HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-11-27, Page 5'OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME Ohwell, we have had some nice weather and we `-never expected to get through evithout some winter, Better keep the ,snow shovel handy and see that the buckles are all on last year's high galoshes, The C�illia Packet -Times celebra- ted eleb a<ted its sixtieth birthday a week ago, getting out a first class paper, ex- sept that it had no editorial, The" Packet without editorial doesn't • seem natural at all, Only that the lack was remedied last week eve should have been bound to think that ' The Packet was showing it's' age. - November up . to now has been ~favourable to those who sail the great lakes. Usually when Novem- ber comes it is a time of great hard- ship and often peril to boat erews. )let this month so far has been very fine and little hardship has been endured. It is to be hoped that all shipping will be tied up before dis- aster happens, M A e « Clinton and the surrounding coin • nounity are- not lacking for enter- teimnent this fall We have had two church eencerts,'two productions of a farce -comedy, the Orangemen are putting on a play Friday of this • week and the Collegiate commence- ment will be Thursday and Friday, Dee. 11 and 12. Not to mention the Young Peoples' oratorical contests in the churches and the many Christ- mas tree entertainments which are bound to come along about Yuletide 'week. *« Christmas Day is lessthan a month away. This year when there is so Muth talk of hard times and tight ' money those who are as well off as usual should try to spend as freely as possible, so putting money in cir- • cuiaation and assisting along the good trines which we all -hope may be com- ing soon. 'Those with stated incomes from secure sources need not econo- mize on account of "hard times." If they do it only makes the times harder. Spend a little more if pos- sible. It will be so much the better for all. The Neva -Record is invited to the annual meeting of the. Toronto Hu- ron Old Boys'a 1 Association, to be held in Higenia Hall, Elm street, Toronto, on Friday evening, Dec. 5th. Re- ports will be given and officers for the year will be elected and after • the business of the evening bridge and euchre will be played. After supper dancing will be indulged in and it looks like a real evening, Wish we might be there, especially for the, supper, as we hear those transplant- ed Huronians always do themselves. proud in the matter of eats, d **** They semi to be rearing ergots down in the Southern part of the County. A little girl from Crediton carried off the first prize for pub - lie speaking in the School Fair con- test both this year and last and cu Monday evening, in the semi-finals in the Presbytery Y.P.S. oratorical contest, the awards were carried off by a young lady from Grand Bend and a young roan from Centralia. Are the "men of the north" losing their vigor? They will have a chance next Monday evening to redeem themselves, when the final contest takes place. «** A cablegram states that Premier Ferguson will take the high connnis- sionereship in London if the salary is raised to $100,000 a year. Perhaps all llfr. Ferguson said was that it would take one hundred thousand a year to induce him to take it.—Tor- onto. Star Weekly. Or perhaps what Mr, Ferguson really said when Mr. Bennett offered 'him the post was: "But, look here, Dick, old son, this London life costs money! The last roan holding this job spent $100,000 and the salary is only $50,000. You know as well as I do that I'm not a rich guy. What are you going to do about it?" ST, HELENS Mr. and • Mrs. Toni Campbell of Stanley„ visited at the home of Mir, Robinson . Woods on Wednesday. Miss Teen Campbell, who has been visiting here, returned home with them, :Miss Lyle Humphrey visited friends in Goderich for a few days, A large number from around St. Helens attended the funeral of the late Mr. Elliott Miller of Lucknow, • who passed away at his home in Lucknow on . November 18th. The trouble which caused Mr, Miller's death originated with an accident to his knee on Lucknow Pall Fair day, when he engaged in a tug of war. This was well on theroad to recov- ery when he conducted an auction sale under rather unfavourable weather conditions. Following that the injured limb became much worse and while confined to bed pneumon- ia developed and proved fatal. Mr, Miller was forty-two years of age -and leaves a wife, who has the'deep- est sympathy of the . community, There survive also three brothers, 'Wallace A., of Si. Helens, John of Toronto, Bert of London and • two sisters, Mrs. Ed. Thorns and Miss Margaret, The funeral was held` on 'Thur'sday from -the Presbyterian church,`Lucknow, and was very larg- •ely attended, Mrs. Bert Gammie and children' are spending a few days at the home of her 'sister, Mrs. Bruce Gammie, Elora. l'fr, Wilson Woods of Guelph .silent the 'Week -end at his home here. