ing, a harmonica duet was rendered
by Mr. James Rouatt • and MY. A,
Woods; 'with piano accompaniment
by , 1VYiss G. Gale, also a piano solo
by Miss Gale.
Rev. R. M. Gale, who underwent an
operation in Clinton hospital on Sat-
urday for the removal of his tonsils
is malting good progress towards
The regular meeting of the A. Y.
P.A,- of Trinity Parish was held in
the basement of St. James. Church,
Middleton,, on Wednesday evening of
last week, there being thirty-three
members present. The nseeting • was
called to order by the president,
Miss Elsie Blackhall, . and opened by
the singing of hymn 619; prayer
was offered by Rev. F. II, Paull, the
Scripture, frets 7; 4-16, was read by.
Muriel Rathwei1. A business dis-
cnssion then took place and it was
decided to hold the next meeting on
Wednesday, December 17, so as net
to interfere with other affairs in
the, district, The President then
handed the meeting over to the.
Captain of the Blues, Carl Diehl,
who quite capably took charge and,
whose• side presentedia splendid Pee -
grate. , Between numbers he kept
those who were not taking part. ani-
need by humorous jokes. The first
nutreber on his program was a splen-"
did paper on Bishop •Strachan, read
by Sam Widconebe; 'MS's, Paull then
gave a Musical selection, after which
she read ilbe amusing anti instructive
chapter' on Glasgow from r the book
"In Search 01 Seotland." Me. Paull
told in song. of ten Scotch ways, 'of
committing suicide.. A , game, in,
search of Edinburgh, was then play-
ed. "Lord Ullen's Daughter" was
then very buinourotisl:y dramatized
While - Mrs, • Paull 'read- bhe poem,
Those taking .the _ different parts
were: Ferryman, Leslie 'Elliott;
Lord- Tellen's Daughter, Alice Bon-.
nick; The highland Chief, Sam. Wid-
combe;. Lord 'Mien, Carl Diehl; his
followers, Jack Olaf, Fs Burgess'.'
After this was a: spelling game and
a • Relay race: with bags: of oatme'tl.
The' whole program was'of a Sateen"
nature, having been ,oeiginally'plad-
f r he Friday:fore
nod o t b bt Aad-
i -
lew-s Dav�but, w,as. postponed, owing
to the sterni. loins. Fred Mliddleton
a.eted as the judge. The • meeting
closed with • the singing of "Auld
.Mrs. Margaret Ferguson has ere,- •
turned home after having; spent the
past month at Seaforth and Water-
aterThe Annual Meeting •and: Service
of the Bayfield Branch of the Up-
per Canada "Bible •Society was held
in St. Andrews United Church on
Sunday evening. Owing to the. ill-
ness 01 the Pastor, the service
in 'charge of •Rev. e. H. Paull, who
preacl]ed a most inspiring sermon
front the text: "And the disciples
were called Christians first . in An-
tiocls;" in• which he traced the influ-
ence of Christianity in every sphere
of life down'tihrough the ages, and
the ,great part which the Bible So-
ciety plays in furthering the influ-
ence, and ended by making a strong
appeal , for the whole -,heisted sup-
port of. the society. Miss Lucy
Woodscontributed a solo, "Master I
would Follow Thee." Following the
service, Mfrs. le.Scotehrner, Secre-
tary -Treasurer read the- reports
which showed that oyer ninety dol-
lars had been sent from this Branch
last year. Mr. F. A. Edwards as
President and Mrs. Seotehmer as
Secretary -Treasurer were re-elected
to office for the ensuing year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnston re-
turned to the village' on Friday af-
ter spending a couple of weeks in
At the meeting of the L.O.L. Nb.
24 herd in their hall on Monday ew
ening the following were elected to
office fors the conning year: Wore
shipful blaster, F. 'Watson; J, Otis:
tle, Deputy Master; Recording Sec-
retary, N. Heard; Finaneial secre-
tary, E. A. Featherston; treasurer,
learold Stinson; 1st lecturer. George
Sturgeon; 2nd lecturer, Won. Mc-
Doolr tylers, Ve. Parker, J. Lindsay;
Chaplain, A . E. Erwin; Marshal, L.
