HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-11-13, Page 5TH',
Many young .. people to -day are
.:getting• the impression thathard
e times means only ' one car to the
family and attendance at the movies
. reduced to three times per week.
The Prince of Wales, in a speech
on Armistice Day, warned against
:Preparation for another war and ,al-
so against forgetting the great sac-
rifices of the last one,' There is no
need,, while deploring the waste and
horrors of war, to overlook the sac-
rifice Made by those who suffered
and died and those ir'ho gave up lov-
ed ones. We should remember so
well that we shall take good date
that such a calamity does not hap-
pen again..•
One of the regulations at Ottawa
this year is that members of par.•
]gement must buy 'their Christmas
cards, instead of having them print-
ed free in the •Government. print sliop
-ft; seems that in the past these men,'
'-or at least some of them, have been
ordering these cards by the dozens
or by the hundreds • and getting them
- without charge. It was a case of
-graft which should never have been
'allowed and it is well that a stop has
been put to it. There are no doubt
other cases of wastewhich might be
-remedied.' Canada' can afford, to ex-
pend enough money to run her busi-
-ness as it ought to be' run, eyithout
-niggardliness, but she needs to look to
=it that her wealth is not wasted.
11fr. and Mrs. Roy Barnett of To-
. ronto spent the week -end at the
home of Mr. and' Mrs. Robt. Grini-
Mx Jack Moore, Mr.'Milton Moore,
Mss Mary Moore and a friend of
_ Toronto spent the week -end and
holiday at the horne of their mother
and brother here.
Mr. and Mrs. H..Fowier and • Mr.
wand Mrs. Frank Fowler of the Hu-
. von Road, spent Sunday at the home
. .of 'Mr. and Mars, Peter Lindsay.
Miss Mildred Britton of Toronto
spent the week -end and holiday at
`the home of 'her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Britton.
. Misses Blanche and Elva Wheat-
ley of Toronto spent the week -end at
their home here, Miss Elva under-
going an operation at the Clinton
hospital for the removal of her ten-
sile on Saturday. We wish her a
speedy recovery'.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glazier and
=son, Will, of Clinton, spent Sunday
at the home of the lady's sister, Mrs,
Thomas Pollard.
Sfiss Mary, Cook of Goderich
'township spent the holiday at the
house of her sister, Mrs. J. Riley, Jr.
'1VTr, and Mrs, Fred Anderson of
Hearst, spent a couple of days last
week at the home of Mi•. and Mrs.
Adam Nicholson, Mrs. Anderson
has been here visiting her father,
Mr. James Mann, who has been ser-
iously ill. They left by motor for
Hearst on Saturday.
Wedding bells will be ringing near
'the village in the near future,
M'r. Charles Riley of London spent
the week -end and holiday at the
'hone of his parents, Mr.. and Mrs.
,-George Riley. '
.The following is the school report
of S. S. No. 3, Hullett, for Septem-
'ber and October. An asterisk after
a pupil's name indicates that he has
been absent' for one examination.
Names appear in order of merit:
Sr. 4th—Hattie .Armstrong, 79.6%;
Doris Lawson, 03.2; Doreen Clarke,
62.6; Edith Britton, 60; Bernard
'Riley, 56.2.
Jr. 4th—Hazel Jamieson, 69.4;
Ethel Dexter, 60.4; Kelso Addams,
:56,2; John Thompson, 66.4; Ella
Dexter, 62.8;: Chas. Sundereock, 49.4;
:Fred Riley, 48.6; Milton Moore, 42.8.
.Sr. 3rd—{Gordon Pethiek, 43.38.
Jr. 3rd—Jean Anderson, 71.26; El-
va Sundereock, 61.25; Edna Arm-
strong, 66.75; Olive Grim'oldby, 53.5.
ISr, 2nd—Alvin Riley, 78; Kathleen
Yung'blut, 62; Jean Wakefield, 47,3.
Jr. 2nd—Viola Dexter, 80.5; Stella
Armstrong, 74; Marion Lawson, 69;
*Mary Them/mon, *Reggie Lawson,
lst—(Ellwood Clarke, 90; David
.,Anderson, -70; Kenneth Thompson, 4'.