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt to our vilalge,;and extend our, heartiest congratulations to .them. (Crowded. Out Last Week) Mrs. Robinson - 'Woods and son, l':orne, visited friends,;, in Stanley last Tuesday. 112r, C. Aitcheson and `sisters, Mis- ees }laenah and Gertie Aitcheson, 'sited friends in 'Durham, Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Jas. Ramage and Mrs,. Cuyler . at- tended the opening of the new 'school near Whitechurch on Wednesday. 'Messrs.. Candit M, bas. W best ' Dur- nin and Hugh Rutherford motored to London one ,day lase week, • A number attended the funeral of the late Mr. Miles lt11olVfillan, Mr, and 'Mrs. Arthur Wiheathani of Galt spent a few - days eat the home of Mrs. R . , M s T. W'A ods.' Miss Lila Garret of Welland spent Thanksgiving et her 'home 'here, The Misses Mabel and Irene Woods and Miss Vera Todd ofKitchener also Dorothy McQuillan of Windsor spent the holidays' at their respective hones here. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hallam have moved onto one of Mr; Joynt's farms here. We welcome 1V1'r. and Mks. ;Hallam to our. neighborhood. •Mr.'',Wilson Woods, Lorne Webb of Guelph • and • Mr. Chas. MnQuillian were ,hoine •over the holiday.. 'Mr. •Gordon McIntyre spent the week -end at Paisley. Mr. and 'Mrs. Nelson Mitchell and daughter, Itriss Margaret, also Miss Scott of Molesworth were recent vis- itors at St. Helens. A very pleasant evening • was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Durnin .when the neighbors gathered to welcome the. newly-enar- ried couple_and wish them all .happi- ness. and prosperity. After the meeting was called to order Tt r. Lorne Woods read the following ad- dress and Messrs, Geo, Mcbtoberts andGordon Irwin presented them with a handsome library table and cedar chest and one dozen teaspoons. Mr. Durnin made a very suitable re- ply. "To Mr. and Mrs, •Lorne Durnin,. Dear Friends--4We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered at your home this evening for the purpose of formally welcoming -you' as a new household to our locality, and- to as- sure you of our good wishes as you begin life together. —• 'W'e have known you, Mr. Durnin, since your boyhood, and you have al- ways deserved our esteem and confi- dence, and 'of you, Mrs. Durnin, we have had nothing but favourable re- ports. You were highly thought of about your former home as a worthy and helpful member of the commun- ity, and we feel sure that you will deserve and win the same good opin- ion here. May we ask you both to accept these gifts, not for their mat- erial value, but that you may have something tangible to remind you from day to day of our welcome to you, and of this pleasant occasion, Signed on behalf of friends and neighbors --Gordon Irwin, George McRoberts)' Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman• and fam- ily have moved onto a farm on the ninth concession. RED-HEADED PEOPLE NOT NECESSARILY BAD ;TEM- PERED Teasing May Make Them Cross Red-headed people aren't nec- sarily people with violent tempers S. N. P. Chant, Professor of Psy- chology, University of Toronto, told an extension course ' in retail mer- chandising when he spoke on "Psy- chology and Business" in the U. of T, Mining Building last night. "There is no connection between the color of a man's hair incl the ex- tent to which he can control his temper. Scientifically there is noth- ing in .it," he said. ' Red-headed boys may be exposed to teasing on account of the color True Performance yjnaufthiA, RAD1Q Lowboy Model 15 (4 Screen -Grid Tubes) llni-Selector A single unit control tunes the receiver precisely and sharply, end places ell operating needs under the control of ane hand. Tone -Control Enables you to accentuate the high or low notes as desired, The exact tone to please any ear" is assured forevery type. of