HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-11-27, Page 8Rubber News Did you ever stop to consider how little difference there is in price between the highest grade "Dominion- Rubbers" and "The Other Kind." ? - The difference in many cases is only a few cents. Our stock of this high grade rubber footwear is now at its best and -we urge you to see these goods and get our priees before buy- ing; , We have all the newest .ideas in Ladies and Misses' Gaytees. We have Ladies' Rubbers from 25c up, Mpn's from 95c up. Seo our Special Rubber Boots at $3.95. WOOL BLANKET SPECIAL- On Saturday, we place on sale a- bout 1 dozen pair of our heavy all -wool Blankets in white with :pink or 'blue borders. A regular $1'0,50 value for $8,75. MEN'S' AND BOYS' TTN.DE'RWEAR.•.4Wce are offering extra spe- oial clearing prices on Stanfield's Heavy' Red or Blue label Un- derwear. We have another shipment of our .Fleece Line spe- cials in the following lines. Men's Shirts and. Drawers, BSe ;Per garment; Boys' Shirts and Drawers, 49c per garment; aten's Fleece Combinations, $1.45 per suit; Boys' Fleece Com- binations, 95c per suit. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS AND OFFER YOU HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES Plumsteel Bros: If'gou Want the Radio of. Tomorrow in Your Home Todaaj! You want this Vi�t�r ! 1111111X13211111111111111.-1 :New selectivity—new sensi- tivity --new reliability new value , .. all due to •Victor's great achievement, the incor- porating of screen -grid tubes into five -circuit niicro.syn- chronous balance. Now you can turn to radio— Victor Radio—with new ' as- surance of the music you want. when you want it! Value is paramount in this beautiful two -door model at $285 . . . and in Victor Radio R.35 at $247..50. But be sure to hear Victor's greatest in. strnnent-,'Victor Radio Houle Recording Electrola. EASY TERMS. Sutter & Purdue aztc-r itetotstmmok tIta blit€!.totm-ti moxotmtfmg.tztSkmmtutztotg i,vv;` 'vo4,;, CHRIST1VIAS IS ALIVIOST HERE SEE OUR NEW CHRISTMAS STOCK OF. CANDY, PEEL„ CHERRIES, RAISINS, ON DISPLAY FOR THAT CHRISTMAS CAKE OF YOURS ITEMS FOR WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 29,,, 1930 ' BULK SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs; for . CI-IOICE TOMATOES, 2's • 2 tins for {Q. 4 SEIVR PEAS; Per Tin ,SINAPQHB SLICED PINEAPPLES 2 tins for . ,. .... ,.. •i:t•, PAN SHINE, best for cleaning 2 tins for , , Hawe's Wax, 1 lb. ... ,.. , . , 43e Lawrason's Ammonia, 9 pk.15c ' Chi targe ...... 21c Lawrason's Flusho, tin ....28c Royal York Tea, 1-2's , .. , 28c Lemon, Orange Peel, Ib. ..19c Royal York Tea, 1 Ib. L...55c - Citron Peel, per lb. 29c Large fancy Pink Salmon 15c New Currants, 2 lbs. 35c Libby's Saner Kraut 15e Bleached Sultana Raisins ..20e d 't MEATS Sausage, per lb. . 25e Breakfast Bacon, per lb. ..35c Cottage Roll, per lb. 33e Back Bacon, per lb.. . 47c i•Iead Cheese, per Ib. ..,18e Cheese&Macaroni loaf, lb, 30c STOP AND SHOP AT . Ts Mc I6 HT fi SON 21c 19c 05c 25c 15c A PHONE YOUR ORDER EARLY CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 AhasOialese satisa` inniss`.a',r9asseierassa!`ftes slavasetarraSsirsi,tieacs`etala3z`i'`Dt&sesa12t-o"iratig MAKE YOUR GIFTS PRACTICAL 'FOR CHRISTMAS A little advance work among the families to give something really inducing for the home; might 'be wortih considering, and :w e will he glad'to assist you in making your choice.' We have a. wonderful stock of :Chesterfield. Suites, all Brand. New in the latest designsand coverings, and OH, SUCH COMFORT! Then for Lamps,-jwell, you can see for yourself. You will find the finest tine of Novelties you ever saw includ- ing Smokers, Magazine Racks, End Tables, Cedar Chests and Fern- eries. If