Pr.- Sim Jamieson, excellent, Al -
lin Sundereock, good; Harry Yung-
'blut, •good..
Number on roll, 32; Paverage atten-
. dance, 27.19.
—Wiola J. Morrison; teacher,
Misses Annie McLeod and Ella
:ones of Toronto spent the holiday
with their 'respective parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson
'of London spent the week -end with
their parents here.
64r. and Mas, Harold Bogie and
'Master Billie visited with relatives
in Ripley on Sunday.
S . Mr. and Mrs. R. D. 'M;unro and
family spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
:and Mas. Strausser of Sebringville.
What might have- been ' a serious
'fire oceurred on Saturday . morning
last when Mr. Gee. Beadle's house
caught fire. Mr. Beadle had burned
out the chimney and had • gone to
work in the field when his wife not-
iced smoke coming '. out of the roof.
Telephoning neighbours and calling
- for the aid ,of the Chemical fire
•extinguisher an the village, the fire
,was put •out, but not till considerable
,damage badbeendone to the roof'
'of .the house.
gr. Clayton Martin of Englehart
'spent Sundayat tI ''lifit e of W.'1.
Thompson in the villaea' - •
Mr, Ed. Helveig and Kalmer:,Daw-
son spent Thanksgiving with 1 ikrids
in Detroit.
i .Mr A.. Kilpatrick.:of VaaiQoirver,
'B.C., is visiting ,here with 'his sis-
ter; IVIrs.: • Robt. Medd, having made
the trip, by motor. •
Foreman—,Well, everything is all
Night. Watchman ---:".Yew, I had-
earlt done' so bad for' the first night.
l'i've eheeked.,;off .everything,, : and
there's dilly one thing missing ---the.
ateant'tollei:,'t,-=,The fluntoa.ist.
Mrs. John E. Pepper is visiting
friends,: in Toronto for a few weeks.:
Miss Kate Mcgregor of New Mar-
ket and•Mtss Miargai;et McGregor, of
Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving hol-
•adays. at their home here,
• 'Mr. ,and les, Thos, B. Baird vis-
ited friends in London at the first
of the week.
3/fr. and les..Wm. Baird and Thel-
ma of Toronto spent the week -end at
.the home of -Mir. Geo. Baird.
Mr. and Mrs._ Wm, Green of Col-
borne Township, Mr. and l s. Joe
Barton and _Katherine. and Jack of
Goderich, visited at the home of Mr.
Hugh ,Gilmour on Monday.
Mrs. Jas. Bryant of London' is vis-
iting•: at the home of Mr. John '1Vxc-
Cowan. •
Miss Jean MeEwen of Ingersoll
and Miss Eleanor *Ewen of 'London
spent the week -end at the home , of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
McEwen. ' .
!Mr. and Mrs.Harold Innes and
fancily of Toronto spent the holiday
at the home of the former's brother,
Mr. John Innes.
1Vliss GraceMeEwen and llliss'Dor-
othy Innes of .the University of To-
ronto, were 'home for the holidays.
MT, and Mrs. Francis payment
,and son have been the guests of Mr.
and .Mrs. Adam Stewart for the
past week.
lfr. and Mrs. Jones of Brantford
and Mr. and, &fn. Lane of Stratford
spent Thanksgiving at the home of
Mr. and, Mrs. Henry Diehl.
The following is a report of S. S.
No. 4, North Stanley, for the month
of September and'Octobe:
Sr. 4th—.Pass 579. Beatrice
Houston, 662. Gordon Scotehmer, 647
John Watson, 613. -
Jr. 4th --Pass 570—Stuart Watson,
'643; Bert 'Greer,' 628; Keith West-
lake, 600; A.ntionette Rau, 609.