Smith. The members have had the
hall remodelled and electrie lights
installed and plan to hold a Progres-
sive Euchre and Dance on December
Mr- and MDs, F. G. Neelin left on
Wednesday for their hone in Sea-
:Mrs. Henry Little of Windsor
came on Monday to visit her son,
George Little.
Rev. and Mrs. E. II. Paull left on
Wednesday to spend a couple of days
in London.
The marriage took place in Godes
rich at Victoria ,street United church
parsonage, on Wednesday evening,
December 3rd, *Jessie Eliza Lind-
say, daughter of Mr, and !Mrs. G.
Lindsay to Robert Edgar Blair, son
of Mrs. Blair and the late Robert'
Blair, all of :Bayfield. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. G. WI Butt,
The young couple were unattended.
They will reside at Bayfield:
A birthday party was given on
Friday night last by Mrs. A. R.
Seeds in celebration of Mr. Geo.
W'eston's sixtieth anniversary, the
guests at supper were: Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Weston, Mr. Clayton Weston,
Mr. and Mfrs. M's Toms, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Johnston, Miss E. Wes-
ton and Misses Helen and Bernice
Seeds. After supper there was a
session of speech and song and con-
gratulations were tendered to Me.
Weston. The evening was spent in
games and music.
The annual Christmas entertain-
ment will be held in the school room
of the United Church on the evening
of December 22nd. It was decided
to have a white Christmas the same
as last year as the ohiidren have
found out the joy of giving rather
than to be always receiving pre-
sents. The gifts will. be sent to
the poor and needy and will bring
comfort and happiness to the lives
of many, it is hoped,
Nurse Hehner is at persent at
her home in the village, -
Ms.•. and Mews., Pearson ,of Gode-
rich township were the guests of
•Mr. and lees. Rattenbury last week.
The Woman's Association of
Brucefielcl United church held their
last megting for the year on Thurs..
day afternoon, Dec. 4th, in the schooi
room of the church. A goodly num-
ber turned out and engaged in quilt-
ing for a few hours, after which the
meeting was ealibd to order. Re -
parts for the year were read and
adopted. The association has had a
successftiiear and ' they' hope to
have the New Year just a little bet••
ter. Rev. Mr. Eremites, kindly 'pre-
sided.for the election of officers for
the neer year. Mrs. Haugh Aiken-
head kindly offered her'hame for the,
January: meeting. The meeting'
elo ed b 11 repeating s a eat n the i
y p g M span.
benediction. A social cup of tea
and light lunch was enjoyed by all.
The bazaar and tea held in the
United ohurch basement on Tuesday
last, under the Management of the
Friendly Class was a real success.
While the weather was net so, fav-
ourable as it often has been, still,.
quite a large crowd gathered and
everything' was disposed of quite
early. The proceeds were .over -
$56.00 . '
ler. ansi Mrs. R. B. Lawrence of
Windsor spent, Monday at the home.
of My. and Mrs. D. Carter.
'The regular meeting of the W. Is.
was held in the Conununity Hall on
Dec. 4th, with a large attendance..
Meeting opened with the president,.
Mrs. 'Ball, presiding. Alter tbe•
usual opening exercises minutes of'
last meeting was read by the secre-
tary, I*s. Wells, and adopted. The
question' of the Street Lights was
discussed and it was decided to hold'
a bazaar andsale of home made bak-
ing and a "tea on Friday afternoon -
and evening of January 30th, the
proceeds to go toward the street
lights. A bale of clothing, etc., will'
also be packed shortly for Christmas
Cheer. Anyone having donations are
asked to please leave at lees, W.
Brundson's. In the absence of Mrs.
J. Tanzblyn, the paper on "The Duties
and Responsibilities of the Different
Members of the Household" was read'.
by Mrs. W. Manning. Mrs. E. Ad-
ams sang a pleasing solo, and Mrs.
11. Townsend gave a reading: "The.
Mother of Five." The meeting then
closed by singing "God Save the
King." A bountiful lunch was then
served in the basement by six of
the ladies.