you are interested in Kitchen Cabinets, it will • pay you to make enquiries, as we .have some real specia1s, Right •14w Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co Funeral Directors Monument Dealers The Store with a Mock Bardwarc Phone, 195 , Flirt/it-ere. Phone, 104 THE CLINON-rl'EW$ RECORD A FOREWORD REGARDING IIJ1Stll1LS Cards AND"' Stickers A pleasing array of the above Lias arrived. Of particular interest will this news be to those wlio have over- seas packages to send. A, box of Cards with engraved ,greetings 'and envelopes to match has arrested the attention of several customers. The :box. contains 15 cards anti the price is 40c, (Note the price is less than 3c each card), Another item worthy of special- mention is an envelope containing 200 assorted tags, seats) and inclosure ears for 25c. Note 200 pieces for 25c, Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best al 100111" SE*1 11111111111111i41/1 f Mr. Weldon Hovey of Stratford 'was. up over the wegk.encj, M1ss Glover of .the G.I, staff was in 'Toronto over the week -end. Mrs, Wull Jenkins Is visiting this week with friends at Wingham, Miss Mary Ghidley of Toronto was the week -end guest of Mrs. Fred Ford. Messrs, Coombs and Alien of the C. 1. staff spent the week -end at their homes in London. Rev. A. A, and Mrs. Holmes leave ,Monday for Toronto, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. George Ladd of A]monte, Mich., formerly of Clinton, visited in town over the week -end. Mi, and Af s. Rees Jenkins of Wood- lands Farm are spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. and, M'as. Ernest Paterson and ;family clic) Miss Newman were in Toronto over the week -end. Mr, and Mrs. Vesey and children of Fullerton visited the lady's sister, ,Miss R, V, Irwin, on Sunday. Mr. W. R. Miller and Miss Mollie A2i]ler of Toronto were week -end guests of Mise Hattie Courtice. Mr. Frank Dale of London spent the week -end at the hone of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dale. MVlisses Ruth Vernier and Grace Ev- arts of Stratford Normal spent the week -end at their homes in town, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnston of Brucefield visited with Chief L. and Mrs. Stung during the past week,, Misses Gunine and Tuffield of Lon- don and Mrs. de la Penotiere of St. Thomas visited friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Stevenson of Brockville, have been visiting at the home of their brother, Mr. W. J. Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Chowen of Strat- ford visited with the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Chowan, of town on Sunday. Mr. and Mks. Nesbit Cook and 1VMr, and •Mrs. Laverne Cook of Toronto spent the week -end with the form- ers parents .in town, Mr. and Mrs. Mowat Choweh of Kin- ; cardine visited at the home of the former's•,parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Chowen, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings were guests of the former''s 'sister and brother-in-law, 112r:. and Mrs. J. W. Treleaven of Lucknow, over, the. week -end. - !Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ashton of Strat- ford visited their parents, Mr. and 'M'rs, W. H. •Cole, of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs, John. Ashton near •Seaforth, last weck, Mx. and. Mrs. E. C. Andrews and family ants. Miss Cole of._Scarboro ,Bluffs spent' the. week -end with the parents •of W. Andrews, Mag- istrate and Mrs, S. J, Andrews, Mr. ' Joseph Taylor and his sisters, /Misses Elizabeth and Ida, of ;Science Hil, formerly residents of „.Stanley township, visited in town . and vicinity^ on Thursday last, re- maining over to attend the play tri the hall that evening, Miss• Annie Lawrence