Sr. 3rd—iFass 809—Jean Dunn,
1st -,Pass .230 --Kelvin Greer, 433;
Billy Armstrong, 427; Wilfred Rau,
406; Madge Flouston, 379; Ethel
Watson, 330; Gordon Westlake (ab-
`Pr.—Pass 180—Andrew Rau, 252;
Ilen Greer, 247.—Vine Herbert
My, and Mrs. Harold Buffett and
daughter of Detroit, visited at Mr,
Fred Reid's on Friday, last.
Quite a number took in the con-
cert in the new 'Community Shed last
Tuesday night and everyone enjoyed
the concert put on by Mr. Bell and
Miss Rachel Taylor and Miss Mar-
tha Rothwell visited at Win. Taylor's
M .r. and MTs. Percy Workman have
returned to their home on the Parr
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid and fam-
ily spent the week -end at Blyth with
Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, who have
just returned from a trip to the
coast lout through the west.
The Auxiliary of St. John's church
held their meeting at the home of
Mrs. John Beatty on Tuesday.
Misses Mary and Irene Chutes of
London spent the holiday at their
home here.
Mr, and MTs. Harold Rathwell of
Windsor spent their holiday in the
neighborhood, They had the •ittiis-
fortune of having an accident in
London on their -way home and we
hope they were not hurt seriously.
Mr. and Mrs. 14Ie1. Clarke 'f and
family spent Sunday in the village.
Dr. and Mas. Harvey Reid and
daughter, also liar. Howlett of To-
ronto spent their holiday in tjie vil-
The Orangemen held ' a chicken
supper last week and all hada good
On Friday evening a reception was
held 'in the hall for Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Workman. A very large
crowd were_ present and all report
having a good time:
Mr. and Mics. Ed. Foster spent
Tuesday in London.
Week -end visitors were: Gilbert
Jarrett and his sister, Miss Etta;
'Margaret Elgie; Clarence McLean;
Margaret Cooper; Harvey McCly-
g'rs, Grant Love of Lansing; Mich.,
were spending the. Thanksgiving
holiday at the hone of the latter's
father, Mr. R. J. Cooper, Miss Grace
returning hone with them for a
few days.
Itis. and Mrs. Herbert. Whiteman
and daughter, Margaret, of Toronto,
spent a few holidays at the home of
Mr. John Wlhiteman of our village.
Ma. and Mas. Madden of London.
were guests with Miss Mabel White-
man over the Thanksgiving holiday.
.Mr. and Mac. Oliver Potter of
Clinton, accompanied by their daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Dippel of Bowmanville, • visited at
the home . of . Mr. and ,Mvs. John
Workman on Sunday.
We -are pleased to report an im-
provement in the condition of little
Miss Wilma Hay, who has been very
sick in Seaforth hospital.
Mas. Geo. Hagan and son, `Gordon
visited with Mrs, H'agiln's. parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James MoClymont,. ov-
er the week -end..
,Ms. and Mfrs. MloOlytnont and Mrs,
Albert Harvey attended the funeral
of Mrs. 1Ioggarth of. Seaforth,
1Wi-c. Janes Grieve of . London was
visiting her brother, Mr. James M'c-
MT. and Mrs. Geo. hill of Seaforth
was visiting at the home of Mrs.
Jack Deutz recently.
•)M! -'and MSas. 'Lasky Iktiellis visited
at Wroxeter over the Thanksgiving
PER LINE . , ..10c
COOPER.---.APPLEBY---At the old
Wesley parsonage, ' Clinton, oci
Nov. 11th, by the Rev. A. A. Hol-
mes, Eliza gay Appleby to Ito-
- hest'
o--them Frederick Cooper, both of
Hullett township.
hone of the bride's parents, on
Nov. 8th, by `the" Rev. J. W. Her-
bert, Grace Adella, only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Tebbutt,
illighview Farm, Goderich town-
ship, to George Andrew Addison,
elder son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Addison, Hullett township. , '
CASTLE; -In. London, on Nova 6th,
Ruth Irene, slaughter of Mr S G
!Castle of Clinton, aged 17 years.
Mrs. Leo. Harrigan, Lucan, has
been spending the past' week with
her •brother, Mr: F. Lane. '
Mr. and Mrs Mervyn Hanley and
two sons motored to .Toronto. on Fri-
day for a few • days' visit. Mrs.