program broadcast. • $198.00 (without tubes) H. Johnson CLINTON,- ONTARIO THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 27, • of ,their hair and thus have what are quite ordinary tempers ahngr- mally developed, he said, "But red-headedp eople are just as likely to be 'of mild temper as any one else. Red-headed people do. have violent tempers sometimes, But people with dark hair' have 'vio- lent tempers, and so do people with light hair,". he said. Thg lecture dealt with the applica- tion of the findings of modern pay- choTogy lo business organization and the means' of developing interest and co-operation in employees. DEATHS BAILEY—In Alexandria Hospital,' Goderich, on Nev. 21st, Mary Cleave, widow of Richard Bailey' of Bayfield, in her 83rd year. McDOOL--!fn Bayfield, on Nov. 23, Mrs. Eliza McDool, widow of Richard MuDool, aged 82 years. WILSON -In Toronto,: on November 23rd, Lieut. -Col. Alexander, Wil- son, formerly of Seaforth, aged '76 years. • IN MEMORIAM FINCH -an loving memory of'rny 'dear mother, Mrs, Jae. Finch, who died two years - ago, Nov. 26th, 1928. "Quickly and suddenly came the call, Her sudden death surprised us all. Dearer to memery than words can tell, The loss of a mother we loved so well" Sadly hissed by herr daughter, lbirs: W. Kennedy. To the Electors of Goderich Twp. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Having been, persuaded to allow my name to go upon the ballot paper for councillor for 1931 I respectfully solieit the support of the electors. I served on the council for five years and know something of the duties of the office and if elected will da my best to servethe interests of all: Yours respectfully, OLIVER J. JERVIS TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH - TOWNSHIP 1 am standing a g f or election as eoun- eillor„ and having served "in that capacity„ for the past three years, respectfully ask for your support. I have to the best of my ability served the interests of the ratepayers dur- ing my tarns of office and if elected will continue to do so, • F. II- POWELL To the Electors of Goderich Twp. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I ain in the field for councillor for 1931 and though a stranger to many of you, if you can see your way clear to support me, it will be ap- preciated. If elected I will do all M my power to see the township's affairs put into better shape than at present and to "give every man a square deal: Your vote and influ- ence for Dec. lst, is respectfully sol- icited. Thank you. ' FRED HOPKINS, p, To the Electors of Goderich Twp. LADIES AND GENTLEMjEN: Having been nominated again as a councillor for Goderich Township, I respectfully solicit your vote and influence on my behalf. If elected I will serve you to the best of my ability. ERNEST JOHNSTON Veteran's Dance The local veterans intend holding a dance in the Old Time Dance Club rooms on Tuesday evening, Dec. 0th. Muteh's orchestra, Dancing from 9 to 1:30. Admission, 35c. 94-2. Pullets For Sale 20 Rock pullets, good laying strain, Well sell lot for $19.00, $1,00 a piece sold Bingley. Me -s, Win. Lawson, R, R. Na. 1, Clinton. Phone 640r16, Clinton central, 94-1. • Auction Sale Of choice cattle and hogs. Mr. Norman Holland has instruct- ed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Bisback's barn, . Bayfield Road, ane mile south-west,of Clin- ton on Saturday, Novembe29th, at L30 sharp, the fallowing: Durham cow, '8 years old, due in January, in calf to Durham bull; Durham cow, 4 years old, duo in January, in. calf ' to Durham bull; Durham cow, 3 years old, fish, 'Herdforcl calf at foot; Pure bred:Jer- sey cow, 8 years old, 'due to to`''fresh en in February, in calf to Durham bull; half -bred jersey cow, 3 years • d ue in Jan., in calf to Durham bull; Ayer•shire cow, 8 years old, due February 1st, in calf to Hetdford bull; 2 fat heifers; about 1,000 lbs. each; 2 Polled Angus heifers, about. 