of Seaforth has teen the guest during the past week .of Mr. and Mils. Ii. W. Charlesworth. Mass !Lawrence was formerly school nurse in Clinton; and made many friends during her ..sojourn here. Mrs. Abner Cosepsand her sister, 'Miss Mary' Turner, came down froin 'Wingham .last week and vis- iced their 'brother, Mr; G. N. Tur- ner, and lits family in town -and re- latives in l2uckersmith and Stanley for a' few days, Miss Turner, who has been -in British Columbia for the past. mine years and returned east only recently, is remaining for a longer visit, TIME'!` Your THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, ] 930' rlStIl&lS Cake SEE OUR NORTH WINDOW FOR NEW RAISIN'S, PEELS AND NUS AT CHAIN -STORE PRICES - • HEINZ DEMONSTRATION, SATURDAY, NOV. 29 BIG RAISIN WEEK 1ROCETERIA SPECIALS. for Cakes & Puddings ONE CENT SALE Val. Raisins, 2 lb. 25c Seedless Rai., 2 Ib. 21c New Currants, Ib. 19c,; Dates, 2 ib. 19c Citron Peel, Ib. '29c Shelled Walnuts lb. 49c 1 Peels, Lemon & Orange, lb. 19c Fair Sex Soap, 5 for 31c Sugar, pouii ds 25c P. & G. Soap, 5 bars 14c Granulated Sugar, 5 Ib. 27c Toilet Soap 5c Icing 3 Ammonia,5 pkgs. 25c • Spaghetti, 2 pkgs. 25c p g CALL. AND SEE CHRIST., Pink Salmon — 15c-, MIAS NOVELTIES Salada Tea, lb. 53c g FRY'S BON BON'S TEA KETTLES 1VIUFFET DISHES Olives 19c AEROPLANES, each 30c Sodas, (broken) pound l0c ' SMILES'N CHUCKLES Heinz Tomato Soup, 3--25c Christmas Creams & Chocolates 19C s0c " " SECONDS 49c Heinz Catsup 21cP Christmas ,Mixture 15c �g�tet�tv�t.�tvt�t� � - ta-taatF.a-sa- -Valaaveti[ea asela?a alMatet&tc tPtutrallaValalaa. rti tat i -MASS talatastMeteSelata FRIGIDAIRE SPECIALS Picnic Hams 19c Sausage 25r .d 2 packages Pineapple, 2 tins Bacon 35c . Salmon S k nac s TomatoeE ties s Palm Olive, 3 cakes Fresh Oysters,FinnanHaddie-- k? Oranges, 2 dozen Imo, tettlPctmsiocciatd t.mata go twat pit goal@tauta+ekes-t."=`<tmsis.rasite 6 est tF,tzzi5 4: oc-t to.sicctoc-EassmstesLwa 6:m..4C1 amststU'meJ.'. sts v't-t4m mat;;vc,• 2 23c 25c 19c 23c 45c 9 1 CLINTON'S BIG Where CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 FREE DELIVERY "Sells for Less" Price Prevails \ PEOPLE YOU KNOW 1 purchased a harness shop there. n 112x. and Mars. Antos Cartwright of Mss. W, Bryson went to Toronto 0 Friday. Mrs. R. J. Muff is at present visitin friends in Kincardine. Misses Robinson of W,'oodstoek w the guests of Mrs. Rena M. Hove over the week -end. Mr. Hugh Hawkins returned on Sa urday after spending a week i Philadelphia and other places. Miles Harriet Hawkins, who recent) graduated from Stratford Genera Vospital, has been spending a littl holiday at her home in town. Mr. D. Rueger and Master Rueg stud Mr, -Chas. Williams of Gode rich township a•nd Mr. mid Mrs. A Fulford and babe of Clinton motor ed to New Hamburg on Sunday t visit relatives.. Mr. Murdoch McDonald, Ma•. H. John ston and Mrs. 'Griffin and Mis Griffin of Goderich spent a da last week as the guests. of Mr. ant Mrs. Arthur Fulford of town, VARNA ?tr. and M,rs. J. T. Reid, Eric Reid and Mrs. M'.cNaughton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner. Miss creno Chatty of London spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Violet .Morrison of Clinton spent the week -end with Miss Fran- ces Moaosp. Miss Margaret Chutcr• spent Sun- day ! with Miss Muriel Rathwell. A reception was held last Thurs- day evening for Mr, and Mrs. Geo. H. Beatty in the town hall and they were presented with a lovely silver tea service. The evening was spent in cards and dancing and all report a good time. Mr. Jim Reid and Miss Mary Reid of Bayfield spent Sunday in the vil- lage. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Austin spent Sunday with friends in Blyth, CONSTANCY • Messrs. Arnold Dale and Leo. Stephenson :.motored to Toronto on Fridayto attend the Royal. Fair for a few days, Mrs. Wan.