Hanley, Sr., who has been spending
the pest month in the pity, returned
with them.
Mr, and MA.. Oscar Grosse' and'
son Ted ' of Waterloo visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Swinbank on ,Sunday.
Mrs, Swartz, who has been visit=
ing her daughter, Mrs. Lane, has
been confined to her bed for a
couple of weeks.
Mrs. Lindsay has disposed of her
property just south of CI•inton to
gr. :Arthur 'Parry of London, who
has already 'taken posesssion and is
getting his family settled in their
new home. Mrs. Lindsay has bought
a property in London but 'intends
to spend the winter with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Geo. Falconer, Her many
friends will be sorry to lose her off
this road as she has proved herself
an excellent neighbor. We welcome
Mr. Parry andhis family to the
Mr, gaunt, Lucknow, who has been
doing some extensive ditching with
his machine on the farm of Mr.
Norman Tyndall, has almost com-
pleted the contract.
,.14Ik, Launce Caaeaux, Windsor,
spent a few days this weeks with
his aunt, Mrs. Lebeau,
Mr.. Jack Bawden, Hamilton, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wil-
tse on Saturday last,
Mr. Gordon Manning has engag-
ed. with Mr. Wim, McEwen, Stanley,
for the coming year,'
The Community Club will hold
their November meeting at the home
of Ma's, 31! Wiltse. Those who
were unable to give the sketch of
groceries at last meeting stay do so
at the coining meeting. The roll
call will he "Suggestions for Christ-
mas," and if possible a display of
articles intended for gifts.
Mrs. J, Danford of Toronto and
son, Ross, . spent the week -end and
holiday at the hone of Mr, and
Mrs. N. G. Moffatt and with other
friends. -
Mr. and till's. T. J. Johnston of
Goderich visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Sl, Manning this week.
Mr. Ray Mason and Miss Hazel
Locke of Toronto and Miss Mary Mc -
Brien of Essex were guests at the
home of tate former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. E. Mason, over the holi-
day week -end.
Miss Ruth Shobbrook, Mr. and
lirrs. Moore and babe and Mr. Rout
son of Toronto were guests over
Thanksgiving with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mas. J. W. Shobbrook.
We are glad to report that Mrs. A.
Iloggart and Bertha are slowly inc-
proving after a serious attack of
erysipelas. Miss Addison, R.N., has
been in attendance.
RIBBERT: John Downey, ]Iib -
bort Township farmer, ended his life
early Monday by hanging himself
from a rafter in his barn. His body
.was discovered by his son, Joseph.
No reason for the suicide could be
advanced. Coroner Dr. J, lyf. Arm-
strong decided that ,an inquest was
unnecessary and the body was re-
leased for burial. Mr. Downey: was
highly respected in the dis-
trict and was a member of
St. Golumban Roman Catholic
Church.. Besides his widow, he is
survived by two spns, Joseph, at
home, and Dennis, of Chicago; also
two daughters, Mrs. Charles ,Knoxall
London, anti Gertrude at home,
HENSALL: Rev. Mr. Lane, of
the Northside 'United 0hurch, Sea-
.fortb is • to exchange pulpits with
Rev. A. Sinclair, of the Hensall Uni-
ted Church, next Sunday, the latter
preaching • anniversary services al
Seaforth for Rev. Mr:..:Lane.
Hot Supper
The Ladies' Aid , of the,, Baptist
church will hold a 'hot supper on
Thursday,, November - 20th, at the
residence of Mrs. Rath, Huron street,
west. Supper 85e. Supper served
from 6.30 to'7. p.m. 91-.
Entertainment Tonight
In Ontario street church this ev-
ening, under auspices, of the Young
Peoples' , League. Ricca Williams,
baritone and 'Delphine Ayres Sorties
soprano.. Do not fell to hear them,:
Adults 35c, children 25e. 22-1.