800 Ibs. each, 'half fat; 2 good feed- ers (steers), about 800 lbs.; 15 Pol- led Angus steers and heifers, rising 2 years old; good Polled Anglia bull 800 pounds, rising 2 years; 2 Polled Angus spring calves; 2 Durham spring calves; 4 young Hiordford calves, 3 choice Yorkshire sows, bred 6 weeks; 6 chunks, 10 weeks•ald, 100 White Leghorn pullets. T18R1VIS:-6 months' credit will be given'. on furnishing approved joint bankable ,paper, or a discount of 6 percent. per annum, allowed . for, cash, Any person buying cattle at this sale over a redfous of 8 'miles, the steels' will be delivered free of charge to their` nearest stock yards on the following ,Monday. If you want goad cattle don't fail to attend this sale, • N. J. Holland, Prole, Geo: 31. Ela Iiott, Auctioneer, 04-1. Cut Flowers WEDDING EOQUCTS as,, FUNERAL DESIGNS 1'13IS IS THE LAST WEEK FOR BULBS WE STILL HAVE LOTS OF 'MUMS A bouquet for the table or to take as a ; gift. COME AND SEE THEM. Chas, V. Cooke Two Phones -66w and 66j The Stratford Beacon -Herald' Noon or Evening Edition BY MAIL $4.00 Evening Edition delivered at your door $6.00, or 12c per week., SUBSCRIPTIONS AND NEWS SOLICITED H. E. RORKE Phone 253w 93-2. WANTED At the Clinton Public Hospital a man and woman to work by the hour to do laundry work. Interested parties may apply to. Mrs, V. S. R. Holmes for particle. lays. Applications must be in by noon on Tuesday, -Dee, 2nd. 94-1. CAPITAL ' THEATRE WEST STREET, GODERICH NOW PLAYING--, John McCormack in "SONG OF MY HEART" MON., TUES., WED. CONSTANCE BENNETT Lew Ayers and Tully Marshall in the much discussed version of Kinkend's Harvard prize play, "COMMON PLAY" THURS., PRL, SAT, JOAN BENNETT heads a capable cast in a great dramatic thrill picture SCOTLAND YARD Coming- Harold LIoyd in— "FEET FIRST" To the Electors of Goderich Twp. A vote Inc Haaeke, as Reeve of Goderich Township, for 1931, will be appreciated. WILMOT HAACKE "Waisted By young couple, furnished rooms, apartment or house in Clinton. Ap- ply to Box 93, Blyth, Ont. 94-1-p. Farm For Sale Lot 10, Can. 9, Hallett township. 100 acres, good soil, well drained and fenced, never -failing water supply. Good bank barn and comfortable frame house. -For particulars apply to Andrew il'oggart, lot 13, con. 14, Blyth postoffice, or William ' Hog- gart, lot 24, con. 9, Londesboro, exe- cutors. 94-3-p. House for Sale or Rent 7 rower house in ' Orange Street, Clinton, electric lights, town water. Will Sell or Rent. Apply tb Brown Stewart. Phone 6061'5, Clinton Cen- tral 87-tf. For Sale or Rent 6 -room house, electric lights and town water, with garden situated, south of railway. Rent $4.00 per month. ,Apply to Joe Allison, Clin- ton, 90-tf, MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron, will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 2nd day of December, 1080. All accounts against the County trust be in the hands of the Clerk tint later than Saturday preceding the meet- ing of Council, Geo. W. }Tolman, County Olerk. Goderich, Nov. 15th, 1930. 93-2. Steer Astray ?Strayed from the permises of -un- dersigned on or about Nov, 2nd, a black 2 -year-old steer. Information ',regarding same will be thankfully received, H. J. Thompson, 16th Con. Goderich township, • Phone 604x13.' 99-tf. Clothes Cleaned` and Pressed Clothes cleamedr pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop, W. J. Jago. 2283-tf• For Sale Registered Leicester sheep. My present offering consists of one choice three -shear rani, bred by OA: C,, shearling rams rand ram lambs, shearling ewes:and ewe lambs and 12 breeding ewes. All priced very rea- sonably. J. H. Quigley, 3 miles south of Clinton on King's Highway No. 4. Phone 3 on 619, Clinton Central. 87-tf. Miller Co. . a cr •,, Closing*',:wut r, Still Going tr ,, .,...., .. While Times are Hard Buy ,where you can Save Good Cheeruebec Cook ReeulE, , 532.50. ' Now ��®� Lamar Onebec Co*"4�®4� Rea'ular.555.00. Goin for Peninsular 'Wood and Coal Stove Relrular 540.00 Now . , $ d•QQ Second Hand Liirhter Day $25.00 Stove. Now Assortment,�,iof (;5 Bolts MOO JrOr' . . W e have two Furnaces' in tool;, If von are interested call, and ask For Our Prices. Silent Alamo used for demonstration Purposes only. Amarine' price quoted anon • inauirv, PAINTS ----20% Discount -- Lowe Bros and Scarfe's GIVE A PEN KNIFE 20% Discount on Laree Assortment Buy that Bicycle your Boy wants for Christmas. Don't Delay and we will storeit for you. C.C,M. Crescent- $26.95 (.C.K Cadet $24.65 Ret'. 532.50. Now' • Re�'.530.00. Now « ALL SALES CASH NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS CLINTON RECREATION CLUB COKE, COAL, • WOOD,, CEMENT CLINTON'S We HEAT FOLKS MAKE: WARM FRIENDS AND WE KEEP OUR FRIENDS WARM BOWL FOR HEALTH Now that Golf, Tennis, Lawn Bowling and the other outdoor sports are over, keep fit by bowling five pins. EVERYONE ENJOYS IT! WEEKLY PRIZES 'Ladies especially Invited Wed'y ' A. full line of Cigars, Cigar- 1 rettes, Tobaccos, Pipes, Pouches Lighters, Snft Drinks, Choco- late Bars, Etc. - .COMM'''`r Bros. DEBTS COLLECTED Our rates are less than those of other responsible firms handling col- lections exclusively; our, experience is greater. No Collection; No charge, The Collection Specialists. KELLY & AIKEN Collection Specialists. Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, Owen Sound • Stray Steer .Strayed to my grass farm,e 16th concession of Goderich township, the latter part of October, a black and white 2 -year-old steer., Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Fred Middleton, R. 11, No. 3, Clinton. 94-tf, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tate Estate of George Burnett, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate 'of George Burnett, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, esquire, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of May, A,D., 1926, or against the Es- tate of Elizabeth Burnett, late of the said Town of Clinton, widow, de- ceased, who died on or about the 8th day of October, A,B. 1930, are. required to deliver to Elizabeth A. Colelough, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield, Ontario, the executrix of the estate of the said George- Burnett, or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 24th day, of November A. D., 1980, a full statement of their: claims to- gether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, i1 any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that •after the .said last. :mentioned' date the said Executrix will proceed to dis- tribute the estate of the said' George Burnett :amongst the ipersons .entit- led thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have, received due notice and inaccordance" there- with. DATED at Clinton Ontario, this 3rd day of November, A.D., 1080, 1", FINOLAND, "'Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the estate of George Bln•nett, deceased. 92-6, Q F aMosta PHONE 74 ANYONE is in a sorry pre- dicament if he has no friends. Society and business alike are based on friendship. A dozen times a day, you extend the op- en hand—the mark of friend- ship. A hundred times a week, you see world-famous trade marks the commercial sign of friendship and fair dealing. The Beat Folks are the friend- ship sign for coal. And since they keep their friends warm, they keep warm friends, as well as make then. Call the '� -r d C CLINTON, ONTARIO C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government .Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You 'will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets, Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted --Prices good. Always phone our office forprices before marketing produce, N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w CREAM WANTED We want your cream: Will pay highest market price for cream de- livered at our factory or collected at your door. HolmesvilIe Cooperative Cheese "and Butter Co., Holmesville. 86-tf. Eggs and Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore. noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every day—graded by an experienced grad- er, for which we pay the highest market price, Cream purchased for Stillman's. A'. E. FINCH Viking Cream Separator Agent, Victoria St;, Clinton Phone' 211' Radio -Repairing Will repair 911 "makes of Radios, Electric or Battery sets. er If your radio is not working right. call telephone 80. Jabez E. Rands Wellington St., . Clinton; • 91-tf.. Keep Warm Witt LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE MINEHEAD ALBERTA NUT COKE AND DOMESTIC SIZ COKE CAR OF GOOD THRESHING COAL A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 260 Implement Agent I handle Cockehutt implements and cream separators; Frost and Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence, JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton. • 81-te, McCormick -Deering Agency -Having taken over the above ag. ency for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all McCormick -Deering machines and will appreciate a share of the , patronage of the farmerssurounding Clinton. Call at my shop, next door to Jones' blacksmith shop, King street. W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04411s 5C1O KOCK MILLETS WANTE E L. e ittell Phone 213, Clinton 1 j El i 68-te, 1