• McArthur and Little son, Leslie of Goderich spent a few days last week at the home of the lady's sister, Mrs. Adam. Nicholson. M4•, and 11/Crs. George Riley visit- ed onSunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred Stephenson of Brussels, whose little daughter, .Miss, Isabel, had been operated•on at the Listowel hospital, for' swollen glands. Mise Kathleen- Logan of Blyth spent the week -end at the home of' her sister,.;Mas. Leo Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson left on Tuesday for -Windsor to attend the wedding of their niece, Miss Jos- ephine Barwick, • to Mir. Leslie 'Mc- Kay of 'Detroit, at the home of the fornner's sister, Mrs. George Giles. Miss Barwick is well-known here, having scent • 'her girlhood in the village' with her grandparents,.. 1121. and Mrs. James Mann, ani we ex- tend our congratulations. The young counle will reside, in !Detroit. The Ladies' Aid held their month. lv meeting in the basement of 'the church last Thursday, • • AUBURN The Mission Band and W.M,S: of Knox United church will -hold thein annual bazaar and hot supper on Friday -of this week from 5 to 8 p m. Mr. and Mrs.• Wiellimgbon Good have moved their household effectS to B;onsall, where they intend to make' their home, Mr, ' Good has Clinton called on friends here on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro motored to Toronto on Saturday, returning on Tuesday. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Ferns and Cyclamens Attractive Plants at Attractive Prices at our Flower Shop in connection with_ the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS Cut Flowers for all Occasions 'MUMS, -ROSES, CARNATIONS Fresh Lettuce, l0c per bunch Try Sertabs for Your House Plants, 25c per lox. J. Cuninghame, Florist Phones 31 and 176w 93-2. MOVING SALE We are preparing to move our Confectionery Stock and Fixtures to our newly remodeled store on -Hu- ron street, where we will re -open -our quality •Confectionery, Ice -Cream and Lunch Roomearly in December. To reduce our present stock cif packages, bulk and Home-made Candy we are reducing our complete stock and invite you to take advan- tage. of these Bargains. FRIDAY & SATURDAY WATCH FOR OUR RE -OPENING EARLY IN DECEMBER. Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD Now you need that New St I Te or eater Get a Circulator this Winter and enjoy warmth all through the house, We have Clare Bios, and Dominion Stove and Foundry Co's., with. the New' Rater Grate. The first of its kind and a great fuel „saver. Be sure and see it and you will 'buy. • See our new style Aladdin Lennp for 'better light on the dark witner. night. • Wo also carry a few repairs 011 }land Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Dill Pickles, 3 , 10c Sauer Kraut 3-25c Lamb Rst's, ib. 20c Lamb -Stews 15c Shortening 11b' 15c print Home Made Pork Sausage 22c Home Made Head Cheese 15c Lard 17c 3 for 50c EVERYTHING' IN FOWL LAMB, VEAL, ' PORK and BEEF at Reasonable Prices PLEASE ORDER EARLY CONNELL eR TYND LG " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. 0 0 F===sOrzso OUR FALL LINE OF vere' e4 t BLUE, GREY AND BROWN FROM $1011 1114300 SPECIAL FALL LINE OF BILTMORE FIATS BittittlOtie# DAVIS AND HERM AN. _t - For Men : r' o=To 01:20 til e'T faster `Vat of Gambia 0 M C Fi N COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Conuinencei:cd THURSDAY AND F,, !DAY DECEMBER 11 & 12 TWO !'LAYS: - "Beauty and the Jacobin" "Jazz and Minuet" Choruses Gymnastics Dances Diplomas Distributed on Thursday Medals Awarded on Friday COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM' ADMISSION 50c