Pigs For Sale
Goat For Sale_ 40 six -weeks' old pigs for sale, ap-
ply to undersigned. T. E, Mason,
Billy'gdat,'I months old, Creat Summerhill, Bose line, north of
pet, "used ;to children. Apply to W. Clinton. Phone ,63Sr3, Clinton ;den-.
D. Connell, ,Clinton. 92-1-p. tial; 94-1-p.
'Cut 'Flowers
A bouquet for the table or to take
as a gift.
Chas. V.' Cooke
. Two •Phones -66w and 66j
"SWING HIGH," It's a Circus.
The clown prince, of joy, with
Bernice CIaire, tops the record
for speed and laughs in
A. Picture That, You .Wall Like
with a cast of capable. artists
Coming, Nov. 20, 21, on the
Capital Stage, a musical com-
edy,- "The Gypsy Rover"
Soon, John McCormack in—
,:Mr. and Mas. S. G. Castle wish to
express their appreciation of the
kindness of their friends and neigh -
hors in • their recent bereavement,
sending flowers, loaning cars and
many other kindly services.
Steer Astray -'
Strayed from the permises ofqn-
dersigned ori or about Nov. 2nd, a
black 2 -year-old steer. Information
regarding same will be thankfully
received, H. J. Thompson, 16th Con.
Goderich township. .Phone 604r13.
pullets For Sale
Barred and White Rock pullets for
sale. Apply to Mrs. James Brown,
Hullett township. Phone 637r22,
Clinton central. 92-1.
Tile For Sale
Quantity of tile ranging from 3 to
8 in., delivered if necessary, Chas.
Kerr and Son, Benmiller Tile Yards.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church,
Loudesboro, intend holding a bazaar
in the Community Hall, on Thurs-
day, November 27th, commencing at
3 o'clock in the afternoon, 92-2.
Christmas Photographs
You all know the High. Quality
Photographs the 'Burgess Portrait
Studio, Mitchell, makes. •Let us
make you Photographs for Christ-
mas Gifts. They will please your
friends, We would ask you to come
in at once and please come early in
the day. 92-2.
True Performance
Lowboy Model 15
(4 Screen -Grid Tubes)
.. A single unit control tunes the
, ;'receiver;precilely and sharply,
,and axes 'all operating -needs
under the control of oile hand. "^•''
• Tone -Control .
Enables you to accentuate the
high• or low, notes as desired.
"The exact tone :to please any
ear is assured' for every type
of program broadcast.
(witirout tubes) '
,R. o- Johnson
Clinton's New -Laid Egg
And-; Poultry' House
Eggs bought according to Domin-
ion Government Egg Regulations.
Inquire for our prices of eggs.
You will always End our prices par-
allel'' with the city markets.
Fat hens and well -finished chicks
always- wanted -Prices good.
Always phone our office for prices
before marketing ,produces.
N. W. Trewartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w
An An
All -Weather
• O rain checks issued
for•Billiards, You can
enjoy .a gams night or
• day in any weather, any
season of .the year—and
never tire of this greatest
• indoor pastime, especially
when played on our mod-
ern Brunswick equipment.
Also a full line of
Ladies especially invited Wednesdays
Counter Bros.
Radio_ Repairing
Will repair all makes of Radios,
Electric or Battery sets.
If your radio i5 not working- right.
call telephone 80.
Jabez E, Rands
Wellington St., . Clinton.
. Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects, at Lot 26,
Base Line, 11-2 miles north of Clin-
ton, on Thursday, Nov. 20th, at 1
o'clock sharp, consisting of the fol-
HORSES=1General purpose mare,
10 years old; general purpose lad-
ies' driver; 1 -year-old gelding heavy
draft; 2 -year-old driving colt.
!CATTLE—Cow, 7 years old, due
in April; cow, 4 years old, due to
freshen Feb. 25; cow, 7 years old,
due to freshen Mar. 12; cow 8 years
old, due to freshen April 29; cow,:9
years old, due to freshen lifer. 25;
cow, 5 years old, farrow; 3 steers, --2
years old; 2 yearlings; 2 winter cal-
ves; 6 spring calves.
PIGS -3 young sows bred 2 mths;
6 chunks about 50 lbs. each.