The Members of the United. church,
S. S. are busy pre:etieing for their
Christmas entertainment, which will'
take place on December 23rd.
Mb's. D. Mountain, who for a longs
period has been with her daughter,
Mrs, J. Pipe, at JGoderich, has re-
turned to her home.
The friends of Mrs, Percy Man-
ning will be pleased to hear that she
is doing nicely after her serious op-
eration, which took place in the
Lockwood Clinic at Toronto recent-
Mrs. D. Ewan is quite ill at pre-
sent, • Iler friends hope to see her
fully recovered at an early date.
Miss Alberta Snell is spending
'some weeks at the home of her cou-
sin, ler. Zee. Snell,
IJrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas'
is at present the guest of friends in
Stanley township. •
Mr. Thomas Snowden and Mr.
Henry Steckle went to Toronto on
Monday last and returned with 65
head of cattle.
Mr. Wm. Moro has returned to
Zurich after working for the sum-
mer with Mb'. Will Talbot.
Mr, John Baird of Moose Jaw has
been visiting his mother, Nies. Geo.
Baird, Sr., during the past week,.
leaving for the west yesterday.
Mr: and. R7rs, Thos. Riley of Clin-
ton : spent Sunday at the formeree
parents home, that of Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Rileyhn, Sr.
1VIrs. JaMann:, and children of
near Clinton spent Monday with the,
lady's sister, Mars. Robs. Grhnoldby.
The school is closed this weak, our,
teacher, Mise Morrison, being eons
fined to the home of Mr. and Mrs:.
Ed. Britton with a severe .attack 'of'
tonsilitis. We' wish her a speedy
recovery. '
'Me. Ben. Riley is confined to the'
house these days through illness. We•
hope he may soon be well again.
Those Receiving Prizes and Diplomas
Medals will be; Distributed at the C. I. Commencement this, Thursday even-,
ing; Diplomas Tomorrow, Friday, Evening; as Follows:
Senior Boys' Champion—Athletic Cep and Gold Medal --i8. Middleton.
Senior Girls' Champion, Shield and Gold beedaI Violet Morrison,
Intermediate Boys' Chempron-eSilver Cup, donated by Plumsteol Bros. and
Gold Medal—Joon Stirling..
Junior Boys' Champion—Gold Medal—D. Smith.
Junior Girls' Champion—Gold Medal—Harriet +Gandier,
Juvenile Boys' ,Champion.—Gold lifetdal—F. Heard,, .
'' Cup•
Silver and Bronze Medal—43. Heliyar.
Bronze Mledals—rSenior---4, .'Stock, R. Hale, '(equal). +lunger -4 Baird;
G. 'Holmes.
ltfrs. le..11ZeTegigart's Prize for the . girl a.ankin'g first 'in Uupei" School
mathematics -411055 Graee Scott.
Phe inaticsPrinci--pal'sAn• drPrizeewF•for raserthe, ,boy ranking first in Upper School Mathe-
Special• Prize, value•ten. dollars, £or, the best essay on the •history of the
0.0,I., 1929-80.,-.Max+garet Pltltusteel.
•sOMOLARsI•IIPs • .. , a,.
Third Edward Blake Scholalsh'ip in; Science •Proficiency (University of
Toronto)—Andz'ew Fraser; ;•
Jzinree Harris Sehalarshipsin Science (University College)—Andrew Fraser.
James Harris ,Scholarship in English and .111story (University College>
• DVZise Margaret ,McLeod.
First Carter Seholarslhip. (Heron, Couisty)--4Andrew Fraser.
Secohd Carter Seroliroti p RlissMMcL o
Isabel BlS•gantJean-Eonhrot DorethY CoF,
Grace _.
Wane Ilarion1orbes, Susie Livermore,
Thelma Lovett, Janet MieTaggart, Helen Man -
nine, Francis M"ossop, Mhrgaret Plumsteel, Mary Reynolds, Lois Robinson,
Eileen. Rumball,' Grace Scott, Lloyd Sick, Olive "Thompson, Edith' Welsh.