HENS -76 one -year-old white
Leghorn hens; 45 Rock pullets; 25
Rock hens.
IMPLE1VrENTS—{14I: H.. binder, 6
ft, cut; M. -H. mower, 6 ft. cut; M.
H. cultivator; Prost & Wood disk
harrow; M, -H, seed drill; wagon;
wagon rack, wagon box; set bob
sleighs; •hay rake; land' roller; seuf-
fler; set 4 sec. diamond harrows;
riding plow; walking plow; steel
tire buggy; Portland cutter; robe;
blankets; set double harness; set
single harness; wheel barrow; fan-
ning mill; pulper; De Laval Cream
Separator; Deity churn; whiffletrees
neckyokes, and other articles. Quan-
tity of hay, quantity of wood.
chen range;' wood heater; bed soon
suite; bed stead; 3 springs; 2 Mat-
rasses; coal oil stove; kitchen table;
small table chairs; 2 rocking chairs;
couch; large chair; 2 hanging lamps;
mahogany settee.
TERMS: All sums of $1.0.00 and
under, cash; over that amount 9
months_creditwill be .given on fur-
nishing approved joint bankable pa-
per, or a discount of 5 per cent.
straight, will be .alolwed for cash on
credit amounts. s
Everything to be satisfactorily
settled for before being removed,
Everything to be sold as proprietor;
has disposed of his Larm.
'Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Geo.
A. Creeks, Proprietor. 92-1.
For Sale
iEEegistered Leicester' sheep. My
present offering consistspf` ,s,;ete
choice three -shear ram, bred' by •'„A.,
C., 'shearling` rams and rate lambs;
shearljng ewes and ewe lambs and 12
breeding ewes.' All priced very rea-
sonably. J. H. Quigley, 8 miles south
of Clinton on King's Highway No. 4.
Phone S on 619, Clinton Central,
.;;•,For Sale or Rent
6 -room house, electric lights and
town water, with garden situated.
south of railway. ]tent $5.00 ,per,
month. Apply to Joe "Allison, Clin-
ton. nQr-tf.
For Sale
Oak dining, room ...suite; table,
chairs, buffet, also china cabinet
and secretary combined, Can be,
seen at R; Tasker',s store. 91-tf.
THURSDAY, NOVElli[B•ER 13, 193'
!Here is a merry sight to be-
hold. Someone is laying in a
stock of heat and good cheer.
The coal boys are never so
joyous as when they enter a
happy household, They are the
life of the furnace. They light-
en the work of' tending fires,
They go . about their job with-
out fuss or dust and see to it
that you get Beat with the
minimum of ash.
Call the kigivr
J1L Vustard Coal
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other Appliances
Wiring and Repairs Phone 7
Pullets For Sale
Bred -to -lay Barred Rock ullets,
$1.00 each. D. 32. Lindsay, Hedge
Row Chick Farm, R. R. No. 3, Clin-
ton.. . 79-4f.
House For •Sale or Rent
An eight -roomed house in Joseph
street, Clinton, in good condition,
has modern conveniences, garage,
fruit trees and spacious grounds.
Immediate possession. For patricu-
lars apply to A. W. Seeley. 89-tf.
In the Estate of George Burnett,
NOTICE is hereby ;given that all
persons having claims against the
estate of George Burnett, late of
the Town of Clinton in the County'
of Huron, esquire, deceased, who
died .on or about the 29th day of
May, A.D., 1926, or against the Es-
tate of Elizabeth Burnett, late of
the said Town of Clinton, widow, de-
ceased, who died on or about the
8th day of October, A.D. 1930, are
required to deliver to Elizabeth A,
Colelough, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield,
Ontario, the executrix of the estate
of the said George Burnett, or F.
Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the
24th day of November A. D., 1980, a
full statement of their claims to-
gether with particulars thereof, and
the nature of the securities, if any,
held by them all duly 'verified by
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the
said Executrre will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said ,George
Burnett amongst the persons entit=
led thereto having regard only to
such claims es shall have received
due notice and in accordance there-
DATED ei• Clinton, Ontario, this
3rr1 day of November. A.D., 1930.
I'. FINGLAND, Clinton. Ontario.
eolicitnr for the estate of Genres
Burnett, deceased. 02-3.
There will be offered for sale by
Public Auction at the property de-
scribed below on Saturday, November
15th,. 1930, at 2 o'clock p.m.:
Lot number 267 on the North side
of Princess Street, in the Town of
Clinton, and County of Huron.
On this property is said to be en-
acted a comfortable cottage, having
a good basement, electric lights, wa-
ter, etc. and a stable.
At the same time and place there
will also be offered certain articles
of household furniture, including a
Dominion Piano. The personal pro-
perty will be sold without reserve
and for cash, The real
property will be offered subject to a
reserve bid and subject to certain
conditions of sale which will be pro-
duced and read at the time of sale,
Further particulars may be obtain-
ed from the Executrix df her soli-
citor, F. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario.
G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Eliza-
beth Annie Colelough, Executrix of
the Estate of George Burnett.
in the estate of Thomas Stinson.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Thomas Stinson, late
of the Township of Stanley, County.
of Huron, deceased, who died on or
about the 3rd day of -March, 1980,
are . hereby motified to send state-
ment of 'such claim, to the under-
signed executors on or before the
80th day of November, 1980. Dated
at Varna, this 29th day of Oetober,
1980. George Beatty, John MCAsh,
'Executors.' • 90-3.
In the Estate of William Brydone,
NOTICE. i ; hereby given thin.all
persons having claims against,, the,
estate of WiILLIAIV4 Ed DONE, late
of the Town of Clinton in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Barrister, deceased,
who died on or about the fifteenth
day of June, A.D., 1980' are requir-
ed to deliver to F. Vineland, Solicit-
or, on or before the 17th day of No-
vember, A.D., 1930, a full statement
of their 'claims together with par-
ticulars thereof, and -the nature of
the securities if any, held by them
all dulyverified by affidavit.
AND TAKE' • NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the
Estate will be distributed amongst
the personal entitled thereto having
regard only to such claims as shall
have received due notice and in ac-
cordance therewith.
DATED . at Clinton, Ontario, thus -
28th day of October'., A.D., 1930.
P. FIN'GLAND, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor` fpr.; the said Estate.. .00-3.
House for Sale or Rent
7 room house' in Orange Street.
Clinton, electric lights, town water.
Will Sell or Rent. Apply to Brown
Stewart. Phone 606r5, Clinton Cen-
tral. . 87-tf.
Clothes. Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re.
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's Barber shop.
W. J.. Jago. 2283-tf,
We want your cream. Will pay
highest market price for cream de-
livered at our factory or collected at
your door.• Holmesville Cooperative
Cheese and Butter Co., Holmesville.
Eggs and Poultry
Home on Tuesday and Friday fore,
noon to take in•Poultry:
Eggs handled at residence every,
day—graded' by an.experienced grad-
er, for which we pay the highest
market price.
Cream purchased for Stillman's.
Viking Cream Separator Agent.
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 28'
Yes, collections are slow this year,
but note this, we have collected more
money in 1930 than in any one of our
forty years' experience.
Send us your list at once,
Collection Specialists..
Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, Owen Sound
Keep Warm With
A. D. McCartney
Coal Dealer
Queen Street Telephone 264
Implement Agent
I handle Cockshutt implements.
and cream separators, Frost and
Wood Implements and carry parts
and repairs for same.
I am also agent for Allis -Char.
niers Tractors.
Those wishing to inquire about
any of the above kindly call at my,
Queen Street, Clinton,
81 -ti,,
McCormick -Deering Agency
Having taken over the above ag.
ency for this district I will keep on
hand a full stock of repairs and parts
of all McCormick -Deering machines
and will •appreciate a share of the.
patronage„of , thg farmers surounding
' 0liritan
Call at ins( shoji, op, .next deo' td
Jones' blacksmith shop, King street.
W. J. STEW, '. RT
.Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-44
500 KOCK
L. "tt
Phone 213, Clinton